Finance Area Elective Course For BM Seniors (Term IV) : Academic Year 2021-22
Finance Area Elective Course For BM Seniors (Term IV) : Academic Year 2021-22
Finance Area Elective Course For BM Seniors (Term IV) : Academic Year 2021-22
Norms regarding Submission of Assignment The final date of submission would be mutually decided by
students & the faculty member AND students are required to
adhere to such mutually agreed deadline
All Disciplinary & Other Related Norms As per Institute Policy (Refer Student Manual for details)
Academic Year 2021-22 (Term IV)
Finance Area Elective Course for BM Seniors on
Capital Expenditure, Planning & Control (CAPEX)
Course Objectives
a) To provide necessary inputs to students in form of concepts, theories and financial
management tools and techniques related to capital expenditure decisions.
b) To aid the students in developing an integrated approach to capital expenditure
decision making process primarily emphasizing on sound concepts and their
managerial implications.
c) To focus heavily on the practical and financial aspects of capital expenditure
decisions, which would equip the students to apply their skills and knowledge
effectively in the future while dealing with capital expenditure decisions.
d) To provide necessary inputs on various facets of working capital management
practices essentially stressing on the concepts of dynamics of working capital,
estimating working capital requirements and working capital financing policies.
Study Material
The course material (to be distributed in class from time to time) comprises theories,
practical problems (wherever applicable) and case studies. It may be noted that the
topics covered in various sections of the handouts may be considered as the syllabus of
the above elective course for all practical purposes. Although the CAPEX handouts
(along with the handwritten exercise book where you may be maintaining the class
notes) would finally translate into pretty exhaustive course material by their very nature,
the students may still be advised to refer to the following suggested readings (as and
when the need arises).
Suggested Readings
A) Brealey & Myers (Principles of Corporate Finance) (Relevant Portions Only)
B) Van Horne (Financial Management & Policy) (Relevant Portions Only)
C) Prasanna Chandra (Projects) (Relevant Portions Only)
Pattern of Evaluation
TOTAL 100%
Grading Pattern
Marks 00-29 30-37 38-44 45-52 53-59 60-67 68-76 77-84 85-100
Grade F D D+ C C+ B B+ A A+