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Internal Architecture of 8051: Dinesh Sharma

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Internal Architecture of 8051

Dinesh Sharma

Microelectronics Group, EE Department

IIT Bombay, Mumbai


Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Von Neumann Architecture

Data Instruction
Processing Processing

Instructions A common bus is used for
data as well as instructions.
The system can become ‘bus
Bottleneck! Memory

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Harvard Architecture

Data Instruction
Processing Processing Separate data and instruction
Instructions paths
Good performance
Data Instructions Needs 2 buses → expensive!
Traffic on the buses is not
Data Instruction Instruction bus may remain
Memory Memory idle.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Modified Harvard Architecture

Data Instruction
Processing Processing
Instructions Constants can be stored with
Instructions in ROM.
Better Bus balancing is
Variables Constants Instructions possible.
Typically, 1 instruction read, 1
constant read, 1 data read and
1 result write per instruction.
Data Read Only
Memory Memory
2 mem ops per bus.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Modified Harvard with Cache

Data Instruction
Processing Instructions Processing

Mux Cache Cache allows optimum

utilization of bus bandwidths.
Each operation need not be
Constants balanced individually.

Read−Write Read Only

Memory Memory

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

8051 Architecture

Most microprocessor systems use

a processor
Port I-O chips (like 8255A)
Counter/Timers (like 8253/8254)
Serial I/O
Microcontrollers like 8051 typically put all these functions
in the same chip.
The 8051 makes use of the fact that Harvard architecture
can be used internally without incurring the cost of an
additional external bus, Since ROM and RAM are inside
the chip.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

The 8051 family

Even though an 8051 uses internal ROM and RAM, an

external bus is desirable in order to add additional ROM,
RAM or peripheral chips.
Most microcontrollers are used in systems which serve a
fixed application: such as washing machines or cameras.
Resources not used by this particular application would
then be wasted.
Most microcontrollers are therefore produced as a family of
chips with different combinations of internal resources.
One picks the chip from the family which best matches
ones application.
The standard 8051 comes with 4K ROM, 128 bytes RAM,
4 8bit ports and 2 timer counters.
Other members of the family are the ROMless 8031, 8052
with 256 bytes of RAM and 3 counter/timers etc.
Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture
8051 Compatible Chips

Since the 8051 family is widely used, other manufacturers

such as Atmel, Infinion, Philips and Western Digital have
introduced variants which provide additional utilities.
The Atmel 89C51 series replaces ROM by flash memory to
permit re-programming. This is extremely convenient
during development and for field upgradation.
Microcontrollers are quite inexpensive. Retail prices of
89C52 range between Rs. 60/ to Rs. 100/- in single IC
All that is required is to add a crystal, a few capacitors and
a power supply to add microprocessor control to any

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

8051 Memory

Most instructions access internal RAM.

Because of its Harvard MOVX accesses external RAM
Instr. Fetch and MOVC access ROM
architecture, 8051 has ROM
independent address spaces EA = 0 EA =1
ROM addr.> 1000H
is always external
The instruction encodes which ROM addr <=0FFF
External External
address space is being used. Internal if EA = 1
external if EA = 0
For example, MOV uses 0FFF
0000 0000
internal RAM, MOVC uses
ROM and MOVX uses Internal RAM Internal RAM
Direct Addressing Indirect Addressing
External RAM

external RAM. FF
External and Internal ROM are Registers
(8052 Only)

selected according to the 7F 7F

address and the level at the Memory Memory

EA pin. 00 00

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

internal RAM organization

SFR range accessed only by direct addressing 8052 upper memory range accessed only by
indirect addressing.
F8 F8
SP Fn Regs
8052 RAM
88 88
80 80

28 Bit Addressable
18 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
10 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Register Banks
08 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 (Active bank selected by bits in PSW)
00 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Special Function Register Area

F0 B F7
C0 C7
B0 P3 B7
A0 P2 A7
90 P1 97
0/8 1/9 2/A 3/B 4/C 5/D 6/E 7/F

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

If RAM is internal, there is very little difference between an
internal RAM location and a “register”. For notational
convenience, certain internal RAM addresses are referred to as
registers. Many instructions use these registers as operands
implicitly or explicitly. Following registers are located in the
“Special Function Register” area of the the internal RAM
(addresses > 7F).
The accumulator or A resides at address E0H. Register B
used implicitly by multiply and divide instructions resides at
address F0H.
The Program Status Word or PSW resides at address
D0H. It contains flags etc.
Pointer registers DPH and DPL reside at locations 83H
and 82H respectively. Taken together, these form a 16 bit
pointer register called DPTR. These operate like the HL
pair in an 8085.
Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture
Stack and Stack pointer

Since the internal memory is limited to 128 bytes in an

8051 and to 256 bytes in 8052, internal memory pointers
are 8 bits in size.
The stack in 8051 family must reside in the internal
memory. The stack pointer is therefore an 8 bit register.
This is a special function register located at address 81H.
The stack grows upwards using pre-increment and post
decrement for the stack pointer.
Single bytes are pushed on the stack or popped from it.
Any directly addressed byte may be pushed or popped.
The stack pointer is initialized to 07 at power on.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

The Program Status Word

PSW is located at the address D0H in SFR memory area.

It contains flags etc. and is bit addressable.
Carry, Auxiliary Carry and Parity flags work like 8085 flags.
F0 and F1 can be used as flag variables.
RS1 and RS0 determine which Register Bank is active.
OV flag is set on overflow.
The overflow condition depends on the operation which
has been carried out.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

The Overflow flag

After addition/subtraction, the overflow flag is set if the

result has the wrong sign due to the operation. For
example, 60H and 70H are positive, but when added, will
give D0H, which would be interpreted as a negative
number because the most significant bit is set. This will set
the OV flag.
After multiplication, OV is set if the result is > 255. The
upper byte of product is placed in B.
After division, OV is set if divide by 0 is attempted.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Register Banks

The lowest 32 bytes of internal RAM can also be referred

to as 4 banks of 8 registers each.
The registers are called R0 to R7. At a given time, only
one bank of registers is active.
Two bits in a special function register called Program
Status Word (PSW) decide which bank is active.
PSW is located at address D0H in the SFR area.
R0 refers to location 0 if bank 0 is active, to location 8 if
bank 1 is active and so on.
For example, if bank 2 is active, R6 refers to location
2 × 8 + 6 =16H.
This allows foreground and background processing to have
their own registers which reside in different banks.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Bit Addressable Memory

8051 provides special instructions where the operands are

bits. Addresses used in these instructions are assumed to
be bit addresses.
Bit addresses form yet another address space.
16 bytes of internal RAM from address 20H to 2FH and
certain Special Function Registers are bit addressable.
Bit address 00 is the least significant bit of internal RAM
byte address 20, bit address 07 is the most significant bit
of the same bye, bit address 08 is the least significant bit of
internal byte address 21 and so on.
The 16 bytes from 20 to 2F take up bit addresses from 00
to 7F. Higher bit addresses are used for bits in special
function registers.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Addressing modes

The 8051 provides the following addressing modes:

Immediate Constants must be specified with a # symbol. A
number without the # symbol is taken to be an
Direct The address value is given directly as a number.
Most assemblers define shorthands for special
addresses. Register names ACC, B, SP, DPTR,
DPH and DPL are in fact shorthands defined by
the assembler. These are simply direct addresses.
Indirect Data objects may be referred to by pointers, which
are just variables containing addresses. Registers
R0 and R1 can be used as pointers for internal
RAM (which uses 8 bit addresses). 16 bit registers
PC and DPTR can be used as pointers for ROM or
external RAM.
Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture
Addressing modes

Indexed Some instructions use the sum of two registers as

addresses. This is convenient for tables etc.
where the address will be the sum of the start
address of the table and a multiple of the index.
bit addressing Instructions operating on bits expect a bit
address. The bit address can be specified as a
direct address or in byte-addr.bit-No. format.

For example ACC.3 means bit 3 of the

accumulator. Of course, the byte should be bit

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture


Constants Constants must carry a # symbol before them.

ADD A, #5 means add the constant 5 to A, while
ADD A, 5 means add the contents of location 5 in
internal RAM to A.
Pointers Operands specified by a pointer carry an @ signal
before them.
ADD A, @R0 means add to A the contents of the
memory location whose address is in R0 and put
the result in A.
Registers Registers which can be used as 8bit pointers (R0
and R1) will be referred to as Ri. Any register from
the set R0 to R7 will be represented as Rn.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Interpreting address by context

Addresses specified as numbers will be interpreted as byte

addresses or bit addresses based on context.
MOV A, 5 : copy the contents of location 5 to A.
MOV C, 5 : copy the value of bit 5 of location 20H to carry.
The difference between the two is that the destination is a byte
in the first case and a bit in the second case. So the address
must be interpreted accordingly.
Bit addresses can also be specified in byte-addr.bit-No. format.
MOV C, ACC.5 means copy bit 5 of the accumulator (direct byte
address E0H) to the carry flag, (which is actually bit 7 of PSW.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Data movement Instructions

MOV dst, src

Here dst can be A, Rn, a directly addressed byte or an
indirect reference @Ri. The source can be A, Rn, direct,
@Ri or #immediate. Both source and destination cannot
use an R register.
MOV DPTR, #data16
The 16 bit immediate data value is loaded in DPTR. This is
like LXI in 8085.
MOV C, bit-addr and MOV bit-addr, C
These instructions operate on single bits, copying the bit
from the given bit address to carry or from carry to the
given bit address.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Moving Data to and from the stack

The stack resides in internal RAM. It grows upwards as the

stack pointer is pre-incremented to push and post decremented
to pop. Byte sized objects are pushed and popped in 8051.
push direct
The stack pointer is pre-incremented and the value at the
given direct addr. is copied to the addr. in stack ptr.
pop direct
The byte in internal RAM at the addr. given by SP is read.
The stack pointer is then decremented and the byte read
from the stack is written to the given addr.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Pushing and popping the stack pointer

As a special case, consider when SP itself is popped from

stack. We want to transfer the value stored in the stack to SP.
But will it get modified due to post decrementing of the stack
Assume SP contains 1A and the internal memory at addr. 1A
contains 56. POP SP will read the address pointed to by SP
(location 1A), find 56 there, decrement SP (to 19) and store the
read value 56 at the destination addr. given in the instruction
(which in this special case is SP itself).
So the decremented value 19 in SP will get overwritten by 56
and SP will have the value read from the stack, as desired.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Exchanging Data

XCH A, src
Here src can be a direct address, Rn or @Ri. The src byte
then contains the value of A and A acquires the original
value of the source byte.
This exchanges just the lower nibble of the two operands.
The upper nibble retains its original value.
Exchanging the upper nibble
The upper nibble may be exchanged by combining the
above instructions. If we do
XCH A, @Ri
Both instructions exchange the lower nibble while the first
exchanges the upper nibble also. Thus the upper nibble is
exchanged once, while the lower nibble is restored to its
original value due to two exchanges.
Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture
Swapping Nibbles

There is a special instruction to swap the upper and lower

nibbles in A. The instruction is:
Also, the accumulator can be cleared by the instruction
and complemented by the instruction

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Data movement from ROM

Move a constant from the ROM to A. The address to be
accessed in ROM is the sum of the 8 bit value in A and the
16 bit value in DPTR. This is convenient for table look up.
the start address of the table is put in DPTR and the offset
derived from the index is in A.
This is like MOVC A @A+DPTR, except that the 16 bit
pointer value is taken from (updated) PC instead of DPTR.
This is used when constants are at some fixed offset from
the current instruction. The offset is placed in A. Using this
instruction allows one to access the constant irrespective
of the absolute address at which the program is loaded.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Moving Data to and from External RAM

Data movement to and from the external RAM always involves

A. The address in the External RAM is given as @DPTR or
The 16 bit address to be used for the external RAM is
taken to be the contents of DPTR.
MOVX A, @Ri, MOVX @Ri, A
The upper byte of the external address is latched using
port output commands. The lower byte of the external
RAM address is provided by Ri.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Addition and Subtraction

ADD, ADDC and SUBB are available as instructions for

addition, addition with carry and subtraction with borrow.
Subtraction without borrow is not available.
Addition and subtraction is always performed with A as the
destination. The other operand can be a directly addressed
byte, Rn, @Ri or #immediate.
Carry, Auxiliary Carry, Sign and Parity bits are set as in the
case of 8085. The Overflow bit is set as the XOR of carry out of
bits 6 and 7. This indicates a sign reversal due to
addition/subtraction of legitimate positive or negative numbers.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Incrementing, decrementing and decimal adjust

The instructions INC and DEC add 1 to or subtract 1 from their

operands. The operand can be A, a directly addressed byte, Rn
or @Ri. No flags are affected.
A 16 bit increment is carried out by the instruction INC DPTR.
Notice that there is no decrement for DPTR
The instruction DA carries out a decimal adjust after an
addition. This involves adding 6 to either or both nibbles of A if
there is a carry from them during addition or if their value is >9.
The flags C and AC reside in the two most significant bits of

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Multiplication and Division

8051 provides instructions for unsigned multiplication and

division of 8 bit operands.
The multiply instruction (MUL AB) multiplies the contents of
registers A and B. The MSB of the product is placed in B and
the less significant byte is placed in A. The Overflow flag is set
if the result is > 255.
The divide instruction (DIV AB) divides A by B and places the
quotient in A and the remainder in B.
The overflow flag will be set if a divide by 0 is attempted. Else,
the overflow flag is cleared.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Logical Instructions

We can perform bitwise AND, OR and XOR operations using

ANL, ORL and XRL instructions.
These instruction take a destination and a source operand. The
destination operand can be A or a directly addressed byte.
If A is the destination, the source operand can be a directly
addressed byte, Rn, @Ri or # immediate.
If a direct address is the destination, the source operand can be
A or # immediate. For example:
ANL A, R5 ; AND A with R5 and put the result in A.
ORL 87H, #80H ; OR the contents o addr 87H with 80H,
; store result in 87H.
Logical instructions do not set flags. If the destination is a port,
The latch (and not the pin) values are used for evaluation.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Rotate Instructions

Rotate instructions operate on A.

We can rotate towards left or right, with or without carry.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

RL A ; Rotate A left
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

RR A ; Rotate A right
Cy 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

RLC A ; Rotate A left with Cy

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Cy

RRC A ; Rotate A rt with Cy

Unlike 8085, flags are not affected by RL or RR and only the

carry flag is affected by RLC and RRC.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Swap, clear and complement

All these instructions operate on A.

SWAP A swaps the upper and lower nibbles of A. It is
equivalent to 4 shifts without carry in left or right direction.
CLR A makes clears all bits of A.
CPL A complements all bits of A.
Notice that CLR and CPL can also operate on bit sized
operands such as carry or a bit address.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Bit oriented instructions

We copy a bit from a bit address to carry, or from carry to a bit

address. We can also clear, set or complement the carry or the
content of a bit address.
We can also perform AND or OR operation on bits

MOV C,bit ;C = bit MOV bit,C ;bit = C

CLR bit ;make bit=0 CLR C ;make C=0
SETB bit ;make bit=1 SETB C ;make C=1
CPL bit ;bit = bit CPL C ;C=C
ANL C,bit ;C = C AND bit ANL C,/bit ;C=V AND bit
ORL C,bit ;C = C OR bit ORL C,/bit ;C=V OR bit

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Jump, Call and Return

Jump instructions modify the program counter such that the

next instruction to be executed is from some specified program
Call instructions do the same, but they save the updated value
of PC on the stack, (lower byte first) before overwriting it with
the destination address.
RET pops the return address from the stack (higer order byte
first) and copies it to PC.
8051 has various jump and call instructions which differ from
each other in how the destination address is specified.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

LJMP and LCALL instructions

In these jump and call instructions, the destination address is

given as a 16 bit direct address.
The assembler syntax is
LJMP Label
The 16 bit absolute address corresponding to the Label is
placed in the instruction.
LJMP is encoded as 02H Addr(High) Addr(Low), while LCALL
is encoded as 12H Addr(High)Addr(Low).

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

AJMP and ACALL instructions

LCALL and LJMP encode the full 16 bit destination address.

Therfore, these are 3 byte instructions
If the destination address is within the same 2KB address
space as the updated PC, shorter jump/call instruction can be
If the destination address is in the same 2K address space as
the updated PC, it has the same 5 most significant bits as the
Then we need not specify these and can come up with 2 byte
instructions for jump/call.
These are the 2 byte AJMP and ACALL instructions.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

AJMP and ACALL instructions

The assembler syntax for AJMP and ACALL is

AJMP Label
Only 11 least significant bits of the destination label are
included in the instruction. The instruction is encoded as
AJMP : A10 A9 A8 0 0 0 0 1 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
ACALL: A10 A9 A8 1 0 0 0 1 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0
Only A10 to A0 are copied to PC, so the 5 most significant bits
of the PC remain unchanged.
Therefore control can only be transferred between statements
which lie in the same 2K page of program memory.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

SJMP instruction

In this variant, the destination is provided as an 8 bit signed

offset from the updated PC. The assembler syntax is
SJMP Label
The assembler actually calculates the offset of the label from
the the instruction following SJMP, and encodes it in the
instruction as an 8 bit signed number.
There is no corresponding CALL instruction.
This instruction can be used only if the target label is within
+127 to -128 locations from the next instrucion.
It is encoded as: 80H, offset.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture


This statement calculates the 16 bit sum of DPTR with A and

jumps to this address. This is useful for managing jump tables.
Suppose we have an array of AJMP statements, of the type
AJMP Label-i, each occupying 2 bytes.
If we want to execute the i’th AJMP statement, we can load the
start address in DPTR and 2*i (offset) in A.
Now jmp @A+DPTR will jump to the i’th statement,
which will in turn, take us to Label-i.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Conditional jumps

Conditional jumps are like SJMP. These specify the target

address as an 8bit signed offset from the updated PC.
JB bit-addr, Label jump to Label if the addressed bit is set.
JNB bit-addr, Label jump to Label if the addressed bit is cleared.
JBC bit-addr, Label jump if bit set, clear the bit.
JC Label jump to Label if carry set.
JNC Label jump to Label if carry cleared.
JZ Label jump to Label if A = 0.
JNZ Label jump to Label if A is non zero.
Notice that there is no Z flag in 8051.
JZ and JNZ examine the accumulator contents to decide
whether to jump.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Looping constructs

There are two conditional jumps which are particularly useful

for looping.
DJNZ counter, Label;
decrements the counter and jumps to the given label if it is not
zero. The counter could be Rn or a directly addressed byte.
This is obviously useful for counted loops.
CJNE arg1, arg2, Label;
arg1 and arg2 are compared and the jump is taken if these are
not equal. This is useful for loops which last till the loop variable
attains a given value.
If arg2 is an immediate value, arg1 can be A, Rn or @Ri.
In addition to this, A can be compared to a directly addressed
byte. The carry flag is set if arg2 > arg1.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Miscellaneous Instructions

In addition to the instructions discussed upto now, the 8051 has

NOP Do nothing
the following instructions:
RETI Return from Interrupt
RETI works just like RET, accept that it also restores interrupt
enable values to their original settings.
(Interrupts may be automatically disabled based on their priority
levels while an interrupt handler runs. These need to be
re-enabled when the handler terminates.)

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

Read Modify Write Operations

Read Modify Write operations include logic operations ANL,

ORL and XRL because the destination (either A or a directly
addressed byte) is also one of the source operands.
Increment and decrement operations INC and DEC, DJNZ
(because it uses decrement) and complement bit instruction
CPL also belong to this class. The conditional jump JBC is also
a read-modify-write operation.
Less obviously, instructions which just write to a single bit are
also read-modify-write operations.
Thus, CLR Px.y, SETB Px.y and MOV Px.y, C
read Px, use masking and write back Px to write a single bit
without affecting others.
When Read Modify Write operations are carried out on a port,
the latch and not the pin values are read.

Dinesh Sharma 8051Architecture

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