Teddy Noor Wahyudi
Teddy Noor Wahyudi
Teddy Noor Wahyudi
NIM : 201820040
Kelas : 2J-F
Exercise 2
1. (A) There’s no more wood inside 6. (A) The woman hit her head on a nail
(B) The wood in the fireplace should be (B) The woman hit his new car
put outside (C) The woman was exactly right
(C) There’s a fire outside (D) The woman bought a new car
(D) He needs to bring some wood outside
2. (A) She worked late at a conference 7. (A) He would like the woman to help him
(B) The meeting was canceled find his paper
(C) She called a conference at work (B) He wants the woman to put the paper
(D) She was late to a conference away
(C) He needs the woman to review the
(D) He would like the woman to write the
paper for him
3. (A) In a hospital 8. (A) Information about the problem is
(B) At a police station unavailable
(C) At the beach (B) No one has been informed
(D) In a locker room (C) Everybody knows what is going on
(D) Nobody is aware that the problem is
4. (A) There was too much room on the 9. (A) He did not sleep well
dance floor (B) He never woke up this morning
(B) He enjoyed the room where they went (C) The alarm failed to go off
dancing (D) He needed a loud alarm to wake up
(C) The dance floor was too crowded
(D) The club needed more rooms for
5. (A) He could not understand the fax 10. (A) The pilot made an emergency landing
machine (B) The pilot was forced to leave the plane
(B) He wrote the letter that was sent in a hurry
(C) The fax machine was easy for him to (C) The pilot fielded questions about the
use forced landing
(D) He was not very good with figures (D) The plane was damaged when it landed
Exercise 4
Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat untuk setiap dialog panjang yang Anda dengar.
Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat untuk setiap dialog panjang yang Anda
2. (A) In vegetable gardens 8. (A) The contest took place for years
(B) Only in the United States before Twain wrote about it
(C) In supermarket (B) Twain wrote about the contest
(D) In many different places while he was watching it for the
first time
(C) Twain went to see the contest
many times during his lifetime
(D) Twain wrote about the contest
before it actually took place
3. (A) Its leaves resemble parsley 9. (A) A student
(B) It grows next to carrot (B) A professor
(C) Its leaves are shaped like carrots (C) A bookstore clerk
(D) It does not have roots (D) A librarian
4. (A) The person may die 10. (A) The place where students get I.D.
(B) The person may get lots of cards
healthful nutrients (B) The place where students can use
(C) The person may enjoy it and computer
want more (C) The place where students check
(D) The person may become books out
dangerous (D) The place where students find
books in the library
5. (A) A story-writing contest 11. (A) A fee
(B) A frog-catching contest (B) A students I.D. card
(C) A singing contest (C) Permission from the instructor
(D) A frog-jumping contest (D) A computer
6. (A) Sixty-three 12. (A) A few hours
(B) Two hundred (B) Two days
(C) Two thousand (C) Fourteen days
(D) Forty thousand (D) Two months