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Cannon and Minister For International Co-Operation Bev Oda Are Representing Canada at

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HAITI CONFERENCE – co sponsors

Brazil, additional amount of 172 million US dollars, 9.45 for health, 40

million infreastructure, grant of 15 million for direct budget support for
the Haitian government. All countries who are members of the wto,
duty free quota free access of Haitian

Canada- presented with opportunity, back better and stronger. It is

essential that Haitian take owenship…Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence
Cannon and Minister for International Co-operation Bev Oda are representing Canada at
the donor conference, while Gov. Gen. Michäelle Jean, who was born in Haiti, is
attending as an observer. G-7 finance minister, forgiving Haiti debt.

ASHTON – EU for the most vulnerable we need a social contract. 1.235 billion euros.
1.6 US dollars. 295 million euros the eu has already contributed. 106 million euros from
people….. gov and citgizens close to 3 billion.

FRANCE – Kouchner – 20 million euros annually for budgetary assistance and 5 million
immediately. Buying seeds for harfvest and back administrative, financial and security
infrastructure. Priority restrict of uni hospital , pp , sanitation, build with our friends in
Haiti a medical health insurance project for ngos and fr society 90 milolion euros. This
conference is but a beginning. Decisions which we will take today will provide
systematic follow up donor pledges and for the Haitian government

First vp of SPAIN: we are all in this together. María Teresa Fernández de la

Vega , institutional aspects, 346 million to donor fund for resconstruction
1.25 million over three years. Aid priority government water, sanitation,
education, environ sustainability, food , agriculture

Bill Clinton: both of them on the platform at either end. Only 30 percejt0f
the money commit to Haiti before the earthquake distributed. Investors,
ngo , diaspora.

Until the Haitians can live day by day … still have to move 20-40
people, exposed to heavy winds, have to build big permanent shelters,
not drown. Still don’t have aquate sanitation. Dangerous for the

Voice of voiceless forum, michelle; respect . respect, scools, jobs,

farmers associatin and associations of those in displaced camps.
Haitians, 156 discussions groups,l 1750 simple citizens, traditional
healers, inhabitants, students,
Response . message which we heard is a clear one: an end for
exclusions. For the firstg time on issues of concern to their community.
Constgruction package should benefit all hait, decentralization of public
services, job opp closer to home and demand a say in their region.
Easier access to jobs and opp outside what is often referred to as the
republic of pp. invest in people: priorities: housing, eq resistance,
education, health, potable water, sanit electricity, roads to allow food
production to reach the city.

Need to invesgt in human capital thru education, trained teachers,

university, increased acces
Agriculture considered essential,, peasantry have been neglected.
Training equaip,ne tseeds, self sufficient in food, concern recons not
reach those intended. Sovereignty, not see future as passive recap of
foreign aid; shared equaolly and not concentrated in the capital but
reach all the regions, majority expressed desire to transcend donor
conference, want to be regularly consulted on the future of their
children… do we have the right to disappoint them.

Decentralization…. 700,000 haitians outside the quake area, more

important to pursue the stgrategy, disapora, want them to be involved.
Hait gov lost people, they should help. World bank throughout the world.
Marie mass legislature

Langston Hughes, dreams deferred….disapora, develop an

organization to max contribution of diaspora in canada, us and france.
Granting dual citizenship , not able to be completed, but send of
welcome, openness that I have never before seen.

First time in hisotyr of Haiti, break with the past and… defined mainly by
a few large traditional companies. Ignores key role by small and
medium enterprises, mostly women, overseas role played by int
investors. 90 percent of business are informal. Progressive
formalization of micro, etc. tax base of the country, bankruptcy at the top
and poverty at the bottom. 2.7 billion….75 percent for loans and grants,
educatin, tech assist and training to transform them into a formal sector,
profit and tax revenues: 4 proposals
1) allocate 50 percent informal into formal
2) large companies to traditional private sector as equity by
employees, minimum of 5 percent
3) housing
4) for graduates
5) expansion and mc only done by small biz. Diversified and green
competitive, level playing field, 10 percent gdp for next 10 years

the aid has led to mistrust, dependence, lack of vision and bring back
poverhy. Need vision job creation and prosperity. 1.8 billion agric
….NEW SOCIAL COMPACT, responsible elite , benefit all Haitians, biz
community that main job is to create jobs. Pub insitutions and politi

cell phone guy, gtelecommunications investment, rules consistently and

transparanet, tax collection enforcement, if all commercial part know
taxes equitably enforce, compliance will improve. Go v has authority
and resources to regulate market, respect contract. Donors need to
view private sector as your partners, tools to create wealth, education,
anbility to start biz, access to credit.l infrastructure, rebuiold of airports,
ports, power grid,

Haiti has the largest numb of domestic and int ngos of anycountry
except for india. Fractured work. Donors organized and work together
and plan by the Haitian government. As partners and not doing their
own thing. Historic, operated differently.

Iraq, Afghanistan acheh all deficient in one way or another. 4 billion in
next 18 months. Innovate


Support of spread of development, cash for food, education, support for

agriculture, actively support hait gov commite to decentralize, eco
systems at heart ofbuilding Haiti anew,

Robert Bruce Zoellick anti corruption tools, internal audits, ati

corruption unit, better slaries, high perf standards, publoiciving cases of
corruption. ; need tangible benefits on the ground right away partiucarly
for shelter, emergency relocation for those most of risk for flooding.
Medium term. Jobs, private sector, hope II act for apparel jobs, 20,000
people still at work in this factories, need power and logistics, agric
tourism etc. gov support on policy and regulartoy and land titles,
International agencies need to cooperate, not complicate. Ministers, ida
16 include special allocation for Haiti and Afghanistan, finance
interested, so please write a note, work with deputies of the deputies
they don’t like change. Divide up responsibilities, let’s hold everyone
feet to the fire, meet in 6 months on ga, how to move further ahead.
Presodemt of the world bank

No medium term if not manage short term, imf 340 million. No way to do
what has been said this morning if Haitian budget, without inflation,
absolutely critical which is to monitor carefully that all the pledges hugh,,
upward pressure on currencyl. Main problem is to bridge the gap.
Involvement of the private sector, resume credit.

Imf 270 million, we will do it too.

Japan 30 million, 70 already, 100 million dollars

Additional 400 million for immediate needs. Actin plan . charities, 220
million to Canadian orgs eligible in Haiti, government will match those

Qatar – supplies and hospitals right after the earthquake, schools

collection over 200 – 20 million us dollars, education and health a
portion of this. \

Venezie;a” cuba, Haiti and Venezuela, investing 154 million in health,

10 centers for diagnosis, three power stgations , literacy and training.
Solid waste, houses, rice project, bolivian rescue forces, 2.3 million
stretchers, electrical generators. Pardoned debt, 395 million. New
money to be used instantly, 4.9 of 12.4 million …. Matching 24.8 million
….37.2 million.

Quality and proportion of the donations related to the economyof each

donor. Risen up to write its own history, Bolivarian alliance, alba,
already present there, social aid.
Today world leaders gathered in New York to outline the next steps for the recovery
efforts in Haiti and call for an increase in financial assistance to the devastated country.
UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon opened the donor conference by outlining the goal of the

"Today, we will rise in solidarity with Haiti. By the end of this day, I'm confident we will
truly have helped Haiti along the road to a new and better future."

The January 12th magnitude 7 quake killed an estimated 230,000 and injured some
300,000. More than 1 million are homeless and thousands of commercial buildings are
destroyed. Speaking at today’s conference, President Rene Preval said the people of Haiti
express their deep gratitude for the international response to the crisis.

"This is an opportunity to say thank you to friendly countries who have rapidly mobilized
resources to help us. First, our neighbors who were there hours following the earthquake
with humanitarian logistics. Words of equal gratitude to the citizens and the governments
of those countries who are far away, geographically, historically, who despite this sent
large amounts of humanitarian assistance, emergency responders, trucks with tons of
material, medicine, water and food. The Haitian people, historically an open people, who
have paid in blood the price of fighting for the defense of human dignity, feel moved by
the this solidarity and compassion expressed by the whole word."

The emphasis of the conference was on securing vital donations for recovery, which the
UN has said have decreased recently.

Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellarive presented a government action plan to outline
how the funds would be used. The Plan divides recovery into three time stages. The first
is the emergency period, which focuses on accommodating Haiti's homeless, providing
food and medical needs and preparing for the coming Hurricane season; second, is the
implementation period, which will focus on economic growth and job creation; and the
third is a ten to twenty year period in which the country will rebuild to become self

To implement this we need massive job creation. The next few months will focus on high
labor intensive industries, agricultural infrastructure, building, clean up of devastated
areas. We'll have to find ways to get these jobs out to people to train them, vocational
training, relevant training to transform this tragedy into a sustainable economic

Agriculture will be difficult as Haiti imports US subsidized rice, the

staple of peoples’ diet. The International Monetary Fund had insisted
Haiti lower rice tarriffs in its 1986 aid package. Brazilian Foreign
Minister Celso Amorim called on nations to allow duty free and quota
free imports of Haitain textiles and other goods, saying, “You don’t
have real economic development if you don’t have markets.”
The session also heard from industry leaders, advocacy groups,
representatives of the Haitian diaspora and Michele Montas, a former
UN spokeswoman whose husband, Jean Dominique, a leader of a
peasant movement, was assassinated . She was part of a survey

"There is a strong demand for an end to exclusion. The exercise was an opportunity for
people to express their views often for the first time on issues of concern to their
communities and to themselves as individual citizens. Reconstruction package should
package all Haitians regardless of their status and location."

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