CFD Investigation of Temperature Distributions by Non-Uniform Heat Losses Inside Windings
CFD Investigation of Temperature Distributions by Non-Uniform Heat Losses Inside Windings
CFD Investigation of Temperature Distributions by Non-Uniform Heat Losses Inside Windings
3 213
2 authors, including:
Stefan Tenbohlen
Universität Stuttgart
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Saeed Khandan Siar on 19 September 2018.
Abstract: this paper shows the application of (Computational distribution layer-type transformers; whereas on the oil-
Fluid Dynamics) CFD method to predict the hot-spot temperature directed cooling mode (OD), [9-11] have considered high
(HST) at different operating conditions inside the disc-type velocities to predict eddies of fluid flow inside channels and
winding. It is very well-known that electrical heat losses are not even reversed flow in horizontal channels of windings.
distributed uniformly inside windings of power transformers due In terms of experimental investigations, a comprehensive
to the flux leakages in the winding; therefore, the influences of the study of the oil flow distribution inside a disc-type winding
non-uniform heat losses in the conductors of the winding are model was carried out by Allen et al. [12]. The publications by
investigated and compared with the uniform heat losses Tenbohlen et al. [13-14] addressed the behavior of fluid flow
distribution at different mass flow rates. Moreover, experimental in horizontal ducts and consulted accurate CFD simulations to
verifications are provided to support 3D CFD simulations in the
investigate of thermal aspects of OD cooling conditions.
oil-directed (OD) cooling modes. The accurate numerical results
Zhang et al. [15-16] investigated a conventional disc-type
of CFD simulations include the average temperature in each pass,
winding model operated under ON conditions and performed
the hot-spot location (HSL) at different dimensionless eddy losses
measurements within the disc-type winding models.
factor (Qeddy). The presented results give a deep insight into the
thermal aspects of the disc-type windings enabling the designer to Determination of the lifetime in power transformers depends
optimize the cooling conditions of power transformer windings. directly on HST in winding and non-uniform heat losses
distributions have remarkable effects on HST and HSL of the
I. INTRODUCTION winding. Meanwhile, in order to have accurate investigations
Power transformers belong to the most important and and detailed insights on thermal aspects of windings,
valuable assets in power systems. The lifetime of the significant influences of non-uniform heat losses distributions
transformers mainly depends on the lifetime of its insulation. on thermal behavior are considered as a high interest. In two
Since the temperature is the dominated factor for the aging rate comprehensive contributions, the discussions on the hot-spot
of paper insulation, the large number of researches are focused factor were presented [18-19].
on the thermal conditions of power transformers. The active Two main mechanisms contributing heat within the winding
part inside the transformer insulation system developing the can be defined. First of all, load currents dissipate heat with the
maximum temperature during operation is commonly referred quadratic dependency of I2R losses on the loading rate. The
to as the hot-spot. Two factors primarily determine its location second loss mechanism relates to basic operating principles of
and temperature. First of all, the amount of locally dissipated power transformers, the transmission of electrical energy via
heat resulting from the distribution of electrical losses has to be induction linked to the electromagnetic flux. Within
taken into account. Moreover, local heat transfer characteristics electromagnetic field, leakage flux induces currents in all
resulting from cooling fluid flow distribution and thermal electrically conducting materials proportional to the loading
aspects of applied insulation need to be considered. In order to rate. The corresponding ohmic losses commonly referred to as
investigate the temperature distribution of the windings, stray losses are therefore also proportional to the quadratic
different approaches can be used. value of loading rate and are not limited to the windings and
In recent years, most of the numerical CFD contributions core. Within the windings, alternating leakage flux induces
have been focused on investigating the location of the hot-spot eddy currents perpendicular to the axial direction of conductors.
[1-3] or concentrated on the parameters affecting the In contrast to the I2R losses that rather constant per
temperature distributions and fluid flow in the windings [4-6]. conductor element, the stray losses connected to the magnetic
Besides, cooling of windings of power transformers relies on field contribute a non-uniform distribution of heat sources over
the circulation of dielectric coolant liquid between the radiators the winding. Auxiliary losses refer to the fans, pumps and
and windings. Different methods of cooling have determined to cooling equipment are not included in the total losses and
investigate the fluid behaviors. Based on the natural cooling usually eliminate in windings design [20]. In addition to our
mode (ON), [7-8] have performed the CFD solutions to previous work [14], in sections II and III in the present study, a
simulate the natural convection heat transfer within the power detailed review of the experimental procedure and the
transformers and displayed the oil flow behavior inside appropriated boundary conditions are explained. Finally, the
accurate 3D CFD results are represented to show the influence
L1 L2 L3 L4
Q ave, top disc / Q ave 1.81 1.87 2.05 2.27
Q ave, 2 top discs/ Q ave 1.75 1.81 1.98 2.17
Q ave, 3 top discs/ Q ave 1.68 1.73 1.88 2.09
Q ave, 4 top discs/ Q ave 1.64 1.68 1.82 2.01
Q ave, 5 top discs/ Q ave 1.58 1.63 1.78 1.96
Q ave, 6 top discs/ Q ave 1.48 1.52 1.65 1.81
a. Pass 2, Q=1 b. Pass 2, Q=1.5
Numerical CFD simulations were conducted with the
specified boundary conditions according to the designed
experimental setup to give detail insight into the thermal
behavior of the winding in power transformer. At the first
prior, this section proposes to discuss the validation of the CFD
results and then illustrates the thermal behavior of the winding c. Pass 2, Q=2 d. Pass 2, Q=2.5
Fig. 4. Temperature distributions determined with the 3D CFD winding
model and the HST and the HSL at different eddy losses
model at ṁoil =3 kg/s, ϑin = 80°C, and different Qeddy factors.
To validate the CFD numerical results, Fig. 3 depicts the
temperature gradients between oil and conductors by non-
uniform and uniform heat losses distribution. It should be
noted that the inlet temperature of the cooling oil at each pass
is calculated thermodynamically. Moreover, the temperature
gradients are based on the difference between the volume
averaged local temperature at each conductor and the
a. Pass 2, Q=1 b. Pass 2, Q=1.5
calculated temperature at the inlet of the considered pass.
The comparisons of the measurements and 3D CFD results
predict the temperature gradients at the considered pass in the
winding by the accuracy of less than 2 K deviations with
measurements. In Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, temperature distributions
determined with 3D CFD results at two different inlet flow
rates are illustrated.
It is noticeable that the rate of the oil fluid flow has directly c. Pass 2, Q=2 d. Pass 2, Q=2.5
influence the cooling condition of the conductors. By the non- Fig. 5. Temperature distributions determined with the 3D CFD winding
uniform heat losses, despite the higher heat losses at the top model at ṁoil =18 kg/s, ϑin = 80°C, and different Qeddy factors.
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