Ansi A10 5 2006
Ansi A10 5 2006
Ansi A10 5 2006
ANSIIASSE A10.5-2006
Safety Requirements for
Material Hoists
O ®
The information and materials contained in this publication have been developed from sources
believed to be reliable. However, the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) as
secretariat of the ANSI accredited A 10 Committee or individual committee members accept no
legal responsibility for the correctness or completeness of this material or its application to
specific factual situations. By publication of this standard, ASSE or the A 10 Committee does
not ensure that adherence to these recommendations will protect the safety or health of any
persons, or preserve property.
ANSI A10.5 - 2006
This standard is one of a series of safety standards that have been formulated by the
Accredited Standards Committee on Safety in Construction and Demolition Operations,
A10. It is expected that the standards in the A10 series will find a major application in
industry, serving as a guide to contractors, labor, and equipment manufacturers. For the
convenience of users, a list of existing and proposed standards in the A 10 series for
Safety Requirements in Construction and Demolition Operations follows.
No one but the A 10 Committee (through the A 10 Secretariat) is authorized to provide any
interpretation of this standard.
Approval: Neither the A 10 Committee nor American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
"approves," "certifies," "rates," or "endorses" any item, construction, proprietary device, or
Appendices: Appendices are included in most standards to provide the user with
additional information related to the subject of the standard. Appendices are not part of
the approved standard.
Committee Meetings: The A 10 Committee meets twice a year. Persons wishing to attend
a meeting should contact the Secretariat for information.
Standard Approval: This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by
the American National Standards Committee on Safety in Construction and Demolition
Operations, A 10. Approval of the standard does not necessarily imply (nor is it required)
that all Committee members voted for its approval. At the time this standard was
published, the A10 Committee had the following members:
Richard King, CSP, Chairman
James Tomaseski, Vice Chairman
Timothy R. Fisher, CSP, ARM, CPEA, Secretary
Jennie Dalesandro, Administrative Technical Support
1. General ................................................................................................ 12
1.1 Scope ......................................................................................... 12
1.2 Purpose ...................................................................................... 12
1.3 Exceptions .................................................................................. 12
2. Related Standards ............................................................................... 12
2.1 Related American National Standards ....................................... 12
2.2 Other Related Standards ............................................................ 12
3. Definitions ............................................................................................ 13
4. Requirements for Hoist Towers ........................................................... 14
4.1 Construction ............................................................................... 14
4.2 Initial Inspections ........................................................................ 14
4.3 Periodic Inspection ..................................................................... 14
4.4 Car-Arresting-Device Test .......................................................... 14
4.5 Design ........................................................................................ 14
5. DeSign and Construction of Foundations ............................................. 14
6. Erection ............................................................................................... 14
6.1 Vertical Alignment ....................................................................... 14
6.2 Guide Rails ................................................................................. 14
6.3 Grounding ................................................................................... 14
6.4 Hoist-Tower Enclosures ............................................................. 14
6.5 Hoistway Entrances .................................................................... 15
6.6 Tower Height .............................................................................. 15
6.7 Bottom Enclosure ....................................................................... 15
6.8 Segment Connections ................................................................ 16
6.9 Diagonal Bracing ........................................................................ 16
6.10 Supervision of Erection and Dismantling .................................... 16
6.11 Shutdown for Service ................................................................. 16
7. Guying ................................................................................................. 16
7.1 Guys or Braces ........................................................................... 16
7.2 Wire Rope Guys ......................................................................... 16
8. Cantilever Towers ................................................................................ 16
8.1 Exceptions ....................... ,.......................................................... 16
8.2 Guying or Bracing ....................................................................... 16
8.3 Erecting or Dismantling .............................................................. 16
9. Requirements for Inside Hoists ........................................................... 16
9.1 Enclosure .................................................................................... 16
9.2 Covering at Cathead ................................................................... 16
10. Hoist Platforms and Cages .................................................................. 16
10.1 Prohibition of Riders .................................................................. 16
10.2 ROiling Equipment ..................................................................... 16
10.3 Overhead Protection .................................................................. 17
10.4 Hinged Covers ........................................................................... 17
10.5 Securing Long MateriaL ............................................................. 17
10.6 Slip-Resistant Floors ................................................................. 17
10.7 Platform Enclosure .................................................................... 17
10.8 Load-Rating Plate ...................................................................... 17
10.9 Car-Arresting Safety Device ...................................................... 17
11. Buckets ................................................................................................ 17
11 .1 Work in Pits ............................................................................... 17
11.2 Prohibition of Riding .................................................................. 17
12. Booms ................................................................................................. 18
12.1 Fixed Radii ................................................................................. 18
12.2 Live Booms ................................................................................ 18
12.3 Boom Location ........................................................................... 18
13. Material-Hoist Wire Rope and Sheaves .............................................. 18
13.1 Breaking Strength ...................................................................... 18
13.2 Wire Rope Inspection ................................................................ 18
13.3 Wire Rope Removal and Replacement ..................................... 19
13.4 Wire Rope Installation ............................................................... 20
13.5 Drums and Sheaves .................................................................. 20
14. Wire Rope Fastenings ......................................................................... 21
14.1 Wire Rope Attachment .............................................................. 21
14.2 Clip Number, Spacing and Torque ............................................ 21
14.3 Retightening of Clips ................................................................. 21
15. Hoisting Machines ............................................................................... 21
15.1 Capacity ..................................................................................... 21
15.2 Brakes ....................................................................................... 21
15.3 Stability ...................................................................................... 21
15.4 Location and Arrangement ........................................................ 21
15.5 Manning ..................................................................................... 21
15.6 Blocking and Bracing ................................................................. 21
15.7 Machinery Platform Rails ........................................................... 22
15.8 Hoisting Rope Guards ............................................................... 22
15.9 Gear Guards .............................................................................. 22
15.10 Prohibition of Multiple Unit Operation ....................................... 22
15.11 Brake Drums ............................................................................. 22
15.12 Mechanical Brakes ................................................................... 22
15.13 Ratchet and Pawl ..................................................................... 22
15.14 Engine Exhaust ........................................................................ 22
15.15 Fuel Cans ................................................................................. 22
15.16 Refueling Precautions .............................................................. 22
15.17 Fire Extinguishers ..................................................................... 22
15.18 Hoisting During Maintenance ................................................... 22
15.19 Daily Inspection ........................................................................ 22
15.20 Electrical Equipment Protection ................................................ 22
15.21 Direct-Coupled Machine Brakes ............................................... 22
15.22 Rack and Pinion Devices .......................................................... 23
15.23 HOisting Machine Location ....................................................... 23
15.24 Power Failure Disconnect. ........................................................ 23
15.25 Machine Controls ...................................................................... 23
16. Operator Qualification .......................................................................... 23
16.1 Operators ................................................................................... 23
16.2 Qualifications ............................................................................. 23
16.3 Training ...................................................................................... 23
17. Protection of Operator ......................................................................... 23
17. 1 Overhead Protection .................................................................. 23
17.2 Enclosure ................................................................................... 23
17.3 Prohibition of Open-Flame Heaters ........................................... 23
17.4 Heater Requirements ................................................................ 23
17.5 Lighting ...................................................................................... 23
17.6 Glass ......................................................................................... 23
18. Signal Systems .................................................................................... 23
18.1 Hand Signals ............................................................................. 23
18.2 Electrical Communication .......................................................... 24
18.3 Speaker Location ....................................................................... 24
18.4 Electrical System Protection ...................................................... 24
19. Indicators ............................................................................................. 24
19.1 Position Indicators ..................................................................... 24
20. Electric Motors ..................................................................................... 24
20.1 Motor Installations ..................................................................... 24
20.2 Switches .................................................................................... 24
20.3 Control Panels ........................................................................... 24
20.4 Emergency Electrical Cutoff ...................................................... 24
21. Landings and Runways ....................................................................... 24
21.1 Design ....................................................................................... 24
21.2 Railings ...................................................................................... 24
21.3 Overhead Protection .................................................................. 24
21.4 Barricades ................................................................................. 24
21.5 Working Platforms ..................................................................... 24
21.6 Housekeeping ............................................................................ 24
21.7 Prohibition of Material Storage .................................................. 25
21.8 Surfaces .................................................................................... 25
22. Capacity Statement and Design .......................................................... 25
22.1 Design ....................................................................................... 25
22.2 Booms and Auxiliary Equipment Loads ..................................... 25
22.3 Steel Tower Desig n ................................................................... 25
23. Maintenance and Installation Records ................................................ 25
23.1 Maintenance Records ................................................................ 25
23.2 Installation Records ................................................................... 25
23.3 Records Availability ................................................................... 25
23.4 Qualified Personnel ................................................................... 25
23.5 Replacement of Defective Parts ................................................ 25
24. Revision of American National Standards Referred to
in This Document .................... ,............................................................ 25
Table 1: Groove Radii for New and Reconditioned Sheave Grooves ...... 26
Table 2: Minimum Ratio of Rope Diameter to Sheave Tread Diameter ... 26
1.1 Scope. This standard applies to
material hoists used to raise or lower 2.1 Related American National Stan-
materials during construction, alteration or dards. This standard is intended for use in
demolition. It is not applicable to the tem- conjunction with the following American
porary use of permanently installed person- National Standards (see Section 24):
nel elevators as material hoists.
ANSI/ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Eleva-
This standard shall not apply to: tors and Escalators.
(1) Elevators constructed and op- ANSI/ASSE Ai 0.4, American National Stan-
erated in conformance with dard Safety Requirements for Personnel
ANSI/ASME A17.1, Safety Hoists and Employee Elevators for Con-
Code for Elevators and Esca- struction and Demolition Operations.
ANSI/ASSE A10.a, Scaffolding Safety Re-
(2) Personnel hoists constructed quirements.
and operated in conformance
with ANSI/ASSE Ai 0.4, Ameri- ANSI/ASSE A10.10, Safety Requirements
can National Standard Safety for Temporary and Portable Space Heating
Requirements for Personnel Devices and Equipment.
Hoists and Employee Elevators
for Construction and Demoli- ANSI Z535.1, Safety Color Code.
tion Operations.
ANSI Z535.2, Environmental and Facility
(3) Manlifts constructed and op- Safety Signs.
erated in conformance with
ANSI/ASME A90.1, Safety ANSI Z535.3, Criteria for Safety Symbols.
Standard for Belt Manlifts.
ANSI/ASME A90.1, Safety Standard for Belt
(4) Transport platforms and over- Manlifts.
head winch systems are not
subject to this standard. NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extin-
1.2 Purpose. This standard defines
safety requirements for the use and oper- NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.
ation of material hoists used in construction.
ANSI/ASME 815.1, Safety Standard for
1.3 Exceptions. In cases of practical Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus.
difficulties, unnecessary hardships or new
developments, exceptions to the literal 2.2 Other Related Standards. This
requirements shall be permitted by the standard is also intended to be used with
enforcing authority to allow the use of other the following pUblications:
devices or methods, but only when it is
clearly established that equivalent protect- ANSI/AF&PA NDS, National Design Specifi-
tion is thereby obtained. cation for Wood Construction.
3.16 Platform. The load-carrying unit, that may compromise the system's integrity
including the frame, that directly supports shall be repaired or replaced.
the load.
4.4 Car-Arresting-Device Test. The
3.17 Qualified Person. Qualified Per- car-arresting-device test shall be performed
son is one who by possession of a before the hoist is placed in service
recognized degree, certificate, or profess- following installation, when the mast has
sional standing and who by extensive know- been extended, and quarterly (every three
ledge, training and experience, has suc- months) thereafter. The test shall be per-
cessfully demonstrated their ability to solve formed in accordance with manufacturer's
or resolve problems relating to the subject guidelines.
matter, the work, or the project.
4.5 Design. All material hoist system
3.18 Rated Load. The maximum live components including towers, masts, guys
load for which the hoist structure is or braces, counterweights, drive machinery
designed to operate. supports, hoists, sheave supports, plat-
forms, supporting structures and access-
3.19 Rope. Refers to wire rope only. ories shall be designed by a Professional
3.20 Shall. Means a mandatory re-
3.21 Should. Means a recommend-
ation. Hoist-tower foundations shall be construc-
ted to safely support the tower's intended
4. REQUIREMENTS FOR HOIST live and dead loads and shall not exceed
TOWERS the safe bearing capacity of the ground or
floor upon which they rest.
4.1 Construction. Structural mem-
bers of material hoist towers shall be 6. ERECTION
constructed of strong, sound timber, steel or
other structural materials as determined by 6.1 Vertical Alignment. Hoist towers
a Professional Engineer. shall be plumb.
4.2 Initial Inspection. Before the 6.2 Guide Rails. The guide rails of
hoist is placed in service, and each time hoists shall be of structural metal or the
after the tower is extended, all parts of the equivalent, securely fastened, and shall
tower or mast, cage, bucket, boom, plat- deflect no more than 1/360 of rail height.
form, hoisting machine, guys and other The rail gauge shall not vary by more than
equipment shall be thoroughly inspected by 1/4 inch (6.3Smm), unless designed other-
qualified personnel. wise by a Professional Engineer.
4.3 Periodic Inspection. All sheaves, 6.3 Grounding. Hoist towers shall be
racks and pinions, guy ties, bolt connec- electrically grounded.
tions, miscellaneous clamps, braces and
similar parts shall be inspected. The . in- 6.4 Hoist-Tower Enclosures. Hoist
spection shall be conducted by a qualified towers may be used with or without an
person after the initial installation. Sub- enclosure on all sides. However, whichever
sequent inspections shall be performed at alternate is chosen, the applicable condi-
intervals not exceeding one month. All parts tions in 6.4.1 through 6.4.3 shall be met.
6.4.1 VVhen hoist towers are enclosed 6.5.1 Vision Panel. A vision panel shall
the car/platform shall also be enclosed. The be provided where solid doors are used.
enclosure on all sides of the tower, for its The vision panel shall be covered with a
entire height, shall be by a wire-screen flame-retardant material that will not admit a
enclosure of not less than No. 19 U.S. gage ball of 3/4 inch diameter (1.9cm) and that
wire or equivalent material, with openings will withstand a force of 75 pounds (34kg)
not exceeding 1/2 inch (12.7mm), securely applied perpendicular to any part of the
fastened to the tower structure, with hoist- panel and distributed over an area of one
way doors or gates formed onto each square foot (929cm2 ) with no greater deflec-
landing. tion than any other part of the door as
allowed above.
6.4.2 VVhen a hoist tower is not en-
closed, the hoist platform or car shall be The vision panel shall be installed so it will
totally enclosed as set forth in 10.7. not be in contact with any of the doorjambs.
6.4.3 For hoists located outside of struc- Landing doors in closed position shall not
tures, the enclosures, except those at the measure more than eight inches (20.3cm)
lowest landing, may be omitted on the sides from the car threshold.
where there is no floor or scaffold adjacent
to the hoistway. Enclosures on the building 6.5.2 All hoistway entrance bars and
side of the hoistway shall be a full floor in gates shall be marked with diagonal black
height or a minimum of ten feet (304.8cm), and yellow stripes. Landing bars should
whichever is less, at each floor landing. follow design criteria for scaffold guardrails,
being capable of withstanding a 200 pound
6.5 Hoistway Entrances. Hoistway (90.7kg) point source vertically or horizon-
doors shall be not less than six feet six tally or a distributed load of 50 pounds
inches (1.98m) in height. Any opening in (22.7kg) per linear foot.
the door shall not admit a ball 3/4 inch
(1.9cm) in diameter. Doors, door guides, 6.5.3 Guardrails shall be designed to
guide shoes and locking devices shall be resist a 200 pound (90.7kg) point load.
designed, constructed and installed so a Vertical supports shall be located at least
fully closed door and its components will not two feet (61cm) from the hoistway line.
deflect beyond the centerline of the car-to- Horizontal members shall be located not
landing sill clearance when subjected to a less than 36 inches (91.4cm) or more than
75 pound (34kg) force applied perpendicular 42 inches (106.7cm) above the floor.
to the door opening and distributed over an
area of one square foot (929cm 2) on any 6.6 Tower Height. Hoist towers shall
part of the door. Furthermore, the door or its be erected to a height necessary for
support members and components shall not immediate needs. However, the tower shall
deflect beyond the centerline of the car-to- not be extended in height beyond the
landing-sill clearance nor be permanently manufacturer's recommendations. In any
deformed or distorted. The door shall not be case the tower height shall never be more
displaced from its supports, guides, tracks, than that which is required to position the
hinges, latches and locking devices or floor of the cage a maximum of six feet six
otherwise be made inoperative when the inches (1.98m) above the last (highest)
door is subjected to a force of 250 pounds guy/tie point.
(113kg) applied perpendicular to the door
opening and distributed over the full surface 6.7 Bottom Enclosure. An enclosure
of the door. of No. 19 U.S. gage wire mesh or equivalent
material, with openings not exceeding 1/2
inch (12.7mm), shall be provided to prevent
access into the space at the bottom of the 8.1 Exceptions. The requirements
hoistway. The enclosure shall extend not outlined in 6.9 and 7.1 of this standard shall
less than six feet six inches (1.98m) above not apply to cantilever towers. Cantilever
the base of the hoistway. towers shall meet all other requirements of
this standard.
6.8 Segment Connections. Positive
connections, such as those made with bolts 8.2 Guying or BraCing. Cantilever
or pins, shall join the various segments from towers shall be secured with guys or rigid
which towers are assembled. braces, according to the manufacturer's
recommendation, at vertical intervals not to
6.9 Diagonal Bracing. Diagonal exceed 26 feet (792.5cm) or the manufac-
bracing or the equivalent shall be placed on turer's recommended spacing, whichever is
each of the four sides of the tower and less.
between horizontal cross ties. At loading
platforms bracing of equivalent strength, but 8.3 Erecting or Dismantling. The car
not diagonal bracing, shall be provided. on a cantilever tower may be used for the
purpose of erecting or dismantling the
6.10 Supervision of Erection and Dis- tower.
mantling. Hoist towers shall be erected
and dismantled only by qualified personnel 9. REQUIREMENTS FOR INSIDE
under the direct supervision of a competent HOISTS
9.1 Enclosure. The sides of the hoist-
6.11 Shutdown for Service. Except way at the access levels shall be enclosed
for maintenance and repairs that cannot be with wire mesh or equivalent material and
done otherwise, when workers climb the reinforced to withstand a horizontal force of
hoist tower or work on any part of the tower, 100 pounds (45.4kg) in one square foot
the platform, cage, car or bucket shall be (929cm 2 ), applied at any point. The open-
brought to its lowest position, and the ings in the mesh shall not exceed 1/2 inch
hoisting machine shall be shut down, locked (12.7mm).
out to prevent accidental start-up and all the
potentially hazardous energy relieved or 9.2 Covering at Cathead. A protec-
otherwise rendered safe. tive covering of heavy planking shall be
provided at the cathead of all hoists to
7. GUYING prevent objects from falling down the
hoistway. (See Section 17.1 for operator
7.1 Guys or Braces. Towers shall be protection.)
secured with guys or rigid braces at each
corner, at vertical intervals not to exceed 10. HOIST PLATFORMS AND
26 feet (792.5cm), except at the top where CAGES
Section 6.6 shall apply.
10.1 Prohibition of Riders. Persons
7.2 Wire Rope Guys. Where wire shall be prohibited from riding the hoist
rope is used for guys, the rope shall be at platform except for authorized inspection
least 1/2 inch (12.7mm) in diameter of im- and maintenance. A sign shall be posted
proved plow steel or stronger, secured to on the car frame or enclosure: NO RI DERS
anchorages with wire rope clips as specified ALLOWED (consult ANSI Z535 for specific
in 14.2 or the equivalent. details).
except for authorized inspections and main- hoist guys and braces shall be visually
tenance. In these cases personnel shall inspected once each working day by a
wear appropriate fall protection equipment. competent person. Care shall be taken
when inspecting sections of rapid deter-
12. BOOMS ioration such as repetitive pickup points on
drums. VVhen such damage is discovered,
12.1 Fixed Radii. All fixed booms the rope shall be either removed from
mounted on a material hoist tower shall service or given an inspection as detailed
operate at fixed radii. below.
12.2 Live Booms. Live booms shall be 13.2.3 Periodic Inspection. Detailed in-
prohibited. spection frequency shall be determined by a
qualified person and shall be based on such
12.3 Boom location. Booms shall be factors as expected rope life as determined
located so that at no time will a boom or its by experience on the particular installation
load be directly above the hoist operator's or similar installations, severity of environ-
normal working position. ment, percentage of capacity lifts, frequency
rates of operation, and exposure to shock
13. MATERIAl.. HOIST WIRE ROPE loads. Inspections need not be at equal
AND SHEAVES calendar intervals, but should be more fre-
quent as the rope approaches the end of its
13.1 Breaking Strength. All hoisting useful life. This inspection shall be per-
rope shall be of such a breaking strength as formed at least once each 30 days.
to provide a minimum factor of safety of 7.
The factor of safety, F, shall be calculated 13.2.4 Method of Inspection. Examin-
by the following formula: ation of traction-machine ropes and counter-
weight ropes of drum-type hoists should
F = SN start with the car located at the top of the
W hoistway and be made from the top of the
VVhere: car, with the ropes examined on the
counterweight side. The hoist ropes of
S = Manufacturer's rated breaking overhead drum-type machines must be
strength of one rope examined from the overhead machinery
N = Number of parts of rope under space.
W = Maximum gross load VVhere the traction or drum machine is
located below the hoist, the portions of the
13.2 Wire Rope Inspection. ropes leading from the driving-machine
drum or sheave and from the counterweight
13.2.1 Frequency of Inspection. In- to the overhead sheaves may be examined
spection periods shall be established for from the top of the gear as it descends,
each hoist, with the frequency of inspection except for a small portion that must be
determined by the type of installation, examined from the pit.
operating conditions and the manufacturer's
recommendations. A visual inspection shall Only the surface wires of the rope need be
be made daily and a complete inspection of inspected. No attempt should be made to
all ropes be made at least once each 30 open the rope. Any deterioration resulting
days. in an appreciable loss of original strength,
such as described below, shall be noted
13.2.2 Frequent Inspection. All running and determination made as to whether
ropes in service, hoisting mechanism for all
further use of the rope would constitute a use of the rope or increasing the frequency
hazard: of inspection:
2) 1/32 inch (0.8mm) for (5.1cm) beyond the last layer of rope when
diameters 3/8 inch the platform, cage or bucket is at the
(S.5mm) up to and highest point of travel.
including 1/2 inch
(12.7mm); 13.5.2 Rope Turns on Drum. The wind-
3) 3/64 inch (1.2mm) for ing drum shall have not less than three
diameters 9/16 inch turns of rope when the platform, cage or
(14.3mm) up to and bucket is at the lowest point of travel.
including 3/4 inch
(19.0mm); 13.5.3 Wire Rope Grade. All hoisting
4) 1/16 inch (1.6mm) for wire rope shall be improved plow-steel
diameters 7/8 inch grade or stronger, and equal in flexibility to
(22.2mm) up to and 6 x 19 classification wire rope. The joining of
including 1-1/8 inch hoisting ropes by splicing is prohibited.
5) 3/32 inch (2.4mm) for 13.5.4 Clearance at Cathead. There
diameters 1-1/4 inch shall be at least four feet (121.Scm) of
(31.8mm) up to and clearance between the cathead sheave and
including 1-1/2 inch the hoisting-rope fastening on the platform,
(38.1mm). cage, or bucket when either is at the upper
g. Replacement rope shall have a most terminal or landing.
strength rating at least as great
as the original rope furnished 13.5.5 Sheave Groove.
or recommended by the hoist
manufacturer. Any deviation Configuration. The arc of the
from the original size, grade or bottom of the sheave groove shall be
construction shall be specified smooth and concentric with the bore or
by a rope manufacturer, the shaft of the sheave. The centerline of the
hoist manufacturer, or a qual- groove shall be in a plane perpendicular to
ified person. the axis of the bore or shaft of the sheave
NOTE: If a broken wire or wires are local-
ized in the end attachment of an operating Groove Radii. Sheave grooves
rope and making a new attachment can shall be machined or cast, providing the
eliminate this condition, this may be done bottom of the groove has a radius sub-
instead of replacing the entire rope. tending an arc of 150 degrees and conforms
to Table 1.
13.4 Wire Rope Installation. Hoisting
ropes shall be installed in accordance with 13.5.6 Minimum Sheave Diameter.
the wire rope manufacturer's recommenda- Load-bearing sheaves for wire rope shall be
tions. The hoisting ropes shall be secured to grooved to accommodate the rope and shall
the drum, counterweight or platform by have a diameter at least twenty times that of
manufacturer approved terminal connection the wire rope. For the minimum tread
or by an approved equivalent means. diameter of sheaves, see Table 2. (The
diameter of a sheave is measured at the
13.5 Drums and Sheaves. bottom of the grooves.)
13.5.10 Sheave Material. All sheaves 15.1 Capacity. Hoisting machines shall
shall be of steel or equivalent material. be designed, installed and maintained to
raise and lower vertically the rated load plus
13.5.11 Sheave Bearings. All sheave the weight of equipment and ropes. Load
bearings shall have ball or roller bearings, ratings provided by the hoist manufacturer
or bearings lined with babbitt or other equiv- are to be clearly posted on the hoist
alent bearing metal. machine.
15.7 Machinery Platform Rails. \M1en systems are used, a cutoff valve shall be
hoisting machinery is set on an elevated installed between the internal-combustion
platform, the platform shall be designed and engine and the fuel-supply tank.
constructed to support the intended load
without failure and shall be provided with 15.16 Refueling Precautions. Open
guardrails and toe boards that conform to lights, flames or spark-producing devices
ANSI/ASSE A 10.8, Scaffolding Safety Re- shall be kept at least 25 feet (762cm) away
quirements. while internal-combustion engines are being
refueled, and no person shall smoke or
15.8 Hoisting Rope Guards. Hoisting carry lighted smoking materials in the
ropes that fall to within seven feet (213.4cm) immediate area. The engine shall be
of the floor or ground shall be guarded by stopped during refueling and grounded.
an enclosure or fence.
15.17 Fire Extinguishers. An ali-pur-
15.9 Gear Guards. All gears on pose fire extinguisher for Class A, Band C
hoisting machines shall be guarded in fires, which meets the requirements of
conformity with ANSI/ASME 815.1, Safety NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extin-
Standard for Mechanical Power Trans- guishers, and in accordance with any local
mission Apparatus. fire departments regulation, shall be part of
the hoisting equipment. (Minimum five
15.10 Prohibition of Multiple Unit pound ABC.)
Operation. No more than one platform,
cage, boom or bucket operated by anyone 15.18 Hoisting During Maintenance.
hoisting machine shall be in motion at any Material hoisting shall not be carried on
time. while workers are engaged in erection,
maintenance or repair of the hoisting
15.11 Brake Drums. Brake drums shall machine.
be kept free of oil, grease or any other
substance that reduces their efficiency. 15.19 Daily Inspection. All hoisting ma-
chines, including brakes, gears, levers and
15.12 Mechanical Brakes. Mechanical wire ropes, shall be visually inspected by a
brakes shall be equipped with a positive competent person daily. All broken, worn or
acting device to stop movement of the defective parts that may affect operational
winding drum. The brakes shall be designed integrity shall be repaired or replaced before
such that they will hold the brake in the start-up.
engaged position.
15.19.1 The results of the daily inspection
15.13 Ratchet and Pawl. Each friction- shall be entered into the Maintenance
clutch-driven winding drum hoisting ma- Records logbook, outlined in Section 23.
chine shall be equipped with an effective
ratchet and pawl capable of holding the 15.20 Electrical Equipment Protection.
rated load capacity when it is suspended. Electrical equipment shall be grounded in
conformance with NFPA 70, National Elec-
15.14 Engine Exhaust. Internal-com- trical Code.
bustion-engine exhaust pipes shall be
arranged to exhaust away from workers and 15.21 Direct.. Coupled Machine Brakes.
combustible materials. Electric-motor, direct-coupled-drive hoisting
machines shall be provided with a mechan-
15.15 Fuel Cans. Safety cans shall be ical automatic motor brake or an equivalent
used for handling fuel for internal-com- device, to hold the load automatically in
bustion engines. \M1en gravity-type fuel case of power failure.
a. Description of maintenance
tasks performed and dates;
b. Description and dates of ex-
aminations, tests, inspections,
adjustments, repairs, and re-
Groove Radii for New Reconditioned Sheave Grooves
Wire Rope Groove Root Radius
(nom dia.) (min) (max)
1/4 0.140 0.150
5/16 0.110 0.180
3/8 0.205 0.215
1/2 0.265 0.215
5/8 0.333 0.340
3/4 0.390 0.400
7/8 0.460 0.475
1 0.525 0.540
1-1/8 0.585 0.600
1-1/4 0.655 0.670
Minimum Ratio of Rope Diameter to Sheave Tread Diameter
Diameter Minimum
Of HOisting Tread Diameter
Rope (in) Of Sheaves* (in)
1M 5
5/16 6 1/2 m
3/8 7-1/2
1/2 10
5/8 12-1/2
3/4 15
7/8 17-1/2
1 20
1·118 22-1/2
1-114 25