CTD Essay Outline
CTD Essay Outline
CTD Essay Outline
Introduction: Please introduce yourself using your full name and your tribe. Please put your
name and page number on each page.
Academics: State your grade point average, class rank, and ACT/SAT test scores from high
school. State any test scores from standardized tests such as CTBS, ITBS, LSAT, MCAT, GRE,
WRAT, CAT, or Stanford. State why/how you made the grades and test scores that you did.
State what grades you made in your field of interest and why. State how much time you spend
studying each day or week. Describe any awards won in high school or college and their
significance. List any clubs and honors and their significance. List any scholarships and how you
won them. Describe any leadership positions you have held in high school or college, how you
were elected and what your responsibilities were. Describe what courses you have taken to
prepare you for college and your career and what you have learned so far that has inspired you.
Tell us who or what inspired you to pursue your chosen field of study, and how that inspiration
came to you.
Career Plans: Explain what you plan to do after you finish college. Tell what your ultimate
career goals are. Describe your personal interests and tell how they are related to your planned
career. Describe your strengths and explain how they are used in your study for your planned
career. Describe the requirements for the completion of your degree.
Service to Indians: Describe your plans on working with the Indian community. Tell how your
work will directly benefit Indians. Tell us about your Indian heritage and what this means to you.
Describe your ties to your Indian community and your experience in this community. Explain
how your college education will directly contribute to your work with Indians.
Leadership and Scholarships: Describe any elected or appointed positions in school or college
and how they relate to your planned career. Describe any summer work relevant to your planned
career and/or your service to Indians. Describe your membership in clubs and how it relates to
your future. Describe all other sources of funds that you applied to and the results. Tell us what
scholarships you have won and the amounts of funding you will receive from these scholarships.
Explain what you will do if you do not receive a scholarship from Catching the Dream
AT CTD4deanchavers@aol.com