Buyers Guide To Risk Management Systems, A - GT News
Buyers Guide To Risk Management Systems, A - GT News
Buyers Guide To Risk Management Systems, A - GT News
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Global Treasury Briefing
Global Treasury Briefing is the quarterly journal from the publishers of
It is essential reading for anyone who needs to keep up with the latest thinking in the
treasury profession around the world.
Possibility of Loss
Section editor: Anne Petrie
Publishing manager: Mia Leaning
Chief executive: Mike Hewitt
Today when In terms of what risk keeps corporate
corporate treasurers awake at night, those Art and design: Donna Jones
treasurers gather polled in the gtnews 2011 Treasury
Sales director: Anne-Marie Rice
together at Risk Management Survey, identified
different industry liquidity, FX and counterparty risk as Client relationship director: Adela Buglass
events, the the top three risks they will face over
Business development manager:
question of risk the coming 12 months. This guide Katharine Christian
and how to protect one’s business from takes a closer look at each of these,
the volatile markets quickly becomes a and examines how treasurers can use gtnews, an Association for Financial
Professionals®’ company headquartered in
hot topic for discussion. All treasurers, technology and specialist resources London, is the leading global knowledge resource
no matter which industry they operate to measure, manage, and mitigate the for over 50,000 treasury, finance, payments and
cash management professionals. Online, gtnews
in, have had to cope with the sheer risks they face, and add value to the is updated weekly and provides subscribers
unpredictability of the markets. business at the same time. access to an archive of almost 3,000 global
treasury articles in addition to special reports,
Interestingly, even when companies commentaries, surveys, polls, news, ratings
updates and whitepapers. Access to gtnews.
are not directly impacted by com is free of charge to those who register, and
Joy Macknight we never sell names or e-mail addresses, so our
commodity price volatility or foreign
editor, a buyer’s guide to risk readers’ privacy is assured.
exchange (FX) fluctuations, the
management systems
treasurer is worried about the knock-
on effects.
BUYER’S GUIDE 4 educing Risk in a Volatile World In order to reduce their
risk exposure, corporates have to address the volatility in the
marketplace, be it foreign exchange (FX) or commodity price
fluctuations, or political and social turmoil in the Middle East.
Risk Management Systems
Economic Uncertainty Brings FX Risk Into Focus Managing
foreign exchange (FX) risk is a key responsibility for corporate
treasurers. There are different types of FX risk that require attention,
as well as a variety of regulatory and compliance issues to address.
15 Feeling the Squeeze: Post-crisis Counterparty Risk
Management Issues such as corporate credit rating strength and
regulatory pressures in the derivatives market mean that treasurers
are finding counterparty risk to be one of the most dominant topics
in their overall risk management strategy.
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
Reducing Risk
Volatile World in a
In order to reduce their risk exposure, corporates have to address the volatility
in the marketplace, be it foreign exchange (FX) or commodity price fluctuations,
or as a result of the political and social turmoil that erupted across the Middle
East earlier this year, writes Joy Macknight.
or the second year running, liquidity, equal importance to those organisations with Unpredictability: FX, Interest Rates
foreign exchange (FX) and counterparty revenues of US$1bn or more. For the largest and Commodities
risk are the top three risks facing companies - with revenues greater than FX
corporate treasurers over the next 12 US$10bn - counterparty risk is paramount. “One issue that cascades across everything
months, according to the gtnews 2011 Treasury is the volatility seen in the marketplace - and
Risk Management Survey. Operational risk Jeffrey Wallace, managing partner, Greenwich no asset class has been immune to this,”
moved up to fourth place this year, and interest Treasury Advisors, highlights the difficulty says Justin Brimfield, senior vice president
rate risk dropped one place to fifth position. in ranking top risks because companies (SVP) of corporate development at Reval. “The
operating in various industry sectors, and FX market, for example, has experienced
The survey found that top risks differ depending either single or multiple countries, will significant fluctuations. Treasury groups need to
on where an organisation is located. For experience different pressures. understand where their exposures are in order
companies based in the Asia-Pacific, central and to hedge effectively.”
eastern Europe (CEE), and North America regions, “The risks that a technology company such
liquidity poses the most important risk. For as IBM faces are different than those that an Paul Bramwell, senior vice president, treasury
Latin America-based organisations, interest rate oil company such as BP faces. It also depends solutions, SunGard’s AvantGard corporations
risk is paramount. Organisations located in the on the scope of a company’s business: a business, agrees: “FX has been an increasing
Middle East/Africa and western Europe reported utility company in Baltimore, for example, that focus in the past few years, particularly in
concerns regarding FX risk above all others. operates domestically will not consider FX risk 2010 with the global currency crisis and the
as an issue,” he explains. partial meltdown of the euro, with the bailout of
Risk concerns also vary across company size, Ireland and the PIGS [Portugal, Italy, Greece and
as measured by annual revenue. The survey But one aspect that all corporate treasurers Spain] countries. We have not seen that level of
found that FX risk appears to be a major have had to deal with over the past few years interest in FX risk since 2000.”
concern across all revenue classes, although is the sheer volatility in world markets, whether
its rank varies. It is of greatest concern to in FX or commodity price fluctuations or as a In the gtnews 2011 Treasury Risk Management
those small companies with revenues of less result of the political and social turmoil that Survey, the majority (63%) of respondents
than US$10m. FX and liquidity risk are of erupted across the Middle East earlier this year. indicated that their primary hedging strategy
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
objective in managing FX risk is to protect the lie, plus any natural offsets that it might have, need to stress-test their portfolios to understand
organisation from adverse market conditions. and the instruments available to go out and what it means if rates go up by 25 basis points
Only 8% of organisations reported that they hedge those risks,” explains Bramwell. “The [bps] or 50 bps. Treasurers need tools and
hedge at the most favourable levels in order situation is then compounded by the fact that processes that allow them to understand their risk
to gain competitive advantage. One in five these instruments are incredibly complex.” and exposure, and ensure that they are making
organisations indicated that they do not have effective transactions that will allow them to
an FX hedging policy. Interest rates hedge and then report on that over time,” he says.
A market risk that is coming to the fore is the
The sizeable number of organisations without looming interest rate changes. Despite being Commodity prices
a hedging strategy reflects the fact that, held at historically low levels since the onset Since mid-2010, commodities - such as wheat,
until recently, it seemed to be acceptable for of the financial crisis, most countries are now steel, cotton, electricity, or crude oil - have been
companies to report currency fluctuations looking to raise interest rates, which will have experiencing extremely high price volatility.
affecting their profit and loss (P&L) in their implications with regard to borrowing rates and These large fluctuations are causing headaches
earnings statements. However, as those swings associated hedging exposures. for many treasurers. Brimfield uses the example
got bigger, there was an increased awareness of the airline sector. “In 2009, crude oil was
that even if a company had a positive swing, According to the gtnews survey, organisations about US$40 and now it is over US$100 per
this could be a bad thing. are using different hedging tools to manage barrel. This certainly impacts airline companies
interest rate risk in 2011 than they did in 2010. and their need to hedge,” he says.
“This highlighted the fact that a company The share of organisations that used swaps
didn’t know what its risks were and hadn’t increased from 52% in 2010 to 74% in 2011. At the recent gtnews European Treasurers
hedged them,” explains Bramwell. “Any Further, a greater number of organisations Council meeting, held in London on 7 February,
fluctuation is a bad thing: if it goes in a used forward rate agreements (FRAs) in 2011 the treasurers in attendance all agreed that
company’s favour, then it was lucky; but if it (42%) than in 2010 (27%). A modest share of commodity risk was a serious concern.
goes against the company, then it can wipe organisations used bond futures and/or options Interestingly, even corporates that aren’t buying
out an entire quarter’s profit. The underlying (16%); swaptions (10%) and bank-accepted bill raw materials directly, for example those in
rational for a treasury in terms of FX risk is futures (6%). retail and the travel industry, are also feeling
removing any fluctuations from the business.” the impact, as the higher cost is passed on to
“Companies have historically wanted interest them. Those treasurers expressed frustration at
When fully hedged, a company doesn’t need to rates to be fixed so that they could manage the difficulty in hedging against commodities to
worry if cross-currency spreads increase: if its the risk associated with rate changes,” says which their company is not directly exposed.
underlying business goes down in terms of FX Bramwell. “Although this risk has subsided over
value, then the FX hedges will go up in value the past few years, it is now critical to plan out Herbert Broens, head of trade finance, at
and offset the dip in the market. However, many what the cost of cash is going to be in the next pharmaceutical giant Bayer, outlines a
companies do not have people in the treasury several years.” pragmatic approach to commodity hedging,
department that understand FX risk, nor do they and also some concerns. “Companies need to
have the tools available to mitigate the risk. Reval’s Brimfield argues that companies need to determine whether commodity risk will have
“Companies need to have people within the use technology in order to fully understand how a big impact on their annual results. If it is not
organisation that understand where the risks the interest rate increase will impact them. “They comparable in annual reports, then companies
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
The three ‘M’s Brimfield. “But now companies are hiring people
to help understand risk policy, and then bringing
in technology to help report and manage it.”
of risk - measure, Bramwell agrees: “It is a very volatile market
“Cash inflow is a key issue in cash stress, so they use this information to target Bramwell believes that the value lies with
management,” says Andy Craven, head of financially sound companies,” he says. solutions that normalise and aggregate data
payments at D&B. “Our mantra is that to across the multiple platforms housed within
be forewarned is to be forearmed. We can Risk: Measure, Manage, Mitigate any business. “Most corporates have at least
highlight to a treasurer which companies are one ERP [enterprise resource planning] system
The three ‘M’s of risk - measure, manage and
less likely to pay on time. D&B provides an - more likely two or three. But even if they have
mitigate - are core to a risk strategy, but for most
early warning before the event happens, so a one, they probably have several versions of
treasuries it proves to be difficult to incorporate
company is prepared in advance, instead of the system. Therefore the data is in a different
all three. This is mainly due to the lack of
reacting to a negative event.” Many companies format and needs to be normalised,” he explains.
resources allotted to this area of the company,
are re-evaluating their business partners and “In a 2010 SunGard study, it was apparent that
whether in terms of technology or staff. corporations didn’t trust the data they were
assessing whether they are going to be in
business next year, what the potential risks are getting - it wasn’t timely and was inherently
and what they can do to mitigate those risks. Greenwich Treasury’s Wallace explains: “The inaccurate. If a treasurer doesn’t believe their
basic problem is that treasury is not a core information flows or where their exposures
In addition, Beckley believes that the credit function for a non-financial company. As a lie, then what are they going to hedge? They
management department and treasury are result, it is generally starved of resources will create exposures by hedging something
becoming increasingly involved in the front end because it doesn’t appear to be adding value. that fundamentally doesn’t fit. Therefore, it is
of the business, as opposed to just managing This means that it hasn’t been able to change critical to identify what they have, and without
risk in the existing customer base. “The credit that much in response to increased volatility.” a technology solution, it is almost impossible to
management department/treasury is now do that.”
being called on to provide insight for sales and And yet treasurers’ responsibilities and oversight
marketing teams for when they are prospecting has increased, effectively compelling them to The following features will take a more in-depth
for new customers. These teams don’t want to become more strategic. Dan Miner, general look at the top three risks facing treasurers:
waste time on companies that are in financial manager, treasury services at 3DeltaSystems, says: liquidity, FX and counterparty risk.
AFP, Association for Financial Professionals, the AFP logo, CTP, Certified Treasury Professional and the CTP logo are registered trademarks of the Association for Financial Professionals. © 9/10
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
Managing Corporate
Liquidity Risk
Anne Petrie looks at how companies can assess their liquidity risk and what
business processes and tools they can put in place in order to manage it.
he increased cost and scarcity of Identifying Liquidity Risk Areas
liquidity in the past few years brought Identifying potential areas of liquidity risk -
liquidity risk to the top of the corporate either internally or with the help of external
agenda. This was evident in the consultants - is the first step towards
gtnews Treasury Risk Management Survey managing it. James Phillips, head of
2011, which found that liquidity risk was the regulatory strategy at compliance
top risk corporates were focusing on - and solutions provider Lombard Risk,
the percentage prioritising liquidity risk had says that treasurers should
risen by three percentage points, to 28% from analyse both firm- and
the previous survey in 2010. This reflects market-specific risks. “First,
the increased focus on cash. “Right now, they need to look at the core
companies are hoarding more cash since it market-wide areas that could
reduces their risk significantly, even if it does introduce liquidity risk such as the
hurt the bottom line a bit. Running lean and potential impact on import, export or
mean is not as popular as it used to be,” says oil manufacturing,” he says. “The
Azmi Özünlü, financial markets tutor at training second test is: will this cause risks
provider 7City Learning. that are specific to the firm?”
Despite this, many corporates have not yet put Sources of liquidity risk can be:
formal procedures in place to manage liquidity • Intra-day: International time
risk. Banks have changed their approach due to zone issues could prevent
the liquidity buffers being imposed by regulators a company from calling
to ensure they have adequate capital to meet
their obligations. Although not compelled by
on funding from
elsewhere in the
Running lean
regulation to address liquidity risk in the same
and mean is not
group, or a human
way that banks are, corporates can still take a or technical ‘outage’
lead from banks in terms of the methods they could prevent it from
use, such as stress testing and putting in place
the appropriate buffers to deal with the worst-
case scenarios. “Banks have typically taken the
meeting an intra-day
demand for funds as popular as it
quickly enough.
leading role in managing liquidity risk, because
for them it’s much more crucial than for a non- • Intra-group: This
used to be
financial corporate,” Özünlü adds. will affect larger
firms, which are
Jouni Kirjola, liquidity management product potentially going to
manager at OpusCapita, notes that how much have to offer support to, or call
companies consider liquidity risk depends on support from, other parts of the
on the geographical areas they operate in. “I group.
doubt many corporates operating solely in an
economically mature area such as Europe do it. • Cross-currency: Does the firm
If they are working globally, in my experience, have sufficient quantities of required
they are more likely to have put the processes currencies available? “It’s all well and
in place.” good to have plenty of funds in another >>
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
Stress Testing
Historically, cash flow forecasting has been
forward-looking, focused on identifying
projected cash flows over, for example, one day,
10 days and one month, to ensure that where
net cash outflows exceed net inflows on a given
days, the company has enough cash on hand
to cover the shortfall. “The treasurer is always
looking forward. What happened yesterday is
interesting, but he can’t change it. He needs to
know what is going to happen tomorrow, next
week, next month or next quarter,” says Chris
Rowlands, consultant at financial IT services
firm CSC. However, as delays in payments and
the possibility of a collapse in supply chains
have increased, this is not enough.
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
The treasurer needs all the information Data quality is also key for ensuring an agile
response to changes in levels of liquidity risk
he can get his hands on, as quickly exposure - its usefulness will be negated if
the company has to wait a week for someone
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
Uncertainty Brings
FX Risk Into Focus
Managing foreign exchange (FX) risk is a key responsibility for corporate
treasurers. There are different types of FX risk that require attention, as well as
a variety of regulatory and compliance issues to address. Ben Poole examines
these challenges and the variety of tools and techniques available for treasurers
to mitigate and manage FX risk.
he importance of FX risk management is Translation risk receives less focus, according to but then it is correspondingly more difficult to
accentuated over periods of uncertainty, Kevin Lester, director of risk management and hedge balance sheet items in a cost-effective
which is a reason for its rise in prominence treasury services at Validus Risk Management, manner,” Murarka notes.
of the past few years. But what constitutes and gtnews contributing editor: “Translation
FX risk? For the purposes of this feature, FX risk is risk is an area that is often overlooked, at least Economic risk is also an area which deserves
made up of the following elements: in terms of the implementation of FX hedging more attention, as it represents the long-
• Transaction risk: The risk of value changes when strategies, largely due to the fact that it does term risk that currency volatility poses to the
a transaction executed in foreign currency is not directly impact cash flow, and as a result value of the company, and “is arguably the
measured in the functional currency. hedging translation risk can lead to cash flow most important category of FX risk,” says
• Translation risk: When a company has mismatches between hedging instruments and Lester. As the impact of economic risk goes
subsidiaries with assets or liabilities underlying exposures.” far beyond the reporting of FX gains and
denominated in a functional currency other losses, and can relate to more fundamental
than the reporting currency of the holding Despite its low profile, translation risk can have strategic issues such as competitiveness and
company. Most multinational companies important repercussions, particularly in terms geographic expansion, the more abstract nature
(MNCs) are heavily exposed to translation risk. of lending covenants, which are measured of economic risk can pose a challenge for
• Economic risk: The future impact on cash using accounting metrics that are impacted corporate treasurers. However, the significance
flows and earnings of a company as a result of by currency volatility. As such, it is often the of economic risk to commercial strategy can
long-term changes in FX rates. case that the issue of translation risk deserves also mean it is an area in which the treasurers
greater focus than it currently receives in many can add considerable value to the business.
Typically, the management of transaction risk companies, particularly in situations where a
has been the main focus of corporate treasurers. high degree of leverage is employed and there is Tools for Treasurers
Transaction risk tends to be comparatively easy significant risk of breaching lending covenants. When it comes to the tools available to treasurers
to identify and manage using traditional hedging to help manage FX risk, these can be divided into
instruments, and often generates a high degree Vikram Murarka, founder of Kshitij Consultancy two main categories:
of management focus due to its visibility in terms Services, agrees, but sounds a note of caution. 1. Internal risk mitigation tools.
of creating profit and loss (P&L) volatility. “Translation risk can be given more attention, 2. External hedging tools.
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
Internal risk mitigation tools involve minimising “Such products seem to be slowly re-emerging hedging programmes will often be judged on
the exposure or impact of FX risk on the as FX volatility has begun to decrease, and this the basis of whether or not the hedge made
company by adjusting internal business trend will likely continue as long as volatility money, thereby ignoring the original hedging
processes. These tools include intercompany remains contained,” says Lester. “This could objectives, as well as the performance of
netting programmes, risk-sharing pricing or be a dangerous trend, and treasurers should the overall portfolio (including the underlying
supply contracts, and developing natural hedging ensure that hedging products are robust exposure). Such an approach will often lead
opportunities (either through capital structure enough to manage risks effectively in highly to hedging activities that actually increase
adjustments or commercial adjustments). volatile markets.” FX risk, rather than decrease it, as the focus
According to Lester, companies are becoming becomes the hedging P&L, rather than the
more focused on maximising the use of internal Looking at strategies treasurers are currently achievement of risk management objectives
risk mitigation techniques (and this trend will employing in this area, André de Klerk, which are aligned with overall corporate
likely continue over the next 12 months), as it financial risk manager at Moneycorp, suggests strategy.” In this case, it is essential to have
allows them to: corporates are using of a blend of financial quantifiable risk KPIs that are regularly
• Minimise hedging costs. products with different weightings over monitored, and used to recalibrate hedging
• Maximise credit availability (through a different periods. “Most of the companies we activity as necessary to meet the company’s
reduction in FX credit line usage). advise use a combination of spot, forwards and risk management objectives.
• Reduce the complexity of hedging FX options to achieve an appropriate result for
implementation (e.g. hedge accounting a particular requirement,” says de Klerk. “Every Kshitij’s Murarka adds: “We think that
requirements). company has a unique set of circumstances treasurers need to re-look at their preference
• Eliminate risk substitution (i.e. exchanging FX and different market views - using the right for the ‘natural hedge’. They can increase
risk for counterparty risk or liquidity risk). products at the right time is important.” the profitability of their companies - without
changing the risk profile - by asymmetrically
External hedging tools (FX forwards, options, FX Hedging Strategies hedging both payables and receivables.
structured products, etc) remain essential tools With these tools in place, treasurers need A natural hedge is a lazy hedge, producing
for managing residual FX risk (after internal tools to ensure that they have efficient hedging lazy results.”
have been fully exploited). “The popularity of strategies in place. The main areas that
structured products, particularly those involving treasurers need to pay attention to include: Mark Warms, general manager, Europe, Middle
complex derivatives or leverage, has certainly • Establishing clear hedging objectives. East and Africa (EMEA) at FXall, suggests that
waned since the onset of the financial crisis,” • Establishing quantifiable and visible risk key the main area for treasurers to pay attention
explains Lester. A key reason for this is that many performance indicators (KPIs). to in their hedging strategies is assessing
of these structured products contained ‘short • Ensuring hedging performance is regularly which trading methods they are using for a
volatility’ components, in the sense that they benchmarked against KPIs. specific situation. “Electronic trading provides
involved writing options to subsidise the cost of treasurers with a choice of execution strategies
hedging. As such, they were disproportionately “The setting of risk KPIs and hedging and it is important that choice is based on a
impacted when volatility spiked as a result of the performance measurement is an area which thoughtful process that is appropriate for the
financial crisis, and many hedging programmes could often be improved,” comments Lester. “In specific trading situation,” Warms explains.
did not perform well as a result. the absence of such benchmarking activities, >>
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
Treasurers have often required complete end-to- analysis, making it very difficult for a third
end workflow solutions that encompass all aspects party system to meet the diverse needs of the
of trading and reporting to meet global compliance corporate treasury market,” he adds.
standards and thus manage their risks. “Execution
quality analytics tools are becoming increasingly Murarka agrees that the spreadsheet model is here
important for treasurers, providing them with to stay, but that technology providers can look at
a comprehensive trade performance overview, that as a starting point for the more complicated
as well as metrics to measure the effectiveness solutions they develop. “The most important
of their trading strategy, while at the same time technology that treasurers need is a software that
enabling regulatory compliance. End-to-end can track and collate all their FX exposures on the
integration of treasury management and hedge one side and all their hedges on the other side.
accounting systems with trading and settlement The software should look and feel like Excel, but
tools is a best practice for both risk management should work internally as a supercharged database
and operational effectiveness,” notes Warms. management system,” he says.
There are also specialised technology Over the past few years, the credit crisis
providers who focus on specific aspects of illustrated some of the limitations of current hedge
the risk management process, such as hedge accounting regulations, and accounting bodies are
accounting, deal life cycle management, working on replacement standards. Unfortunately,
exposure visibility and risk management accounting rules have been one of the things that
dashboard development. “The current trend is caused treasurers to avoid hedging. “When these
moving away from ‘all-in-one’ providers, where accounting regulations were first introduced, they
a single system is used for all aspects of FX risk became so important that they superseded the
management from operational to strategic, and business rationale for hedging. I am glad to see a
towards an integrated solution where best-of seismic shift after the financial crisis and rightly
breed providers are selected for their specific so,” says de Klerk. Economic and financial drivers
core competencies,” suggests Lester. are now far more important in determining a
hedging policy than the accounting implications.
When it comes to the more analytical or strategic
elements of FX risk management, the preferred Conclusion
tool for many corporate treasurers is still the FX presents a highly visible risk that treasurers
traditional spreadsheet (ideally populated need to manage as part of their daily
with data extracted directly from their TMS responsibilities. These challenges come in a
or accounting system to minimise data entry variety of forms, and with the OTC regulations
requirements and errors). Lester suggests that looming, it is a risk that will remain of critical
this is likely to remain the case, despite the importance in the future. There are tools and
advancements made by systems providers, due techniques available for treasurers to mitigate
to the need for flexibility when performing FX risk and manage FX risk, and it is important for
analysis. “Different corporate treasuries have every treasury department to give a thorough
very different approaches and requirements evaluation of what their needs are in this area,
when it comes to risk measurement and and to select the appropriate tools for the job.
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
raditionally, treasurers dealt with financial counterparties and only occasionally managed risk
exposures relating to business customers. This is something that has changed since the credit
crisis, according to Frank Wendt, director at KPMG Financial Risk
Management: “In the post-crisis reality, companies have learnt
that counterparty risk must be managed in a holistic way. A proper
counterparty risk framework identifies all material counterparties
which, for example, should also include suppliers.”
In order for this holistic approach to be successful, Wendt points out, the
treasury department cannot work in isolation. “Different functions - such as
purchasing, credit and collection, treasury and risk management - have
to work together to share practices, internal and external data, people’s
expertise and systems. Additionally, companies need to develop
and implement policies and procedures around counterparty risk
and have adapted them to changing regulatory and market
conditions,” notes Wendt.
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
than focusing mainly on smaller institutions and indicator that gives you a complete view, so effort and investment, as a commercial customer
considering bank risks as minimal, it is now it’s important to pull information together that, can be a commercial supplier and a financial
necessary to scrutinise exposures to banks, and to taken collectively, gives you a more complete counterparty at the same time,” says Wendt.
be proactive in managing those risks.” view,” says Williams. This credit spectrum would
include market-driven views of credit risk and The Role of Credit Ratings
Counterparty risks on all sides are greater than more fundamentally driven indicators of credit in Counterparty Risk
they were five years ago, meaning that corporate worthiness, alongside the traditional credit Credit ratings are a way to express the underlying
treasurers need to be not only vigilant, but ratings provided by the ratings agencies. “You probability that a counterparty might not perform
proactive in managing and mitigating these risks will also need this view across unrated entities, to expectations. According to Chris Dias, partner
through modern solutions. so you will need to make sure you include at KPMG Financial Risk Management, some
ways to look at the credit worthiness of unrated ratings tend to be reactive and treasurers should
Using Technology to Gain entities,” Williams adds. consider rating methodologies that are proactive
Visibility Over Counterparty Risk (mostly option and equity-based expected default
Technology can help corporate treasurers gain Additionally, technology can help treasurers frequencies). “However, the probability is essentially
visibility over their full exposure to any of the look at hundreds or thousands of entities. “Use a given and cannot be influenced, so a treasurer
counterparty risk sources previously mentioned in technology to do all of your legwork, such as has to manage the exposure and severity of a non-
a number of ways. David Williams, senior director monitoring for early warning signs of trouble and performance event. This fact leads the treasurer to
- head of fixed income architects at S&P Valuation providing a score across several indicators. Find manage the expected and non-expected loss from
and Risk Strategies, outlines some of the ways the hot spots, and then use your precious human counterparty risk,” explains Dias.
technology can assist: “First, you need a complete capital to dig deeper into where you really need
database that links individual companies to their to focus,” advises Williams. There are a number of strategies that a
ultimate parent obligor. Tying in a security-to-entity treasurer can employ to react to negative
view as well is helpful when looking at individual Taking a critical look at the technology offerings credit rating changes, including:
securities. Technology can be used to take a available, KPMG’s Wendt cautions: “The systems • Reduce the exposure by reducing trade limits
list of entities (or securities) to which you have around ERP [enterprise resource planning] and or adjust contractual terms and conditions (on
exposure and build several views on your ultimate financial supply chain management offer several single obligor level).
exposure,” explains Williams. “It’s interesting to solutions to deal with counterparty risk. However, • Diversify the risk by trading with more
do this analysis and see that your actual exposure the degree of integration to provide, for example, counterparties or distribute trades more
to individual entities or sectors is greater than one holistic counterparty risk dashboard is not intelligently through assessing credit risk
originally thought.” yet fully available.” correlations (on portfolio level).
• Transfer risk by buying risk protection from
Technology can also allow a treasurer to Currently, corporates have to work through data an external party (on single obligor and/or
generate a view across several credit indicators. warehouse and data mart structures. Online portfolio level).
“You may have several tools or solutions that analytical processing (OLAP) reporting software • Self-insure counterparty risk by anticipating
you use to put together your credit management is then able to identify the total exposures toward losses that potentially can be incorporated in the
framework. It’s hard to point to a single any counterparty. “This is an important one-time firm’s pricing (risk based pricing approach).
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
About Reval
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Reval Centre is an outsourced straight-through processing (STP) provider. foreign exchange (FX), commodity and credit derivatives. The world’s
Clients retain Reval Centre to perform derivative valuations and hedge leading corporations and financial institutions use this Sarbanes-Oxley
accounting for their hedging strategies. Reval uses its experts in financial (SOX)-compliant software-as-a-service (SaaS) to support and execute
engineering, derivative valuation, and accounting to provide timely and hedging strategies from exposure capture through performance
accurate mark-to-market and hedge accounting services to clients who are measurement and to comply with international and domestic
not able to manage the programmes internally. accounting standards, including ASC 815 (FAS 133), ASC 820 (FAS
Top reasons why companies choose Reval: 157), IAS 39 and IFRS 7. Reval deploys rapidly and integrates easily
• Exposure identification and quantification: We help you to capture and with treasury management and enterprise resource planning (ERP)
analyse your exposures from a business unit and corporate level so you systems. The company’s SaaS platform and team of financial experts
are also available on an outsourced basis through Reval Centre. Reval
can make hedging and risk decisions with the best available information.
was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in New York, with regional
• Implementation and execution of hedging strategies: We provide a centers based in Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto, London,
critical array of tools that allow you to execute hedging strategies - from Frankfurt, Graz, Sydney, Hong Kong, and Gurgaon.
capture of derivative transactions through all stages of trade execution
For more information, visit or email
and confirmation.
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a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
a buyer’s guide to Risk Management Systems
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Only those vendors that filled out the gtnews RMS Functionality Survey between February 2011 - April 2011 are included.
Courses include:
An Introduction to Treasury – Essentials of International
A Day in the Life of a Treasury Cash Management
Department Need to get up to speed quickly, under
This unique course has been designed severe time pressure? If you can spare
specifically for those who need to the time for only one in-depth course
understand how a treasury team on international cash management,
functions but don’t want to spend two this course will bring you a wealth of
or more days out of the office. information and experience in three days.
Bond Origination & New Issues Strategic Cash and Treasury
This three-day course takes the Management
delegate through the complete new A three-day course on strategic cash
issues process: from the pitch for the and treasury management, which will
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derivatives management. and those with a business interest in
treasury the chance to improve their
Corporate Risk Management
This two-day training provides treasury skill set.
In-house Training
participants relevant tools for a gtnews will work with our faculty of
Supply Chain Finance
holistic approach to corporate risk expert tutors to deliver any of these
This unique course has been designed
management and the added value courses in-house for you and your
specifically for those who need to
of treasury. team. Taking a consultative approach
understand the basics of supply chain
we will develop a course tailored to
Enhancing Treasury Performance management and the impact of
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This unique new course has been supply chain operations on corporate
With more than five delegates
designed to take the pain out of financial performance.
attending this offers a substantial
understanding how and, in particular, Treasury and Working Capital cost saving to your company over
what technology is available for the Management our public course fees.
Treasury Department.
This one-day course provides Please contact:
Trade Finance Training participants relevant tools for a holistic Diana Henderson, Director of
This comprehensive two-day course is approach to enterprise wide working Training,,
designed to provide an overview of the capital management and the potential +44 (0)20 7079 2808
risks of doing cross-border business. role of treasury.
Contact Us
If you would like to attend any of our training courses, or would like to receive more
details, then visit:, e-mail or call
Diana Henderson on +44 (0)20 7079 2808.