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Student Registration Number 2014111109
PGRI University of Palembang
E-mail : tantryputri21@gmail.com

Advisor : (1) Drs. Djunaidi, M.S.L.S

(2) Aswadi Jaya, M.Pd

The problem of this study was “were there any significant differences on
the eighth grade students’ listening comprehension achievements after they were
taught through listening team strategy and those who were not?”. Therefore, the
main objective of this study was to find out whether there were significant
differences between the eighth grade students listening comprehension
achievements after they were taught and those who were not.
This study applied a quasi-experimental design. The population was the
eighth grade students of State Junior High School 1 of Tanjung Raja with the total
number of the 215 students. The sample was 62 students. They were 31 students
as experimental group from class VIII.2 and 31 students as control group from
class VIII.5, taken by using purposive sampling. The data were collected by using
a written test with multiple choice questions and analyzed by using t-test.
The result of t-obtained was 8.82 at signifance level of 0.05 and with one-
tailed testing. Since the value of t-obtained was higher than the value of t-table
(8.82 > 1.697) consequently the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that there were significant
effects of listening team strategy on the eighth grade students’ listening
comprehension at State Junior High School 1 of Tanjung Raja.

Key words: Listening Comprehension, Listening Team Strategy, Junior

High School 1 of Tanjung Raja.
I. Introduction and sound sequences, whereby

Listening will make the known words are recognizable”.

students familiarize themselves to the Listening is a skill of language. It

language and it will easy for them to requires a desire to understand

get in touch to the language. another human being, an attitude of

Listening also can make the students respect and acceptance, and a

share the information that they willingness to open one’s mind to try

listened and can tell the information and see things from another’s point

to another people or their friends. of view. Then, listening is a process

However, Field (2008, p.1) states to listen words or sentences with our

that “Students are rarely assessed on ears, especially in this case listen

their listening skills, and the English, we need to comprehend the

problems of many weak listeners words or the sentences that we listen

pass undiagnosed”. According to to get the main idea from what we

Babita (2013, p.1), “Listening skill is listen, our brain must have good

key to receiving messages connection to our ears in this

effectively. It is a combination of process, and sometime to make our

hearing what another person says and brain more responsive need to do a

psychological involvement with the physic movement and this treatment

person who is talking”. Furthermore, can help our brain able to remember

Asemota (2015, p.27-28) states that new word or new sentences. The

“Listening is the process of reasons why listening skill is

identifying the component of sounds

important because listening is one of strategy in order to make the students

skill to communicate with others. interest, understand about the

material and more active in the class.

Inspite of the importance of

listening skill there are many There are many strategies or

problems that are still faced by the methods that can be used to teach

students in listening activities. First, listening. One of them can be

some students had low motivation in developed for listening

learning listening it is because the comprehension that is called

students often get bored when the Listening Team Strategy. According

teacher gives the material or just to Silberman (2006, p.116),

doing daily activities like listen to the “Listening team strategy is a strategy

audio or cassate. Second, the that helps participants stay focused

students may lack of grammar and and alert during a lecture”. However,

vocabulary, it will make the students Suprijono (2009, p.79) states that

confused, bored and not concentrated “The teacher in listening team is only

during the teaching listening process. a facilitator, dividing students into

Third, it is about the teacher strategy. four group with different roles then

The students may be bored with the giving the opportunity to the students

strategy that the teacher used that is to work in group according tho their

why the students not interesting in respective roles, but in the same

listening process. Moreover, the topic of continous discussion”.

teacher should be creative in “Listening Team is done by diving

choosing material, media and the students into in groups and

assigning different tasks to each II. LITERATURE REVIEW

group” (Silberman, 2006, p.121). It 2.1 Concept of Teaching

means that, listening team strategy is Teaching is a giving a lesson to

a strategy that help the students focus students in a school, college

and concentrate in teaching listening university, et cetera. According to

process, understand with the material Brown (2007, p.8), “Teaching is

that the teacher gives, and help the guiding and facilitating learning,

students to share the information to enabling the learner to learn, setting

their friends. the conditions for learning”.

Moreover, Gage (2009, p.2)

1.2 Problem of the Study
illustrates that “Teaching is well-nigh
The problem of this study the point of the whole educational
was the eighth grade students of enterprise and establishment aimed at
State Junior High School 1 of producing student learning”.
Tanjung Raja have weakness in Teaching is not easy as we see. The
listening. The students had teacher should be active when teach
difficulties in understanding the the students because teaching is
information, and the students‘ ability involving many aspects.
in listening was still low because of
The expert one like Brown
limitation of vocabulary.
(2000, p.7) states that “Teaching is

showing or helping someone how to

do something providing with

knowledge, causing to know or

understand”. Based on the defnition students, but some teachers just

above, it is clear that teaching is very transfer the knowledge commonly.

important corelation between teacher As we know that, the teaching

and students. The teacher should be process will successful if the teacher

handle the class in every situation teach wisely, because teaching refers

and build up the atmosphere when to art of giving instruction in order to

teach, so the students getting the real transfer knowledge in their daily life.

situation, knowledge and

A teacher is great and their
teaching profession greates of all as

Hyland (2003, p.100) states it is very noble to important to

that “Teaching is largely process of others. Based on explanation above

tranfroming content knowledge into teaching means transfer the

pedagogically effective forms, and information to help, facilitate, guide

this is most in evidence when and motivate students in learning

teachers are considering both their then the students have the

learners and their profession in knowledge.

modifying and creating materials”. In

2.2 Concept of Listening
other words, according to Harmer
(2007, p.107) “Teaching is like doing
2.2.1 Definition of Listening
acting because it feels like on the

stage”. Listening is an active process

that depends upon the listener

Most teachers love their job
attending to and understanding what
like teaching and educate the
is heard. Listening is pay attention to listening”. Every skills is important

somebody or something that you can for students. The students should be

hear. According to Babita (2013, able to understand that as their ability

p.1), “Listening skill is key to especially in listening. As we know 2

receiving messages effectively. It is a years old children is learning how to

combination of hearing what another speak from his/her family especially

person says and psychological from his/her mother. The first word

involvement with the person who is that she/he listen is their mother

talking”. Furthermore, Asemota tongue. The children will speak up

(2015, p.27-28) states that “Listening and listen well when his/her mother

is the process of identifying the speak up and a lot. That is the point

component of sounds and sound of listening that is done by the

sequences, whereby known words children toward his/her mother.

are recognizable”. Listening also can

Moreover, Gilakjani and
understand that the meaning of
Sabouri (2016, p.1670), state that
listening to take notice of what
“Listening skill is very important in
somebody says.
foreign language learning because

Mutmainnah et al (2014, the key to learn the language is to

p.34) illustrates that “Listening is the receive language input”.

most frequently used language skill

It can be concluded that
in everyday life because more than
listening is one of language skills
forty percent of our daily
because in daily communication it
communication time is spent on
requires to understand what another
person says, and it is the key to The main problem of listening is how

communication with another. to understand the information those

heard only a moment then gone.

2.2.2 Definition of Listening

Comprehension According to Gilajkani and

Sabouri (2016, p.123), “Listening

Listening comprehension is
comprehension is to comprehend the
the ability to secure the meaning of
language at normal speed in an
content or information. According to
automatic condition”. Furthermore,
Richards (2008, p.3), “Listening as
Gilajkani and Sabouri (2016, p.1670)
comprehension is the traditional way
state that “Listening comprehension
of thinking about the nature of
is an important part of language
listening”. However, Buck (2001,
learning. Learners want to
p.1) states that “Listening
understand native speaker and a lot
comprehension is a process, a very
of multimedia like DVD’s and the
complex process, and if we want to
internet”. It means that listening
measure it, we must trying to
comprehension is to understand and
measure is the starting point for test
to remember the meaning of the
words that learners listen.
Listening is a process to get
2.2.3 Types of Listening
the information which listeners get

from visual and auditory in order to According to Kline (1996,

define what is going on and what the p.29), “Different situations require

speakers are trying to say or express. different types of listening”. We

must understand the different types the job, in the community, at

of listening. They are: service clubs, in place of

worship, in the family—there

1. Informative Listening
is practically no place you
Informative listening is the
can go where critical listening
name we give to the situation
is unimportant.
where the listener’s primary
5. Discriminative Listening
concern is to understand the
Discriminative may be the
most important type, for it is
2. Relationship Listening
basic to the other four. By
The purpose of relationship
being sensitive to changes in
listening is either to help an
the speaker’s rate, volume,
individual or to improve the
force, pitch, and emphasis,
relationship between people.
the informative listener can
3. Appreciative Listening
detect even nuances of
Appreciative listening
difference in meaning.
includes listening to music

for enjoyment, to speakers 2.3 Concept of Listening Team

because you like their style, Strategy

to your choices in theater,

Listening team strategy is one
television, radio or film.
of strategy or method that can be
4. Critical Listening
used for teachers to teach listening.
The ability to listen critically
According to Silberman (2006,
is essential in democracy. On
p.116) “Listening team strategy is a
strategy that helps participants stay activities. If the
learning activities
focused and alert during a lecture”. actively, it will
affect the students'
However, Suprijono (2009, p.79) understanding.

states that “The teacher in listening Listening team strategy can

team is only a facilitator, dividing make students more be active in the

students into four group with class because in this strategy the

different roles then giving the students divided into four groups and

opportunity to the students to work in they discuss the material with their

group according tho their respective friends and it will make them more

roles, but in the same topic of intimate.

continous discussion”.
Lubis (2014, p.270) states

Lubis (2014, p.265-267) that “The scheme of Listening Team

states that Strategy is shown in the table

Listening team Teacher
strategy aims to
require students to
take responsibility
for team work and
to make the
students more
motivated to find
the correct answers
to solve the
problems and to
find ways to
complete learning
2.4 Procedures of Teaching  The teacher prepared
Listening Comprehension Through
Listening the students to listen
Team the audio

The procedures of listening  The teacher divided

team strategy. They are as follows: the students into four

teams and give the

1) Pre-activities
teams these
 The teacher motivated
the students by asking
Team 1 as a
some questions related
to the topic of lesson.
 The teacher reviewed
assignment is
the previous lesson.
after the lesson
 The teacher introduced
they ask at
the students the
least two
material about
question about
narrative, the
the material.
procedures in learning
 Team 2 as an
listening through
listening team
assignments is
2) Whilst activities
select points

they agree with

(or found story in theme legends

helpful) and and fairy tales.

explain why.  The teacher asks the

 Team 3 as a students to listen

critics, their carefully the audio

assignment is  Tape was replayed and

comment on the teachers ask the

anything you students to write down

disagreed with in the deleted word of

(or found the text that the

helpful) team teachers give.

2 and explain  The teacher gave the

why. teams a few moments

 Team 4 as an to compelete their

idea givers, assignment and

their discuss.

assignment is  Calls on each team to

give specific question, agree and so

ideas or forth. The teacher

applications of should obtain more

the material. students participation

 The teacher presents than ever imagined.

the audio of narrative 3) Post-activities

 Students conclude the does not meet all the requirements

material. necessary for controlling the

 Teacher gives follow influence of extraneous variables”.

up activities.

 Teacher informs next

3.2 Population and Sample

III. RESEARCH PROCEDURE Fraenkel et al (2012, p.91), state that

“Population is the larger group to

3.1 Method of the Study which one hopes to apply the

In this study the writer used two

classes. One class as an experimental

group, where in this group the Fraenkel et al (2012, p.91), state that

students gave the treatment by using “Sample is the group on which

listening team strategy. Another one information is obtained”.1 The

is a control group, where in this sample of this study was taken from

group the students gave the the population by using purposive

conventional method of teaching. In sampling. Ary et al, (2009, p.156),

this study, the quasi-experimental state that “Purposive sampling also

was used. Christense, et al (2015, referred to as judgment sampling.

p.290) state that “Quasi-experimental 1

Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E
Wallen, and Hellen H. Hyun, How to Design
study is an experimental design that and Evaluate Research in Education, at 8th
Ed, (New York NY: Mc Graw-Hill, 2012),
Sample elements judged to be experimental class as samples where

typical, or representative, are chosen VIII 5 was chosen as control class

from the population. To get the and VIII 2 was chosen as

representative result of this study, the experimental class.

writer only will choose those who are

First, the pre-test was given
knowledgeable”. There were seven
before the treatment. Then, after
classes of the population of the
getting the result of the pre-test, the
eighth grade students of State Junior
treatment was given. Second, after
High School 1 of Tanjung Raja. The
the treatment had completed, the
sample in this study were the
post-test was given at the end of the
students of class VIII.2 and VIII.5
where VIII.2 was chosen as

experimental group and VIII.5 was

chosen as control group. 3.4 Technique for Analyzing Data

3.3 Technique for Collecting Data Paired t-test (matched t-

test/dependent t-test) and

independent t-test were used by the

Written test was given that consists
writer to analyze the data.
of the pre-test and post-test in this

study. In this test, multiple choice

questions was given with 40 IV. FINDINGS AND

questions to the control class and INTERPRETATION

The result of paired t- control group was -3.15 (left-side

test and independent t-test showed test), where the value of t-table was

that it was effective to teach listening 1.697 at significance level of 0,05

comprehension through listening and with one tailed testing. Since the

team strategy to the eighth grade value of t-table obtained was lower

students of State Junior High School than the value of t-table (-3.15<

1 of Tanjung Raja. The result of 1.697) consequently the null

paired t-test in experimental group hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and

was -13.30 (left-side test), where the alternative hypothesis was accepted.

value of t-table was 1.697 at It means indicated the students’ score

significance level of 0,05 and with before treatment lower than the

one tailed testing. Since the value of students’ score after treatment there

t-table obtained was lower than the was average increase in the students’

value of t-table (-13.30 < 1.697) score before and after treatment was

consequently the null hypothesis given. The result of independent t-

(Ho) was rejected and alternative test was 8.82 at significance level of

hypothesis was accepted. It means 0.05 and with one tailed testing.

indicated the students’ score before Since the value of t-obtained was

treatment lower than the students’ higher than the value of t-table (8.82

score after treatment there was > 1.697) consequently the null

average increase in the students’ hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the

score before and after treatment was alternative hypothesis (Ha) was

given. The result paired t-test in accepted. It means that it was

effective to teach listening result of Independent sample t-test,

comprehension through listening the result of t-obtained was 8.82 at

team strategy to the eighth grade significance level of 0,05 and with

students of State Junior High School one tailed testing. Since the value of

1 of Tanjung Raja. t-obtained was higher than the value

of t-table (8.82> 1.697) consequently

the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected
and the alternative hypothesis (Ha)
5.1 Conclusions
was accepted. It means that it was
It was effective to teach
effective to teach listening
listening comprehension through
comprehension through listening
listening team strategy to the eighth
team strategy to the eighth grade
grade students of State Junior High
students of State Junior High School
School 1 of Tanjung Raja. The result
1 of Tanjung Raja.
of paired sample, the result of t-

obtained was -13.30 (left-side test),

5.2 Suggestions
where the value of t-table was 1.697
Based on the conclusion
at significance level of 0,05 and with
above, the writer would give some
one tailed testing. Since the value of
suggestions for English teachers,
t-table obtained was lower than the
students and researchers.
value of t-table (-13.30 < 1.697),

consequently the null hypothesis

(Ho) was rejected and alternative

hypothesis was accepted and the

5.2.1 For the English Teachers to conduct similiar study at

A teacher as a fasilitator, other grade of students to improve of

should have knowledge to share the teaching English.

information about the materials and

using appropriate strategy that
Ary, Donald, Lucy C.J, Asghar R, &
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Babita, Tyagi. (2013). Listening: An
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Brown, H. Douglas. (2007).
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Buck, Garry. (2001). Assesing Listening.
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Johnson and Lisa A. Turner. Comprehension Difficulties in

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