Student Registration Number 2014111109
PGRI University of Palembang
E-mail : tantryputri21@gmail.com
The problem of this study was “were there any significant differences on
the eighth grade students’ listening comprehension achievements after they were
taught through listening team strategy and those who were not?”. Therefore, the
main objective of this study was to find out whether there were significant
differences between the eighth grade students listening comprehension
achievements after they were taught and those who were not.
This study applied a quasi-experimental design. The population was the
eighth grade students of State Junior High School 1 of Tanjung Raja with the total
number of the 215 students. The sample was 62 students. They were 31 students
as experimental group from class VIII.2 and 31 students as control group from
class VIII.5, taken by using purposive sampling. The data were collected by using
a written test with multiple choice questions and analyzed by using t-test.
The result of t-obtained was 8.82 at signifance level of 0.05 and with one-
tailed testing. Since the value of t-obtained was higher than the value of t-table
(8.82 > 1.697) consequently the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that there were significant
effects of listening team strategy on the eighth grade students’ listening
comprehension at State Junior High School 1 of Tanjung Raja.
Listening also can make the students respect and acceptance, and a
share the information that they willingness to open one’s mind to try
listened and can tell the information and see things from another’s point
However, Field (2008, p.1) states to listen words or sentences with our
that “Students are rarely assessed on ears, especially in this case listen
Babita (2013, p.1), “Listening skill is listen, our brain must have good
hearing what another person says and brain more responsive need to do a
person who is talking”. Furthermore, can help our brain able to remember
Asemota (2015, p.27-28) states that new word or new sentences. The
problems that are still faced by the methods that can be used to teach
students often get bored when the Listening Team Strategy. According
doing daily activities like listen to the “Listening team strategy is a strategy
students may lack of grammar and and alert during a lecture”. However,
vocabulary, it will make the students Suprijono (2009, p.79) states that
confused, bored and not concentrated “The teacher in listening team is only
Third, it is about the teacher strategy. four group with different roles then
The students may be bored with the giving the opportunity to the students
strategy that the teacher used that is to work in group according tho their
why the students not interesting in respective roles, but in the same
that the teacher gives, and help the guiding and facilitating learning,
and students. The teacher should be process will successful if the teacher
handle the class in every situation teach wisely, because teaching refers
teach, so the students getting the real transfer knowledge in their daily life.
teachers are considering both their then the students have the
somebody or something that you can for students. The students should be
person says and psychological from his/her mother. The first word
involvement with the person who is that she/he listen is their mother
(2015, p.27-28) states that “Listening and listen well when his/her mother
is the process of identifying the speak up and a lot. That is the point
define what is going on and what the p.29), “Different situations require
students into four group with class because in this strategy the
different roles then giving the students divided into four groups and
opportunity to the students to work in they discuss the material with their
group according tho their respective friends and it will make them more
continous discussion”.
Lubis (2014, p.270) states
Listening team Teacher
strategy aims to
require students to
take responsibility
for team work and
to make the
students more
motivated to find
the correct answers
to solve the
problems and to
find ways to
complete learning
2.4 Procedures of Teaching The teacher prepared
Listening Comprehension Through
Listening the students to listen
Team the audio
their discuss.
up activities.
In this study the writer used two
group, where in this group the Fraenkel et al (2012, p.91), state that
is a control group, where in this sample of this study was taken from
test and independent t-test showed test), where the value of t-table was
comprehension through listening and with one tailed testing. Since the
team strategy to the eighth grade value of t-table obtained was lower
students of State Junior High School than the value of t-table (-3.15<
was -13.30 (left-side test), where the alternative hypothesis was accepted.
significance level of 0,05 and with before treatment lower than the
one tailed testing. Since the value of students’ score after treatment there
t-table obtained was lower than the was average increase in the students’
value of t-table (-13.30 < 1.697) score before and after treatment was
(Ho) was rejected and alternative test was 8.82 at significance level of
hypothesis was accepted. It means 0.05 and with one tailed testing.
indicated the students’ score before Since the value of t-obtained was
treatment lower than the students’ higher than the value of t-table (8.82
score after treatment there was > 1.697) consequently the null
average increase in the students’ hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the
score before and after treatment was alternative hypothesis (Ha) was
team strategy to the eighth grade significance level of 0,05 and with
students of State Junior High School one tailed testing. Since the value of