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Manual - PTP - Package - Festo: Codesys, Twincat and Sysmac Studio Library For Festo Motor Controllers in Point-To-Point Mode

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Codesys, TwinCAT
and Sysmac Studio
library for Festo
motor controllers in
point-to-point mode



Festo SE & Co. KG

Ruiter Straße 82
73734 Esslingen


1 Important information ........................................................................................ 4

1. 1 Version overview ................................................................................................. 4
1. 2 Intended use ....................................................................................................... 5
1. 3 Safety instructions .............................................................................................. 5
1. 4 Target group ....................................................................................................... 5
1. 5 Service ................................................................................................................ 5

2 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 6
2. 1 Installing the library package .............................................................................. 6
2. 1. 1 Codesys extension in Automation Suite .............................................................. 6
2. 1. 2 Codesys 3.5 (stand-alone) .................................................................................. 6
2. 1. 3 Beckhoff TwinCAT 3 ............................................................................................ 7
2. 1. 4 Omron Sysmac Studio ......................................................................................... 9
2. 2 Correct use of acyclic communication (SDO access) ......................................... 11

3 PLCopen function blocks .................................................................................. 12

3. 1 General ............................................................................................................. 12
3. 2 PLCopen diagram .............................................................................................. 13
3. 3 MC_Power_Festo .............................................................................................. 14
3. 4 MC_Home_Festo ............................................................................................... 15
3. 5 MC_Stop_Festo ................................................................................................. 16
3. 6 MC_Halt_Festo .................................................................................................. 17
3. 7 MC_MoveAbsolute_Festo ................................................................................. 18
3. 8 MC_MoveRelative_Festo ................................................................................... 19
3. 9 MC_MoveAdditive_Festo................................................................................... 20
3. 10 MC_MoveVelocity_Festo ................................................................................... 21
3. 11 MC_TorqueControl_Festo.................................................................................. 22
3. 12 MC_ReadParameter_Festo ................................................................................ 23
3. 13 MC_WriteParameter_Festo ............................................................................... 24
3. 14 MC_ReadStringParameter_Festo ...................................................................... 25
3. 15 MC_WriteStringParameter_Festo ...................................................................... 26
3. 16 MC_ReadActualPosition_Festo ......................................................................... 27
3. 17 MC_ReadActualVelocity_Festo .......................................................................... 28
3. 18 MC_ReadActualTorque_Festo ........................................................................... 29
3. 19 MC_ReadStatus_Festo ...................................................................................... 30
3. 20 MC_ReadAxisError_Festo .................................................................................. 31
3. 21 MC_Reset_Festo ............................................................................................... 32
3. 22 MC_Jog_Festo ................................................................................................... 33
3. 23 MC_RecordTable_Festo..................................................................................... 34
3. 24 MC_ReadAxisInfo_Festo .................................................................................... 35
3. 25 MC_DeviceService_Festo .................................................................................. 36

4 Control via method call .................................................................................... 37

5 Diagnostics ....................................................................................................... 39

6 BufferMode ....................................................................................................... 43

7 Direction ........................................................................................................... 44

8 Visualisation of function blocks ....................................................................... 45


9 Application examples ....................................................................................... 46

9. 1 Example of function blocks ............................................................................... 46
9. 2 Example of a method call .................................................................................. 47
1 Important information
1. 1 Version overview

Author Date Comments

chmm 28.05.2018 Manual created
chmm 23.10.2018 Manual extended (MC_ReadAxisInfo_Festo, AxisIsMoving, AxisWarning)
chmm 28.11.2018 CMMT-ST added
chmm 17.12.2018 Property and Error-IDs added
chmm 22.01.2019 Function blocks extended by input “ContinuousUpdate” and output “Active”, examples
chmm 28.01.2019 New error numbers, TwinCAT picture changed
chmm 29.04.2019 Description of Diagnostics extended, note for “MC_Home_Festo” extended
chmm 06.06.2019 Description of FB “MC_ReadStatus_Festo” and ErrorID 2069 extended
chmm 09.09.2019 Bugfix in section 4 “Control via method call”
chmm 12.09.2019 Error ID 0x800 added
chmm 17.09.2019 Datatype of FB outputs “ErrorID” changed into “WORD”
Number range of Error ID adapted (+1000)
chmm 30.10.2019 Fb input “Direchtion” added, section Diagnostics extended
chmm 20.11.2019 Section “Omron Sysmac Studio” added
chmm 22.01.2020 Init error extended, bugfix in MC_Power_Festo, new input „WcState_In“ for TC3
chmm 13.02.2020 Init error extended, Figure 8 updated
chmm 17.02.2020 Legal form of the company changed (cover sheet)
chmm 27.02.2020 UpdateTime to function block "MC_ReadAxisInfo_Festo" added
chmm 05.03.2020 Function block "MC_DeviceService_Festo" added
chmm 11.03.2020 Name of subsections in section 1 improved
chmm 30.06.2020 Section 2.2 added

1 Important information

1. 2 Intended use

The function blocks based on PLCopen or the direct method calls allow the varied functions of the motor controllers
from Festo to be conveniently integrated into the PLC program. The function blocks are called cyclically using a
separate instance for each motor controller (each axis) integrated into the user program. Simultaneous use of other
function blocks for controlling the same device is not permitted. The library described is used to control and
parameterise the following motor controllers:

• Servo drives CMMT-AS

• Servo drives CMMT-ST

Observe the "Safety instructions" and instructions on the intended use of the respective devices, components and
modules. When connected with commercially available components, such as sensors and actuators, the specified
limits for pressures, temperatures, electrical data, torques, etc. must be observed.

1. 3 Safety instructions

When commissioning and programming positioning systems, you must observe the safety regulations in the
manuals and operating instructions for the components used. The user must ensure that nobody has access to the
sphere of influence of the connected actuators. Access to the potential danger area must be prevented by suitable
measures such as barriers and warning signs.

1. 4 Target group

This description is intended exclusively for technicians trained in control and automation technology, who have
experience in installing, commissioning, programming and diagnosing positioning systems and the relevant

1. 5 Service

If you have a technical problem, please contact your local Festo service partner or use the respective contact form at the
following website.

2 Introduction
2. 1 Installing the library package

2. 1. 1 Codesys extension in Automation Suite

Separate installation of the point-to-point package is not necessary since this is automatically updated when the CMMT
plug-in is installed. All that is necessary during configuration is to select which operation mode and which version of the
package should be used. These settings can be found in the CMMT plug-in under "Operation Mode" in the "Fieldbus"
category on the "Parameterisation" tab (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Automation Suite

2. 1. 2 Codesys 3.5 (stand-alone)

If Codesys provided by Festo (stand-alone) is used, the package must be installed by the Codesys Package Manager.
Please contact the central service department to get the package. Double-clicking the package file starts the Package
Manager. Once the installation has been successfully completed, Codesys must be restarted to initialise the data. The
Festo motor controller can then be added to an EtherCAT® master (see Figure 2). The motor controller can then be
used in the user program with immediate effect. Separate instancing or linking of the input and output data is not
necessary. The device name is used as the axis reference (AXIS_REF_FESTO).

Figure 2: Codesys - adding a device

2 Introduction

2. 1. 3 Beckhoff TwinCAT 3
The package described above cannot be used if the motor controller CMMT-AS from Festo is integrated into a TwinCAT 3
project from Beckhoff. In this case, the device description file and the libraries must be integrated manually. The
EtherCAT® slave information (esi) must be copied into the TwinCAT installation path provided for this (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Esi directory in TwinCAT

The specified libraries will not be supported by TwinCAT XAE engineering enviroments older than version 3.1.4020.0.
(Reason: Compiler version is not compatible).

The programmer can stat TwinCAT once the device description file has been added. The libraries for the drive must then
be installed in the Library Repository. If, for example, the motor controller CMMT-AS is being used, the user must install
five libraries (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: TwinCAT Library Repository

In the next step, the user must add the installed libraries to the project (see Figure 5 – purple frame). The drive
library must then be instanced and called cyclically (Figure 5 – red frames). Once the user project has been
successfully compiled, the library variables can be linked with the drive's project data objects (PDOs). This is done by
linking the library variables with the motor controller variables of the same name (see Figure 5 – orange and green
frames). The created block instance can then be used as an axis reference in the user project. On the one hand, it can
be used as an axis variable of the type "AXIS_REF_FESTO" for the blocks described below. On the other hand,
methods can be started directly from this instance. A more detailed description of the method call can be found in
section 4.

2 Introduction

The instance variables “WcState_In”, “SlaveState_In” and “AdsAddr_In” must be linked to the drive . Only this linking
enables SDO communication (Service-Data-Object communication) between PLC and CMMT-AS or CMMT-ST.

Figure 5: Device integration in TwinCAT

2 Introduction

2. 1. 4 Omron Sysmac Studio

In order to be able to use the PtP library in the Sysmac Studio from Omron, it’s advisable to copy it into the default
folder provided for this purpose (C:\OMRON\Data\Lib). Afterwards, the library can be integrated into the project under
“Project – Library – Show references”.

After successful configuration of the network, the servo drive must be linked to the library’s axis structure
(PTP_AXIS_REF_FESTO). The axis structure and the logic variables for the drive’s input and output data (PDOs) must
be instantiated to this end. This can be accomplished, for example, in the global variables list (see Figure 6: Global
variables list Sysmac Studio).

A separate type “PTP_AXIS_REF_FESTO” axis structure must be instantiated in the PLC program for each servo drive.

Figure 6: Global variables list Sysmac Studio

After successful instantiation, the motor controller’s cyclical process data must be linked to the available variables (PDO
mapping) (see Figure 7: PDO mapping Sysmac Studio).

Figure 7: PDO mapping Sysmac Studio

2 Introduction

The axis module must then be instantiated in the PLC program and cyclically invoked (red frames). The previously set
up axis structure (green frames) and the logic variables (purple frames) of the drive’s inputs and outputs serve as
input and output variables, (see Figure 8: Cyclical invocation of the axis module). The input variable „EC_PDActive“ of
the axis module (PTP_CIA402_CMMT_AS) must be active for processing. It can be assigned, for example, with the
"_EC_PDActive" system variable (yellow frame). In order to ensure mandatory SDO communication (service data
object communication) between the PLC and the drive, the “SlaveNodeInfo” must also be transferred to the axis
module (blue arrow).

The type “PTP_CIA402_CMMT_FESTO” axis module must always be cyclically invoked.

Figure 8: Cyclical invocation of the axis module

2 Introduction

2. 2 Correct use of acyclic communication (SDO access)

Via the service data object (SDO) write or read command, the PLC can access the object directory of the drive acyclically.
As a result, the data of a parameter are written or read. After the SDO command has been processed, the drive sends an
acknowledgement to the PLC. This communication generates acyclic bus load. Depending on the number of drives and
the number of SDO commands sent at the same time, the PLC can reach the limit of the maximum number of SDO
communication commands permitted at the same time. It is therefore recommended to keep the number of acyclic read
and write accesses to a minimum.

The function blocks of the PtP library from Festo also implicitly generate SDO commands if input data at the function
block change compared to the previous call (e.g. "Acceleration", "Decceleration", "Jerk", "Direction", "BufferMode",
"HomingMethod", etc.). If the values remain unchanged from the previous call, the respective block generates one SDO
write command per input parameter only with the very first call. This first write command can also be prevented if the
input "Acceleration", "Deceleration", "Jerk", "Direction" or "BufferMode" is = 0 at the time of the start of movement. In
this case, the value set in the motor controller is used for this parameter. No acyclic write command is generated.

In addition, the PtP library generates several SDO commands per drive during the initialization phase in order to read out
set parameters such as the factor group. These acyclic read commands cannot be deactivated.

Omron controllers can execute a maximum of 32 instructions simultaneously. If the number of 32 is exceeded, the error
"Communication Resource Overflow" is displayed. In this case it is recommended to implement the above instructions
to minimize acyclic instructions.

The following Omron blocks generate an instruction: EC_CoESDOWrite, EC_CoESDORead, EC_StartMon, EC_StopMon,
EC_SaveMon, EC_CopyMon, EC_DisconnectSlave, EC_ConnectSlave, EC_ChangeEnableSetting, IOL_ReadObj, and

3 PLCopen function blocks
3. 1 General

The blocks described here were developed using the technical PLCopen specification "Function blocks for motion
control - Version 2.0". Most of the single-axis blocks have been implemented. In order to extend the function range
for motor controllers from Festo, further blocks have been additionally implemented with the same design and the
same behaviour. Further information such as time charts can be found in the PLCopen specification. This library
contains the following elements:

- MC_Power_Festo
- MC_Home_Festo
- MC_Stop_Festo
- MC_Halt_Festo
- MC_MoveAbsolute_Festo
- MC_MoveRelative_Festo
- MC_MoveAdditive_Festo
- MC_MoveVelocity_Festo
- MC_TorqueControl_Festo
- MC_ReadParameter_Festo
- MC_WriteParameter_Festo
- MC_ReadStringParameter_Festo
- MC_WriteStringParameter_Festo
- MC_ReadActualPosition_Festo
- MC_ReadActualVelocity_Festo
- MC_ReadActualTorque_Festo
- MC_ReadStatus_Festo
- MC_ReadAxisError_Festo
- MC_Reset_Festo
- MC_Jog_Festo
- MC_RecordTable_Festo
- MC_ReadAxisInfo_Festo
- MC_DeviceService_Festo

Function block inputs have to set in user units partly (e.g. position, distance, velocity und dynamic values). This is
always the user unit parameterized in the drive in the "Fieldbus" tab (e.g. rounds, degree, inch, etc.).
If the user unit "Metric" was set in the drive, the function block inputs must be specified in mm, mm/s, mm/s² oder
mm/s³. The function block outputs, for example the current position, are also specified in mm in this case.

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 2 PLCopen diagram

The diagram below shows the individual states of an axis and the transitions possible in each case. The current status
of the axis can be queried using the variable "DeviceName.AxisState". A detailed description of the individual states is
not provided here since can this also be found in the PLCopen specification.

Figure 9: PLCopen diagram (source: Technical Specification PLCopen - FB for motion control)

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 3 MC_Power_Festo

This function block controls the power output stage (enable or block).

Figure 10: MC_Power_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Enable drive
• TRUE = Enable power output stage
• FALSE = Block power output stage

Status BOOL Status of the output stage
• TRUE = Enabled
• FALSE = Blocked
Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 4 MC_Home_Festo

This function block starts homing. If the reference signal is detected, the value of the "Position" input is set as the
absolute position. The homing method can be selected via the "HomingMethod" input.

Figure 11: MC_Home_Festo

If the "HomingMethod" input = 0, the homing method and axis zero point parameterised in the device are used. The
axis zero point specified in the block ("Position" input) is ignored.
If the "HomingMethod" input <> 0, the homing method and axis zero point parameterised in the device are overwritten.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Start homing
• FALSE --> True = Start homing
Position REAL Absolute position if reference switch was detected
(axis zero point in user unit).
HomingMethod DINT Homing method to CiA402 specification.
The homing methods supported by the device can be found in the
manual for the device.

Done BOOL Homing successfully completed
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Homing was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 5 MC_Stop_Festo

This function block stops an axis with the stop ramp parameterised in the Automation Suite and sets the axis to the
status "Stopping". All other motion commands are aborted. No other block can move this axis as long as it has the
status "Stopping". The output "Done" is set once the current axis velocity is zero. The axis remains in the status
"Stopping" as long as "Execute" is active (TRUE) or the current velocity is not equal to zero. The axis status changes
to "Standstill" as soon as "Done" has been set and "Execute" is inactive (FALSE).

Figure 12: MC_Stop_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Stop axis motion
• FALSE --> True = Stop axis motion

Done BOOL Current axis velocity is zero (axis stopped)
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
CommandAborted BOOL Job was aborted due to power output stage
being switched off (only abort option)
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 6 MC_Halt_Festo

This function block pauses an axis with the set braking ramp for the current motion and sets it to the status
"DiscreteMotion". The output "Done" is set and the axis assumes the status "Standstill" once the current axis
velocity is zero.

Figure 13: MC_Halt_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Pause axis motion
• FALSE --> True = Pause axis motion

Done BOOL Current axis velocity is zero (axis stopped)
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Pausing the axis was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 7 MC_MoveAbsolute_Festo

This function block starts a motion to an absolute position on the basis of the set dynamic parameters.

Figure 14: MC_MoveAbsolute_Festo

If one of the inputs "Acceleration", "Deceleration" or "Jerk" = 0 when the motion starts, the dynamic value set in the
motor controller is used for this motion parameter.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Start positioning task
• FALSE --> True = Start positioning task
ContinuousUpdate BOOL Continuous motion update
• If input is TRUE during rising edge of Execute,
changes at input variables will start a
new movement immediately
Position REAL Absolute target position (in user unit)
Velocity REAL Maximum velocity (in user unit)
Acceleration REAL Acceleration (in user unit)
Deceleration REAL Deceleration (in user unit)
Jerk REAL Jerk (in user unit)
Direction MC_DIRECTION Defines the positioning direction if "modulo" is activated
(see section 7 – Direction)
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the chronological sequence of the block
(see section 6 – BufferMode)

Done BOOL Positioning task successfully completed
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Positioning task was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 8 MC_MoveRelative_Festo

This function block starts a motion by a distance relative to the axis set position at the time of block enable on the
basis of the set dynamic parameters.

Figure 15: MC_MoveRelative_Festo

If one of the inputs "Acceleration", "Deceleration" or "Jerk" = 0 when the motion starts, the dynamic value set in the
motor controller is used for this motion parameter.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Start positioning task
• FALSE --> True = Start positioning task
ContinuousUpdate BOOL Continuous motion update
• If input is TRUE during rising edge of Execute,
changes at input variables will start a
new movement immediately
Distance REAL Relative distance of the motion (in user unit)
Velocity REAL Maximum velocity (in user unit)
Acceleration REAL Acceleration (in user unit)
Deceleration REAL Deceleration (in user unit)
Jerk REAL Jerk (in user unit)
Direction MC_DIRECTION Defines the positioning direction if "modulo" is activated
(see section 7 – Direction)
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the chronological sequence of the block
(see section 6 – BufferMode)

Done BOOL Positioning task successfully completed
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Positioning task was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 9 MC_MoveAdditive_Festo

This function block starts a motion by a distance relative to the currently planned target position in the axis status
"DiscreteMotion" on the basis of the set dynamic parameters. This target position can be a result of a previous block
of the same type which has been aborted. If the function block is started when the axis status is
"ContinuousMotion", it executes a motion by a distance relative to the axis position at the time of block enable.

Figure 16: MC_MoveAdditive_Festo

If one of the inputs "Acceleration", "Deceleration" or "Jerk" = 0 when the motion starts, the dynamic value set in the
motor controller is used for this motion parameter.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Start positioning task
• FALSE --> True = Start positioning task
ContinuousUpdate BOOL Continuous motion update
• If input is TRUE during rising edge of Execute,
changes at input variables will start a
new movement immediately
Distance REAL Relative distance to the target position (in user unit)
Velocity REAL Maximum velocity (in user unit)
Acceleration REAL Acceleration (in user unit)
Deceleration REAL Deceleration (in user unit)
Jerk REAL Jerk (in user unit)
Direction MC_DIRECTION Defines the positioning direction if "modulo" is activated
(see section 7 – Direction)
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the chronological sequence of the block
(see section 6 – BufferMode)

Done BOOL Positioning task successfully completed
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Positioning task was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number
3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 10 MC_MoveVelocity_Festo

This function block starts a controlled motion with a defined velocity. This is velocity mode (ProfileVelocityMode).

Figure 17: MC_MoveVelocity_Festo

If one of the inputs "Acceleration", "Deceleration" or "Jerk" = 0 when the motion starts, the dynamic value set in the
motor controller is used for this motion parameter.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Start velocity mode
• FALSE --> True = Start velocity mode (with set
dynamic parameters)
ContinuousUpdate BOOL Continuous motion update
• If input is TRUE during rising edge of Execute,
changes at input variables will start a
new movement immediately
Velocity REAL Maximum velocity (in user unit)
Acceleration REAL Acceleration (in user unit)
Deceleration REAL Deceleration (in user unit)
Jerk REAL Jerk (in user unit)
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the chronological sequence of the block
(see section 6 – BufferMode)

InVelocity BOOL Target velocity reached
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Positioning task was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 11 MC_TorqueControl_Festo

This function block starts a motion with a continuous torque measured at the motor shaft. The specified velocity is
not exceeded. This is force mode (ProfileTorqueMode).

Figure 18: MC_TorqueControl_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Start force mode
• FALSE --> True = Start force mode
Torque REAL Setpoint torque at the motor shaft (in Nm)
ContinuousUpdate BOOL Continuous motion update
• If input is TRUE during rising edge of Execute,
changes at input variables will start a
new movement immediately
TorqueRamp REAL Torque ramp (in Nm/s)
Velocity REAL Maximum velocity (in user unit)
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the chronological sequence of the block
(see section 6 – BufferMode)

InTorque BOOL Target torque reached
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Positioning task was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 12 MC_ReadParameter_Festo

This function block reads out the value of a parameter via service data object access (SDO access).

Figure 19: MC_ReadParameter_Festo

This function block causes a steady SDO-communication between drive and PLC. Permanent reading leads to a heavy
load of the fieldbus. Please use this function block situational.

This block is not suitable for reading parameters of the data type "STRING". The block
"MC_ReadStringParameter_Festo" must be used for this.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read SDO value
• TRUE = Read SDO continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading
ParameterNumber UINT Number of the parameter to be read
SubindexNumber USINT Subindex of the parameter to be read

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Value LREAL Value of the read parameter
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 13 MC_WriteParameter_Festo

This function block modifies the value of a parameter via service data object access (SDO access).

Figure 20: MC_WriteParameter_Festo

This block is not suitable for writing parameters of the data type "STRING". The block
"MC_WriteStringParameter_Festo" must be used for this.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Modify SDO value
• FALSE --> TRUE = Write new SDO value
ParameterNumber UINT Number of the parameter to be written
SubindexNumber USINT Subindex of the parameter to be written
Value LREAL New value of the parameter to be written

Done BOOL Parameter successfully written
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 14 MC_ReadStringParameter_Festo

This function block reads out the value of a service data object (SDO) of the data type "STRING". A character string
with a maximum length of 35 characters is read out.

Figure 21: MC_ReadStringParameter_Festo

This function block causes a steady SDO-communication between drive and PLC. Permanent reading leads to a heavy
load of the fieldbus. Please use this function block situational.

This block is only suitable for reading parameters of the data type "STRING". The block "MC_ReadParameter_Festo"
must be used for parameters with other data types.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read SDO value
• TRUE = Read SDO continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading
ParameterNumber UINT Number of the parameter to be read
SubindexNumber USINT Subindex of the parameter to be read

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Value STRING(35) Character string of the read parameter
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 15 MC_WriteStringParameter_Festo

This function block modifies the character string of a service data object (SDO) of the data type "STRING". A
character string with a maximum length of 35 characters is written.

Figure 22: MC_WriteStringParameter_Festo

This block is only suitable for writing parameters of the data type "STRING". The block "MC_WriteParameter_Festo"
must be used for parameters with other data types.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Modify SDO value
• FALSE --> TRUE = Write new SDO value
ParameterNumber UINT Number of the parameter to be written
SubindexNumber USINT Subindex of the parameter to be written
Value STRING(35) New character string of the parameter to be written

Done BOOL Parameter successfully written
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 16 MC_ReadActualPosition_Festo

This function block reads the current axis position.

Figure 23: MC_ReadActualPosition_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read current axis position (ActPos)
• TRUE = Read ActPos continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
Position REAL Current axis position (in user unit)
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 17 MC_ReadActualVelocity_Festo

This function block reads the current axis velocity.

Figure 24: MC_ReadActualVelocity_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read current axis velocity (ActVelo)
• TRUE = Read ActVelo continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
Velocity REAL Current axis velocity (in user unit)
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 18 MC_ReadActualTorque_Festo

This function block reads the current axis torque.

Figure 25: MC_ReadActualTorque_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read current axis torque (ActTorq)
• TRUE = Read ActTorq continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
Torque REAL Read current axis torque (in user unit)
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 19 MC_ReadStatus_Festo

This function block reads the current status of the motor controller according to the "PLCopen state diagram" (see
Section 3. 2).

Figure 26: MC_ReadStatus_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read current axis status
• TRUE = Read status continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
ErrorStop BOOL Drive is in status “ErrorStop”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram)
Disabled BOOL Drive is in status “Disabled”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram)
Stopping BOOL Drive is in status “Stopping”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram)
Homing BOOL Drive is in status “Homing”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram)
Standstill BOOL Drive is in status “Standstill”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram)
DiscreteMotion BOOL Drive is in status “DiscreteMotion”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram)
ContinuousMotion BOOL Drive is in status “ContinuousMotion”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram)
SynchronizedMotion BOOL Drive is in status “SynchronizedMotion”
(see the section 3. 2 – PLCopen diagram))
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 20 MC_ReadAxisError_Festo

This function block continuously reads the current motor controller error.

Figure 27: MC_ReadAxisError_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read current axis error
• TRUE = Read error continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
AxisErrorID WORD Current axis error number
AxisErrorString STRING Current axis error description
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 21 MC_Reset_Festo

This function block triggers a reset of the motor controller errors using the control word from the drive profile. In
addition, the errors of the EtherCAT® slave in the PLC program are reset by the "ClearEmergency" method.

Figure 28: MC_Reset_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Reset errors
• FALSE --> TRUE = Reset axis errors

Done BOOL Errors successfully reset (no axis errors)
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 22 MC_Jog_Festo

This function block starts a motor controller motion in ProfileJogMode.

Figure 29: MC_Jog_Festo

The axis remains stationary if the "JogPositive" and "JogNegative" inputs have the same status (both TRUE or both

The "JogMode" input has three permissible input values (modes). If the input value 0 is specified, the drive only jogs at
velocity 1. After a parameterised time, the drive accelerates/decelerates to velocity 2. The respective velocity and the
time can be set in the motor controller (further information can be found in the manual for the device).

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

JogPositive BOOL Jog in positive direction
• TRUE = Axis jogs in positive direction
JogNegative BOOL Jog in negative direction
• TRUE = Axis jogs in negative direction
JogMode MC_JOG_MODE Jog mode
• 0 (mcDefault) = Velocity 1 and 2
• 1 (mcOnlyVelocity1) = Only velocity 1
• 2 (mcOnlyVelocity2) = Only velocity 2

Velocity1 BOOL Drive jogs at velocity 1
Velocity2 BOOL Drive jogs at velocity 2
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
CommandAborted BOOL Positioning task was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 23 MC_RecordTable_Festo

This function block starts a position record parameterised in the motor controller. This is RecordTableMode.

Figure 30: MC_RecordTableMode_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Start position record
• FALSE --> True = Start position record
ContinuousUpdate BOOL Continuous motion update
• If input is TRUE during rising edge of Execute,
changes at input variables will start a
new movement immediately
RecordNumber DINT Number of the position record to be started
BufferMode MC_BUFFER_MODE Defines the chronological sequence of the block
(see section 6 – BufferMode)

Done BOOL Position record successfully executed
ActualRecordNumber DINT Active position record number
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Active BOOL Indicates that FB has control on the axis
• TRUE = FB has control on the axis
• FALSE = No control on the axis by this FB
CommandAborted BOOL Positioning task was aborted by another job
during processing
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 24 MC_ReadAxisInfo_Festo

This function block reads information concerning the axis, like home switch and end switches.

Figure 31: MC_ReadAxisInfo_Festo

This function block causes a steady SDO-communication between drive and PLC. Permanent reading leads to a heavy
load of the fieldbus. Please use this function block situational. A lot of information also available via the „Properties“
(see section 4 – Control via method call). This aren´t load the fieldbus additionally.

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Enable BOOL Read axis information continuously
• TRUE = Read axis info continuously as long as TRUE
• FALSE = Disable reading
UpdateTime TIME Delay time between request of two SDO read commands
(default = T#1S = 1 second)

Valid BOOL Status of the block outputs
• TRUE = Output status valid
• FALSE = Output status invalid
Busy BOOL Job is not yet complete
• TRUE = Job active
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
HomeAbsSwitch BOOL Digital home switch is active
IsHomed BOOL Absolute reference position is knwon for the axis (axis is homed)
IsMoving BOOL Achse bewegt sich
HwLimitSwitchPos BOOL Positive hardware end switch is active
HwLimitSwitchNeg BOOL Negative hardware end switch is active
SwLimitSwitchPos BOOL Positive software end switch is active
SwLimitSwitchNeg BOOL Negative software end switch is active
StrokeLimitPos BOOL Positve stroke limit reached
StrokeLimitNeg BOOL Negative stroke limit reached
CommunicationReady BOOL Network is initialized and ready for communication
PowerOn BOOL Power stage is switched ON
AxisWarning BOOL Warning(s) on the axis is present
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number
3 PLCopen function blocks

3. 25 MC_DeviceService_Festo

This function block requests a selected device service of the servo drive.

Figure 32: MC_DeviceService_Festo

Axis AXIS_REF_FESTO Reference structure for the axis

Execute BOOL Request of device service
FALSE --> True = request device service
DeviceService DEVICE_SERVICE Selection of the device service
• 0 (none) = no selection
• 1 (SaveZeroPointOffset) = save zero point offset to encoder
• 2 (SaveParameterset) = save parameterset
• 3 (ReinitDrive) = reinitialization of drive
• 4 (ResetDrive) = reset drive
• 5 (OpenHoldingBrake) = open holding brake
• 6 (CloseHoldingBrake) = close holding brake

Done BOOL Device service successfully executed
Busy BOOL Device service will be requested
• TRUE = Job started but not completed
• FALSE = Job completed or not started
Error BOOL An error occurred during processing
• TRUE = Error active (see output ErrorID)
• FALSE = No error
ErrorID WORD Error number (see the section 5 – Diagnostics)
ErrorString STRING Error report using the error number

4 Control via method call
In addition to calling the function blocks cyclically, a function can alternatively also be executed by calling a method. In
contrast to executing a function by means of a block, instancing is not required with a method call. If the device name is
typed in followed by a full stop, the available methods appear in a drop-down box (blue "M"). A method signals the
successful execution with a Boolean return value. This is set in the same PLC cycle in which the method is called. In
addition, each method has the outputs (ErrorID and ErrorString). These can be used to output any errors that may occur
(see the section 5 – Diagnostics). It must be ensured that a method is only called once, not cyclically. Further
information about how to use methods can be found in the section "Example of a method call" or in the online help for
Codesys. The table below shows the available methods together with the respective transfer parameters. A detailed
explanation of the individual transfer parameters (data types and meaning) can be found in the description of the
respective function block (see above).

Method(transfer parameter) Description

DisableDrive() Disable output stage (OFF)

EnableDrive() Enable output stage (ON)

Halt() Pause active positioning task

(pause ramp)
ResetHalt() Continue active positioning task

Home(Position, HomingMethod) Start homing

Jog(JogPositive, JogNegative, JogMode) Start motion in ProfileJogMode

starten (jogging)
MoveAbsolute(Position, Velocity, Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk, BufferMode) Start absolute positioning

MoveAdditive(Distance, Velocity, Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk, BufferMode) Start positioning relative to current
target position
MoveRelative(Distance, Velocity, Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk, BufferMode) Start positioning relative to current
MoveVelocity(Velocity, Acceleration, Deceleration, Jerk, BufferMode) Start motion with constant velocity
RecordTable(RecordNumber, BufferMode) Start parameterised position

Reset() Reset motor controller errors

Stop() Stop active positioning task (stop

TorqueControl(Torque, TorqueRamp, Velocity, BufferMode) Start motion with constant force
SaveZeroPointOffset() Save zero point offset to encoder

SaveParameterset() Save parameterset

ReinitDrive() Reinitialization of drive

ResetDrive() Reset drive

OpenHoldingBrake() Open holding brake

CloseHoldingBrake () Close holding brake

4 Control via method call

In the case of the blocks described above, a successfully executed is action is usually signaled with the output variable
"Done". In contrast, the return value of a method only means that it could be started successfully. Motion monitoring
(e.g. "Target reached") must take place in the user program. Properties are available to the user for this. These can also
be seen in the drop-down box by typing in the device name followed by a full stop (red "E"). Properties are updated
before every call. Further general information about properties can be found in the online help for Codesys. An example
of how to use a property can be found in the section Example of a method call. The table below shows the properties
available for motor controllers from Festo.

Property Data type Description

ActualPosition REAL Current axis position (in user units)
ActualTorque REAL Current axis torque at the shaft (in Nm)
ActualVelocity REAL Current axis velocity (in user units)
HomingValid BOOL Axis has been homed
TargetReached BOOL Current positioning task successfully completed or no job active
AxisError BOOL Error has occurred in the motor controller
AxisErrorID WORD Error number
AxisErrorString STRING Error description using the error number
DeviceControl DEVICE_CONTROL Instance with master control (fieldbus or parameterisation software)
Enabled BOOL Output stage is energised (ON)
SDOsInitialized BOOL Drive has been successfully initialised
SlaveConnectorFlags DWORD Connection parameters of the EtherCAT® slave
AxisWarning BOOL Warning(s) on the axis is present
AxisIsMoving BOOL Axis is moving
SetpointAcknowledge BOOL Shows if commanded movement is acknowledged by the servo drive

5 Diagnostics
A distinction is made between three error categories: initialization error, motor controller errors and function block
errors. The error category can be identified by means of the prefix in the "ErrorString" output variable of a function
- “Init:” prefix (ErrorID <10) = Error during initialization of EtherCAT slave or library (Diagnostics listed below)
- "Axis:" prefix (ErrorID >10 and < 1000) = Controller error (Diagnostics and fault clearance must be looked up in
the user manual)
- "FB:" prefix (ErrorID > 1000) = Function block error (Diagnostics and fault clearance are listed below)

ID (dec) ID (hex) Description

General errors
0 0x00 No error

Initialization errors
1 0x1 Error in profile library (for example CiA402) – one or more PDO pointer to NULL

2 0x2 Error in device library (for example CMMT-AS – right EtherCAT master not found

3 0x3 Error in device library (for example CMMT-AS – right EtherCAT slave not found

4 0x4 Error in fielbus library (EtherCAT – error while reading SDO List of EtherCAT slave

5 0x5 Error in fielbus library (EtherCAT – error while reading SDO List Length of EtherCAT slave
(only Beckhoff PLCs)

6 0x6 Error fieldbus – EtherCAT Slave not in operational

7 0x7 Error fieldbus – communication data of EtherCAT Slave not valid

8 0x8 Input „EC_PDActive“ of axis function block not active (systemvariable „_EC_PDActive“)

EtherCAT library errors

1001 0x03E9 Service Data Object (SDO) command failed
- Write access error: Check whether Service Data Object (SDO) can be written

1002 0x03EA Other EtherCAT library error

1003 0x03EB Data overflow in EtherCAT library

1004 0x03EC Timeout in EtherCAT library

- Check device state of drive
- Check communication between PLC and drive

Errors in communication between PLC and drive

1050 0x041A Communication error between PLC and drive – communication is not active
- Check state of master and slave

5 Diagnostics

1051 0x041B Communication error between PLC and drive – bus error
- Check whether connecting cable is plugged in

1052 0x041C Communication error between PLC and drive – general error

1053 0x041D Communication error between PLC and drive – extended error

1054 0x041E Communication error between PLC and drive – drive does not have "Operational"
communication state

PtP library errors

1100 0x044C Axis is in incorrect state for the requested motion
- Check the current axis state using the "AxisState" variables
- To enable the output stage, the axis should be in state 1 (Disabled)
- For motion, the axis should be in state 2 (Standstill)

1101 0x044D Axis has an error

- Eliminate the cause of the error and acknowledge the error using the
"MC_Reset_Festo" function block

1102 0x044E Timeout

- Requested function could not be implemented within the specified time
- Timeout for "MC_Power_Festo" = Check whether reinitialisation of the drive is
necessary or check the axis state
- Timeout for "MC_Reset_Festo" = Axis error could not be acknowledged
1103 0x044F EtherCAT slave has no connection to master
- Check communication connection

1104 0x0450 PLC (fieldbus) has no master control

- Check whether configuration tool has master control
- Check communication connection and state of drive

1105 0x0451 Library initialisation error

1106 0x0452 Requested action is not supported

- Function is not supported by device
- Library referencing incorrect

1107 0x0453 Action cannot be executed due to incorrect start conditions

1108 0x0454 Requested homing method is not supported

- Drive does not support the selected homing method

1109 0x0455 Output stage is no longer energised

- Requested function could not be executed or was interrupted because the drive is
no longer energised

1110 0x0456 An error occurred during the homing process/the homing process was terminated
- Check diagnostic message of drive

1111 0x0457 Error during deletion of a motion command

- Active motion command or motion command in the queue could not be deleted

1112 0x0458 An additional "MC_Halt_Festo" function block has adopted master control
- At least two different instances of "MC_Reset_Festo" are accessing the drive at the
same time

5 Diagnostics

1113 0x0459 Too many motion commands active at the same time
- Too many buffered motion commands were entered

1114 0x045A No device service is selected

- Select a existing device service (see the section 3. 25 – MC_DeviceService_Festo)

1115 0x045B Unknown device service is selected

- Select a existing device service (see the section 3. 25 – MC_DeviceService_Festo)

1116 0x045C No brake control possible

- Axis is enabled, therefore no master control over holding brake possible by user

Parameter access errors (SDO access)

1120 0x0460 Dynamic values for motion could not be written
- Acceleration (object 0x6083), deceleration (object 0x6084) or jerk (object 0x60A4)
could not be written

1121 0x0461 Acceleration (object 0x6083) could not be written

1122 0x0462 Deceleration (object 0x6084) could not be written

1123 0x0463 Jerk (object 0x60A4) could not be written

1124 0x0464 Option code for positioning (object 0x60F2) could not be written

1125 0x0465 Force ramp in force mode (object 0x6087) could not be written

1126 0x0466 Velocity limit in force mode (object 0x2060) could not be written

1127 0x0467 Invalid parameter number

- Parameter number 0 cannot be read/written

1128 0x0468 Error during read access to the "Homing Method" (object 0x6098)

1129 0x0469 Error during write access to the "Homing Method" (object 0x6098)
1130 0x046A Error during read access to the "Home Offset" (object 0x607C)

1131 0x046B Error during write access to the "Home Offset" (object 0x607C)

Internal parameter handler errors

1200 0x04B0 Internal queue for SDO commands is full
- Too many read/write commands were requested

1201 0x04B1 Data type of the SDO is not identifiable

- Drive could not report/find a data type

1202 0x04B2 Requested parameter number not available

- Requested parameter number is not in the drive's object directory

1203 0x04B3 Requested subindex not available

- Requested subindex is not in the drive's object directory (requested subindex is too

1204 0x04B4 Error identifying the SDO

- Data type could not be identified by the drive (simple)

5 Diagnostics

1205 0x04B5 Requested subindex not available

- Requested subindex is not in the drive's object directory (requested subindex does
not exist)

1206 0x04B6 Error identifying the SDO

- Data type could not be identified by the drive (extended)

1207 0x04B7 Data type of the SDO is not identifiable

- Unknown data type was reported by drive

1208 0x04B8 Data type of parameter is not a "STRING"

- The reported data type is not a "STRING"

Errors in record mode

1300 0x0514 Next position set number could not be written (object 0x216F.20)

Errors reading the parameter file

1400 0x0578 Error opening the parameter file

1401 0x0579 Error reading the parameter file

1402 0x057A Read parameter file entry is invalid (SDO description invalid)

1403 0x057B Read parameter file entry is invalid (parameter number = 0)

1404 0x057C Read parameter file entry is invalid (unknown data type)

Hardware errors
2048 0x0800 Axis error ID is currently being read. An axis error occurred and the description is
currently being read.

It is an acyclic service data object (SDO command). The processing is typically longer
than with the cyclic process data (PDOs) and can take up to 300 ms. Maybe at the time
when the error occurred (Fault bit in the status word) there was no corresponding error
description available and has to be read.

2069 0x0815 General error – drive is not ready

- The drive has an error but there is no "Emergency Message"
- Eliminate the cause of the error and acknowledge the error

The "Emergency Message" is an acyclic service data object (SDO command). The
processing is typically longer than with the cyclic process data (PDOs) and can take up to
300 ms. Maybe at the time when the error occurred (Fault bit in the status word) there
was no corresponding "Emergency Message" available. Read out the current ErrorID and
the ErrorString again via the "MC_ReadAxisError_Festo" block. If this function block also
outputs the same error, there is no "Emergency Message".

6 BufferMode
A number of modules have the input variable "BufferMode". This variable can be used to select whether a block should
be started with or without buffering. In non-buffered mode, the block is started immediately. If another block is active, it
is aborted. By default, each block is started in non-buffered mode. In buffered mode, the started block does not
interrupt an active block; it waits until this block has been completed and then starts. This option can be used, for
example, to add a motion to an active motion. The following modes are available:

Value MC_BUFFER_MODE Description

0 mcAborting Block is started immediately (default setting)
1 mcBuffered Block is started once the current motion has been completed

7 Direction
If the funtion „modulo“ is parametrized in the drive, the positioning direction can be forced by the input “Direction”.
This input is of type “MC_DIRECTION” and can be accept all the values of followintg table. The input is in the function
blocks „MC_MoveAbsolute_Festo“, „MC_MoveRelative_Festo“ and „MC_MoveAdditive_Festo“ available.

How the "modulo" functionality is parameterized can be found in the respective device manual.

Value MC_DIRECTION Description

0 mcNormal Normal positioning according to linear axis (default settings)
64 mcNegativeDirection Positioning only in negative direction
128 mcPositiveDirection Positioning only in positive direction
192 mcShortestWay Positioning always with shortest way to target position

8 Visualisation of function blocks
A visualisation element is available for each function block. Its main purpose is to help with the initial commissioning
of the motor controller. The visualisation element must be linked to the respective cyclically called block instance.
The diagram below shows this by way of example using "MC_Power_Festo".

Figure 33: Cyclical block call

Figure 34: Linking a visualisation element

9 Application examples
As already described, there are two ways of executing a function in the user program. The sections below show both
ways of executing a function to enable a drive and then execute a relative motion of 100 mm. The drive must be homed
for this.

9. 1 Example of function blocks

Figure 35: Example of a block call

9 Application examples

9. 2 Example of a method call

Figure 36: Example of a method call

Festo SE & Co. KG
Ruiter Straße 82
Reproduction, distribution or sale of this document or communication of its 73734 Esslingen
contents to others without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will Deutschland
be liable for damages. All rights reserved in the event that a patent, utility
model or design patent is registered. www.festo.com/contact


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