Xii. Drug Study
Xii. Drug Study
Xii. Drug Study
GENERIC PATIENT’S DOSE: Osmotic Diuretic Mannitol lowers ICP INDICATIONS: Cardiovascular Cardiovascular BEFORE:
NAME: 0.25-1 g/kg IV through two distinct hypotension, Venous thrombosis Introduced self
Mannitol IV initially; effects in the brain. Mannitol I.V. (Mannitol tachycardia Edema, or phlebitis Performed handwashing
maintenance dose The first, rheological (mannitol (mannitol injection) CHF, angina-like extending from the Identified the patient.
of 0.25-0.5 g/kg effect, reduces blood injection) Injection, USP) is pain injection site and Assessed general health status
BRAND FREQUENCY: viscosity, and indicated in adults and hypervolemia Obtained pt history and drug allergies.
NAME: q4-6hr promotes plasma pediatric patients for the Respiratory Monitored body weight, total intake and
Osmitrol IV ROUTE: expansion and following purposes: cough, gagging, Respiratory output
IV cerebral oxygen wheeze, and pulmonary Obtained baseline vital signs
FORM: delivery. In response, decreased forced congestion and Explained to the patient the purpose of the
Promotion of diuresis in
Vial cerebral expiratory volume rhinitis medication.
the prevention or
vasoconstriction Double checked the expiration date before
treatment of the oliguric
occurs due to Metabolic Metabolic starting IV transfusion.
phase of acute renal
autoregulation, and fluid and electrolyte acidosis and Checked the doctor’s order.
failure before irreversible
cerebral blood volume imbalance electrolyte loss
renal failure becomes
is decreased. DURING:
Nervous system Nervous system
Reduction of intracranial
headache convulsions and Observed patient’s rights.
pressure and brain mass.
dizziness Administered by continuous IV infusion.
Reduction of
Used a filter needle when drawing from the
high intraocular Hematologic
thrombophlebitis Hematologic vial and a filter in the IV tubing to prevent
pressure when the
pulmonary administration of microscopic crystals.
pressure cannot be
Genitourinary embolism
lowered by other means.
Promotion of urinary dysuria and
REFERENCES: nephrosis Genitourinary AFTER:
excretion of toxic
Reference.medscape. Diuresis and
com. 2021. Osmitrol Dermatologic urinary retention Observed cautious to avoid extravasation.
(mannitol) dosing, rashes and flushing Observed injection site for signs of
indications, CONTRAINDICATIONS: Dermatologic inflammation or edema.
interactions, adverse Gastrointestinal skin necrosis Lab tests: Monitored closely serum and
effects, and more. Well established anuria dry mouth, nausea urine electrolytes and kidney function during
[online] Available at: due to severe renal and vomiting Gastrointestinal therapy.
<https://reference.me disease radiation enteritis Measure I&O accurately and record to
dscape.com/drug/osm Severe pulmonary CNS achieve proper fluid balance.
itrol-mannitol- congestion or frank headache and CNS Monitored vital signs closely. Reported
343061>. pulmonary edema anxiety confusion, significant changes in BP and signs of CHF.
Active intracranial dizziness, Monitored for possible indications of fluid
bleeding except during drowsiness, and electrolyte imbalance.
craniotomy jitteriness, Monitored for the possibility that a rebound
Severe dehydration weakness. increase in ICP sometimes occurs about 12
Progressive renal h after drug administration. Patient may
damage or dysfunction Other complain of headache or confusion.
after institution of With extravasation Took accurate daily weight.
mannitol therapy, (local edema, skin Instructed pt and SO to report side effects.
including increasing necrosis; chills, Performed handwashing.
oliguria and azotemia fever, allergic Documented procedure.
Progressive heart failure reactions).
or pulmonary congestion
after institution of
mannitol therapy.
Reference.medscape.com. 2021. Osmitrol (mannitol) dosing, indications, interactions, adverse effects, and more. [online] Available at: <https://reference.medscape.com/drug/osmitrol-mannitol-343061>.
Robholland.com. 2021. MANNITOL. [online] Available at: <http://www.robholland.com/Nursing/Drug_Guide/data/monographframes/M008.html>.
RxList. 2021. Mannitol IV (Mannitol Injection): Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Interactions, Warning. [online] Available at: <https://www.rxlist.com/mannitol-iv-drug.html>.