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Xii. Drug Study

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GENERIC PATIENT’S DOSE: Osmotic Diuretic Mannitol lowers ICP INDICATIONS: Cardiovascular Cardiovascular BEFORE:
NAME: 0.25-1 g/kg IV through two distinct hypotension, Venous thrombosis  Introduced self
Mannitol IV initially; effects in the brain. Mannitol I.V. (Mannitol tachycardia Edema, or phlebitis  Performed handwashing
maintenance dose The first, rheological (mannitol (mannitol injection) CHF, angina-like extending from the  Identified the patient.
of 0.25-0.5 g/kg effect, reduces blood injection) Injection, USP) is pain injection site and  Assessed general health status
BRAND FREQUENCY: viscosity, and indicated in adults and hypervolemia  Obtained pt history and drug allergies.
NAME: q4-6hr promotes plasma pediatric patients for the Respiratory  Monitored body weight, total intake and
Osmitrol IV ROUTE: expansion and following purposes: cough, gagging, Respiratory output
IV cerebral oxygen wheeze, and pulmonary  Obtained baseline vital signs
FORM: delivery. In response, decreased forced congestion and  Explained to the patient the purpose of the
 Promotion of diuresis in
Vial cerebral expiratory volume rhinitis medication.
the prevention or
vasoconstriction  Double checked the expiration date before
treatment of the oliguric
occurs due to Metabolic Metabolic starting IV transfusion.
phase of acute renal
autoregulation, and fluid and electrolyte acidosis and  Checked the doctor’s order.
failure before irreversible
cerebral blood volume imbalance electrolyte loss
renal failure becomes
is decreased. DURING:
Nervous system Nervous system
 Reduction of intracranial
headache convulsions and  Observed patient’s rights.
pressure and brain mass.
dizziness  Administered by continuous IV infusion.
 Reduction of
 Used a filter needle when drawing from the
high intraocular Hematologic
thrombophlebitis Hematologic vial and a filter in the IV tubing to prevent
pressure when the
pulmonary administration of microscopic crystals.
pressure cannot be
Genitourinary embolism 
lowered by other means.
 Promotion of urinary dysuria and
REFERENCES: nephrosis Genitourinary AFTER:
excretion of toxic
Reference.medscape. Diuresis and
com. 2021. Osmitrol Dermatologic urinary retention  Observed cautious to avoid extravasation.
(mannitol) dosing, rashes and flushing  Observed injection site for signs of
indications, CONTRAINDICATIONS: Dermatologic inflammation or edema.
interactions, adverse Gastrointestinal skin necrosis  Lab tests: Monitored closely serum and
effects, and more.  Well established anuria dry mouth, nausea urine electrolytes and kidney function during
[online] Available at: due to severe renal and vomiting Gastrointestinal therapy.
<https://reference.me disease radiation enteritis  Measure I&O accurately and record to
dscape.com/drug/osm  Severe pulmonary CNS achieve proper fluid balance.
itrol-mannitol- congestion or frank headache and CNS  Monitored vital signs closely. Reported
343061>. pulmonary edema anxiety confusion, significant changes in BP and signs of CHF.
 Active intracranial dizziness,  Monitored for possible indications of fluid
bleeding except during drowsiness, and electrolyte imbalance.
craniotomy jitteriness,  Monitored for the possibility that a rebound
 Severe dehydration weakness. increase in ICP sometimes occurs about 12
 Progressive renal h after drug administration. Patient may
damage or dysfunction Other complain of headache or confusion.
after institution of With extravasation  Took accurate daily weight.
mannitol therapy, (local edema, skin  Instructed pt and SO to report side effects.
including increasing necrosis; chills,  Performed handwashing.
oliguria and azotemia fever, allergic  Documented procedure.
 Progressive heart failure reactions).
or pulmonary congestion
after institution of
mannitol therapy.


Reference.medscape.com. 2021. Osmitrol (mannitol) dosing, indications, interactions, adverse effects, and more. [online] Available at: <https://reference.medscape.com/drug/osmitrol-mannitol-343061>.
Robholland.com. 2021. MANNITOL. [online] Available at: <http://www.robholland.com/Nursing/Drug_Guide/data/monographframes/M008.html>.
RxList. 2021. Mannitol IV (Mannitol Injection): Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Interactions, Warning. [online] Available at: <https://www.rxlist.com/mannitol-iv-drug.html>.

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