What Is Intrapreneurship?: Entrepreneur Intrapreneurs
What Is Intrapreneurship?: Entrepreneur Intrapreneurs
What Is Intrapreneurship?: Entrepreneur Intrapreneurs
Intrapreneurs are tasked with using the company's resources,
while entrepreneurs use their own.
Special Considerations
Intrapreneurship is one step toward entrepreneurship.
Intrapreneurs can develop and use their creativity to enhance
existing goods and services within the context of the business,
all without any of the risk attached to being an entrepreneur.
Using these skills as part of a team lets the intrapreneur test
theories and determine which methods are most effective for
solving problems.
Characteristics of Intrapreneurs
Intrapreneurs are able to resolve specific issues such as
increasing productivity or cutting costs. This requires a high
level of skill—namely leadership skills and thinking outside the
box—directly applicable to the assignment. An intrapreneur also
takes risks and drives innovation within a business to better
serve the market through increased goods and services.
Example of Intrapreneurship
Ramzi Haidamus, the president of Nokia Technologies, is often
considered an intrapreneur because of his initiatives with the
company. He decided to do away with individual offices within
three months of starting his job in 2014. He believed an open
office led to more sharing of ideas and added greater value to
the organization. Haidamus interviewed more than 100
engineers individually to determine which technologies had the
greatest chance of being successful in the marketplace at the