02 Whole
02 Whole
02 Whole
Katherine L. Dix
School of Physics
A Thesis submitted for the degree of
Master of Philosophy
September 2013
Statement of Originality
I certify that this work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any
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30 September 2013
Signed:………………………………………………………………….. Date:……………………..……………
I would like to express my deepest thanks and gratitude to my supervisor, Emeritus Professor
Stewart Greenhalgh, for his initial guidance at the start of this journey, some 20 years ago, and
for his renewed support in allowing me to see this endeavour through to completion. This
thesis honours my respect to him for keeping safe my original work for these past two
My sincere thanks go to David Love of the Department of Primary Industries and Resources
South Australia, for his encouragement and, most importantly, to Adjunct Professor Kevin
McCue of the Central Queensland University, for valuing my work over the last 20 years and
creating the opportunity for it to finally be recognised and shared.
With the advent of the information age, researching historical newspapers and records is now
a feasible undertaking. As an example, I recovered reports of an additional 110 previously
unrecognised events during the first 50 years of colonisation from digitised South Australian
newspapers, recently made available on the National Library of Australia’s website called
TROVE. This was done in a relatively short period of time and now the South Australian
Historical Earthquake List incorporating these events comprises some 679 entries.
This thesis builds upon and consolidates the work that was commenced 20 years ago. By doing
so, it proposes the establishment of flexible and convenient computerized processes to
maintain well into the future an increasingly accurate record of historical earthquakes in South
Australia. This work may also provide a model for the ongoing development of historical
earthquake records in other states and territories of Australia.
Figure 1.1. Global Seismographic Network stations (triangles) are shown against a
backdrop of large earthquakes from 2000-2010 (circles=magnitude 6-6.9,
squares=magnitude 7and above)........................................................................... 2
Figure 1.2. Earthquake epicentres in South Australia 1841-2000 and recent fault scarps ..... 4
Figure 1.3. Minutes from the October 1860 meeting of the Adelaide Philosophical
Society .................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2.1. The first report of an earthquake in a South Australian newspaper, 1837 ........... 8
Figure 2.2. Cartoon published in the Advertiser, 6 March 1954, after the Adelaide
earthquake ........................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.3. Coverage of earthquake reporting from the 1830s to the 1960s in South
Australia ............................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.4. The first South Australian newspaper printed in London in 1836 ....................... 13
Figure 2.5. Locations of newspaper publication in South Australia in the 1880s and
1920s .................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.6. An estimation of newspaper coverage by region in South Australia ................... 15
Figure 2.7. Relationship between population, newspapers and earthquakes over time ...... 19
Figure 5.1. Number of earthquakes in South Australia recorded during the instrumental
period compared to the relative proportion of events recorded in the
historical period ................................................................................................. 219
Figure 5.2. Magnitude against its probability of exceedance P ........................................... 219
Historical earthquake seismology has been defined as the “study of earthquakes of the past,
directed towards a scientific utilisation that is concentrated on the estimation of seismic
danger, as well as on the identification of active faults” (Gisler, 2003, p.215). With the world’s
population increasing by approximately 80 million per year (United Nations estimate), the
analysis of seismic hazard continues to be increasingly important, even for regions with low
seismic activity. Compounding the ‘seismic danger’ is the increasing prevalence of complex
structures such as nuclear and water power plants and multi-storey buildings in densely
populated regions. A recent example of increased seismic hazard occurred in 2011 when Japan
suffered its most powerful known earthquake, which unleashed a tsunami of up to 30 metres
high and resulted in the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. More than 18,000 people died
and damage estimates were $235 billion (Kim, 2011). The magnitude 9.0 event makes it the
fourth largest earthquake on record and joins most of the largest known earthquakes located
around the Pacific Rim. Table 1.1 lists the top 10 earthquakes in each category of the largest,
the most costly, and the most deadly events (Kanamori, 1977; Park, et al., 2005; PDE, 2013;
Wikipedia, 2013). The table serves to illustrate that the largest events are often not the most
costly or deadliest.
Earthquake Year and Name Magnitude Largest Deadliest
in $billions
526 Antioch earthquake, Turkey 7.0 (est.) 240,000
856 Damghan earthquake, Iran 7.9 (est.) 200,000 (est.)
893 Ardabil earthquake, Iran Unknown 150,000 (est.)
921 Jiji earthquake, Taiwan 7.6 10
1138 Aleppo earthquake, Syria Unknown 230,000
1556 Shaanxi earthquake, China 8.0 (est.) 820,000–830,000 (est.)
1615 Arica earthquake, Chile (then Peru) 8.8 (est.) 6
1700 Cascadia earthquake, Pacific Ocean 8.7–9.2 (est.) 10
1833 Sumatra earthquake, Indonesia 8.8–9.2 (est.) 7
1906 Ecuador-Colombia earthquake 8.8 8
1906 San Francisco earthquake, United States 7.7–7.9 (est.) 9.5
1920 Ningxia–Gansu earthquake, China 7.8 273,400
1923 Kantō region earthquake, Japan 7.9 142,800
1952 Kamchatka earthquakes, Russia 9.0 5
1960 Valdivia earthquake, Chile 9.5 1
1964 Prince William Sound earthquake, Alaska 9.2 2
1976 Tangshan earthquake, Hebei, China 7.8 242,769
1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, United States 6.9–7.1 (est.) 11
1994 Northridge earthquake, United States 6.7 20
1995 Great Hanshin earthquake, Japan 6.9 100
2004 Sumatra earthquake, Indonesia 9.1–9.3 3 230,210+
2008 Sichuan earthquake, China 8 75
2010 Chile earthquake, Chile 8.8 9 15–30
2010 Haiti region earthquake, Haiti 7 316,000 (Haitian est.)
2011 Christchurch earthquake, New Zealand 6.3 12
2011 Tōhoku earthquake, Japan 9 4 235
2012 Emilia earthquakes, Italy 5.9 (est.) 13.2
Although a number of studies on earthquake risk in South Australia have been performed
(McCue, 1975; McEwin et al., 1976, Denham, 1979; Rossiter, 1982; Stewart, 1984; Gaull &
Michael-Leiba, 1986; Greenhalgh & McDougall, 1990; Malpas, 1991b; Bierbaum, 1994;
Burbidge, 2012), all have used a grossly incomplete database. The extent of incompleteness of
this database – the South Australian earthquake catalogue – is still being realised, and reflects
the challenges associated with maintaining an accurate earthquake database. It is these issues
that underpin the objective of this thesis.
“Letters from Mr H. Marshall, of the School of Mines, and from the Rev. C. Marryat, suggesting
that information should be collected respecting the various shocks of earthquakes which had
been felt in the colony, were postponed for consideration at a future time” (South Australian
Register, Thursday 30 August 1860, p.3).
At the next meeting of the Adelaide Philosophical Society, in October of the same year, the
South Australian Register (1860, Wednesday 10 October 1860, p.3) reported that the Rev.
Marryat read the letter suggesting that “it would be desirable to obtain records, in various
details, of all earthquakes which had occurred in this colony”. The full newspaper clipping is
presented in Figure 1.3. It goes on to request that if Mr Marryat would “prepare a paper on
the subject … it would be very acceptable.” Unfortunately, no further discussion about Rev.
Marryat’s “paper” or the gathering of earthquake information by members of the Adelaide
Philosophical Society has been uncovered.
Figure 1.3. Minutes from the October 1860 meeting of the Adelaide Philosophical Society
The task of compiling an ‘accurate’ and ‘complete’ record of earthquakes for the state is a
considerable one, as will be evident in the following chapters, and is not the primary focus of
this thesis. It is simply a far too daunting task for one person. The investigations conducted in
this research project are predominantly of an historical nature, by reviewing earthquake
monitoring in South Australia during the pre-instrumental period of 1836 to 1963, but also
scientific in that they seek to determine the key parameters (epicenter, magnitude, origin time,
felt effects) from the available observations
The main discussion focuses on how early events were reported and documented in the
historical earthquake records and reviews the more recent endeavours to expand the historical
earthquake catalogue during the pre-internet era and into the digital age. In this effort, a
consolidation and further expansion of the historical earthquake catalogue has been
undertaken, the work of which is presented in subsequent chapters of this thesis.
Accordingly, this thesis consolidates and extends the work of many others into a concise
discussion and analysis of historical earthquake reporting and recording in South Australia,
detailed in Chapter 2. Complementing this chapter is Appendix A, which lists all pre-1964 South
Australian Newspapers. In Chapter 3, I examine the spatial variations of Mercalli intensity
(specifically ground motion versus distance, or seismic attenuation) for those earthquakes
sufficiently well observed to determine their magnitudes. The primary measures of earthquake
size are peak intensity and radius of perceptibility.
Chapters 2 and 3 inform Appendix B, which represents the most comprehensive list yet
produced, of 679 historical earthquakes in South Australia. The list includes date, time and
event location, and where sufficient information is available, provides peak intensity and
derived magnitude estimates.
Chapter 4 profiles and ‘brings to life’ through isoseismal maps, selected events from Appendix
B using the historical information. It finalizes the work begun by the author 20 years ago.
It’s fair to say that researching and recording historical earthquakes has changed dramatically
over the decades, particularly with the advent of computers, the internet, Google Earth and
the so-called ‘digital age’. The original work undertaken by the author was conducted in the
early 1990s on an Amstrad computer and with no internet available, so this opening statement
comes from direct experience.
In this chapter, I introduce and discuss the different forms of historical earthquake records that
were investigated and used to develop the earthquake catalogue presented in Appendix B. I
also consider the important issues of coverage of documentation and completeness of
Figure 2.1. The first report of an earthquake in a South Australian newspaper, 1837
Two unpublished documents from the Public Records Office, of unknown origin, listed
earthquakes from 1837 to 1948 and 1840 to 1921, inclusive. They gave only the date and
places reporting the event. It is suspected that the documents were produced by officers
working at the old Adelaide Astronomical Observatory, but the method of archiving
information at the Public Records Office of South Australia did not allow any certainty in
establishing this. Authenticity of each event on the list was verified by corroboration with
other documents, including extensive manual searches at the stated earthquake times of local
newspapers held in Adelaide’s Mortlock Library.
Prior to 1882, it appears that no official earthquake records were maintained, apart from
reports given in newspapers. The first published listings of earthquakes beginning in 1882 and
using information extracted from local newspapers were compiled by the Government
Following the extensive search through archival material, it appears that the Adelaide
Astronomical Observatory briefly continued to collect intensity information and felt reports of
earthquakes after “a Milne horizontal pendulum seismograph was erected at this Observatory
in 1908” (Knibbs, 1911, p.83), but the practice was discontinued sometime in the 1920s. In
fact, for the ten years from 1922 to 1932, there existed only one listing of earthquakes, the
unpublished list of 1837 to 1948. This appeared to be compiled largely from reports in the
major newspapers of the day, namely the Advertiser and the Chronicle. The ending of this list
coincided with the closing down of the Adelaide Astronomical Observatory in 1948.
Interest in South Australian seismology waned over the next decade. Together with the neglect
of records during the First and Second World Wars and the inevitable loss of information with
time, the number of events reported in lists was very sparse during the period 1920 to 1950.
Public interest in earthquakes was reawakened after Adelaide's largest and most destructive
earthquake in 1954 (ML 5¼), as reflected in the cartoon published in the Advertiser and
shown in Figure 2.2. Amongst the archival records was an earthquake list published by The
News, involving events from 1939 to 1954. The origin of the list is unknown although it is likely
that it was compiled from the newspaper's own reports over the 15 year period.
Interest in instrumental earthquake seismology was further rekindled in 1956 when Dr David
Sutton of Adelaide University, installed a three-component Benioff seismograph at Mount
Bonython. During his time as director of the Observatory, Dr Sutton compiled another
invaluable scrapbook, similar to the earlier efforts. It began in 1932 and was maintained for
over 30 years until 1964, at which point the South Australian Seismic Network comprising just
three stations (Adelaide, Cleve, Hallet) was put in place and the number of instrumentally
recorded events largely outnumbered the human observed ones. The number of stations in
the network gradually expanded over the following years (Greenhalgh et al., 1994; Love, 2007;
Parham et al., 1988) and currently numbers 17. Real-time output from the network is available
from the DMITRE website at www.mappage.net.au/earthquakes.
Along with the pre-instrumental documentation in the form of scrapbooks, published and
unpublished earthquake lists obtained from the Public Records Office, some of the original
seismograph records were also recovered. These were summarised in Seismological Bulletins
issued by the Adelaide Astronomical Observatory and spasmodically covered the period 1910
to 1925. Burke-Gaffney (1952) made reference to Seismological Bulletins from 1921 to 1941.
With the closure of the Observatory in 1948, it is assumed that other Bulletins were issued
annually but appear to have been misplaced.
A summary of the efforts in South Australia to report and record earthquakes is presented in
Figure 2.3, and serves to illustrate the coverage of information from the beginning of the
colony, in 1836, to the end of the pre-network period, in 1963. It broadly aligns with McCue’s
(2012) discussion about the conduct of historical earthquake research in two periods: pre-
1910 and post-1958. While newspapers, discussed in the next section, were the only constant
over the entire 128 year period, just a limited amount of information was captured in other
sources during the 1920s.
Figure 2.3. Coverage of earthquake reporting from the 1830s to the 1960s in South Australia
Figure 2.4. The first South Australian newspaper printed in London in 1836
By 1846, just ten years after the first Europeans had arrived in South Australia, 15 different
newspapers had been established to serve the growing colony of almost 26,000 people. They
were in production from periods varying from as short as several months, to as long as seven
years. They included the first to be published outside of the Adelaide settlement, in Port
Lincoln on the Eyre Peninsula. Forty years later, during the mid-1880s, almost 50 newspapers
were being published, not just in Adelaide but also in the Barossa Valley, the Flinders Ranges
and the South East, as shown in Figure 2.5. The peak of publishing came in the 1920s when
there were almost 100 papers at various times and in many locations across the state serving
the expanding population of over half a million residents. Figure 2.5 also presents the snap-
shot of newspaper locations in South Australia during the 1920s.
Figure 2.5. Locations of newspaper publication in South Australia in the 1880s and 1920s
The 104 listed locations were roughly categorised into 10 regions to simplify the analysis.
These regions were identified as Adelaide, Barossa, Clare, Riverland, Murray Flats, Flinders
Ranges (includes mid and far north), Fleurieu Peninsula (includes Kangaroo Island), Yorke
Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula, and the South East.
As an approximation for coverage of newspapers in a region, the centroid for each publication
period was first calculated for each newspaper. These centroids were then graphed in box-plot
format to represent the distribution density of coverage across time in each region. As the box-
plot in Figure 2.6 shows, the Adelaide region had complete coverage from colonisation in 1836,
with the greatest density of publishing during the 1880s to the 1940s. As expected, publishing
in other regions was established at later dates as the colony expanded to the Barossa in the
north and to the South East. The outlier shown for the Eyre Peninsula region in 1840 (see
Figure 2.6) represents that first non-Adelaide newspaper mentioned earlier, published for only
two years in Port Lincoln.
Appendix A provides the consolidated list of all 317 South Australian newspapers and also
indicates the approximate number of years of publication as a basis for the investigation into
newspaper coverage during the pre-instrumental period in South Australia. The purpose of the
present discussion is to begin to build an understanding of the scope and limitations of the task
of searching out and recovering the reports of felt earthquakes published in the 317
newspapers that served the growing community at one time or another from the time of
settlement until 1963. To add further perspective to the task, the cumulative years of
publication across the 317 papers equates to over 4000 years, with an average publication
span of approximately 15 years.
Before the digital revolution, mining the potential wealth of information about local
earthquake events obtainable from South Australian newspapers was hampered by the
magnitude of the task of manually searching through every day of a newspaper for possible
reports. The approach, generally considered to be more efficient, was to identify the existence
of an earthquake by other means, such as the search of archival records, and then to
undertake a detailed search of both local and country papers around the time of the identified
event. If the reported descriptions detailing the felt observations were sufficiently numerous
The most focused effort to expand the South Australian historical earthquake catalogue was
undertaken by myself during the early 1990s. As part of my Honours thesis work and then
subsequently my Masters project (which was interrupted by personal circumstances), I
commenced the substantial task of reviewing some of South Australia’s most significant
earthquake events and to expand the catalogue. This was achieved by identifying as many new
events as possible, through archival and newspaper search. I spent many months trawling
though the State Mortlock Library’s historical newspaper collection held in hard copy, on
spools and microfilm. Without the luxury of a digital search engine, it was a matter of spotting
words like, ‘earthquake’, ‘tremor’, ‘shock’ and ‘event’. Even when targeting specific times and
locations of known events identified in archival records, this was still a time consuming task
because it was often necessary to look through papers many weeks after the event.
With initial expectations placed at about 100 previously unrecognised events, the extent of
'missing' data was not realised until some 475 earthquakes were uncovered, with many more
still expected missing. While other listings have been found, this study is the only one of its
kind performed so extensively.
1. Mount Barker 1883 Earthquake (Malpas, 1993f) – review of the macroseismic data and
redraw of the isoseismal maps
3. Warooka 1902 Earthquake (Malpas, 1991d) – review of the macroseismic data and
redraw of the isoseismal maps
4. Adelaide 1954 Earthquake (Malpas, 1991a) – review of the macroseismic data, and
redraw of the isoseismal maps
On the basis of the historical earthquake search, and where sufficient information was
available for determining location and magnitude, the South Australian Earthquake Catalogue
was expanded in 1994 to include 107 new earthquake events. The remaining 368 newly found
earthquakes had insufficient information and required further investigation. Some of this
investigation work was undertaken by Bierbaum (1994) who focussed on earthquakes in the
South-East of the state. However, since the production of the Malpas volumes, now some 20
years on, little else has been done in South Australia to expand or improve the historical
earthquake catalogue. Notable exceptions include the 1996 reprinting of Dyster’s (1979)
portrait of the four greatest earthquakes in South Australia, and the ongoing work of McCue
(2002, in preparation) with the Atlas of Isoseismal Maps of Australian Earthquakes. In 2012,
the South Australian Earthquake Catalogue, maintained by Primary Industries and Resources
South Australia, contained 151 earthquake events in the pre-seismic network period.
In order to assess the usefulness of TROVE and test the extent of completeness of the Malpas
earthquake lists, a brief search of the available South Australian newspapers was undertaken
at the start of 2013 by simply using the words ‘earthquake’ and ‘shock’. Searchable papers in
the first 50 years of colonisation, up to 1886, were investigated. It was of little surprise when
an additional 110 ‘new’ earthquakes (or suspected earthquakes) were identified. This positive
result, conducted in less than a week, was a strong demonstration of the potential of TROVE
and the wealth of information about historical earthquakes still to be discovered in
newspapers. It also spoke strongly to the diligence of newspapers and their local and country
correspondents to telegraph felt reports of earthquakes so prolifically. This latest work takes
the current list of pre-network earthquakes to 679 events and has the potential to quadruple
the current pre-network South Australian Earthquake Catalogue of 151 events.
To assess the relationship between the number of earthquakes reported and the size of the
population, data on the three variables (earthquakes, newspapers, population) was brought
together as a function of time in decadal blocks. Newspaper data were derived from the list
presented in Appendix A, based on the State Library website and population data were
retrieved from the ABS (2006) website. Accordingly, Figure 2.7 shows that in the 1830s, with a
Figure 2.7. Relationship between population, newspapers and earthquakes over time
A complete tabulation of the 679 events comprising the South Australian historical earthquake
list is provided in Appendix B. Where sufficient information is available in the form of an
isoseismal map and trustworthy reports, epicentral location (latitude and longitude), event
time (Universal Time), and estimated magnitude are provided.
This list clearly continues to be a work in progress. The task ahead not only involves expanding
the list with ‘missing’ events by systematically searching TROVE and compiling found
information, it also requires that this information is processed to determine the time, location
and magnitude of the event, and construct an isoseismal map if enough information is
In this chapter, I have examined the task of expanding the historical earthquake record and
unearthed a further 110 events, taking the list to 679 historical earthquakes. The next chapter
focuses on the task of processing the information of felt reports in order to determine the key
parameters of an earthquake.
Moving beyond the basic tabulation of events discussed in Chapter 2, a more in-depth
investigation to determine the source parameters of an event is given in this chapter, based on
the construction of isoseismal maps.
In May 1899, South Australia advanced Central Standard Time by 30 minutes. When the
Northern Territory was separated from South Australia and placed under the jurisdiction of the
Federal Government, that Territory kept Central Standard Time. However, for smaller country
settlements isolated from the State capital , it is possible that a time base was adopted on the
basis of displacement in longitude from Greenwich, but this is uncertain. While it would be
reasonable to use the old conversion prior to 1895 for towns located near the city, it cannot be
assumed that the same time was used for the outer-lying settlements. Because of these
uncertainties, a constant 09:30 hours has been used for all conversions of local time before
and after 1895, thus eliminating any confusion. For each event listed in Appendix B, where
sufficient information is available, event time is given in 24-hour Universal Time.
For historical earthquakes, for which instrumental magnitudes are not available, the
construction of an isoseismal map is an important step in seismological research and in
extending the earthquake catalogue. The isoseismal map is useful for:
1. assessing the attenuation of ground motion with distance, and predicting what effects
to expect;
2. locating epicentres;
3. enabling magnitude to be estimated from intensity characteristics;
4. determining if tremors are misinterpreted as a foreshock or aftershock; and,
5. revealing meizoseismal regions – areas more susceptible to earthquake disturbance
purely because of geology or topography (eg. thick sediments causing amplification).
It is a time consuming task to locate the places, assess felt reports, and assign MM intensities
(see Table 3.1). The intensity measures the degree of local ground shaking and its effects on
buildings and people. Finally the isoseismal map has to be drawn and interpreted. To construct
an isoseismal map, the townships reporting the earthquake, to which a Modified Mercalli
intensity is assigned, must be accurately located. The task is made more challenging with early
historical records because townships have come and gone, or have been renamed, making it
difficult and sometimes impossible to determine their true location. Even with the recent
availability of place name websites, such as Bonzle (www.bonzle.com), Geodata
(www.geodata.us/australia_names_maps) and Whereis (www.whereis.com), in addition to
Google Maps (maps.google.com.au), it often requires further research on the internet and
consulting and cartographical material of the period. Thankfully, TROVE also provides a large
selection of historical South Australian maps.
Relationships between magnitude and intensity have been derived for North America (Barosh,
1969; Gutenberg & Richter, 1942, 1956; Housner, 1970; Nuttli et al., 1979). Work in Australia
has been less prolific but includes McCue's (1980) study, which was based on 15 earthquakes.
Greenhalgh et al. (1988) undertook a systematic study of available intensity information for
133 Australian earthquakes, using the average relationship between local magnitude, observed
Modified Mercalli intensity and radius of perceptibility. They derived the simple relationship,
presented in Table 3.2, between magnitude ML and various isoseismal radii, Ri. Here ML is an
estimate of the Richter magnitude, and Ri is the radius of the equivalent circular area equal to
that enclosed by the ‘i’ isoseismal line on the Modified Mercalli scale. In particular RIII is
equivalent to the radius of perceptibility Rp.
ML = 1.35(±0.34) + 0.57(±0.06) Io
These magnitude-intensity formulas are still in current use and are applied to isoseismal maps
to enable the best approximation of the magnitude ML of an event to be made. It should be
noted that magnitude derived from maximum intensity is less accurate and tends to
overestimate the magnitude in comparison to isoseismal radii. Furthermore, deciding on the
isoseismal radius is more of an art than a science. For irregular or elongated isoseismal
contours, one can approximate them by an ellipse and take as the “radius” the geometric
mean of the semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths. Nevertheless, in order to take a
consistent approach to the analysis in this thesis, the following formulas are adopted in the
calculation of event magnitude ML.
Where multiple formulas are used, the arithmetic mean of the individual ML scores is
calculated to provide the assigned magnitude. Accordingly, each event listed in Appendix B
(where sufficient information is available) has the individual magnitudes and resulting
estimated magnitude of the event provided, along with the values of maximum intensity and
isoseismal radii used in the calculations.
This chapter has considered the task of defining the parameters of historical earthquakes and
highlights the limitations in accurately defining event time, location and magnitude based on
felt reports found in newspapers and archival records. However, even though these results are
not precise by today’s standards using instrumentally-recorded data, the fact still remains that
these events occurred and should be recognised in the earthquake catalogue.
In this chapter I provide a profile of the list of 679 historical earthquakes given in Appendix B. It
brings to life, through a brief introduction, felt reports and, where available, isoseismal maps,
the nature of the event, supported by the details of epicentral location, event time, and
magnitude calculation. It is the culmination of the work started 20 years ago of research into
historical earthquakes in South Australia.
Events are presented in chronological order from 1837 to 1963 and numbered according to the
full historical earthquake list in Appendix B. In many cases the existing information on an event
has been further researched and updated from pre-existing sources, so that the estimates of
time, location and magnitude are improved. Where new felt reports have been collected, this
information is presented as raw data (typos and all), and where pre-existing information has
been used, the references are given. This is the first time such a comprehensive database of all
known pre-1964 South Australian earthquake events has been compiled in one place.
Accordingly, it is important to stress that the latitude and longitude of most events are
approximations and, in many cases where there is just one locality reported, it is the latitude
and longitude of that location. Similarly, the calculation of magnitude is an estimation,
sometimes just based on one or two reports or on descriptors such as ‘slight’ or ‘severe’, in the
absence of further information. Some events have no location or magnitude listed, while other
‘events’ are place holders and may represent multiple aftershocks, for example. The quick
investigation of the first 50 years of the available South Australian newspapers in TROVE,
provide newspaper reports for these ‘new’ events but little attempt has been made to analyse
the reports or produce isoseismal maps. In short, all events not already included in the South
24/SA/08 Event is present in the draft Atlas of Isoseismal Maps of Australian Earthquakes (McCue,
format 2002) and references in this format (ie. xx/xx/xx) correspond to the Atlas index number
in 2012
Bierbaum 1994 Event is detailed in Bierbaum (1994) Earthquake Hazard and Microtremor Analysis,
South Australia. Unpublished Honours Thesis, Flinders University: Adelaide.
Dyster Event is detailed in Dyster (1996). Strong Shock of Earthquake: The Story of the Four
Greatest Earthquakes in the History of South Australia. Report Book 95/47. Department
Of Mines And Energy South Australia.
Hons Event is detailed in Malpas (1991b). Seismic Risk in South Australia. Unpublished
Honours Thesis, Flinders University: Adelaide.
Letter Event listed in email letter from Steve Hutcheon to David Love
Malpas 1902 Malpas (1991d). Warooka 1902 Earthquake, South Australia
Malpas 1883 Malpas (1993f). Mount Barker 1883 Earthquake, South Australia
Malpas 1897 Malpas (1991e). Beachport 1897 Earthquake, South Australia – volume missing
Malpas 1954 Malpas (1991a). Adelaide 1954 Earthquake, South Australia
Malpas 1991 Malpas (1991c). South Australian Earthquakes.
Map 1839 The district of Adelaide, South Australia: as divided into country sections from the
trigonometrical surveys of Colonel Light 1839.
Map 1841 Map of South Australia, 1841. http://www.nla.gov.au/apps/cdview/?pi=nla.map-t113-e
Map 1851 Tallis Map of South Australia, 1851
Map 1874 E.S. Wigg & Son's map of South Australia 1874. http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-rm3037
Map 1876 E. S. Wigg & Son. Atlas of South Australia and Northern Territory, 1876.
Map 1892 Australland, 1892. http://www.swaen.com/item.php?id=16585
McCue 2012 Event is detailed in McCue (2012). Historical earthquakes in South Australia. AEES
Newspapers Newspaper reports As reported – retrieved from TROVE.
SAEQCat Event is present in the South Australian Earthquake Catalogue in 2012
VOLS-#*m Event listed in Malpas (1993a-e) Historical earthquakes in South Australia, Volumes 1-5.
Without number: indicates in list only, with no additional detail.
With number: indicates the page number of the volume in which it’s detailed.
*: needs further investigation of newspapers.
m: isoseismal map provided.
The remainder of this chapter presents a snapshot of each of the 679 events indexed and
summarised in Appendix B. Events are number according to the index number.
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
VOLS-1; letter; Map 1841
On Sunday morning the 23 July 1837, only six months after settlement, the pioneer town of Adelaide
experienced a smart shock of an earthquake. It occurred at 4.25am local time and lasted about 20 seconds.
The loud rumbling noise accompanying the shock resembled that of a passing train and appeared to be
travelling in a SW direction. Apparently no damage was sustained. The natives were questioned about the
occurrence and fortunately they could only remember two similar shocks many years before.
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-3; SAEQCat; letter; McCue 2012;
Map 1839
At 4pm local time on Tuesday 31 March 1840, the shock of an earthquake was felt in Adelaide and for
several miles around. The event must have been no more than a vibration as no damage was reportedly
sustained and very little information about the tremor appears to exist. However, on further investigation,
McCue (2012) found reports of “the shaking of a few articles of furniture” and the falling of “an old rickety
wall… and some glasses”, suggesting the event was larger than initially estimated.
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
We have been informed by Mr Wilson, of
Encounter Bay, that, ten days ago, a slight
shock of an earthquake was felt at that
place. It occurred, about ten o'clock at night,
and was preceded by a hollow, rumbling,
sound, like that made by a heavy wagon
passing over a hard road. Southern
Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1838 - 1844)
Tuesday 23 August 1842 p 3.
A slight shock of an earthquake was felt at Encounter Bay on 13 August 1842. It occurred, about 10pm local
time, and was "preceded by a hollow, rumbling, sound, like that made by a heavy wagon passing over a
hard road".
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 65km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
letter; A VERY severe shock of an earthquake was
experienced on last Wednesday week, at the station to
Messrs. Horrock’s [at Penwortham] and also at Mr
Hughes's station [near Kooringa], about forty miles
farther to the north. Southern Australian (Adelaide, SA :
1838 - 1844) Friday 30 August 1844 p 3; Map 1853
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 3.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 50km gives ML 4 ± 1.4
letter; South Australian Register,
Saturday 12 February 1848 p 2;
Image: Lynedoch Valley, looking towards the Barossa Valley, 1856
On 3 February 1848, "The shock of an earthquake was felt on Thursday week the 3rd instant, at about
eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Barossa Range, and for several miles beyond, and distinctly heard by
several persons near Adelaide, a distance of fifty miles".
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-7m; SAEQCat; letter
Bottles and glasses rattled and in some cases furniture was seen to move. The event was accompanied by a
distinct rolling noise and was followed by a “mimic flash of lightening, so brilliant as to illuminate the
country far and near”. Although a limited amount of information about the event was obtained, an
isoseismal map was constructed to estimate the radius of perceptibility.
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
letter; Map 1851
In a report in the South Australian Register of 20 December 1848, "A passenger by the Juno informs us that
the shock of an earthquake had been felt at Port Lincoln in the early part of this month".
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
letter; Map 1851
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
letter; McCue 2012; Map 1851
On a Sunday evening in February 1849 "On the 10th instant a smart shock of an earthquake was felt at
Gawler Town and throughout the surrounding neighbourhood" at about 8pm local time. "The shock of an
earthquake was felt very distinctly in the neighbourhood of Gawler Town, and for some miles round. It
lasted for about eight seconds, and was sufficiently strong to throw the human frame into an involuntary
shudder, and to set the crockery and pannicans dancing".
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
letter; Map 1851
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5 References
Magnitude 3 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 8km gives ML 2.7 ± 0.9
VOLS-10m; SAEQCat; letter
A slight shock of an earthquake was felt in Noarlunga and the southern district on Wednesday 19 may 1852.
The momentary tremble occurred at about 8pm local time and caused crockery to rattle and beds to totter
perceptibly. Using the limited information obtained, an isoseismal map was constructed to estimate a
radius of perceptibility of 8km along with a maximum intensity of III+.
Magnitude 5.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 230km gives ML 5.3 ± 2
VOLS-13; SAEQCat; letter; Map 1892
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 42km gives ML 3.8 ± 1.4
On Monday 19 February 1855 at 7.30am local time, the distinct shock of an earthquake was felt in Kapunda
and surrounding districts. It rattled crockery on the shelves and induced in people a staggering sensation as
they stood.
Magnitude 4.3 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 64km gives ML 4.4 ± 0.2
VOLS-20m; SAEQCat;
Throughout Adelaide and the Hill districts, the distinct shock of an earthquake was felt. It occurred during
the early hours of 25 June 1856, at 2.20am local time and woke many people.
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-26; SAEQCat; Map 1876
A smart shock of an earthquake visited Cape Willoughby and the Sturt Lighthouse, Kangaroo Island, near
midnight on the 27th May 1857 local time. No damage was sustained but some bricks were loosened from
the old tank. The noise and motion woke nearby sleepers, while others already awake, situated higher and
on the next ridge, only heard the roar but felt nothing.
Dix (2013) South Australian Historical Earthquakes 37
Date 21 August 1858
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 44km gives ML 3.9 ± 1.3
Radius of Intensity IV: 20km gives ML 3.6 ± 0.2
VOLS-29m; SAEQCat;
During August 1858, the Barossa Valley experienced a succession of four earthquakes all within a few days.
The first and main shock at 10.10pm local time on Saturday 21 August 1858.
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 25km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.2
Radius of Intensity IV: 18km gives ML 3.5 ± 0.2
VOLS-29m; SAEQCat;
The first aftershock, felt at 3.15am local time on Sunday 22 August 1858, was described as "less severe"
than the main event by those living in Tanunda, Lyndoch, Pewsey Vale and Mt Crawford.
Magnitude 3.3 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-29m; SAEQCat;
The second aftershock was reported to occure at 7.00pm Sunday 22 August 1858 local time, and was felt by
fewer people and considered to be a shock that was " still weaker" again than the first two event.
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 7.6km gives ML 2.7 ± 0.8
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
VOLS-35; SAEQCat; Image: Mount
Gambier, with one of its volcanic
lakes, at sunset, 1846
At sunset, about 6pm local time, on Sunday 12 June 1859, the neighbourhood of Mount Gambier was
visited by three distinct tremors. Houses were perceptibly shaken but no damage was sustained.
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 27km gives ML 3.5 ± 1.2
A smart shock of an earthquake was felt in Kapunda and
the neighbourhood on Thursday night at about a quarter to
8. Some houses were so far shaken as to upset wine glasses
and make cradles and other things on tables shake
violently. South Australian Register, Sat. 14 April 1860 p 3;
EARTHQUAKE AT RIVERTON.-On Thursday night, the 12th instant, the settlers on the Gilbert were alarmed by the
indications of an earthquake. From half-past 7 till 12 o'clock a loud rumbling noise re- sembling the rolling of a
heavy carriage was heard, accompanied with a slight tremor of the earth, which was felt by several individuals
under their feet. The South Australian Advertiser, Thurs 19 April 1860 p 3
Magnitude 3.2 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 15km gives ML 3.1 ± 1
McCue 2012; Map 1876;
The Shock of Earthquake on Friday. — We learn that the shock of earthquake on Friday night, the 1st instant, was
distinctly felt both at Glenelg and Fullarton. The Shock op Earthquake. — A gentleman raiding in Grote-itieet, Adelaide,
informs us that he distinctly heard the shock of earthquake on the lit inst., at about eight minutes after 10 pjn. He
describes the poand is being a kind of buzz or whirr, resembling the rapid rpUtion of aa engine fly-wheel. South
Australian Register, Wednesday 6 June 1860 p 3; South Australian Register, Thurs 7 June 1860 p 3
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
“A rather severe shock of an earthquake was felt
at Warcowie, Far North, about 9 o'clock of the
evening of the 16th inst. It lasted several
seconds, and-was so strong as to shake the
houses. No accident resulted from its effects.”
Border Watch, Friday 6 December 1861 p 3; Map
Magnitude 2.5 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2 gives ML 2.5 ± 0.5
VOLS-37; Map 1874
Magnitude 4.2 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
McCue 2012 ; Map 1874
Magnitude 3 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 10km gives ML 2.9 ± 0.8
Melrose, Mt Remarkable, Feb 10. I have heard several
people speak of their having last night experienced two On the evening of 9 February 1862, residents of
rather severe shocks of an earthquake. South Australian Melrose and Mount Remarkable "experienced
Register, Thursday 13 February 1862 p 3. South Australian two rather severe shocks of an earthquake".
Register, Mon 24 February 1862 p 6.; Map 1874
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 14km gives ML 3.1 ± 0.9
McCue 2012; Map 1876 III
A shock of an earthquake was distinctly
felt in Adelaide about 2pm local time on
Wednesday, 19 March 1862. The shock
was also felt by other persons in town and
it was quite perceptible at Mount Lofty,
Mount Pleasant, Norwood and Morphett
Vale, and resembled very much the noise
produced by a dray sliding sideways down
a rocky declivity.
Magnitude 4 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 50km gives ML 4 ± 1.4
Radius of Intensity IV: 35km gives ML 3.9 ± 0.2
VOLS-38m; SAEQCat;
A number of northern towns experienced a shock of a medium earthquake on the morning of 15 December
1862. It occurred at approximately 6.25am local time and woke many people from their sleep. The small
town of Auburn appears to be near the centre of the disturbance and describes the effect as being more
severely felt there than anywhere else.
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
McCue 2012, Map 1876
On 15 Wednesday 1863 “the weather was exceedingly warm and in the evening the shock of an earthquake
was distinctly heard and felt here about half-past 9 o'clock. The sound resembled that of thunder, and the
windows and dishes were made to rattle.”
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 9km gives ML 2.8 ± 0.9
McCue 2012; Map 1876
On 31 May 1863, “a noise like the rumbling of a very heavily-laden wagon was heard here on Monday night
about 2 a.m., and I presume it was the earthquake.”
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9
± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 35km gives ML 3.7 ± 1.3
McCue 2012 ; Map 1874
“On Tuesday evening, July 21, at 6 p.m., Port Augusta time, we were visited with the heaviest shock of an earthquake I
ever experienced … It shook the wooden tenement sufficiently to stop the clock on the mantle piece, as well as
alarming the in-mates. The same shock was distinctly felt on Section 869, adjoining Stirling, but not in Stirling
township.” It was also felt distinctly at Corrunna, the Gawler Ranges, NW country.
Magnitude 4.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 150km gives ML 4.9 ± 1.8
Pt Lincoln Aug 15, A slight shock of earth quake was felt
here Last Wednesday evening about 9 o'clock. I believe it
was felt at Port Augusta also. Saturday 15 August 1863
Supplement: Supplement to the South Australian Weekly
Chronicle. p 1
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
McCue 2012; Map 1876
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Earthquake in the Far North.— A
gentleman, writing from a station near
Nuccaleena, says:— '.On Sunday,
December 20 about 10 o'clock, we
experienced a violent shock of an
earthquake, which lasted for several
seconds.' South Australian Register,
Thursday 24 December 1863 p 2; Map 1876
Epicentre (or estimate)
Four earthquakes were also felt in various parts of the
colony, one of them at Mount Gambier on January 4,
taking an east to west direction, with a low rumbling
sound. Border Watch, Friday 26 February 1864 p 2.
Magnitude 2.7 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 6km gives ML 2.6 ± 0.7
Shock of an Earthquake.— A correspondent informs us
that the shock of an earthquake was felt at Angaston
for several minutes between 2 and 3 o'clock on Saturday
last. The shock was still more distinctly noticed at
Kaiserstuhl. Our correspondent remarks that the several
shocks recorded for years past have travelled
apparently in the same line towards Kapunda. South
Australian Register, Wednesday 1 March 1865 p 2
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 25km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.2
Our Melrose correspondent refers to slight shocks of
an earthquake which were experienced on the
Pekina and Coonatto runs on the 27th Ultimo. South
Australian Register, Friday 11 August 1865 p 2; I
have been informed by a gentleman who was
camping on the Pekina run on the night of
Wednesday, 26th ultimo, that at 4 o'clock on the
following morning a severe shock of an earthquake
was felt nearly all over the run, and that plates,
dishes, &cc., were thrown from the shelves in tho The same state of things occurred at Coouatto, but I am not
shepherds' huts, and in many cases the shingles of aware that any thing of the kind was felt in the immediate
the roofs were shaken and loosened ; two more neighbourhood of Melrose. South Australian Register,
shocks of less force were experienced during the day. Friday 11 August 1865 p 3;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 4 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 83km gives ML 4.4 ± 1.6
VOLS-43m; SAEQCat;
Epicentre (or estimate)
From Illawatana, Far North (near Moolooloo & Blinman),
September 3, it is reported that... a shock of an
earthquake was felt on the evening of the 2nd. South
Australian Register, Saturday 15 September 1866 p 2
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 19.5km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-48m; SAEQCat;
On 3 Monday December 1866 at 5.50am local time, a small earthquake was experienced in the far north. At
most, crockery was heard to rattle at Ketchowla and Munjubble stations, possibly more severely at the
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 23km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.1
Kooringa, Jan 7. A shock of an earthquake was distinctly felt
about 3 p.m. yesterday by many persons here; it was also
noticed at the World's End Station and at Mount Bryan, where
pictures shook, plates rattled, and people went outside the door
to see what was the matter. South Australian Register,
Wednesday 8 January 1868 p 3; Kooringa - On Sunday afternoon
the' shock of an earthquake was felt by many persons. At Mount
Bryan, Black Springs, and the World'* End Station, a greater
elementary disturbance is reported to have taken place. The
South Australian Advertiser, Friday 10 January 1868 p 3.
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 22km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.2
ANGASTON, February 18. _ A pretty smart shock of an
earthquake was felt in the township this evening at seven
minutes to 8. Part of the ceiling of one house was shaken
down. Several persons mistook the noise accompanying
the shock for thunder, whilst others thought that a heavy
wagon was passing along the street. I am happy to say
that no material damage has been done. South Australian
Register, Thursday 20 February 1868 p 3; Lyndoch,
Magnitude 4.3 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 87km gives ML 4.4 ± 1.6
Radius of Intensity IV: 55km gives ML 4.3 ± 0.2
VOLS-51m; SAEQCat;
At 1.15pm local time on Wednesday afternoon 28 October 1868, a distinct earthquake occurred that was
felt in many of the townships lying between Kapunda, to the south, and Mt Bryan, some 65km to the north.
Even though the Burra area felt it strongly, the epicentre was located in the Clare Valley.
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 34km gives ML 3.7 ± 1.2
Radius of Intensity IV: 9km gives ML 3.2 ± 0.1
VOLS-51m; SAEQCat;
The following morning at 5.14am local time, a second shock occurred. It was smaller than the previous
day’s event, being most strongly felt at Mintaro, Auburn and Skillogalee Creek.
Magnitude 2.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 6km gives ML 2.6 ± 0.7
VOLS-51; SAEQCat; ; Map 1874
By a private letter from the manager of tho Gum
Creek Run to Mr. P. Wells it appears that the shock
of an earthquake had been felt there on Saturday
morning. South Australian Register, Tuesday 15
December 1868 p 2;
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 25km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.2
SHOCK OF EARTHQUAKE. Clare, May 23. A very strong shock of
earthquake was felt yesterday morning at Bundaleer, the course
being from north to south. It was felt at Clare about 5 o'clock. '
South Australian Register, Tuesday 24 May 1870 p 5; Shock of an ;
EARTHQUAKE— Mr E. Smith, of Clare, informs us that on Sunday
morning, May 22, the smart, shock of an earthquake, mentioned
in a Register telegram commenced' 'about 5.20 a.m., and lasted
several seconds with such intensity as to shake the houses and
wake the inmates. The shock was also felt by residents at
Bundaleer. South Australian Register Thursday 26 May 1870 p 4
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 40km gives ML 3.8 ± 1.3
Shock. — Earthquake motions on a small
scale are becoming frequent, but the
latest felt on the 2nd instant, about 10
o'clock p.m., at Munjibbie was a shock
somewhat severe, and made the house
and everything in it shake. The duration
was fully two minutes, and the direc tion
seemed to be from west to east. South
Australian Register Thursday 9 June 1870
p 5;
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Intensity IV: 32km gives ML 3.9 ± 0.2
VOLS-61m; SAEQCat; A slight shock of an earthquake was distinctly felt in Clare on Wednesday afternoon, at about a
quarter past 5 o'clock. The trembling motion lasted several seconds. We am told that the ciockery in the stores was
heard to rattle, and articles were thrown from the shelves. The shock seemed to proceed in the direction of north and
south. Northern Argus , Friday 13 January 1871 p 2; Auburn - An earthquake shock was felt here yesterday a little after
5 p.m., which was particularly so served in the store, where it shook the crockery, tinware, &e. It was heard in the
dwellings as a rumbling noise, similar to that caused by a reaping-machine. Northern Argus , Friday 13 January 1871 p
3; This evening, between 5 and 6, a shock of earthquake was felt by many persons. Doors and windows were in a state
of oscilla- ' tion, and a loud rumbling noise was head. At ' Mount Bryan the shock was felt to be even ' more severe than
here.—The bridge at Redruth is in a most dangerous state, having a hole < nearly 3 feet square in the centre of it. To
prevent accident immediate attention towards repairing it is necessary, or else serious consequences will assuredly
follow. The South Australian Advertiser, Saturday 14 January 1871 p 3
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 30km gives ML 3.6 ± 1.2
VOLS-65m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 4.8 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Intensity IV: 87km gives ML 4.7 ± 0.2
VOLS-68m; SAEQCat;
On Tuesday 30 January 1872, a “smart shock” was felt at Burra by many people at about 11.10pm local
time. It was sufficiently decided to shake crockery from shelves and cause loose ceiling to fall. Reports also
surfaced from Riverton, Clare and Kapunda.
Magnitude 4.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 53km gives ML 4 ± 1.4
Radius of Intensity IV: 42km gives ML 4.1 ± 0.2
VOLS-72m; SAEQCat; The South Australian Advertiser
Tuesday 11 June 1872 p 2
At 7.10pm local time on 8 June 1872, a distinct shock of an earthquake echoed through the hills and valleys
of the North Mount Lofty Range. At Mt Bryan, a clock was shaken from the shelf, while at Penwortham,
Clare, Aurburn and Allendale, people were greatly alarmed by doors shaking.
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
VOLS-77*;shock felt Northern Argus, Friday 24 January
1873 p 3 Article; Map 1874
In the evening of 18 January 1873, Blinman experienced “two earthquake shocks... The first, a pretty smart
one, occurred at about 20 minutes past 10 p.m., and the second, a very slight one, about 10 minutes
afterwards. They seemed to be pairing from north to south”.
Magnitude 3.7 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 24km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.2
VOLS-78*;strong shock felt; South
Australian Chronicle and Weekly
Mail Saturday 26 July 1873 p 6
Peake, experienced a strong earthquake at 7.45pm local time on Saturday 19 July 1873. It was also
experienced more strongly 15 miles westward at camp, where the “shock overturned their quarter pot
pannikins… The most violent shock I ever experienced”.
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 30km gives ML 3.6 ± 1.2
Shocks of earthquakes at 7h. 30m.
p.m. and at 7h. 45m. p.m. at
Morphett Vale, Strathalbyn, Cherry
Magnitude 3.7 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 40km gives ML 3.8 ± 1.3
The South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday A “tremendous shock of earthquake was felt” in Angaston on
1 September 1874 p 2 Article; The South Monday evening of 31 August 1874 and was later reported as
Australian Advertiser, Wednesday 2 being felt in Houghton. “The shock made several buildings
September 1874 p 2 Article; South
shake, and seemed to come from a westerly direction.” The
Australian Register, Thursday 3
September 1874 p 4 Article; South shock was also reported at Eden Valley and Williamstown,
Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail, occurring at 7.15pm local time, lasting about 2 minutes. “The
Saturday 5 September 1874 Supplement: ground trembled and seemed to roll for a few seconds.”
CHRONICLE p 3 Article; Map 1874
Magnitude 2.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 8km gives ML 2.7 ± 0.9
VOLS-79*;2 shocks between 1630-1730; Map 1876
Hamilton was visited by two earth shocks between 2 and 3am local time, spaced by 3-5 minutes, on 14
September 1874. The First shock like oscillatory motion, upheaval was distinctly felt with furniture being
violently agitated for nearly a minute.
Magnitude 4.2 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 65km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
VOLS-80*;The South Australian
Advertiser, Saturday 14 November
1874 p 2; South Australian Register,
Tuesday 17 November 1874 p 7; South
Australian Register, Monday 16
November 1874 p 5; South Australian
Register, Tuesday 17 November 1874
p 5; Northern Argus , Tuesday 17 Kapunda, Gawler, Mannum, Blanchetown, and Steelton as well as
November 1874 p 2; South Australian Angaston, Nuriootpa, Feeling, Wasley and Truro were shaken by a
Register, Monday 16 November 1874 “severe” earthquake on Friday 14 November 1874 at about
p 5; The South Australian Advertiser,
7.30pm local time. It was also reported as being felt by a few in
Wednesday 18 November 1874 p 2;
South Australian Chronicle and Clare. The report from Blanchetown stated that “The shock
Weekly Mail, Saturday 21 November appeared to travel from east to west, and was felt at the station,
1874 p 7; South Australian Register, six miles from here, where it was described as similar to a number
Wednesday 25 November 1874 p 7; ; of drays travelling over a rough country, causing great vibration.”
Map 1874 And by another observer, “The shock was also noticed by several
residents in Adelaide but appears to have been most severe in
Kapunda and its neighbourhood" with the loosening of plaster dust
and shaking of crockery and iron roofing.
Magnitude 3.7 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 25km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.2
VOLS-81*; South Australian Register,
Wednesday 10 February 1875 p 4; ;
Map 1874
“A sharp shock of earthquake was felt at Hookina between 11 and 12 p.m. on the night of Sunday”, 24
January 1875. “It violently shook all the tenements in the township, especially those in the south end. The
crockery arranged on shelves resolved itself into castanets and triangle bands, much to the discomfort of
the owners, whose teeth seemed inclined to add an accompaniment. The movement seemed to be from
north to south, and the vibrations lasted nearly a minute. However, it did no damage except shaking in one
side of the publican's well. The shock was felt, though far less violent, at Wallelberdina, 15 miles-distant.”
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 3.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 23km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.1
Radius of Intensity
IV: 13km gives ML 3.3 ± 0.2
VOLS-82m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.4 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 18km gives ML 3.2 ± 1.1
VOLS-82m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.7 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 18km gives ML 3.5 ± 0.2
VOLS-82m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
VOLS-90*; South Australian Chronicle and
Weekly Mail, Saturday 7 July 1877 p 8;
Map 1876
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 7.4km gives ML 2.7 ± 0.8
Radius of Intensity
IV: 2.3km gives ML 2.8 ± 0.1
VOLS-91m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 2.5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2 gives ML 2.5 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 15km gives ML 3.1 ± 1
Kapunda, January 13. On Sunday evening at
5.15 oclock there was the shock of an
earthquake at Anlaby. It wis not violent, but
the vibrations were rapid, »pd shook the Riverton, Jan 14. On Sunday afternoon, about twenty minutes
houses. It lasted six seconds, and the waves past 5, a slight shock of an earthquake was felt near here. It was
travelled from north-east to south west : the sufficiently violent to cause a commotion among the crockery and
rambling was like low thunder. South lasted for several seconds. South Australian Register, Thursday 23
Australian Register, Tuesday 14 January 1879 January 1879 Supplement: SUPPLEMENT TO THE SOUTH
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 4.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5.5 gives ML 4.5 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 78km gives ML 4.3 ± 1.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 34km gives ML 3.9 ± 0.2
VOLS-99m; SAEQCat;
Location 34.64°S, 138.77°E Shock of an Earthquake.— During the storm which passed
over Gawler on Sunday a shock of an earthquake was
Magnitude 2.8 ML distinctly felt at a quarter past 11 o'clock a.m. It lasted for
a second or two, and travelled in an easterly direction, com-
pletely shaking the doors and windows of the houses, and
Calculating magnitude the crockery on the shelves. South Australian Register,
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5 Tuesday 23 December 1879 p 4
Location 33.62°S,
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
Radius of Intensity
IV: 16km gives ML 3.5 ± 0.1
VOLS-106m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
VOLS-109*;shock felt;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Location 34.3°S, 138.92°E EUDUNDA, April 19.On Saturday last two slight shocks of an
earthquake were felt here. South Australian Register,
Magnitude 2.8 ML Wednesday 21 April 1880 p 7; The Kapunda Herald states that
on the forenoon of Sunday, April 18, two shocks of earthquake
were felt in that neighborhood, travelling from north to south.
Calculating magnitude The first shock was at about 10 o'clock, and an interval of three
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5 minutes occurred between that and the second shock, which
was the heavier of the two. South Australian Chronicle and
Weekly Mail, Saturday 24 April 1880 p 6
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 40km gives ML 3.8 ± 1.3
ORROROO (via Hallett), August 6. A
severe shock of earthquake was felt
here on Wednesday evening, at 10
o'clock, causing uo little excitement and
wonder. It lasted fully a second and
then died away iu an easterly direc tion.
Doors and crockery were shaken con
tiderably by the shock. The South
Australian Advertiser, Saturday 7
August 1880 p 5;
A correspondent writes with respect to a shock ef earthquake felt in the North, and mentioned iu our telegraphic
columns:—On the evening of Augurt 4 the inhabitants of Orroroo and neighborhood were very much startled by
feeling a most distinct shock of earthquake, which seemed to proceed from the direction of south-east and travel
towards the north-west. I myself saw whilst visiting at a house a short distance out of the township a sewing-
machine heave and shake as if some in visible hand was at work on it. Mr. Moddy, J P., who lives at the Pekina Old
Head Station, also informs me that he felt it, and that he at first thought the house was going to fall. This is not the
nrat shock we have had by a great many. The South Australian Advertiser, Saturday 7 August 1880 p 4; OLADDIE,
Aug 8. A smart shook of earthquake was felt here on Wednesday night which lasted for several seconds. The South
Australian Advertiser, Saturday 14 August 1880 p 11; YANYARRIE, August 10. We had a very severe shock of earth
quake on the night of the 4th. South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail, Saturday 14 August 1880 p 4
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 70km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
TEROWIE, August 30. Slight shocks
of earthquake were felt here about
midnight yesterday. The vibration
apparently travelled from south-
east to north-west. The South
Australian Advertiser, Wednesday
31 August 1881 p 5; Map 1893
JAMESTOWN, August 30. A shock of earthquake was felt here last night. The South Australian Advertiser,
Wednesday 31 August 1881 p 5; PETERSBURG, August 30. At a quarter past 12 this morning a distinct shock of
earthquake was felt in this township. The first intimation was very sudden, and some describe it as being like an
explosion, the rumbling gradually dying away in the distance. Nearly all were roused from their sleep by the sudden
noise and rattling of windows. No damage was done. PETERSBURGH Augcrt 30. A. very severe shock of
earthquake was felt here about 12 o'clock last night. It was travel ling from east to west, and its effect was to shake
the windows and anything movable. TEROWIE. Auzust 30. A rather severe shock of earthquake was ex perienced
here at about midnight, the direction being apparently from south to north. The shock wm to severe u to ctute the
crockery od several shelves to rattle. The South Australian Advertiser, Wednesday 31 August 1881 p 5; MORGAN,
Augnst 31. There was a severe shock of earthquake felt here on the night of the 29th, it' seems to have been
travelling north and south, it lasted several seconds. Burra Record (SA : 1878 - 1954) Friday 2 September 1881 p 2;
PETERSBURG, SEPTEMBER 1. We had a smart shock of earthquake about midnight on Monday. From reports I have
heard I think it was felt most severely in this township, but no damage was done.;
Magnitude 3.3 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-119*;severe shock; McCue 2012;
WAR00KA.May 13. A severe shock or an earthquake was felt in Warooka and neighbourhood at a quarter to 3 p.m.
yesterday Friday. It travelled in a south easterly direction. South Australian Register, Monday 15 May 1882 p 7; The
keeper of Corny Point lighthouse reported that an earthquake was felt there on May 12. It lasted four seconds, the
lighthouse and cottages being severely shaken. The South Australian Advertiser, Friday 19 May 1882 p 6;
Correspondents at Corney Point and Levers report a shock of earthquake on Friday May 12. A gentleman writing
from the first mentioned place, says: — 'On Fri day, about 3 pm., this locality was visited by a slight shock of an
earthquake, lasting for a few seconds. The light-tower shook per- ceptibly, and' the furniture m the keepers'
house was for a time unsettled. The wind was blowing very strong from the west, and I at first thought it was
thunder, as heavy weather was coming from the west, but the perceptible shaking of the ground dispelled: that
notion.' Our correspondent at Levens Says :— 'The shock was felt at 2.30 in the afternoon, apparently trawelling
from west to east. It lasted about two minutes, was ac- companied by a dull rumbling sound, and shook crockery
and houses slightly in its course.' South Australian Weekly Chronicle, Saturday 20 May 1882 p 11
Magnitude 2.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Location 36.83°S, 139.85°E A slight shock of earthquake was both heard and felt by
many of the residents of Kingston late on Tuesday night,
Magnitude 3.1 ML Oct. 24. It was a rumbling noise, such as a vehicle might
produce in the streets, accompanied with a vibration of
walls, &c, only that it was a little louder. South Australian
Calculating magnitude Weekly Chronicle, Saturday 4 November 1882 p 10
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Location 33.37°S, 138.46°E APPILA. Febrnarv 17. Several persons resident about three
miles from Yarrowie experienced a slight shock of earthquake
Magnitude 3.8 ML this morning at about half-past 5. It even awoke sleepers aud
made a general rattle, lasting for quite half a minute. At was
supposed to have been travelling from south to north. South
Calculating magnitude Australian Register, Monday 19 February 1883 p 7; BLYTH,
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6 February 21. A, slight shock of earthquake was felt at 5.45
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 50km gives ML 4 ± 1.4 this evening. It appeared to pass from west to east. The South
Australian Advertiser, Thursday 22 February 1883 p 5;
Location 33.84°S, 138.58°E CLARE. February 21. A severe shock of earthquake was felt here this
evening, about seventeen minutes to 6, .vibrating from south-east to north-
Magnitude 3.3 ML west,' and lasting fully thirty seconds. ? Houses were shaken, and crockery
and furniture were seen to tremble. South Australian Register, Thursday 22
February 1883 p 5; CLARE, February 22. A slight shock of earthquake was
Calculating magnitude felt yesterday evening, and a number of people noticed it. It appeared to
Maximum Intensity come from the westward. The South Australian Advertiser, Friday 23
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6 February 1883 p 5; CLARE, February 21. A severe shock of earthquake was
Radius of Perceptibility felt here at 4.45 this afternoon. It passed from south east to north-west,
Rp: 12km gives ML 3 ± 0.9 and lasted about 20 seconds. The walls of many of die buildings were
shaken with considerable force, and in one business place a small lump of
plaster was shaken from die wall. Burra Record (SA : 1878 - 1954) Friday 23
February 1883 p 3 ; SPALDING, February 26. On Wednesday evening,
February 21, a severe shock of earthquake was felt in this township. It
shook all the crockery on the shelves in the local atore. The rumbling
eecmed to be eoine from north-west to south east. South Australian Weekly
Chronicle, Saturday 10 March 1883 p 12
Magnitude 4.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 70km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
SAEQCat; 24/SA/01; Dyster; Malpas 1883;
McCue 1975
Magnitude 3.1 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
SAEQCat; Malpas 1883
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
A correspondent at Whyte-Yaroowie sends us the following particulars of the shocks of earthquake experienced at
that place on Saturday last :— 'The weather was very close at the time (twenty minutes to 2 o'clock), and so very
decided was the circumstance that we all looked at each other, when seated at dinner, to see if any one felt
alarmed at a rolling as of heavy stones under our house. The shaking cf the table and things upon it sent a most
unpleasant eensation through us, and we immediately thought of Sunda and Ischia. Then there was another and
more decided shock, which shook our house more perceptibly, and the neighbours ran out of their houses to see
what stones had been thrown, or what heavy cavalcade was passing. South Australian Register, Thurs 3 April 1884
p ; Wonna, April 1 — On Saturday two distinct shocks of earthquake were felt here; the first between 1 and 2 p.m .
the second about ten minutes to 5. Both of them shook the houses. The first lastedfor fully one minute, and seemed
to travel from north to south. The second lasted about 30 seconds, and appeared to be travelling from a north-
westerly direction towards th« southeast. South Australian Weekly Chronicle, Sat 5 April 1884 p 14
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Magnitude 4 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 40km gives ML 3.8 ± 1.3
VOLS-129*;severe shock; McCue 2012;
GLADSTONE. June 25.This morning, about 3, heavy shocks of earthquake, lasting some fifteen seconds, travelling
south-easterly, were distinctly felt in Gladstone and district. South Australian Register, Thursday 26 June 1884 p 6;
Wirrabara reports the occurance of a severe shock of earthquake at 5.45 a.m on Wednesday. Telegrams from our
own correspondents in other places in the north confirm the statement that a severe shook was experienced.
APPILA. June 25. A severe shock of earthquake was felt here shortly before 3 o'clock this morning. It ap- peared to
be going westward. The houses were shaken, some people getting out of bed to see what was the matter. It lasted
about half a minute.The South Australian Advertiser, Thursday 26 June 1884 p 4; PORT PIRIE. June 25. Two rather
severe shocks of earthquake have been felt here, namely, at 11.30 last night and at 3 this morning. They travelled in
a northerly direction. The rumbling was like thunder, while the quivering of the buildings and clatter of crockery and
windows were considerable. In some places small articles on mantelpieces were moved by the vibration.
CALTOWIE. June 25. A severe shock of earthquake was felt here about 3 o'clock this morning. It appeared to travel
in a south-easterly direction. PORT GERMEIN. June 25. Early this morning, between 3 and 4, a slight shock of an
earthquake was felt here. Several of the windows had a good shaking, but no damage was done. ORROROO, June
25. A severe shock ot earthquake occurred here this morning about 3 o'clock. It was severe enough to displace
several articles in one of the stores, and to wake up the occupants of one of the hotels. The shock travelled from
south-west to north-east. Wirrabara :— ' Severe shock of earthquake at 5.45 a.m. to-day.' From several
correspondents in Northern townships we have received accounts of an unusually severe shock. Houses are said to
have been shaken and articles of furniture were moved, while in one locality the lodgers in an hotel were aroused
from their slumbers.The South Australian Register, Thursday 26 June 1884 p 6; Georgetown, June 26. A slight shock
of an earthquake was felt here yesterday morning at 3 o'clock.
Location 33.85°S, 138.85°E FARRELL'S FLAT. July 27. A sharp shock of earthquake
accompanied by a low rumbling noise was felt here at about
Magnitude 3.5 ML eleven thirty p.m. on Saturday night, and lasted about
fifteen seconds. It appeared to ran from north to south.
Burra Record (SA : 1878 - 1954) Tuesday 28 July 1885 p 2
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
Jamestown, July 27. A series of heavy rumbling noises, suggestive of an earthquake, and lasting from sixteen to
twenty seconds, were distinctly heard by a number of residents here at ten minutes to 12 o'clock on Saturday night
last. The sound appeared to be travelling from south-west to north-east, and a distinct series of vibrations were
clearly ercperienced, lasting the time stated. The shocks were as distinctly felt at Yongala. Auburn, July 27. A shock
of earthquake was experienced by several inhabitants on Saturday at nidnight. Whyte-Varcowie, July 27. A decided
shock of earthquake was felt last Saturday night at 11.50, travelling in the direc tion of south-east to north-west.
The South Australian Advertiser, Tuesday 28 July 1885 p 5; Clare.July 26. At about a quarter past 12 o clock this
morning a rather severe shock of earthquake was felt here. Many people were startled by it. The rumbling noise
lasted for some seconds, and, judging from the vibrations, it was going from north to south. At Hill River the shock
was equally severe. Hallett, July 26. * - A severe shock of earthquake was expe ?rienced here at 12 o'clock last
night. It was travelling from west to east. Beds and furniture in the houses were shaken, and people were
awakened by its force. Gladstone, July 26. A low rumbling noise very like that which would proceed from an
earthquake was felt here soon after 12 o'clock on Saturday night. The wind was calm at the tims of the shock, ^ but
it began to bio w strongly from the south 'immediately afterwards. - South Australian Register, Monday 27 July
1885 p 6 ; Caltowie, July 27. A severe gale passed over here on Satur day night at about 8.30 o'clock^ It blew with
great violence for about 15 minutes, and at about 12 o'clock on Sunday morning a dis tinct shock of an earthquake
was felt passing in. a south-easterly direction. South Australian Register, Tuesday 28 July 1885 p 6; Watervale.
Julv 27. A scarp shock oi earthquake was ex perienced here at about midnight on Satur day. It wbb felt by several
persons, Borne of whom state that it lasted about two minutes. There was a most distinct earth tremor, and the
rumble was like that of a roar of low thunder. Mr. Squire, the Deputy Postmaster General, haB received the
following telegram from the Telegraph Master at Kooringi :— 'Saturday night, at about 11.30, severe earthquake
shock felt hero, travelling from west to east, rocking furniture,etc. I hear especially severe at Baldina, eastward of
Burra.' South Australian Register, Tuesday 28 July 1885 p ; A shock of earthquake was felt in the North about
midnight on Saturday, July 25. South Australian Register, Thursday 30 July 1885 p 3; FARRELL'S FLAT, July 27. A
aught shock of earthquake, lasting about six second?, was felt here on Saturday night between 11 and 12 o'clock.
There was a rumbling noise like distant thunder. It appeared to travel in a southerly direction. South Australian
Register, Thursday 30 July 1885 p 3 ; BURRA. July 27. A severe shock of earthquake was felt here about 12 o'clock
on Saturday night last. Very many persons were alarmed at the rattling of doors and windows. At Baldina it caused
100 Dix (2013) South Australian Historical Earthquakes
much alarm. The shock was also very heavy at Firewood Creek, with peculiar rumbling sound . South Australian
Register, Thursday 30 July 1885 p 3; HALLETT, July 29, A severe shock of earthquake accompanied by a noise like
tiiat of a fierce rushing wind, was felt here on Saturday night at about 12 o'clock. It awoke every one out of sleep,
and the windows, doors, and everything in the houses shook and rattled violendy. It left cracks in the walls of die
Government cottages near the Railway line,; the roof of one house is said to have been removed 3 inches out of its
place, and several yards of die strong, dry, stone wall around die cemetery was tiirown down.. Burra Record (SA :
1878 - 1954) Friday 31 July 1885 p 2; Jamestown, Julv 27. A series of heavy rumbling noises, sugges tive of an
earthquake, and lasting from sixteen to twenty seconds, were distinctly heard by a number of residents here at ten
minutes to 12 o'clock on Saturday night last. The sound appeared to be travelling from south-west to north-east,
and a distinct series of vibrations was clearly experienced, lasting the tune stated. The shocks were as distinctly felt
at Yongala. Auburn, July 27. | A shock of earthquake was experienced by ! several inhabitants on Saturday at
midnight. Whyte-Yarcowie, July 27. | A decided shock of earthquake was felt Ia9t j Saturday night at 11.50,
travelling in thedirec- j tion of southeast to north-west. Burra, July 27. On Saturday night about a quarter to 12 a
distinct shock of earthquake was felt travelling ] in a north-west to south-east direction, which shook several houses
considerably. The following is a copy of a telegram received by the Deputy Postmaster-General (Mr. E. Squire) from
the telegraph-master at Koo ringa :— ' On Saturday night at about 1L30 a severe earthquake shock was felt here,
travel ling from west to east, rocking furniture, &c. I hear it was especially severe at Baldina, east ward of the
Burra.' The followingis acopy of a telegram received from the telegraph-master at Hawker by the acting -
PoBtmaster- General on Thursday:— ' Very severe shock earthquake felt here at 1 p.m. to-day, passing north-west
to south-east, lasted one minute, causing office to tremble and shake pieces plaster from the doorframes. The
following message was forwarded from Quorn in the afternoon :— ' Shock of earth quake here about 1.45 p.m. to-
day. Windows vibrated. South Australian Weekly Chronicle, Saturday 1 August 1885 p 21; GLADSTONE, July 26. At
Beetaloo at five minutes past 13 o'clock on Saturday night a distinct shock of an earthquake was felt, travelling
from north to south. It lasted three seconds, after which there was a strong gale from the south. South Australian
Weekly Chronicle, Saturday 1 August 1885 p 10
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 13km gives ML 3 ± 1
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 25km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.2
VOLS-138m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.7 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 42km gives ML 3.8 ± 1.4
VOLS-143m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 110km gives ML 4.6 ± 1.7
VOLS-149m; SAEQCat; 24/SA/68
Magnitude 5.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 7 gives ML 5.3 ± 0.8
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 165km gives ML 5 ± 1.8
VOLS-159m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 6.5 gives ML 5.1 ± 0.7
SAEQCat; 24/SA/29; McCue 1996
Magnitude 4.5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5.5 gives ML 4.5 ± 0.7
SAEQCat; 24/SA/28; McCue 1996
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 52km gives ML 4 ± 1.4
VOLS-174m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 4.9 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: km gives ML ±
SAEQCat; 24/SA/34; McCue 1996
Magnitude 4.1 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 63km gives ML 4.1 ± 1.5
Radius of Intensity
IV: 40km gives ML 4 ± 0.2
VOLS-184m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.3 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
The first sod of the line was turned at Port Augusta on
14 September 1912 and at the opposite end of the line
References in Kalgoorlie on 12 February 1913.
VOLS-197*;smart shock
Magnitude 4.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 70km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
VOLS-204m*; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 4.4 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 92km gives ML 4.5 ± 1.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 63km gives ML 4.4 ± 0.2
VOLS-213m*; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 45km gives ML 3.9 ± 1.3
Radius of Intensity IV: 21km gives ML 3.6 ± 0.2
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat; 24/SA/38;
Magnitude 3.3 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 22km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.2
VOLS-244m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 7 gives ML 5.3 ± 0.8
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 51km gives ML 4 ± 1.4
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat; 24/SA/39;
McCue 2012
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 7 gives ML 5.3 ± 0.8
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 63km gives ML 4.1 ± 1.5
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat; 24/SA/40
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6.5 gives ML 5.1 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 72km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 52km gives ML 4.2 ± 0.2
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
24/SA/41; McCue 1996
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Magnitude 6.5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 9 gives ML 6.5 ± 0.9
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 700km gives ML 6.5 ± 2.5
Radius of Intensity
IV: 550km gives ML 6.6 ± 0.4
Hons; SAEQCat; 24/A/23;
24/SA/02; Bierbaum 1994; Dyster;
McCue 1975; McCue 2012;
Malpas 1897
Magnitude 5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
McCue 2012m
Magnitude 4.4 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
VOLS-286*; SAEQCat; sharp shock; in Bierbaum
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-295m; SAEQCat; moderate shock
Magnitude 4.9 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 150km gives ML 4.9 ± 1.8
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
24/SA/42; Bierbaum 1994
Magnitude 3.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 50km gives ML 4 ± 1.4
VOLS-301*; SAEQCat; slight; Bierbaum
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
VOLS-302*; McCue 1996; slight
Magnitude 3.7 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 23km gives ML 3.4 ± 1.1
Magnitude 4.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 172km gives ML 5 ± 1.9
Radius of Intensity
IV: 95km gives ML 4.7 ± 0.3
Malpas 1991; VOLS-337*;
SAEQCat; slight; 24/SA/43; McCue
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 30km gives ML 3.6 ± 1.2
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3 gives ML 3.1 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 16km gives ML 3.1 ± 1.1
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
24/SA/45, McCue 2012
Magnitude 4.4 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 98km gives ML 4.5 ± 1.7
SAEQCat; 24/SA/48; Malpas 1902; Hons
Magnitude 6 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 8 gives ML 5.9 ± 0.8
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 400km gives ML 5.9 ± 2.2
Radius of Intensity
IV: 320km gives ML 6 ± 0.3
SAEQCat; 24/SA/03; Dyster; McCue 2012;
Malpas 1902; Hons
Magnitude 4.4 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 100km gives ML 4.5 ± 1.7
SAEQCat; 24/SA/03; Dyster; McCue
2012; Malpas 1902; Hons
Magnitude 4.8 ML
Epicentre (or estimate)
III Zone intensity designation
3 Earthquake felt (MM)
0 Earthquake not felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5.5 gives ML 4.5 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 180km gives ML 5.1 ± 1.9
Radius of Intensity
IV: 110km gives ML 4.9 ± 0.2
SAEQCat; 24/SA/37, 24/SA/46; Malpas
1902; Hons
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 65km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
SAEQCat; 24/SA/47; Malpas 1902;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 67km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
Radius of Intensity
IV: 23km gives ML 3.7 ± 0.1
VOLS-355m*; SAEQCat; slight shock
Magnitude 3.4 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 18km gives ML 3.2 ± 1.1
Magnitude 4.1 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 70km gives ML 4.2 ± 1.5
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 15km gives ML 3.1 ± 1
McCue 2012
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5.5 gives ML 4.5 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 120km gives ML 4.7 ± 1.7
Radius of Intensity
IV: 70km gives ML 4.5 ± 0.2
SAEQCat; 24/SA/27; McCue 1996
Magnitude 4.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 50km gives ML 4.2 ± 0.2
VOLS-387*; SAEQCat; strong;
Bierbaum 1994m; McCue 2012
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5.5 gives ML 4.5 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 140km gives ML 4.8 ± 1.8
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 131km gives ML 4.8 ± 1.7
VOLS-417m; SAEQCat; severe
Magnitude 4.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 150km gives ML 4.9 ± 1.8
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
24/SA/51; McCue 2012
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 7 gives ML 5.3 ± 0.8
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 295km gives ML 5.6 ± 2.1
Radius of Intensity
IV: 200km gives ML 5.5 ± 0.2
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat;
24/SA/52; McCue 2012
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 26km gives ML 3.5 ± 1.1
Malpas 1991; VOLS-436m*; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 200km gives ML 5.2 ± 1.9
VOLS-450m; SAEQCat; 5.2
Location References
Magnitude ML VOLS-457*;shock felt
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 33.7km gives ML 3.9 ± 0.2
Malpas 1991; VOLS-464m;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
SAEQCat; 24/SA/35; McCue 1996
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4.5 gives ML 3.9 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 87km gives ML 4.4 ± 1.6
Radius of Intensity
IV: 39km gives ML 4 ± 0.2
VOLS-471m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity : I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility : Rp: 88km gives ML 4.4 ± 1.6
VOLS-477m; SAEQCat; moderate
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
VOLS-486*;moderate shock
Magnitude 4.3 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 88km gives ML 4.4 ± 1.6
VOLS-489m; SAEQCat; moderate
Magnitude 2.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 2.5 gives ML 2.8 ± 0.5
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 2.2km gives ML 2.1 ± 0.5
VOLS-492m; SAEQCat; distinctive shock
Magnitude 3.5 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 30km gives ML 3.6 ± 1.2
VOLS-494*;2 distinct shocks;
McCue 2012
Magnitude 4.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 140km gives ML 4.8 ± 1.8
McCue 2012
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 200km gives ML 5.2 ± 1.9
Radius of Intensity
IV: 176km gives ML 5.3 ± 0.3
Malpas 1991; Hons; SAEQCat; 24/SA/53
Magnitude 3.9 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 32km gives ML 3.6 ± 1.3
VOLS-502m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 9km gives ML 2.8 ± 0.9
VOLS-505m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.8 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility Rp: 20km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
VOLS-507m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.2 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 8km gives ML 2.7 ± 0.9
VOLS-510m; SAEQCat;
Magnitude 3.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
VOLS-514m; SAEQCat;
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 7 gives ML 5.3 ± 0.8
SAEQCat; 24/SA/33
Magnitude 0.0 ML
Magnitude 5.6 ML
Calculating magnitude
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 300km gives ML 5.6 ± 2.1
SAEQCat; 24/A/24; Bierbaum
1994; McCue 2012
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 8 gives ML 5.9 ± 0.8
Radius of Intensity
IV: 340km gives ML 6 ± 0.3
Hons; SAEQCat; 24/SA/05, 24/I54/01,
24/SA/71; Dyster; McCue 2012; Malpas
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 3.5 gives ML 3.3 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 19.5km gives ML 3.3 ± 1.1
Hons; SAEQCat; 24/SA/54; McCue 2012;
Malpas 1954
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 6km gives ML 2.6 ± 0.7
VOLS-*; SAEQCat; shock felt; 24/I54/05
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 40km gives ML 3.8 ± 1.3
SAEQCat; 24/I54/06
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 6 gives ML 4.8 ± 0.7
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 150km gives ML 4.9 ± 1.8
SAEQCat; 24/I53/02
Magnitude 4.3 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 80km gives ML 4.3 ± 1.6
SAEQCat; 24/I53/03
Magnitude 4.4 ML
Magnitude 4.4 ML
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 100km gives ML 4.5 ± 1.7
SAEQCat; 24/SA/08
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 4 gives ML 3.6 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 27km gives ML 3.5 ± 1.2
VOLS-582m; SAEQCat; slight
Calculating magnitude
Maximum Intensity
I0: 5 gives ML 4.2 ± 0.6
Radius of Perceptibility
Rp: 120km gives ML 4.7 ± 1.7
VOLS-588*;shock felt
Magnitude 1.9 ML
Magnitude 2.2 ML
It is well recognised internationally that the accuracy of assessing the seismic risk of a region is
dependent on the time span and completeness of the earthquake database. “The longer the
seismicity of an area is observed, the better the ability to predict future activity” (Sinadinovski,
Greenhalgh & Love, 2006, p.151). For South Australia, it is understood that the duration of
instrumentally recorded events (from 1964) is insufficient to assess the seismic risk. This is
even true for the Adelaide Geosyncline which shows the highest level of activity. The largest
recorded events in the State’s history have occurred during the pre-instrumental period
(Malpas, 1991b). Accordingly, the value of historical earthquake research is of great
importance for the assessment of ground motion models used in seismic risk assessment
(Bierbaum, 1994; Denham, 1979; Greenhalgh & McDougall, 1990; Malpas, 1991b; McCue,
2004; Sinadinovski et al., 2006). There is also the intrinsic value of retaining historical
information that stretches back to the colonisation of our state. This thesis contributes to the
field of historical earthquake research, with a particular focus on South Australia, which
contains some of the most seismically active regions in Australia.
With the advent of the information age, researching historical newspapers and records is now
a feasible undertaking. As an example, the reports of an additional 110 previously
unrecognised events during the first 50 years of colonisation were recovered from digitised
South Australian newspapers, recently made available on the National Library of Australia’s
website called TROVE. This was done in a week and the South Australian Historical Earthquake
Index now comprises some 679 event with the construction of isoseismal maps for 114 of
those events.
More importantly, this quick investigation conducted in only 14 per cent of all South Australian
newspapers, indicates the high likelihood of uncovering many more South Australian
earthquakes, possibly in the hundreds. The search can be further expanded if interstate
records are considered. The period between the 1920s to the 1940s has a surprisingly low
number of events indexed currently and should be a priority for further research.
Figure 5.1 presents the number of earthquakes in South Australia recorded during the
instrumental period (1964-2012 inclusive) compared to the relative proportion of events
recorded during the historical period (1837-1963 inclusive). It suggests that the approximate
number of events missing from the historical earthquake record is 9200 events below
Figure 5.1. Number of earthquakes in South Australia recorded during the instrumental period
compared to the relative proportion of events recorded in the historical period
To take this analysis a step further, the ML magnitude values can be used directly in a hazard
assessment. The return period, T, was calculated for events of magnitude 3 and above,
separately for earthquakes in the historical and instrumental periods. A plot of magnitude ML
against the probability of exceedance, P, where P is the inverse of the return period, T, and
lnT = -lnP, is presented in Figure 5.2.
The equations for the lines of best fit, reordered, predict the magnitude for any return period
(T), as presented in Table 5.1. The current historical and instrumental records agree in their
prediction of an earthquake of magnitude ML 6 causing minor damage every 100 years or so.
These findings are similar to those of McCue (2012) and add further evidence to the
importance of historical earthquakes and their inclusion in seismic risk analysis and hazard
assessment in South Australia.
Table 5.1. Predictions of magnitude ML in South Australia for representative return periods
While it has been mainly the work of one person to get it to this point, it is now the work of
many to continue the substantial task of finding the missing events and assessing the felt
reports to determine event parameters. In order to preserve the work that has been done and
The following documents are shared, via the links, on Google Docs.
anyone with this link can view; registered researchers can edit
Please contact drkdix@gmail.com for editing privileges
Other References:
A collection of related research, journal articles and documents
anyone with this link can view
By establishing this online resource, this thesis presents an opportunity to establish processes
that curate and maintain into the future an increasingly accurate record of historical
earthquakes in South Australia. Moreover, this work may also provide a model for the ongoing
development of historical earthquake records in other states and territories in Australia.
In some respects, little has changed since 1860 when Marryat first suggested “that information
should be collected respecting the various shocks of earthquakes”. Hopefully this vision is now
closer to being achieved.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2006). Australian Historical Population Statistics 2006. Online
Barlow, D., Denham, D., Jones, T., McCue, K., Gibson, G. & Greenhalgh, S.A. (1986). The
Musgrave Ranges earthquake of March 30, 1986. Transactions of the Royal Society of
South Australia. 109, 187-189.
Barosh, P.J. (1969). Use of seismic intensity data to predict the effects of earthquakes and
underground nuclear explosions in various geologic settings. U.S. Geological Survey
Bulletin 1279.
Bierbaum, S. (1994) Earthquake hazard and microtremor analysis, South Australia. Unpublished
Honours Thesis Flinders University, Adelaide.
Blacket, Rev.J., (1907). Early History of South Australia. Vardon & Sons, Adelaide.
Brown, A. & Gibson, G. (2004). A multi-tiered earthquake hazard model for Australia.
Tectonophysics, 390, 25-43.
Bullen, K.E. & Bolt, B.A. (1956). The south Australian earthquake of 1939, March 26. Journal
and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 90, 19-28.
Burbidge, D.R. (ed.) (2012). The 2012 Australian Earthquake Hazard Map. Record 2012/71.
Geoscience Australia: Canberra.
Burke-Gaffney, T.N., (1952). Seismicity of Australia. Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal
Society of Australia, 85, 47-52.
Clark, D. & McPherson, A. (2011). Large earthquake recurrence in the Adelaide region: A
palaeoseismological perspective. Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2011
Conference, 18-20 November, Barossa Valley, South Australia.
Denham, D. 1979. Earthquake Hazard in Australia. In R.L. Heathcote & B.G. Them (Eds.),
Natural Hazards in Australia (pp. 94-116). Australian Academy of Science, Canberra.
Dewey, J. & Byerly, P. (1969) Earthquake Monitoring. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America, 59 (1), 183-227.
Dodwell, G.F. (1910). South Australian Earthquakes. Australasian Association for the
Advancement of Science, 12, 416-423.
Doyle, H.A., Everingham, I.B. & Sutton, D.J. (1968). Seismicity of the Australian Continent.
Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 15 (2), 295-312.
Dyster, T. (1979). Strong Shock of Earthquake: The Story of the Four Greatest Earthquakes in
the History of South Australia. Report, Department of Physics University of Adelaide,
South Australia.
Magnitude Maximum In SA EQ In
Index Year Month Day UTC PLACE Malpas
ML Intensity Catalogue Atlas
1 1837 7 22 1855 ADELAIDE 3.9 4.5
2 1840 3 31 0630 ADELAIDE 3.6 4.5
3 1842 8 13 1130 ENCOUNTER BAY 3.1 3
4 1844 8 20 0930 KOORINGA 3.9 4
5 1845 8 ~30 2330 STONY DESERT 2.8 2.5
6 1845 10 25 1730 ADELAIDE 3.6 4
7 1848 2 3 0130 BAROSSA RANGE 3.8 4
8 1848 9 12 1830 ADELAIDE 3.1 3
9 1848 9 14 1830 BURRA 3.6 4.5
10 1848 12 ~5 PORT LINCOLN 2.8 2.5
11 1848 12 ~10 BURRA 3.1 3
12 1849 2 10 1100 GAWLER 3.1 3
13 1850 10 14 1330 ADELAIDE 3.1 3
14 1851 3 16 1930 PORT LINCOLN 2.8 2.5
15 1852 5 19 1030 MORPHETT VALE 3 3.5
16 1853 9 15 1630 MOUNT REMARKABLE 5.1 6
17 1855 2 18 2200 KAPUNDA 3.9 4.5
18 1855 2 23 1900 KAPUNDA AFTERSHOCK 3.2 3
19 1856 6 24 1650 GAWLER 4.3 5
20 1857 4 27 1420 CAPE WILLOUGHBY 3.5 4
21 1858 8 21 1245 TANUNDA 3.9 5
22 1858 8 21 1745 TANUNDA FIRST AFTERSHOCK 3.5 4
23 1858 8 22 0930 TANUNDA SECOND AFTERSHOCK 3.3 3.5
24 1858 8 23 1430 TANUNDA THIRD AFTERSHOCK 2.9 3
25 1859 6 12 0830 MOUNT GAMBIER 3.9 4.5
26 1859 6 30 2100 LYNDOCH VALLEY 3 3
27 1859 12 13 0130 TANUNDA 3.1 3
28 1860 4 12 1000 KAPUNDA 3.6 4
29 1860 6 1 1320 PORT ADELAIDE 3.2 3.5
30 1861 11 16 1130 WARCOWIE 3.6 4
31 1861 12 ~15 STONE HUT RANGE SE 2.5 2
32 1862 1 4 1415 LACEPEDE BAY 4.2 5
33 1862 2 9 MOUNT REMARKABLE 3 3
34 1862 3 19 0530 ADELAIDE SOUTH 3.1
35 1862 9 19 MOUNT GAMBIER 2.8 2.5
36 1862 12 14 2130 AUBURN 4 5
37 1863 4 15 1230 MORPHETT VALE 3.6 4
38 1863 5 30 1700 KAPUNDA 3.1 3.5
39 1863 7 21 0900 PORT AUGUSTA WEST 3.8 4.5
40 1863 8 12 1030 EYRE PENINSULA 4.9
41 1863 11 29 0500 FINNISS VALE 3.1 3
42 1863 12 20 1130 NUCCALEENA 3.6 4
43 1864 1 4 MOUNT GAMBIER
44 1864 5 20 LINWOOD 3.6 4
45 1864 7 2 0120 MOUNT GAMBIER
46 1864 8 9 BELTANA
47 1864 11 4 PORT ADELAIDE 3.3 3.5