GG: Geology and Geophysics: Durario11
GG: Geology and Geophysics: Durario11
GG: Geology and Geophysics: Durario11
1. This question paper contains 16 printed pages including pages for rough work. Please
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6. Questions 1 through 20 are l-mark questions and questions 2 lthrough 85 are 2-mark
q uestions.
7. Questrons 71 through 73 is one set of common data questions , questions 74 and 75
rs another pair of
common data questions. The question pairs (76. 77), (78, 79), (80. 81). (82, 83)
and (84, 85) are
questiOns with linked answers. The answer to the second question of the above pairs
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8. Un-allempted questions will carry zero marl-:5.
9. NEGAT IVE MARKI NG: For Q.l to Q.20. 0.25 mark will be deducted for each
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linked answers. there will be negative marks only for wrong answer to the first question,
i.e. for Q.76.
Q.78. Q.80. Q.82 and Q.84. 0.5 mark wrll be deducted for each wrong answer. There
is no negative
marking for Q.77, Q.79, Q.81, Q.83 and Q.85.
I 0. Calculato r without data connecti vity rs al lowed in the examinat ion hall.
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12. Rough work can be done on the question paper itself. Additional blank pages are
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the question paper for rough work.
Q.5 Due to Coriolis effect, the ocean currents will be deOected towards the right in
(A) Antarctica (B) Equator
(C) Southern Hemisphere (D) Northern Hemisphere
Q.6 The age of the Precambrian- Cambrian boundary (in million years) is close to
(A) 250 (B) 550
(C) 1550 (D) 2550
Q.lO in the plate tectonic theory, the "ring of fire" around the Pacific ocean is related to
(A) convergent plate boundary (B) divergent plate boundary
(C) hot spots (D) transform fault
Q.l2 The liquid used in the sensor of a Proton Precession Magnetometer should be rich 111
Q.l4 The shape of a vertical electric soundtng curve over a three layer sequence compn:.tng moist soil
(top). fresh water saturated coarse sand (middle) and clay (bottom) is
(A) A- type (B) H- type (C) K- type (D) Q- type
GG :!/16
Q.l5 The geophysical method that provided a convincing evidence of sea floor spreading is
(A) gravity (B ) magnetic (C) electric (D) seismic
Q.l6 The difference in the gravity value (in mgal) between the equator and pole is close to
(A) 3786 (B) 4586 (C) 5186 (D) 5986
Q.17 With respect to the Ea11h-Moon axis, the tidal deformation of the Earth produced by the Moon has
the shape of
(A) oblate ellipse (B) oblate ellipsoid (C) prolate ellipse (D) prolate ellipsoid
Q.l9 Liquid outer core is evidenced by shadow zone for direct P-wa\'e in the epicentral distance of
(A) 91°-132° (B) 92°-142°
(C) 102°-132° (D) 102°- 142°
Q.?.2 Match the sedimentary structures 111 Group I with the geological processes in Group II.
Group I Group II
GG 3116
Q.24 Two rock samples, P and Q, are characterized by the following well-preserved fossil assemblages:
P: abundance of planktonic foraminifera and radiolaJia
Q: abundance of spore, pollen and vertebrate fossils
Which of the following statements is true about the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the rocks?
(A) Pis estuarine and Q is deep marine (B) Pis inter-tidal and Q is terresrnal
(C) P is terrestrial and Q is shallow marine (D) Pis deep marine and Q is terrestrial
Temperature (C)
Q s
\ R
0 4
p ,\
() \
? \
Q.28 If a honzontal mirror plane is added to a pyramid having three-fold symmetry, the resultant
symmetry or the c-axis will be
(A) 3m (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 6/m
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Q.31 The {0001} secuon of a uniaxial mineral can be disting uished from
an ISOtropic mineral in thin
section by
(A) extmcti on angle (B) pleochr oism (C) relief (D) interfer ence figure
Q.32 Match the landfor ms in Group I with geomor phic process es in Group
Group l Group 11
:-.1AIN I'AI'f·.R-GG
Q.37 The dip slip of a fault is 200m and the dip amount is 30°. The throw of the fault (m) is
(A) 300 (B) 200 (C) 100 (0) 50
Q.39 Rocks of which of the following factes form under low geothermal gradient?
(A) Blueschist (B) Granulite
(C) Hornblende hornfels (0) Sanidinite
Q.40 Which of the following statements is/are true for porosity of sandstone'?
Q.42 If the solubility product of gypsum is 10_. 16• the solubility (mol/litre) of gypsum in an ideal aqueous
solution will be
(A) 10·9.n (8) I 0-1 ..3 6 (C) 10 2.18 (0) w·l.09
Q.44 Find the correct match of mineral pair in Group I with the correspondin g crystallizatio n behaviour
in Group II
Group I Group II
Q.45 An igneous rock with 50t;f oli\inc. 25t;f orthopyroxen e and 25<J: clinopyroxen e by mode will be
(A) dunite (B) harzburgitc (C) lherzolite (0) \\Chrlite
Q.46 In a gravity survey. if the observati on point lies below the datum plane. then for gravity
{A) Free-air and Bouguer correctio ns are positive
(B) Free-air correctiOn is positive and Bouguer correctio n is negative
(C) Free-air correctio n IS negative and Bouguer correctio n is positive
(D) Free-air and Bouguer con·ectio ns are negative
Q.47 If the Earth's magnetic field at the n01th pole is 60,000 y and the radius of Eatth is R, at
what height
above the north pole will its magnitud e be 30,000 y?
(A) 0.26 R (B) 0.52 R (C) 0.78 R (D) 1.04 R
Q.48 Match the apparent resistivity type curves observed on the surface in Group I with the
subsurfac e
resistivity variations in Group II
Group I Group II
Q.50 Wenner survey is performe d over a homogen eous ground of resistivity 200 .Qm.
For the current
electrode spacing of 60 m. 100 rnA current flow is recorded. What w1ll be the
magnitud e of
potential differenc e (m mY) between potential electrode s?
(A) 53.0 (B) 159.2 (C) 477.7 (D) 1433.1
Q.51 Potential D1fference (PD) and Gradient of Potential Differenc e (GPD) are measured
along a profile
over a massive sulfide body in self-potenttal survey. Which of the following statemen
ts is l:Orrect
for the anomalie s over the center of the body?
(A) PO is positive and GPD is positive (B) PO is positive and GPO is zero
(C) PO IS negative and GPD is negative (D) PD is negat1 ve and GPD is zero
2008 \1AIN PAPER- GG
Q.52 Match the phase differences between the quantlltes of induction phenomena (Group 1) with the
amount of phase difference in Group IT
Group I Group II
Q.54 Which form of partial differential equation is used for the interpretation of electromagnetic
anomalies in geophysical prospecting?
(A) Diffusion equation (B) Laplace's equation
(C) Poisson's equation (D) Wave equation
Q.55 A radioactive substance decays to one third of its original value in 6 hours time. What is the half-
life (in hours) of the substance?
(A) 3.58 (B) 3.78 (C) 3.98 (D) 4.18
Q.56 The relation between magnetic latitude (9) and the magnetic inclination ( i) is
(A) 2 tan i = tan 9 (B) tan i = 2 tan 8 (C) tan i = 2 tan 2 9 (D) 2 tan i = cos 9
Q.57 To derive magnetic field from gravity field, the Poisson's relation can be used only when the
dtrectton of magnetization is
(A) horizontal (0°) (D) vertical (90°)
Q.58 Fourier analysis matches the signal by a series of sinusoids. Each member of the series fits an exact
number of
(A) one-fourth wavelength (B) one-third wavelength
(C) half-wavelength (D) one wavelength
Q.60 If the P-wave velocity is twice that of S-wave velociry in a medtum, the Poisson's ratto of the
(A) 0.50 (B) 0.33 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.12
GG 8116
Q.6l The Lame's coeffic ient (A.) can be written in terms of compr
Po1sson 's ratio ( u) as
essibil ity of the material ( /3) and
(A) A=
0' (B) A= (l+a)
(1 +a)/] 3a/]
(C) A= a (D) A = 3(1- 2a)
(1 + a)(l- 2a)/] /]
Q.62 The amplitude of seismic wave varies due to spherical spread
ing as a function of
(A) rad1us of sphere (B) l I (radius of sphere)
(C) (radius of sphere) 2 (D) 1 I (radius of sphere) 2
Q.63 If fis the frequency of seismic wave and v is its velocity, the
relation between absorption
coefficient (a) and quality factor ( Q) is
(A) d = 3.8 w (B) d = 3.8 w1t:! (C) d = 3.8 W 113 (D) a= 3.8 w114
Q.65 Considering noise problem (reverberation) in marine seismi
c work, the frequencies for higher
(2n-l )V
harmonics are expressed by fn = I . " , where fn- frequency of n'h harmomc , V,.- velocity
4 c"
of sound in water and d. -wate r depth. The fundamental
frequency in terms of the reciprocal of
one- way travel time is
(A) one- fourth (B) one- third (C) one- half (D) three- foUith
Q.66 In a linear inverse problem having rectangular system matrix
that is rank deficient, the mverse
solution is
:!008 M ·\IN PAI'ER- GG
Q.70 In a seism1c reflection survey, lithological boundaries P (Shale and Gas sand). Q (Gas sand and Oil
sand) and R (Oil sand and Water sand) computed on the bas1s of reflection coefficients are shown
in figure. Which is the correct sequence of reflection coefficients at these boundanes'?
Gas sand
Oil sand
Water sand
(A) P (- 0.30). Q (+ 0.20), R (+ 0.03)
(B) P (- 0.30). Q (+ 0.03), R (+ 0.20)
(C) P (+ 0.20), Q (- 0.30), R (+ 0.03)
(D) P (+ 0.20), Q (+ 0.03). R (- 0.30)
Common Data Questions
Common Data for Questions 71, 72 and 73: The following geological map shows exposures of
sedimentary beds p, q, r. s, t and a batholith (hatched) in a flat terram.
; l'
# # #
##I'# F- F· rault
U- U : Unconfom1ity
# # # # # X- r: Dyk(;
ifF=----~tJII!!;L--.---_ _j # # # # # # #
F # # # # # " 't
q ##### N
# # t t
GG 10/16
Common Data for Question s 74 and 75: Two sampled data sets are given as: X(n) ={1, 2, - 1. 3} and
Y(n) = (1, -1, 2,-}
Q.74 The cross-cor relation between these two time series for zero lag is
3 5
2 (B) 2
(C) 2 (D) 3
11 17
(A) { 1. 1, -,-4. - , - 1, 1 } 17 1
(B) {- 1, 1,-4, - , - -1 1)
2 2 2 2' '
(C) { 1. 1.-1. -,-4,
~} 5 17
(D) {l, - L - , - 4, - . 2, 1)
2 2' 2 2 2
Linked Answer Questio ns: Q.76 to Q.85 carry two marks each.
Statemen t for Linked Answer Question s 76 and 77: A mineral assembla ge consists of
fayalite. ferrosilite
and quartz in equilibriu m.
Q.76 The number of compone nts in the system is
(A)4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) I
Statemen t for Linked Answer Question s 78 and 79: The Fe- 0 bond length in haematite
the ionic radius of anion is I .32 A.
is 2.05 Aand
Q.78 The correct pair of radius ratio and coordination number is
(A) 0.220 and 3 (B) 0.380 and 4 (C) 0.553 and 6 (D) 0.770 and 8
Statemen t for Linked Answer Question s 80 and 81: The gravity anomaly along a profile
over a spherical
ore body shows a maxtmum anomaly of 12 mgal at the centre and a value of 6 mgal
at a distance of 3600 m
from the centre. The density contrast between the ore mass with the surround ing rocks
is 0.4 gm/cm 3 •
Q.80 The computed depth (in m) to the centre of the spherical mass is
(A) 2340 (B) 2940 (C) 3780 (D) 4680
Statement for Linked Answe r Questions 82 and 83: A P-wave
generat ed from a surface source is
mc1dent at an angle of 30° on a honzon tal mterface and refracted at an angle of 50° into
the second layer.
The velocity in the first medi um is 3.5 km/s. Denslttes m the first and
second layer are 2.3 gm/cm3 and
2.5 gm/cm 3• respectively.
Q 82 The velocity (in km/s) in the second layer ~~
Q.83 The reflection coeffic tent for the ratio of reflected and inciden t P-\~ave
amplttu des at normal
incidence is
(A) 0.32 (B) 0.28 (C) 0.25 (D) 0.21
Q.85 Transv erse resistan ce and longitudinal conduc tance calcula ted by the
.second ~tudent for the second
layer IS
(A) 4000 Qm~. 0.4 mho (B) 2000 Qm 2, 0.2 mho
(C) 500 Qm'. 0.8 mho (D) 1:!5 Q.m 2, 0.2 mho