Pec 104 Lesson 2
Pec 104 Lesson 2
Pec 104 Lesson 2
Module Outcomes
1. Discussed some ICT policies and explained their implications to teaching and learning
2. Explained some issues that relate to ICT policies
3. Identified safety concerns on Internet including digital safety rules
Globalization is reality and ICT has become a fundamental part of process. A networked
society is one in which the entire planet is organized around telecommunicated networks of
computers. The powerful use of network has broad boundaries, provided opportunities for
inclusion and collaboration. However, this will also be struggle for those who does not have
access or those who are exclude marginalized and powerless. Thus a need to establish policies
in the use of ICT imperative.
As the Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT) says,
“The future has arrived. Now we have to ensure that we have a place in it”
Lesson Outcomes
1. Named examples of ICT Policies which are applicable to teaching and learning
2. Discussed some issues that relate to the ICT policy
New technologies have become central to the lives of every individual in this
planet. Whether you are talking on the phone, sending an electronic mail, going to the
bank, using the library, watching news on television, going to the doctor, catching a
flight, or seeing a movie, you are using ICT, Almost everything that we do in the modern
world is influenced by the new technologies.
Would your life as a teacher be also influenced by the new technologies?
Should we leave our lives to be controlled by technology or should we control
the utilization of technology in our lives? How?
One way of enhancing and regulating the use of ICT is to formulate and implement
policies to guide appropriate decisions.
All the seven programs were guided by the roadmap that embeds policy statements
that relate to education specifically in the enhancement of human development for teaching
and learning.
Some Issues on ICT and Internet Policy and Regulations
Global Issues
Access and Civil Liberties are two sets of issues in ICT Policy which are crucial to the
modern society. The other concern is civil liberties which refer to human rights and freedom.
These include freedom of expression, the rights to privacy, the right to communicate and
intellectual property rights.
Access to use of Internet and ICT. Access means the possibility for everyone to use the
internet and other media. In richer countries, basic access to internet is almost available to all
with faster broadband connections. These are still countries where access to the internet is still
a challenge.
Infringement to Civil Liberties of Human Rights. What are specific internet issues on
internet policy that have relationship to civil liberties or human rights? Let’s study the examples
that follow.
Lesson Outcomes
1. Identified and explained safety issues on the use of ICT
2. Listed and applied e-safety rules in the use of ICT
Using technology is not a risk by itself, but how it is used will be vulnerable to risk. When
improperly used, it will pose danger to the users in school and at home. What are the safety
issues that are needed to be addressed by safety policy and guidelines? As future teachers, do
you need to know all of these?
With all of the above concerns and many more, how do we confront all of these so as to
protect our future generation?
e-safety takes not only of internet technologies but also of electronic communication via
mobile phones, game consoles and wireless technology highlights the need to educate children
and young people about the benefits, risk, responsibilities of using information technology.
Here are some issues of e-safety:
⦁ e-safety helps safeguard children and yopung people in digital world;
⦁ e-safety emphasizes learning to understand and new technologies and its positive
⦁ e-safety educated children about the risk as well as the benefits so can feel
confident online; and
⦁ e-safety supports young learners and adults to develop safer online behaviors,
both in and out of school.
Network Management
1. Safety in the Use of Network in School
1.1 Make clear that no one should log on as another user;
1.2 Require all users to always log off when they have finished working;
1.3 Maintain equipment to ensure health and safety,
1.4 Provide students with access to content and resources through guiding e-learning;
1.5 Set up a clear disaster recovery system in place for critical data to include secure,
remote baeducationck up of critical data;
1.6 Secure wireless network to appropriate standards suitable for education use.
1.7 Install all computer equipment professionally and meet health and safey standards.
1.8 Review the school ICT system regularly with regards to health and safety and
2. Password Policy
2.1 Only authorized users will have individual passwords. User are not permitted to
disclose their passwords unless they got permission from the owner or from the management.
The equipment that keeps the personal information shall be locked when unattended to
prevent unauthorized access.
Computers should set to a time out if they become unused for a certain period of
3. Personal mobile phones and mobile services
3.1 All mobile phones shall be kept away in a box away from the children or learners
and access is only allowed at break time or at the end of classes or when needed during the
class period.
4. Cameras
4.1 Taking pictures only from parents or caregivers and not from any other family
member or friend while the child attends class.
4.2 Any pictures taken of children shall be on cameras solely for the purposes.
There are more issues, policies and rules. What have been presented in the lesson may
be the minimum that you should learn. As you explore some more and engage in the different
aspect of Technology and Learning, you will find more details.