Family Law II - 20th May 2021
Family Law II - 20th May 2021
Family Law II - 20th May 2021
If the marriage is void (null and zero) the children remain illegitimate.
Position of children under Parsi Marriage & Divorce act is the same
as under Divorce act.
Pre-Marriage Pregnancy
Pawan Kumar Vs. Mukesh Kunar AIR 2001 (Land Mark Case)
Where wife was pregnant by some other person and the marriage had
broken down immediately though the petition was filed because the
fact is that if the husband comes to know the wife is pregnant other
than him, it is mental agony and cruelty upon the husband. For
him to digest that his wife became pregnant because of some other
men, it is great insult to his ego.
Lack of Consent
Under Hindu Marriage Act 1955 Section 12 (1) C, it is laid down that
whenever the consent of the petitioner is obtained by fraud or force,
the marriage is voidable at its instance.
Particularly under Parsi marriage & divorce act, it is same i.e. lack of
The word used under English law, we don’t use in India law – we use
coercion and force
Rice Vs. Rice – land mark old case where the marriage was
solemnized on gun point
All these cases it has been held that coercion and undue influence
included in term force.
In fraud you deceive the party, by concealing the fact.
The main element of fraud is deceit.
The fraud in matrimonial law is different from fraud in commercial
The Marriage laws amendment act 1976, lays down that the fraud
vitiating the consent should relate to
1) Nature of Ceremony
2) Any material fact or circumstance concerning the respondent.
The courts confirmed certain grounds which may be classified as
1) Fraud on nature of ceremony.
2) Fraud as to identity of the parties to marriage
3) Concealment of disease
4) Concealment of religion or cast
5) Concealment of unchasisty
6) Concealment of illegitimate birth