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Guillem Rubio Ramon

PhD Candidate in Human Geography, University of Edinburgh

Phone number: +34639770802
Email: G.Rubio@ed.ac.uk

11.2019 – present PhD Candidate in Human Geography School of Geosciences, University of
Prospective thesis title: Animal nations: more-than-human nationalisms in
Catalonia and Scotland, supervised by Dr Krithika Srinivasan and Dr
Hayden Lorimer
Tutor in Political Ecology (01/2020 – 05/2020)
Research assistant to Dr. Srinivasan’s project on animal agriculture in India
Member of the Cultural and Historical Geography Research Group.
Member of the More-than-human Political Ecologies Reading Group.
Visiting student at LASEG - Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at
the Autonomous University of Barcelona (10/2020- now).
Collaboration with the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) on
a project called “Science Friction” about Lynn Margulis and Donna Haraway’s
work. (11/2020 – 03/2021)

08.2017 - 06.2019 MPhil in Development, Environment & Cultural Change Centre for the Development and the
Environment – University of Oslo
(First-class honours) Master’s thesis title: The Bear and the Shepherd:
Nationalism, Nature Politics and Rural Development in the Catalan Pyrenees,
supervised by Dr Karen V. L. Syse

09.2013 - 06.2017 BA-degree in Philosophy & Minor in Sustainable Development and Autonomous University of Barcelona
Global Citizenship

(First-class honours) Specialisation in Applied Philosophy.

Dissertation title: Back to Earth: a philosophical approach to the human
relationship with outer space, supervised by Dr Marta Tafalla.

Relevant experience

01.2019 – 10.2019 Intern at the Debates and Conferences Programme Centre for Contemporary Culture of
Barcelona (CCCB)
The CCCB is an arts centre in Barcelona which organises exhibitions,
debates, festivals, courses, lectures, and other activities. While working as
an intern at the debates and conferences programme I researched authors
and topics, wrote the authors’ biographies and event descriptions, and
worked alongside the production team during lectures, series of talks and
seminars. I oversaw the dissemination of events and the communication
with publishers, institutions, embassies and other external partners. As
part of my internship, I also designed a protocol to reduce the
environmental impact of the debates and conference programme.

09.2018 – 12.2018 Postgraduate research intern Centre for Animal Ethics, Pompeu
Fabra University
CAE is a think-tank which focuses on animal ethics from
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Its mission is to
promote non-speciesist ethical approaches in academia, politics, media,
and public opinion. During my time at CAE-UPF, I worked on a project
analysing the ethical issues of the brown bear reintroduction and led an
academic-stakeholder seminar (27/11/2018).

04.2018 – 08.2018 Visiting research student, Research intern: Working-class environmentalisms in School of Geosciences, University of
the age of transnational markets Edinburgh

Research intern in the research project ‘Working-class environmentalism

in the age of transnational markets’ at the Institute of Geography of the
University of Edinburgh. Organisation of the workshop ‘Social difference
and nature: contesting narratives of elitism’ (31/05/2018).

Projects and collaborations

03.2020 – 11.2020 Writing Fellow Sentient Media

The goal of the Fellowship Program is to fill the demand by media outlets
for local voices providing sober criticism of factory farming, vivisection,
and other mistreatment of animals.
08.2017 – 01.2019 Co-editor, Website manager Tvergastein

Helping throughout the editorial process. Website manager. Tvergastein is

a student-run interdisciplinary journal on the environment based at the
Centre for Development and the Environment at the University of Oslo

03.2016 – 04.2018 Collaborator, Writer Núvol

Núvol ("Cloud" in English) is an online and paper magazine that intends

to cover those events and cultural events that conventional newspapers
have stopped to because they are not part of the mainstream culture nor a
product of a large business group.

Conferences and seminars

− 2021, August 31st. Snouts on the road: More-than-human nationalism, animal welfare, and the Catalan pig industry. Panelist
at the session “Reconfiguring farmed animal health and welfare: exploring and transcending borders between
spaces, times, species and knowledge” (RGS-IBG Annual International Conference).
− 2021, June 1st. ‘Meating the Nation’: More-than-human nationalisms in Catalonia and Scotland. Political Ecology Group
seminars, University of Cambridge.
− 2021, May 28th. Bio(in)security and more-than-human nationalism: the case of pig farming in Catalonia . Witnessing and
Worlding Beyond the Human: An Interdisciplinary and Interspecies Conversation. Center for Advanced Study,
University of Illinois
− 2021, February 25th. Seminar: More than human, less than State: animal stateless nationalisms in Catalonia and Scotland.
Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
− 2019, March 28th. Animal nationalisms: unbuilding narratives of nationhood and belonging in biodiversity conservation projects.
Bergen International Student Conference: Towards sustainable futures: facing global challenges today, University
of Bergen.
− 2018, November 27th. L’ós bru als Pirineus: consideracions ètiques sobre el programa de reintroducció Piros Life. Centre for
Animal Ethics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Fellowships and awards

− 04. 2019. Principal’s Career Development Scholarship. University of Edinburgh

− 01.2019. Intern Grant Fellowship. Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona
− 12.2017 Best Philosophy Bachelor's Thesis on Sustainable Development and Global Justice. Fundació Autònoma Solidària.
− 06. 2013. Honours in Baccalaureate. IES Llavaneres


− 2021. (forthcoming). “Methodologies for animal geographies: approaches within and beyond the human” In Routledge
Handbook of Methodologies in Human Geography, with Krithika Srinivasan, edited by Rosenberg, Coen and Lovell. Routledge
− 2021. (forthcoming). “Establishing nationhood through landscapes: the return of the bear to the Catalan Pyrenees” In
Landscape as heritage: critical perspectives, with Karen V. L. Syse, edited by G. Petennati. Routledge
− 2020. “Who Killed Cachou? Brown Bear’s Unusual Death Ignites Controversy”. Sentient Media.
− 2020. “Els humans no som el virus”. La Directa. https://directa.cat/els-humans-no-som-el-virus/
–––– Translation: “Humans are not the virus” https://www.ed.ac.uk/geosciences/about/news?item=682
− 2019. “Petites illes com el Passat”. Nabius 17. https://aneu.cat/publicacions/nabius
− 2019. The Bear and the Shepherd: Nationalism, Nature Politics and Rural Development in the Catalan Pyrenees. Master’s thesis.
Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. https://www.duo.uio.no/handle/10852/69274
− 2018. “L’Àrtic: el preu de l’estat del benestar noruec”. Hemisfèria, April 13, 2018. https://hemisferia.cat/artic-estat-
− 2018. “The sea surrounded by land: moving forward from Mare Mortum to Mare Nostrum again”. Tvergastein 11.
− 2016. “L’emancipació de l’avui: humanitats en transició”. Núvol, October 29, 2016.
− 2016. “Tim Ingold. Una ecologia de la vida”. Núvol, September 29, 2016. https://www.nuvol.com/llibres/tim-ingold-

− Mother tongue: Bilingual in Spanish and Catalan.

− English: C2 (Proficiency) Level certified by the University of Cambridge
− Studying French (A1)
Other information and interests

− Driving license (B1)

− Nature writing. Hiking, running and vegan cooking. LGBTIQ+ rights.

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