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Quoc Le-Pham-Tan, Tuyen Dang-Thi-Bich, Huyen Nguyen-Thi, Hung Nguyen-Tran

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Food Science and Technology




Quoc Le-Pham-Tan1*, Tuyen Dang-Thi-Bich1, Huyen Nguyen-Thi1, Hung Nguyen-Tran1

Institute of Biotechnology and Food technology, Industrial university of Ho Chi Minh city
No. 12 Nguyen Van Bao street, Ward 4, Go Vap dictrict, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, Tel: 0906-413-493
E-mail: lephamtanquoc@yahoo.com

Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company has been developing dramatically and becomes a leading manufacturer of
foodstuffs in Vietnam. Acecook company obtained a strong position in the market while providing instant processed
products with high quality and nutritional values, especially instant nood with the famous brand name “Hao Hao”.
Some product belong to this brand name was suitable for all class, especially popular class with cheap price and best
quality. From the first test showed that most students prefer to use “Hao Hao” instant noodle of Acecook brand. Based
on the research model of service quality and loyalty of staff, this subject research the factors influencing the favorites of
“Hao Hao” noodle of students at HCM University of Industry. The model was adjusted through: Reliability coefficient
Cronbach's alpha, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and linear regression analysis. The model proposed consists of
four observed variables are: quality, price, marketing and branding. After adjusting for the remaining 3 observed
variables: quality, price and brand. In that, the "Brand" is the most powerful factor and the “Marketing” do not affect
to consumers. For this reason, it can explain that this brand name was very popular in Vietnam and Vietnamese always
believes this brand name.

Keywords: Brand, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), linear regression analysis, price, quality

Submitted: 10.09.2013 Reviewed: 17.10.2013 Accepted: 04.11.2013

1. INTRODUCTION “Hao Hao” instant noodle favorite of Industry

For general, consumer in the world has used university Ho Chi Minh city students.
instant noodle at least once. They consumed
100 billion pack in 2012 and the most food 2. MATERIAL AND METHOD
scientist thought that it can save the whole 2.1 Data collection method
world (Chinh, 2013). In Vietnam, the instant Data of research was collected by random
noodle was used very popular, especially sampling method. The survey was conducted
worker and student because it was low price in May/2012 with 150 people. Subjects of
and user-friendly (PV, 2012; Hoi et al., 2007). survey were Industry university Ho Chi Minh
On the other hand, instant noodle had the high city students, The questionnaire was designed
nutrition and it was absolutely suitable for based on four components with 21 observed
some body do not have time. Student living variables. Likert scale of 5 grades was used:
away from home is limited economic grade 1 corresponds to strongly disagree level
conditions, so a diet with instant noodle is and grade 5 corresponding to strongly agree
often. The kitchen of families often have (Likert, 1932).
instant noodle, as a popular storage food
(Wikipedia, 2013). According to preliminary 2.2 Data analysis methods
statistics of the research team, “Hao Hao” This research used SPSS software to analysis
instant noodle (product of Acecook Viet Nam) data. Data analysis methods were used in
is liked and used by students. Therefore, in this research: Reliability coefficient Cronbach's
research, we analyzed the factors, affect to alpha, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and
linear regression analysis.
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Vol. 14 , Issue 2, 2013
Annals. Food Science and Technology

2.3 Proposed research model Alpha coefficient have to be greater than 0.6
After the group discussion and research based (Nunnally, 1978). Chu Hoang Trong and
on the model of service quality (Tam, 2011), Nguyen Mong Ngoc (2008): "Many
the group came up with the proposed model of researchers agree that the Cronbach's Alpha
factors may affect the favorite noodle “Hao coefficient from 0.8 to nearly 1, the scale of
Hao”: Product quality, price, brand, marketing measurement as well, from 0.7 to 0.8 is used.
strategy. These factor was described in table 1 The researchers also suggested that Cronbach's
and figure 1. Alpha of 0.6 or more can be used in the case of
working on new concepts or new to the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION respondents in the context of research. "
105 samples is appropriated with 21 observed
variables (number of observations is usually 4- Quality variable
5 times the number of variables) (Hair, 1998), Cronbach's alpha coefficient = 0.640> 0.6.
the number of surveyed customers 150 samples Cronbach's alpha coefficient if Item Deleted of
ensure 105 compliance. After survey, 118 Q1 variable = 0.689> 0.640 and Corrected
Item-Total Correlation coefficient = 0.132< 0.3
answers were satisfactory.
=> Q1 variable was removed.
3.1. Scale testing
Cronbach's Alpha was used to test the Price variable
reliability of the measurement variables and Cronbach's Alpha coefficent =0.540<0.6.
help to eliminate the inappropriate observed However, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient if
variables. The correlation coefficient of Item Deleted of P4 variable=0.752>0.540 and
variables - total (item-total correlation) is less Corrected Item-Total Correlation coefficient=-
than 0.3 will be disqualified and Cronbach's 0.064<0.3 => P4 variable was removed.

Table 1. The interpretation of the observed variables in the research

Factors Observed variables
Product quality - Beautiful packing (Q1)
(5 Observed variables) - Attractive color of noodle (Q2)
- noodle before cooking is crisp (Q3)
- the tough of noodle is suitable when using (Q4)
- Deliciuos soup (Q5)
Price - The price matches the quality of instant noodle (P1)
(4 Observed variables) - The price matches students (P2)
- Price is cheaper than other instant noodle (P3)
- Annual price fluctuations (P4)
Marketing - Many promotions (M1)
(3 Observed variables) - Good advertising (M2)
- Retail system is wide (M3)
Brand - Acecook is famous brand of instant noodle in Vietnam(B1)
(4 Observed variables) - Acecook has many high quality products (B2)
- You can indentify exactly the logo of Acecook (B3)
- You can indentify some products of Acecook (B4)
Favorite - You will continue to use “Hao Hao” in future (F1)
(5 Observed variables) - If new instant noodle is cheaper than “Hao Hao”, you will still buy “Hao Hao”
- You will introduce “Hao Hao” to your acquaintance (F3)
- If “Hao Hao” has a new product, you will buy it(F4)
- You are satisfied with the quality of “Hao Hao” instant noodle (F5)

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P3 Price
P4 F1
The favorite of F2
M1 students F3
M2 Marketing F5

B2 Brand

Figure 1: The suggested research model

Run the factor after P4 variable was removed, Exploratory Factor Analysis for the
Cronbach's Alpha coefficients moment=0.752. observed variables
P3 variable had Cronbach's Alpha if Item Results of factor analysis showed that
Deleted=0.804> 0.752 but Corrected Item- KMO=0.655>0.5, sig=0.000<0.05 => qualify
Total Correlation coefficient=0.461> 0.3 => P3 to run factor of analysis.
variable was considered. Extracted variance=60.2% means that 11
Marketing variable observed variables explained 60.2% of the
Marketing variable had Cronbach's alpha variability of the data. The remaining 39.8%
coefficient=0208<0.6 => Removed all the was explained by other observed variables not
marketing variables. exist in this model.
Brand variable System load factor = 0.3, but the variables were
Cronbach's Alpha coefficent=0.731>0.6. The still running and on the factor should eliminate
observed variables there are no variables with a variables doubt. There are only variable
coefficient of Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted suspected P3 => P3 variable was removed.
>0.731 =>accepted all the variables. Exploratory Factor Analysis 2nd,
Favorite variable. KMO=0637>0.5, sig=0.000<0.05, extracted
Cronbach's alpha coefficient=0.755>0.6. variance 62.4%, loading factor=0.3, but the
Observed variables F2 with Cronbach's Alpha variable and the factor should still continue to
if Item Deleted =0.759> 0.755 but Corrected type variables Comfort doubt. However, all
Item-Total Correlation coefficient=0.428>0.3 variables should suspect to group the factors
=> considered F2 variable. we adjusted coefficient "suppress absolute
values less than = 0.49"
3.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) In second time, results showed that the
When factor analysis, researchers are often observed variables were satisfied. After
interested in a number of criteria: the KMO analysis EFA factor, the observed variables
coefficient ≥ 0.5, the Barlett test sig ≤ 0.05, the were assembled into three factors with the
coefficient of loading factor (factor loading)> following components:
0.3 and total variance extract ≥ 50% (Trong - Factor 1: including B1, B2, B3, B4 named
and Ngoc, 2008; Hair et al, 1998; Gerbing and "brand".
Anderson, 1988). - Factor 2: including Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 named

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- Factor 3: including P2, P3 named "Price" Quality= Mean (Q2 + Q3 + Q4+ Q5)
The second Cronbach's Alpha evaluated new Price = Mean (P1 + P2)
scale with new components after factor Brand = Mean (B1 + B2 + B3 + B4)
analysis and result was: Favorite = Mean (F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 + F5)
- Factor "Brand" (including four observed Regression analysis conducted to test the
variables) with Cronbach's alpha causality, the effects of three independent
coefficient=0.731, the observed variables were variables (quality, price, brand) the dependent
satisfied. variable (Favorite). Research model after
- Factor "Quality" (including four observed testing the proposed model are as follows
variables) with Cronbach's alpha figure 2.
coefficient=0.689, the observed variables were Results of the regression.
satisfied. In the ANOVA table, sig=0.000 <0.05 =>
- Factor "Price" (including two observed variables regression eligible to run.
variables) with Cronbach's alpha Table coefficients, sig<0.05 => the variables
coefficient=0.804, the observed variables were are satisfied. VIF<5 => no the phenomenon of
satisfied. multi-collinear.
Exploratory Factor Analysis for favorite R2 coefficient (R-square)=0.3. This means that
factor the variation of the favorite 30% is due to the
Results of factor analysis showed that factors of quality, price and brand. Moreover,
KMO=0.750>0.5, sig = 0.000<0.05 => qualify 70% of the variation was due to other factors
to run factor analysis. that were not in this model.
Extracted variance=51.8% means that 5 The regression equation:
observed variables explained 51.8% of the The favorite = 1.115 + 0.198*quality +
variability of the data set. The remaining 48.2% 0.163*price + 0.324*brand
was explained by other observed variables not The regression equation showed that there were
exist in this model. Although F2 variable was three factors affected the favorite of student
doubted, however when running the “Hao Hao”: product quality, price and brand. In
exploratory factor analysis was not mixed into particular, the brand is the most influential
the factor therefore accept F2. factor (Beta coefficient of the variable was
0.352, the price variable was 0.236, the quality
3.3. Regression analysis was 0.206). That showed Acecook is a strong
To run the regression, combined the average of brand.
the variables together with the compute
function with the formula:

P1 F3
Price Favorite of students
P2 F4

B3 Brand

Figure 2. Model of research

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Acecook products are high-quality products advantage on price, the company should grasp
and “Hao Hao” is a successful product this advantage and they will have the
Acecook. In addition, the product quality factor appropriate sales strategies for each stage.
and price factor were the reason of noodle - Brand: according to the survey, this was the
brand favorite. Reasonable price with students, most influential factor to a student favorite for
product quality was relatively good so “Hao this product. Acecook is the famous brand in
Hao” won the hearts of students. The elements the noodle industry in Vietnam. The company
of marketing such as advertising, promotion or has many high-quality products should be
retail system not affected the students' favorite. known to many students and “Hao Hao” is a
successful product of the company when they
took the majority of the trust of the students
(118/150 students surveyed use instant noodles
Research results found the scale of 15 “Hao Hao” 78.7%). Thus, the product “Hao
observations (including 5 variables observed Hao” in particular and brand Acecook said
measure favorites). Thereby, there were three general have a certain place for a student
factors that affected to the student favorite: market segment, a small part of Vietnamese
quality, price and brand. "Brand" was the most consumers.
powerful factor to favorite of students. Some
comments and recommendations for Acecook 5. REFERENCES
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