Flood Emergency Response Plan
Flood Emergency Response Plan
Flood Emergency Response Plan
Flood Emergency
Response Plan
An Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is
an important tool to help reduce the
impact of damage of a natural hazard to PREPARATION PHASE
your property, business and employees.
Note: the sources of flooding indicated below include groundwater (designated as Ground), surface water; either river, stream, sea or lake (designated
Surface) or rain including wind-induced damage to roofing (designated as Rain). ALL indicates actions to be implemented for all sources of flooding.
Identify flood • Clarify with local authorities • For locations with high value All
sources: rivers, (see below). and/or significant contribution
to the business or supply chain,
streams, lakes, conduct a site specific flood
rain, reservoirs, analysis. Include even small
dams etc. streams and topographic
features, e.g. A site in a
low-lying area is at risk
of flooding.
PHASE Identify and • Identify local authorities
responsible for this service and
• Define the time between the
various warning levels and time
contact authorities
include the site management/ required for the event to reach
The activities during this stage and agencies emergency response team in the site for each individual
are primarily of a planning responsible for any notification and warning water source.
nature and should be part of a monitoring of service issued by this authority
comprehensive risk assessment water-level or or agency.
analysis. The time frame for rain intensity
these activities is typically (forecasting
several months before a and monitoring
potential event. service).
Determine the • Identify the local authority or • Establish the conditions (water • Define actions for each warning All
lead time available agency responsible for levels or rain intensities) at level and the team responsible
monitoring meteorological and which warnings are issued by for implementing these actions,
to implement the water body conditions. the relevant authorities and the as well as resources required,
flood plan. time/distance until adverse for each individual water source.
conditions reach the site.
Define emergency • Ensure a sufficient number of • Conduct regular testing of • Communication protocols All
response trained personnel and proper pumps or other equipment, should be established. Consider
resources will be available e.g. emergency lighting, issues such as loss of cell phone
organization. before, during and after the backup power supply. battery power without mains
flood event, to implement the power to recharge or cell
plan. Factor in the potential for • Ensure adequate fuel is phone network outages. So
appointed persons being available for emergency consider alternative means of
absent from work. equipment. Store fuel safely communication such as the
according to fire safety posting information on an
• Ensure members of the requirements and ensure it internet page, sending emails
organization must have will not be impacted by for mass communication or
authority to implement the flood water. issuing satellite phones for use
requisite response actions. between key personnel, etc.
• This includes not only trained
staff, but also any auxiliary
equipment, spare parts,
replacements, and fuel.
Identify • Flooding of the building due to • Ensure a regular inspection and Rain
equipment, stock roof damage is common not maintenance plan is
only due to high intensity rain implemented for building
and material, but to wind events as well. Rain envelopes (wall panels, roofing
which could infiltrates through the roof into systems, drainage systems,
potentially be the building, resulting in doors, windows), especially for
affected by roof damaged equipment and stock, production-critical buildings or
damage-induced predominately in the upper those with high-value content.
levels of the building.
Identify • Identify flood protection • Identify what materials and • Define septic tanks, sewage Surface and Ground
below-ground measures for these portable equipment must be lines, etc. through which flood
critical areas. relocated from flood exposed water can backflow into the
structures areas before flood waters buildings or site and provide
potentially • Move high-value or enter the site. backflow prevention valves,
exposed to production-critical equipment where necessary.
to higher levels.
flood waters.
Identify what • Uplift (buoyancy) of equipment, • Besides anchorage, top-up of Surface and Ground
flood-exposed tanks, machinery, etc. due to these elements can also be
flood can be avoided by implemented to prevent
equipment and pre-event identification of such flood-induced buoyancy.
structures must components. As an example,
be anchored day tanks for emergency power
to secure generators and firefighting
foundations. pumps, storage tanks, etc.
Inspect roof • Architectural and topographic • Wind can tear off roof panels • Conduct a detailed structural Rain
panels, gutters, features can result in high and expose of building analysis of wind resistance,
variations in wind forces on contents to rain damage. especially for older buildings.
water proofing different parts of the building. Regular maintenance reduces It should be conducted by a
systems, Identify these critical areas with likelihood of damage. qualified structural engineer
roof-mounted the support of a qualified in accordance with pertinent
equipment structural engineer. wind design codes.
conditions of
eaves, etc. as
part of the
building’s regular
maintenance plan.
Inspect roof and • Ensure building contents are • Issues to consider are not only Rain
site drainage protected when conducting removal of debris, but also
any activities, such as pressure pressure testing of drainage
systems as part testing of drainage pipes. pipes etc.
of the building’s
maintenance plan.
Include details of • Continued supply of utilities is • Contact utility suppliers and All
utility suppliers necessary for post-event site become familiar with their
rehabilitation and resumption response plans, including
(gas, power, of activities. definitions of the critical
water etc.) into flood levels and
flood plan. corresponding actions.
Include details • The list may include: sprinkler • This is necessary also for All
of various system contractor, power post-event rehabilitation
transformer contractor, heat of the site.
contractors into exchange room contractor,
flood plan. plumbers, decorators etc.
Ensure that roof • Local rainfall • This item is recommended if highly likely that drainage is not Rain
and site drainage intensity-duration-frequency any expansion of an existing an ‘engineered’ system, i.e. has
parameters are to be used in site (especially older ones) not been designed to a code
systems have the design. is planned. Note that nor local rainfall intensities
been designed code-defined rainfall considered, but rather merely
according to local characteristics, drainage system been procured off-the-shelf.
design codes. requirements, safety factors, This activity is to be conducted
etc. have potentially changed by a qualified specialist.
since site inception. It is also
Prepare hand tools • Equipment for small repairs • Pre-purchase blowers and All
and personal (e.g. shovels, mattock, dehumidifiers in order to
submersible pumps) should be facilitate the drying out process
protective stored in an accessible place. of building and assets. These
equipment. Pumps and other mechanical items will be in high demand
items should be checked and post-event.
tested, and the results of these
should be documented.
Prepare employee • Due to the short warning • Prepare stocks of fresh • Provide communication Rain
safety measures time of such events, a timely water, non-perishable equipment (2-way radios),
evacuation of staff may not and canned goods. as well as spare batteries
for potentially be possible.
delayed evacuation
if your location is
at risk of flash
flood, rapidly
rising river
flood, riverbank
failure, etc.
Maintain a • Detailed documentation of the event, e.g. maintaining a log book documenting alarm stages, internal
detailed log of communications and actions, photos of measures taken onsite and of the event before, upon and after
arrival onsite, etc. will not only facilitate the post-event loss adjustment exercise but also support the
events (diary or emergency response team and site management in improving the response plan.
log book).
Keep stakeholders • Not only suppliers and customers, but also staff should be informed of developments.
informed of • Inform tenants/suppliers to stop goods delivery
• Communication function, to both employees as well as to local authorities, media, etc. should be
defined within the emergency response team
Once the flood trigger levels Prepare for safe • Critical operations and utilities are to be identified as part of the risk assessment conducted during the
and corresponding time-frame shut-down of preparation stage.
for each level have been operations.
identified, the corresponding
actions and resources at each
level can be defined. Remove all • These locations, as well as access routes, based on flood levels are to be defined during the
hazardous preparation stage.
Activate the contingency/
emergency response plan substances to a
in the predefined sequence safe location.
according to the defined
hazard (trigger)/action Remove portable • These locations, as well as access routes, based on flood levels are to be defined during the
levels. Example actions are machinery and preparation stage.
provided below (list is not equipment to
conclusive and not in higher levels
sequence of execution). (groundwater/river
flood) or away
from the building
Remove stocks to • These locations, as well as access routes, based on flood levels are to be defined during the
higher levels or preparation stage.
away from
building envelope.
Close sewer
prevention valves
and plug drains
and/or sewer lines
to prevent sewage
Isolate any low • Equipment which is not portable and cannot be removed must be protected from flood effects.
level electrical
equipment, shut
down machinery
& equipment.
Contact storage
facility for mobile
flood protection
systems (if
Secure all • Restrict re-entry to all buildings once evacuated and secure the premises
Assess and • Document (with photos) extent of damage. This will facilitate the claims process.
Contact staff • Communication function, to employees, clients, suppliers, as well as to local authorities, media, etc.
and inform should be defined within the emergency response team.
of situation.
Initiate clean-up • Site access only after instructions from pertinent authorities.
operations when • Remove ruined, moisture-soaked objects from the affected buildings and away from the walls to facilitate
The following are some of the
safe to do so. the drying out process. Damaged material, which is also most likely to be contaminated, is to be disposed
suggested actions to be
according to local regulations.
undertaken once the
pertinent authorities have • Hire or purchase blowers and dehumidifiers to assist in the drying out process.
declared conclusion of the
flood event and the site may
Have all utilities • Power and other utilities to be restored only after inspection by qualified personnel to ensure employee
be safely accessed. safety upon resumption of operations and prevent equipment damage.
checked by
before use.
Inform insurance • Provide photo documentation of damages as well as diary of events (log book).
Conduct • If water has been collected in retention pits test surface water collected therein for potential contaminants
environmental prior to drainage or release into the environment.
Inform disaster
recovery company,
if one has been
contracted for
such services.
Inform public
sanitation of
site damage.
Inform electricity
and gas supply
company to
restore services.
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