Dictionary of Marketing A. Ivanovic and P.H. Collin
Dictionary of Marketing A. Ivanovic and P.H. Collin
Dictionary of Marketing A. Ivanovic and P.H. Collin
third edition
third edition
A. Ivanovic MBA
P.H. Collin
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 0-7475-6621-6
eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0213-8
Text computer typeset by Bloomsbury Publishing
Printed in Italy by Legoprint
This dictionary provides the user with a comprehensive vocabulary of terms used in
marketing. It covers such aspects of the subject as market research, advertising,
promotional aids and selling techniques.
The main words are explained in simple English, and, where appropriate, examples
are given to show how the words are used in context. Quotations are also given from
various magazines and journals, which give an idea of how the terms are used in real
The Supplement at the back of the book gives some further information which may
be of use to the user.
We are particularly grateful to Margaret Jull Costa and Stephen Curtis for valuable
comments which they made on the text.
Business terminology changes rapidly, and this second edition includes a variety of
new terms and expressions which have come into use since the first edition was
published. We have also included new examples and quotations from recent
This third edition of the dictionary takes into account the many new terms that have
come into marketing with the growth of e-commerce and the Internet. The
supplement at the back of the book has also been comprehensively updated.
We are grateful to the following for their valuable comments on the text: Ian Linton,
Georgia Hole, Dinah Jackson and Sandra Anderson.
The following symbols have been used to show the pronunciation of the main words
in the dictionary.
Stress has been indicated by a main stress mark ( ) and a secondary stress mark
( ). Note that these are only guides as the stress of the word changes according to
its position in the sentence.
Vowels Consonants
back b buck
ɑ harm d dead
ɒ stop ð other
a type d jump
aυ how f fare
aə hire gold
aυə hour h head
ɔ course j yellow
ɔ annoy k cab
e head l leave
eə fair m mix
e make n nil
eυ o s save
word ʃ shop
i keep t take
i happy tʃ change
ə about θ theft
fit v value
ə near w work
u annual x loch
u pool measure
υ book z zone
υə tour
& shut
ABC method 1 accelerator
ABC method /e bi si meθəd/ absolute cost /bsəlut kɒst/
noun a sales method, where the cus- noun the actual cost of placing an adver-
tomer’s attention is attracted, the sales- tisement in a magazine or other adver-
person then shows the benefits of the tising medium
product to the customer, and finally absolute monopoly /bsəlut mə-
closes the deal. Full form attention, nɒpəli/ noun a situation where only
benefit, close one producer or supplier produces or
ABCs abbr Audit Bureau of supplies something 쑗 The company has
Circulations an absolute monopoly of imports of
above-the-fold /əb
v ðə fəυld/ French wine. 쑗 The supplier’s absolute
noun the part of a webpage which is monopoly of the product meant that cus-
seen first without having to scroll, and tomers had to accept his terms.
so is preferred for advertising absorb /əbzɔb/ verb to take in a
above-the-line advertising /əb
v small item so as to form part of a larger
ðə lan dvətazŋ/ noun advertising one 왍 overheads have absorbed all
for which a payment is made and for our profits all our profits have gone in
which a commission is paid to the ad- paying overhead expenses 왍 to absorb
vertising agency, e.g. an advertisement a loss by a subsidiary to write a subsid-
in a magazine or a stand at a trade fair. iary company’s loss into the group ac-
Compare below-the-line advertising counts 왍 a business which has been
(NOTE: as opposed to direct marketing) absorbed by a competitor a small busi-
ness which has been made part of a
absenteeism /bs(ə)ntiz(ə)m/ larger one
noun staying away from work for no
good reason 쑗 the rate of absenteeism absorption /əbzɔpʃən/ noun mak-
or the absenteeism rate always in- ing a smaller business part of a larger
creases in fine weather 쑗 Low produc- one, so that the smaller company in ef-
tivity is largely due to the high level of fect no longer exists
absenteeism. 쑗 Absenteeism is high in absorption costing /əbzɔpʃən
the week before Christmas. kɒstŋ/ noun costing a product to in-
‘…but the reforms still hadn’t fundamentally clude both the direct costs of production
changed conditions on the shop floor:
absenteeism was as high as 20% on some days’ and the indirect overhead costs as well
[Business Week] accelerated depreciation /ək-
absolute /bsəlut/ adjective com- seləretd dpriʃeʃ(ə)n/ noun a
plete or total system of depreciation which reduces
absolute advantage /bsəlut əd- the value of assets at a high rate in the
vɑntd/ noun an advantage enjoyed early years to encourage companies, as a
by an area of the world which can pro- result of tax advantages, to invest in new
duce a product more cheaply than other equipment
areas 쑗 For climatic reasons, tropical accelerator /əkseləretə/ noun the
countries have an absolute advantage in theory that a change in demand for con-
that type of production. sumer goods will result in a greater
accept 2 account
change in demand for the capital goods the computer. 앳 access to the market
used in their production 1. the legal right to sell in a particular
accept /əksept/ verb 1. to take some- market 2. the ability to reach a market
thing which is being offered 왍 to accept by promotion and distribution
delivery of a shipment to take goods Access /kses/ a credit card system
into the warehouse officially when they formerly operated by some British
are delivered 2. to take something which banks, part of the MasterCard network
is being offered or to say ‘yes’ or to accessibility /əksesblti/ noun
agree to something 쑗 to accept an offer the ability of a market to be reached by
of employment 쑗 she accepted the offer promotion and distribution 쑗 There is
of a job in Australia 쑗 he accepted much demand in the market, but, be-
£2000 in lieu of notice 3. to agree for- cause of the great distances involved,
mally to receive something or to be re- accessibility is a problem. 쑗 We must
sponsible for something analyse the geographical aspects in as-
acceptable /əkseptəb(ə)l/ adjective sessing the market’s accessibility.
which can be accepted 쑗 Both parties access time /kses tam/ noun the
found the offer acceptable. 쑗 The terms time taken by a computer to find data
of the contract of employment are not stored in it
acceptable to the candidate.
accommodation bill /əkɒmə-
acceptance /əkseptəns/ noun 왍 ac- deʃ(ə)n bl/ noun a bill of exchange
ceptance of an offer agreeing to an of- where the person signing (the ‘drawee’)
fer 왍 to give an offer a conditional is helping another company (the
acceptance to accept an offer provided ‘drawer’) to raise a loan
that specific things happen or that spe- account /əkaυnt/ noun 1. a record of
cific terms apply 왍 we have his letter of financial transactions over a period of
acceptance we have received a letter time, such as money paid, received, bor-
from him accepting the offer rowed or owed 쑗 Please send me your
acceptance against documents account or a detailed or an itemized ac-
/əkseptəns ə"enst dɒkjυmənts/ count. 2. (in a shop) an arrangement
noun a transaction where the seller takes which a customer has to buy goods and
charge of the shipping documents for a pay for them at a later date, usually the
consignment of goods when a buyer ac- end of the month 쑗 to have an account
cepts a bill of exchange 쑗 Acceptance or a charge account or a credit account
against documents protects the seller with Harrods 쑗 Put it on my account or
when sending goods which are not yet charge it to my account. 왍 to open an
paid for. account (of a customer ) to ask a shop
acceptance sampling /əkseptəns to supply goods which you will pay for
sɑmplŋ/ noun testing a small sample at a later date 왍 to open an account or
of a batch to see if the whole batch is to close an account (of a shop) to start
good enough to be accepted or to stop supplying a customer on
accepted bill /əkseptd bl/ noun a credit 왍 to settle an account to pay all
bill of exchange which has been signed, the money owed on an account 왍 to stop
and therefore accepted by the buyer an account to stop supplying a cus-
tomer until payment has been made for
acceptor /əkseptə/ noun a person goods supplied 3. 왍 on account as part
who accepts a bill of exchange by sign- of a total bill 왍 to pay money on ac-
ing it, thus making a commitment to pay count to pay to settle part of a bill 왍 ad-
it by a specified date vance on account money paid as a part
access /kses/ noun 왍 to have ac- payment 4. a customer who does a large
cess to something to be able to obtain amount of business with a firm and has
or reach something 쑗 She has access to an account with it 쑗 Smith Brothers is
large amounts of venture capital. 쐽 verb one of our largest accounts. 쑗 Our sales
to call up data which is stored in a com- people call on their best accounts twice
puter 쑗 She accessed the address file on a month. 5. 왍 to keep the accounts to
accountancy 3 achiever
acknowledge /əknɒld/ verb to tell was carried out to see how fast the ma-
a sender that a letter, package or ship- chinists worked. (NOTE: no plural)
ment has arrived 쑗 He has still not ac- ad /d/ noun same as advertisement
knowledged my letter of the 24th. 쑗 We (informal ) 쑗 We put an ad in the paper.
admen are using balloons as promo- Adshel /dʃel/ noun a trademark for
tional material. (NOTE: plural is admen) a poster site for advertisements in a bus
administer /ədmnstə/ verb to or-
ganise, manage or direct the whole of an adspend /dspend/ noun the
organisation or part of one 쑗 She admin- amount of money spent on advertising
isters a large pension fund. ad transfer /d trnsf&/ noun
administered channel /əd- same as click-through
mnstəd tʃn(ə)l/ noun a distribu- ad valorem duty /d vəlɔrəm
tion channel in which there is coopera- djuti/ noun the duty calculated on the
tion between businesses sales value of the goods
administered price /ədmnstəd advance /ədvɑns/ noun 1. money
pras/ noun US a price fixed by a man- paid as a loan or as a part of a payment
ufacturer which cannot be varied by a to be made later 쑗 to receive an advance
retailer (NOTE: the British equivalent is from the bank 쑗 to make an advance of
resale price maintenance) £100 to someone 쑗 to pay someone an
administration /ədmnstreʃ(ə)n/ advance against a security 쑗 She asked
noun the running of a company in re- if she could have a cash advance. 쑗 We
ceivership by an administrator ap- paid her an advance on account. 쑗 Can
pointed by the courts I have an advance of £100 against next
administration costs /ədmn- month’s salary? 2. an increase 쑗 an ad-
vance in trade with Eastern European
streʃ(ə)n kɒsts/ noun the costs of
countries 쑗 an advance in prices 3. 왍 in
management, not including production,
advance early, before something hap-
marketing or distribution costs
pens 쑗 freight payable in advance 쑗
administrative /ədmnstrətv/ ad- prices fixed in advance 쐽 adjective
jective referring to administration 쑗 ad- early 쑗 advance booking 쑗 advance
ministrative details 쑗 administrative payment 쑗 Advance holiday bookings
expenses are up on last year. 쑗 You must give
administrator /ədmnstretə/ seven days’ advance notice of with-
noun 1. a person who directs the work drawals from the account. 쐽 verb 1. to
advance freight 6 advertising expenditure
lend 쑗 The bank advanced him 쑗 The company has asked an advertis-
£100,000 against the security of his ing agent to prepare a presentation. 왍
house. 2. to increase 쑗 Prices generally to take advertising space in a paper to
advanced on the stock market. 3. to book space for an advertisement in a
make something happen earlier 쑗 The newspaper
date of the AGM has been advanced to
advertising agency /dvətazŋ
May 10th. 쑗 The meeting with the Ger-
edənsi/ noun an office which plans,
man distributors has been advanced
designs and manages advertising for
from 11.00 to 09.30.
other companies
advance freight /ədvɑns fret/
noun freight which is payable in advertising appeal /dvətazŋ ə-
advance pil/ noun the appeal of an advertise-
ment to the intended audience
advance man /ədvɑns mn/ noun
US a person who publicizes a perfor- advertising appropriation
mance and sells tickets for it before the /dvətazŋ əprəυprieʃ(ə)n/ noun
performers arrive money set aside by an organisation for
its advertising 쑗 The marketing director
advert /dv&t/ noun GB same as and the chief accountant have yet to fix
advertisement (informal ) 쑗 to put an
the advertising appropriation. 쑗 We
advert in the paper 쑗 to answer an ad- cannot afford as large an advertising
vert in the paper 쑗 classified adverts 쑗 appropriation as last year.
display adverts
advertise /dvətaz/ verb to arrange advertising brief /dvətazŋ
brif/ noun basic objectives and instruc-
and pay for publicity designed to help
tions concerning an advertising cam-
sell products or services or to find new
paign, given by an advertiser to an
employees 쑗 to advertise a vacancy 쑗
advertising agency 쑗 The brief stressed
to advertise for a secretary 쑗 to adver-
the importance of the market segment to
tise a new product
be targeted. 쑗 The advertising brief was
advertisement /ədv&tsmənt/ not detailed enough and did not show
noun 1. a notice which shows that what sort of product image the adver-
something is for sale, that a service is tiser wanted to create.
offered, that someone wants something
or that a job is vacant 2. a short film on advertising budget /dvətazŋ
television or a short announcement on b
dt/ noun money planned for
the radio which tries to persuade people spending on advertising 쑗 Our advertis-
to use a product or service ing budget has been increased.
advertisement manager /əd- advertising campaign
v&tsmənt mndə/ noun the man- /dvətazŋ kmpen/ noun
ager in charge of the advertisement sec- co-ordinated publicity or advertising
tion of a newspaper drive to sell a product
advertisement panel /əd- advertising control /dvətazŋ
v&tsmənt pn(ə)l/ noun a specially kəntrəυl/ noun legislative and other
designed large advertising space in a measures to prevent abuses in advertis-
newspaper ing 쑗 If voluntary advertising control
advertiser /dvətazə/ noun a per- doesn’t work, then the government will
son or company that advertises 쑗 The step in with legislation.
catalogue gives a list of advertisers. advertising department
advertising /dvətazŋ/ noun the /dvətazŋ dpɑtmənt/ noun the
business of announcing that something department in a company that deals with
is for sale or of trying to persuade cus- the company’s advertising
tomers to buy a product or service 쑗 She advertising expenditure
works in advertising or She has a job in /dvətazŋ kspendtʃə/ noun the
advertising. 쑗 Their new advertising amount a company spends on its
campaign is being launched next week. advertising
advertising hoarding 7 aerial advertising
advertising was the fastest expanding air time /eə tam/, airtime noun the
aid-to-trade. time set aside for advertising on televi-
aim /em/ noun something which you sion or radio 쑗 How much air time do
try to do 쑗 One of our aims is to in- we need for this commercial? 쑗 We
crease the quality of our products. 왍 the should look for air time on the new ra-
company has achieved all its aims the dio station. 쑗 All the air time in the
company has done all the things it had world won’t sell this product.
hoped to do 쐽 verb to try to do some- aisle /al/ noun a space or passageway
thing 쑗 Each sales rep must aim to dou- between the shelves of products on dis-
ble their previous year’s sales. 쑗 We play in a supermarket
aim to be No. 1 in the market within two à la carte / l kɑt/ noun a system
years. whereby advertisers use the services of
air /eə/ noun a method of travelling or a whole range of businesses rather than
sending goods using aircraft 쑗 to send a relying on one agency over a long
letter or a shipment by air period
air carrier /eə kriə/ noun a com- all-in rate /ɔl n ret/, all-in price /-
pany which sends cargo or passengers ɔl n pras/ noun a price which cov-
by air ers all items in a purchase such as deliv-
air forwarding /eə fɔwədŋ/ noun ery, tax and insurance, as well as the
the process of arranging for goods to be goods themselves
shipped by air allowable expenses /əlaυəb(ə)l
air freight /eə fret/ noun a method kspensz/ plural noun business ex-
of shipping goods in an aircraft 쑗 to penses which can be claimed against tax
send a shipment by air freight 쑗 air allowance /əlaυəns/ noun money re-
freight tariffs are rising moved in the form of a discount 쑗 an al-
airfreight /eəfret/ verb to send lowance for depreciation 쑗 an
goods by air 쑗 to airfreight a consign- allowance for exchange loss
ment to Mexico 쑗 We airfreighted the ‘…most airlines give business class the same
shipment because our agent ran out of baggage allowance as first class’
stock. [Business Traveller]
air letter /eə letə/ noun a special ‘…the compensation plan includes base,
sheet of thin blue paper which when incentive and car allowance totalling $50,000+’
[Globe and Mail (Toronto)]
folded can be sent by air mail without an
envelope (NOTE: American English is alpha activity /lfə ktvti/ noun
aerogramme) the measurement of a person’s brain ac-
airline /eəlan/ noun a company tivity as a way of measuring their reac-
which carries passengers or cargo by air tion to an advertisement
airmail /eəmel/ noun a way of send- alternate /ɔlt&nət/ adjective differ-
ing letters or parcels by air 쑗 to send a ent from what is actually used
package by airmail 쑗 Airmail charges alternate media /ɔlt&nət midiə/
have risen by 15%. 쐽 verb to send let- adjective forms of advertising which are
ters or parcels by air 쑗 We airmailed the not direct mailing, e.g. TV commercials,
document to New York. magazine inserts, etc.
airmail envelope /eəmel alternative close /ɔlt&nətv
envələυp/ noun a very light envelope kləυz/ noun an act of ending a sales ne-
for sending airmail letters gotiation by asking the customer to
airmail transfer /eəmel trnsf&/ choose something such as a method of
noun sending money from one bank to payment
another by airmail ambient media /mbiənt midiə/
airtight /eətat/ adjective which does noun advertising media outdoors, e.g.
not allow air to get in 쑗 The goods are posters, advertisements on the sides of
packed in airtight containers. buses, etc.
ambush marketing 11 appraisal
‘…we are now reaching a stage in industry and prove the terms of a contract 쑗 The
commerce where appraisals are becoming part proposal was approved by the board.
of the management culture. Most managers now
take it for granted that they will appraise and be APR abbr annual percentage rate
appraised’ [Personnel Management]
area /eəriə/ noun 1. a subject 쑗 a
appraiser /əprezə/ noun US a per- problem area or an area for concern 2.
son who estimates how much money a part of a country, a division for com-
something is worth mercial purposes 쑗 Her sales area is the
North-West. 쑗 He finds it difficult to
appro /prəυ/ noun same as ap- cover all his area in a week.
proval 왍 to buy something on appro
to buy something which you will only area code /eəriə kəυd/ noun a spe-
pay for if it is satisfactory cial telephone number which is given to
a particular area 쑗 The area code for
approach /əprəυtʃ/ noun getting in central London is 0207.
touch with someone with a proposal 쑗 area manager /eəriə mndə/
The company made an approach to the noun a manager who is responsible for a
supermarket chain. 쑗 The board turned company’s work in a specific part of the
down all approaches on the subject of country
mergers. 쑗 We have had an approach
from a Japanese company to buy our arithmetic mean /rθmetk
car division. 쑗 She has had an approach min/ noun same as average
from a firm of headhunters. 쐽 verb to armchair research /ɑmtʃeə r-
get in touch with someone with a pro- s&tʃ/ noun looking for information
posal 쑗 He approached the bank with a that has already been compiled and pub-
request for a loan. 쑗 The company was lished in reference books such as direc-
approached by an American publisher tories 쑗 Most of our armchair research
with the suggestion of a merger. 쑗 We can be done in libraries. 쑗 If we cannot
have been approached several times but find all the data through armchair re-
have turned down all offers. 쑗 She was search, we shall have to do a market
approached by a headhunter with the survey of our own. (NOTE: also called
offer of a job. desk research)
appropriation /əprəυprieʃ(ə)n/ arrears /ərəz/ plural noun 1. money
noun the act of putting money aside for which is owed, but which has not been
a special purpose 쑗 appropriation of paid at the right time 쑗 a salary with ar-
funds to the reserve rears effective from January 1st 쑗 ar-
rears of interest 쑗 to allow the payments
appropriation account /əprəυpri- to fall into arrears 쑗 salary with arrears
eʃ(ə)n əkaυnt/ noun the part of a effective from January 1st 쑗 We are
profit and loss account which shows pressing the company to pay arrears of
how the profit has been dealt with such interest. 쑗 You must not allow the mort-
as how much has been given to the gage payments to fall into arrears. 2. 왍
shareholders as dividends, how much is in arrears owing money which should
being put into the reserves etc. have been paid earlier 쑗 The payments
approval /əpruv(ə)l/ noun 1. agree- are six months in arrears. 쑗 He is six
ment 쑗 to submit a budget for approval weeks in arrears with his rent.
2. 왍 on approval a sale where the buyer art director /ɑt darektə/ noun a
only pays for goods if they are satisfac- coordinator of creative work in advertis-
tory 쑗 to buy a photocopier on approval ing 쑗 The art director briefed the copy-
approve /əpruv/ verb 1. 왍 to ap- writer and illustrator on the main points
prove of something to think something of the campaign. 쑗 After three years as
is good 쑗 The chairman approves of the an agency photographer, he was made
new company letter heading. 쑗 The art director.
sales staff do not approve of interfer- article /ɑtk(ə)l/ noun 1. a product or
ence from the accounts division. 2. to thing for sale 쑗 to launch a new article
agree to something officially 쑗 to ap- on the market 쑗 a black market in lux-
article numbering system 13 atmospherics
ury articles 2. a section of a legal agree- assets over liabilities. 쑗 Her assets are
ment such as a contract, treaty, etc. 쑗 only £640 as against liabilities of
see article 8 of the contract £24,000.
article numbering system ‘…many companies are discovering that a
well-recognised brand name can be a priceless
/ɑtk(ə)l n
mbərŋ sstəm/ noun a asset that lessens the risk of introducing a new
universal system of identifying articles product’ [Duns Business Month]
for sale, using a series of digits which
can be expressed as bar codes
asset stripping /set strpŋ/
noun the practice of buying a company
artificial obsolescence at a lower price than its asset value, and
/ɑtfʃ(ə)l ɒbsəles(ə)ns/ noun the then selling its assets
practice of deliberately making old
models seem out of date by bringing out asset value /set vlju/ noun the
new ones with changes and additional value of a company calculated by add-
features which will attract the customer ing together all its assets
쑗 Artificial obsolescence is making our associate programme /əsəυsiət
products seem cheap and disposable. 쑗 prəυ"rm/ noun same as affiliate
Artificial obsolescence means that no programme
product can be fashionable for very assortment /əsɔtmənt/ noun a
long. combination of goods sold together 쑗
artwork /ɑtw&k/ noun an original The box contains an assortment of choc-
work to be used for an advertisement, olates with different centres.
e.g. drawings, layouts, photographs assumptive close /əs
ASA abbr Advertising Standards kləυz/ noun an act of ending the sales
Authority negotiation by assuming that the cus-
asking price /ɑskŋ pras/ noun a tomer has agreed to buy, and then ask-
price which the seller is hoping will be ing further details of payments,
paid for the item being sold 쑗 the asking delivery, etc.
price is £24,000 asterisk law /stərsk lɔ/ noun a
assay mark /se mɑk/ noun a law which prevents telemarketing agen-
mark put on gold or silver items to show cies from trying to sell to people who
that the metal is of the correct quality have indicated that they do not want to
be approached by telephone salesmen
assembly /əsembl/ noun 1. the pro- by putting an asterisk against their
cess of putting an item together from names in the phone book
various parts 쑗 There are no assembly
instructions to show you how to put the ATM abbr automated telling machine
computer together. 쑗 We can’t put the ‘Swiss banks are issuing new cards which will
allow cash withdrawals from ATMs in Belgium,
machine together because the instruc- Denmark, Spain, France, the Netherlands,
tions for assembly are in Japanese. 2. an Portugal and Germany’ [Banking Technology]
official meeting ‘…the major supermarket operator is planning a
assembly line /əsembli lan/ noun new type of bank that would earn 90% of its
a production system where a product revenue from fees on automated teller machine
transactions. With the bank setting up ATMs at
such as a car moves slowly through the 7,000 group outlets nationwide, it would have a
factory with new sections added to it as branch network at least 20 times larger than any
it goes along 쑗 She works on an assem- of the major banks’ [Nikkei Weekly]
bly line or She is an assembly line atmosphere /tməsfə/ noun 1. the
worker. general feeling in a shop or shopping
assessment /əsesmənt/ noun a cal- area 2. the effect that the medium itself
culation of value 쑗 an assessment of through which an advertisement is pre-
damages 쑗 a property assessment 쑗 as- sented has on the audience
sessment of damages 쑗 a tax assessment atmospherics /tməsferks/ noun
asset /set/ noun something which 1. a way of encouraging customer inter-
belongs to a company or person, and est by using the senses such as smell and
which has a value 쑗 He has an excess of sound 2. creating an overall image of a
ATR 14 Audit Bureau of Circulations
company through the design of its pre- auction /ɔkʃən/ noun a method of
mises and products selling goods where people make bids,
and the item is sold to the person who
ATR noun a model showing stages in makes the highest offer 쑗 The equip-
the effects of advertising on the con- ment was sold by auction or at auction.
sumer, where the customer becomes 쑗 Their furniture will be sold in the auc-
aware of the product, buys it once to try tion rooms next week. 쑗 They an-
it and then buys it again when he finds it nounced a sale by auction of the
is satisfactory. Full form awareness, fire-damaged stock. 왍 to put an item
trial, repeat up for auction to offer an item for sale
atrium /etriəm/ noun a very large at an auction 쐽 verb to sell something at
open space in a building, usually with a an auction 쑗 The factory was closed and
glass roof, fountains and plants, which the machinery was auctioned off.
acts as a central meeting point, linking auctioneer /ɔkʃənə/ noun the per-
shopping and office areas and son who conducts an auction
auction house /ɔkʃən haυs/ noun
attention /ətenʃən/ noun careful a company which specialises in holding
thought or consideration auction sales, especially of items such as
attitude /ttjud/ noun the way in antiques or paintings
which a person behaves or thinks 왍 a auction mart /ɔkʃən mɑt/ noun
person’s attitude towards an adver- US auction rooms
tisement a person’s reaction to an audience /ɔdiəns/ noun 1. the num-
advertisement ber of people who watch a TV
attitude measurement /ttjud programme or listen to a radio
meəmənt/, attitude testing programme 2. the number of people
/ttjud testŋ/ noun the act of as- who are exposed to an advertisement
certaining the way in which a person audience accumulation /ɔdiəns
views something by assigning scores to əkjumjυleʃ(ə)n/ noun the building
various factors 쑗 Attitude measurement up of an audience by repeating adver-
has given us a good idea of how con- tisements over a period of time
sumers view our product. 쑗 Will attitude
testing lead to the redesigning of these audience composition /ɔdiəns
heaters? kɒmpəzʃ(ə)n/ noun the way an audi-
ence is made up, i.e. the age range, sex,
attitude research /ttjud r- lifestyles, etc.
s&tʃ/, attitude survey /ttjud
s&ve/ noun 1. the act of carrying out audience research /ɔdiəns r-
a survey to discover people’s attitudes s&tʃ/ noun research into the attitudes
to products, advertisements or the com- of an audience to an advertising
panies producing them 2. research that campaign
attempts to discover whether people’s audimeter /ɔdmitə/ noun an elec-
feelings about something, such as the tronic device attached to a TV set,
company they work for, are positive or which records details of a viewer’s
negative viewing habits
attitude scale /ttjud skel/ noun audiovisual /ɔdiəυ vuəl/ noun
a device which measures or tests atti- media that can be seen and heard, e.g. a
tudes by analysing a subject’s responses TV commercial 쑗 The exhibition was
devoted to the latest in audiovisual
attrition /ətrʃ(ə)n/ noun a decrease equipment.
in the loyalty of consumers to a product,
due to factors such as boredom, desire audit /ɔdt/ noun the examination of
for a change 쑗 We must adapt our prod- the books and accounts of a company 쑗
ucts if we are to avoid attrition. 쑗 Attri- to carry out the annual audit
tion showed the company that brand Audit Bureau of Circulations
loyalty could not be taken for granted. /ɔdt bjυərəυ əv s&kjυleʃ(ə)nz/
augmented product 15 awareness
B2B /bi tə bi/ adjective referring to ing the period from 1945 to 1965, when
advertising or marketing that is aimed at the population of the UK and the USA
other businesses rather than at consum- increased rapidly
ers (NOTE: The word is most commonly back /bk/ noun the opposite side to
used of business-to-business dealings the front 쑗 Write your address on the
conducted over the Internet.) back of the envelope. 쑗 The conditions
B2B auction /bi tə bi ɔkʃən/ of sale are printed on the back of the in-
noun a web marketplace where supplier voice. 쑗 Please endorse the cheque on
companies bid against one another to of- the back. 쐽 adjective referring to the
fer the lowest price for a particular prod- past 쑗 a back payment 쐽 verb 왍 to back
uct or service, while the buyer company someone to help someone financially 쑗
waits until the sellers have reduced the The bank is backing us to the tune of
price to one that it can afford (NOTE: £10,000. 쑗 She is looking for someone
Businesses have to register to take to back her project.
part in B2B auctions by providing their ‘…the businesses we back range from start-up
credit-card information and shipping ventures to established companies in need of
preferences, and also have to agree to further capital for expansion’ [Times]
the site’s code of conduct.) back cover /bk k
və/ noun the
B2B commerce /bi tə bi kɒm&s/ back of a magazine cover, which can be
noun business done by companies with used for advertising
other companies, rather than with indi- backdate /bkdet/ verb to put an
vidual consumers earlier date on a document such as a
B2B exchange /bi tə bi ks- cheque or an invoice 쑗 Backdate your
tʃend/ noun same as exchange invoice to April 1st. 쑗 The pay increase
is backdated to January 1st.
B2B web exchange /bi tə bi
web kstʃend/ noun same as backdoor selling /bkdɔ selŋ/
exchange noun the practice of bypassing an or-
ganisation’s bureaucracy and selling di-
B2B website /bi tə bi websat/ rect to the chief decision-maker in it 쑗 If
noun a website that is designed to help we did not resort to backdoor selling the
businesses trade with each other on the right department might never hear of us.
Internet 쑗 The chairman was asked out for a
B2C /bi tə si/ adjective referring to meal by the sales director of the other
advertising or marketing that is aimed at company to try a little backdoor selling.
consumers rather than at other busi- backer /bkə/ noun 1. a person or
nesses (NOTE: The word is most com- company that backs someone 쑗 He has
monly used of business-to-consumer an Australian backer. 쑗 One of the com-
dealings conducted over the Internet.) pany’s backers has withdrawn. 2. 왍 the
B2C website /bi tə si websat/ backer of a bill the person who backs a
noun an online shop that sells products bill 3. a piece of publicity material
to consumers via its website placed at the back of a display or stand
baby boomer /bebi buməz/ noun background /bk"raυnd/ noun
a market composed of people born dur- past work or experience 쑗 My back-
background music 17 balance of payments
a country’s international trade in goods, ferent item bound along with the main
services and financial transactions one 쑗 These banded packs have been
balance sheet /bləns ʃit/ noun a specially designed for our sales promo-
statement of the financial position of a tion drive.
company at a particular time such as the bandwidth /bndwdθ/ noun a mea-
end of the financial year or the end of a surement of the capacity of a fibre-optic
quarter showing the company’s assets cable to carry information to and from
and liabilities 쑗 Our accountant has the Internet (NOTE: The higher the
prepared the balance sheet for the first bandwidth, the faster information
half-year. 쑗 The company balance sheet passes through the cable.)
for the last financial year shows a worse
position than for the previous year.
bangtail /bŋtel/ noun US a type of
folded mailer, with a pocket for an in-
COMMENT: The balance sheet shows the
state of a company’s finances at a certain
formation card or reply coupon and a
date; the profit and loss account shows
flap that tucks in
the movements which have taken place bankable paper /bŋkəb(ə)l
since the end of the previous accounting pepə/ noun a document which a bank
period. A balance sheet must balance, will accept as security for a loan
with the basic equation that assets (i.e.
what the company owns, including money
bank account /bŋk əkaυnt/ noun
owed to the company) must equal liabili- an account which a customer has with a
ties (i.e. what the company owes to its bank, where the customer can deposit
creditors) plus capital (i.e. what it owes to and withdraw money 쑗 to open a bank
its shareholders). A balance sheet can be account 쑗 to close a bank account 쑗
drawn up either in the horizontal form, How much money do you have in your
with (in the UK) liabilities and capital on bank account? 쑗 If you let the balance
the left-hand side of the page (in the USA, in your bank account fall below £100,
it is the reverse) or in the vertical form, you have to pay bank charges.
with assets at the top of the page, fol-
lowed by liabilities, and capital at the bot-
bank base rate /bŋk bes ret/
tom. Most are usually drawn up in the noun a basic rate of interest on which
vertical format, as opposed to the more the actual rate a bank charges on loans
old-fashioned horizontal style. to its customers is calculated
balloon /bəlun/ noun a loan where bank bill /bŋk bl/ noun 1. GB
the last repayment is larger than the same as banker’s bill 2. US a piece of
others printed paper money
balloon payment /bəlun bank card /bŋk kɑd/ noun a credit
pemənt/ noun the last payment, usu- card or debit card issued to a customer
ally much larger than the others, that is by a bank for use instead of cash when
made when repaying a balloon loan buying goods or services (NOTE: There
band /bnd/ noun a strip of paper or are internationally recognised rules
plastic or a rubber ring put round arti- that govern the authorisation of the use
cles to attach them together of bank cards and the clearing and set-
tlement of transactions in which they
banded /bndd/ adjective attached are used.)
with a band
banded offer /bndd ɒfə/ noun a bank charges /bŋk tʃɑdz/ plu-
type of sales promotion involving the ral noun charges which a bank makes
offer of an additional item along with for carrying out work for a customer
the main one 쑗 The banded offer con- (NOTE: American English is service
sisted of a full-sized bottle of shampoo charge)
along with a small bottle of hair bank credit /bŋk kredt/ noun
conditioner. loans or overdrafts from a bank to a
banded pack /bndd pk/ noun a customer
pack which includes two items attached bank draft /bŋk drɑft/ noun an
to form a pack, or with an additional dif- order by one bank telling another bank,
banker 19 barrier
usually in another country, to pay bar code /bɑ kəυd/ noun a system
money to someone of lines printed on a product which,
banker /bŋkə/ noun a person who is when read by a computer, give a refer-
in an important position in a bank ence number or price
banker’s bill /bŋkəz bl/, bank bar coding /bɑ kəυdŋ/ noun the
bill /bŋk bl/ noun an order by one process of attaching an identifying label,
bank telling another bank, usually in an- written in machine-readable code and
other country, to pay money to someone able to be read by a scanner, to a product
or container (NOTE: Bar codes are use-
bank giro /bŋk darəυ/ noun GB ful for stock control and order picking
a method used by clearing banks to and can be used to trace a product
transfer money rapidly from one ac- through every stage of a transaction
count to another from packaging to customer delivery.)
banking account /bŋkŋ ə- bargain /bɑ"n/ noun 1. an agree-
kaυnt/ noun US an account which a ment on the price of something 쑗 to
customer has with a bank strike a bargain or to make a bargain 왍
bank manager /bŋk mndə/ to drive a hard bargain to be a difficult
noun the person in charge of a branch of person to negotiate with 왍 it is a bad
a bank 쑗 He asked his bank manager for bargain it is not worth the price 2.
a loan. something which is cheaper than usual
bank transfer /bŋk trnsf&/ 쑗 That car is a (real) bargain at £500.
noun moving money from a bank ac- 쐽 verb to discuss a price for something
count to another account 쑗 You will have to bargain with the
dealer if you want a discount. 쑗 They
banner /bnə/ noun 1. material spent two hours bargaining about or
stretched between two walls or build- over the price. (NOTE: you bargain with
ings, carrying an advertising message 쑗 someone over or about or for
There were banners across the street something)
advertising the charity run. 2. an online
interactive advertisement that appears bargain basement /bɑ"n
on a webpage, usually at the top or bot- besmənt/ noun a basement floor in a
tom, and contains a link to the website shop where goods are sold cheaply 왍
of the business whose products or ser- I’m selling this at a bargain basement
vices are being advertised (NOTE: Ban- price I’m selling this very cheaply
ner ads often use graphics images and bargain hunter /bɑ"n h
sound as well as text.) noun a person who looks for cheap
banner advertising /bnə deals
dvətazŋ/ noun a website advertis- bargaining /bɑ"nŋ/ noun the act
ing which runs across the top of a of discussing between two persons or
webpage, similar to newspaper groups, to achieve a settlement, usually
headlines wage increases for workers
banner exchange /bnə ks- bargaining position /bɑ"nŋ pə-
tʃend/ noun an agreement between zʃ(ə)n/ noun the statement of position
two or more businesses, in which each by one group during negotiations
allows the others’ advertising banners to bargaining power /bɑ"nŋ
be displayed on its website paυə/ noun the strength of one person
banner headline /bnə hedlan/ or group when discussing prices or
noun a headline set in very large black wage settlements
type, running across a page barrier /briə/ noun anything which
bar chart /bɑ tʃɑt/ noun a chart makes it difficult for someone to do
where values or quantities are shown as something, especially sending goods
columns of different heights set on a from one place to another 왍 to impose
base line, the different lengths express- trade barriers on certain goods to re-
ing the quantity of the item or unit strict the import of some goods by
barrier to entry 20 basic industry
charging high duty 쑗 They considered exchange for trucks, food, planes and
imposing trade barriers on some food chemicals’ [Wall Street Journal]
products. 왍 to lift trade barriers from bartering /bɑtərŋ/ noun the act of
imports to remove restrictions on im- exchanging goods for other goods and
ports 쑗 The government has lifted trade not for money
barriers on foreign cars. 왍 barrier to base /bes/ noun 1. the lowest or first
entry into a market something which position 쑗 Turnover increased by 200%,
makes it difficult for a company to enter but started from a low base. 2. a place
a new market, e.g. start-up costs where a company has its main office or
‘…a senior European Community official has factory, or a place where a businessper-
denounced Japanese trade barriers, saying they son’s office is located 쑗 The company
cost European producers $3 billion a year’
[Times] has its base in London and branches in
all the European countries. 쑗 He has an
‘…to create a single market out of the EC
member states, physical, technical and tax office in Madrid which he uses as a base
barriers to free movement of trade between while travelling in Southern Europe. 쐽
member states had to be removed. Imposing verb to set up a company or a person in
VAT on importation of goods from other a place 쑗 a London-based sales execu-
member states was seen as one such tax barrier’
tive 쑗 The European manager is based
in our London office. 쑗 Our overseas
barrier to entry /briə tυ entri/ branch is based in the Bahamas.
noun a factor that makes it impossible ‘…the base lending rate, or prime rate, is the
or unprofitable for a company to try to rate at which banks lend to their top corporate
start selling its products in a particular borrowers’ [Wall Street Journal]
market (NOTE: Barriers to entry may be ‘…other investments include a large stake in the
created, for example, when companies Chicago-based insurance company’
[Lloyd’s List]
already in a market have patents that
prevent their goods from being copied, base line /bes lan/ noun the part of
when the cost of the advertising promotional material that contains basic
needed to gain a market share is too information about the organisation such
high, or when an existing product com- as its name and address
mands very strong brand loyalty.) basement /besmənt/ noun a section
barrier to exit /briə tυ e"zt/ of a shop which is underground
noun a factor that makes it impossible base year /bes jə/ noun the first
or unprofitable for a company to leave a year of an index, against which changes
market where it is currently doing busi- occurring in later years are measured. 쏡
ness (NOTE: Barriers to exit may be cre- database
ated, for example, when a company basic /besk/ adjective 1. normal 2.
has invested in specialist equipment most important 3. simple, or from which
that is only suited to manufacturing everything starts 쑗 He has a basic
one product, when the costs of retrain- knowledge of the market. 쑗 To work at
ing its workforce would be very high, or the cash desk, you need a basic qualifi-
when withdrawing one product would cation in maths.
have a bad effect on the sales of other
products in the range.) basic commodities /besk kə-
mɒdtiz/ plural noun ordinary farm
barter /bɑtə/ noun 1. a system in produce, produced in large quantities,
which goods are exchanged for other e.g. corn, rice, sugar, etc.
goods and not sold for money 2. a sys-
tem in which advertising space or time basic discount /besk dskaυnt/
is exchanged for goods from the adver- noun a normal discount without extra
tiser 쐽 verb to exchange goods for other percentages 쑗 Our basic discount is
goods and not for money 쑗 They agreed 20%, but we offer 5% extra for rapid
a deal to barter tractors for barrels of settlement.
wine. basic industry /besk ndəstri/
‘…under the barter agreements, Nigeria will noun the most important industry of a
export 175,000 barrels a day of crude oil in country, e.g. coal, steel or agriculture
basic necessities 21 benchmark
survey will do away with bias. 쑗 The big-ticket /b" tkt/ adjective cost-
trainee interviewers were taught how to ing a lot of money
control bias and its effects. big ticket item /b" tkt atəm/
bid /bd/ noun 1. an offer to buy some- noun a large expensive item, e.g. a car,
thing at a specific price 왍 to make a bid washing machine, etc.
for something to offer to buy some- bilateral /balt(ə)rəl/ adjective be-
thing 쑗 We made a bid for the house. 쑗 tween two parties or countries 쑗 The
The company made a bid for its rival. 왍 minister signed a bilateral trade
to make a cash bid to offer to pay cash agreement.
for something 왍 to put in a bid for ‘…trade between Japan and China will probably
something or to enter a bid for some- exceed $30 billion this year to mark a record
thing to offer to buy something, usually high. Ministry of Finance trade statistics show
that bilateral trade in the first half of the year
in writing 2. an offer to sell something totalled $16.60 billion, up 29.7% from a year
or do a piece of work at a specific price earlier’ [Nikkei Weekly]
쑗 She made the lowest bid for the job. 쐽
bilateralism /balt(ə)rəlz(ə)m/
verb 왍 to bid for something (at an auc- noun a system whereby a country bal-
tion) to offer to buy something 왍 he bid ances its trade with another 쑗 With luck,
£1,000 for the jewels he offered to pay bilateralism will put an end to the trade
£1,000 for the jewels war.
bidder /bdə/ noun a person who bill /bl/ noun 1. a written list of
makes a bid, usually at an auction 쑗 charges to be paid 쑗 The sales assistant
Several bidders made offers for the wrote out the bill. 쑗 Does the bill in-
house. 왍 the property was sold to the clude VAT? 쑗 The bill is made out to
highest bidder to the person who had Smith Ltd. 쑗 The builder sent in his bill.
made the highest bid or who offered the 쑗 She left the country without paying
most money 왍 the tender will go to the her bills. 2. a list of charges in a restau-
lowest bidder to the person who offers rant 쑗 Can I have the bill please? 쑗 The
the best terms or the lowest price for bill comes to £20 including service. 쑗
services Does the bill include service? 쑗 The
bidding /bdŋ/ noun the act of mak- waiter has added 10% to the bill for ser-
ing offers to buy, usually at an auction 왍 vice. 3. a written paper promising to pay
the bidding started at £1,000 the first money 왍 bills payable (B/P) bills, espe-
and lowest bid was £1,000 왍 the bid- cially bills of exchange, which a com-
ding stopped at £250,000 the last bid, pany will have to pay to its creditors 왍
i.e. the successful bid, was for £250,000 bills receivable (B/R) bills, especially
왍 the auctioneer started the bidding bills of exchange, which are due to be
at £100 he suggested that the first bid paid by a company’s debtors 4. US a
should be £100 piece of paper money 쑗 a $5 bill (NOTE:
big box store /b" bɒks stɔ/ noun British English is note or banknote) 5.
a large retail superstore that sells a very a draft of a new law which will be dis-
wide range of merchandise from grocer- cussed in Parliament 6. a small poster 왍
ies to refrigerators or televisions ‘stick no bills’ a notice prohibiting un-
authorised sticking of posters 쐽 verb to
big business /b" bzns/ noun present a bill to someone so that it can
very large commercial firms be paid 쑗 The plumbers billed us for the
big idea /b" adə/ noun the main repairs.
new idea behind an advertising cam- billboard /blbɔd/ noun 1. a poster
paign, the aim of which is to attract po- site of double crown size (30 x 20
tential customers inches) 2. US a large outdoor poster site
big picture /b" pktʃə/ noun a (measuring 12 x 25 feet) 쑗 The railway
broad view of a subject that takes into track was lined with billboards specially
account all the factors that are relevant set up for election propaganda. 쑗 A
to it and considers the future conse- shortage of billboards has led to an in-
quences of action taken now (informal ) . crease in press advertising. 3. a short
billing 24 blanket insurance
booking clerk /bυkŋ klɑk/ noun a market share and high growth rate are
person who sells tickets in a booking called stars, businesses with a low
office market share and low growth rate are
booking office /bυkŋ ɒfs/ noun called dogs, businesses with a high
an office where you can book seats at a market share and a low growth rate
theatre or tickets for the railway are called cash cows and businesses
with a low market share and a high
bookmark /bυkmɑk/ verb to make a growth rate are called question marks.)
special mental note of somebody or
something so that you remember them Boston matrix /bɒstən metrks/
in future 쐽 noun a software tool in a noun a type of product portfolio analy-
web browser that enables users to select sis, in which products are identified as
and store webpages that they want to stars, question marks, cash cows or dogs
look at often and to access them quickly (NOTE: the full name is the Boston
and conveniently Consulting Group Share/Growth
book sales /bυk selz/ plural noun
sales as recorded in the sales book bottle hanger /bɒt(ə)l hŋə/ noun
an advertisement in the form of a card
book token /bυk təυkən/ noun a
which hangs round the neck of a bottle
voucher bought in a shop which is given
as a present and which must be ex- bottleneck /bɒt(ə)lnek/ noun a situ-
changed for books ation that occurs when one section of an
operation cannot cope with the amount
book value /bυk vlju/ noun the
of work it has to do, which slows down
value of an asset as recorded in the com-
the later stages of the operation and
pany’s balance sheet
business activity in general 쑗 a bottle-
boom /bum/ noun the time when neck in the supply system 쑗 There are
sales, production or business activity are serious bottlenecks in the production
increasing 쑗 a period of economic boom line.
쑗 the boom of the 1970s 왍 the boom
years years when there is an economic
bottom /bɒtəm/ noun the lowest part
or point 왍 the bottom has fallen out of
boom 쐽 verb to expand or to become
the market sales have fallen below
prosperous 쑗 business is booming 쑗
what previously seemed to be the lowest
sales are booming
‘…starting in 1981, a full-blown real estate
point 왍 rock-bottom price the lowest
boom took off in Texas’ [Business] price of all 쐽 verb to reach the lowest
boom industry /bum ndəstri/
noun an industry which is expanding bottom line /bɒtəm lan/ noun the
rapidly last line on a balance sheet indicating
profit or loss
booming /bumŋ/ adjective which
is expanding or becoming prosperous 쑗 bottom price /bɒtəm pras/ noun
a booming industry or company 쑗 Tech- the lowest price
nology is a booming sector of the bounce back /baυns bk/ verb (of
economy. emails) to be returned to the sender be-
boom share /bum ʃeə/ noun a cause the address is incorrect or the user
share in a company which is expanding is not known at the mail server
Boston Box /bɒstən bɒks/ noun a bounce-back coupon /baυns
system used to indicate a company’s po- bk kupɒn/ noun a coupon offer
tential by analysing the relationship be- made to existing customers in order to
tween its market share and its growth persuade them to continue purchasing
rate (NOTE: The Boston Box was de- the brand
vised by the Boston Consulting Group boutique /butik/ noun 1. a small
in the 1970s to help companies decide specialised shop, especially for
which businesses they should invest in up-to-date clothes 쑗 a jeans boutique 쑗
and which they should withdraw from. a ski boutique 2. a section of a depart-
In this system businesses with a high ment store selling up-to-date clothes
box 27 brand image
branding /brndŋ/ noun the act of branding as the only way to promote a
giving brand names to products product
‘…marketing and branding are becoming more brandwidth /brndwdθ/ noun the
important in the hotel and restaurant business.
There is increasing competition in hotels and amount of customer recognition which a
reviews of brand image are commonplace’ brand enjoys
[Marketing Week] brand X /brnd eks/ noun the anon-
brand leader /brnd lidə/ noun the ymous brand used in TV commercials to
brand with the largest market share compare with the named brand being
brand life cycle /brnd laf
sak(ə)l/ noun stages in the life of a breach /britʃ/ noun a failure to carry
brand in terms of sales and profitability, out the terms of an agreement
from its launch to its decline breach of contract /britʃ əv
brand loyalty /brnd lɔəlti/ noun kɒntrkt/ noun the failure to do some-
the feeling of trust and satisfaction that thing which has been agreed in a
makes a customer always buy the same contract
brand of product bread-and-butter line /bred ən
brand management /brnd b
tə lanz/ noun a range of items
mndmənt/ noun directing the mak- which are found in all stores of one cate-
ing and selling of a brand as an inde- gory, and which provide a solid basis of
pendent item continuing sales
brand manager /brnd mndə/ break /brek/ noun a pause between
noun the manager or executive respon- periods of work 쑗 She keyboarded for
sible for the marketing of a particular two hours without a break. 쐽 verb
brand 쑗 The brand manager and the (NOTE: breaking- broke- has broken)
production manager met to discuss 왍 break bulk to split into small quanti-
changes to be made to the company’s ties for retail sale after having bought a
leading brand of soap. large quantity 왍 break even to balance
costs and receipts, but not make a profit
brand name /brnd nem/ noun a 쑗 Last year the company only just broke
name of a particular make of product even. 쑗 We broke even in our first two
brand positioning /brnd pə- months of trading.
zʃ(ə)nŋ/ noun the practice of placing breakeven analysis /brekiv(ə)n
a brand in a particular position in the ənləss/ noun 1. the analysis of fixed
market, so that it is recognisable to the and variable costs and sales that deter-
public 쑗 Intensive television advertising mines at what level of production the
is a key part of our brand positioning breakeven point will be reached 쑗 The
strategy. (NOTE: also called product breakeven analysis showed that the
positioning) company will only break even if it sells
brand recognition /brnd rekə"- at least 1,000 bicycles a month. 2. a
nʃ(ə)n/ noun the ability of the con- method of showing the point at which a
sumer to recognise a brand on sight company’s income from sales will be
equal to its production costs so that it
brand switching /brnd swtʃŋ/ neither makes a profit nor makes a loss
noun the practice of changing from buy- (NOTE: Breakeven analysis is usually
ing one brand to another, showing little shown in the form of a chart and can
brand loyalty 쑗 We can’t rely on steady be used to help companies make deci-
sales with such a lot of brand switching sions, set prices for their products and
going on. 쑗 Brand switching makes work out the effects of changes in pro-
shopping more fun for consumers. duction or sales volume on their costs
brand value /brnd vlju/ noun and profits.)
the value of a brand name breakeven point /brekiv(ə)n
brand wagon /brnd w"ən/ pɔnt/ noun a point at which sales cover
noun the tendency for marketers to see costs, but do not show a profit
breaking bulk 29 bucket shop
that sells cheap airline or other travel budget surplus /b
dt s&pləs/
tickets noun a situation where there is more
‘…at last something is being done about the revenue than was planned for in the
thousands of bucket shops across the nation that budget
sell investment scams by phone’
[Forbes Magazine] budget variance /b
veəriəns/ noun the difference between
budget /b
dt/ noun 1. a plan of ex- the cost as estimated for a budget and
pected spending and income for a period the actual cost
of time 쑗 We have agreed the budgets
building materials /bldŋ
for next year. 2. 왍 the Budget the an-
mətəriəlz/ plural noun materials used
nual plan of taxes and government
in building, e.g. bricks and cement
spending proposed by a finance minis-
ter. In the UK, this is the Chancellor of building permit /bldŋ p&mt/
the Exchequer. 쑗 The minister put for- noun an official document which allows
ward a budget aimed at boosting the someone to build on a piece of land
economy. 왍 to balance the budget to build-up approach /bld
plan income and expenditure so that əprəυtʃ/ noun a method of calculating
they balance 쑗 The president is plan- the budget for promotion by determin-
ning for a balanced budget. 3. (in ing the tasks that have to be carried out
shops) cheap 왍 budget prices low and estimating the costs of performing
prices 쐽 verb to plan probable income them
and expenditure 쑗 We are budgeting for
£10,000 of sales next year. built-in /blt n/ adjective forming
part of the system or of a machine 쑗 The
‘…he budgeted for further growth of 150,000
jobs (or 2.5 per cent) in the current financial PC has a built-in modem. 쑗 The ac-
year’ [Sydney Morning Herald] counting system has a series of built-in
‘…the Federal government’s budget targets for
employment and growth are within reach built-in obsolescence /blt n
according to the latest figures’ ɒbsəles(ə)ns/ noun a method of ensur-
[Australian Financial Review]
ing continuing sales of a product by
budget account /b
dt əkaυnt/ making it in such a way that it will soon
noun a bank account where you plan in- become obsolete
come and expenditure to allow for peri- bulk /b
lk/ noun a large quantity of
ods when expenditure is high, by paying goods 왍 in bulk in large quantities 쑗 to
a set amount each month buy rice in bulk
budgetary /b
dt(ə)r/ adjective bulk buying /b
lk baŋ/ noun get-
referring to a budget ting large quantities of goods at low
budgetary control /b
dt(ə)ri prices
kəntrəυl/ noun controlled spending ac- bulk carrier /b
lk kriə/ noun a
cording to a planned budget ship which carries large quantities of
budgetary policy /b
dt(ə)ri loose goods such as corn or coal
pɒlsi/ noun the policy of planning in- bulk discount /b
lk dskaυnt/
come and expenditure noun a discount given to a purchaser
budgetary requirements who buys in bulk
dt(ə)ri rkwaəmənts/ plural bulk rate /b
lk ret/ noun a cheap
noun the rate of spending or income re- rate offered to advertisers who take
quired to meet the budget forecasts large amounts of advertising space
budget department /b
dt d- bulk shipment /b
lk ʃpmənt/
pɑtmənt/ noun a department in a noun a shipment of large quantities of
large store which sells cheaper goods goods
budgeting /b
dtŋ/ noun the prep- bulky /b
lki/ adjective large and awk-
aration of budgets to help plan expendi- ward 쑗 The Post Office does not accept
ture and income bulky packages.
bulldog 31 business efficiency exhibition
bulldog /bυldɒ"/ noun the first edi- business address /bzns ədres/
tion of a daily newspaper noun the details of number, street and
bulletin /bυlətn/ noun a short note, town where a company is located
newsletter or report, issued regularly 쑗 business agent /bzns edənt/
Bulletins were regularly sent to the noun US the chief local official of a
sales force. 쑗 The bulletin contained trade union
sales figures for the month. business call /bzns kɔl/ noun a
bulletin board /bυltn bɔd/, no- visit to talk to someone about business
tice board noun a website that allows business card /bzns kɑd/ noun a
members of an interest group to ex- card showing a businessperson’s name
change emails, chat online, and access and the name and address of the com-
software pany they work for
bumper sticker /b
mpə stkə/ business case /bzns kes/ noun a
noun an advertising sticker put onto the statement that explains why a particular
bumper of a car course of action would be advantageous
bundle /b
nd(ə)l/ verb to market a or profitable to an organisation (NOTE: A
package that contains various products business case depends on the prepa-
or services at a special price ration and presentation of a viable
business plan and is intended to weed
bundling /b
ndlŋ/ noun putting out ideas that may seem promising but
several items together to form a package have no real long-term value to an or-
deal, especially offering software as part ganisation.)
of the purchase of computer hardware business centre /bzns sentə/
buppies /b
piz/ plural noun young noun the part of a town where the main
professional people with relatively high banks, shops and offices are located
incomes (NOTE: Short for Black Up- business class /bzns klɑs/ noun
wardly-Mobile Professionals) a type of airline travel which is less ex-
burst /b&st/ noun a large number of pensive than first class and more com-
advertisements for a product placed fortable than economy class
over a short period 쑗 Shall we go for a business community /bzns kə-
burst or for a more prolonged mjunti/ noun the business people liv-
campaign? ing and working in the area
business /bzns/ noun 1. work in business computer /bzns kəm-
buying or selling 쑗 business is expand- pjutə/ noun a powerful small com-
ing 쑗 We do a lot of business with Ja- puter programmed for special business
pan. 쑗 Business is slow. 쑗 Repairing uses
cars is 90% of our business. 쑗 We did business correspondence
more business in the week before /bzns kɒrspɒndəns/ noun letters
Christmas than we usually do in a concerned with a business
month. 쑗 Strikes are very bad for busi-
ness. 쑗 What’s your line of business? 왍 business correspondent /bzns
to be in business to run a commercial kɒrspɒndənt/ noun a journalist who
firm 왍 on business doing commercial writes articles on business news for
work 쑗 He had to go abroad on busi- newspapers
ness. 쑗 The chairman is in Holland on business cycle /bzns sak(ə)l/
business. 2. a commercial company 쑗 noun the period during which trade ex-
He owns a small car repair business. 쑗 pands, slows down and then expands
She runs a business from her home. 쑗 again
He set up in business as an insurance business efficiency exhibition
broker. 3. affairs discussed 쑗 The main /bzns fʃ(ə)nsi eksbʃ(ə)n/ noun
business of the meeting was finished by an exhibition which shows products
3 p.m. such as computers and word-processors
which help businesses to be efficient
business environment 32 buy classes
business environment /bzns n- ten used when trying to raise a loan, or
varənmənt/ noun the elements or fac- when setting up a new business
tors outside a business organisation business portfolio analysis
which directly affect it, such as the sup- /bzns pɔtfəυliəυ ənləss/ noun
ply of raw materials and product de- a method of categorising a firm’s prod-
mand 쑗 The unreliability of supplies is ucts according to their relative competi-
one of the worst features of our business tive position and business growth rate in
environment. order to lay the foundations for sound
business equipment /bzns strategic planning
kwpmənt/ noun the machines used business publication /bzns
in an office p
blkeʃ(ə)n/ noun a magazine or
business expenses /bzns k- newspaper which is only concerned
spensz/ plural noun money spent on with business matters, e.g. trade journals
running a business, not on stock or business-to-business /bzns tə
assets bzns/ noun full form of B2B
business game /bzns "em/ noun business-to-business advertis-
a game, often run on a computer, in ing /bzns tə bzns dvətazŋ/
which individuals or teams compete to noun advertising aimed at businesses,
do business in an imaginary market 쑗 not at households or private purchasers
Students on management courses are of-
ten asked to take part in business games
business-to-consumer /bzns tə
kənsjumə/ noun full form of B2C
to improve their decision-making skills.
business transaction /bzns
business gift /bzns "ft/ noun a trnzkʃən/ noun an act of buying or
present received by a customer, either selling
attached to a product bought or given to
him by the retailer or producer on proof business unit /bzns junt/ noun
of purchase of a minimum quantity of a unit within an organisation that oper-
goods ates as a separate department, division
or stand-alone business and is usually
business hours /bzns aυəz/ plu- treated as a separate profit centre
ral noun the time when a business is
open, usually 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. busy season /bzi siz(ə)n/ noun
the period when a company is busy
business intelligence /bzns n-
teld(ə)ns/ noun information that buy /ba/ verb to get something by pay-
may be useful to a business when it is ing money 쑗 to buy wholesale and sell
planning its strategy retail 쑗 to buy for cash 쑗 He bought
10,000 shares. 쑗 The company has been
business letter /bzns letə/ noun bought by its leading supplier. (NOTE:
a letter which deals with business buying- bought) 왍 buy one get one
matters free giving free gifts to customers such
business mailing list /bzns as one free item for each one bought.
melŋ lst/ noun a list of names and Abbr bogof
addresses of businesses buy back /ba bk/ verb to buy
businessman /bznsmn/, busi- something which you sold earlier 쑗 She
nesswoman /bznswυmən/ noun a sold the shop last year and is now trying
man or woman engaged in business to buy it back.
business park /bzns pɑk/ noun a buy-back agreement /ba bk
group of small factories or warehouses, ə"rimənt/ noun an agreement that a
especially near a town 쑗 He has rented producer will buy back goods from a
a unit in the local business park. distributor on a specific date if the dis-
business plan /bzns pln/ noun tributor has not been able to sell them
a document drawn up to show how a buy classes /ba klɑsz/ plural
business is planned to work, with cash noun categories of buying based on how
flow forecasts, sales forecasts, etc., of- much the purchasing decisions of an or-
buyer 33 by-line
ganisation have changed from the time peting products, especially when pur-
of the previous purchase chasing industrial supplies
buyer /baə/ noun 1. a person who buy in /ba n/ verb (of a seller at an
buys 왍 there were no buyers no one auction) to buy the thing which you are
wanted to buy 2. a person who buys trying to sell because no one will pay
stock on behalf of a trading organisation the price you want
for resale or for use in production 3. in buying /baŋ/ noun the act of getting
B2B selling, a person who has made a something for money
commitment to buy, but has not final- buying agent /baŋ edənt/ noun
ised the deal a person who buys for a business or an-
other person, and earns a commission 쑗
buyer expectation /baə ekspek-
Our buying agent is presently looking
teʃ(ə)n/ noun same as customer for materials in Portugal. 쑗 The buying
expectation agent knows a whole network of suppli-
buyer’s guide /baəz "ad/ noun a ers round the country.
book or pamphlet which gives advice to buying department /baŋ d-
purchasers on the prices, availability pɑtmənt/ noun the department in a
and reliability of products or services company which buys raw materials or
buyer’s market /baəz mɑkt/ goods for use in the company
noun a market where products are sold buying habits /baŋ hbts/
cheaply because there are few people plural noun the general way in which
who want to buy them (NOTE: the oppo- some people select and buy goods
site is a seller’s market) buying power /baŋ paυə/ noun
buyer’s risk /baəz rsk/ noun the the ability to buy 쑗 The buying power of
risk taken by a buyer when accepting the pound has fallen over the last five
goods or services without a guarantee years.
buyer’s surplus /baəz s&pləs/ buying service /baŋ s&vs/ noun
an agency which buys advertising space
noun an extra margin generated when
or time for its clients
an item is bought at a higher discount
than usual 쑗 When the brand manager buy phases /ba fezz/ plural noun
realised how great the buyer’s surplus phases in the buying of industrial prod-
was, she decided to lower the price of ucts. The main phases are the recogni-
tion of a want, the identification of a
the product.
product, comparison with other compet-
buy forward /ba fɔwəd/ verb to ing products on the market, evaluation
buy foreign currency before you need it, of possible courses of action and final
in order to be sure of the exchange rate decision-making.
buy grid /ba "rd/ noun a method by-line /ba lan/ noun the journal-
used for objective assessment of com- ist’s name which appears before a news-
paper report
C2C commerce 34 cancellation clause
C2C commerce /si tə si kɒm&s/ call divert noun a telephone facility in
same as consumer-to-consumer which calls are automatically switched
commerce from one number to another
CA abbr Consumers Association call frequency /kɔl frikwənsi/
noun the number of times a salesperson
cabinet /kbnət/ noun a display visits a specific customer during a pe-
case for goods for sale, especially frozen riod of time
call in /kɔl n/ verb 1. to visit 쑗
cable television /keb(ə)l tel- Their sales representative called in
v(ə)n/, cable TV /keb(ə)l tivi/ twice last week. 2. to telephone to make
noun a television service which a contact 쑗 We ask the reps to call in ev-
viewer receives via a cable from a par- ery Friday to report the weeks’ sales.
ticular station and pays for on calling line identification /kɔlŋ
subscription lan adentfkeʃ(ə)n/ noun 쒁 com-
caging /kedŋ/ noun the handling puter telephony integration
of cash and cheques in a direct-mail call letters /kɔl letəz/ plural noun
operation US a series of letters used to identify a
call /kɔl/ noun a visit 쑗 The sales reps radio station
make six calls a day. 쐽 verb 왍 to call on call rate /kɔl ret/ noun the number
someone to visit someone 쑗 Our sales of calls per day or per week which a
people call on their best accounts twice salesperson makes on customers
a month. call report /kɔl rpɔt/ noun a re-
call bird /kɔl b&d/ noun a port made by a salesperson after a visit
low-priced product advertised to attract to a customer 쑗 In his call report, the
customers to the point-of-sale where sales rep explained why he was experi-
they can then be sold more profitable encing sales resistance. 쑗 The call re-
goods 쑗 We need a call bird to bring ports have to be handed in each week to
round more customers. the sales manager.
call centre /kɔl sentə/ noun a de- call to action /kɔl tυ kʃ(ə)n/
partment or business that operates a noun a prompt which encourages a po-
large number of telephones and special- tential Internet purchaser to do some-
ises in making calls to sell products or in thing such as click to see a range of
receiving calls from customers to colours
helplines or information or after-sales camp /kmp/ verb 왍 to camp on the
services (NOTE: A call centre often acts line to have to wait on hold for a long
as the central point of contact between time until someone answers your tele-
an organisation and its customers.) phone call
call cycle /kɔl sak(ə)l/ noun the campaign /kmpen/ noun a series
time between a salesperson’s visits to of co-ordinated activities to reach an
the same customer 쑗 Because we now objective
have more customers to deal with, call cancellation clause /knsə-
cycles are getting longer. leʃ(ə)n klɔz/ noun a clause in a con-
cancellation date 35 capitalist
tract which states the terms on which the ‘…issued and fully paid capital is $100 million,
contract may be cancelled comprising 2340 shares of $100 each and
997,660 ordinary shares of $100 each’
cancellation date /knsəleʃ(ə)n [Hongkong Standard]
det/ noun the final date by which an capital account /kpt(ə)l
advertisement must be cancelled if the əkaυnt/ noun an account of dealings
advertiser does not wish to proceed such as money invested in or taken out
canned presentation /knd of the company by the owners of a
prez(ə)nteʃ(ə)n/ noun a standard company
sales presentation which some salespeo- capital allowances /kpt(ə)l
ple use all the time 쑗 When trainee sales əlaυənsz/ plural noun the allowances
reps are not sure how to approach cus- based on the value of fixed assets which
tomers they fall back on canned presen- may be deducted from a company’s
tations. 쑗 The sales manager feels that profits and so reduce its tax liability
the artificiality of canned presentations COMMENT: Under current UK law, depre-
makes them ineffective. ciation is not allowable for tax on profits,
cannibalisation /knbəla- whereas capital allowances, based on the
zeʃ(ə)n/, cannibalization, cannibal- value of fixed assets owned by the com-
ism /knbəlz(ə)m/ noun a situation pany, are tax-allowable.
where a company launches a new prod- capital assets /kpt(ə)l sets/
uct which sells well at the expense of plural noun the property, machines, etc.,
another established product 쑗 Though which a company owns and uses but
the new product sold well, the resultant which the company does not buy and
cannibalisation damaged the company’s sell as part of its regular trade
overall profits for the year. 쑗 Cannibal- capital city /kpt(ə)l sti/ noun
ism became a real problem because the the main city in a country, where the
new product made the existing line seem government is located
capital gain /kpt(ə)l "en/ noun
canvass /knvəs/ verb to visit peo- an amount of money made by selling a
ple to ask them to buy goods, to vote or fixed asset
to say what they think 쑗 He’s canvass-
ing for customers for his hairdresser’s capital gains tax /kpt(ə)l "enz
shop. 쑗 We’ve canvassed the staff about tks/ noun a tax paid on capital gains.
raising the prices in the staff restaurant. Abbr CGT
capital goods /kpt(ə)l "υdz/ plu-
canvasser /knvəsə/ noun a person ral noun machinery, buildings and raw
who canvasses
materials which are used to make other
canvassing /knvəsŋ/ noun the goods
practice of asking people to buy, to vote, capital-intensive industry
or to say what they think 쑗 door-to-door /kpt(ə)l ntensv ndəstri/ noun
canvassing 쑗 canvassing techniques an industry which needs a large amount
capital /kpt(ə)l/ noun 1. the of capital investment in plant to make it
money, property and assets used in a work
business 쑗 a company with £10,000 capitalise on /kpt(ə)laz ɒn/ verb
capital or with a capital of £10,000 왍 to make a profit from 쑗 We are seeking
capital structure of a company the to capitalize on our market position.
way in which a company’s capital is
made up from various sources 2. money capitalism /kpt(ə)lz(ə)m/ noun
owned by individuals or companies, the economic system in which each per-
used for investment 왍 movements of son has the right to invest money, to
capital changes of investments from work in business, and to buy and sell,
one country to another 왍 flight of capi- with no restriction from the state
tal the rapid movement of capital out of capitalist /kpt(ə)lst/ adjective
one country because of lack of confi- working according to the principles of
dence in that country’s economic future capitalism 쑗 the capitalist system 쑗 the
capitalist economy 36 cargo
capitalist countries or world 쐽 noun a sell unwanted items from the back of
person who invests capital in business their cars
car card /kɑ kɑd/ noun an adver-
capitalist economy /kpt(ə)lst tisement display card which is placed in
kɒnəmi/ noun a system where each a vehicle such as a bus, taxi or train
person has the right to invest money, to card /kɑd/ noun 1. a small piece of
work in business, and to buy and sell, cardboard or plastic, usually with infor-
with no restrictions from the state mation printed on it 쑗 He showed his
capital levy /kpt(ə)l levi/ noun a staff card to get a discount in the store.
tax on the value of a person’s property 2. a printed piece of cardboard with in-
and possessions formation on it
capital loss /kpt(ə)l lɒs/ noun a ‘…ever since October, when the banks’ base
rate climbed to 15 per cent, the main credit card
loss made by selling assets (NOTE: The issuers have faced the prospect of having to
opposite is capital gain.) push interest rates above 30 per cent APR.
Though store cards have charged interest at
capital transfer tax /kpt(ə)l much higher rates than this for some years, 30
trnsf& tks/ noun formerly, a tax per cent APR is something the banks fight shy
on gifts or bequests of money or of’ [Financial Times Review]
property card deck /kɑd dek/ noun a series
captain /kptn/ noun same as of small cards, advertising different
channel captain products or services, which are mailed
caption /kpʃən/ noun a short de- as a pack in a plastic envelope to pro-
scription at the bottom of an illustration spective customers
or photograph 쑗 Having no caption at cardholder /kɑdhəυldə/ noun an
the bottom of the illustration created individual or company that has an ac-
more reader interest in the product. 쑗 It count with a credit card company and
took the copywriter days to think of a whose name usually appears on the card
suitable caption for the photograph. card-issuing bank /kɑd sjuŋ
captive audience /kptv bŋk/ noun same as issuer
ɔdiəns/ noun the people who cannot card-not-present merchant ac-
avoid being exposed to an advertise- count /kɑd nɒt prez(ə)nt m&tʃənt
ment 쑗 Advertisers like to have their əkaυnt/ noun an account that enables
posters in underground stations where businesses operating on the web to re-
there is a large captive audience. ceive payments by credit card without
captive market /kptv mɑkt/ the buyer or card being physically pres-
noun a market where one supplier has a ent when the transaction is made
monopoly and the buyer has no choice card rate /kɑd ret/ noun an adver-
over the product which they must tising charge which is based on the
purchase charges listed in a rate card, i.e. without
capture /kptʃə/ verb to take or get any discounts. 쏡 escalator card,
control of something 왍 to capture 10% showcard
of the market to sell hard, and so take a careline /keəlan/ noun a telephone
10% market share 왍 to capture 20% of number which links people to services
a company’s shares to buy shares in a which can help them such as social ser-
company rapidly and so own 20% of it vices departments, hospitals, or a simi-
car assembly plant /kɑr əsembli lar service offered by shops to their
plɑnt/ noun a factory where cars are customers
put together from parts made in other cargo /kɑ"əυ/ noun a load of goods
factories which are sent in a ship or plane, etc. 왍
car boot sale /kɑ bυt sel/ noun a the ship was taking on cargo it was be-
type of jumble sale, organised in a large ing loaded with goods 왍 to load cargo
car park or sports field, where people to put cargo on a ship
cargo liner 37 cash and carry
cargo liner /kɑ"əυ lanə/ noun a ter it has happened 쑗 The carry-over ef-
cargo ship with a regular schedule 쑗 If fect of the currency devaluation was a
the cargo liner’s schedule doesn’t suit good few years of lucrative exporting. 쑗
us, we’ll have to charter a ship. 쑗 The The political unrest in our key export
cargo liner makes regular trips between markets had disastrous carry-over ef-
Southampton and Lisbon. fects on our international marketing.
cargo ship /kɑ"əυ ʃp/ noun a ship cart /kɑt/ noun a flat open goods vehi-
which carries cargo, not passengers cle pulled by a horse
car mart /kɑ mɑt/ noun US a sec- cartage /kɑtd/ noun carrying
ondhand car salesroom goods by road
carnet /kɑne/ noun an international cartel /kɑtel/ noun a group of com-
document which allows dutiable goods panies which try to fix the price or to
to cross several European countries by regulate the supply of a product so that
road without paying duty until the goods they can make more profit
reach their final destination carter /kɑtə/ noun a person who
carriage /krd/ noun 1. the trans- transports goods by road
porting of goods from one place to an- carton /kɑt(ə)n/ noun a box made of
other 쑗 to pay for carriage 2. the cost of cardboard 쑗 a carton of milk
transport of goods 쑗 to allow 10% for case /kes/ noun a cardboard or
carriage 쑗 Carriage is 15% of the total wooden box for packing and carrying
cost. 왍 carriage free a deal where the goods 왍 six cases of wine six boxes,
customer does not pay for the shipping each containing twelve bottles
왍 carriage paid a deal where the seller
has paid for the shipping 왍 carriage case study /kes st
d/ noun a true
prepaid a note showing that the trans- or invented business situation used in
port costs have been paid in advance business training to practise deci-
sion-making 쑗 The marketing case
carrier /kriə/ noun 1. a company study consisted of a long history of the
which transports goods 쑗 We only use company, the present situation and a
reputable carriers. 2. a vehicle or ship choice of strategic plans. 쑗 The case
which transports goods study was about territory-planning in a
carrier bag /kriə b"/ noun a city in which there were a number of ac-
shopping bag made of strong paper counts of varying importance.
carrier’s risk /kriəz rsk/ noun cash /kʃ/ noun 1. money in coins or
the responsibility of a carrier to pay for notes 2. using money in coins or notes 왍
damage or loss of goods being shipped to pay cash down to pay in cash imme-
carry /kri/ verb 1. to take from one diately 쐽 verb 왍 to cash a cheque to ex-
place to another 쑗 a tanker carrying oil change a cheque for cash
from the Gulf 쑗 The truck was carrying cashable /kʃəb(ə)l/ adjective
goods to the supermarket. 쑗 The train which can be cashed 쑗 A crossed
was carrying a consignment of cars for cheque is not cashable at any bank.
export. 2. to keep in stock 쑗 to carry a cash account /kʃ əkaυnt/ noun
line of goods 쑗 We do not carry pens. an account which records the money
(NOTE: carries- carrying- carried) which is received and spent
carrying /kriŋ/ noun transporting cash advance /kʃ ədvɑns/ noun
from one place to another 쑗 carrying a loan in cash against a future payment
charges 쑗 carrying cost cash against documents /kʃ
carry over /kri əυvə/ verb 왍 to ə"enst dɒkjυmənts/ noun a system
carry over a balance to take a balance whereby a buyer receives documents for
from the end of one page or period to the goods on payment of a bill of
the beginning of the next exchange
carry-over effect /kri əυvər cash and carry /kʃ ən kri/
fekt/ noun the effect of something af- noun a large store selling goods at low
cashback 38 catalogue
prices, where the customer pays cash cash flow forecast /kʃ fləυ
and takes the goods away immediately fɔkɑst/ noun a forecast of when cash
쑗 We get our supplies every morning will be received or paid out
from the cash and carry. cash flow statement /kʃ fləυ
‘…the small independent retailer who stocks up stetmənt/ noun a report which shows
using cash and carries could be hit hard by the cash sales and purchases
loss of footfall associated with any increase in
smuggled goods’ [The Grocer] cashier /kʃə/ noun 1. a person who
takes money from customers in a shop
cashback /kʃbk/ noun a discount or who deals with the money that has
system where a purchaser receives a been paid 2. a person who deals with
cash discount on the completion of the customers in a bank and takes or gives
purchase cash at the counter
cash balance /kʃ bləns/ noun a cash in hand /kʃ n hnd/ noun
balance in cash, as opposed to amounts money and notes, kept to pay small
owed amounts but not deposited in the bank
cash book /kʃ bυk/ noun a book cash items /kʃ atəmz/ plural
which records cash received and paid noun goods sold for cash
out cash offer /kʃ ɒfə/ noun an offer
cash budget /kʃ b
dt/ noun a to pay in cash, especially an offer to pay
plan of cash income and expenditure cash when buying shares in a takeover
cash card /kʃ kɑd/ noun a plastic bid
card used to obtain money from a cash cash on delivery /kʃ ɒn d-
dispenser lv(ə)ri/ noun payment in cash when
cash cow /kʃ kaυ/ noun a product goods are delivered. Abbr COD
or subsidiary company that consistently cash payment /kʃ pemənt/
generates good profits but does not pro- noun payment in cash
vide growth cash purchase /kʃ p&tʃəs/ noun
cash deal /kʃ dil/ noun a sale done a purchase made in cash
for cash cash register /kʃ redstə/ noun
cash desk /kʃ desk/ noun the a machine which shows and adds the
place in a store where you pay for the prices of items bought, with a drawer for
goods bought keeping the cash received
cash discount /kʃ dskaυnt/ cash sale /kʃ sel/ noun a transac-
tion paid for in cash
noun a discount given for payment in
cash cash terms /kʃ t&mz/ plural noun
lower terms which apply if the customer
cash dispenser /kʃ dspensə/ pays cash
noun a machine which gives out money
when a special card is inserted and in- cash till /kʃ tl/ noun same as cash
structions given register
cash float /kʃ fləυt/ noun cash put cash transaction /kʃ trn-
into the cash box at the beginning of the zkʃən/ noun a transaction paid for in
day or week to allow change to be given cash
to customers cash up /kʃ
p/ verb to add up the
cash in a shop at the end of the day
cash flow /kʃ fləυ/ noun cash
which comes into a company from sales cash voucher /kʃ vaυtʃə/ noun a
(cash inflow) or the money which goes piece of paper which can be exchanged
out in purchases or overhead expendi- for cash 쑗 With every £20 of purchases,
ture (cash outflow) 왍 the company is the customer gets a cash voucher to the
suffering from cash flow problems value of £2.
cash income is not coming in fast catalogue /kt(ə)lɒ"/ noun a publi-
enough to pay the expenditure going out cation which lists items for sale, usually
catalogue house 39 centralised system
showing their prices 쑗 an office equip- buys is in good order. same as let the
ment catalogue 쑗 They sent us a cata- buyer beware
logue of their new range of products. ‘…the idea that buyers at a car boot sale should
(NOTE: American English is usually have any rights at all is laughable. Even those
who do not understand Latin know that caveat
catalog) 쐽 verb to put an item into a emptor is the rule’ [Times]
catalogue (NOTE: American English is
usually catalog) CCTV abbr closed circuit television
catalogue house /kt(ə)lɒ" haυs/ Ceefax /sifks/ noun teletext ser-
noun a company which mainly or solely vices broadcast by the BBC
sells by catalogue ceiling /silŋ/ noun the highest point
catalogue price /kt(ə)lɒ" pras/ that something can reach, e.g. the high-
noun a price as marked in a catalogue or est rate of interest or the largest amount
list of money which a depositor may deposit
쑗 to fix a ceiling for a budget 쑗 There is
catalogue store /kt(ə)lɒ" stɔ/, a ceiling of $100,000 on deposits. 쑗
catalogue showroom /kt(ə)lɒ" Output reached its ceiling in June and
ʃəυrum/ noun a shop where custom- has since fallen back.
ers can examine a catalogue and choose
goods from it census /sensəs/ noun an official
count of a country’s population, includ-
catchment area /ktʃmənt eəriə/ ing such data as the age, sex, and occu-
noun the area around a shop or shopping pation of individuals 쑗 The market
centre, where the customers live research department made a careful
catchpenny /ktʃpeni/ noun an ar- study of the census in different areas of
ticle which has only superficial appeal, the country to see where demand would
but which attracts buyers 쑗 A closer be highest. 쏡 distribution census
look at the doll showed it to be just a central /sentrəl/ adjective organised
shoddily made catchpenny. by one main point
category extension /kt"(ə)ri ‘…central bankers in Europe and Japan are
kstenʃən/ noun the applying of an ex- reassessing their intervention policy’
[Duns Business Month]
isting brand name to a new product
category centralise /sentrəlaz/, centralize
category management verb to organise from a central point 쑗
/kt"(ə)ri mndmənt/ noun a All purchasing has been centralised in
system where managers have responsi- our main office. 쑗 The group benefits
bility for the marketing of a particular from a highly centralised organisational
category or line of products structure. 쑗 The company has become
very centralised, and far more staff
caterer /ketərə/ noun a person or work at headquarters.
company that supplies food and drink,
especially for parties centralised distribution
/sentrəlazd dstrbjuʃ(ə)n/ noun a
cater for /ketə fɔ/ verb to deal with system of distribution of goods to retail
or provide for 쑗 The store caters mainly stores in a chain, from a central or local
for overseas customers. warehouse, so avoiding direct distribu-
catering /ketərŋ/ noun supplying tion from the manufacturer, and making
food and drink for a party etc. 쐽 adjec- stock control easier
tive 왍 catering for which provides for 쑗 centralised organisational
a store catering for overseas visitors structure /sentrəlazd ɔ"əna-
catering trade /ketərŋ tred/ zeʃ(ə)n(ə)l str
ktʃə/ noun a method
noun the food trade, especially busi- of organising international advertising
nesses supplying food that is ready to and promotion where all decisions are
eat made in a company’s central office
caveat emptor /kvit emptɔ/ centralised system /sentrəlazd
phrase meaning that the buyer is respon- sstəm/ noun a system where advertis-
sible for checking that what he or she ing and other marketing activities are
central office 40 channel strip
of the products displayed can be put chart /tʃɑt/ noun a diagram display-
such as price, weight, code numbers ing information as a series of lines,
channel support /tʃn(ə)l səpɔt/ blocks, etc.
noun support given to a marketing chan- charter /tʃɑtə/ noun hiring transport
nel, that is to the people or companies for a special purpose 왍 boat on charter
that help to sell the product to Mr Smith a boat which Mr Smith has
hired for a voyage 쐽 verb to hire for a
character /krktə/ noun a letter, special purpose 쑗 to charter a plane or
number or sign used in typesetting, e.g. a boat or a bus
a letter of the alphabet, a number or a
punctuation mark chartered /tʃɑtəd/ adjective 왍 a
chartered ship, bus, plane a ship, bus
charge /tʃɑd/ noun 1. money which or plane which has been hired for a spe-
must be paid, or price of a service 쑗 to cial purpose
make no charge for delivery 쑗 to make a
small charge for rental 쑗 There is no charterer /tʃɑtərə/ noun a person
charge for this service or No charge is who hires a ship etc. for a special
made for this service. 왍 charges for- purpose
ward charges which will be paid by the charter flight /tʃɑtə flat/ noun a
customer 2. a debit on an account 쑗 It flight in an aircraft which has been hired
appears as a charge on the accounts. 쐽 for that purpose
verb 1. to ask someone to pay for ser- chartering /tʃɑtərŋ/ noun the act
vices later 왍 to charge the packing to of hiring for a special purpose
the customer or to charge the cus- charter party /tʃɑtə pɑt/ noun a
tomer with the packing the customer contract between the owner and the
has to pay for packing 2. to ask for charterer of a ship
money to be paid 쑗 to charge £5 for de-
livery 쑗 How much does he charge?
charter plane /tʃɑtə plen/ noun a
plane which has been chartered
‘…traveller’s cheques cost 1% of their face
value – some banks charge more for small cheap money /tʃip m
ni/ noun
amounts’ [Sunday Times] money which can be borrowed at a low
chargeable /tʃɑdəb(ə)l/ adjective rate of interest
which can be charged 쑗 repairs charge- checkbook /tʃekbυk/ noun US
able to the occupier spelling of cheque book
charge account /tʃɑd əkaυnt/ checklist /tʃeklst/ noun a list of
noun an arrangement which a customer points which have to be checked before
has with a store to buy goods and to pay something can be regarded as finished,
for them at a later date, usually when the or as part of a procedure for evaluating
invoice is sent at the end of the month something
(NOTE: The customer will make regular checkout /tʃekaυt/ noun the place
monthly payments into the account where goods are paid for in a shop or su-
and is allowed credit of a multiple of permarket 쑗 We have opened two more
those payments.) checkouts to cope with the Saturday
charity /tʃrt/ noun an organisation rush.
which offers free help or services to checkout staff /tʃekaυt stɑf/
those in need 쑗 Because the organisa- noun the people who work at checkouts
tion is a charity it does not have to pay check sample /tʃek sɑmp(ə)l/
taxes. 쑗 The charity owes its success to noun a sample to be used to see if a con-
clever marketing strategies in its signment is acceptable
fund-raising. cheque /tʃek/ noun a note to a bank
charity shop /tʃrti ʃɒp/ noun a asking them to pay money from your ac-
shop organised by a charity, usually count to the account of the person
paying low rent and manned by volun- whose name is written on the note 쑗 a
teer staff, selling second-hand or spe- cheque for £10 or a £10 cheque (NOTE:
cially bought products American English is usually check) 왍
cheque account 42 city centre
cheque to the bearer a cheque with no churn rate /tʃ&n ret/ noun 1. a
name written on it, so that the person measurement of how often new custom-
who holds it can cash it 왍 to endorse a ers try a product or service and then stop
cheque to sign a cheque on the back to using it 2. a measurement of how many
show that you accept it 왍 to pay a stocks and bonds are traded in a broker-
cheque into your account to deposit a age account and how often they are
cheque 왍 the bank referred the cheque traded
to the drawer it returned the cheque to c.i.f. abbr cost, insurance and freight
the person who wrote it because there cinema advertising /snmə
was not enough money in the account to dvətazŋ/ noun advertising by short
pay it 왍 to sign a cheque to sign on the films or still messages on cinema
front of a cheque to show that you screens
authorise the bank to pay the money
circular /s&kjυlə/ adjective sent to
from your account 왍 to stop a cheque to
many people 쐽 noun a leaflet or letter
ask a bank not to pay a cheque which sent to many people 쑗 They sent out a
has been signed and sent circular offering a 10% discount.
cheque account /tʃek əkaυnt/ circularise /s&kjυləraz/, circular-
noun a bank account which allows the ize verb to send a circular to 쑗 The com-
customer to write cheques mittee has agreed to circularise the
cheque book /tʃek bυk/ noun a members of the society. 쑗 They circular-
booklet with new blank cheques (NOTE: ised all their customers with a new list
American English is usually of prices.
checkbook) circular letter /s&kjυlə letə/ noun
cheque (guarantee) card /tʃek a letter sent to many people
"rənti kɑd/ noun a plastic card circular letter of credit /s&kjυlə
from a bank which guarantees payment letər əv kredt/ noun a letter of credit
of a cheque up to a specific amount, sent to all branches of the bank which
even if there is no money in the account issues it
cherry-picking /tʃeri pkŋ/ noun circulate /s&kjυlet/ verb 1. 왍 to
1. going from shop to shop or from sup- circulate freely (of money) to move
plier to supplier, looking for special bar- about without restriction by the govern-
gains 쑗 Cherry-picking has become so ment 2. to send information to 쑗 They
widespread that prices may be forced circulated a new list of prices to all their
down. 2. choosing only the best or most customers. 쑗 They circulated informa-
valuable items from among a group tion about job vacancies to all colleges
in the area.
churn /tʃ&n/ verb 1. to persuade an
investor to change the shares in his or circulation /s&kjυleʃ(ə)n/ noun
the number of readers of a newspaper or
her portfolio frequently because the bro-
magazine. It is audited and is not the
ker is paid every time the investor buys
same as ‘readership’.
a new share 2. to be in a situation where ‘…the level of currency in circulation increased
many employees stay for only a short to N4.9 billion in the month of August’
time and then leave and have to be re- [Business Times (Lagos)]
placed 3. to buy many different products circulation battle /s&kjυleʃ(ə)n
or services one after the other without bt(ə)l/ noun a competition between
showing loyalty to any of them (NOTE: two papers to try to sell more copies in
Churning often happens when compa- the same market
nies have competitive marketing strat- city /st/ noun a large town 쑗 The
egies and continually undercut their largest cities in Europe are linked by
rivals’ prices. This encourages custom- hourly flights.
ers to switch brands constantly in order
to take advantage of cheaper or more city centre /sti sentə/ noun the
attractive offers.) centre of a large town, usually where the
main shops and offices are situated
CKD 43 clicks-and-mortar business
closing stock /kləυzŋ stɒk/ noun between two sets of data on a continuum
the details of stock at the end of an ac- from –1 to +1
counting period 쑗 At the end of the cognitive dissonance /kɒ"nətv
month the closing stock was 10% higher dsənəns/ noun the feeling of dissatis-
than at the end of the previous month. faction experienced by a person who
closing technique /kləυzŋ tek- cannot reconcile apparently contradic-
nik/ noun a special technique of per- tory information, as when making buy-
suasion used by salespeople to close ing decisions or comparing purchases
sales 쑗 The training manager demon- with the claims made for them in
strated some presentation and closing advertising
techniques. 쑗 Most of our sales force cognitive processing /kɒ"ntv
develop their own selling methods, in- prəυsesŋ/ noun the way in which a
cluding closing techniques. person changes external information
closing time /kləυzŋ tam/ noun into patterns of thought and how these
the time when a shop or office stops are used to form judgments or choices
work cognitive responses /kɒ"ntv r-
closure /kləυə/ noun the act of spɒnsz/ plural noun thoughts that
closing come to the mind of someone receiving
club /kl
b/ noun a group of people a message when reading or viewing a
who have the same interest, or the place message
where these people meet 쑗 If you want COI abbr Central Office of Information
the managing director, you can phone cold /kəυld/ adjective without being
him at his club. 쑗 She has applied to prepared
join the sports club. ‘…the board is considering the introduction of a
set of common provisions on unsolicited calls to
cluster /kl
stə/ noun a group of investors. The board is aiming to permit the cold
things or people taken together calling of customer agreements for the provision
cluster analysis /kl
stər of services relating to listed securities. Cold
calling would be allowed when the investor is
ənləss/ noun a method whereby not a private investor’ [Accountancy]
samples are classified into groups ac-
cording to characteristics cold call /kəυld kɔl/ noun a tele-
phone call or sales visit where the sales-
cluster sampling /kl
stə person has no appointment and the
sɑmplŋ/ noun sampling on the basis client is not an established customer
of well-defined groups 쑗 Cluster sam-
pling was used in the survey since there cold list /kəυld lst/ noun a list of
were several very distinct groups in the names and addresses of people who
population under study. have not been approached before by a
clutter /kl
tə/ noun masses of adver-
tising units shown together, so that any cold start /kəυld stɑt/ noun the act
single advertisement or commercial of beginning a new business or opening
tends to get lost a new shop with no previous turnover to
base it on
code /kəυd/ noun a system of signs, cold storage /kəυld stɔrd/ noun
numbers, or letters which mean
the keeping of food in a cold store to
prevent it or other goods from going bad
code of practice /kəυd əv cold store /kəυld stɔ/ noun a ware-
prkts/ noun formally established house or room where food can be kept
ways in which members of a profession cold
agree to work 쑗 Advertisers have
agreed to abide by the code of practice collateral /kəlt(ə)rəl/ adjective,
set out by the advertising council. noun referring to security used to pro-
vide a guarantee for a loan
coefficient of correlation /kəυ- ‘…examiners have come to inspect the
fʃ(ə)nt əv kɒrəleʃ(ə)n/ noun a mea- collateral that thrifts may use in borrowing from
surement of correlation or relationship the Fed’ [Wall Street Journal]
collateral services 46 commercial aircraft
commercial artist /kəm&ʃ(ə)l tee that rival products will not be adver-
ɑtst/ noun an artist who designs ad- tised directly before or after a particular
vertisements, posters, etc. for payment advertisement
commercial break /kəm&ʃ(ə)l commercial radio /kəm&ʃ(ə)l
brek/ noun the time set aside for com- rediəυ/, commercial TV /kə-
mercials on television 쑗 The advertiser m&ʃ(ə)l tivi/ noun a radio or TV
wished to specify exactly when in the station which broadcasts advertise-
commercial break the advertisements ments, which help to pay for its pro-
were to appear. 쑗 The advertising man- gramming costs
ager placed one advertisement in each commercial services /kəm&ʃ(ə)l
commercial break of the day on the ra- s&vsz/ plural noun services which
dio channel. support trade, e.g. banking and advertis-
commercial college /kəm&ʃ(ə)l ing 쑗 The recession has affected com-
kɒld/ noun a college which teaches mercial services and the industries they
business studies support and supply.
commercial counsellor /kə- commercial time /kəm&ʃ(ə)l
m&ʃ(ə)l kaυns(ə)lə/ noun a person tam/ noun the time that a television or
who advises on commercial matters in radio station devotes to advertising 쑗
an embassy 쑗 The commercial counsel- The TV station is extending its commer-
lor gave us sound advice on marketing cial time in order to increase revenue.
in the country he represented. commercial traveller /kəm&ʃ(ə)l
commercial course /kəm&ʃ(ə)l trv(ə)lə/ noun a salesperson who
kɔs/ noun a course where business travels round an area visiting customers
skills are studied 쑗 He took a commer- on behalf of his or her company (NOTE:
cial course by correspondence. the modern term for a commercial trav-
eller is sales representative)
commercial district /kəm&ʃ(ə)l
dstrkt/ noun the part of a town where commercial value /kəm&ʃ(ə)l
offices and shops are located vlju/ noun how much something is
worth if it is sold
commercialisation /kəm&ʃəla-
zeʃn/, commercialization noun the commission /kəmʃ(ə)n/ noun
act of making something into a business money paid to a salesperson or agent,
proposition 쑗 the commercialization of usually a percentage of the sales made 쑗
museums She gets 10% commission on everything
she sells. 왍 he charges 10% commis-
commercialise /kəm&ʃəlaz/,
sion he asks for 10% of sales as his
commercialize verb to make some-
thing into a business 쑗 The holiday
town has become unpleasantly commission agent /kəmʃ(ə)n
commercialised. edənt/ noun an agent who is paid a
percentage of sales
commercial law /kəm&ʃ(ə)l lɔ/
noun the laws regarding business commission rebating /kəmʃ(ə)n
ribetŋ/ noun an advertising agency’s
commercial load /kəm&ʃ(ə)l ləυd/ discounting of invoices for media costs
noun the amount of goods or number of sent to clients, in effect taking them out
passengers which a bus, train, or plane of its own commission or profit margin
has to carry to make a profit
commission rep /kəmʃ(ə)n rep/
commercially /kəm&ʃ(ə)li/ adverb noun a representative who is not paid a
in a business way 왍 not commercially salary but receives a commission on
viable not likely to make a profit sales
commercial port /kəm&ʃ(ə)l pɔt/ commitment /kəmtmənt/ noun 1.
noun a port which has only goods traffic something which you have agreed to do
and no passengers 쑗 The company has a commitment to
commercial protection /kə- provide a cheap service. 2. money
m&ʃ(ə)l prətekʃən/ noun the guaran- which you have agreed to spend
commodity 48 communisuasion
money is set aside for an anticipated spare parts 쑗 to enter into a contract to
expenditure supply spare parts 쑗 to sign a contract
continuity /kɒntnjuti/ noun the for £10,000 worth of spare parts 왍 to
act of maintaining a continuous stable put work out to contract to decide that
level of advertising activity 쑗 Continu- work should be done by another com-
ity must be the watchword of this pro- pany on a contract, rather than by em-
motional campaign to keep the product ploying members of staff to do it 왍 to
firmly in the minds of the target audi- award a contract to a company or to
ence. 쑗 Shall we aim for a sudden short place a contract with a company to
blast of advertising or should continuity decide that a company shall have the
be the essence of our strategy? contract to do work for you 왍 to tender
for a contract to put forward an esti-
continuity programme /kɒnt- mate of cost for work under contract 쐽
njuti prəυ"rm/ noun a marketing verb /kəntrkt/ to agree to do some
programme which offers a series of work on the basis of a legally binding
products which are sent to customers at contract 쑗 to contract to supply spare
regular intervals parts or to contract for the supply of
continuous /kəntnjυəs/ adjective spare parts 왍 the supply of spare parts
with no end or with no breaks 쑗 a con- was contracted out to Smith Ltd
tinuous production line Smith Ltd was given the contract for
continuous process production supplying spare parts 왍 to contract out
/kəntnjυəs prəυses prəd
kʃən/ of an agreement to withdraw from an
noun automated production of many agreement with the written permission
identical products of the other party
continuous research /kəntnjυəs contract carrier /kɒntrkt kriə/
rs&tʃ/ noun regular ongoing market noun a carrier or transportation com-
research 쑗 Continuous research will tell pany which has special contracts with
us if sales are dropping off. businesses 쑗 a contract carrier which
contra /kɒntrə/ verb 왍 to contra an ships coffee beans from Brazil to coffee
entry to enter a similar amount in the wholesalers in Britain
opposite side of an account contract hire /kɒntrkt haə/ noun
contra account /kɒntrə əkaυnt/ a system that allows organisations to
noun an account which offsets another hire equipment that they need to use for
account, e.g. where a company’s sup- a long period, e.g. cars or office ma-
plier is not only a creditor in that com- chines, from other organisations instead
pany’s books but also a debtor because of buying it, on condition that they sign
it has purchased goods on credit a contract for the hire with owners
(NOTE: Contract hire agreements often
contraband /kɒntrəbnd/ noun include arrangements for maintenance
goods brought into a country illegally, and replacement.)
without paying customs duty
contracting company /kən-
contract noun /kɒntrkt/ 1. a legal trktŋ k
mp(ə)ni/ noun an inde-
agreement between two parties 쑗 to pendent broadcasting company that sells
draw up a contract 쑗 to draft a contract advertising time 쑗 With two new con-
쑗 to sign a contract 왍 the contract is
tracting companies being set up this
binding on both parties both parties year, advertisers will have more choice.
signing the contract must do what is
agreed 왍 under contract bound by the contracting party /kəntrktŋ
terms of a contract 쑗 The firm is under pɑti/ noun a person or company that
contract to deliver the goods by Novem- signs a contract
ber. 왍 to void a contract to make a con- contract manufacturing
tract invalid 2. 왍 by private contract /kɒntrkt mnjυfktʃərŋ/ noun
by private legal agreement 3. an agree- an agreement which allows an overseas
ment for the supply of a service or manufacturer to manufacture or assem-
goods 쑗 a contract for the supply of ble your products in that country for sale
contract note 58 controllable variables
wording of the message. 쑗 Copy testing corner shop /kɔnə ʃɒp/ noun a
will tell us whether or not the advertise- small privately owned general store
ments are offensive to the public in corporate /kɔp(ə)rət/ adjective re-
general. ferring to a whole company
copywriter /kɒpiratə/ noun a per- ‘…the prime rate is the rate at which banks lend
son who writes advertisements to their top corporate borrowers’
[Wall Street Journal]
core /kɔ/ noun the central or main part ‘…if corporate forecasts are met, sales will
core activity /kɔr ktvti/ noun exceed $50 million next year’
the central activity of a company, which [Citizen (Ottawa)]
is its basic product or service corporate advertising /kɔp(ə)rət
core business /kɔ bzns/ noun dvətazŋ/ noun the advertising of an
the most important work that an organi- organisation rather than a product 쑗 Our
sation does, that it is most expert at, that corporate advertising is designed to
makes it different from other organisa- present us as a caring organisation. 쑗
tions, that contributes most to its success No amount of corporate advertising will
and, usually, that it was originally set up ever persuade the consumer that the
to do (NOTE: The concept of core busi- company stands for quality.
ness became prominent in the 1980s corporate brand /kɔp(ə)rət
when attempts at diversification by brnd/ noun the overall image that a
large companies proved less success- company presents to the outside world,
ful than expected.) or the image of it that exists in the minds
core capability /kɔr kepəblti/ of its customers, its employees and the
noun same as core competence public, that encapsulates what it does
core competence /kɔr and what it stands for
kɒmpt(ə)ns/ noun a skill or an area corporate communication
of expertise possessed by an organisa- /kɔp(ə)rət kəmjunkeʃ(ə)n/ noun
tion that makes it particularly good at the activities undertaken by an organisa-
doing some things and makes an impor- tion to pass on information both to its
tant contribution to its success by giving own employees and to its existing and
it competitive advantage over other prospective customers and the general
organisations public
core product /kɔ prɒd
kt/ noun 1. corporate culture /kɔp(ə)rət
the main product which a company k
ltʃə/ noun the often unspoken be-
makes or sells 2. a basic product, with- liefs and values that determine the way
out added benefits such as credit terms, an organisation does things, the atmo-
installation service, etc. sphere that exists within it and the way
core values /kɔ vljuz/ plural people who work for it behave (NOTE:
noun 1. the main commercial and moral The culture of an organisation is often
principles that influence the way an or- summed up as ‘the way we do things
ganisation is run and the way it conducts around here’.)
its business, and that are supposed to be corporate discount /kɔp(ə)rət
shared by everyone in the organisation dskaυnt/ noun a reduction in advertis-
from senior management to ordinary ing charges calculated on the basis of
employees (NOTE: Core values are of- the total advertising revenue from all the
ten reflected in an organisation’s mis- brands of a company
sion statement.) 2. a set of concepts and corporate hospitality /kɔp(ə)rət
ideals that guide a person’s life and help hɒsptlti/ noun entertainment pro-
him or her to make important decisions vided by an organisation, originally in-
corner /kɔnə/ verb 왍 to corner the tended to help salespeople build
market to own most or all of the supply relationships with customers, but now
of a commodity and so control the price increasingly used as an incentive for
쑗 The syndicate tried to corner the mar- staff and in team-building and training
ket in silver. exercises for employees
corporate identity 62 cost centre
itemised and to which costs can be allo- consumer price index, but includes other
cated in accounts 2. a unit, a process, or items such as the interest on mortgages.
an individual that provides a service
cost of sales /kɒst əv selz/ noun
needed by another part of an organisa-
all the costs of a product sold, including
tion and whose cost is therefore ac-
manufacturing costs and the staff costs
cepted as an overhead of the business
of the production department, before
cost-cutting /kɒst k
tŋ/ noun re- general overheads are calculated
ducing costs 쑗 We have made three sec-
retaries redundant as part of our cost per acquisition /kɒst pər
cost-cutting programme. 쑗 We have kwzʃ(ə)n/ noun the average cost
taken out the second telephone line as a for each acquisition of a new customer
cost-cutting exercise. in response to an advertisement. Abbr
cost driver /kɒst dravə/ noun a
factor that determines how much it costs cost per click-through /kɒst pə
to carry out a particular task or project, klk θru/ noun a method of pricing on-
e.g. the amount of resources needed for line advertising, based on the principle
it, or the activities involved in complet- that the seller gets paid whenever a visi-
ing it tor clicks on an advertisement
cost-effective /kɒst fektv/ adjec- cost per customer /kɒst pə
tive which gives good value when com- k
stəmə/ noun a measure of
pared with the original cost 쑗 We find cost-effectiveness based on the cost per
advertising in the Sunday newspapers sale generated
very cost-effective. cost per inquiry /kɒst pər n-
cost-effectiveness /kɒst kwaəri/ noun the average cost for
fektvnəs/, cost efficiency /kɒst each inquiry in response to an
fʃ(ə)nsi/ noun being cost-effective 쑗 advertisement
Can we calculate the cost-effectiveness cost per order /kɒst pər ɔdə/
of air freight against shipping by sea? noun a measure used to determine the
cost factor /kɒst fktə/ noun the number of orders generated compared to
problem of cost the cost of running the advertisement.
costing /kɒstŋ/ noun a calculation Abbr CPO
of the manufacturing costs, and so the cost per thousand /kɒst pə
selling price of a product 쑗 The costings θaυz(ə)nd/, cost per mille /kɒst pə
give us a retail price of $2.95. 쑗 We ml/ noun the cost of an advertisement,
cannot do the costing until we have de- calculated as the cost for every thousand
tails of all the production expenditure. people reached or the cost of a thousand
costly /kɒstl/ adjective costing a lot impressions for a website 쑗 This news-
of money, or costing too much money 쑗 paper has the highest cost per thousand
Defending the court case was a costly but a very high proportion of its readers
process. 쑗 The mistakes were fall within our target audience. Abbr
time-consuming and costly. CPT, CPM
cost of entry /kɒst əv entri/ noun cost plus /kɒst pl
s/ noun a system
the cost of going into a market for the of calculating a price, by taking the cost
first time of production of goods or services and
cost-of-living increase /kɒst əv adding a percentage to cover the sup-
lvŋ nkris/ noun an increase in sal- plier’s overheads and margin 쑗 We are
ary to allow it to keep up with the in- charging for the work on a cost plus
creased cost of living basis.
cost-of-living index /kɒst əv cost-plus pricing /kɒst pl
lvŋ ndeks/ noun the way of mea- prasŋ/ noun a pricing method that in-
suring the cost of living which is shown volves basing the price on the produc-
as a percentage increase on the figure tion costs and adding a percentage for
for the previous year. It is similar to the margin
cost price 64 course
cost price /kɒst pras/ noun a sell- for an order that was to have provided 8% of its
workload next year – was too late and too
ing price which is the same as the price, expensive’ [Wall Street Journal]
either the manufacturing price or the
wholesale price, which the seller paid counterpack /kaυntəpk/ noun a
for the item box for the display of goods for sale,
costs /kɒsts/ plural noun the expenses placed on the counter or on another flat
involved in a court case 쑗 The judge surface in a shop
awarded costs to the defendant. 쑗 Costs counter-programming /kaυntə
of the case will be borne by the prəυ"rmŋ/ noun the presenting of
prosecution. TV programmes that are designed to ap-
cottage industry /kɒtd ndəstr/ peal to the audience of competing
noun the production of goods or some programmes run during at the same time
other type of work, carried out by peo- countersign /kaυntəsan/ verb to
ple working in their own homes sign a document which has already been
counter /kaυntə/ noun a long flat signed by someone else 쑗 All our
surface in a shop for displaying and sell- cheques have to be countersigned by the
ing goods 왍 glove counter the section finance director. 쑗 The sales director
of a shop where gloves are sold 왍 goods countersigns all my orders.
sold over the counter retail sales of counter staff /kaυntə stɑf/ noun
goods in shops 쑗 Some drugs are sold sales staff who serve behind counters
over the counter, but others need to be country of origin /k
ntri əv
recommended by a doctor. 왍 under the ɒrdn/ noun a country where a prod-
counter illegally uct is manufactured or where a food
counter- /kaυntə/ prefix against product comes from 쑗 All produce must
counteradvertising /kaυntər- be labelled to show the country of
dvətazŋ/ noun advertising aimed origin.
as a reply to a competitor’s coupon /kupɒn/ noun 1. a piece of
advertisements paper used in place of money 2. a piece
counter-argument /kaυntər of paper which replaces an order form
ɑ"jυmənt/ noun a response that is op- coupon ad /kupɒn d/ noun an ad-
posed to the position advocated in an vertisement with a form attached, which
advertising message you cut out and return to the advertiser
counterbid /kaυntəbd/ noun a with your name and address for further
higher bid in reply to a previous bid 쑗 information
When I bid £20 they put in a counterbid couponed /kupɒnd/ adjective with
of £25. a coupon attached 쑗 The agency is using
counter-jumper /kaυntə d
mpə/ couponed direct response advertising.
noun a person who sells goods over the couponing /kupɒnŋ/ noun a sell-
counter (informal ) 쑗 He was a coun-
. ing method using coupons delivered to
ter-jumper for many years before he be- homes, giving special discounts on
came a manager. 쑗 Five years as a some items
counter-jumper gave her plenty of expe- ‘…it employs selective mailings and package
rience of customer relations. inserts such as the couponed offers sent out with
credit card statements’ [PR Week]
countermand /kaυntəmɑnd/ verb
to cancel an order course /kɔs/ noun a series of lessons
counter-offer /kaυntər ɒfə/ noun a or programme of instruction 쑗 She has
higher or lower offer made in reply to finished her secretarial course. 쑗 Tthe
another offer 쑗 Smith Ltd made an offer company has paid for her to attend a
of £1m for the property, and Blacks re- course for trainee sales managers. 쑗
plied with a counter-offer of £1.4m. Management trainees all took a
‘…the company set about paring costs and six-month course in business studies. 쑗
improving the design of its product. It came up The training officer was constantly on
with a price cut of 14%, but its counter-offer – the lookout for new courses in manage-
courtesy 65 creativity
ment studies. 쑗 The company sent her crash-test /krʃ test/ verb to estab-
on a management course. lish the safety and reliability of some-
courtesy /k&təsi/ adjective supplied thing by testing it in different ways
free of charge 쑗 A courtesy sample is creaming /krimŋ/ noun the act of
sent with the sales literature. fixing a high price for a product in order
courtesy car /k&təsi kɑ/ noun the to achieve high short-term profits
use of a car offered free to a customer create /kriet/ verb to make some-
thing new 쑗 By acquiring small unprof-
cover /k
və/ noun 1. coverage, the itable companies he soon created a
proportion of a target audience reached large manufacturing group. 쑗 The gov-
by advertising 2. one of the outside ernment scheme aims at creating new
pages of a publication. The four cover jobs for young people.
pages are front cover, inside front cover, ‘…he insisted that the tax advantages he
inside back cover and back cover. 쑗 We directed towards small businesses will help
could never afford to advertise on the create jobs and reduce the unemployment rate’
cover of this magazine. [Toronto Star]
coverage /k
v(ə)rd/ noun the pro- creative adjective /krietv/ relating
portion of a target market that is reached to the conceptual or artistic side of ad-
by an advertisement 쑗 The advertise- vertising 쑗 There are three copywriters
ment itself was effective but it had very and four illustrators in the agency’s cre-
poor coverage. 쑗 We must consider ative department. 쑗 He has had good
both the cost of the advertisement and experience working on both the creative
its coverage before committing our- and the administrative sides of advertis-
selves any further. ing. 쐽 noun someone who works in the
‘…from a PR point of view it is easier to get conceptual or artistic side of a business
press coverage when you are selling an industry ‘…agencies are being called on to produce great
and not a brand’ [PR Week] creative work and at the same time deliver value
for money’ [Marketing Week]
cover charge /k
və tʃɑd/ noun
(in restaurants) a charge for a place at creative director /krietv da-
the table in addition to the charge for rektə/ noun an employee of an adver-
food tising agency who is in overall charge of
finding the right words and images to
covered market /k
vəd mɑkt/ promote the product during an advertis-
noun a market which is held in a special ing campaign
creative selling /krietv selŋ/
covering letter /k
vərŋ letə/, noun a sales technique where the main
covering note /k
vərŋ nəυt/ noun a emphasis is on generating new business
letter sent with documents to say why
they are being sent
creative shop /krietv ʃɒp/,
creative boutique /krietv bu-
cover note /k
və nəυt/ noun a let- tik/noun a highly specialised business
ter from an insurance company giving offering creative customer advertising
details of an insurance policy and con- services 쑗 A group of copywriters and
firming that the policy exists designers have left the agency to set
cover page /k
və ped/ noun the their own creative shop. 쑗 The creative
front or back cover of a publication shop made short advertising films and
designed some press ads for us.
cover price /k
və pras/ noun the
price of a newspaper or magazine which creative strategy /krietv
is printed on the cover and paid by the strtədi/ noun a strategy to deter-
final purchaser mine what message an advertisement
will communicate
CPA abbr cost per acquisition
creative thinking /krietv θŋkŋ/
CPM abbr cost per mille noun same as creativity
CPO abbr cost per order creativity /krietvti/ noun the
CPT abbr cost per thousand ability to generate new ideas, especially
credere 66 creditor
goes with another product a customer ‘…crude oil output plunged during the past
has already bought month and is likely to remain at its current level
for the near future’ [Wall Street Journal]
cross-tracks /krɒs trks/ noun a current account /k
rənt əkaυnt/
poster site next to a railway track noun 1. an account in an bank from
CTM noun 쒁 click-through rate which the customer can withdraw
CTR abbr click through rate money when they want. Current ac-
counts do not always pay interest. 쑗 to
cume /kjum/ noun same as cumula- pay money into a current account
tive audience (informal ) .
(NOTE: American English is checking
cumulative /kjumjυlətv/ adjec- account) 2. an account of the balance
tive added to regularly over a period of of payments of a country relating to the
time sale or purchase of raw materials, goods
cumulative audience /- and invisibles
kjumjυlətv ɔdiəns/, cumulative ‘…customers’ current deposit and current
reach /kjumjυlətv ritʃ/ noun the accounts also rose to $655.31 million at the end
of December’ [Hongkong Standard]
number of people reached by an adver-
‘…a surplus in the current account is of such
tisement at least once over a period of vital importance to economists and currency
time traders because the more Japanese goods that
cumulative interest /kjumjυlətv are exported, the more dollars overseas
customers have to pay for these products. That
ntrəst/ noun the interest which is pushes up the value of the yen’ [Nikkei Weekly]
added to the capital each year
current assets /k
rənt sets/ plu-
cumulative quantity discount ral noun the assets used by a company
/kjumjυlətv kwɒntəti dskaυnt/ in its ordinary work, e.g. materials, fin-
noun a discount based on a quantity ished goods, cash, monies due, and
bought or the value of purchases over a which are held for a short time only
period of time 쑗 We have purchased
only from these suppliers over the last current cost accounting /k
few months in order to enjoy a cumula- kɒst əkaυntŋ/ noun a method of ac-
tive quantity discount. counting which notes the cost of replac-
ing assets at current prices, rather than
cumulative reach /kjumjυlətv valuing assets at their original cost.
ritʃ/ noun same as cumulative Abbr CCA
current liabilities /k
currency /k
rəns/ noun money in laəbltiz/ plural noun the debts which
coins and notes which is used in a par- a company has to pay within the next
ticular country accounting period. In a company’s an-
‘…today’s wide daily variations in exchange nual accounts, these would be debts
rates show the instability of a system based on a
single currency, namely the dollar’ [Economist] which must be paid within the year and
are usually payments for goods or ser-
‘…the level of currency in circulation increased
to N4.9 billion in the month of August’ vices received.
[Business Times (Lagos)] current price /k
rənt pras/ noun
currency backing /k
rənsi today’s price
bkŋ/ noun gold or government secu- current rate of exchange /k
rities which maintain the strength of a ret əv kstʃend/ noun today’s rate
currency of exchange
currency note /k
rənsi nəυt/ noun current yield /k
rənt jild/ noun a
a bank note (NOTE: currency has no dividend calculated as a percentage of
plural when it refers to the money of the current price of a share on the stock
one country: he was arrested trying market
to take currency out of the country) curriculum vitae /kərkjυləm
current /k
rənt/ adjective referring vita/ noun a summary of a person’s
to the present time 쑗 the current round work experience and qualifications sent
of wage negotiations to a prospective employer by someone
curve 69 customer service
applying for a job 쑗 Candidates should she needs from it and expects it to do
send a letter of application with a cur- (NOTE: Customer expectation can be
riculum vitae to the HR manager. 쑗 The created by previous experience, adver-
curriculum vitae listed all the candi- tising, what other people say about it,
date’s previous jobs and her reasons for awareness of competitors’ products,
leaving them. Abbr CV (NOTE: the plural and brand image. If customer expecta-
is curriculums or curricula vitae. tions are met, then customer satisfac-
American English is résumé) tion results.)
curve /k&v/ noun a line which is not customer flow /k
stəmə fləυ/
straight, e.g. a line on a graph 쑗 The noun the number of customers in a store
graph shows an upward curve. and the pattern of their movements
custom /k
stəm/ noun 1. the use of a round the store
shop by regular shoppers 왍 to lose customer focus /k
stəmə fəυkəs/
someone’s custom to do something noun the aiming of all marketing opera-
which makes a regular customer go to tions towards the customer
another shop 2. 왍 the customs of the customer loyalty /k
trade the general way of working in a lɔəlti/ noun the feeling of customers
trade 쑗 It is the custom of the book trade who always shop at the same shop
to allow unlimited returns for credit. ‘…a difficult market to get into, China
custom-built /k
stəm blt/ adjec- nevertheless offers a high degree of customer
loyalty once successfully entered’ [Economist]
tive made specially for one customer 쑗
He drives a custom-built Rolls Royce. customer profile /k
customer /k
stəmə/ noun a person prəυfal/ noun a description of an av-
or company that buys goods 쑗 The shop erage customer for a product or service
쑗 The customer profile shows our aver-
was full of customers. 쑗 Can you serve
this customer first please? 쑗 She’s a age buyer to be male, aged 25–30, and
regular customer of ours. (NOTE: The employed in the service industries.
customer may not be the consumer or customer profitability /k
end user of the product.) prɒftəblti/ noun the amount of
‘…unless advertising and promotion is done in profit generated by each individual cus-
the context of an overall customer orientation, it tomer. Usually a small percentage of
cannot seriously be thought of as marketing’ customers generate the most profit.
[Quarterly Review of Marketing]
customer relations /k
stəmə r-
customer appeal /k
stəmər əpil/ leʃ(ə)nz/ plural noun relations be-
noun what attracts customers to a tween a company and its customers
customer relations manage-
customer capital /k
stəmə ment /k
stəmə rleʃ(ə)nz
kpt(ə)l/ noun an organisation’s rela- mndmənt/, customer relation-
tionships with its customers considered ship management /k
stəmə r-
as a business asset leʃ(ə)nʃp mndmənt/ noun the
customer care /k
stəmə keə/ management of relations between a
noun looking after customers, so that company and its customers, keeping
they do not become dissatisfied them informed of new products or ser-
customer-centric model vices and dealing sympathetically with
stəmə sentrk mɒd(ə)l/ noun a their complaints or inquiries. Abbr CRM
business model that is based on an as- customer retention /k
stəmə r-
sessment of what the customer needs tenʃən/ noun same as retention
customer complaint /k
stəmə customer satisfaction /k
kəmplent/ noun same as complaint stsfkʃən/ noun the act of making
customer expectation /k
stəmər customers pleased with what they have
ekspekteʃ(ə)n/ noun the ideas and bought
feelings that a customer has about a customer service /k
product or service, based on what he or s&vs/ noun a service given to custom-
customer service department 70 cybermarketing
ers once they have made their decision customs declaration /k
to buy, including delivery, after-sales dekləreʃ(ə)n/ noun a statement show-
service, installation, training, etc. ing goods being imported on which duty
will have to be paid 쑗 to fill in a cus-
customer service department toms declaration form
stəmə s&vs dpɑtmənt/ noun
a department which deals with custom- customs entry point /k
ers and their complaints and orders entri pɔnt/ noun a place at a border
between two countries where goods are
customisation /k
stəma- declared to customs
zeʃ(ə)n/, customization noun the
customs invoice /k
process of making changes to products
nvɔs/ noun a customs form contain-
or services that enable them to satisfy
ing a list of goods with their values in
the particular needs of individual
both the exporter’s and importer’s
customise /k
stəmaz/, customize customs seal /k
stəmz sil/ noun a
verb to change something to fit the spe- seal attached by a customs officer to a
cial needs of a customer 쑗 We use cus- box, to show that the contents have not
tomized computer terminals. passed through customs
customised service /k
stəmazd customs tariff /k
stəmz trf/
s&vs/ noun a service that is specifi- noun a list of taxes to be paid on im-
cally designed to satisfy the particular ported goods
needs of an individual customer customs warehouse /k
custom publisher /k
stəm weəhaυs/ noun a government-run
blʃə/ noun a company which cre- warehouse where goods are stored until
ates a magazine for a company to use as duty is paid 쑗 The goods will remain in
publicity the customs warehouse until the buyer
customs /k
stəmz/ plural noun the claims them.
government department which organises cut-off /k
t ɒf/ noun the time after
the collection of taxes on imports, or an which a spot cannot be broadcast, usu-
office of this department at a port or air- ally late at night
port 쑗 He was stopped by customs. 쑗 cut-price /k
t pras/ adjective
Her car was searched by customs. 왍 to cheaper than usual
go through customs to pass through the cut-price store /k
t pras stɔ/
area of a port or airport where customs noun a store selling cut-price goods
officials examine goods 왍 to take some-
thing through customs to carry some- cut-throat competition /k
t θrəυt
thing illegal through a customs area kɒmpətʃ(ə)n/ noun sharp competition
without declaring it 왍 the crates had to which cuts prices and offers high
go through a customs examination the discounts
crates had to be examined by customs cutting /k
tŋ/ noun a piece cut out
officials of a publication which refers to an item
of particular interest
customs broker /k
brəυkə/ noun a person or company that cutting-edge /k
tŋ ed/ adjective
takes goods through customs for a ship- using or involving the latest and most
ping company advanced techniques and technologies
customs clearance /k
stəmz CV abbr curriculum vitae 쑗 Please ap-
ply in writing, enclosing a current CV.
klərəns/ noun 1. the act of passing
goods through customs so that they can cyber mall /sabəmɑll/ noun a
enter or leave the country 2. a document website that provides information and
given by customs to a shipper to show links for a number of online businesses
that customs duty has been paid and the cybermarketing /sabəmɑktŋ/
goods can be shipped 쑗 to wait for cus- noun marketing that uses any kind of
toms clearance Internet-based promotion, e.g. targeted
cycle 71 cyclical factors
emails, bulletin boards, websites, or were used in the case study to show re-
sites from which the customer can cent developments in retailing.
download files cyclical /sklk(ə)l/ adjective which
cycle /sak(ə)l/ noun a set of events happens in cycles
which happen in a regularly repeated ‘…general retailers should in theory suffer from
sequence rising interest rates. And food retailers in
particular have cyclical exposure without price
cycle models /sak(ə)l m
d(ə)lz/ power’ [Investors Chronicle]
plural noun models which are used to cyclical factors /sklk(ə)l fktəz/
explain cyclical change 쑗 Cycle models plural noun the way in which a trade cy-
cle affects businesses
DAGMAR 72 date coding
debit /debt/ noun an amount entered debtor /detə/ noun a person who
in accounts which shows an increase in owes money
assets or expenses or a decrease in lia- ‘…the United States is now a debtor nation for
bilities, revenue or capital. In accounts, the first time since 1914, owing more to
debits are entered in the left-hand col- foreigners than it is owed itself’ [Economist]
umn. Compare credit 쐽 verb 왍 to debit debtor side /detə sad/ noun the
an account to charge an account with a debit side of an account
cost 쑗 His account was debited with the decentralise /disentrəlaz/, de-
sum of £25. centralize verb to move power or au-
debitable /debtəb(ə)l/ adjective thority or action from a central point to
which can be debited local areas
debit card /debt kɑd/ noun a plas- decentralised system /di-
tic card, similar to a credit card, but sentrəlazd sstəm/noun a system
which debits the holder’s account im- where responsibility for marketing, ad-
mediately through an EPOS system vertising, and promotion lies with a
product manager rather than a central-
debit column /debt kɒləm/ noun ised department
the left-hand column in accounts show-
ing the money paid or owed to others deception /dsepʃən/ noun telling a
lie in order to mislead a customer
debit entry /debt entri/ noun an
entry on the debit side of an account decide /dsad/ verb to make up your
mind to do something 쑗 to decide on a
debit note /debt nəυt/ noun a note course of action 쑗 to decide to appoint a
showing that a customer owes money 쑗 new managing director
We undercharged Mr Smith and had to
send him a debit note for the extra decider /dsadə/ noun a person who
amount. makes decisions, especially the person
who makes the decision to buy
debits and credits /debts ən
kredts/ plural noun money which a deciding factor /dsadŋ fktə/
company owes and money it receives, noun the most important factor which
figures which are entered in the ac- influences a decision 쑗 A deciding fac-
counts to record increases or decreases tor in marketing our range of sports
in assets, expenses, liabilities, revenue goods in the country was the rising stan-
or capital dard of living there.
decimal system /desm(ə)l
debt /det/ noun money owed for goods
or services 쑗 The company stopped sstəm/ noun a system of mathematics
trading with debts of over £1 million. 왍 based on the number 10
to be in debt to owe money 왍 he is in decision /ds(ə)n/ noun a choice
debt to the tune of £250,000 he owes made after thinking about what to do 쑗
£250,000 왍 to get into debt to start to It took the committee some time to come
borrow more money than you can pay to a decision or to reach a decision.
back 왍 the company is out of debt the decision-maker /ds(ə)n mekə/
company does not owe money any more noun a person who takes decisions. 쏡
왍 to pay back a debt to pay all the marketmaker
money owed 왍 to pay off a debt to fin- decision-making /ds(ə)n
ish paying money owed 왍 to service a mekŋ/ noun the act of coming to a
debt to pay interest on a debt 쑗 The decision
company is having problems in servic-
ing its debts. 왍 debts due money owed decision-making unit /ds(ə)n
which is due for repayment mekŋ junt/ noun a group of people
who decide on the purchase of a prod-
debt collection /det kəlekʃ(ə)n/ uct. For the purchase of a new piece of
noun collecting money which is owed equipment, they would be the manager,
debt collector /det kəlektə/ noun a the financial controller and the operator
person who collects debts who will use the equipment. Abbr DMU
decision theory 75 deflation
state enterprises and hit incomes among the a price which includes transport costs 왍
rural population’ [Financial Times] goods delivered on board goods trans-
deflationary /difleʃ(ə)n(ə)ri/ ad- ported free to the ship or plane but not to
jective which can cause deflation 쑗 The the customer’s warehouse
government has introduced some defla-
tionary measures in the budget. delivered price /dlvəd pras/
‘…the strong dollar’s deflationary impact on
noun a price which includes packing
European economies as national governments and transport
push up interest rates’ [Duns Business Month] delivery /dlv(ə)ri/ noun 1. the
delay /dle/ noun the time when transporting of goods to a customer 쑗
someone or something is later than allow 28 days for delivery 쑗 delivery is
planned 쑗 There was a delay of thirty not allowed for or is not included 쑗 par-
minutes before the AGM started or the cels awaiting delivery 쑗 free delivery or
AGM started after a thirty-minute delay. delivery free 쑗 a delivery date 쑗 deliv-
쑗 We are sorry for the delay in supply- ery within 28 days 쑗 We have a pallet of
ing your order or in replying to your let- parcels awaiting delivery. 왍 to take de-
ter. 쐽 verb to be late, or to make livery of goods to accept goods when
someone late 쑗 The company has de- they are delivered 쑗 We took delivery of
layed payment of all invoices. 쑗 She was the stock into our warehouse on the
delayed because her taxi was involved 25th. 2. goods being delivered 쑗 We
in an accident. take in three deliveries a day. 쑗 There
delayed response /dled r- were four items missing in the last deliv-
spɒns/ noun a slower than expected re- ery. 3. the transfer of a bill of exchange
sponse by consumers to a company’s delivery note /dlv(ə)ri nəυt/ noun
promotion 쑗 If there is a delayed re- a list of goods being delivered, given to
sponse we will only reap the benefits the customer with the goods
next year. 쑗 A delayed response is not
delivery of goods /dlv(ə)ri əv
usual in such a new product.
"υdz/ noun the transport of goods to a
del credere agent /del kredər customer’s address
edənt/ noun an agent who receives a
high commission because they guaran- delivery order /dlv(ə)ri ɔdə/
tee payment by customers noun the instructions given by the cus-
tomer to the person holding her goods,
delegation /del"eʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a to tell her where and when to deliver
group of delegates 쑗 A Chinese trade them
delegation is visiting the UK. 쑗 The
management met a union delegation. 2. delivery receipt /dlv(ə)ri rsit/
an act of passing authority or responsi- noun a delivery note when it has been
bility to someone else signed by the person receiving the
delete /dlit/ verb to remove a prod-
uct from a company’s product range 쑗 delivery service /dlv(ə)ri s&vs/
We have decided to delete three old noun the store will deliver goods to all
products as the new ones are coming on parts of the town
stream. delivery time /dlv(ə)ri tam/ noun
deletion /dliʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of the number of days before something
removing an old product from the mar- will be delivered
ket 쑗 The product has lost market share delivery van /dlv(ə)ri vn/ noun a
and is a candidate for deletion. van for delivering goods to customers
delight factor /dlat fktə/ noun delphi method /delfa meθəd/
the customer’s pleasure at making a noun a method of forming strategies by
purchase soliciting individual estimates on the
deliver /dlvə/ verb to transport time-scale of projected developments
goods to a customer 왍 goods delivered and then inviting further estimates on
free or free delivered goods goods the basis of all those already made until
transported to the customer’s address at a consensus is reached
demand 77 demonstration model
wide area from an earth station via a sat- direct mail /darekt mel/ noun the
ellite, received with a dish aerial. Abbr practice of selling a product by sending
DBS publicity material to possible buyers
through the post 쑗 These calculators
direct channel /darekt tʃn(ə)l/ are only sold by direct mail. 쑗 The com-
noun a marketing channel where a pro-
pany runs a successful direct-mail
ducer and consumer deal directly with operation.
one another
‘…all of those who had used direct marketing
direct close /darekt kləυz/ noun techniques had used direct mail, 79% had used
the act of ending a sale by asking the some kind of telephone technique and 63% had
tried off-the-page selling’ [Precision marketing]
customer if they want to buy
direct demand /darekt dmɑnd/ direct-mail advertising /darekt
noun demand for a product or service mel dvətazŋ/ noun advertising by
for its own sake, and not for what can be sending leaflets to people through the
derived from it post
direct export /darekt ekspɔt/ direct mailing /darekt melŋ/
noun selling a product direct to the noun the sending of publicity material
overseas customer without going by post to possible buyers
through a middleman 쑗 Direct export is direct mail preference scheme
the only way to keep down the retail /darekt mel pref(ə)rəns skim/
price. 쑗 Our overseas marketing con- noun a scheme where an addressee can
sists mainly of direct export to German have his or her name removed from a
department stores. mailing list
direct headline /darekt hedlan/ direct marketing /darekt
noun an eye-catching headline that pres- mɑktŋ/ noun same as direct re-
ents its message directly to its target sponse advertising
audience ‘…after five years of explosive growth, fuelled
by the boom in financial services, the direct
direction /darekʃən/ noun 1. the marketing world is becoming a lot more
process of organising or managing 쑗 He competitive’ [Marketing Workshop]
took over the direction of a multina- ‘…direct marketing is all about targeting the
tional group. 2. 왍 directions for use in- audience, individualising the message and
structions showing how to use getting a response’ [PR Week]
something direct-marketing media /darekt
directional /darekʃən(ə)l/ adjective mɑktŋ midiə/ plural noun media
pointing in a specific direction that are used for direct marketing, e.g.
directional medium /da-
direct mail, telemarketing, and TV
rekʃən(ə)l midiəm/ noun an adver- director /darektə/ noun 1. the per-
tising medium that tells potential cus- son appointed by the shareholders to
tomers where to find products or help run a company 2. the person who is
services, e.g. a directory in charge of a project, an official insti-
tute or other organisation 쑗 the director
directive interview /darektv of the government research institute 쑗
ntəvju/ noun an interview using pre-
She was appointed director of the trade
set questions and following a fixed
‘…the research director will manage and direct
direct labour /darekt lebə/ noun a team of business analysts reporting on the
the cost of the workers employed which latest developments in retail distribution
throughout the UK’ [Times]
can be allocated to a product, not includ-
ing materials or overheads directorate /darekt(ə)rət/ noun a
directly /darektl/ adverb with no group of directors
third party involved 쑗 We deal directly directorship /darektəʃp/ noun the
with the manufacturer, without using a post of director 쑗 She was offered a di-
wholesaler. rectorship with Smith Ltd.
directors’ report 83 discrepancy
‘…what benefits does the executive derive from change to buy or sell bills of exchange
his directorship? In the first place compensation for less than the value written on them
has increased sharply in recent years’
[Duns Business Month] in order to cash them later
‘…banks refrained from quoting forward
directors’ report /darektəz r- US/Hongkong dollar exchange rates as
pɔt/ noun the annual report from the premiums of 100 points replaced the previous
board of directors to the shareholders day’s discounts of up to 50 points’
[South China Morning Post]
directory /darekt(ə)r/ noun a refer-
ence book containing information on discountable /dskaυntəb(ə)l/
companies and their products adjective which can be discounted 쑗
These bills are not discountable.
direct response advertising /da-
rekt rspɒns dvətazŋ/ noun ad- discounted cash flow
vertising in such a way as to get custom- /dskaυntd kʃ fləυ/ noun the cal-
ers to send in inquiries or orders directly culation of the forecast return on capital
by mail investment by discounting future cash
flows from the investment, usually at a
direct response agency /darekt rate equivalent to the company’s mini-
rspɒns edənsi/ noun a company mum required rate of return. Abbr DCF
which provides direct marketing ser-
vices to its clients such as database man- discounted value /dskaυntd
agement, direct mail, and response vlju/ noun the difference between
collecting the face value of a share and its lower
market price
direct response marketing /da-
rekt rspɒns maktŋ/ noun same as discounter /dskaυntə/ noun a per-
direct response advertising son or company that discounts bills or
invoices, or sells goods at a discount
direct selling /darekt selŋ/ noun ‘…invoice discounting is an instant finance
selling a product direct to the customer raiser. Cash is advanced by a factor or
without going through a shop discounter against the value of invoices sent out
by the client company. Debt collection is still in
direct services /darekt s&vsz/ the hands of the client company, which also
plural noun personal services to the continues to run its own bought ledger’ [Times]
public, e.g. catering, dentistry or hair- ‘…a 100,000 square-foot warehouse generates
dressing 쑗 There is little manufacturing ten times the volume of a discount retailer; it can
industry in the area, and direct services turn its inventory over 18 times a year, more
than triple a big discounter’s turnover’
account for most of the wealth. [Duns Business Month]
dirty /d&ti/ adjective not clean discount house /dskaυnt haυs/
dirty bill of lading /d&ti bl əv noun 1. a financial company which
ledŋ/, foul bill of lading /faυl bl specialises in discounting bills 2. a shop
əv ledŋ/ noun a bill of lading stating which specialises in selling cheap goods
that the goods did not arrive on board in bought at a high discount
good condition discount price /dskaυnt pras/
disclosure of information /ds- noun the full price less a discount
kləυər əv nfəmeʃ(ə)n/ noun the discount rate /dskaυnt ret/ noun
passing on of information that was in- the percentage taken when a bank buys
tended to be kept secret or private to bills
someone else ‘…pressure on the Federal Reserve Board to
discount noun /dskaυnt/ the per- ease monetary policy and possibly cut its
centage by which the seller reduces the discount rate mounted yesterday’
[Financial Times]
full price for the buyer 쑗 to give a dis-
count on bulk purchases 왍 to sell goods discount store /dskaυnt stɔ/
at a discount or at a discount price to noun a shop which specialises in cheap
sell goods below the normal price 왍 goods bought at a high discount
10% discount for cash or 10% cash discrepancy /dskrepənsi/ noun a
discount you pay 10% less if you pay in lack of agreement between figures in in-
cash 쐽 verb 왍 to discount bills of ex- voices or accounts
discretion 84 dispenser
nies. 쑗 All orders are distributed from points or small warehouses from which
our warehouse near Oxford. goods are sent all over a country
distribution /dstrbjuʃ(ə)n/ noun distribution resource planning
the act of sending goods from the manu- /dstrbjuʃ(ə)n rsɔs plnŋ/ noun
facturer to the wholesaler and then to re- planning, especially using a computer-
tailers 쑗 Stock is held in a distribution ised system, that is intended to ensure
centre which deals with all order pro- the most efficient use of the resources
cessing. 쑗 Distribution costs have risen used in distributing goods (NOTE: Effec-
sharply over the last 18 months. 쑗 She tive distribution resource planning inte-
has several years’ experience as distri- grates distribution with manufacturing
bution manager. and synchronises supply and demand
‘British distribution companies are poised to
by identifying requirements for finished
capture a major share of the European market’ goods and by producing schedules for
[Management News] the movement of goods along the dis-
tribution chain so that they reach the
distribution census /dstr- customer as soon as possible.)
bjuʃ(ə)n sensəs/ noun official statis-
tics regarding the number of distributors distributive /dstrbjυtv/ adjective
and their businesses 쑗 Using the distri- referring to distribution
bution census, we drew up a list of distributive trades /dstrbjυtv
wholesalers who were worth tredz/ plural noun all business in-
approaching. volved in the distribution of goods
distribution centre /dstr- distributor /dstrbjυtə/ noun a
bjuʃ(ə)n sentə/ noun a place where company which sells goods for another
goods are collected and stored tempo- company which makes them 왍 a net-
rarily but whose main function is to work of distributors a series of distrib-
send them on to wholesalers, retailers, utors spread all over a country
or consumers distributor’s brand /dstrbjυtəz
brnd/ noun goods specially packed
distribution channel /dstr-
for a store with the store’s name printed
bjuʃ(ə)n tʃn(ə)l/ noun the route by
on them 쑗 I bought the distributor’s
which a product or service reaches a
brand of soap because it was the
customer after it leaves the producer or
supplier (NOTE: A distribution channel
usually consists of a chain of interme- distributorship /dstrbjυtəʃp/
diaries, for example wholesalers and noun the position of being a distributor
retailers, that is designed to move for a company
goods from the point of production to distributor support /dstrbjυtə
the point of consumption in the most səpɔt/ noun the action of a supplier of
efficient way.) a product or service in providing help to
‘…there is evidence that distribution channels distributors, by offering training, pro-
are supply driven’ motional material, etc.
[Quarterly Review of Marketing]
divergent marketing /dav&dənt
distribution management /dstr- mɑktŋ/ noun a separate marketing
bjuʃ(ə)n mndmənt/ noun the treatment for each of a company’s prod-
management of the efficient transfer of ucts 쑗 Divergent marketing is giving
goods from the place where they are way to a more coordinated and inte-
manufactured to the place where they grated marketing effort.
are sold or used (NOTE: Distribution diversification /dav&sf-
management involves such activities keʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of adding
as warehousing, materials handling, another quite different type of business
packaging, stock control, order pro- to a firm’s existing trade
cessing, and transport.) diversify /dav&sfa/ verb 1. to add
distribution network /dstr- new types of business to existing ones 쑗
bjuʃ(ə)n netw&k/ noun a series of The company is planning to diversify
divert 87 domestic market
drip /drp/, drip campaign /drp The £50 note was a dud.
kmpen/, drip method /drp dud cheque /d
d tʃek/ noun a
meθəd/ noun the placing of advertise- cheque which cannot be cashed because
ments for a product at fairly long inter-
the person writing it has not enough
vals, making a long-drawn-out
money in the account to pay it
advertising campaign
due /dju/ adjective 1. owed 쑗 a sum
drive /drav/ noun an energetic way of due from a debtor 왍 to fall/become due
doing things 왍 he has a lot of drive he to be ready for payment 왍 bill due on
is very energetic in business May 1st a bill which has to be paid on
driver /dravə/ noun something or May 1st 왍 balance due to us amount
someone that provides an impetus for owed to us which should be paid 2. ex-
something to happen pected to arrive 쑗 The plane is due to
drive time /drav tam/ noun the arrive at 10.30 or is due at 10.30. 3. 왍 in
time when people are most likely to be due form written in the correct legal
listening to the radio in their cars, hence form 쑗 a receipt in due form 쑗 a con-
dues 90 duty-paid goods
tract drawn up in due form 왍 after due the two businesses collaborated to keep
consideration of the problem after prices at very high levels. 쑗 When they
thinking seriously about the problem 왍 took over their only competitor in the
due to caused by 쑗 Supplies have been market, the duopoly became a monop-
delayed due to a problem at the manu- oly. Compare monopoly
facturers. 쑗 The company pays the duplication /djuplkeʃ(ə)n/ noun
wages of staff who are absent due to running an advertisement twice to the
illness. same audience
‘…many expect the US economic indicators for
April, due out this Thursday, to show faster durable /djυərəb(ə)l/ adjective 왍
economic growth’ [Australian Financial durable effects effects which will be
Review] felt for a long time 쑗 These demo-
dues /djuz/ plural noun orders taken graphic changes will have durable ef-
but not supplied until new stock arrives fects on the economy.
왍 to release dues to send off orders durable goods /djυərəb(ə)l "υdz/
which had been piling up while a prod- plural noun goods which will be used
uct was out of stock 쑗 We have re- for a long time, e.g. washing machines
corded thousands of dues for that item or refrigerators
and our supplier cannot supply it.
dustbin check /d
stbn tʃek/ noun
dummy /d
mi/ noun an imitation a consumer audit for which a panel of
product to test the reaction of potential householders keep the empty containers
customers to its design of products bought so that these can be
dummy pack /d
mi pk/ noun an regularly checked for product type, size
empty pack for display in a shop and brand
dump /d
mp/ verb 왍 to dump goods Dutch auction /d
tʃ ɔkʃən/ noun
on a market to get rid of large quanti- an auction where the auctioneer offers
ties of excess goods cheaply in an over- an item for sale at a high price and then
seas market gradually reduces the price until some-
‘…a serious threat lies in the 400,000 tonnes of one makes a bid
subsidized beef in European cold stores. If
dumped, this meat will have disastrous effects in duty /djut/ noun a tax which has to
Pacific Basin markets’ [Australian Financial be paid 쑗 Traders are asking the gov-
Review] ernment to take the duty off alcohol or to
dump bin /d
mp bn/ noun display put a duty on cigarettes. 왍 goods which
container like a large box which is filled are liable to duty goods on which cus-
with goods for sale toms or excise tax has to be paid
‘Canadian and European negotiators agreed to a
dump display /d
mp dsple/ noun deal under which Canada could lower its import
goods on special display in a container duties on $150 million worth of European
for purchasers to select themselves in a goods’ [Globe and Mail (Toronto)]
shop 쑗 We will use dump displays with ‘…the Department of Customs and Excise
price reductions clearly marked. 쑗 collected a total of N79m under the new
There are several dump displays near advance duty payment scheme’
[Business Times (Lagos)]
the counters in the supermarket.
dumping /d
mpŋ/ noun the act of duty-free /djuti fri/ adjective, ad-
getting rid of excess goods cheaply in an verb sold with no duty to be paid 쑗 He
overseas market 쑗 The government has bought a duty-free watch at the airport.
passed anti-dumping legislation. 쑗 쑗 He bought the watch duty-free.
Dumping of goods on the European duty-free shop /djuti fri ʃɒp/
market is banned. 왍 panic dumping of noun a shop at an airport or on a ship
sterling a rush to sell sterling at any where goods can be bought without pay-
price because of possible devaluation ing duty
duopoly /djuɒpəli/ noun the exis- duty-paid goods /djuti ped
tence of only two producers or suppliers "υdz/ plural noun goods where the duty
in a market 쑗 The duopoly meant that has been paid
dyadic communication 91 dynamic pricing
e-alliance /i əlaəns/ noun a part- e-business /i bznəs/ noun 1. busi-
nership between organisations that do ness activities, e.g. buying and selling,
business over the web servicing customers and communicating
e. & o.e. abbr errors and omissions with business partners, that are carried
excepted out electronically, especially on the
Internet 2. a company that does its busi-
ear /ə/ noun a space at the top left or ness using the Internet
right corner of the front page of a news- ‘…the enormous potential of e-business is that it
paper, set aside for advertising can automate the link between suppliers and
customers’ [Investors Chronicle]
early /&l/ adjective, adverb before
the usual time 쑗 The mail arrived early. ecoconsumer /ikəυkənsjumə/
쑗 We retired early and bought a house noun a customer who will buy goods
in Cornwall. 왍 at an early date very that have been produced in a way that
soon does not harm the environment
early adopters /&li ədɒptəz/ ecolabel /ikəυleb(ə)l/ noun a label
plural noun the category of buyers of a used to mark products that are produced
product who use it or buy it later than and can be used and disposed of in a
innovators, but earlier than the late way that does not harm the environment
majority e-commerce /i kɒm&s/ noun the
exchange of goods, information, prod-
early closing day /&li kləυzŋ ucts or services via an electronic me-
de/ noun a weekday, usually Wednes- dium such as the Internet (NOTE:
day or Thursday, when some shops Although e-commerce was originally
close in the afternoon limited to buying and selling, it has now
early majority /&li mədɒrti/ evolved and includes such things as
noun a category of buyers of a product customer service, marketing, and ad-
who buy it later than the early adopters vertising.)
earned rate /&nd ret/ noun the ac- ‘…the problem is that if e-commerce takes just a
3 per cent slice of the market that would be
tual rate for a printed advertising space enough to reduce margins to ribbons’
after taking discounts into account [Investors Chronicle]
earnest /&nst/ noun money paid as ‘…the new economy requires new company
structures. He believes that other blue-chip
an initial payment by a buyer to a seller, organizations are going to find that new set-ups
to show commitment to the contract of would be needed to attract and retain the best
sale talent for e-commerce’ [Times]
earning potential /&nŋ pətenʃəl/ e-commerce mall /i kɒm&s mɔl/
noun 1. the amount of money which noun same as cyber mall
someone should be able to earn 2. the e-company /i k
mp(ə)ni/ noun a
amount of dividend which a share is ca- company that does all its business using
pable of earning the Internet
easy terms /izi t&mz/ plural noun econometrics /kɒnəmetrks/ plu-
financial terms which are not difficult to ral noun the study of the statistics of
accept 쑗 The shop is let on very easy economics, using computers to analyse
terms. these statistics and make forecasts using
economic 93 economy
‘…the European economies are being held back EDMA abbr European Direct Mar-
by rigid labor markets and wage structures, huge
expenditures on social welfare programs and
keting Association
restrictions on the free movement of goods’ educational advertising /edjυ-
[Duns Business Month] keʃ(ə)nəl dvətazŋ/ noun adver-
economy car /kɒnəmi kɑ/ noun a tising that informs consumers about a
car which does not use much petrol product, particularly important when the
economy drive /kɒnəmi drav/ product has only recently been intro-
noun vigorous effort to save money or duced 쑗 Educational advertising has
materials made the public aware that our product
is just as safe as more traditional de-
economy measure /kɒnəmi
meə/ noun an action to save money or vices on the market.
materials e-economy /i kɒnəmi/ noun an
economy size /kɒnəmi saz/ noun economy in which the use of the
a large size or large packet which is Internet and information technology
cheaper than normal plays a major role
editing /edtŋ/ noun 1. the process effect /fekt/ noun 1. a result 쑗 The
of checking the results of a survey to effect of the pay increase was to raise
confirm that data has been collected cor- productivity levels. 2. 왍 terms of a con-
rectly 2. the process of modifying or tract which take effect or come into
correcting a text or film 쑗 This sales lit- effect from January 1st terms which
erature needs editing to make it less start to operate on January 1st 왍 prices
long-winded. are increased 10% with effect from
January 1st new prices will apply from
edition /dʃ(ə)n/ noun an issue of a
publication such as a newspaper, trade January 1st 왍 to remain in effect to
magazine or book 쑗 We are too late to continue to be applied 3. meaning 왍 a
advertise in this month’s edition. 쑗 clause to the effect that a clause which
There will be too many competing ad- means that 왍 we have made provision
vertisements in that edition. to this effect we have put into the con-
tract terms which will make this work 쐽
editorial /edtɔriəl/ adjective refer- verb to carry out 왍 to effect a payment
ring to editors or to editing 쐽 noun the to make a payment 왍 to effect customs
main article in a newspaper, written by clearance to clear something through
the editor customs 왍 to effect a settlement be-
editorial advertisement /ed- tween two parties to bring two parties
tɔriəl ədv&tsmənt/ noun an adver- together and make them agree to a
tisement in the form of text material in a settlement
magazine effective /fektv/ adjective 1. ac-
editorial board /edtɔriəl bɔd/ tual, as opposed to theoretical 2. 왍 a
noun a group of editors on a newspaper clause effective as from January 1st a
or other publication clause which starts to be applied on Jan-
editorial environment /edtɔriəl uary 1st 3. which works or produces re-
nvaərənmənt/ noun the general edi- sults 쑗 Advertising in the Sunday papers
torial tone and philosophy of a medium is the most effective way of selling. 쑗
editorial matter /edtɔriəl mtə/ She is an effective marketing manager. 쏡
noun the text of a magazine which is cost-effective
written by journalists, and not part of an effective cover /fektv k
advertisement noun a situation where consumers in the
editorial publicity /edtɔriəl p
b- target audience will have seen the ad-
lsti/ noun free publicity which is vertisement at least four times on
given to a product by a newspaper or average
magazine in an editorial or article, rather effective date /fektv det/ noun
than in an advertisement which must be the date on which a rule or contract
paid for
effective demand 95 electronic shopping
starts to be applied, or on which a trans- goods that a supplier has for sale, which
action takes place can be viewed in an electronic format,
effective demand /fektv d- e.g., on a website
mɑnd/ noun the actual demand for a electronic commerce /elktrɒnk
product which can be paid for kɒm&s/ noun same as e-commerce
effectiveness /fektvnəs/ noun the electronic data capture
quality of working or producing results /elktrɒnk detə kptʃə/ noun the
쑗 I doubt the effectiveness of television use of data-processing equipment to col-
advertising. 쏡 cost-effectiveness lect data, especially the use of electronic
effective reach /fektv ritʃ/ noun point-of-sale equipment to collect, vali-
the actual number of people who will date and submit data when credit or
see an advertisement once debit cards are used in transactions
effective sample size /fektv electronic data interchange
sɑmpəl saz/ noun the size of a sam- /elktrɒnk detə ntətʃend/ noun
ple after all irrelevant factors have been a standard format used when business
removed documents such as invoices and pur-
effectual /fektʃuəl/ adjective which chase orders are exchanged over elec-
produces a correct result tronic networks such as the Internet
ego /i"əυ, e"əυ/ noun the psycho- electronic data processing
logical term for a person’s conscious- /elktrɒnk detə prəυsesŋ/ noun
ness of himself or herself 쑗 We are the process of selecting and examining
designing clothes to boost men’s egos. 쑗 data stored in a computer to produce in-
Glamorous advertising appeals to the formation. Abbr EDP
customer’s ego. electronic funds transfer at
eighty/twenty rule /eti twenti point of sale /elktrɒnk f
rul/ noun the rule that a small percent- trnsf& ət pɔnt əv sel/ noun a sys-
age of customers may account for a tem for transferring money directly
large percentage of sales. 쏡 Pareto’s from the purchaser’s account to the
Law seller’s, when a sale is made using a
elastic /lstk/ adjective which can plastic card. Abbr EFTPOS
expand or contract easily because of electronic mail /elktrɒnk mel/
small changes in price noun same as email 1
elastic demand /lstk dmɑnd/ electronic media /elktrɒnk
noun demand which experiences a com- midiə/ plural noun electronic-based
paratively large percentage change in re- media, e.g. television and radio 쑗 Ad-
sponse to a change in price vertising in the electronic media would
elasticity /lstsəti/ noun the abil- certainly increase sales, but we can only
ity to change easily in response to a afford to advertise in the press.
change in circumstances 왍 elasticity of electronic payment system
supply and demand changes in supply /elktrɒnk pemənt sstəm/ noun a
and demand of an item depending on its means of making payments over an
market price electronic network such as the Internet
elastic supply /lstk səpla/ electronic point of sale
noun supply which experiences a com- /elktrɒnk pɔnt əv sel/ noun a sys-
paratively large percentage change in re- tem where sales are charged automati-
sponse to a change in price cally to a customer’s credit card and
electronic /elktrɒnk/ adjective re- stock is controlled by the shop’s com-
ferring to computers and electronics puter. Abbr EPOS
electronic cash /elktrɒnk kʃ/ electronic shopping /elktrɒnk
noun same as digital cash ʃɒpŋ/ noun shopping for goods or ser-
electronic catalogue /elktrɒnk vices which takes place over an elec-
kt(ə)lɒ"/ noun a catalogue of the tronic network such as the Internet
eliminate 96 enc
expense /kspens/ noun money staff will have dealt with a crisis like
spent 쑗 It is not worth the expense. 쑗 this before.
The expense is too much for my bank experience effect /kspəriəns
balance. 쑗 The likely profits do not jus- fekt/ noun the role of experience in
tify the expense of setting up the project. improving business efficiency 쑗 The ex-
쑗 It was well worth the expense to get perience effect is evident in the rise in
really high-quality equipment. our profits as our workforce becomes
expense account /kspens more skilled.
əkaυnt/ noun an allowance of money experiencer /ekspəriənsə/ noun in
which a business pays for an employee the VALS lifestyle classification sys-
to spend on travelling and entertaining tem, a young person who likes new and
clients in connection with that business unusual things and spends a lot of
쑗 I can put this lunch on my expense money on hobbies and socialising
experiential advertising /ek-
expenses /kspensz/ plural noun spərienʃəl dvətazŋ/ noun adver-
money paid to cover the costs incurred tising which conveys to the customer
by someone when doing something 쑗 the real sensation of using the product
The salary offered is £10,000 plus ex- experimental method /eksper-
penses. 왍 all expenses paid with all ment(ə)l meθəd/ noun the use of con-
costs paid by the company 쑗 The com- trolled experiments to discover the in-
pany sent him to San Francisco all ex- fluence of various variables in
penses paid. 왍 to cut down on expenses marketing such as types of promotion
to reduce spending and sales training
expensive /kspensv/ adjective expert /eksp&t/ noun a person who
which costs a lot of money 쑗 First-class knows a lot about something 쑗 an ex-
air travel is becoming more and more pert in the field of electronics or an elec-
expensive. tronics expert 쑗 The company asked a
experience /kspəriəns/ noun financial expert for advice or asked for
knowledge or skill that comes from hav- expert financial advice. 왍 expert’s re-
ing had to deal with many different situ- port a report written by an expert
ations 쑗 She has a lot of experience of expertise /ekspətiz/ noun special-
dealing with German companies. 쑗 I ist knowledge or skill in a particular
gained most of my experience abroad. 쑗 field 쑗 With years of experience in the
Considerable experience is required for industry, we have plenty of expertise to
this job. 쑗 The applicant was pleasant, draw on. 쑗 Lack of marketing expertise
but did not have any relevant experi- led to low sales figures. 쑗 We hired Mr
ence. 쐽 verb to live through a situation Smith because of his financial expertise
쑗 The company experienced a period of or because of his expertise in finance.
falling sales.
expert system /eksp&t sstəm/
experience curve /kspəriəns noun a computer program that is de-
k&v/ noun a graph showing the rela- signed to imitate the way a human ex-
tionship between the cumulative amount pert in a particular field thinks and
of products produced and the production makes decisions (NOTE: Expert sys-
cost per unit 쑗 The experience curve tems, which are an application of artifi-
shows how increasing efficiency has cial intelligence, are used for a wide
brought down our costs. variety of tasks including medical diag-
experienced /kspəriənst/ adjec- nostics and financial decision-making
tive referring to a person who has lived and can be used by non-experts to
through many situations and has learnt solve well-defined problems when hu-
from them 쑗 You are the most experi- man experts are unavailable.)
enced negotiator I know. 쑗 We have ap- exploit /ksplɔt/ verb to use some-
pointed a very experienced candidate as thing to make a profit 쑗 The company is
sales director. 쑗 Our more experienced exploiting its contacts in the Ministry of
exponential diffusion 103 express
Trade. 쑗 We hope to exploit the oil re- export department /ekspɔt d-
sources in the China Sea. pɑtmənt/ noun the section of a com-
exponential diffusion /ekspə- pany which deals in sales to foreign
nenʃ(ə)l dfju(ə)n/, exponential countries
growth /ekspənenʃ(ə)l "rəυθ/ noun export duty /ekspɔt djuti/ noun a
a typical growth pattern of new products tax paid on goods sent out of a country
that involves a slow start, followed by for sale
acceleration and finally a slowing down exporter /kspɔtə/ noun a person,
exponential smoothing /ekspə- company or country that sells goods in
nenʃ(ə)l smuðŋ/noun a technique foreign countries 쑗 a major furniture
for working out averages while allowing exporter 쑗 Canada is an important ex-
for recent changes in values by moving porter of oil or an important oil
forward the period under consideration exporter.
at regular intervals export house /ekspɔt haυs/ noun
export noun /ekspɔt/ the practice or a company which specialises in the ex-
business of sending goods to foreign port of goods manufactured by other
countries to be sold 쑗 50% of the com- companies
pany’s profits come from the export exporting /ekspɔtŋ/ adjective
trade or the export market. 쐽 verb /k- which exports 왍 oil-exporting coun-
spɔt/ to send goods to foreign coun- tries countries which produce oil and
tries for sale 쑗 50% of our production is sell it to other countries
exported. 쑗 The company imports raw
materials and exports the finished export licence /ekspɔt las(ə)ns/
products. noun a government permit allowing
‘…in the past, export documentation was a something to be exported 쑗 The govern-
major stumbling block for some companies’ ment has refused an export licence for
[Marketing & Sales Management] computer parts.
‘Europe’s gross exports of white goods climbed
to 2.4 billion, about a quarter of total export manager /ekspɔt
production’ [Economist] mndə/ noun the person in charge of
‘…the New Zealand producers are now aiming an export department in a company 쑗
to export more fresh meat as opposed to frozen The export manager planned to set up a
which has formed the majority of its UK imports sales force in Southern Europe. 쑗 Sales
in the past’ [Marketing] managers from all export markets re-
export agent /ekspɔt edənt/ port to our export manager.
noun a person who sells overseas on be- exports /ekspɔts/ plural noun goods
half of a company and earns a commis- sent to a foreign country to be sold 쑗
sion 쑗 An export agent is developing Exports to Africa have increased by
our business in West Africa. 쑗 She is 25%. (NOTE: usually used in the plural,
working in London as an export agent but the singular form is used before a
for a French company. noun)
exportation /ekspɔteʃ(ə)n/ noun exposition /ekspəzʃ(ə)n/ noun US
the act of sending goods to foreign same as exhibition
countries for sale
exposure /kspəυə/ noun publicity
export bounty /ekspɔt baυnti/ given to an organisation or product 쑗
noun a government payment to busi-
Our company has achieved more expo-
nesses to encourage specific types of sure since we decided to advertise
export nationally.
Export Credit Guarantee Depart- ‘…it attributed the poor result to the bank’s high
ment /ekspɔt kredt "rənti d- exposure to residential mortgages, which
pɑtmənt/ noun a British government showed a significant slowdown in the past few
department which insures sellers of ex- months’ [South China Morning Post]
ports sold on credit against the possibil- express /kspres/ adjective rapid or
ity of non-payment by the purchasers. very fast 쑗 an express letter 쐽 verb to
Abbr ECGD send something very fast 쑗 We ex-
expressage 104 extra
charge 10% extra for postage 쑗 service ture 쑗 We are using extrapolation to
is extra 쑗 There is no extra charge for forecast demand for a new product
heating. 쑗 We get £25 extra pay for based on the demand for a similar prod-
working on Sunday. uct over the last five years.
extranet /ekstrənet/ noun a closed extras /ekstrəz/ plural noun items
network of websites and email systems which are not included in a price 쑗
that is accessible to the people who be- Packing and postage are extras.
long to an organisation and to some oth- eyeballing /abɔlŋ/ noun simply
ers who do not, and that allows the looking at statistical data to make a
outsiders access to the organisation’s in- quick and informal assessment of the re-
ternal applications or information—usu- sults (informal )
ally subject to some kind of signed
agreement (NOTE: Like intranets, eyeballs /abɔlz/ plural noun a mea-
extranets provide all the benefits of sure of the number of visits made to a
Internet technology (browsers, web website (slang)
servers, HTML, etc.) with the added eye candy /a kndi/ noun visually
benefit of security, since the network attractive material (slang)
cannot be used by the general public.) eye-movement test /a
extraordinary items /k- muvmənt test/, eye tracking /a
strɔd(ə)n(ə)ri atəmz/ plural noun trkŋ/ noun an advertising research
large items of income or expenditure test which involves recording the move-
which do not arise from normal trading ment of a person’s eyes as they look at
and which do not occur every year. an advertisement to see which parts are
They are shown separately on the profit of special interest 쑗 The eye-movement
and loss account after taxation, as op- test will tell us what to highlight in fu-
posed to exceptional items, which are ture advertisements.
calculated before the pre-tax profit. e-zine /i zin/ noun a publication on a
extrapolation /kstrpəleʃ(ə)n/ particular topic that is distributed regu-
noun a forecasting technique which in- larly in electronic form, mainly via the
volves projecting past trends into the fu- web but also by email
face-lift 106 factor analysis
face-lift /feslft/ noun an improve- facing page /fesŋ ped/ noun the
ment to the design of products and pack- page opposite
aging or of an organisation’s image 쑗 facsimile /fksml/ noun an exact
These products need a face-lift if they copy of a text or illustration
are going to retain their appeal.
fact /fkt/ noun a piece of information
face out /fes aυt/ adverb used to re- 쑗 The chairman asked to see all the
fer to the displaying of books on book- facts on the income tax claim. 쑗 The
shop shelves, showing the front cover sales director can give you the facts and
face-to-face selling /fes tə fes figures about the African operation.
selŋ/ noun person-to-person or direct
selling, involving a meeting between fact book /fkt bυk/ noun data put
seller and buyer 쑗 Six months of together about a product on the market
face-to-face selling will give trainees di- that can be used for reference by the
rect experience of the market. 쑗 We producers or by an advertising agency
need confident outgoing people to do fact-finding mission /fkt
our face-to-face selling. fandŋ mʃ(ə)n/ noun a visit by a per-
face value /fes vlju/ noun the son or group of people, usually to an-
value written on a coin, banknote or other country, to obtain information
share certificate about a specific issue 쑗 The minister
‘…travellers cheques cost 1% of their face value went on a fact-finding tour of the region.
– some banks charge more for small amounts’ factor /fktə/ noun 1. something
[Sunday Times]
which is important or which is taken
facia /feʃə/ noun another spelling of into account when making a decision 쑗
fascia The drop in sales is an important factor
facilities /fəsltiz/ plural noun ser- in the company’s lower profits. 쑗 Moti-
vices, equipment or buildings which vation was an important factor in draw-
make it possible to do something 쑗 ing up the new pay scheme. 2. a person
There are no facilities for unloading or who sells for a business or another per-
there are no unloading facilities. 쑗 Our son and earns a commission 쐽 verb to
storage facilities are the best in the re- buy debts from a company at a discount
gion. 쑗 Transport facilities in the area ‘…factors ‘buy’ invoices from a company,
are not satisfactory. 쑗 There are no fa- which then gets an immediate cash advance
representing most of their value. The balance is
cilities for disabled visitors. paid when the debt is met. The client company is
facility /fəslt/ noun 1. the total charged a fee as well as interest on the cash
amount of credit which a lender will al- advanced’ [Times]
low a borrower 2. US a single large factorage /fktərd/ noun a com-
building 쑗 We have opened our new mission earned by a factor 쑗 What per-
warehouse facility. centage is the factorage?
facing /fesŋ/ adjective opposite factor analysis /fktə ənləss/
facing matter /fesŋ mtə/, fac- noun a process of identifying key fac-
ing text matter /fesŋ tekst mtə/ tors that influence the results in an atti-
noun an advertisement on a page oppo- tude research programme
site to one containing editorial matter
factoring 107 falling market
factoring /fktərŋ/ noun the busi- some items imported from their trading
ness of buying debts at a discount partners
factoring agent /fktərŋ fall /fɔl/ noun a sudden drop or loss of
edənt/ noun a person who sells for a value 쑗 a fall in the exchange rate 쑗 a
business or another person and earns a fall in the price of gold 쑗 a fall on the
commission Stock Exchange 쑗 Profits showed a
factoring charges /fktərŋ 10% fall. 쐽 verb 1. to drop suddenly to
tʃɑdz/ plural noun the cost of sell- a lower price 쑗 Shares fell on the mar-
ing debts to a factor for a commission ket today. 쑗 Gold shares fell 10% or fell
factory /fkt(ə)ri/ noun a building 45 cents on the Stock Exchange. 쑗 The
where products are manufactured 쑗 a price of gold fell for the second day run-
car factory 쑗 a shoe factory 쑗 The com- ning. 쑗 The pound fell against the euro.
pany is proposing to close three of its 2. to happen or to take place 쑗 The pub-
factories with the loss of 200 jobs. lic holiday falls on a Tuesday. 왍 pay-
ments which fall due payments which
factory gate price /fkt(ə)r "et are now due to be made
pras/ noun the actual cost of manufac- ‘…market analysts described the falls in
turing goods before any mark-up is the second half of last week as a
added to give profit (NOTE: The factory technical correction to the market’
gate price includes direct costs such [AustralianFinancial Review]
as labour, raw materials, and energy, ‘…for the first time since mortgage rates
and indirect costs such as interest on began falling in March a financial institution
loans, plant maintenance or rent.) has raised charges on homeowner loans’
[Globe and Mail (Toronto)]
factory outlet /fkt(ə)r aυtlet/ ‘…interest rates were still falling as late as June,
noun a shop where merchandise is sold and underlying inflation remains below the
direct to the public from the factory, government’s target of 2.5 per cent’
usually at wholesale prices [Financial Times]
factory unit /fkt(ə)ri junt/ noun fall away /fɔl əwe/ verb to become
a single building on an industrial estate less 쑗 Hotel bookings have fallen away
fact sheet /fkt ʃit/ noun a sheet of since the tourist season ended.
paper giving information about a prod- fall back /fɔl bk/ verb to become
uct or service which can be used for lower or cheaper after rising in price 쑗
publicity purposes Shares fell back in light trading.
fad /fd/ noun a short-lived fashion or fall back on /fɔl bk ɒn/ verb to
craze have to use something kept for emer-
failure /feljə/ noun not doing some- gencies 쑗 to fall back on cash reserves
thing which you promised to do 쑗 The management fell back on the
failure fee /feljə fi/ noun a fee usual old excuses.
charged by a distributor to the manufac- fall-back price /fɔl bk pras/
turer of a product whose sales are less noun the lowest price which a seller will
than those agreed in advance accept 쑗 The buyer tries to guess the
fair /feə/ noun same as trade fair 쑗 seller’s fall-back price. 쑗 The fall-back
The computer fair runs from April 1st to price must not be any lower or there
6th. 쐽 adjective honest or correct won’t be any profit in the deal.
fair deal /feə dil/ noun an arrange- fall behind /fɔl bhand/ verb to be
ment where both parties are treated late in doing something 쑗 They fell be-
equally 쑗 The workers feel they did not hind with their mortgage repayments.
get a fair deal from the management. falling /fɔlŋ/ adjective which is be-
fair price /feə pras/ noun a good coming smaller or dropping in price
price for both buyer and seller ‘…falling profitability means falling share
prices’ [Investors Chronicle]
fair trade /feə tred/ noun an interna-
tional business system where countries falling market /fɔlŋ mɑkt/ noun
agree not to charge import duties on a market where prices are coming down
falling pound 108 fax
falling pound /fɔlŋ paυnd/ noun aging will make for a clear company
the pound when it is losing its value image.
against other currencies fancy goods /fnsi "υdz/ plural
fall off /fɔl ɒf/ verb to become noun small attractive items
lower, cheaper or less 쑗 Sales have fascia /feʃə/, facia noun 1. a board
fallen off since the tourist season ended. over a shop on which the name of the
fall out /fɔl aυt/ verb 왍 the bottom shop is written 2. a board above an exhi-
has fallen out of the market sales have bition stand on which the name of the
fallen below what previously seemed to company represented is written
be their lowest point fast /fɑst/ adjective, adverb quick or
fall through /fɔl θru/ verb not to quickly 쑗 The train is the fastest way of
happen or not to take place 쑗 The plan getting to our supplier’s factory. 쑗
fell through at the last moment. Home computers sell fast in the
pre-Christmas period.
false /fɔls/ adjective not true or not
correct 쑗 to make a false claim for a fast food /fɑst fυd/ noun food that
product can be cooked and sold quickly to cus-
tomers, often using franchises, e.g. ham-
false claim /fɔls klem/ noun an un- burgers and pizzas
true or exaggerated claim made in the
advertising of a product 쑗 A voluntary fastmarketing /fɑstmɑktŋ/
control body was set up to discourage noun the concept of concentrating all
false claims in the advertising business. promotions into a short space of time, so
that customers cannot avoid being
false weight /fɔls wet/ noun affected
weight on a shop scales which is wrong ‘…fastmarketing tactics mark a radical
and so cheats customers departure from more traditional marketing.
falsification /fɔlsfkeʃ(ə)n/ noun Instead of dotting commercials over a 4 or 5
week campaign, fastmarketers try to squeeze
the act of making false entries in them into just a few days’ [Times]
fast-moving consumer goods
falsify /fɔlsfa/ verb to change /fɑst muvŋ kənsjumə "υdz/ plu-
something to make it wrong 쑗 They ral noun essential low-price goods
were accused of falsifying the accounts. which get repeat orders 쑗 He couldn’t
family /fm(ə)li/ noun 1. a group of work in FMCGs because his only expe-
products which are linked by a brand rience was in industrial selling. Abbr
name or by their packaging 2. a group of FMCGs
people, formed of parents and children fast-selling item /fɑst selŋ
family branding /fm(ə)li atəmz/ noun an item which sells
brndŋ/ noun the practice of selling a quickly
variety of different products under the favourable /fev(ə)rəb(ə)l/ adjective
same brand name which gives an advantage (NOTE: the
family life cycle /fm(ə)li laf American spelling is favorable) 왍 on
sak(ə)l/ noun the stages through favourable terms on specially good
which consumers pass in their lives, as terms 쑗 The shop is let on very favour-
they have families, e.g. ‘young singles’, able terms.
‘young marrieds’, ‘young couples with favourable balance of trade
small children’, ‘couples with adoles- /fev(ə)rəb(ə)l bləns əv tred/
cent children still at home’ and ‘retired noun a situation where a country’s ex-
couples’, which correspond to different ports are larger than its imports
types of buying behaviour fax /fks/ noun 1. a system for sending
family packaging /fm(ə)li the exact copy of a document via tele-
pkdŋ/ noun the practice of selling phone lines 쑗 Can you confirm the
a whole range of products in similar booking by fax? 2. a document sent by
packaging 쑗 We hope that family pack- this method 쑗 We received a fax of the
faxback 109 field work
filing system /falŋ sstəm/ noun ment trust or insurance company whose
a way of putting documents in order for work involves lending or investing large
easy reference sums of money
filler /flə/ noun something which fills financially /fnnʃəli/ adverb re-
a space garding money 왍 a company which is
filter question /fltə kwestʃən/ financially sound a company which is
noun a question in a questionnaire de- profitable and has strong assets
signed to separate respondents who are financial position /fannʃəl pə-
worth questioning further from those zʃ(ə)n/ noun the state of a person’s or
who are not company’s bank balance in terms of as-
finance /fanns/ noun money used sets and debts 쑗 She must think of her fi-
by a company, provided by the share- nancial position.
holders or by loans 쑗 Where will they
get the necessary finance for the pro-
financial resources /fannʃəl r-
ject? 쐽 verb to provide money to pay zɔsz/ plural noun supply of money
for something 쑗 They plan to finance for something 쑗 a company with strong
the operation with short-term loans. financial resources
‘…an official said that the company began to financial risk /fannʃəl rsk/
experience a sharp increase in demand for noun the possibility of losing money 쑗
longer-term mortgages at a time when the flow The company is taking a considerable
of money used to finance these loans
diminished’ [Globe and Mail] financial risk in manufacturing 25 mil-
lion units without doing any market re-
Finance Act /fanns kt/ noun search. 쑗 There is always some
GB an annual Act of Parliament which
financial risk in selling on credit.
gives the government the power to ob-
tain money from taxes as proposed in financial statement /fannʃəl
the Budget stetmənt/ noun a document which
finance department /fanns d- shows the financial situation of a com-
pɑtmənt/, finance committee pany 쑗 The accounts department has
/fanns kəmti/ noun the depart- prepared a financial statement for the
ment or committee which manages the shareholders.
money used in an organisation Financial Times Index /fannʃəl
finance market /fanns mɑkt/ tamz ndeks/ noun an index which
noun a place where large sums of shows percentage rises or falls in share
money can be lent or borrowed prices on the London Stock Exchange
finances /fannsz/ plural noun based on a small group of major
money or cash which is available 쑗 the companies
bad state of the company’s finances financier /fannsiə/ noun a person
financial /fannʃəl/ adjective con- who lends large amounts of money to
cerning money companies or who buys shares in com-
panies as an investment
financial advertising /fannʃəl
dvətazŋ/ noun advertising by com- financing /fannsŋ/ noun the act
panies in the field of financial of providing money for a project 쑗 The
investment financing of the project was done by two
financial audit /fannʃəl ɔdt/ international banks.
noun an examination of the books and find time /fand tam/ noun the time
accounts of an advertising agency taken by a customer to find what he or
financial correspondent /fa- she wants in a store
nnʃəl kɒrspɒndənt/ noun a jour- fine /fan/ adverb very thin or very
nalist who writes articles on money mat- small 왍 we are cutting our margins
ters for a newspaper very fine we are reducing our margins
financial institution /fannʃəl to the smallest possible amount
ŋsttjuʃ(ə)n/ noun a bank, invest-
finished goods 111 fixed position
finished goods /fnʃt "υdz/ noun first mover /f&st muvə/ noun a
manufactured goods which are ready to person or company that is the first to
be sold launch a product in a market
fire-fight /faə fat/ verb to fight bad first mover advantage /f&st
publicity for a client 쑗 The agency has muvə ədvɑntd/ noun the advan-
done fire-fighting work for the egg tage a company gets in being the first to
producers. enter a market
fire sale /faə sel/ noun 1. a sale of first-run syndication /f&st r
fire-damaged goods 2. a sale of any- sndkeʃ(ə)n/ noun material produced
thing at a very low price specifically for the syndication market
firm /f&m/ noun a company, business fishy-back freight /fʃi bk fret/
or partnership 쑗 a manufacturing firm 쑗 noun US the transportation of trucks or
an important publishing firm 쑗 Shee is a freight-train cars on ferries or barges
partner in a law firm. 쐽 adjective 1. (NOTE: compare piggy-back freight)
which cannot be changed 쑗 to make a fix /fks/ verb 1. to arrange or to agree
firm offer for something 쑗 to place a 쑗 to fix a budget 쑗 to fix a meeting for 3
firm order for two aircraft 2. not drop- p.m. 쑗 The date has still to be fixed. 쑗
ping in price and possibly going to rise The price of gold was fixed at $300. 쑗
쑗 Sterling was firmer on the foreign ex- The mortgage rate has been fixed at 5%.
change markets. 쑗 Shares remained 2. to mend 쑗 The technicians are com-
firm. 쐽 verb to remain at a price and ing to fix the phone system. 쑗 Can you
seem likely to rise 쑗 The shares firmed fix the photocopier?
at £1.50. ‘…coupons are fixed by reference to interest
rates at the time a gilt is first issued’
‘…some profit-taking was noted, but underlying
[Investors Chronicle]
sentiment remained firm’ [Financial Times]
fixed /fkst/ adjective unable to be
firm price /f&m pras/ noun a price changed or removed
which will not change 쑗 They are quot-
ing a firm price of $1.23 a unit. fixed assets /fkst sets/ plural
noun property or machinery which a
firm up /f&m
p/ verb to agree on fi- company owns and uses, but which the
nal details 쑗 We expect to firm up the company does not buy or sell as part of
deal at the next trade fair. its regular trade, including the com-
first choice /f&st tʃɔs/ noun a pro- pany’s investments in shares of other
spective customer who chooses the first companies
option available, as opposed to a fixed break /fkst brek/ noun the
‘tyrekicker’ who wants to examine ev- placing of a television or radio adver-
ery option before coming to a decision tisement in a specific commercial break
first-hand /f&st hnd/ adjective 1. on a specific day, at the advertiser’s
coming directly from the original source insistence
2. new or unused 쑗 I actually bought the fixed costs /fkst kɒsts/ plural noun
TV first-hand, but at a second-hand business costs which do not change with
price. the quantity of the product made
first-hand information /f&st fixed expenses /fkst kspensz/
hnd nfəmeʃ(ə)n/ noun information plural noun expenses which do not vary
from an original source 쑗 We had a with different levels of production, e.g.
first-hand account of what happened at rent, secretaries’ salaries, insurance
the sales meeting from one of the fixed-fee arrangement /fkst fi
salesreps who was there. ərendmənt/ noun a way of agreeing
first-line management /f&st lan the fees for an agency before the agency
mndmənt/ noun the managers who starts work on a project
have immediate contact with the fixed position /fkst pəzʃ(ə)n/
workforce noun the placing of an advertisement in
a specific location in a publication, or
fixed-price agreement 112 fly poster
gable end /"eb(ə)l end/ noun the 쑗 to look for or to find a gap in the mar-
end of a building which is used as a ket 쑗 This laptop has filled a real gap in
poster site the market.
gain /"en/ noun 1. an increase or be- ‘…these savings are still not great enough to
overcome the price gap between American
coming larger 왍 gain in experience the products and those of other nations’
act of getting more experience 왍 gain in [Duns Business Month]
profitability the act of becoming more
profitable 2. an increase in profit, price gap analysis /"p ənləss/ noun
or value 쑗 Oil shares showed gains on analysis of a market to try to find a par-
the Stock Exchange. 쑗 Property shares ticular area that is not at present being
put on gains of 10%-15%. 쐽 verb 1. to satisfied 쑗 Gap analysis showed that
get or to obtain 쑗 He gained some useful there was a whole area of the market we
experience working in a bank. 왍 to gain were not exploiting. 쑗 The computer
control of a business to buy more than performed a gap analysis and came up
50% of the shares so that you can direct with suggestions for a medium-priced
the business 2. to rise in value 쑗 The machine suitable for the small business
dollar gained six points on the foreign market.
exchange markets. gatefold /"etfəυld/ noun a
galleria /"ləriə/ noun a large double-page spread in which both pages
shopping complex with many different are folded over, and which open out like
stores under one roof, usually built a gate to give a spread of almost four
round a large open space, with foun- pages
tains, plants, etc. general cargo /den(ə)rəl kɑ"əυ/
galley /"li/, galley proof /"li/ noun a cargo made up of various types
noun the first proof of typesetting, be- of goods 쑗 The ship left the port with a
fore the text is made up into pages general cargo bound for various
galloping inflation /"ləpŋ n-
fleʃ(ə)n/ noun very rapid inflation General Delivery /den(ə)rəl d-
which is almost impossible to reduce lv(ə)ri/ noun US a system where let-
ters can be addressed to someone at a
game /"em/ noun a form of promo- post office, where they can be collected
tional material where people have a 쑗 They received the mail-order items
chance of winning a prize via General Delivery. (NOTE: British
game theory /"em θər/ noun the English is poste restante)
principles, developed from business general preplanning input
games, which relate to making the best /den(ə)rəl priplnŋ npυt/ noun
choice from a number of possible strate- market research which can be used to
gies in various hypothetical situations prepare the initial stages of an advertis-
where conflicting interests are involved ing campaign
gap /"p/ noun an empty space 왍 gap general store /den(ə)rəl stɔ/
in the market an opportunity to make a noun a small country shop which sells a
product or provide a service which is large range of goods
needed but which no one has sold before
general trading 121 gift coupon
‘…profit margins are lower in the industries written on a label attached to the prod-
most exposed to foreign competition – uct 쑗 Many consumers do not properly
machinery, transportation equipment and
electrical goods’ [Sunday Times] understand the grade levels.
‘…the minister wants people buying goods grand /"rnd/ adjective important 왍
ranging from washing machines to houses to grand plan or grand strategy a major
demand facts on energy costs’ [Times]
plan 쑗 They explained their grand plan
goods depot /"υdz depəυ/ noun a for redeveloping the factory site. 쐽
central warehouse where goods can be noun one thousand pounds or dollars
stored until they are moved (informal ) 쑗 They offered him fifty
grey market /"re mɑkt/ noun 1. dollar down on foreign exchange markets’
the unofficial legal buying and selling of
scarce, highly priced goods 쑗 If the gov- gross opportunity to see noun the
ernment puts a ceiling on prices for number of opportunities that an average
these products the grey market will be- member of the target audience will have
come a black market. 2. a market to see the advertisements in an advertis-
formed of people over 60 years of age. 쏡 ing campaign. Abbr GOTS
silver market gross profit /"rəυs prɒft/ noun
grid /"rd/ noun a graph with lines profit calculated as sales income less the
crossing at right angles and items writ- cost of the goods sold, i.e. without de-
ten in the boxes, used for comparison ducting any other expenses
gross /"rəυs/ adverb with no deduc- gross rating point /"rəυs retŋ
tions 쑗 My salary is paid gross. 쐽 verb pɔnt/ noun US a way of calculating the
to make a gross profit 쑗 The group effectiveness of outdoor advertising,
grossed £25m in 1999. where each point represents one per cent
gross audience /"rəυs ɔdiəns/ of the population in a specific market.
noun the total number of people who
Abbr GRP
have seen an advertisement, multiplied gross reach /"rəυs ritʃ/ noun the
by the number of times it has been run total number of opportunities for people
to see a company’s advertisements in a
gross circulation /"rəυs s&kjυ- campaign, i.e. the total number of publi-
leʃ(ə)n/ noun the total sales of a cations sold multiplied by the number of
publication before adjusting for error or advertisements appearing in each one
discounting unsold copies
gross receipts /"rəυs rsits/ plural
gross cover /"rəυs k
və/ noun the noun the total amount of money re-
number of times a television or radio ceived before expenses are deducted
spot has been seen based on television
ratings gross sales /"rəυs selz/ plural
noun money received from sales before
gross domestic product /"rəυs deductions for goods returned, special
dəmestk prɒd
kt/ noun the annual discounts, etc. 쑗 Gross sales are im-
value of goods sold and services paid pressive since many buyers seem to be
for inside a country. Abbr GDP ordering more than they will eventually
gross earnings /"rəυs &nŋz/ need.
plural noun total earnings before tax and gross weight /"rəυs wet/ noun the
other deductions weight of both the container and its
gross impressions /"rəυs m- contents
preʃ(ə)nz/ plural noun the total ground transportation /"raυnd
number of people who have seen an trnspɔteʃ(ə)n/ noun the means of
advertisement, multiplied by the number transport available to take passengers
of times it has been run. 쏡 guaranteed from an airport to the town, e.g. buses,
homes impressions taxis, or trains
gross margin /"rəυs mɑdn/ group /"rup/ noun 1. several things
noun the percentage difference between or people together 쑗 A group of manag-
the received price and the unit manufac- ers has sent a memo to the chairman
turing cost or purchase price of goods complaining about noise in the office. 쑗
for resale The respondents were interviewed in
gross national product /"rəυs groups of three or four, and then singly.
nʃ(ə)n(ə)l prɒd
kt/ noun the annual 2. several companies linked together in
value of goods and services in a country the same organisation 쑗 the group
including income from other countries. chairman or the chairman of the group
Abbr GNP 쑗 group turnover or turnover for the
‘…news that gross national product increased group 쑗 the Granada Group 쐽 verb 왍
only 1.3% in the first quarter of the year sent the to group together to put several items
group discussion 125 guarantee
together 쑗 Sales from six different agen- ‘…population growth in the south-west is again
cies are grouped together under the reflected by the level of rental values’
[Lloyd’s List]
heading ‘European sales’.
growth area /"rəυθ eəriə/ noun an
group discussion /"rup d- area where sales are increasing rapidly
ʃ(ə)n/ noun a survey method in
which a focus group is brought together growth index /"rəυθ ndeks/ noun
to discuss informally a market-research an index showing how something has
question 쑗 The group discussion was grown
taken over by one or two strong person- growth industry /"rəυθ ndəstri/
alities. 쑗 A sample of young people took noun an industry that is expanding or
part in a group discussion on the new has the potential to expand faster than
shampoo. other industries
group interview /"rup ntəvju/ growth market /"rəυθ mɑkt/
noun an interview with a group of re- noun a market where sales are increas-
spondents such as a family in order to ing rapidly 쑗 We plan to build a factory
discover the views of the group as a in the Far East, which is a growth mar-
whole 쑗 There were group interviews ket for our products.
with all the classes in the school in or- growth rate /"rəυθ ret/ noun the
der to gauge reactions to the new edu- speed at which something grows
cational programme.
growth share matrix /"rəυθ ʃeə
group results /"rup rz
lts/ plural metrks/ noun a model for a market-
noun the results of a group of compa-
ing strategy with various categories of
nies taken together
product based on present performance
group system /"rup sstəm/ noun and growth rate 쑗 The growth share ma-
a system of organising an advertising trix helped to decide what products
agency in groups, each group having needed extra marketing efforts.
specialists in creative, media, marketing
services, and other areas, and each
growth vector matrix /"rəυθ
vektə metrks/ noun a model for a
group dealing with particular accounts
marketing strategy with various choices
groupware /"rupweə/ noun soft- and combinations of strategy based on
ware that enables a group of people who product and market development
are based in different locations to work
together and share information (NOTE: GRP abbr gross rating point
Groupware usually provides commu- guarantee /"rənti/ noun 1. a le-
nal diaries, address books, work plan- gal document in which the producer
ners, bulletin boards and newsletters agrees to compensate the buyer if the
in electronic format on a closed net- product is faulty or becomes faulty be-
work.) fore a specific date after purchase 쑗 a
grow /"rəυ/ verb to cause something certificate of guarantee or a guarantee
such as a business to develop or expand certificate 쑗 The guarantee lasts for two
‘…the thrift had grown from $4.7 million in
years. 쑗 It is sold with a twelve-month
assets to $1.5 billion’ [Barrons] guarantee. 왍 the car is still under
guarantee the car is still covered by the
growth /"rəυθ/ noun 1. an increase in maker’s guarantee 2. a promise that
size 2. the second stage in a product life someone will pay another person’s
cycle, following the launch, when de- debts 왍 to go guarantee for someone to
mand for the product increases rapidly 왍 act as security for someone’s debts 3.
the company is aiming for growth the something given as a security 쑗 to leave
company is aiming to expand rapidly share certificates as a guarantee 쐽 verb
‘…a general price freeze succeeded in slowing
the growth in consumer prices’
1. to give a promise that something will
[Financial Times] happen 왍 to guarantee a debt to prom-
‘…growth in demand is still coming from the ise that you will pay a debt made by
private rather than the public sector’ someone else 왍 to guarantee an associ-
[Lloyd’s List] ate company to promise that an associ-
guaranteed circulation 126 gutter
ate company will pay its debts 왍 to make up for market prices that fall be-
guarantee a bill of exchange to prom- low this level 쑗 Guaranteed prices help
ise that the bill will be paid 2. 왍 the bring some security to a notoriously un-
product is guaranteed for twelve stable industry.
months the manufacturer says that the guaranteed wage /"rəntid
product will work well for twelve wed/ noun a wage which a company
months, and will mend it free of charge promises will not fall below a specific
if it breaks down figure
guaranteed circulation guarantor /"rəntɔ/ noun a person
/"rəntid s&kjυleʃ(ə)n/ noun the who promises to pay someone’s debts 쑗
audited circulation of a magazine which She stood guarantor for her brother.
is used as a basis for calculating adver-
tising rates guard book /"ɑd bυk/ noun a hard-
cover album which allows pages to be
guaranteed homes impressions inserted into it, e.g. for showing samples
/"rəntid həυmz mpreʃ(ə)nz/, or advertising material
guaranteed homes ratings
/"rəntid həυmz retŋz/ plural guerrilla marketing /"ərlə
noun an advertising package offered by mɑktŋ/ noun a form of unconven-
television companies which guarantees tional flexible marketing, adapted to the
the advertisers that their advertising will products or services sold, or to the type
reach a specified number of people, but of customer targeted
leaves it to the TV company to choose guesstimate /"estmət/ noun a
the number and timing of the spots. rough calculation (informal )
Abbr GHI, GHR gutter /"
tə/ noun the area where
guaranteed prices /"rəntid the two pages meet in a book or
prasz/ plural noun minimum prices magazine. It can be left blank as a
guaranteed to an industry by the govern- centre margin, or can be printed across
ment, with the payment of a subsidy to to form a double-page spread.
habit 127 hard
habit /hbt/ noun the practice of do- conference table. 왍 to shake hands on
ing something regularly 쑗 Most con- a deal to shake hands to show that a
sumers continue to buy the same brands deal has been agreed 2. 왍 in hand kept
from force of habit. in reserve 쑗 we have £10,000 in hand 왍
habit buying /hbt baŋ/ noun balance in hand or cash in hand cash
the practice of buying a particular prod- held to pay small debts and running
uct again and again out of habit, without costs 왍 work in hand work which is in
making any conscious decision to buy progress but not finished
haggle /h"(ə)l/ verb to discuss handbill /hndbl/ noun a sheet of
prices and terms and try to reduce them printed paper handed out to members of
쑗 to haggle about or over the details of the public as an advertisement
a contract 쑗 After two days’ haggling handbook /hndbυk/ noun a book
the contract was signed. which gives instructions on how to use
half-price sale /hɑf pras sel/ something 쑗 The handbook does not say
noun a sale of items at half the usual how you open the photocopier.
price handed-overs /hndd əυvəz/
plural noun sales leads which have been
hallmark /hɔlmɑk/ noun a mark put
on gold or silver items to show that the passed on to the client to pursue
metal is of the correct quality 쐽 verb to handle /hnd(ə)l/ verb 1. to deal
put a hallmark on a piece of gold or sil- with something or to organise some-
ver 쑗 a hallmarked spoon thing 쑗 The accounts department han-
dles all the cash. 쑗 We can handle
hallmark of excellence /hɔlmɑk orders for up to 15,000 units. 쑗 They
əv eksələns/ noun the reputation that a handle all our overseas orders. 2. to sell
brand name has for high quality or to trade in a type of product 쑗 We do
hall test /hɔl test/ noun a mar- not handle foreign cars. 쑗 They will not
ket-research test where respondents are handle goods produced by other firms.
asked to go into a public building or handling /hndlŋ/ noun the process
central place to answer questions or to of receiving, storing and sending off
test new products 쑗 The hall test was goods
conducted in the town’s main school. ‘…shipping companies continue to bear the
halo effect /heləυ fekt/ noun a se- extra financial burden of cargo handling
ries of positive impressions of a product operations at the ports’ [Business Times
which consumers retain and which can
be revealed by a respondent when ques- handling charge /hndlŋ tʃɑd/
tioned in a survey noun money to be paid for packing, in-
voicing and dealing with goods which
hand /hnd/ noun 1. the part of the are being shipped
body at the end of each arm 왍 to shake
hands to hold someone’s hand when handout /hndaυt/ noun a free gift,
meeting to show you are pleased to meet especially of money 쑗 The company ex-
them, or to show that an agreement has ists on handouts from the government.
been reached 쑗 The two negotiating hard /hɑd/ adjective 왍 to drive a
teams shook hands and sat down at the hard bargain to be a difficult negotia-
hard cash 128 heavy half
tor 왍 to strike a hard bargain to agree idea for a plastic car body round all the
a deal where the terms are favourable to major car constructors.
you hawker /hɔkə/ noun a person who
hard cash /hɑd kʃ/ noun money sells goods from door to door or in the
in notes and coins, as opposed to street
cheques or credit cards head buyer /hed baə/ noun the
‘…few of the paper millionaires sold out and most important buyer in a store 쑗 She is
transformed themselves into hard cash
millionaires’ [Investors Chronicle] the shoe buyer for a London department
store. 쑗 He is the paper buyer for a
hard currency /hɑd k
rənsi/ noun large magazine chain.
the currency of a country which has a
strong economy, and which can be headhunt /hedh
nt/ verb to look for
changed into other currencies easily 쑗 managers and offer them jobs in other
to pay for imports in hard currency 쑗 to companies 왍 she was headhunted she
sell raw materials to earn hard currency was approached by a headhunter and of-
fered a new job
hardening /hɑdnŋ/ noun 왍 a hard-
ening of prices prices which are becom- headhunter /hedh
ntə/ noun a per-
ing settled at a higher level son or company whose job is to find
suitable top managers to fill jobs in
hardness /hɑdnəs/ noun 왍 hard- companies
ness of the market the state of the mar-
ket as being strong and not being likely headline /hedlan/ noun the heading
to fall of an article or advertisement, which is
set in much larger type than the rest
hard sell /hɑd sel/ noun 왍 to give a
product the hard sell to make great ef- head-on position /hed ɒn pə-
forts to persuade people to buy a prod- zʃ(ə)n/ noun a poster site directly fac-
uct 왍 he tried to give me the hard sell ing traffic 쑗 Let’s try to obtain a
he put a lot of effort into trying to make head-on position in the central part of
me buy town.
hard selling /hɑd selŋ/ noun the heads of agreement /hedz əv
act of selling by using great efforts 쑗 A ə"rimənt/ noun the most important
lot of hard selling went into that deal. parts of a commercial agreement
hardware /hɑdweə/ noun 1. ma- heat sealing /hit silŋ/ noun a
chines used in data processing, includ- method of closing plastic food
ing the computers and printers, but not containers
the programs 2. solid goods for use in COMMENT: Air is removed from a plastic
the house, e.g. frying pans or hammers bag with the food inside. The bag is then
쑗 a hardware shop pressed by a hot plate which melts the
plastic and seals the contents in the
harvesting /hɑvstŋ/ noun the vacuum.
practice of cutting marketing investment
on a particular product prior to with- heavy /hev/ adjective large or in
drawing it from the market large quantities 쑗 a programme of
heavy investment overseas 쑗 He suf-
haulage /hɔld/ noun the cost of fered heavy losses on the Stock Ex-
transporting goods by road 쑗 Haulage is change. 쑗 The government imposed a
increasing by 5% per annum. heavy tax on luxury goods. 왍 heavy
haulage contractor /hɔld kən- costs or heavy expenditure spending
trktə/ noun a company which trans- large sums of money
ports goods by contract ‘…heavy selling sent many blue chips tumbling
in Tokyo yesterday’ [Financial Times]
hawk /hɔk/ verb to sell goods from
door to door or in the street 왍 to hawk heavy half /hevi hɑf/ noun a situa-
something round to take a product, an tion where a small number of customers
idea or a project to various companies to make up more than half of the total de-
see if one will accept it 쑗 He hawked his mand for a product
heavy industry 129 high-involvement product
heavy industry /hevi ndəstri/ 2. large, not low 쑗 High overhead costs
noun an industry which deals in heavy increase the unit price. 쑗 High prices
raw materials such as coal or makes put customers off. 쑗 They are budgeting
large products such as ships or engines for a high level of expenditure. 쑗 High
heavy user /hevi juzə/ noun a interest rates are crippling small busi-
consumer who buys more of a product nesses. 왍 high sales a large amount of
than average 쑗 Heavy users will be par- revenue produced by sales 왍 high taxa-
ticularly affected by the price rise. tion taxation which imposes large taxes
on incomes or profits 왍 highest tax
heavy viewer /hevi vjuə/ noun a
bracket the group which pays the most
person who watches a lot of television,
tax 왍 high volume (of sales) a large
and is part of the target audience for
number of items sold 3. 왍 the highest
commercials 쑗 Heavy viewers gave us
bidder the person who offers the most
the most interesting comments on our
money at an auction 쑗 The tender will
be awarded to the highest bidder. 쑗 The
helicopter view /helkɒptə vju/ property was sold to the highest bidder.
noun a general or broad view of a prob- 쐽 adverb 왍 prices are running high
lem as a whole, which does not go into prices are above their usual level 쐽
details (slang) noun a point where prices or sales are
helpline /helplan/ noun a telephone very large 쑗 the highs and lows on the
number which links people to services Stock Exchange 쑗 Prices have dropped
that can give them specialist advice, or a by 10% since the high of January 2nd. 쑗
similar service offered by shops to their Prices have dropped by 10% since the
customers January 2nd high. 왍 sales volume has
heterogeneous /hetərəυdiniəs/ reached an all-time high the sales vol-
adjective varied ume has reached the highest point it has
heterogeneous shopping goods ever been at
/hetərəυdiniəs ʃɒpŋ "υdz/ plural ‘American interest rates remain exceptionally
high in relation to likely inflation rates’
noun goods which vary in quality and [Sunday Times]
style from brand to brand and which
‘…faster economic growth would tend to push
consumers spend time in choosing. US interest rates, and therefore the dollar,
Compare homogeneous shopping higher’ [Australian Financial Review]
goods ‘…in a leveraged buyout the acquirer raises
heuristics /hjυərstks/ noun simple money by selling high-yielding debentures to
decision rules used by ordinary custom- private investors’ [Fortune]
ers when choosing what to buy, e.g. high-end /ha end/ adjective more
buying whatever is cheapest expensive, more advanced or more pow-
hierarchy /haərɑki/ noun a series erful than the other items in a range of
of items ranged in order of importance 왍 things, e.g., computers
hierarchy of needs the theory that high finance /ha fanns/ noun the
needs of individuals are arranged in an lending, investing and borrowing of
order based on their importance, such as very large sums of money organised by
safety, social needs, esteem, etc. financiers
hierarchy of effects /haərɑki əv high-grade /ha"red/ adjective of
fekts/ noun a model showing the very good quality 쑗 high-grade petrol 왍
stages in the effect of advertising on a high-grade trade delegation a delega-
consumer such as awareness, knowl- tion made up of very important people
edge, liking, preference, conviction and ‘…the accepted wisdom built upon for well over
purchase 100 years that government and high-grade
high /ha/ adjective 1. tall 쑗 The corporate bonds were almost riskless’
[Forbes Magazine]
shelves are 30 cm high. 쑗 The door is
not high enough to let us get the ma- high-involvement product /ha
chines into the building. 쑗 They are nvɒlvmənt prɒd
kt/ noun a
planning a 30-storey-high office block. high-priced or high-tech product that is
high pressure 130 hoarding
case of need 2. a large wooden board for homewards /həυmwədz/ adverb to-
posters wards the home country 쑗 cargo
‘…as a result of hoarding, rice has become homewards
scarce with prices shooting up’
[Business Times (Lagos)] homogeneous /həυməυdiniəs/
adjective uniform or unvaried
home audit /həυm ɔdt/ noun a
survey method whereby a panel of homogeneous shopping goods
householders keeps records of purchases /həυməυdiniəs ʃɒpŋ "υdz/ plural
so that these can be regularly checked noun goods which vary little in style
for quantity and brand 쑗 The home audit and quality from brand to brand and
showed that although wholesalers were which consumers spend little time
buying the product in large quantities, choosing. Compare heterogeneous
consumers were not. 쑗 The home audit shopping goods
suggested that there is little brand loy- horizontal /hɒrzɒnt(ə)l/ adjective
alty for this type of product. at the same level or with the same status
home country /həυm k
ntri/ noun 쑗 Her new job is a horizontal move into
a country where a company is based a different branch of the business.
homegrown /həυm"rəυn/ adjective horizontal communication
which has been developed in a local /hɒrzɒnt(ə)l kəmjunkeʃ(ə)n/
area or in a country where the company noun communication between employ-
is based 쑗 a homegrown computer in- ees at the same level
dustry 쑗 India’s homegrown car
horizontal cooperative advertis-
ing /hɒrzɒnt(ə)l kəυɒp(ə)rətv
home industry /həυm ndəstri/ dvətazŋ/ noun cooperative adver-
noun productive work carried out by tising where the advertising is spon-
people at home 쑗 In third world coun- sored by a group of retailers
tries there are still many home indus-
tries. 쑗 Home industries are horizontal industrial market
disappearing as mass production takes /(noun), hɒrzɒnt(ə)l nd
over. mɑkt/ noun a market in which a
product is used by many industries
home market /həυm mɑkt/ noun
the market in the country where the sell- horizontal integration /hɒr-
ing company is based 쑗 Sales in the zɒnt(ə)l ntə"reʃ(ə)n/ noun the pro-
home market rose by 22%. cess of joining similar companies or tak-
ing over a company in the same line of
homepage /həυmped/ noun the business as yourself
first page that is displayed when you
visit a site on the Internet horizontal marketing system
home-produced product /həυm /hɒrzɒnt(ə)l mɑktŋ sstəm/
prədjust prɒd
kts/ noun a product noun cooperation between or merger of
manufactured in the country where the two or more companies whose assets are
company is based complementary and who therefore all
gain from coming together
home shopping /həυm ʃɒpŋ/
noun buying items direct from the cus- horizontal publication
tomer’s house, using a computer linked /hɒrzɒnt(ə)l p
blkeʃ(ə)n/ noun a
to the telephone which is linked to the publication which is aimed at people in
store’s ordering department similar levels of occupation in different
home trade /həυm tred/ noun trade
in the country where a company is based horizontal rotation /hɒrzɒnt(ə)l
homeward /həυmwəd/ adjective go- rəυteʃ(ə)n/ noun distributing broad-
ing towards the home country 쑗 The cast spots on different days of the week
ship is carrying homeward freight. 쑗 at the same time of day
The liner left Buenos Aires on her home- horse trading /hɔs tredŋ/ noun
ward journey. hard bargaining which ends with some-
hostess party selling 132 human resources
‘…with the present overcapacity in the airline inflationary trends in the economy 왍 the
industry, discounting of tickets is widespread’
[Business Traveller]
economy is in an inflationary spiral
the economy is in a situation where
inelastic demand /nlstk d- price rises encourage higher wage de-
mɑnd/ noun demand which experi- mands which in turn make prices rise
ences a comparatively small percentage
‘…inflationary expectations fell somewhat this
change in response to a percentage month, but remained a long way above the
change in price 쑗 Where a product is a actual inflation rate, according to figures
household necessity, you almost always released yesterday. The annual rate of inflation
find an inelastic demand. measured by the consumer price index has been
below 2 per cent for over 18 months’
inelastic supply /nlstk səpla/ [Australian Financial Review]
noun supply which experiences a com-
paratively small percentage change in inflight advertising /nflat
response to a percentage change in price dvətazŋ/ noun advertising on TV
screens inside a plane
inertia selling /n&ʃə selŋ/ noun a
method of selling items by sending them inflight audience /nflat ɔdiəns/
when they have not been ordered and noun travellers, especially business ex-
assuming that if the items are not re- ecutives, seen as a market for
turned, the person who has received advertisers
them is willing to buy them influencer /nfluənsə/ noun an ex-
inferior /nfəriə/ adjective not as pert in the decision-making unit who ad-
good as others 쑗 products of inferior vises on technical aspects of the product
quality or service under consideration
inferior product /nfəriə infomercial /nfəυm&ʃ(ə)l/ noun a
kt/ noun a product which con- TV commercial that is longer than the
sumers buy less of as their incomes rise normal 30 seconds, and contains infor-
쑗 Margarine was clearly an inferior mation about the product or service be-
product before it came to be considered ing sold
healthier than butter. 쑗 As the recession
hit, sales of inferior products soared. inform /nfɔm/ verb to tell someone
officially 쑗 I regret to inform you that
inflation /nfleʃ(ə)n/ noun a greater your tender was not acceptable. 쑗 We
increase in the supply of money or
are pleased to inform you that you have
credit than in the production of goods
been selected for interview. 쑗 We have
and services, resulting in higher prices
and a fall in the purchasing power of been informed by the Department that
money 왍 we have 3% inflation or in- new regulations are coming into force.
flation is running at 3% prices are 3% informant /nfɔmənt/ noun a per-
higher than at the same time last year 쑗 son who answers questions in a survey
to take measures to reduce inflation 쑗 쑗 So far only two informants have said
High interest rates tend to increase that they never buy the product.
inflation. information /nfəmeʃ(ə)n/ noun
‘…the decision by the government to tighten
monetary policy will push the annual inflation
details which explain something 쑗 to
rate above the year’s previous high’ disclose a piece of information 쑗 to an-
[Financial Times] swer a request for information 쑗 Please
‘…when you invest to get a return, you want a send me information on or about holi-
‘real’ return – above the inflation rate’ days in the USA. 쑗 Have you any infor-
[Investors Chronicle]
mation on or about deposit accounts? 쑗
‘…the retail prices index rose 0.4 per cent in the
month, taking the annual headline inflation rate
I enclose this leaflet for your informa-
to 1.7 per cent. The underlying inflation rate, tion. 쑗 For further information, please
which excludes mortgage interest payments, write to Department 27. 왍 disclosure of
increased to an annual rate of 3.1 per cent’ confidential information the act of tell-
ing someone information which should
inflationary /nfleʃ(ə)n(ə)ri/ adjec- be secret
tive which tends to increase inflation 쑗
informational appeal 140 ink-jet printing
noun a printing process where text is re- azine when it is mailed 쐽 verb /ns&t/
produced by projecting dots of electron- to put something in 쑗 to insert a clause
ically charged ink onto the paper into a contract 쑗 to insert a publicity
inland port /nlənd pɔt/ noun a piece into a magazine mailing
port on a river or canal insertion /ns&ʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of
innovate /nəυvet/ verb to bring in putting an advertisement into a maga-
new ideas or new methods zine or newspaper
innovation /nəveʃ(ə)n/ noun the insertion rate /ns&ʃ(ə)n ret/
development of new products or new noun the rate charged for a single inser-
ways of selling tion of an advertisement
‘…if innovation equates with daring, then ‘who inset /nset/ noun same as insert
dares wins’ will be a marketing commandment’ inside back cover /nsad bk
[Marketing Workshop]
və/ the page on the inside of the back
innovation-adoption model /nə- cover used for advertising 쑗 We have
veʃ(ə)n ədɒpʃ(ə)n mɒd(ə)l/ noun a advertised on the inside back cover of
model that shows the stages in the adop- every issue this year. 쑗 The survey is
tion process for a new product by a con- trying to establish how much notice
sumer, which are: awareness, interest, readers take of the inside back cover.
evaluation, trial, and adoption
inside front cover /nsad fr
innovative /nəvetv/ adjective re- k
və/ noun the page on the inside of
ferring to a person or thing which is new the front cover of a magazine, used for
and makes changes advertisements
‘…small innovative companies in IT have been
hampered for lack of funds’ [Sunday Times] instability /nstəblt/ noun the
state of being unstable or moving up and
innovator /nəvetə/ noun 1. a down 왍 a period of instability in the
person or company that brings in new money markets a period when curren-
ideas and methods 2. a person who buys cies fluctuate rapidly
a new product first 3. in the VALS life-
style classification, a successful person, install /nstɔl/ verb 1. to put a ma-
often a leader in their profession, who chine into an office or into a factory 쑗
buys a lot of new and expensive We are planning to install the new ma-
products chinery over the weekend. 쑗 They must
install a new data processing system be-
in-pack /n pk/ noun something cause the old one cannot cope with the
placed inside the packaging with the mass of work involved. 2. to set up a
product 쑗 In-pack promotion may in- new computer system so that it fits the
clude information on other products in user’s requirements 3. to configure a
the same line. new computer program to the existing
input tax /npυt tks/ noun VAT system requirements
which is paid by a company on goods or installation /nstəleʃ(ə)n/ noun 1.
services bought machines, equipment and buildings 쑗
inquiry /ŋkwaər/ noun a request Harbour installations were picketed by
for information about a product striking dockers. 쑗 The fire seriously
inquiry test /ŋkwaər test/ noun a damaged the oil installations. 2. putting
measuring of the effectiveness of adver- new machines into an office or a factory
tising based on responses following the 쑗 to supervise the installation of new
advertisement such as requests for infor- equipment 3. setting up a new computer
mation, phone calls, or the number of system
coupons redeemed installment /nstɔlmənt/ noun US
insert noun /ns&t/ a form or leaflet spelling of instalment
which is put inside something, usually a installment plan /nstɔlmənt
magazine or newspaper 왍 an insert in a pln/, installment sales /n-
magazine mailing or a magazine in- stɔlmənt selz/, installment buying
sert an advertising sheet put into a mag- /nstɔlmənt baŋ/ noun US a sys-
instalment 142 integrated marketing
the post, and not bring someone in from internal trade /nt&n(ə)l tred/
outside the company 2. inside a country noun trade between various parts of a
country (NOTE: the opposite is external
internal analysis /nt&n(ə)l trade)
ənləss/ noun detailed examination
and reports on the product or service of- international /ntənʃ(ə)nəl/ ad-
fered and the company itself jective working between countries
internal communication /n- international marketing
t&n(ə)l kəmjunkeʃ(ə)n/ noun /ntənʃ(ə)nəl mɑktŋ/ noun the
communication between employees or marketing of a company’s products
departments of the same organisation abroad 쑗 Our international marketing
(NOTE: Internal communication can so far consists of exporting to three
take various forms such as team brief- countries. 쑗 The next stage in the com-
ings, interviewing, employee or works pany’s international marketing was the
councils, meetings, memos, an setting up of factories overseas.
intranet, newsletters, suggestion international media
schemes, the grapevine, and reports.) /ntənʃ(ə)nəl midiə/ plural noun
internal desk research /nt&n(ə)l advertising media that cover several
desk rs&tʃ/ noun research based on countries and can be used to reach audi-
information in a company’s own records ences in them
such as customer accounts and sales International Monetary Fund
reports /ntənʃ(ə)nəl m
nt(ə)ri f
nd/ a
internal flight /nt&n(ə)l flat/ type of bank which is part of the United
noun a flight to a town inside the same Nations and helps member states in fi-
country nancial difficulties, gives financial ad-
vice to members and encourages world
internalisation /nt&nəla- trade. Abbr IMF
zeʃ(ə)n/, internalization noun a pro-
international monetary system
cess by which individuals identify infor-
/ntənʃ(ə)nəl m
nt(ə)ri sstəm/
mation which is relevant to them
noun methods of controlling and ex-
personally and so acquire values and
changing currencies between countries
norms which allow them to make
decisions international postal reply cou-
pon /ntənʃ(ə)nəl pəυst(ə)l rpla
internally /nt&n(ə)l/ adverb inside kupɒn/ noun a coupon which can be
a company 쑗 The job was advertised used in another country to pay the post-
internally. age of replying to a letter 쑗 Shee en-
internal marketing /nt&n(ə)l closed an international reply coupon
mɑktŋ/ noun marketing conducted with her letter.
inside a large organisation, where inde- international trade /ntənʃ(ə)nəl
pendent departments sell goods or ser- tred/ noun trade between different
vices to each other countries
Internal Revenue Service /n- Internet /ntənet/ noun the global,
t&n(ə)l revənju s&vs/ noun US a public network of computers and tele-
government department which deals phone links that houses websites, allows
with tax. Abbr IRS email to be sent and is accessed with the
internal search /nt&n(ə)l s&tʃ/ aid of a modem (NOTE: The Internet
noun the process by which a consumer uses the Internet Protocol (IP) as a
acquires information from past experi- communication standard.)
ence or something he or she has ‘…they predict a tenfold increase in sales via
remembered internet or TV between 1999 and 2004’
[Investors Chronicle]
internal telephone /nt&n(ə)l ‘…in two significant decisions, the Securities
telfəυn/ noun a telephone which is and Exchange Board of India today allowed
linked to other telephones in an office trading of shares through the Internet and set a
Internet commerce 145 inventory
‘…a warehouse needs to tie up less capital in voice 쐽 verb to send an invoice to
inventory and with its huge volume spreads out someone 쑗 to invoice a customer 왍 we
costs over bigger sales’ [Duns Business Month]
invoiced you on November 10th we
inventory control /nvənt(ə)ri sent you the invoice on November 10th
kəntrəυl/ noun a system of checking
invoice clerk /nvɔs klɑk/ noun an
that there is not too much stock in a
office worker who deals with invoices
warehouse, but just enough to meet
requirements invoice price /nvɔs pras/ noun
the price as given on an invoice, includ-
investment /nvestmənt/ noun the ing any discount and VAT
placing of money so that it will produce
interest and increase in value 쑗 They invoicing /nvɔsŋ/ noun the send-
called for more government investment ing of invoices 쑗 All our invoicing is
in new industries. 쑗 She was advised to done by computer. 왍 invoicing in tripli-
make investments in oil companies. cate the preparation of three copies of
‘…investment trusts, like unit trusts, consist of invoices
portfolios of shares and therefore provide a invoicing department /nvɔsŋ
spread of investments’ [Investors Chronicle] dpɑtmənt/ noun the department in a
‘…investment companies took the view that company which deals with preparing
prices had reached rock bottom and could only
go up’ [Lloyd’s List]
and sending invoices
investment advertising /n-
inward /nwəd/ adjective towards the
home country
vestmənt dvətazŋ/ noun large
expenditure on advertising to achieve inward bill /nwəd bl/ noun a bill of
long-term objectives lading for goods arriving in a country
investment spending /n- inward mission /nwəd mʃ(ə)n/
vestmənt spendŋ/ noun spending noun a visit to your home country by a
more than normal on advertising with group of foreign businesspeople
the expectation of increased sales and IP address /a pi ədres/ noun a
profits unique 32-bit number that defines the
investor relations research /n- precise location of a computer con-
vestə rleʃ(ə)nz rs&tʃ/ noun re- nected to a network or the Internet
search that allows a company to see how irrevocable /revəkəb(ə)l/ adjective
financial institutions such as merchant which cannot be changed
banks view the company irrevocable acceptance /-
invisible assets /nvzb(ə)l revəkəb(ə)l əkseptəns/ noun accep-
sets/ plural noun assets which have a tance which cannot be withdrawn
value but which cannot be seen, e.g. island display /alənd dsple/
goodwill or patents noun same as island site
invisibles /nvzb(ə)lz/ plural noun island position /alənd pəzʃ(ə)n/
invisible imports and exports noun advertising space separated from
invitation to tender /nvteʃ(ə)n other advertising space in a newspaper
tə tendə/ noun a formal request, sent or magazine 쑗 An island position is ex-
to a small number of suppliers, asking pensive but will attract great attention.
them to submit a detailed proposal for island site /alənd sat/, island dis-
completing a particular piece of work play /alənd dsple/ noun an exhibi-
invoice /nvɔs/ noun a note asking tion stand separated from others 쑗
for payment for goods or services sup- There are only two island sites at the ex-
plied 쑗 your invoice dated November hibition and we have one of them. 쑗 An
10th 쑗 to make out an invoice for £250 island site means that visitors can ap-
쑗 to settle or to pay an invoice 쑗 They proach the stand from several
sent in their invoice six weeks late. 왍 the directions.
total is payable within thirty days of issue /ʃu/ noun the number of a
invoice the total sum has to be paid newspaper or magazine 쑗 We have an
within thirty days of the date on the in- ad in the January issue of the magazine.
issue life 147 IVR
쐽 verb to put out or to give out 쑗 to is- following items from your catalogue. 2.
sue a letter of credit 쑗 to issue shares in a piece of information 쑗 items on a bal-
a new company 쑗 to issue a writ against ance sheet 왍 item of expenditure goods
someone 쑗 The government issued a re- or services which have been paid for
port on London’s traffic. and appear in the accounts 3. a point on
issue life /ʃu laf/ noun the time a list 왍 we will now take item four on
between one issue of a publication and the agenda we will now discuss the
another 쑗 The reason the magazine’s fourth point on the agenda
advertising rates are so expensive is be- itemise /atəmaz/, itemize verb to
cause it has an issue life of three make a detailed list of things 쑗 Item-
months. izing the sales figures will take about
issuer /ʃuə/ noun a financial institu- two days.
tion that issues credit and debit cards itemised account /atəmazd ə-
and maintains the systems for billing kaυnt/ noun a detailed record of
and payment money paid or owed
ITC abbr Independent Television itemised invoice /atəmazd
Commission nvɔs/ noun an invoice which lists
item /atəm/ noun 1. something for each item separately
sale 왍 we are holding orders for itinerary /atnərəri/ noun a list of
out-of-stock items we are holding or- places to be visited on one journey 쑗 a
ders for goods which are not in stock 쑗 salesrep’s itinerary
Please find enclosed an order for the IVR abbr interactive voice response
jargon 148 journey planning
they saw it, thus helping the advertisers She had a newspaper kiosk near the sta-
to evaluate the effectiveness of advertis- tion for 20 years.
ing in that particular newspaper or KISS /ks/ noun the need to make sure
magazine your advertising is clear and concise so
key number /ki n
mbə/ noun the as to improve its chances of getting a re-
number used in a keyed advertisement sponse. Full form keep it simple,
keypad /kipd/ noun a set of keys
on a computer Kitemark /kat mɑk/ trademark GB
a mark on goods to show that they meet
key prospects /ki prɒspekts/ plu- official standards
ral noun potential customers 쑗 In this
sales campaign we will be concentrat-
knock /nɒk/ verb 왍 to knock the com-
petition to hit competing firms hard by
ing on key prospects. 쑗 This is bad jour-
vigorous selling
ney planning since it does not allow
sufficient time to visit all the key knock down /nɒk daυn/ verb 왍 to
prospects. knock something down to a bidder to
sell something to somebody at an auc-
keyword /kiw&d/ noun a word used tion 쑗 The furniture was knocked down
by a search engine to help it locate a to him for £100.
particular type of website (NOTE: Com-
panies need to think very carefully knockdown /nɒkdaυn/ noun 왍
about the keywords they place in their knockdown (KD) goods goods sold in
webpages in order to attract relevant parts, which must be assembled by the
search-engine traffic.) buyer
knocking copy /nɒkŋ kɒpi/ noun
keyword search /kiw&d s&tʃ/ advertising material which criticises
noun a search for documents containing
competing products
one or more words that are specified by
a search-engine user knock off /nɒk ɒf/ verb to reduce a
price by a particular amount 쑗 She
kickback /kkbk/ noun an illegal knocked £10 off the price for cash.
commission paid to someone, especially
a government official, who helps in a know-how /nəυ haυ/ noun knowl-
business deal edge or skill in a particular field 쑗 to ac-
quire computer know-how
Kimball tag /kmb(ə)l t"/ noun a knowledge capital /nɒld
paper tag attached to an item for sale,
kpt(ə)l/ noun knowledge, especially
which is removed when the item has
specialist knowledge, that a company
been sold and kept by the store so that it
and its employees possess and that can
can be used for stock control
be put to profitable use
king-size /kŋ saz/ adjective 1. re- knowledge management /nɒld
ferring to an extra large container of a mndmənt/ noun 1. the task of
product, usually comparatively econom- co-ordinating the specialist knowledge
ical to buy 2. referring to a very large possessed by employees so that it can be
size of poster exploited to create benefits and compet-
kiosk /kiɒsk/ noun a small wooden itive advantage for the organisation 2.
shelter, for selling goods out of doors 쑗 same as information management
label 151 late
label /leb(ə)l/ noun a piece of paper landed costs /lndd kɒsts/ plural
or card attached to something to show noun the costs of goods which have
its price or an address or instructions for been delivered to a port, unloaded and
use 쐽 verb to attach a label to something passed through customs
labelling /leb(ə)lŋ/ noun the act of landing card /lndŋ kɑd/ noun a
putting a label on something (NOTE: la- card given to passengers who have
belling- labelled. The American spell- passed through customs and can land
ing is labeling- labeled.) from a ship or an aircraft
labelling department /leb(ə)lŋ landing charges /lndŋ
dpɑtmənt/ noun a section of a fac- tʃɑdz/ plural noun payment for
tory where labels are attached to the putting goods on land and paying cus-
product toms duties
laboratory test /ləbɒrət(ə)ri test/ landing order /lndŋ ɔdə/ noun a
noun a test carried out under controlled permit which allows goods to be un-
conditions, e.g. of the reactions of con- loaded into a bonded warehouse without
sumers to advertising paying customs duty
labour-intensive industry /lebər landing page /lndŋ ped/ noun
ntensv ndəstri/ noun an industry the page on a website where the user ar-
which needs large numbers of workers, rives, in particular the page you arrive
where labour costs are high in relation on when directed by a hyperlink
to turnover landscape /lndskep/ noun an il-
labour market /lebə mɑkt/ noun lustration page or book whose width is
the number of wokers who are available greater than its height. Compare
for work 쑗 25,000 school-leavers have portrait
just come on to the labour market. laser printer /lezə prntə/ noun
lading /ledŋ/ noun the putting of computer printer which uses a laser
goods on a ship source to print high-quality dot matrix
characters on paper
laggards /l"ədz/ plural noun a cat- laser printing /lezə prntŋ/ noun
egory of buyers of a product who are the
printing using a laser printer
last to buy it or use it
late /let/ adjective 1. after the time
laissez-faire economy /lese feər stated or agreed 쑗 We apologise for the
kɒnəm/ noun an economy where the late arrival of the plane from Amster-
government does not interfere because it dam. 왍 there is a penalty for late deliv-
believes it is right to let the economy ery if delivery is later than the agreed
run itself date, the supplier has to pay a fine 2. at
land /lnd/ verb to put goods or pas- the end of a period of time 왍 latest date
sengers onto land after a voyage by sea for signature of the contract the last
or by air 쑗 The ship landed some goods acceptable date for signing the contract
at Mombasa. 쑗 The plane stopped for 쐽 adverb after the time stated or agreed
thirty minutes at the local airport to 쑗 The shipment was landed late. 쑗 The
land passengers and mail. plane was two hours late.
late majority 152 layout
late majority /let mədɒrti/ noun put back three months. 쑗 The manage-
a category of buyers of a product who ment has decided on a September
buy it later than the early majority but launch date. 쑗 The company is geared
before the laggards up for the launch of its first
latent /let(ə)nt/ adjective present but microcomputer.
not yet developed 왍 latent market a po- launching /lɔntʃŋ/ noun the act of
tential market which has not so far been putting a new product on the market
touched launching costs /lɔntʃŋ kɒsts/
latent demand /let(ə)nt dmɑnd/ plural noun the costs of publicity for a
noun a situation where there is demand new product
for a product but potential customers are launching date /lɔntʃŋ det/
unable to pay for it 쑗 We will have to noun the date when a new product is of-
wait for the economy to improve in ficially shown to the public for the first
countries where there is latent demand. time
쑗 Situation analysis has shown that launching party /lɔntʃŋ pɑti/
there is only latent demand. noun a party held to advertise the
lateral /lt(ə)rəl/ adjective at the launching of a new product
same level or with the same status 쑗 law /lɔ/ noun a general rule
Her transfer to Marketing was some-
thing of a lateral move. law of diminishing returns /lɔr
əv dmnʃŋ rt&nz/ noun a general
lateral diversification /lt(ə)rəl rule that as more factors of production
dav&sfkeʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of such as land, labour and capital are
diversifying into quite a different type added to the existing factors, so the
of business amount they produce is proportionately
lateral integration /lt(ə)rəl ntə- smaller
"reʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of joining simi- law of inertia of large numbers
lar companies or taking over a company /lɔr əv n&ʃər əv lɑd n
in the same line of business as yourself noun a general rule that larger samples
쑗 Lateral integration will allow a pool- are more likely to be representative of
ing of resources. 쑗 Lateral integration the population than small ones
in the form of a merger will improve the law of statistical regularity /lɔr
efficiency of both businesses involved. əv stətstk(ə)l re"jυlrti/ noun a
lateral thinking /lt(ə)rəl θŋkŋ/ general rule that a group of people or
noun an imaginative approach to prob- objects taken from a larger group of
lem-solving which involves changing people or objects will tend to resemble
established patterns of thinking to help the larger group
make a breakthrough 쑗 Lateral thinking law of supply and demand /lɔr
resulted in finding a completely new use əv səpla ən dmɑnd/ noun a general
for an existing product. 쑗 Brainstorm- rule that the amount of a product which
ing sessions encourage lateral thinking is available is related to the needs of po-
and originality. tential customers
latest /letst/ adjective most recent 쑗 layout /leaυt/ noun 1. the arrange-
He always drives the latest model of car. ment of the inside space of a building or
쑗 Here are the latest sales figures. its contents 쑗 They have altered the lay-
launch /lɔntʃ/ verb to put a new out of the offices. 2. the arrangement of
product on the market, usually spending words and pictures on a printed page, in
money on advertising it 쑗 They an advertisement, on an email advertis-
launched their new car model at the mo- ing message, etc., including the head-
tor show. 쑗 The company is spending line, illustrations, text, and trademarks 쑗
thousands of pounds on launching a I like the illustration and the copy but
new brand of soap. 쐽 noun the act of not the layout. 쑗 The layout needs to be
putting a new product on the market 쑗 changed so that other features are
The launch of the new model has been highlighted.
lead 153 legalise
lead /lid/ verb to be the main person in something 쑗 to mail leaflets advertising
a group 쑗 She will lead the trade mis- a new hairdressing salon 쑗 They are
sion to Nigeria. 쑗 The tour of American handing out leaflets describing the fi-
factories will be led by the minister. nancial services they offer. 쑗 We made
(NOTE: leading – led) 쐽 noun 1. infor- a leaflet mailing to 20,000 addresses.
mation which may lead to a sale 쑗 It has
been difficult starting selling in this ter- leakage /likd/ noun an amount of
ritory with no leads to follow up. 쑗 I goods lost in storage, e.g. by going bad
was given some useful leads by the sales or by being stolen or by leaking from
rep who used to cover this territory. 2. a the container
prospective purchaser who is the main learning curve /l&nŋ k&v/ noun a
decision-maker when buying a product gradual process of learning, as shown on
or service an imaginary scale
leader /lidə/ noun 1. a person who learning organisation /l&nŋ
manages or directs others 쑗 the leader ɔ"ənazeʃ(ə)n/ noun an organisation
of the construction workers’ union or whose employees are willing and eager
the construction workers’ leader 쑗 She to share information with each other, to
is the leader of the trade mission to Ni- learn from each other, and to work as a
geria. 쑗 The minister was the leader of team to achieve their goals
the party of industrialists on a tour of lease /lis/ noun a written contract for
American factories. 쑗 The leader of the letting or renting a building, a piece of
trade delegation was invited to meet the land or a piece of equipment for a period
President. 2. a product which sells best against payment of a fee 쑗 to rent office
‘…market leaders may benefit from scale space on a twenty-year lease 왍 the lease
economies or other cost advantages; they may
enjoy a reputation for quality simply by being at expires next year or the lease runs out
the top, or they may actually produce a superior next year the lease comes to an end
product that gives them both a large market next year
share and high profits’ [Accountancy]
leave leaflet /liv liflət/ noun a
leader pricing /lidə prasŋ/ noun promotional leaflet left by a salesperson
the practice of cutting prices on some with a prospective customer
goods in the hope that they attract cus-
tomers to the shop where more profit- ledger /ledə/ noun a book in which
able sales can be made accounts are written
lead generation /lid denə- legal /li"(ə)l/ adjective 1. according
reʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of finding to the law or allowed by the law 쑗 The
prospective purchasers company’s action was completely legal.
2. referring to the law 왍 to take legal
leading question /lidŋ action to sue someone or to take some-
kweʃtʃən/ noun a question in a ques- one to court 왍 to take legal advice to
tionnaire which, by its phrasing, sug- ask a lawyer to advise about a legal
gests a certain answer 쑗 Interviewers problem
were trained to avoid bias and leading
questions. 쑗 The leading question pres- legal adviser /li"(ə)l ədvazə/
surized the respondent into answering noun a person who advises clients about
untruthfully. the law
lead partner /lid pɑtnə/ noun the legal currency /li"(ə)l k
organisation that takes the leading role noun money which is legally used in a
in an alliance country
lead sourcing /lid sɔsŋ/ noun legalisation /li"əlazeʃ(ə)n/, le-
searching through online databases to galization noun the act of making
find the addresses of potential something legal 쑗 the campaign for the
customers legalisation of cannabis
leaflet /liflət/ noun a sheet of paper legalise /li"əlaz/, legalize verb to
giving information, used to advertise make something legal
legality 154 level playing field
legality /l"lɔt/ noun the fact of be- people or organisations and acts as a
ing allowed by law 쑗 There is doubt simple form of contract
about the legality of the company’s ac- letter of complaint /letər əv kəm-
tion in dismissing him. plent/ noun a letter in which someone
legally /li"əli/ adverb according to complains
the law 왍 the contract is legally bind- letter of credit /letər əv kredt/
ing according to the law, the contract noun a document issued by a bank on
has to be obeyed 왍 the directors are le- behalf of a customer authorising pay-
gally responsible the law says that the ment to a supplier when the conditions
directors are responsible specified in the document are met (this
legend /ledənd/ noun a short note is a common method of guaranteeing
printed underneath an illustration to ex- payment by overseas customers). Abbr
plain it L/C
legislation /ledsleʃ(ə)n/ noun letter of indemnity /letər əv n-
laws demnti/ noun a letter promising pay-
legs /le"z/ plural noun the ability of an ment as compensation for a loss
advertising campaign, a film, a book, or letter of inquiry /letər əv n-
other usually short-lived product to in- kwaəri/ noun a letter from a prospec-
terest people for a much longer time tive buyer to a supplier inquiring about
than normal (informal )
. products and their prices 쑗 The letter of
leisure market /leə mɑkt/ noun inquiry requested us to send our cata-
people who have plenty of leisure time logues and price lists. 쑗 We received a
and are willing to buy products or ser- letter of inquiry concerning possible
vices to occupy their time trade discounts.
lemon /lemən/ noun 1. a product, es- lettershop /letəʃɒp/ noun a com-
pany that puts together the various ele-
pecially a car, that is defective in some
ments of a direct mailing shot, and sorts
way 2. an investment that is performing
the envelopes by addresses
letters of administration /letəz
lending limit /lendŋ lmt/ noun a əv ədmnstreʃ(ə)n/ plural noun a
restriction on the amount of money a letter given by a court to allow someone
bank can lend to deal with the estate of a person who
letter /letə/ noun a piece of writing has died
sent from one person or company to an- letters patent /letəz pet(ə)nt/ plu-
other to ask for or to give information ral noun the official term for a patent
letterhead /letəhed/ noun the name level /lev(ə)l/ noun the position of
and address of a company printed at the something compared to others 쑗 low
top of a piece of notepaper levels of productivity or low productivity
letter of acknowledgement /letər levels 쑗 to raise the level of employee
əv əknɒldmənt/ noun a letter which benefits 쑗 to lower the level of
says that something has been received borrowings
letter of advice /letər əv ədvas/ ‘…figures from the Fed on industrial production
for April show a decline to levels last seen in
noun a letter to a customer giving de- June 1984’ [Sunday Times]
tails of goods ordered and shipped but
‘…applications for mortgages are running at a
not yet delivered 쑗 The letter of advice high level’ [Times]
stated that the goods would be at
‘…employers having got their staff back up to a
Southampton on the morning of the 6th. reasonable level are waiting until the scope for
쑗 The letter of advice reminded the cus- overtime working is exhausted before hiring’
tomer of the agreed payment terms. [Sydney Morning Herald]
letter of agreement /letər əv ə- level playing field /lev(ə)l pleŋ
"rimənt/ noun a document that sets fild/ noun a situation in which the same
out what has been agreed between two rules apply for all competitors and none
levy 155 light industry
of them has any special advantage over licensing /las(ə)nsŋ/ adjective re-
the others ferring to licences 쑗 a licensing agree-
levy /levi/ noun money which is de- ment 쑗 licensing laws
manded and collected by the govern- licensing agreement /las(ə)nsŋ
ment 왍 levies on luxury items taxes on ə"rimənt/ noun an agreement
luxury items where a person or company is granted a
liabilities /laəbltiz/ plural noun licence to manufacture something or to
the debts of a business, including divi- use something, but not an outright sale
dends owed to shareholders 쑗 The bal- licensing hours /las(ə)nsŋ aυəz/
ance sheet shows the company’s assets plural noun the hours of the day when
and liabilities. 왍 he was not able to alcohol can be sold
meet his liabilities he could not pay his licensing laws /las(ə)nsŋ lɔz/
debts 왍 to discharge your liabilities in plural noun the laws which control
full to pay everything which you owe when and where alcohol can be sold
liability /laəblti/ noun a legal re- licensor /lasensə/ noun a person
sponsibility for damage or loss, etc. 쑗 who licenses someone
The brand name has become a liability
to the company. 왍 to accept liability for lien /lin/ noun the legal right to hold
something to agree that you are respon- someone’s goods and keep them until a
sible for something 왍 to refuse liability debt has been paid
for something to refuse to agree that life /laf/ noun the period of time for
you are responsible for something which something or someone exists
liable /laəb(ə)l/ adjective 왍 liable life cycle /laf sak(ə)l/ noun a con-
for legally responsible for 쑗 The cus- cept used for charting the different
tomer is liable for breakages. 쑗 The stages in the life of people, animals or
chairman was personally liable for the products
company’s debts. life expectancy /laf kspektənsi/
licence /las(ə)ns/ noun 1. an official noun the number of years a person is
document which allows someone to do likely to live
something (NOTE: the American spell- lifestyle /laf stal/ noun a way of
ing is license) 2. 왍 goods manufac- living of a particular section of society
tured under licence goods made with 쑗 These upmarket products appeal to
the permission of the owner of the copy- people with an extravagant lifestyle. 쑗
right or patent The magazine ran a series of articles on
licence agreement /las(ə)ns ə- the lifestyles of some successful
"rimənt/ noun a legal document businessmen.
which comes with a software product lifestyle segmentation /laf stal
and defines how you can use the soft- se"menteʃ(ə)n/ noun the dividing of
ware and how many people are allowed a market into segments according to the
to use it way in which customers live. 쏡 VALS
license /las(ə)ns/ noun US spelling lifetime /laftam/ noun the time
of licence 쐽 verb to give someone offi- when you are alive
cial permission to do something for a
fee, as when a company allows another lifetime customer value /laftam
company to manufacture its products k
stəmə vlju/, lifetime value
abroad 쑗 licensed to sell beers, wines /laftam vlju/ noun the value of a
and spirits 쑗 to license a company to customer to a firm during the cus-
manufacture spare parts 쑗 She is li- tomer’s lifetime, which can be charted
censed to run an employment agency. using technology and market research
licensee /las(ə)nsi/ noun a person light /lat/ adjective not heavy
who has a licence, especially a licence light industry /lat ndəstri/ noun
to sell alcohol or to manufacture an industry making small products such
something as clothes, books, or calculators
light pen 156 line management
light pen /lat pen/ noun a type of limited market /lmtd mɑkt/
electronic pen which directs a beam of noun a market which can take only a
light which, when passed over a bar specific quantity of goods
code, can read it and send information limiting /lmtŋ/ adjective which
back to a computer limits 쑗 a limiting clause in a contract
light viewer /lat vjuə/ noun a per- 쑗 The short holiday season is a limiting
son who watches little television 쑗 If factor on the hotel trade.
too many of the target audience are line /lan/ noun 1. a long mark printed
light viewers, the impact of the commer- or written on paper 쑗 paper with thin
cials will be wasted. blue lines 쑗 I prefer notepaper without
limit /lmt/ noun the point at which any lines. 쑗 She drew a thick line before
something ends or the point where you the column of figures. 2. same as prod-
can go no further 왍 to set limits to im- uct line 3. a row of letters or figures on
ports or to impose import limits to al- a page 왍 to open a line of credit or a
low only a specific amount of imports 쐽 credit line to make credit available to
verb to stop something from going be- someone
yond a specific point 왍 the banks have ‘…cash paid for overstocked lines, factory
limited their credit the banks have al- seconds, slow sellers, etc.’ [Australian
Financial Review]
lowed their customers only a specific
amount of credit 왍 each agent is lim- lineage /land/ noun a method of
ited to twenty-five units each agent is measuring a classified advertisement by
allowed only twenty-five units to sell counting the lines, used for charging
‘…the biggest surprise of 1999 was the rebound purposes
in the price of oil. In the early months of the
year commentators were talking about a fall to
linear /lniə/ adjective calculated by
$5 a barrel but for the first time in two decades, length
the oil exporting countries got their act together, linear measurement /lniə
limited production and succeeded in pushing
prices up’ [Financial Times] meəmənt/, linear footage /lniə
fυtd/ noun a measurement of how
limitation /lmteʃ(ə)n/ noun the long something is such as the length of
act of allowing only a specific quantity shelving available for a display
of something 쑗 The contract imposes
limitations on the number of cars which
line block /lan blɒk/ noun a printing
block for line drawings
can be imported. 왍 limitation of liabil-
ity the fact of making someone liable line chart /lan tʃɑt/ noun a chart or
for only a part of the damage or loss graph using lines to indicate values
limited /lmtd/ adjective restricted line divestment /lan da-
vestmənt/ noun the dropping or sell-
limited company /lmtd ing of an entire product line so as to
mp(ə)ni/, limited liability com- concentrate on other products
pany /lmtd laəblti k
noun a company where each share- line drawing /lan drɔŋ/, line il-
holder is responsible for repaying the lustration /lan ləstreʃ(ə)n/ noun a
company’s debts only to the face value drawing or illustration consisting only
of the shares they own (NOTE: short- of lines and no tones. Shades are shown
ened to Ltd) by lines drawn close together.
limited function wholesaler line extension /lan kstenʃən/
/lmtd f
ŋkʃən həυlselə/ noun a noun the adding of another product to a
distributor performing only some of the product line
functions of a wholesaler 쑗 As a limited line filling /lan flŋ/ noun the fill-
function wholesaler the dealer did not ing of gaps in a product line
provide a delivery service to retailers. line management /lan
limited liability /lmtd laəblti/ mndmənt/, line organization
noun a situation where someone’s lia- /lan ɔ"ənazeʃ(ə)n/ noun the or-
bility for debt is limited by law ganisation of a business where each
line rate 157 load
manager is responsible for doing what list host /lst həυst/ noun a company
his superior tells him to do that provides connections to the Internet
line rate /lan ret/ noun the rate and storage space on its computers
charged for advertising space, based on which can store the files for a user’s
the line space used in a newspaper or website (NOTE: also called a ‘host ser-
vice or hosting service provider’)
list maintenance /lst
line simplification /lan smplf-
mentənəns/ noun the process of
keʃ(ə)n/ noun the removal of some
keeping a mailing list up to date
products from a product line to make the
whole line more easily manageable list manager /lst mndə/ noun
a person who promotes a mailing list to
link /lŋk/ noun graphics or an image potential users
which moves the user to another page or
online location when the user clicks on list price /lst pras/ noun the price
it. 쏡 hyperlink for something as given in a catalogue
liquid assets /lkwd sets/ plural list rental /lst rent(ə)l/ noun the ac-
noun cash, or investments which can be tion of renting a mailing list
quickly converted into cash list renting /lst rentŋ/ noun an ar-
liquor licence /lkə las(ə)ns/ noun rangement in which a company that
a government document allowing some- owns a direct mail list lets another com-
one to sell alcohol pany use it for a fee
list /lst/ noun 1. several items written literature /lt(ə)rətʃə/ noun written
one after the other 쑗 They have an at- information about something 쑗 Please
tractive list of products or product list. send me literature about your new prod-
쑗 I can’t find that item on our stock list. uct range.
쑗 Please add this item to the list. 쑗 She lithography /lθɒ"rəfi/ noun a print-
crossed the item off her list. 2. a cata- ing process by which a design is applied
logue 쐽 verb to write a series of items to a smooth flat surface with greasy ink
one after the other 쑗 to list products by or a crayon. The surface is wetted and
category 쑗 to list representatives by ink will adhere to the greasy parts, but
area 쑗 to list products in a catalogue 쑗 not to the wet parts.
The catalogue lists ten models of fax livery /lvəri/ noun a company’s own
machine. special design and colours, used e.g. on
list broker /lst brəυkə/ noun a per- uniforms, office decoration and vehicles
son who arranges to sell mailing lists to living /lvŋ/ noun 왍 he does not earn
users, but who does not own the lists a living wage he does not earn enough
list building /lst bldŋ/ noun find- to pay for essentials such as food, heat
ing names and addresses and entering and rent
them into a database for direct market- load /ləυd/ noun goods which are
ing purposes transported 왍 the load of a lorry/of a
list cleaning /lst klinŋ/ noun container the goods carried by a lorry
checking the details of a mailing list to or in a container 왍 maximum load the
make sure they are correct largest weight of goods which a lorry or
listen /ls(ə)n/ verb to pay attention to plane can carry 쐽 verb 1. 왍 to load a
someone who is talking or to something lorry or a ship to put goods into a lorry
which you can hear or a ship for transporting 쑗 to load
cargo onto a ship 쑗 a truck loaded with
listening area /ls(ə)nŋ eəriə/ boxes 쑗 a ship loaded with iron 왍 a
noun the area covered by a radio sta- fully loaded ship a ship which is full of
tion’s signal cargo 2. (of a ship) to take on cargo 쑗
listening share /ls(ə)nŋ ʃeə/ noun The ship is loading a cargo of wood. 3.
the share of the total audience enjoyed to put a program into a computer 쑗
by a radio station Load the word-processing program be-
load-carrying capacity 158 long-range
fore you start keyboarding. 4. to add ex- is sold only in a restricted area, and
tra charges to a price mainly carries news about that area
load-carrying capacity /ləυd local press /ləυk(ə)l pres/ noun
kriŋ kəpsti/ noun the amount of newspapers which are sold in a small
goods which a lorry is capable of area of the country 쑗 The product was
carrying only advertised in the local press as it
loaded price /ləυdd pras/ noun a was only being distributed in that area
price which includes an unusually large of the country.
extra payment for some service 쑗 That local radio station /ləυk(ə)l
company is notorious for loading its rediəυ steʃ(ə)n/ noun a radio station
prices. which broadcasts over a small area of
loading /ləυdŋ/ noun assigning the country
work to workers or machines 쑗 The pro- location /ləυkeʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. a
duction manager has to ensure that place where something is 2. a place, es-
careful loading makes the best use of pecially a site where still photographs or
human resources. films are made 쑗 We still have to decide
loading dock /ləυdŋ dɒk/ noun the on locations for the advertisements.
part of a harbour where ships can load logical models /lɒdk(ə)l
or unload mɒd(ə)lz/ plural noun models of buyer
load time /ləυd tam/ noun in com- decision-making which assume that pur-
puting, the time it takes for a page of chasing is the result of a set of rational
data to open completely in a window decisions made by the purchaser 쑗 Log-
lobby /lɒbi/ noun a pressure group ical models do not allow for the unpre-
that tries to persuade a government or dictable side of buying behaviour.
law-makers to support a particular cause logistics /lədstks/ noun the task
or interest or science of managing the movement,
local /ləυk(ə)l/ adjective located in or storage, and processing of materials and
providing a service for a restricted area information in a supply chain (NOTE: Lo-
‘…each cheque can be made out for the local gistics includes the acquisition of raw
equivalent of £100 rounded up to a convenient materials and components, manufac-
figure’ [Sunday Times] turing or processing, and the distribu-
‘…the business agent for Local 414 of the Store tion of finished products to the end
Union said his committee will recommend that user.)
the membership ratify the agreement’
[Toronto Star] logistics management /lə-
‘EC regulations insist that customers can buy dstks mndmənt/ noun the
cars anywhere in the EC at the local pre-tax management of the distribution of prod-
price’ [Financial Times] ucts to the market
local advertising /ləυk(ə)l logo /ləυ"əυ/ noun a symbol, design
dvətazŋ/ noun advertising in the or group of letters used by a company as
area where a company is based a mark on its products and in advertising
localised /ləυkəlazd/, localized London gold fixing /l
adjective which occurs in one area only "əυld fksŋ/ noun system where the
localised advertising strategy world price for gold is set each day in
/ləυkəlazd dvətazŋ strtədi/ London
noun planning an advertising cam- long lease /lɒŋ lis/ noun a lease
paign for a particular country or area of which runs for fifty years or more 쑗 to
a market rather than a global campaign take an office building on a long lease
local media /ləυk(ə)l midiə/ plural long-range /lɒŋ rend/ adjective
noun newspapers and radio and TV sta- for a long period of time in the future 왍
tions in a small area of the country long-range economic forecast a fore-
local newspaper /ləυk(ə)l cast which covers a period of several
njuzpepə/ noun a newspaper which years
long-standing 159 low-pressure
long-standing /lɒŋ stndŋ/ ad- vice, high prices, etc. 왍 loss of an order
jective which has been arranged for a not getting an order which was expected
long time 쑗 a long-standing agreement 왍 the company suffered a loss of mar-
왍 long-standing customer or customer ket penetration the company found it
of long standing a person who has been had a smaller share of the market 2. the
a customer for many years state of having less money than before
long-term /lɒŋ t&m/ adjective 왍 on or not making a profit 왍 the company
a long-term basis for a long period of suffered a loss the company did not
time 왍 long-term debts debts which make a profit 왍 to report a loss not to
will be repaid many years later 왍 show a profit in the accounts at the end
long-term forecast a forecast for a pe- of the year 쑗 The company reported a
riod of over three years 왍 long-term loss of £1m on the first year’s trading. 왍
loan a loan to be repaid many years later the car was written off as a dead
왍 long-term objectives aims which will loss/a total loss the car was so badly
take years to achieve damaged that the insurers said it had no
‘…land held under long-term leases is not
value 왍 at a loss making a loss, not
amortized’ [Hongkong Standard] making any profit 쑗 The company is
‘…the company began to experience a demand
trading at a loss. 쑗 We sold the shop at
for longer-term mortgages when the flow of a loss. 왍 to cut your losses to stop do-
money used to finance these loans diminished’ ing something which is losing money 3.
[Globe and Mail (Toronto)] the state of being worth less or having a
look and feel /lυk ən fil/ noun the lower value 쑗 Shares showed losses of
appeal of the design, layout and ease of up to 5% on the Stock Exchange. 4. the
use of a website to potential customers state of weighing less 왍 loss in weight
and the way the site fits the image the goods which weigh less than when they
company is trying to put across were packed 왍 loss in transport the
amount of weight which is lost while
loose /lus/ adjective not attached goods are being transported
loose insert /lus ns&t/ noun a ‘…against losses of FFr 7.7m two years ago, the
sheet of advertising material slipped company made a net profit of FFr 300,000 last
between the pages of a publication year’ [Financial Times]
lorry-load /lɒri ləυd/ noun the low-grade /ləυ "red/ adjective 1.
amount of goods carried on a lorry or in not very important 쑗 a low-grade offi-
a container 쑗 They delivered six cial from the Ministry of Commerce 2.
lorry-loads of coal. not of very good quality 쑗 The car runs
lose /luz/ verb not to have something best on low-grade petrol.
any more 왍 to lose an order not to get low-hanging fruit /ləυ hŋŋ
an order which you were hoping to get frut/ noun an easy short-term sales or
쑗 During the strike, the company lost market opportunity which provides a
six orders to American competitors. 왍 to quick profit without too much effort (in-
lose customers to have fewer customers formal )
쑗 Their service is so slow that they have
been losing customers. 왍 the company low-involvement hierarchy /ləυ
is losing sales or is losing market nvɒlvmənt harɑki/ noun a hierar-
share the company has fewer sales or a chy of response to advertising where the
smaller share of the market than before customer is relatively indifferent to the
product or service and only responds to
lose out /luz aυt/ verb to suffer as a repeated marketing
result of something 쑗 The company has
lost out in the rush to make cheap com- low-involvement product /ləυ n-
puters. 쑗 We lost out to a Japanese vɒlvmənt prɒd
kt/ noun a
company who put in a lower tender for low-priced product for everyday use
the job. that is bought by consumers without
loss /lɒs/ noun 1. not having some- giving much thought to brands
thing any more 왍 loss of customers not low-pressure /ləυ preʃə/ adjective
keeping customers because of bad ser- 왍 low-pressure sales sales where the
low-quality 160 luxury product
salesperson does not force someone to lull /l
l/ noun a quiet period 쑗 After
buy, but only encourages them to do so last week’s hectic trading this week’s
low-quality /ləυ kwɒlti/ adjective lull was welcome.
not of good quality 쑗 They tried to sell lump sum /l
mp s
m/ noun money
us some low-quality steel. paid in one single amount, not in several
low season /ləυ siz(ə)n/ noun a pe- small sums 쑗 When he retired he was
riod when there are few travellers 쑗 Air given a lump-sum bonus. 쑗 She sold her
fares are cheaper in the low season. house and invested the money as a lump
loyal /lɔəl/ adjective always buying sum.
the same brand or using the same shop luxury /l
kʃəri/ noun, adjective re-
쑗 The aim of the advertising is to keep ferring to an expensive thing which is
the customers loyal. (NOTE: you are not necessary but which is good to have
loyal to someone or something) 쑗 Luxury items are taxed very heavily.
loyalty card /lɔəlti kɑd/ noun a luxury goods /l
kʃəri "υdz/ plural
special plastic card which gives custom- noun expensive items which are not ba-
ers discounts over a period of time to sic necessities
encourage them to remain as customers luxury product /l
kʃəri prɒd
loyalty scheme /lɔəlti skim/ noun noun a product which people buy more
a scheme to keep the business of exist- of as their incomes rise 쑗 The company
ing customers, e.g. by special discounts has gone upmarket and is now selling
for loyalty card holders luxury products.
Ma and Pa shop 161 mail
mail drop /mel drɒp/ noun the mail- mail out /mel aυt/ verb to send pro-
ing of promotional material to a large motional material by mail
number of addresses mailout /mel aυt/ noun a piece of
mailer /melə/ noun packaging made promotional material sent by direct
of folded cardboard, used to mail items mail, usually accompanied by a letter
which need protection 쑗 a diskette which may be personalised
mailer mailsort /melsɔt/ noun computer
mailing /melŋ/ noun the sending of software used by mailing companies to
something by post 쑗 the mailing of pub- sort mailings before they are sent to the
licity material 왍 to buy a mailing list to post office, usually by using special la-
pay a society or other organisation bels with barcodes
money to buy the list of members so that Main Street /men strit/ noun US
you can use it to mail publicity material the most important street in a town,
mailing house /melŋ haυs/ noun where the shops and banks are
a company which specialises in carrying majority /mədɒrti/ noun more than
out mailings for other companies half of a group
mailing list /melŋ lst/ noun a list major selling idea /medə selŋ
of names and addresses of people who adiə/ adjective the central theme in an
might be interested in a product, list of advertising campaign
names and addresses of members of a
society 쑗 to build up a mailing list 쑗 make /mek/ noun a brand or type of
Your name is on our mailing list. product manufactured 쑗 Japanese
makes of cars 쑗 a standard make of
mailing tube /melŋ tjub/ noun a equipment 쑗 What make is the new com-
stiff cardboard or plastic tube, used for puter system or What’s the make of the
mailing large pieces of paper such as new computer system? 쐽 verb 1. to pro-
posters duce or to manufacture 쑗 The workmen
mail interview /mel ntəvju/, spent ten weeks making the table. 쑗 The
mail survey /mel s&ve/ noun US factory makes three hundred cars a day.
the sending of a questionnaire to respon- 2. 왍 to make a profit to have more
dents by post for a survey 쑗 Not enough money after a deal
consumers responded to the mail inter- makegood /mek"υd/ noun an ad-
view. 쑗 To encourage people to cooper- vertisement placed again in a magazine
ate in the mail survey we’ll include a or newspaper free of charge, because a
free sample with the questionnaire. mistake was made in it when it was pre-
mail merge /mel m&d/ noun a viously published
word-processing program that allows a make out /mek aυt/ verb to write 쑗
standard form letter to be printed out to to make out an invoice 쑗 The bill is
a series of different names and made out to Smith & Co. 왍 to make out
addresses a cheque to someone to write some-
mail order /mel ɔdə/ noun a sys- one’s name on a cheque
tem of buying and selling from a cata- maker /mekə/ noun in the VALS
logue, placing orders and sending goods lifestyle classification, a practical, inde-
by mail 쑗 We bought our kitchen units pendent person who is interested in
by mail order. products that are good value but not
mail-order catalogue /mel ɔdə necessarily fashionable
kt(ə)lɒ"/ noun a catalogue from make-to-order /mek tυ ɔdə/
which a customer can order items to be noun the making of goods or compo-
sent by mail nents to fulfil an existing order (NOTE:
mail-order selling /mel ɔdə Make-to-order products are made to
selŋ/ noun selling by taking orders the customer’s specification, and are
and supplying a product by post often processed in small batches.)
manage 163 managerial
manage /mnd/ verb 1. to direct ployees, usually senior managers and di-
or to be in charge of 쑗 to manage a de- rectors. Abbr MBO
partment 쑗 to manage a branch office 2. management by exception
왍 to manage property to look after /mndmənt ba ksepʃən/ noun a
rented property for the owner management system whereby deviations
‘…the research director will manage and direct from plans are located and corrected
a team of graduate business analysts reporting
on consumer behaviour throughout the UK’ management by objectives
[Times] /mndmənt ba əbdektvz/ noun
manageable /mndəb(ə)l/ adjec- a way of managing a business by plan-
tive which can be dealt with easily 쑗
ning work for the managers to do and
The problems which the company faces testing if it is completed correctly and
are too large to be manageable by one on time
person. management consultant
/mndmənt kəns
ltənt/ noun a
managed economy /mndd person who gives advice on how to
kɒnəmi/ noun an economy that is manage a business
controlled by a government
management course
management /mndmənt/ noun /mndmənt kɔs/ noun a training
1. directing or running a business 쑗 She course for managers
studied management at university. 쑗
Good management or efficient manage- management development
ment is essential in a large organisa- /mndmənt dveləpmənt/ noun
tion. 쑗 Bad management or inefficient the selection and training of potential
management can ruin a business. 쑗 a managers
management graduate or a graduate in management team /mndmənt
management 2. a group of managers or tim/ noun a group of all the managers
directors 쑗 The management has de- working in the same company
cided to give everyone a pay increase. management technique
‘…the management says that the rate of /mndmənt tekniks/ noun a way
loss-making has come down and it expects of managing a business
further improvement in the next few years’
[Financial Times] manager /mndə/ noun 1. the
head of a department in a company 쑗
management accountant She’s a department manager in an engi-
/mndmənt əkaυntənt/ noun an neering company. 쑗 Go and see the hu-
accountant who prepares financial infor- man resources manager if you have a
mation for managers so that they can problem. 쑗 The production manager
take decisions has been with the company for only two
management accounting weeks. 쑗 Our sales manager started as
/mndmənt əkaυntŋ/ noun the a rep in London. 2. the person in charge
preparation and use of financial infor- of a branch or shop 쑗 Mr Smith is the
mation to support management manager of our local Lloyds Bank. 쑗
decisions The manager of our Lagos branch is in
management accounts London for a series of meetings.
‘…the No. 1 managerial productivity problem in
/mndmənt əkaυnts/ plural noun America is managers who are out of touch with
financial information prepared for a their people and out of touch with their
manager so that decisions can be made, customers’ [Fortune]
including monthly or quarterly financial managerial /mnədəriəl/ adjec-
statements, often in great detail, with tive referring to managers 쑗 All the
analysis of actual performance against managerial staff are sent for training
the budget every year. 왍 to be appointed to a
management buyout managerial position to be appointed a
/mndmənt baaυt/ noun the take- manager 왍 decisions taken at manage-
over of a company by a group of em- rial level decisions taken by managers
managership 164 margin
promising but has not yet achieved its full market is organised, including the con-
market potential. centration of suppliers or consumers, the
market power /mɑkt paυə/ noun ease of entry or barriers to entry, and the
the power of a business within a market, competitiveness of players in the market
usually based on the firm’s market market survey /mɑkt s&ve/
position noun a survey or general report on mar-
market price /mɑkt pras/ noun ket conditions 쑗 The market survey sug-
the price at which a product can be sold gests that there is no longer much
market profile /mɑkt prəυfal/ demand for this type of product.
noun the basic characteristics of a par- market targeting /mɑkt
ticular market tɑ"tŋ/ noun planning how to sell a
market rate /mɑkt ret/ noun the product or service into a particular
normal price in the market 쑗 We pay the market
market rate for secretaries or We pay market test /mɑkt test/ noun an
secretaries the market rate examination to see if a sample of a prod-
‘…after the prime rate cut yesterday, there was a uct will sell in a market
further fall in short-term market rates’
[Financial Times] market trends /mɑkt trendz/
plural noun gradual changes taking
market research /mɑkt rs&tʃ/
noun the process of examining the pos-
place in a market
sible sales of a product and the possible market value /mɑkt vlju/ noun
customers for it before it is put on the value of an asset, a share, a product or a
market company if sold today
market sector /mɑkt sektə/ noun mark up /mɑk
p/ verb to increase
a particular section of a market, espe- the price of something
cially an area into which a firm sells mark-up /mɑk
p/ noun 1. an in-
market segment /mɑkt crease in price 쑗 We put into effect a
se"mənt/ noun a group of consumers 10% mark-up of all prices in June. 쑗
in a market who are definable by their Since I was last in the store they have
particular needs put at least a 10% mark-up on the whole
market segmentation /mɑkt range of items. 2. the difference be-
se"menteʃ(ə)n/ noun the division of tween the cost of a product or service
the market or consumers into categories and its selling price (NOTE: Mark-up is
according to their buying habits 쑗 Our often calculated as a percentage of the
strategy is based on satisfying the de- production and overhead costs, and
mands of many different types of buyer represents the profit made on the prod-
and therefore requires thorough market uct or service.) 왍 we work to a 3.5
segmentation. times mark-up or to a 350% mark-up
we take the unit cost and multiply by 3.5
market share /mɑkt ʃeə/ noun to give the selling price
the percentage of a total market which
the sales of a company’s product cover mark-up percentage /mɑk
p pə-
쑗 We hope our new product range will sentd/ noun the mark-up expressed
increase our market share. as a percentage either of the cost price
market specialist /mɑkt or of the selling price 쑗 What’s the
speʃəlst/ noun a person who concen- mark-up percentage on these items?
trates on a few markets, and has an ex- marque /mɑk/ noun a famous brand
pertise in the media industry in these name for a car, e.g. Jaguar, MG, or
markets Ferrari
market stall /mɑkt stɔl/ noun a mart /mɑt/ noun a place where things
light wooden stand where a trader sells are sold
goods in a market mass /ms/ noun 1. a large group of
market structure /mɑkt people 2. a large number 쑗 We have a
ktʃə/ noun the way in which a mass of letters or masses of letters to
mass customisation 170 maximisation
write. 쑗 They received a mass of orders box and a set of links to important areas
or masses of orders after the TV of the website
matched sample /mtʃd
mass customisation /ms sɑmpəl/ noun the use of two samples
stəmazeʃ(ə)n/ noun a process that of people with the same characteristics
allows a standard, mass-produced item, to compare reactions to different prod-
e.g., a bicycle, to be altered to fit the ucts in tests
specific requirements of individual material /mətəriəl/ noun a sub-
customers stance which can be used to make a fin-
mass market /ms mɑkt/ noun ished product 왍 materials control a
the whole market, consisting of a very system to check that a company has
large number of customers enough materials in stock to do its work
mass marketing /ms mɑktŋ/ 왍 materials handling the moving of
noun marketing which aims at reaching materials from one part of a factory to
large numbers of people another in an efficient way
‘…in the good old days of mass marketing, the matrix /metrks/ noun an arrange-
things marketers did to attract new customers ment of data in horizontal and vertical
tended to be the same as the things they did to
keep existing customers – competitive prices, columns (NOTE: plural is matrices)
high quality and good service’ matrix management /metrks
[Marketing Week]
mndmənt/ noun management that
mass media /ms midiə/ noun the operates both through the hierarchical
means of communication by which chain of command within the organisa-
large numbers of people are reached, tion, and through relationships at the
e.g. radio, television or newspapers same level with other managers working
mass-produce /ms prədjus/ in other locations or on different prod-
verb to manufacture identical products ucts or projects
in large quantities 쑗 to mass-produce mature /mətʃυə/ adjective 왍 mature
cars economy a fully developed economy 쐽
master /mɑstə/ adjective main or verb to become due 왍 bills which ma-
original 왍 master budget a budget pre- ture in three weeks’ time bills which
pared by amalgamating budgets from will be due for payment in three weeks
various profit and cost centres such as mature market /mətʃυə mɑkt/
sales, production, marketing or adminis- noun a well-established market, with lit-
tration in order to provide a main budget tle potential for increased sales
for the whole company 왍 the master
copy of a file the main copy of a com- maturity /mətʃυərti/ noun the third
puter file, kept for security purposes stage in a product life cycle when a
product is well established in the market
master franchise /mɑstə though no longer enjoying increasing
frntʃaz/ noun a franchise given to a sales, after which sooner or later it will
single entrepreneur who then sells sub- start to decline
sidiary franchises to others
maximal awareness /mksməl
Master of Business Administra- əweənəs/ noun the point at which a
tion (MBA) noun full form of MBA consumer is convinced enough by a
master sample /mɑstə sɑmpəl/ product’s advertising to buy the product
noun a collection of basic sampling 쑗 The marketing director considered
units (such as parliamentary constituen- the advertisement’s message too weak
cies) compiled by research organisations to achieve maximal awareness.
to help a company’s market research maximisation /mksma-
masthead /mɑsthed/ noun the area zeʃ(ə)n/, maximization noun the pro-
at the top of a webpage, which usually cess of making something as large as
contains the logo of the organisation possible 쑗 profit maximisation or
that owns the page, and often a search maximiatison of profit
maximise 171 media event
‘…fill huge warehouses with large quantities merger /m&də/ noun the joining to-
but limited assortments of top-brand,
first-quality merchandise and sell the goods at
gether of two or more companies 쑗 As a
rock-bottom prices’ [Duns Business Month] result of the merger, the company is now
the largest in the field.
merchandise2 /m&tʃəndaz/,
merchandize verb to sell goods by a message /mesd/ noun 1. a piece of
wide variety of means, such as display, news which is sent to someone 쑗 He
advertising or sending samples 쑗 to says he never received the message. 쑗
merchandise a product I’ll leave a message with her secretary.
2. an idea that is communicated by pro-
merchandising /m&tʃəndazŋ/, motion 쑗 The agency was given clear
merchandizing noun the process of or- instructions as to what message the ad-
ganising the display and promotion of vertisement should convey. 쑗 Few peo-
goods in retail outlets 쑗 the ple interviewed in the survey knew what
merchandising of a product 쑗 the the advertisement’s message was sup-
merchandising department posed to be. 쑗 The message on the
merchandiser /m&tʃəndazə/ poster was conveyed in only three
noun a person or company that words.
organises the display and promotion of
message effect /mesd fekt/
noun the effect of an advertisement’s
merchant /m&tʃənt/ noun a busi- message on the target audience 쑗 The
nessperson who buys and sells, espe- message effect was lost because so
cially one who buys imported goods in many people didn’t understand the joke
bulk for retail sale 쑗 a coal merchant 쑗 used in the advertisement. 쑗 After the
a wine merchant campaign we’ll try to assess what the
merchantable /m&tʃəntəb(ə)l/ ad- message effect has been.
jective of good enough quality for sale metamarketing /metəmɑktŋ/
and use noun US marketing applied to all kinds
merchant account /m&tʃənt of organisations, such as hospitals,
əkaυnt/ noun an account opened by an churches and religions, as well as to
e-merchant at a financial institution to profit-making concerns
receive the proceeds of credit-card me-too product /mi tu prɒd
transactions noun a product which is a very similar
merchant bank /m&tʃənt bŋk/ to an existing market leader
noun a bank which arranges loans to metro area /metrəυ eəriə/ noun the
companies, deals in international fi- central part of a large city
nance, buys and sells shares, launches
new companies on the Stock Exchange, micro- /makrəυ/ prefix very small
but does not provide normal banking microeconomics /makrəυ ikə-
services to the general public nɒmks/ noun the study of the eco-
merchanting /m&tʃəntŋ/ noun the nomics of people or single companies.
action of buying and selling Compare macroeconomics 왍 micro-
merchantman /m&tʃəntmən/ noun economic trends trends in a country’s
a commercial ship economy, e.g. consumer income and
patterns of spending, wages, savings, or
merchant marine /m&tʃənt mə- debt
rin/ noun all the commercial ships of a
country microenvironment /makrəυ n-
varənmənt/ noun the elements or fac-
merge /m&d/ verb to join together 쑗 tors outside a business organisation
The two companies have merged. 쑗 The which directly affect it, such as supply
firm merged with its main competitor. of raw materials, demand for its prod-
merge-purge /m&d p&d/ noun ucts and rival companies 쑗 Unreliability
combining two mailing lists and check- of suppliers is one the greatest problems
ing to remove duplicate addresses in our microenvironment.
micromarketing 174 model
method of carrying out market research, The questionnaire had eight multiple
in which the respondents are given a choice questions, two dichotomous
scale (usually 1 to 5) on which they base questions and one open question.
their replies multiple correlation /m
multilateral /m
ltilt(ə)rəl/ adjec- kɒrəleʃ(ə)n/ noun a method for mea-
tive between several parties 쑗 a multi- suring the effect of several independent
lateral agreement 왍 multilateral trade variables on one dependent variable
trade between several countries multiple discriminant analysis
multilevel marketing /m
lti /m
ltp(ə)l dskrmnənt ənləss/
lev(ə)l mɑktŋ/ noun same as net- noun a method for assessing products
work marketing by separating out their various attrib-
multimagazine deal /m
ltim"ə- utes, and estimating the relative values
zin dil/ plural noun a deal where dif- of these attributes to different market
ferent publishers offer advertisers the segments. The whole process produces
opportunity to buy space in their maga- an assessment of the general potential of
zines at the same time a product.
multiple pricing /m
multimedia /m
ltimidiə/ adjective prasŋ/ noun the practice of fixing the
referring to several media used in a pro- same price for several different products
ject 쑗 We are going for an all-out multi-
media advertising campaign. multiple regression analysis
ltp(ə)l r"reʃ(ə)n ənləss/
multimedia document /m
lti- noun a method for discovering the rela-
midiə dɒkjυmənt/ noun an elec- tionship between several independent
tronic document that contains interac- variables and one dependent variable
tive material from a range of different
media such as text, video, sound, graph- multiple store /m
ltp(ə)l stɔ/
ics, and animation noun one store in a chain of stores
multinational /m
ltinʃ(ə)nəl/ multiplexing /m
ltpleksŋ/ noun
noun a company which has branches or an arrangement where several TV chan-
subsidiary companies in several coun- nels are transmitted by one cable net-
tries 쑗 The company has been bought by work, or where several messages are
one of the big multinationals. combined in the same transmission
multi-pack offer /m
lti pk ɒfə/
noun a special promotional offer in
multi-stage sample /m
lt sted
which an extra pack is offered free, or at sɑmpəl/ noun a sample selected by
a reduced price, for each pack bought at ensuring equal proportions of various
full price categories existing in the population and
then using random sampling to select re-
multiple /m
ltp(ə)l/ adjective many spondents within these categories
쐽 noun a company with stores in sev-
multitasking /m
ltitɑskŋ/ noun
eral different towns
performing several different tasks at the
‘…many independents took advantage of the
bank holiday period when the big multiples same time
were closed’ [The Grocer] mystery /mst(ə)ri/ noun something
‘…the multiple brought the price down to £2.49 which cannot be explained
in some stores. We had not agreed to this deal mystery shopper /mst(ə)ri ʃɒpə/
and they sold out very rapidly. When they
reordered we would not give it to them. This noun a person employed by a
kind of activity is bad for the brand and we market-research company to visit shops
cannot afford it’ [The Grocer] anonymously to test the quality of
multiple choice question service
ltp(ə)l tʃɔs kwetʃən/ noun a mystery shopping /mst(ə)ri
type of question used in a survey which ʃɒpŋ/ noun shopping done by anony-
allows the respondent to choose a single mous employees of a market-research
answer from several possible ones 쑗 company to test staff reactions, etc.
naira 178 natural
naira /narə/ noun currency used in throughout a whole country, not just in a
Nigeria (NOTE: no plural; naira is usu- local area
ally written N before figures: N2,000 National Debt /nʃ(ə)nəl det/
say ‘two thousand naira’) noun money borrowed by a government
name /nem/ noun the word used for national income /nʃ(ə)nəl
referring to a person, animal or thing 쑗 I nk
m/ noun the value of income from
cannot remember the name of the man- the sales of goods and services in a
aging director of Smith’s Ltd. 쑗 His first country
name is John, but I am not sure of his
other names. 왍 under the name of us- nationalisation /nʃ(ə)nəla-
ing a particular name 왍 trading under zeʃ(ə)n/, nationalization noun the
the name of ‘Best Foods’ using the taking over of private industry by the
name ‘Best Foods’ as a commercial state
name, and not the name of the company national launch /nʃ(ə)nəl lɔntʃ/
named /nemd/ adjective 왍 the per- noun a launch of a product over the
son named in the policy the person whole country at the same time, as op-
whose name is given on an insurance posed to launching it in some areas only
policy as the person insured national newspaper /nʃ(ə)nəl
njuzpepə/ noun a newspaper which
narrowcasting /nrəυkɑstŋ/
is sold throughout a whole country and
noun the act of reaching only a small
carries national and international news
special audience through an electronic
medium such as cable television national press /nʃ(ə)nəl pres/
noun newspapers which sell in all parts
nation /neʃ(ə)n/ noun a country and of the country 쑗 The new car has been
the people living in it advertised in the national press.
national /nʃ(ə)nəl/ adjective refer- national retailer /nʃ(ə)nəl
ring to the whole of a particular country ritelə/ noun a retailing company
왍 national advertising advertising in which has branches throughout a
every part of a country, not just in the country
capital 쑗 We took national advertising
to promote our new 24-hour delivery nationwide /neʃənwad/ adjective
service. 왍 national campaign a sales or all over a country 쑗 We offer a nation-
publicity campaign in every part of a wide delivery service. 쑗 The new car is
country being launched with a nationwide sales
national account /nʃ(ə)nəl
əkaυnt/ noun a customer with natural /ntʃ(ə)rəl/ adjective 1.
branches or offices all over the country found in the earth 쑗 The offices are
heated by natural gas. 2. not made by
national advertiser /nʃ(ə)nəl people 쑗 They use only natural fibres
dvətazə/ noun a company that ad- for their best cloths. 3. normal 쑗 It was
vertises in every part of a country, not only natural that the shopkeeper should
just in the capital city feel annoyed when the hypermarket was
national brand /nʃ(ə)nəl brnd/ built close to his shop. 쑗 It was natural
noun a brand which is recognised for the workers to feel aggrieved when
natural break 179 negotiation
the management decided to change pro- changed for cash 왍 ‘not negotiable’
duction methods without consultation. words written on a cheque to show that
natural break /ntʃ(ə)rəl brek/ it can be paid only to a specific person 왍
noun a convenient or reasonable point negotiable cheque a cheque made pay-
in a TV programme for a commercial able to bearer, i.e. to anyone who holds
break it
natural resources /ntʃ(ə)rəl r- negotiable instrument /n-
zɔsz/ plural noun raw materials "əυʃiəb(ə)l nstrυmənt/ noun a doc-
which are found in the earth, e.g. coal, ument which can be exchanged for cash,
gas or iron e.g. a bill of exchange or a cheque
navigation /nv"eʃ(ə)n/ noun the negotiable paper /n"əυʃiəb(ə)l
action of guiding and steering, in partic- pepə/ noun a document which can be
ular the graphics which lead users to dif- transferred from one owner to another
ferent websites for cash
necessity /nəsesti/ noun something negotiate /n"əυʃiet/ verb 왍 to ne-
which is vitally important, without gotiate with someone to discuss a prob-
which nothing can be done or no one lem formally with someone, so as to
can survive 쑗 Being unemployed makes reach an agreement 쑗 The management
it difficult to afford even the basic ne- refused to negotiate with the union. 왍 to
cessities. (NOTE: plural is necessities) negotiate terms and conditions or to
necessity product /nəsesti negotiate a contract to discuss and
kt/ noun an ordinary everyday agree the terms of a contract 왍 he nego-
product which consumers tend not to tiated a £250,000 loan with the bank
buy much more of as their incomes rise he came to an agreement with the bank
쑗 Consumers find shopping for neces- for a loan of £250,000
sity products boring. 쑗 Fancy packag- ‘…many of the large travel agency chains are
ing will not increase sales of necessity able to negotiate even greater discounts’
products. [Duns Business Month]
negative /ne"ətv/ adjective mean- negotiated commission /n-
ing ‘No’ 왍 the answer was in the nega- "əυʃietd kəmʃ(ə)n/ noun commis-
tive the answer was ‘no’ sion agreed with an advertising agency
negative cash flow /ne"ətv kʃ before work starts, and which may be
fləυ/ noun a situation where more different from standard commissions
money is going out of a company than is negotiation /n"əυʃieʃ(ə)n/ noun
coming in the discussion of terms and conditions
negative demand /ne"ətv d- in order to reach an agreement 왍 con-
mɑnd/ noun firm decisions by con- tract under negotiation a contract
sumers not to buy a particular product 쑗 which is being discussed 왍 a matter for
Negative demand was due to offensive negotiation something which must be
advertising. discussed before a decision is reached 왍
negative variance /ne"ətv to enter into negotiations or to start
veəriəns/ noun a difference between a negotiations to start discussing a prob-
financial plan and its outcome that lem 왍 to resume negotiations to start
means a less favourable profit than ex- discussing a problem again, after talks
pected 쑗 The unexpected increase in have stopped for a time 왍 to break off
raw material prices meant a negative negotiations to stop discussing a prob-
variance of $5000. 쑗 A sudden fall in lem 왍 to conduct negotiations to nego-
revenue resulted in a negative variance tiate 왍 negotiations broke down after
for the year as a whole. six hours discussions stopped because
negotiable /n"əυʃiəb(ə)l/ adjective no agreement was possible
which can be transferred from one per- ‘…after three days of tough negotiations, the
son to another or exchanged for cash 왍 company reached agreement with its 1,200
unionized workers’ [Toronto Star]
not negotiable which cannot be ex-
negotiator 180 neural network
never-never /nevə nevə/ noun buy- event which is sent to newspapers and
ing on credit (informal ) 쑗 She bought
. TV and radio stations so that they can
her car on the never-never. use it 쑗 The company sent out a news
new /nju/ adjective recent or not old release about the new product launch.
new buy /nju ba/ noun a type of or- news stand /njuz stnd/ noun a
ganisational buying in which a com- small wooden shop on a pavement, for
pletely new product is bought selling newspapers
new entrant /nju entrənt/ noun a new technology /nju teknɒlədi/
company which is going into a market noun electronic devices which have re-
for the first time cently been invented
new issues department /nju next matter /nekst mtə/,
ʃuz dpɑtmənt/ noun the section of next-to-reading matter /nekst tə
a bank which deals with issues of new ridŋ mtə/ noun advertising mate-
shares rial placed next to editorial matter in a
new product committee /nju
kt kəmti/ noun a group of peo- niche /niʃ/ noun a special place in a
ple from different departments in a com- market, occupied by one company (a
pany who work together on a new ‘niche company’) 쑗 They seem to have
product development project 쑗 The new discovered a niche in the market.
product committee met regularly to niche market /niʃ mɑkt/ noun
monitor the progress in the product’s small speciality market, where there is
development. little competition
new product development /nju niche marketing /niʃ mɑktŋ/
kt dveləpmənt/ noun the pro- noun the promotion of a product aimed
cess of developing completely new at one particular area of the market. 쏡
products or improving existing ones 쑗 concentrated marketing
The company fell behind because it Nielsen Index /nilsən ndeks/ an
failed to invest enough in new product American publication belonging to A.C.
development. Abbr NPD Nielsen, with a number of different re-
news /njuz/ noun information about tail and wholesale audit services refer-
things which have happened 쑗 She al- ring to various types of outlet and
ways reads the business news or finan- different areas of the country
cial news first in the paper. 쑗 Financial night rate /nat ret/ noun cheap rate
markets were shocked by the news of the for telephone calls at night
devaluation. nixies /nksiz/ plural noun US (infor-
news agency /njuz edənsi/ mal ) 1. records that do not match a file
no returns policy /nəυ rt&nz £200 on the 30th of each month until
pɒlsi/ noun a trading policy where the further notice. 2. the time allowed be-
supplier will not take back unsold mer- fore something takes place 왍 at short
chandise in exchange for credit, and in notice with very little warning 쑗 The
return allows the retailer an extra bank manager will not see anyone at
discount short notice. 왍 you must give seven
normal /nɔm(ə)l/ adjective usual or days’ notice of withdrawal you must
which happens regularly 쑗 Normal de- ask to take money out of the account
liveries are made on Tuesdays and Fri- seven days before you want it
days. 쑗 Now that supply difficulties noticeboard /nəυtsbɔd/ noun a
have been resolved we hope to resume board fixed to a wall where notices can
normal service as soon as possible. 왍 be put up 쑗 Did you see the new list of
under normal conditions if things prices on the noticeboard?
work in the usual way 쑗 Under normal noting /nəυtŋ/ noun the act of notic-
conditions a package takes two days to ing, though not necessarily reading and
get to Copenhagen. understanding, an advertisement in a
normal distribution /nɔm(ə)l publication
dstrbjuʃ(ə)n/ noun a term used in noting score /nəυtŋ skɔ/ noun the
sampling theory, referring to the results percentage of total readers who note an
of a sample and meaning a symmetrical advertisement 쑗 The amount of adver-
distribution of values around a mean or tising we will need to do depends on the
average, so that you can be confident anticipated noting score.
that the sample is properly representa- novelty /nɒv(ə)lti/ noun an original
tive of the people being surveyed in a amusing article which is often bought as
study a gift 쑗 A novelty shop provided paper
normal price /nɔm(ə)l pras/ noun hats for parties.
the price that can be expected for a NPD abbr new product development
product under normal market conditions null /n
l/ adjective 1. with no meaning
normal product /nɔm(ə)l 2. which cannot legally be enforced 왍
kt/ noun a product which people the contract was declared null and
buy more of as their incomes rise and void the contract was said to be not
less of as their incomes fall valid 왍 to render a decision null to
normal profit /nɔm(ə)l prɒft/ make a decision useless or to cancel it
noun a minimum profit that can moti- nullification /n
lfkeʃ(ə)n/ noun
vate a business to carry on a type of pro- an act of making something invalid
duction or selling nullify /n
lfa/ verb to make some-
note /nəυt/ noun a short letter or short thing invalid or to cancel something
piece of information 쑗 to send someone (NOTE: nullifying- nullified)
a note 쑗 I left a note on her desk. 쐽 verb numeric /njumerk/, numerical
to notice an advertisement in a publica- /njumerk(ə)l/ adjective referring to
tion but not necessarily read or under- numbers 왍 in numerical order in the
stand it order of figures, e.g. 1 before 2, 33 be-
notice /nəυts/ noun 1. an official fore 34 쑗 File these invoices in numeri-
warning that a contract is going to end cal order.
or that terms are going to be changed 왍 numeric data /njumerk detə/
until further notice until different in- noun data in the form of figures
structions are given 쑗 You must pay
O&M 184 off
to take £25 off the price 쑗 We give 10% official receiver /əfʃ(ə)l rsivə/
off our normal prices. noun a government official who is ap-
‘…its stock closed Monday at $21.875 a share in pointed to run a company which is in fi-
NYSE composite trading, off 56% from its high nancial difficulties, to pay off its debts
last July’ [Wall Street Journal] as far as possible, and to close it down 쑗
off-card rate /ɒf kɑd ret/ noun a The court appointed a receiver for the
specially arranged price, lower than that company. 쑗 The company is in the
on the rate card, for advertising space or hands of the receiver.
time 쑗 The newspaper offered us an off-licence /ɒf las(ə)ns/ noun 1. a
off-card rate for space which was still shop which sells alcohol for drinking at
empty the day before publication. home 2. a licence to sell alcohol for
offensive spending /əfensv drinking away from the place where you
spendŋ/ noun spending on advertising buy it
which aims to attract users of a rival offload /ɒfləυd/ verb to pass some-
brand or to attack the competition thing which you do not want to someone
offer /ɒfə/ noun 1. a statement that else 왍 to offload excess stock to try to
you are willing to pay a specific amount sell excess stock 왍 to offload costs onto
of money to buy something 쑗 to make a subsidiary company to try to get a
an offer for a company 쑗 We made an subsidiary company to pay some
offer of £10 a share. 쑗 We made a writ- charges so as to reduce tax
ten offer for the house. 쑗 £1,000 is the off-peak /ɒf pik/ adjective not dur-
best offer I can make. 쑗 We accepted an ing the most busy time
offer of £1,000 for the car. 왍 the house off-peak period /ɒf pik pəriəd/
is under offer someone has made an of- noun the time when business is less
fer to buy the house and the offer has busy
been accepted provisionally 왍 we are
open to offers we are ready to discuss
off-price label /ɒf pras leb(ə)l/
noun a label on a product which shows a
the price which we are asking 왍 or near
reduced price
offer or or best offer US or an offer of
a price which is slightly less than the off-season noun /ɒf siz(ə)n/ the
price asked 쑗 The car is for sale at less busy season for travel, usually dur-
£2,000 or near offer. 2. a statement that ing the winter 쑗 Air fares are cheaper in
you are willing to sell something 왍 offer the off-season.
for sale a situation where a company offset / ɒfset/ noun a method of print-
advertises new shares for sale to the ing from a plate to a rubber surface and
public as a way of launching the com- then to paper
pany on the Stock Exchange. The other offset lithography /ɒfset l-
ways of launching a company are a ‘ten- θɒ"rəfi/ noun a printing process used
der’ or a ‘placing’. 3. 왍 She received for printing books, where the ink sticks
six offers of jobs/six job offers six to image areas on the plate and is trans-
companies told her she could have a job ferred to an offset cylinder from which
with them 쐽 verb 1. to say that you are it is printed on to the paper
willing to pay a specific amount of
money for something 쑗 to offer some- off-the-page buying /ɒf ðə ped
one £100,000 for their house 쑗 She of- baŋ/ noun the buying of items which
fered £10 a share. 2. to say that you are have been advertised in magazines or
willing to sell something 쑗 We offered newspapers
the house for sale. 쑗 They are offering off-the-peg /ɒf ðə pe"/ adjective,
special prices on winter holidays in the adverb ready made in standard sizes,
USA. and not fitted specially 쑗 She buys all
Office of Fair Trading /ɒfs əv feə her clothes off-the-peg.
tredŋ/ noun a government depart- off-the-peg research /ɒf ðə pe" r-
ment which protects consumers against s&tʃ/ noun the practice of taking re-
unfair or illegal business. Abbr OFT search which has already been carried
oil-exporting country 186 open
out in another context, and using it as one-time order /w
n tam ɔdə/
the basis for taking particular decisions noun an order for an advertising spot for
oil-exporting country /ɔl k- a particular time which is not scheduled
spɔtŋ k
ntri/ noun country which to be repeated
produces oil and sells it to others one-time rate /w
n tam ret/ noun
a special rate for an advertisement that
oligopoly /ɒl"ɒpəli/ noun a situa- is only placed once
tion where only a few sellers control the
market 쑗 An oligopoly means that one-to-one /w
n tə w
n/ adjective
prices can be kept high. where one person has to deal with one
other person only
oligopsony /ɒl"ɒpsəni/ noun a sit-
uation where only a few buyers control one-to-one marketing /w
n tə
the market w
n mɑktŋ/ noun marketing
through a website which aims to estab-
omnibus advertisement lish a personal relationship with a cus-
/ɒmnbəs ədv&tsmənt/ noun an ad- tomer, selling to each customer as an
vertisement which covers several differ- individual and trying to differentiate be-
ent products tween customers
omnibus agreement /ɒmnbəs on-hold advertising /ɒn həυld
ə"rimənt/ noun an agreement which dvətazŋ/ noun advertising to tele-
covers many different items phone callers while they are waiting to
omnibus research /ɒmnbəs r- be connected to the person they want to
s&tʃ/, omnibus survey /ɒmnbəs speak to, usually involving voice mes-
s&ve/ noun a survey to which several sages about the firm and its products
companies subscribe, each adding spe- online /ɒnlan/ adverb linked directly
cific questions of its own to a mainframe computer 쑗 The sales
oncosts /ɒnkɒsts/ plural noun office is online to the warehouse. 쑗 We
money spent in producing a product get our data online from the stock con-
which does not rise with the quantity of trol department.
the product made (NOTE: also called ‘…there may be a silver lining for
‘clicks-and-mortar’ stores that have both an
fixed costs) online and a high street presence. Many of these
one-sided /w
n sadd/ adjective are accepting returns of goods purchased online
at their traditional stores. This is a service that
which favours one side and not the other may make them more popular as consumers
in a negotiation 쑗 a one-sided become more experienced online shoppers’
agreement [Financial Times]
one-sided message /w
n sadd online shopping /ɒnlan ʃɒpŋ/
mesd/ noun a message which only noun same as electronic shopping
gives the benefits of a product or service online shopping mall /ɒnlan
one-step approach /w
n step ʃɒpŋ mɔl/ noun same as cyber mall
əprəυtʃ/ noun a form of direct market- on-pack promotion /ɒn pk prə-
ing where advertisements are used to məυʃ(ə)n/ noun advertising material
obtain orders directly on the outside of packaged goods 쑗 We
one-stop /w
n stɒp ʃɒpŋ/ adjec- use on-pack promotion to stimulate buy-
tive offering a wide range of services to ing at the point-of-sale. 쑗 Our on-pack
a customer, not necessarily services promotion is designed to complement
which are related to the product or ser- the TV advertising campaign.
vices which the company normally sells op-ed /ɒp ed/ noun in a newspaper, a
one-stop shopping centre /w
n page that has signed articles expressing
stɒp ʃɒpŋ sentə/ noun a shopping personal opinions, usually found oppo-
centre with a comprehensive choice of site the editorial page
shops and supermarkets, designed to open /əυpən/ adjective ready to ac-
cover all of a customer’s shopping cept something 왍 the job is open to all
needs applicants anyone can apply for the job
open account 187 operant conditioning
왍 open to offers ready to accept a rea- licence for all goods which are subject
sonable offer 왍 the company is open to to special import restrictions
offers for the empty factory the com- opening /əυp(ə)nŋ/ noun 1. the act
pany is ready to discuss an offer which of starting a new business 쑗 the opening
is lower than the suggested price 쐽 verb of a new branch 쑗 the opening of a new
to start a new business 쑗 She has market or of a new distribution network
opened a shop in the High Street. 쑗 We 2. opportunity to do something 쐽 adjec-
have opened a branch in London. tive being at the beginning, or the first
open account /əυpən əkaυnt/ of several
noun an account where the supplier of-
opening balance /əυp(ə)nŋ
fers the purchaser credit without bləns/ noun a balance at the begin-
security ning of an accounting period
open-air market /əυpən eə
mɑkt/ noun a market which is held opening bid /əυp(ə)nŋ bd/ noun
on stalls in the open air the first bid at an auction
open communication /əυpən opening entry /əυp(ə)nŋ entri/
kəmjunkeʃ(ə)n/ noun a policy in- noun the first entry in an account
tended to ensure that employees are able opening hours /əυp(ə)nŋ aυəz/
to find out everything they want to plural noun hours when a shop or busi-
know about their organisation ness is open
open credit /əυpən kredt/ noun opening sentence /əυp(ə)nŋ
credit given to good customers without sentəns/ noun the first sentence in an
security email
open dating /əυpən detŋ/ noun opening stock /əυp(ə)nŋ stɒk/
the practice of putting the sell-by date noun the stock details at the beginning
on a packet in an uncoded form which of an accounting period
can be understood by the consumers 쑗 open market /əυpən mɑkt/ noun
Open dating is considered by many to a market where anyone can buy or sell
be an important feature of consumer
protection in food products. open pricing /əυpən prasŋ/ noun
the attempt by companies to achieve
open-door policy /əυpən dɔ some cooperation and conformity in
pɒlsi/ noun policy in which a country pricing 쑗 Representatives from the ma-
accepts imports from all other countries jor companies in the industry are meet-
on equal terms ing to establish an open-pricing policy.
open-ended /əυpən endd/ adjec-
tive with no fixed limit or with some
open rate /əυpən ret/ noun an ad-
items not specified 쑗 They signed an vertising rate where discounts are avail-
open-ended agreement. 쑗 The candidate able for frequent or bulk orders
was offered an open-ended contract open standard /əυpən stndəd/
with a good career plan. (NOTE: Ameri- noun a standard for computers and re-
can English is open-end) lated products that allows pieces of
open-ended question /əυpən equipment from different manufacturers
endd kwestʃən/ noun a question in a to operate with each other
questionnaire which allows respondents open up /əυpən
p/ verb 왍 to open
to answer in some detail as they like up new markets to work to start busi-
without having simply to say ‘yes’ or ness in markets where such business has
‘no’ 쑗 Open-ended questions elicit an- not been done before
swers that are original but hard to eval- operant conditioning /ɒpərənt
uate. 쑗 An open-ended question is kəndʃ(ə)nŋ/ noun a learning theory
needed here, since the question involves stating that behaviour can be modified
the respondent’s personal feelings. by stimuli and also by the consequences
open general licence /əυpən which follow on from the behaviour
den(ə)rəl las(ə)ns/ noun an import itself
operate 188 opinion shopping
aging director. 2. to instruct 쑗 to order ‘…we organize a rate with importers who have
twenty filing cabinets to be delivered to large orders and guarantee them space at a fixed
rate so that they can plan their costs’
the warehouse [Lloyd’s List]
order book /ɔdə bυk/ noun a book ‘…governments are coming under increasing
which records orders received pressure from politicians, organized labour and
business to stimulate economic growth’
order confirmation /ɔdə kɒnf- [Duns Business Month]
meʃ(ə)n/ noun an email message in- organised market /ɔ"ənazd
forming a purchaser that an order has mɑkt/ noun a market controlled by
been received regulations set down by government or
order form /ɔdə fɔm/ noun a pad an official organisation 쑗 The govern-
of blank forms for orders to be written ment feels that an organised market is
on not conducive to business initiative.
order fulfilment /ɔdə fυlflmənt/ organisation and methods
noun supplying items which have been /ɔ"ənazeʃ(ə)n ən meθədz/ noun a
ordered process of examining how an office
order number /ɔdə n
mbə/ noun works, and suggesting how it can be
the reference number printed on an made more efficient. Abbr O & M
order orientation /ɔriənteʃ(ə)n/ noun
order picking /ɔdə pkŋ/ noun the main interest or type of activity 쑗
the process of collecting various items The company’s orientation is towards
in a warehouse in order to make up an production and it has little marketing
order to be sent to a customer experience.
order taking /ɔdə tekŋ/ noun the oriented /ɔrientd/, orientated
action of taking an order, the main re- /ɔriəntetd/ adjective interested in
sponsibility of the salesperson or involved with 쑗 Our strategy is ori-
ented towards achieving further growth
organisation /ɔ"ənazeʃ(ə)n/, in the export market. 쑗 The promotion is
organization noun 1. a way of arrang- entirely product-oriented.
ing something so that it works effi-
ciently 쑗 the organisation of the head origin /ɒrdn/ noun the place where
office into departments 쑗 The chairman something or someone originally comes
handles the organisation of the AGM. 쑗 from 쑗 spare parts of European origin
The organisation of the group is too original /ərdən(ə)l/ adjective
centralised to be efficient. 2. a group or which was used or made first 쑗 They
institution which is arranged for effi- sent a copy of the original invoice. 쑗 He
cient work kept the original receipt for reference. 쐽
‘…working with a client base which includes noun the first copy made 쑗 Send the
many major commercial organizations and original and file two copies.
nationalized industries’ [Times]
originally /ərdən(ə)l/ adverb first
organisational buying /ɔ"əna- or at the beginning
zeʃ(ə)nəl baŋ/ noun buying by a original purchase /ərdən(ə)l
large organisation, such as a company or p&tʃs/ noun a copy of a magazine or
government department, as opposed to newspaper which is actually bought by
purchases by individual consumers the reader, rather than simply read by
organisation chart /ɔ"əna- them
zeʃ(ə)n tʃɑt/ noun a diagram show- OS abbr outsize
ing how a company or an office is
O/S abbr out of stock
OTO abbr one time only
organise /ɔ"ənaz/, organize verb
to set up a system for doing something OTS abbr opportunities to see
쑗 the company is organised into six outbid /aυtbd/ verb to offer a better
profit centres 쑗 the group is organised price than someone else 쑗 We offered
by sales areas £100,000 for the warehouse, but an-
outdoor 191 over-
other company outbid us. (NOTE: out- outsell /aυtsel/ verb to sell more than
bidding – outbid) someone 쑗 The company is easily out-
outdoor /aυtdɔ/ adjective in the selling its competitors. (NOTE: outsell-
open air ing – outsold)
outdoor advertising /aυtdɔr outside broadcast /aυtsad
dvətazŋ/ noun 1. advertising on the brɔdkɑst/ noun a programme not
outside of a building or in the open air, transmitted from a studio
using posters on hoardings or neon signs outside director /aυtsad da-
2. advertising in the open air, including rektə/ noun a director who is not em-
advertising in public transport, on ployed by the company, a non-executive
roadsides, at bus stops, skywriting, etc. director
outer /aυtə/ noun a piece of packag- outside poster /aυtsad pəυstəz/
ing which covers items which already noun a poster on public transport
are in packages such as buses, taxis, trains and the
outer pack /aυtə pk/ noun a con- underground
tainer which holds a number of smaller outsize /aυtsaz/ noun a size which
packaged items 쑗 The goods are sold in is larger than usual. Abbr OS 왍 outsize
outer packs, each containing twenty order a very large order
outlet /aυtlet/ noun a place where outsource /aυtsɔs/ verb to use a
source outside a company or business to
something can be sold
do the work that is needed
out-of-date /aυt əv det/ adjective,
adverb old-fashioned or no longer mod- outsourcing /aυtsɔsŋ/ noun the
ern 쑗 Their computer system is years transfer of work previously done by em-
out of date. 쑗 They’re still using ployees of an organisation to another or-
out-of-date equipment. ganisation, usually one that specialises
in that type of work (NOTE: Things that
out-of-home advertising /aυt əv have usually been outsourced in the
həυm dvətazŋ/ noun outdoor ad- past include legal services, transport,
vertising including transport, catering, and security, but nowadays
skywriting, etc. IT services, training, and public rela-
out of stock /aυt əv stɒk/ adjective, tions are often added to the list.)
adverb with no stock left 쑗 Those books ‘…organizations in the public and private
are temporarily out of stock. 쑗 Several sectors are increasingly buying in specialist
out-of-stock items have been on order services – or outsourcing – allowing them to cut
costs and concentrate on their core business
for weeks. Abbr O/S activities’ [Financial Times]
output /aυtpυt/ noun the amount
which a company, person or machine outstanding /aυtstndŋ/ adjective
produces 쑗 Output has increased by not yet paid or completed 왍 outstand-
10%. 쑗 25% of our output is exported. ing debts debts which are waiting to be
‘…crude oil output plunged during the last paid 왍 outstanding orders orders re-
month and is likely to remain near its present ceived but not yet supplied 왍 what is
level for the near future’ [Wall Street Journal] the amount outstanding? how much
output bonus /aυtpυt bəυnəs/, money is still owed? 왍 matters out-
output-based bonus /aυtpυt best standing from the previous meeting
bəυnəs/ noun an extra payment for in- questions which were not settled at the
creased production previous meeting
output per hour /aυtpυt pər aυə/ outward mission /aυtwəd
noun the amount of something produced mʃ(ə)n/ noun a visit by a group of
in one hour businesspeople to a foreign country
output tax /aυtpυt tks/ noun VAT over- /əυvə/ prefix more than 왍 shop
charged by a company on goods or ser- which caters to the over-60s a shop
vices sold, and which the company pays which has goods which appeal to people
to the government who are more than sixty years old
overall 192 over-the-counter sales
selling of shares which are not listed in owner /əυnə/ noun a person who
the official Stock Exchange list, usually owns something 왍 goods sent at
carried out by telephone owner’s risk a situation where the
overweight /əυvəwet/ adjective 왍 owner has to insure the goods while
the package is sixty grams overweight they are being transported
the package weighs sixty grams too own label /əυn leb(ə)l/ noun goods
much specially produced for a store with the
‘Cash paid for your stock: any quantity, any store’s name on them
products, overstocked lines, factory seconds’
[Australian Financial Review] own-label goods /əυn leb(ə)l
"υdz/ plural noun goods specially pro-
own brand /əυn brnd/ noun the duced for a store with the store’s name
name of a store which is used on prod- on them
ucts which are specially packed for that ‘…the company is hunting for a marketing
store director as part of an effort to expand its
own-brand goods /əυn brnd non-food division and introduce own-label. It
will also review its entire own-label ranges and
"υdz/ plural noun products specially look at the possibility of rolling out the non-food
packed for a store with the store’s name division own-label brands’ [Marketing Week]
on them ‘…its survey of brand development indicates
that whereas branded goods appeal to over-45
year olds, supermarket own-label goods are
favoured by consumers under the age of 34’
[Marketing Week]
P2P 194 packing
P2P /pi tə pi/ adjective referring to package deal /pkd dil/ noun an
direct communications or dealings be- agreement where several different items
tween one computer to another without are agreed at the same time 쑗 They
a central server being involved (NOTE: agreed a package deal which involves
P2P stands for peer-to-peer.) the construction of the factory, training
pack /pk/ noun items put together in of staff and purchase of the product.
a container or shrink-wrapped for sell- package holiday /pkd
ing 왍 items sold in packs of 200 items hɒlde/, packaged holiday
sold in boxes containing 200 items 왍 /pkdd hɒlde/ noun a holiday
blister pack or bubble pack a type of whose price includes transport and
packing where the item for sale is cov- accomodation, and sometimes also
ered with a stiff plastic cover sealed to a meals 쑗 The travel company is arrang-
card backing 쐽 verb to put things into a ing a package trip to the international
container for selling or sending 쑗 to trade fair.
pack goods into cartons 쑗 Your order packaging /pkdŋ/ noun 1. the
has been packed and is ready for ship- act of putting things into packages 2.
ping. 쑗 The biscuits are packed in plas- material used to protect goods which are
tic wrappers. being packed 쑗 bubble wrap and other
package /pkd/ noun 1. goods packaging material 쑗 The fruit is sold in
packed and wrapped for sending by mail airtight packaging. 3. attractive material
쑗 The Post Office does not accept bulky used to wrap goods for display
packages. 쑗 The goods are to be sent in ‘…the consumer wants to be challenged by
airtight packages. 2. a group of different more individual products and more innovative
items joined together in one deal 3. a packaging’ [Marketing]
group of TV or radio programmes or ‘…promotional packaging can mean rethinking
commercial spots offered with a dis- more than just the pack graphics’ [Marketing]
count by a station 쐽 verb 왍 to package packer /pkə/ noun a person who
goods to wrap and pack goods in an at- packs goods
tractive way
‘…airlines offer special stopover rates and hotel packet /pkt/ noun a small box of
packages to attract customers to certain routes’ goods for selling 쑗 Can you get me a
[Business Traveller] packet of cigarettes? 쑗 She bought a
‘…the remuneration package will include an packet of biscuits. 쑗 We need two pack-
attractive salary, profit sharing and a company ets of filing cards. 왍 item sold in pack-
car’ [Times] ets of 20 items are sold in boxes
‘…airlines will book not only tickets but also containing 20 items each
hotels and car hire to provide a complete
package’ [Business Traveller] packing /pkŋ/ noun 1. the act of
putting goods into boxes and wrapping
packaged /pkdd/ adjective put them for shipping 쑗 What is the cost of
into a package 쑗 packaged goods the packing? 쑗 Packing is included in
‘…in today’s fast-growing packaged goods area the price. 2. material used to protect
many companies are discovering that a
well-recognized brand name can be a priceless
goods 쑗 The fruit is packed in airtight
asset’ [Duns Business Month] packing.
packing case 195 parcel
packing case /pkŋ kes/ noun a pallet /plət/ noun a flat wooden
large wooden box for carrying items base on which goods can be stacked for
which can be easily broken easy handling by a fork-lift truck, and
packing charges /pkŋ on which they remain for the whole of
tʃɑdz/ plural noun money charged their transportation (NOTE: American
for putting goods into boxes English is skid)
palletise /plətaz/, palletize verb
packing station /pkŋ steʃ(ə)n/ to put goods on pallets 쑗 palletised
noun a place where goods are packed
for transport 쑗 From the production line
the goods are taken directly to the pack- pamphlet /pmflət/ noun a small
ing station. 쑗 The company has three booklet of advertising material or of
packing stations, each one dealing with information
goods for a particular part of the world. panel /pn(ə)l/ noun 1. a flat surface
page /ped/ noun one side of a sheet standing upright 2. a group of people
of printed paper in a book, newspaper or who give advice on a problem 쑗 a panel
magazine of experts
panel study /pn(ə)l st
di/ noun a
page impressions /ped m- study that collects and analyses the
preʃ(ə)nz/ plural noun the number of
opinions of a selected group of people
customers who land on a webpage, e.g.
over a period of time
in an ad view
panic buying /pnk baŋ/ noun a
page make-up /ped mek
p/ rush to buy something at any price be-
noun the arranging of material into cause stocks may run out
pages in a publication
pantry check /pntri tʃek/, pantry
page proof /ped pruf/ noun a audit /pntri ɔdt/ noun a survey
proof after the text has been made up method where a panel or sample of
into pages, ready for checking before householders keep records of purchases
printing so that these can be regularly checked
page rate /ped ret/ noun the cost for quantity and brand 쑗 The pantry
of a whole page of advertising space 쑗 check suggests that there is little brand
What’s the page rate in that paper? 쑗 loyalty for that type of product.
The page rate is lower in August when paper /pepə/ noun 1. a newspaper 2.
circulation is at its lowest. documents which can represent money,
page traffic /ped trfk/ noun e.g. bills of exchange or promissory
the proportion of readers of a publica- notes
tion who read a particular page 쑗 Let’s ‘…the profits were tax-free and the interest on
the loans they incurred qualified for income tax
find out the page traffic before we de- relief; the paper gains were rarely changed into
cide to advertise on page two. spending money’ [Investors Chronicle]
page view /ped vju/ noun the paper loss /pepə lɒs/ noun a loss
number of times a page containing an made when an asset has fallen in value
advertisement is seen or how many but has not been sold
times a page is displayed paper profit /pepə prɒft/ noun a
paid circulation /ped s&kjυ- profit on an asset which has increased in
leʃ(ə)n/ noun the number of copies of price but has not been sold 쑗 He is
a newspaper or magazine which have showing a paper profit of £25,000 on his
been bought. 쏡 controlled circulation, investment.
subscribed circulation parallel billboard /prəlel
paired comparisons /peəd kəm- blbɔd/ noun a billboard which is par-
prs(ə)nz/ plural noun a test in which allel to a main road
respondents compare two brands on the parcel /pɑs(ə)l/ noun goods wrapped
basis of attributes which are common to up in paper or plastic to be sent by post
both 쑗 to do up goods into parcels 왍 to tie up
parcel delivery service 196 patent agent
paid £50 down and the rest in monthly with a job 쑗 The job carries an attrac-
instalments. tive salary package.
payee /pei/ noun a person who re- pay-per-click /pe pe klk/ noun
ceives money from someone, or the per- same as pay-per-view
son whose name is on a cheque pay-per-play /pe pe ple/ noun a
payer /peə/ noun a person who gives website where the user has to pay to
money to someone play an interactive game over the
payload /peləυd/ noun the cargo or Internet
passengers carried by a ship, train or pay-per-view /pe pə/ noun a
plane for which payment is made website where the user has to pay to see
digital information, e.g., an e-book or
payment /pemənt/ noun 1. the e-magazine
money exchanged for goods or a service
쑗 We always ask for payment in cash or pay television /pe telv(ə)n/,
cash payment and not payment by pay TV /pe ti vi/ noun a television
cheque. 쑗 The payment of interest or the service that is paid for by regular
interest payment should be made on the subscriptions
22nd of each month. 왍 payment after PC abbr personal computer
delivery paying for goods at an agreed PD abbr physical distribution
date after delivery 쑗 There is a 10% dis-
count for payment on delivery, but none peak /pik/ noun the highest point 쑗
for payment after delivery. 왍 payment The shares reached their peak in Janu-
on account paying part of the money ary. 쑗 The share index has fallen 10%
owed 왍 payment on delivery paying since the peak in January. 쑗 With-
for goods when they are delivered 쑗 drawals from bank accounts reached a
Some customers won’t agree to payment peak in the week before Christmas. 쑗
on delivery and want more time to settle He has reached the peak of his career. 쐽
up. 왍 payment on invoice paying verb to reach the highest point 쑗 Pro-
money as soon as an invoice is received ductivity peaked in January. 쑗 Shares
왍 payment in kind paying by giving have peaked and are beginning to slip
goods or food, but not money 왍 pay- back. 쑗 He peaked early and never
ment by results money given which in- achieved his ambition of becoming man-
creases with the amount of work done or aging director. 쑗 Demand peaks in Au-
goods produced 왍 payment supra pro- gust, after which sales usually decline.
test payment of a bill of exchange by a peak output /pik autpυt/ noun the
third party to protect the debtor’s hon- highest output
our 2. money paid 왍 repayable in easy peak period /pik pəriəd/ noun the
payments repayable with small sums time of the day when something is at its
regularly highest point, e.g. when most commu-
payment gateway /pemənt ters are travelling or when most electric-
"etwe/ noun software that processes ity is being used
online credit-card payments. It gets peak time /pik tam/ noun the time
authorisation for the payment from the during the day when the greatest num-
credit-card company and transfers ber of people are watching television 쑗
money into the retailer’s bank account. For the price of a 30-second spot at
payment terms /pemənt t&mz/ peak time we can get two minutes in
plural noun the conditions laid down by mid-morning.
a business regarding when it should be peak year /pik jə/ noun year when
paid for goods or services that it sup- the largest quantity of products was pro-
plies, e.g. cash with order, payment on duced or when sales were highest
delivery or payment within a particular pedestrian precinct /pədestriən
number of days of the invoice date prisŋkt/ noun the part of a town
pay package /pe pkd/ noun which is closed to traffic so that people
the salary and other benefits offered can walk about and shop
peer group 199 periodical
peer group /pə "rup/ noun the num? 쑗 She earns over £100,000 per
class of people that a person can respect annum.
or identify with, because they belong to
the same age group, social class or have per capita /pə kptə/ adjective, ad-
verb for each person
the same opinions 쑗 Consumers are
found to be especially influenced by the per-capita expenditure /pə
tastes and opinions of those in their peer kptə kspendtʃə/ noun the total
groups. money spent divided by the number of
peer-to-peer adjective full form of people involved
P2P per capita income /p& kptə
peg /pe"/ verb to maintain prices at a nk
m/ noun the average income of
specific level (NOTE: pegging- each member of a particular group of
pegged) 쐽 noun a hook to hang clothes people, e.g., the citizens of a country
on percentage bounced back /pə-
pen /pen/ noun an instrument for writ- sentd baυnst bk/ noun the num-
ing with, using ink ber of email messages returned as unde-
penalty clause /pen(ə)lti klɔz/ liverable, shown as a percentage of the
noun a clause which lists the penalties total sent
which will be imposed if the terms of percentile /pəsental/ noun one of a
the contract are not fulfilled 쑗 The con- series of ninety-nine figures below
tract contains a penalty clause which which a percentage of the total falls
fines the company 1% for every week
the completion date is late.
perception /pəsepʃən/ noun the way
in which something is viewed and as-
penetrate /pentret/ verb 왍 to pen- sessed by a person
etrate a market to get into a market and
capture a share of it perceptual map /pəseptʃuəl mp/
noun a map or diagram which repre-
penetrated market /pentretd sents how consumers view various com-
mɑkt/ noun a market where more of parative products on the basis of
a company’s products are sold, shown specific factors or attributes 쑗 Thorough
as a percentage of the total market, us- analysis of perceptual maps was fol-
ing aggressive pricing and advertising lowed by decisions on changes in prod-
penetration /pentreʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. uct design and marketing strategy.
the percentage of a target market that
accepts a product 2. the percentage of a perfect adjective /p&fkt/ com-
target audience reached by an pletely correct with no mistakes 쑗 We
advertisement check each batch to make sure it is per-
fect. 쑗 She did a perfect keyboarding
penetration pricing /pentreʃ(ə)n test. 쐽 verb /pəfekt/ to develop or im-
prasŋ/ noun the practice of pricing a prove something until it is as good as it
product low enough to achieve market can be 쑗 They perfected the process for
penetration 쑗 Penetration pricing is making high-grade steel.
helping us acquire a bigger market
share at the expense of short-term perfect competition /p&fkt
profits. kɒmpətʃ(ə)n/ noun (in economic the-
ory) the ideal market, where all products
penetration strategy /pen-
are equal in price and all customers are
treʃ(ə)n strtədi/ noun selling provided with all information about the
more of a company’s products into a products
market segment, shown as a percentage
of the total market, by aggressive pric- perfect market /p&fkt mɑkt/
ing and advertising. 쏡 market noun an imaginary market where there
penetration is perfect competition
per annum /pər nəm/ adverb in a periodical /pəriɒdk(ə)l/ noun a
year 쑗 What is their turnover per an- magazine which comes out regularly,
num? 쑗 What is his total income per an- usually once a month or once a week
perishable 200 personality advertising
promotion because of her widespread pop- wholesaler, then to the retailer and so to
ularity among the target audience. the end user 쑗 Physical distribution is
personal selling /p&s(ə)n(ə)l always a problem because of high trans-
selŋ/ noun selling to a customer by portation costs. Abbr PD
personal contact, either face to face or physical inventory /fzk(ə)l
by telephone 쑗 Personal selling allows nvənt(ə)ri/ noun an act of counting
any doubts the prospective customer actual items of stock
may have to be cleared up by the physical retail shopping
salesman. /fzk(ə)l ritel ʃɒpŋ/ noun shop-
persuade /pəswed/ verb to talk to ping that involves visiting actual shops
someone and get them to do what you rather than buying online
want 쑗 We could not persuade the physical stock /fzk(ə)l stɒk/
French company to sign the contract. noun the actual items of stock held in a
persuasibility /pəswezblti/ warehouse
noun US the degree to which a target picking /pkŋ/ noun selecting a
audience can be persuaded through ad- product according to its packaging or
vertising that a product has good quali- place on the shelf, rather than by making
ties 쑗 Persuasibility will depend on a conscious decision to buy
consumer’s experience with products picking list /pkŋ lst/ noun a list of
similar to the ones we are promoting. items in an order, listed according to
persuasion /pəswe(ə)n/ noun the where they can be found in the
act of persuading warehouse
persuasion matrix /pəswe(ə)n pickup /pk
p/ noun a type of small
metrks/ noun a planning model van for transporting goods
which shows how responses are affected pickup and delivery service
by the communications they receive /pk
p ən dlv(ə)ri s&vs/ noun
PESTLE /pes(ə)l/ noun analysis of 1. a service which takes goods from
the various outside influences on a firm, the warehouse and delivers them to the
shown as Political, Environmental, So- customer 2. a service which takes
cial, Technological, Legislative and something away for cleaning or servic-
Economic ing and returns it to the owner when
photoengraving /fəυtəυn- finished
"revŋ/ noun a process of producing a picture messaging /pktʃə
metal plate for printing, by photograph- mesdŋ/ noun the transmission of
ing an image onto the plate which is images and photographs from one mo-
then etched in such a way that prints can bile phone to another
be taken from it piggy-back advertising /p"i bk
photogravure /fəυtəυ"rəvjυə/ dvətazŋ/, piggy-back promotion
noun a type of photoengraving where /p"i bk prəməυʃ(ə)n/ noun the
the design is etched into the metal rather sales promotion for one product which
than in relief accompanies promotion for another
photo opportunity /fəυtəυ ɒpə- product made by the same company
tjunti/ noun an arranged situation piggy-back freight /p"i bk
where a famous person can be filmed or fret s&vs/ noun US the transport of
photographed by journalists loaded trucks on freight trains. Compare
phototypesetting /fəυtəυ- fishy-back freight
tapsetŋ/ noun typesetting by photo- pilferage /plfərd/, pilfering
graphic means rather than by using /plfərŋ/ noun the stealing of small
metal type amounts of money or small items from
physical distribution /fzk(ə)l an office or shop
dstrbjuʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of pilot /palət/ adjective used as a test,
moving goods from the producer to the which if successful will then be ex-
pilot survey 202 plan
panded into a full operation 쑗 The com- copyright work 쑗 a pirated book 쑗 The
pany set up a pilot project to see if the designs for the new dress collection
proposed manufacturing system was ef- were pirated in the Far East. 쐽 adjec-
ficient. 쑗 The pilot factory has been tive copied without permission 쑗 a pi-
built to test the new production pro- rate copy of a book
cesses. 쑗 She is directing a pilot scheme pitch /ptʃ/ noun presentation by an
for training unemployed young people. advertising agency to a potential
쐽 verb to test a project on a small num- customer
ber of people, to see if it will work in ‘…the head of marketing says the company is
practice 쐽 noun 1. a trial episode of a reviewing its advertising agency arrangements,
proposed TV series 2. a pilot project but does not have a pitch list at this stage’
[Marketing Week]
pilot survey /palət s&ve/ noun a
preliminary survey carried out to see if a pix /pks/ plural noun pictures used in
full survey would be worth while advertising or design (informal ) .
reply by return of post to reply to a let- poster site /pəυstə sat/ noun a
ter immediately 왍 post free without hoarding, wall or other surface, where
having to pay any postage 쑗 The game posters are put up 쑗 We want a poster
is obtainable post free from the manu- site in a busy street. 쑗 I wish we could
facturer. 2. letters sent or received 쑗 afford a prime poster site for our
Has the post arrived yet? 쑗 The first fund-raising campaign. 쏡 bill poster,
thing I do is open the post. 쑗 The receipt fly poster
was in this morning’s post. 쑗 The letter postpaid /pəυstped/ adjective with
didn’t arrive by the first post this morn- the postage already paid 쑗 The price is
ing. (NOTE: British English uses both £5.95 postpaid.
mail and post but American English
only uses mail) 쐽 verb to send some- post-purchase /pəυst p&tʃs/ ad-
thing by post 쑗 to post a letter or to post jective after a purchase has been made
a parcel post-purchase advertising
post- /pəυst/ prefix meaning after /pəυst p&tʃs dvətazŋ/ noun ad-
postage /pəυstd/ noun payment vertising designed to minimise
for sending a letter or parcel by post 쑗 post-purchase anxiety
What is the postage for this airmail post-purchase anxiety /pəυst
packet to China? 왍 ‘postage paid’ p&tʃs ŋzaəti/ noun feelings of
words printed on an envelope to show doubt about a purchase after it has been
that the sender has paid the postage even made
though there is no stamp on it post-purchase assessment
postal /pəυst(ə)l/ adjective referring /pəυst p&tʃs əsesmənt/ noun the
to the post assessment of a product by the pur-
postal interview /pəυst(ə)l chaser after it has been bought and used
ntəvju/ noun same as postal survey post room /pəυst rum/ noun a
postal order /pəυst(ə)l ɔdə/ noun room in a building where the post is
a document bought at a post office, used sorted and sent to each department or
as a method of paying small amounts of collected from each department for
money by post sending
postal packet /pəυst(ə)l pkt/ post-test /pəυst test/ noun an evalu-
noun a small container of goods sent by ation of an advertising campaign after it
post has taken place, or of a product after it
postal sales /pəυst(ə)l selz/ plural has been launched 쑗 The post-test
noun sales of products by post, through showed that an unnecessary amount of
advertisements in the press 쑗 The com- money had been spent.
pany carried out postal sales from a big post-testing /pəυst testŋ/ noun
warehouse in the north. the evaluation of an advertising cam-
postal survey /pəυst(ə)l s&ve/ paign after it has been run, or of a prod-
noun a survey in which questionnaires uct after it has been launched
are sent by post for respondents to fill in potential /pətenʃəl/ adjective possi-
and send back 쑗 Not enough consumers ble 왍 potential customers people who
responded to the postal survey. could be customers 왍 potential market
postcode /pəυstkəυd/ noun a series a market which could be exploited 왍 the
of numbers and letters which forms part product has potential sales of 100,000
of an address, indicating the street and units the product will possibly sell
the town in a way which can be read by 100,000 units 왍 she is a potential man-
a scanner (NOTE: the American equiva- aging director she is the sort of person
lent is ZIP code) who could become managing director 쐽
poster /pəυstə/ noun a large noun the possibility of becoming some-
eye-catching notice or advertisement thing 왍 a product with considerable
which is stuck up outdoors or placed sales potential a product which is likely
prominently inside a store to have very large sales 왍 to analyse the
potential demand 206 prepaid reply card
ticular brand 쑗 The main producer com- print run /prnt r
n/ noun the num-
panies are cooperating to create ber of copies of a publication or piece of
primary demand since this type of prod- advertising material which are printed 쑗
uct is quite new to the public. The company has ordered a print run of
primary industry /praməri 100,000 for their new catalogue.
ndəstri/ noun an industry dealing with privacy /prvəsi/ noun a situation of
basic raw materials such as coal, wood not being disturbed by other people, es-
or farm produce pecially the knowledge that communi-
primary products /praməri cations are private and cannot be
ktz/ plural noun products which accessed by others
are basic raw materials, e.g. wood, milk private /pravət/ adjective belonging
or fish to a single person, not to a company or
prime /pram/ adjective most the state 왍 a letter marked ‘private
important and confidential’ a letter which must
not be opened by anyone other than the
prime cost /pram kɒst/ noun the person it is addressed to
cost involved in producing a product, ‘…management had offered to take the
excluding overheads company private through a leveraged buyout for
prime rate /pram ret/ noun the $825 million’ [Fortune]
best rate of interest at which a bank private brand /pravət brnd/
lends to its customers noun a brand owned by a distributor
prime time /pram tam/ noun the rather than by a producer. Compare pri-
most expensive advertising time for TV mary brand
commercials 쑗 We are putting out a se- private enterprise /pravət
ries of prime-time commercials. entəpraz/ noun businesses which are
principal /prnsp(ə)l/ noun a person owned privately, not nationalised 쑗 The
or company that is represented by an project is completely funded by private
agent 쑗 The agent has come to London enterprise.
to see his principals. 쐽 adjective most private label /pravət leb(ə)l/
important 쑗 The principal shareholders noun a brand name which is owned by a
asked for a meeting. 쑗 The country’s store, rather than the producer
principal products are paper and wood.
쑗 The company’s principal asset is its
private label goods /pravət
design staff. leb(ə)l "υdz/ plural noun goods with
‘…the company was set up with funds totalling
a brand name which is owned by the
NorKr 145m with the principal aim of making store, rather than the producer
capital gains on the secondhand market’ private limited company /pravət
[Lloyd’s List]
lmtd k
mp(ə)ni/ noun 1. a com-
print /prnt/ noun the action of mark- pany with a small number of sharehold-
ing letters or pictures on paper by a ma- ers, whose shares are not traded on the
chine, and so producing a book, leaflet, Stock Exchange (NOTE: shortened to
newspaper, etc. Ltd) 2. a subsidiary company whose
printed matter /prntd mtə/ shares are not listed on the Stock Ex-
noun printed items, e.g. books, newspa- change, while those of its parent com-
pers and publicity sheets pany are
print farming /prnt fɑmŋ/ noun privately /pravətli/ adverb away
organising the printing by outside print- from other people 쑗 The deal was nego-
ers of printed material required by an or- tiated privately.
ganisation, such as advertising leaflets, private means /pravət minz/ plu-
catalogues, letterheads, etc. ral noun income from dividends, inter-
print media /prntd midiə/ plural est or rent which is not part of
noun advertising media, e.g. magazines someone’s salary
and newspapers
private property 211 product advertising
private property /pravət prɒpəti/ and wild cats; the singular is problem
noun property which belongs to a pri- child)
vate person, not to the public procurement /prəkjυəmənt/ noun
private sector /pravət sektə/ the act of buying equipment or raw ma-
noun all companies which are owned by terials for a company 쑗 Procurement of
private shareholders, not by the state 쑗 raw materials is becoming very compli-
The expansion is completely funded by cated with the entry of so many new sup-
the private sector. 쑗 Salaries in the pri- pliers into the market.
vate sector have increased faster than in produce noun /prɒdjus/ foodstuffs
the public sector. grown on the land 쑗 home produce 쑗
‘…in the private sector the total number of new agricultural produce 쑗 farm produce 쐽
house starts was 3 per cent higher than in the verb /prədjus/ to make or manufac-
corresponding period last year, while public
sector starts were 23 per cent lower’
ture 쑗 the factory produces cars or
[Financial Times] engines
privatisation /pravətazeʃ(ə)n/, producer /prədjusə/ noun a person,
company or country that manufactures
privatization noun the process of sell-
쑗 a country which is a producer of
ing a nationalised industry to private
high-quality watches 쑗 The company is
a major car producer.
‘…even without privatization, water charges
would probably have to rise to pay for meeting producer market /prədjusə
EC water-quality rules’ [Economist] mɑkt/ noun customers who buy
privatise /pravətaz/, privatize
goods to be used in production
verb to sell a nationalised industry to producer’s surplus /prədjusəz
private owners s&pləs/ noun the amount by which the
actual price of a product is more than
probability /prɒbəblti/ noun the the minimum which the producer would
likelihood that something will happen, accept for it 쑗 There is a considerable
expressed mathematically producer’s surplus because the product
probability sampling /prɒbəblti is in short supply. 쑗 If our customer
sɑmplŋ/ noun the choosing of sam- knew the producer’s surplus she would
ples for testing without any special se- have offered much less than the asking
lection method price.
probable /prɒbəb(ə)l/ adjective product /prɒd
kt/ noun 1. some-
likely to happen 쑗 They are trying to thing which is made or manufactured 2.
prevent the probable collapse of the a manufactured item for sale
company. 쑗 It is probable that the com- ‘…today new marketing is about new products
pany will collapse if a rescue package is based on consumer understanding and
technology’ [Marketing Week]
not organised before the end of the
‘…consistency of product is probably essential
month. for successful branding’ [Marketing Workshop]
probing /prəυbŋ/ noun an attempt ‘…any expansion or change in market share is
by an interviewer to get the interviewee most likely to come from the development and
to develop an answer 쑗 No amount of improvement of existing products’ [Marketing]
probing would induce the housewife to product abandonment /prɒd
say why she did not like the new wash- əbndənmənt/ noun the stopping of
ing powder. production and selling of a product
problem children /prɒbləm product acceptance /prɒd
kt ək-
tʃldr(ə)n/ plural noun in the Boston septəns/ noun the degree to which a
matrix, products which are not very product is accepted by the market and so
profitable, and have a low market share sells well 쑗 We do not know what prod-
and a high growth rate 쑗 The problem uct acceptance will be in such an un-
children in our range make very little known market.
contribution to the company profits. product advertising /prɒd
(NOTE: also called question marks dvətazŋ/ noun the advertising of a
product analysis 212 productive capital
particular named product, not the com- product idea /prɒd
kt adə/ noun
pany which makes it an idea for a totally new product or an
product analysis /prɒd
kt ə- adaptation of an existing one
nləss/ noun an examination of each product idea testing /prɒd
kt a-
separate product in a company’s range də testŋ/ noun the evaluation of a
to find out why it sells, who buys it, etc. new product idea, usually by consulting
product assortment /prɒd
kt representatives from all main depart-
əsɔtmənt/ noun a collection of dif- ments in a company and interviewing a
ferent products for sale sample of consumers
product churning /prɒd
kt product image /prɒd
kt md/
tʃ&nŋ/ noun the practice of putting noun the general idea which the public
many new products onto the market in has of a product 쑗 We need a huge pro-
the hope that one of them will become motional campaign to create the desired
successful (NOTE: Product churning is product image.
especially prevalent in Japan.) production /prəd
kʃən/ noun the
product deletion /prɒd
kt making or manufacturing of goods for
dliʃ(ə)n/ noun the removal of old sale 쑗 Production will probably be held
products from the market as new ones up by industrial action. 쑗 We are hop-
are added to the company’s range 쑗 ing to speed up production by installing
Product deletion was caused by poor new machinery.
sales. 쑗 If production costs continue to production cost /prəd
kʃən kɒst/
rise then product deletion will be the noun the cost of making a product
only answer. production department /prə-
product design /prɒd
kt dzan/ d
kʃən dpɑtmənt/ noun the section
noun the design of consumer products of a company which deals with the mak-
product development /prɒd
kt ing of the company’s products
dveləpmənt/ noun the process of im- production line /prəd
kʃən lan/
proving an existing product line to meet noun a system of making a product,
the needs of the market. 쏡 new product where each item such as a car moves
development slowly through the factory with new
product development cycle sections added to it as it goes along 쑗
kt dveləpmənt sak(ə)l/ He works on the production line. 쑗 She
noun the stages in the development of a is a production-line worker.
new product production manager /prəd
product differentiation /prɒd
kt mndə/ noun the person in charge of
dfərenʃieʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of the production department
ensuring that a product has some unique production standards /prə-
features that distinguish it from compet- d
kʃən stndədz/ plural noun the
ing ones 쑗 We are adding some extra quality of production
features to our watches in the interest of
product differentiation. production target /prəd
tɑ"t/ noun the amount of units a fac-
product endorsement /prɒd
kt tory is expected to produce
ndɔsmənt/, endorsement advertis-
ing /ndɔsmənt dvətazŋ/ noun production unit /prəd
advertising which makes use of famous junt/ noun a separate small group of
or qualified people to endorse a product workers producing a product
쑗 Which celebrities have agreed to con- productive /prəd
ktv/ adjective
tribute to our endorsement advertising? which produces 왍 productive discus-
쑗 Product endorsement will, we hope, sions useful discussions which lead to
help our fund-raising campaign. an agreement or decision
product family /prɒd
kt fm(ə)li/ productive capital /prəd
noun a group of interrelated products kpt(ə)l/ noun capital which is in-
made by the same manufacturer vested to give interest
productivity 213 product recall
public limited company /p
blk trains, buses, etc., used by the general
lmtd k
mp(ə)ni/ noun a company public
whose shares can be bought on the public warehouse /p
Stock Exchange. Abbr Plc
weəhaυs/ noun a warehouse which
public opinion /p
blk əpnjən/ stores goods which are awaiting ship-
noun what people think about ment or which have just been landed
puff /p
f/ noun a claim made for a
public relations /p
blk product or an organisation in order to
rleʃ(ə)nz/ plural noun building up promote it 쑗 The magazine article was
and keeping good relations between an supposed to be about telecommunica-
organisation and the public, or an or- tions, but was just a puff for a new
ganisation and its employees, so that modem.
people know and think well of what the
organisation is doing 쑗 She works in puffery /p
fəri/ noun advertising
public relations. 쑗 A public relations which praises the product or service be-
firm handles all our publicity. Abbr PR ing sold in an exaggerated way, without
any specific factual data
public relations consultancy
blk rleʃ(ə)nz kəns
ltənsi/ puff piece /p
f pis/ noun a suppos-
noun a firm which advises on public edly objective newspaper or magazine
relations article about a product or service, which
public relations department reads as if it were written by an in-house
blk rleʃ(ə)nz dpɑtmənt/
publicity department and may in fact be
noun the section of a company which written by advertising people on behalf
deals with relations with the public. of a client
Abbr PR department pull-push strategy /pυl pυʃ
public relations exercise /p
blk strtədi/ noun a combination of both
rleʃ(ə)nz eksəsaz/ noun a cam- pull and push strategies
paign to improve public relations pull strategy /pυl strtədi/ noun
public relations officer /p
blk an attempt by a producer to use heavy
rleʃ(ə)nz ɒfsə/ noun a person in an advertising to persuade final users to
organisation who is responsible for pub- buy a product, so ‘pulling’ the product
lic relations activities. Abbr PRO through the distribution channel to the
point of sale 쑗 We must develop a better
publics /p
blks/ plural noun groups pull strategy to allow retailers to sell off
of people that are identified for market-
their excess stocks.
ing purposes 쑗 What publics is this
product likely to appeal to? 쑗 Different pump priming /p
mp pramŋ/
marketing messages need to be aimed at noun government investment in new
different publics. projects which it hopes will benefit the
public sector /p
blk sektə/ noun economy
nationalised industries and services 쑗 a purchase /p&tʃs/ noun a product or
report on wage rises in the public sector service which has been bought 왍 to
or on public-sector wage settlements make a purchase to buy something 쐽
public service advertising verb to buy 왍 to purchase something
blk s&vs dvətazŋ/ noun the for cash to pay cash for something
advertising of a public service or cause purchase book /p&tʃs bυk/ noun
such as famine relief a book in which purchases are recorded
public transport /p
blk purchase history /p&tʃs
trnspɔt/ noun transport which is hst(ə)ri/ noun a record of purchases
used by any member of the public, e.g. which a customer has made in the past,
buses and trains or of sales made by a retail outlet, or of
public transport system /p
blk sales of a product over a specific period
trnspɔt sstəm/ noun a system of
purchase ledger 219 pyramid selling
purchase ledger /p&tʃs ledə/ tions available to buyers and sellers, and
noun a book in which expenditure is complete freedom for sellers to enter or
noted leave the market
purchase order /p&tʃs ɔdə/ push /pυʃ/ noun the action of making
noun an official order made out by a something move forward 앳 push the
purchasing department for goods which envelope /pυʃ ði envələυp/ to go be-
a company wants to buy 쑗 We cannot yond normal limits and try to do some-
supply you without a purchase order thing that is new and sometimes risky
number. push money /pυʃ m
ni/ noun cash
purchase price /p&tʃs pras/ given to a sales force to encourage them
noun a price paid for something to promote a product
purchaser /p&tʃsə/ noun a person push strategy /pυʃ strtədi/
or company that purchases 쑗 The com- noun 1. an attempt by a manufacturer to
pany has found a purchaser for its push the product towards the customer
warehouse. 왍 the company is looking 2. an attempt by a producer to persuade
for a purchaser the company is trying distributors to take part in the marketing
to find someone who will buy it of a product, so ‘pushing’ it through the
purchase tax /p&tʃs tks/ noun a distribution channel
tax paid on things which are bought put down /pυt daυn/ verb to make a
purchasing /p&tʃsŋ/ noun buying deposit 쑗 to put down money on a house
(NOTE: putting- put)
purchasing department
/p&tʃsŋ dpɑtmənt/ noun the sec- put in /pυt n/ verb 왍 to put an ad in
tion of a company which deals with the a paper to have an ad printed in a news-
buying of stock, raw materials, equip- paper 왍 to put in a bid for something
ment, etc. to offer to buy something, usually in
writing 왍 to put in an estimate for
purchasing manager /p&tʃsŋ something to give someone a written
mndə/ noun the head of a purchas-
calculation of the probable costs of car-
ing department
rying out a job 왍 to put in a claim for
purchasing officer /p&tʃsŋ damage to ask an insurance company to
ɒfsə/ noun a person in a company or pay for damage
organisation who is responsible for buy-
pyramid selling /prəmd selŋ/
ing stock, raw materials, equipment, etc.
noun an illegal way of selling goods or
purchasing opportunity investments to the public, where each
/p&tʃsŋ ɒpətjunti/ noun a possi- selling agent pays for the franchise to
bility for a customer to make a purchase sell the product or service, and sells that
pure competition /pjυə kɒmp- right on to other agents together with
tʃ(ə)n/ noun a hypothetical model of a stock, so that in the end the person who
market where all products of a particular makes most money is the original fran-
type are identical, where there is com- chiser, and sub-agents or investors may
plete information about market condi- lose all their investments
quad crown 220 quasi-retailing
rack /rk/ noun a frame to hold items R&D abbr research and development
for display 쑗 a magazine rack 쑗 Put the random /rndəm/ adjective done
birthday-card display rack near the without making any special selection 왍
checkout. 쑗 We need a bigger display at random without special selection 쑗
rack for these magazines. The chairman picked out two sales re-
rack board /rk bɔd/ noun a board ports at random.
on which items can be displayed, show- random check /rndəm tʃek/
ing the names and prices of products noun a check on items taken from a
rack jobber /rk dɒbə/ noun a group without any special selection
wholesaler who sells goods by putting random error /rndəm erə/ noun a
them on racks in retail shops computer error for which there is no
radio button /rediəυ b
t(ə)n/ special reason
noun a device on a computer screen that random fluctuation /rndəm
can be used to select an option from a fl
ktʃueʃ(ə)n/ noun unforeseeable
list deviation from an expected trend
rail /rel/ noun a railway system 쑗 Six random observation method
million commuters travel to work by rail /rndəm ɒbzəveʃ(ə)n meθəd/
each day. 쑗 We ship all our goods by noun same as activity sampling
rail. 쑗 Rail travellers are complaining random sample /rndəm
about rising fares. 쑗 Rail travel is sɑmpəl/ noun a sample taken without
cheaper than air travel. 왍 free on rail any selection
(FOR) a price including all the seller’s
random sampling /rndəm
costs until the goods are delivered to the
railway for shipment sɑmplŋ/ noun the choosing of sam-
ples for testing without any special
railhead /relhed/ noun the end of a selection
railway line 쑗 The goods will be sent to random walk /rndəm wɔk/ noun
the railhead by lorry. a sampling technique which allows for
railway /relwe/ noun a system using random selection within specific limits
trains to carry passengers and goods 쑗 set up by a non-random technique
The local railway station has frequent range /rend/ noun 1. a series of
trains to London. 쑗 They are planning items from which the customer can
to close the railway line as it isn’t eco- choose 쑗 Their range of products or
nomic. 쑗 The country’s railway network product range is too narrow. 쑗 We offer
is being modernised. (NOTE: American a wide range of sizes or range of styles.
English is railroad) 2. a spread of sizes or amounts within
rake-off /rek ɒf/ noun a person’s fixed limits 쑗 We make shoes in a wide
share of profits from a deal, especially if range of prices. 3. a set of activities or
obtained illegally 쑗 The group gets a products of the same general type or va-
rake-off on all the company’s sales. 쑗 riety 쑗 This falls within the company’s
He got a £100,000 rake-off for introduc- range of activities. 쐽 verb to be within a
ing the new business. (NOTE: plural is group of sizes or amounts falling within
rake-offs) fixed limits 쑗 The company sells prod-
rapport 223 raw
ucts ranging from cheap downmarket rate of return /ret əv rt&n/ noun
pens to imported luxury items. 쑗 The the amount of interest or dividend which
company’s salary scale ranges from comes from an investment, shown as a
£8,000 for a trainee to £150,000 for the percentage of the money invested
managing director. 쑗 Our activities rate of sales /ret əv selz/ noun
range from mining in the USA to com- the speed at which units are sold
puter services in Scotland.
‘…the latest addition to the range features two rate of turnover /ret əv t&nəυvə/
hotplates, a storage cupboard, a refrigerator and noun the length of time taken from the
a microwave oven’ [Sales & Marketing purchase of an item of stock to its re-
placement after being sold 쑗 The rate of
‘…the range has been extended to nine turnover is so low that some articles
products’ [Marketing Week]
have been in the shop for more than a
rapport /rpɔ/ noun good communi- year.
cation and understanding between two
people 쑗 The interviewer managed to rating /retŋ/ noun the act of giving
establish a good rapport with the inter- something a value or the value given
viewees. 쑗 Co-ordination is difficult ow- ratings /retŋz/ plural noun the esti-
ing to lack of rapport between the mated number of people who watch TV
marketing manager and the managing programmes 쑗 The show is high in the
director. ratings, which means it will attract good
rate /ret/ noun 1. money charged for publicity.
time worked or work completed 2. the ratings point /retŋz pɔnt/ noun
value of one currency against another 쑗 one percentage point of a TV audience
What is today’s rate or the current rate in a given area
for the dollar? 왍 to calculate costs on a
fixed exchange rate to calculate costs ratio /reʃiəυ/ noun a proportion or
on an exchange rate which does not quantity of something compared to
change 3. an amount, number or speed something else 쑗 the ratio of successes
compared with something else 쑗 the to failures 쑗 Our product outsells theirs
rate of increase in redundancies 쑗 The by a ratio of two to one.
rate of absenteeism or the absenteeism rational /rʃ(ə)n(ə)l/ adjective sensi-
rate always increases in fine weather. ble, based on reason
‘…state-owned banks cut their prime rate a
percentage point to 11%’ [Wall Street Journal] rational appeal /rʃ(ə)n(ə)l əpil/
‘…the unions had argued that public sector pay noun advertising appeal to a prospective
rates had slipped behind rates applying in customer that uses logical arguments to
private sector employment’ [Australian show that the product satisfies the cus-
Financial Review] tomer’s practical needs (as opposed to
‘…royalties have been levied at a rate of 12.5% an emotional appeal)
of full production’ [Lloyd’s List]
‘…the minister is not happy that banks are rationalisation /rʃ(ə)nəla-
paying low interest on current accounts of less zeʃ(ə)n/, rationalization noun the
than 10 per cent, but are charging rates of process of streamlining or making more
between 60 and 71 per cent on loans’ efficient
[Business in Africa]
rate card /ret kɑd/ noun a list of rationalise /rʃ(ə)nəlaz/, rational-
ize verb to streamline something or to
charges for advertising issued by a
newspaper or magazine make it more efficient 쑗 The rail com-
pany is trying to rationalize its freight
rate of exchange /ret əv/ noun services.
same as exchange rate
raw /rɔ/ adjective in the original state
rate of interest /ret əv ntrəst/ or not processed
noun the percentage of the basic sum in-
‘…it makes sense for them to produce goods for
volved that a borrower has to pay a sale back home in the US from plants in Britain
lender for the use of his or her money or where raw materials are relatively cheap’
that is paid out to an investor [Duns Business Month]
raw data 224 real
raw data /rɔ detə/ noun data as it is the test, so we will just have to
put into a computer, without being readvertise.
analysed readvertisement /riəd-
raw materials /rɔ mətəriəlz/ plu- v&tsmənt/ noun a second advertise-
ral noun basic materials which have to ment for a vacant post 쑗 The
be treated or processed in some way be- readvertisement attracted only two new
fore they can be used, e.g. wood, iron applicants.
ore or crude petroleum
ready /redi/ adjective 1. fit to be used
reach /ritʃ/ verb to get to an audience or to be sold 쑗 The order will be ready
쐽 noun the actual number of people for delivery next week. 쑗 The driver had
who will see an advertisement once (as to wait because the shipment was not
opposed to the frequency, which is the ready. 2. quick 왍 these items find a
number of times one person sees an ad- ready sale in the Middle East these
vertisement over a given period of time) items sell rapidly or easily in the Middle
쑗 The success of an advertisement de- East
pends on its reach.
ready cash /redi kʃ/ noun money
readability /ridəblti/ noun the which is immediately available for
fact of being easy to read (either copy payment
for an advertisement or the advertise-
ment itself) ready-made /redi med/,
ready-to-wear /redi təweə/ adjective
reader /ridə/ noun a person who referring to clothes which are
reads a newspaper or magazine mass-produced and not made for each
reader advertisement /ridər əd- customer personally 쑗 The
v&tsmənt/ noun an advertisement in ready-to-wear trade has suffered from
the form of editorial matter foreign competition.
reader loyalty /ridə lɔəlti/ noun ready market /redi mɑkt/ noun a
the inclination of a person to keep read- market with a high turnover of goods 쑗
ing and buying the same publication Distribution has to be good in such a
readership /ridəʃp/ noun all the ready market.
people who read a particular publication ready money /redi m
ni/ noun
쑗 Our readership has increased since cash or money which is immediately
we included more feature articles in the available
magazine. ready sale /redi sel/ noun a sale
reader’s inquiry card /ridəz n- that is easily achieved 쑗 Lengthy negoti-
kwaəri kɑd/, reader’s service card ations are a trial for salespeople used to
/ridəz s&vs kɑd/ noun a card ready sales.
bound into a magazine which contains a real /rəl/ adjective 1. genuine and not
matrix of numbers and letters on which an imitation 쑗 His case is made of real
readers can mark codes for products leather or he has a real leather case. 쑗
they wish to have further information That car is a real bargain at £300. 2. (of
about. The card is returned to the pub- prices) shown in terms of money ad-
lisher, who gets the advertiser to send justed for inflation 왍 in real terms actu-
the relevant information to the reader. ally or really 쑗 Prices have gone up by
reading and noting /ridŋ ən 3% but with inflation running at 5% that
nəυtŋ/ noun a research statistic show- is a fall in real terms.
ing the proportion of the readership of a ‘…real wages have been held down
publication who actually read a given dramatically: they have risen as an annual rate
advertisement of only 1% in the last two years’ [Sunday Times]
‘Japan’s gross national product for the receipts /rsits/ plural noun money
April-June quarter dropped 0.4% in real terms
from the previous quarter’ [Nikkei Weekly]
taken in sales 쑗 to itemise receipts and
expenditure 쑗 Receipts are down
real time credit card processing against the same period of last year.
/rəl tam kredt kɑd prəυsesŋ/ ‘…the public sector borrowing requirement is
noun online checking of a credit card kept low by treating the receipts from selling
that either approves or rejects it for use public assets as a reduction in borrowing’
during a transaction [Economist]
sell their practices or merge with another firm’ relationship /rleʃ(ə)nʃp/ noun a
link or connection
regulations /re"jυleʃ(ə)nz/ plural relationship building /r-
noun laws or rules 쑗 the new govern- leʃ(ə)nʃp bldŋ/ noun taking ac-
ment regulations on housing standards tions to develop a long-term relationship
쑗 Fire regulations or Safety regulations with the customer
were not observed at the restaurant. 쑗
Regulations concerning imports and ex- relationship management /r-
ports are set out in this leaflet. leʃ(ə)nʃp mndmənt/ noun the
‘EC regulations which came into effect in July management of customers so as to build
insist that customers can buy cars anywhere in long-term relationships with them
the EC at the local pre-tax price’
[Financial Times] relationship marketing /r-
leʃ(ə)nʃp mɑktŋ/ noun a
‘…a unit trust is established under the
regulations of the Department of Trade, with a long-term marketing strategy to build
trustee, a management company and a stock of relationships with individual customers
units’ [Investors Chronicle]
relative /relətv/ adjective compared
regulator /re"jυletə/ noun a person to something else
whose job it is to see that regulations are relative cost /relətv kɒst/ noun
followed the relationship between the cost of ad-
‘…the regulators have sought to protect
investors and other market participants from vertising space and the size of the
the impact of a firm collapsing’ [Banking audience
relaunch noun /rilɔntʃ/ the act of
reimport noun /rimpɔt/ the im- putting a product back on the market
porting of goods which have been ex- again, after adapting it to changing mar-
ported from the same country 쐽 verb ket conditions 쑗 The relaunch is sched-
/rimpɔt/ to import goods which uled for August. 쐽 verb /rilɔntʃ/ to
have already been exported put a product on the market again 쑗 The
reimportation /rimpɔteʃ(ə)n/ product will be relaunched with some
noun the importing of goods which have minor modifications next autumn.
already been exported release /rlis/ noun 1. the act of set-
reinforcement advertising /rin- ting free 쑗 release from a contract 쑗 the
fɔsmənt dvətazŋ/ noun advertis- release of goods from customs 2. 왍 new
ing aimed at making the positive fea- release a new CD or a piece of software
tures of a product stronger in order to put on the market 쐽 verb to put on the
reassure people who have already pur- market 쑗 They released several new
chased it CDs this month. 왍 to release dues to
send off orders which had been piling
reject /ridekt/ noun something up while a product was out of stock
which has been thrown out because it is
‘…pressure to ease monetary policy mounted
not of the usual standard 쑗 sale of re- yesterday with the release of a set of pessimistic
jects or of reject items 쑗 to sell off reject economic statistics’ [Financial Times]
‘…the national accounts for the March quarter
reject shop /ridekt ʃɒp/ noun a released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics
shop which specialises in the sale of showed a real increase in GDP’
rejects [Australian Financial Review]
remainders /rmendəz/ plural noun der for something which has been
new books sold cheaply ordered before
reminder /rmandə/ noun a letter to repeat order /rpit ɔdə/ noun a
remind a customer that they have not new order for something which has been
paid an invoice 쑗 to send someone a ordered before 쑗 The product has been
reminder on the market only ten days and we are
reminder advertising /rmandər already flooded with repeat orders.
dvətazŋ/ noun advertising de- repeat purchasing /rpit
signed to remind consumers of a prod- p&tʃsŋ/ noun the purchasing of the
uct already advertised 쑗 Reminder same product a second time 쐽 verb the
advertising is particularly important in frequent buying of a low-priced item
a highly competitive market. that is for everyday use such as soap or
reminder line /rmandə lan/ noun bread
a little advertising gimmick, e.g. a give-
away pen with the company’s name on repertory grid technique
/repət(ə)r "rd teknik/ noun a
market-research technique in which a
remnant /remnənt/ noun an odd test is first run to discover what the
piece of a large item such as, a carpet or respondents’ main criteria are in judging
fabric sold separately 쑗 a sale of rem- product brands. This is followed by
nants or a remnant sale another test in which the respondents
remnant space /remnənt spes/ evaluate brands on the basis of these
noun odd unsold advertising space, established criteria.
which is usually available at a discount reply /rpla/ noun an answer 쑗 the
render /rendə/ verb 왍 to render an company’s reply to the takeover bid 쑗
account to send in an account 쑗 Please There was no reply to my letter or to my
find enclosed payment per account phone call. 쑗 I am writing in reply to
rendered. your letter of the 24th. 쐽 verb to answer
rental list /rentl lst/ noun a mailing 쑗 We forgot to reply to the solicitor’s
list of names and addresses which can letter. 쑗 The company has replied to the
be rented takeover bid by offering the sharehold-
reorder /riɔdə/ noun a further order ers higher dividends. (NOTE: replies-
for something which has been ordered replying- replied)
before 쑗 The product has only been on reply coupon /rpla kupɒn/ noun
the market ten days and we are already a form attached to a coupon ad which
getting reorders. 쐽 verb to place a new has to be filled in and returned to the
order for something 쑗 We must reorder advertiser
these items because stock is getting low. report /rpɔt/ noun 1. a statement de-
reorder level /riɔdə lev(ə)l/ noun scribing what has happened or describ-
the minimum amount of stock of an ing a state of affairs 쑗 to make a report
item which must be reordered when or to present a report or to send in a re-
stock falls to this amount port on market opportunities in the Far
rep /rep/ noun same as representa- East 쑗 The accountants are drafting a
tive (informal ) 쑗 to hold a reps’ meet-
. report on salary scales. 쑗 The sales
ing 쑗 Our reps make on average six manager reads all the reports from the
calls a day. sales team. 쑗 The chairman has re-
repack /ripk/ verb to pack again ceived a report from the insurance com-
pany. 2. an official document from a
repacking /ripkŋ/ noun the act of government committee 쑗 The govern-
packing again
ment has issued a report on the credit
repeat /rpit/ verb 왍 to repeat an or- problems of exporters. 쐽 verb 1. to
der to order something again make a statement describing something
repeat business /rpit bzns/ 쑗 The salesforce reported an increased
noun business which involves a new or- demand for the product. 쑗 He reported
reposition 230 researcher
the damage to the insurance company. sentative selection of our product range.
쑗 We asked the bank to report on his fi- 쑗 The sample chosen was not represen-
nancial status. 쑗 Each manager reports tative of the whole batch. 쐽 noun 1. a
on the progress made by the new re- company which works for another com-
cruits during their first six weeks in the pany, selling their goods 쑗 We have ap-
department. 2. 왍 to report to someone pointed Smith & Co our exclusive
to be responsible to or to be under some- representatives in Europe. 2. same as
one 쑗 She reports direct to the manag- sales representative
ing director. 쑗 The salesforce reports to
the sales director.
resale /risel/ noun the selling of
goods which have been bought 쑗 to pur-
‘…a draft report on changes in the international
monetary system’ [Wall Street Journal] chase something for resale 쑗 The con-
‘…responsibilities include the production of
tract forbids resale of the goods to the
premium quality business reports’ [Times] USA.
‘…the research director will manage a team of resale price maintenance /risel
business analysts monitoring and reporting on pras mentənəns/ noun a system
the latest development in retail distribution’
where the price for an item is fixed by
the manufacturer and the retailer is not
‘…the successful candidate will report to the
area director for profit responsibility for sales of allowed to sell it at a lower price. Abbr
leading brands’ [Times] RPM
reposition /ripəzʃ(ə)n/ verb to research /rs&tʃ/ noun the process
change the position of a product or com- of trying to find out facts or information
pany in the market 쐽 verb to study or try to find out infor-
‘…it is thought that the company will reposition mation about something 쑗 They are re-
the range in the mass market or relaunch it’ searching the market for their new
[Marketing Week] product.
repositioning /ripəzʃ(ə)nŋ/ research and development
noun a change or adjustment to the posi- /rs&tʃ ən dveləpmənt/ noun 1.
tion of a product in the market, or the scientific investigation which leads to
consumers’ idea of it, by changing its making new products or improving ex-
design or by different advertising 쑗 If isting products 쑗 The company spends
this spring’s promotional campaign millions on research and development.
doesn’t achieve a repositioning of the Abbr R&D 2. activities that are designed
product, sales will continue to fall. to produce new knowledge and ideas
repossess /ripəzes/ verb to take and to develop ways in which these can
back an item which someone is buying be commercially exploited by a business
under a hire-purchase agreement, or a (NOTE: Research and development ac-
property which someone is buying un- tivities are often grouped together to
der a mortgage, because the purchaser form a separate division or department
cannot continue the payments within an organisation.)
represent /reprzent/ verb to work ‘…drug companies must make a massive
for a company, showing goods or ser- investment in research and development if they
are to ensure their future, according to a recently
vices to possible buyers 쑗 He represents published report’ [Marketing]
an American car firm in Europe. 쑗 Our
French distributor represents several research brief /rs&tʃ brif/ noun
other competing firms. the basic objectives and instructions
representation /reprzenteʃ(ə)n/ concerning a market-research project
noun the act of selling goods for a com- research department /rs&tʃ d-
pany 쑗 We offered them exclusive rep- pɑtmənt/ noun the section of a com-
resentation in Europe. 쑗 They have no pany which carries out research
representation in the USA. researcher /rs&tʃə/ noun a person
representative /reprzentətv/ ad- who carries out research 쑗 Government
jective which is an example of what all statistics are a useful source of informa-
others are like 쑗 We displayed a repre- tion for the desk researcher.
research unit 231 restraint of trade
research unit /rs&tʃ junt/ noun vey 쑗 Some of the respondents’ answers
a separate small group of research were influenced by the way the ques-
workers tions were asked.
research worker /rs&tʃ w&kə/ response /rspɒns/ noun a reply or
noun a person who works in a research reaction 쑗 There was no response to our
department mailing shot. 쑗 We got very little re-
resell /risel/ verb to sell something sponse to our complaints.
which has just been bought 쑗 The car ‘…forecasting consumer response is one
problem which will never be finally solved’
was sold in June and the buyer resold it [Marketing Week]
to an dealer two months later. (NOTE:
response booster /rspɒns
reselling- resold)
bustə/ noun anything that will help in-
reseller /riselə/ noun somebody in crease the response rate
the marketing chain who buys to sell to
response function /rspɒns
somebody else such as wholesalers, dis-
tributors, and retailers f
ŋkʃən/ noun a figure which repre-
sents the value of a particular quantity
reseller market /riselə mɑkt/ of advertising impressions on a person
noun a market in which customers buy
products in order to resell them as response level /rspɒns ret/, re-
sponse rate noun the proportion of
wholesalers or retailers 쑗 Fewer and
fewer consumers are buying the prod- people approached in a survey who
uct, so prices are falling in the reseller agree to answer questions 쑗 The re-
market. sponse rate has been very
reserved market /rz&vd mɑkt/,
restricted market /rstrktd
response marketing /rspɒns
mɑkt/ noun a market in which pro- mɑktŋ/ noun in e-marketing, the
ducers agree not to sell more than a spe- process of managing responses or leads
cific amount in order to control from the time they are received through
competition to conversion to sale
reserve price /rz&v pras/ noun response mechanism /rspɒns
the lowest price which a seller will ac- mekənz(ə)m/ noun a method of
cept, e.g. at an auction or when selling showing a response to an Internet adver-
securities through a broker 쑗 The paint- tisement, or the way in which a cus-
ing was withdrawn when it failed to tomer can reply to an advertisement or
reach its reserve price. direct mailshot, such as sending back a
coupon or a faxback sheet
resistance /rzstəns/ noun opposi-
tion felt or shown by people to some- response rate /rspɒns ret/ noun
thing 쑗 There was a lot of resistance the proportion of people who respond to
from the team to the new plan. 쑗 The a questionnaire or survey
chairman’s proposal met with strong re- re-sticker /ri stkə/ verb to put new
sistance from the banks. stickers on stock, e.g. when increasing
resources /rsɔsz/ plural noun 1. a the price
source of supply of something 왍 we are restock /ristɒk/ verb to order more
looking for a site with good water re- stock 쑗 to restock after the Christmas
sources a site with plenty of water sales
available 2. the money available for do- restocking /ristɒkŋ/ noun the or-
ing something 왍 the cost of the new dering of more stock
project is easily within our resources restraint /rstrent/ noun control
we have quite enough money to pay for restraint of trade /rstrent əv
the new project tred/ noun 1. a situation where em-
respond /rspɒnd/ verb to reply to a ployees are not allowed to use their
question knowledge in another company if they
respondent /rspɒndənt/ noun a change jobs 2. an attempt by companies
person who answers questions in a sur- to fix prices, create monopolies or re-
restrict 232 retention
duce competition, which could affect free retail cooperative /ritel kəυ-
trade ɒp(ə)rətv/ noun an organisation
restrict /rstrkt/ verb to limit or to whose business is the buying and selling
impose controls on 쑗 to restrict credit 쑗 of goods that is run by a group of people
to restrict the flow of trade or to restrict who share the profits between them
imports 쑗 We are restricted to twenty (NOTE: Retail cooperatives were the
staff by the size of our offices. first offshoot of the cooperative move-
restricted market noun same as re-
served market retail dealer /ritel dilə/ noun a
restriction /rstrkʃən/ noun a limit person who sells to the general public
or control 쑗 import restrictions or re- retailer /ritelə/ noun a person who
strictions on imports 왍 to impose re- runs a retail business, selling goods di-
strictions on imports/credit to start rect to the public
limiting imports or credit 왍 to lift credit ‘…voucher schemes are very attractive from the
restrictions/import restrictions to al- retailers’ point of view’ [Marketing Week]
low credit to be given freely or imports retailer cooperative /ritelə kəυ-
to enter the country freely ɒp(ə)rətv/ noun a group of retailers
restrictive /rstrktv/ adjective who buy together from suppliers so as to
which limits be able to enjoy quantity discounts
/rstrktv tred prktsz/ plural retailing /ritelŋ/ noun the selling
noun an arrangement between compa- of full-price goods to the public 쑗 From
nies to fix prices or to share the market car retailing the company branched out
in order to restrict trade into car leasing.
résumé /rezjυme/ noun US a sum- retail management /ritel
mary of a person’s life story with details mndmənt/ noun managing the re-
of education and work experience tail side of a business such as points of
(NOTE: British English is curriculum sale, stock control, and just-in-time
vitae) purchasing
retail /ritel/ noun the sale of small retail media /ritel midiə/ noun
quantities of goods to the general public advertising media in retail outlets, e.g.
왍 the goods in stock have a retail ads on supermarket trolleys
value of £1m the value of the goods if
sold to the public is £1m, before dis- retail outlet /ritel aυtlet/ noun a
counts and other factors are taken into shop which sells to the general public
account 쐽 adverb 왍 he sells retail and retail price /ritel pras/ noun the
buys wholesale he buys goods in bulk price at which the retailer sells to the fi-
at a wholesale discount and sells in nal customer
small quantities to the public 쐽 verb 1. retail price(s) index /ritel
왍 to retail goods to sell goods direct to prasz ndeks/ noun an index which
the public 2. to sell for a price 왍 these shows how prices of consumer goods
items retail at/for £2.50 the retail price have increased or decreased over a pe-
of these items is £2.50 riod of time. Abbr RPI
‘…provisional figures show retail sales dropped
1.5% in January but wholesale prices released retail trade /ritel tred/ noun all
this week reveal a 1% increase last month’ people or businesses selling goods retail
retail audit /ritel ɔdt/ noun a retention /rtenʃən/ noun keeping
the loyalty of existing customers, as op-
market research method by which a re-
posed to acquisition, which is the action
search company regularly checks a sam-
of acquiring new customers (both can be
ple of retailers for unit sales and stock
aims of advertising campaigns)
levels of different brands 쑗 Since sub-
‘…a systematic approach to human resource
scribing to the retail audit we’ve been planning can play a significant part in reducing
able to compare our performance with recruitment and retention problems’
that of our competitors. [Personnel Management]
retrenchment 233 risk-free
host of risk-free investments have been well into the market by launching it in different
double figures’ [Money Observer] areas over a period
risky /rski/ adjective dangerous or rolling plan /rəυlŋ pln/ noun a
which may cause harm 쑗 We lost all our plan which runs for a period of time and
money in some risky ventures in South is updated regularly for the same period
‘…while the bank has scaled back some of its
roll out /rəυl aυt/ verb to extend a
more risky trading operations, it has retained its company’s marketing of a product from
status as a top-rate advisory house’ [Times] its original test marketing area to the
rival /rav(ə)l/ noun a person or com- whole country
‘…the company is expected to make a decision
pany that competes in the same market in the new year on whether to roll out the name
쑗 a rival company 쑗 to undercut a rival through its electrical division’ [Marketing
rival brand /rav(ə)l brnd/, rival Week]
product /rav(ə)l prɒd
kt/ noun a rollout /rəυlaυt/ noun 1. extending
brand or product that is competing for the marketing of a product from the
sales with another brand or product 쑗 original test marketing area to the whole
We are analysing the rival brands on country 2. same as rolling launch
the market. roll over /rəυl əυvə/ verb 왍 to roll
road /rəυd/ noun a way used by cars, over credit to make credit available
lorries, etc. to move from one place to over a continuing period 왍 to roll over a
another 쑗 to send or to ship goods by debt to allow a debt to stand after the re-
road 쑗 The main office is in London payment date
Road. 쑗 Use the Park Road entrance to ‘…at the IMF in Washington, officials are
get to the buying department. (NOTE: in worried that Japanese and US banks might
decline to roll over the principal of loans made
addresses, Road is usually shortened in the 1980s to Southeast Asian and other
to Rd) 왍 on the road travelling 쑗 The developing countries’
salesforce is on the road thirty weeks a [Far Eastern Economic Review]
year. 쑗 We have twenty salesmen on the RON abbr run of network
road. ROP abbr run of paper
road haulage /rəυd hɔld/ noun ROS abbr 1. run of site 2. run of
the moving of goods by road station
road haulage depot /rəυd hɔld rough /r
f/ noun the outline plan of an
depəυ/ noun a centre for goods which illustration for an advertisement 쑗 The
are being moved by road, and the lorries agency sent the rough to the advertisers
which carry them for approval. 쑗 The advertising depart-
road haulier /rəυd hɔliə/ noun a ment will consider the rough carefully
company which transports goods by before telling the agency to go ahead
road and run the advertisement.
ROB abbr run of book rough out /r
f aυt/ verb to make a
rock bottom /rɒk bɒtəm/ noun 왍 draft or a general design 쑗 The finance
sales have reached rock bottom sales director roughed out a plan of
have reached the lowest point possible investment.
‘…investment companies took the view that ROW abbr run of week
secondhand prices had reached rock bottom and
that levels could only go up’ [Lloyd’s List] royalties /rɔəltiz/ plural noun a pro-
portion of the income from the sales of a
rocket /rɒkt/ verb to rise fast 쑗 In- product such as a new invention, a book,
vestors are rushing to cash in on rocket- or a piece of music that is paid to its
ing share prices. 쑗 Prices have rocketed creator
on the commodity markets.
royalty /rɔəlti/ noun money paid to
rolling /rəυlŋ/ adjective continuing an inventor, writer or the owner of land
with no break for the right to use their property, usu-
rolling launch /rəυlŋ lɔntʃ/ noun ally a specific percentage of sales, or a
a gradual launch of a new product onto specific amount per sale 쑗 The country
RPI 235 run-on
will benefit from rising oil royalties. 쑗 tiser’s order to the advertising depart-
He is still receiving substantial royalties ment of a publication that buys
from his invention. advertising space at the basic rate and
RPI abbr retail price(s) index does not specify the position of the ad-
RPM abbr resale price maintenance vertisement in the publication. Abbr
RRP abbr recommended retail price
run /r
n/ noun to manage or to run of network /r
n əv netw&k/
noun banner advertising that runs across
organise 왍 a cheque run a series of
cheques processed through a computer a network of websites. Abbr RON
‘…business is booming for airlines on the run of site /r
n əv sat/ noun ban-
London to Manchester run’ [Business Traveller] ner advertising that runs on one single
‘…applications for mortgages are running at a website. Abbr ROS
high level’ [Times]
‘…with interest rates running well above run of station /r
n əv steʃ(ə)n/
inflation, investors want something that offers a noun TV advertising for which a partic-
return for their money’ [Business Week] ular time period has not been requested.
run down /r
n daυn/ verb 1. to re- Abbr ROS
duce a quantity gradually 쑗 We decided run of week /r
n əv wik/ noun an
to run down stocks or to let stocks run advertiser’s order to the advertising de-
down at the end of the financial year. 2. partment of a publication that buys ad-
to slow down the business activities of a vertising space at the basic rate and does
company before it is going to be closed not specify the issue it will appear in.
쑗 The company is being run down. Abbr ROW
(NOTE: running- ran- has run)
run-on /r
n ɒn/ noun copies of a pub-
running total /r
nŋ təυt(ə)l/ noun lication printed in addition to the origi-
the total carried from one column of fig- nal print order, as in the case of a leaflet
ures to the next whose setting-up costs have been cov-
run of book /r
n əv bυk/, run of ered. More copies of it can be printed at
paper /r
n əv pepə/ noun an adver- a relatively cheap unit cost.
sachet 236 sales aids
sachet /sʃe/ noun a small package have taken 4,000 items on sale or
or envelope containing a product in the return. 2. an act of selling goods at spe-
form of liquid or powder 쑗 If you are cially low prices 쑗 The shop is having a
travelling, buy sachets of shampoo. 쑗 sale to clear old stock. 쑗 The sale price
The magazine came with a free sachet of is 50% of the normal price.
skin cream attached. 쑗 Sachets of coffee ‘…many on Wall Street are suspicious of the
powder were provided. recent sales and production gains posted by
American Industry’ [Management Today]
sack /sk/ noun a large bag made of ‘…the latest car sales for April show a 1.8 per
strong cloth or plastic 쑗 a sack of pota- cent dip from last year’s total’
toes 쑗 We sell onions by the sack. [Investors Chronicle]
salability /seləblti/ noun another saleability /seləblti/, salability
spelling of saleability noun a quality in an item which makes it
salable /seləb(ə)l/ adjective another easy to sell
spelling of saleable saleable /seləb(ə)l/, salable adjec-
salary cheque /sləri tʃek/ noun a tive which can easily be sold 쑗 The
monthly cheque by which an employee company is not readily saleable in its
is paid present state.
salary package /sləri pkd/ sale and lease-back /sel ən lis/
noun same as pay package noun the sale of an asset, usually a
building, to somebody else who then
salary structure /sləri str
ktʃə/ leases it back to the original owner
noun the organisation of salaries in a
saleroom /selrum/ noun a room
company with different rates of pay for
where an auction takes place
different types of job
sales /selz/ plural noun 왍 the sales
sale /sel/ noun 1. an act of giving an period when major stores sell many
item or doing a service in exchange for items at specially low prices 쑗 I bought
money, or for the promise that money this in the sales or at the sales or in the
will be paid 왍 for sale ready to be sold 왍 January sales.
to offer something for sale or to put
something up for sale to announce that sales agent /selz edənt/ noun
something is ready to be sold 쑗 They put a person who sells for a business or
the factory up for sale. 쑗 His shop is for another person and earns a commis-
sale. 쑗 These items are not for sale to sion 쑗 How many sales agents do
the general public. 왍 sale as seen a sale we have in this area? 쑗 She’s a
with no guarantee of quality 쑗 If the competent sales agent representing
equipment is for sale as seen, we shall several non-competing companies.
have no comeback if it breaks down. 왍 sales aids /selz edz/ plural noun
sale by description a sale on condition various tools used for selling, e.g. sam-
that the goods match the description of ples, display cases and sales literature 쑗
them given by the seller 왍 sale or re- The sales manager gave a talk on new
turn a system where the retailer sends sales aids which had just become avail-
goods back if they are not sold, and pays able. 쑗 An exhibition of sales aids was
the supplier only for goods sold 쑗 We held at the sales conference.
sales analysis 237 sales ledger clerk
sales letter /selz letə/ noun a letter sales promotion /selz prə-
sent to prospective customers, espe- məυʃ(ə)n/ noun promotional and sales
cially as part of a direct-mail operation techniques aimed at short-term increases
sales literature /selz lt(ə)rətʃə/ in sales, e.g. free gifts, competitions and
noun printed information which help price discounts 쑗 We need some good
sales, e.g. leaflets or prospectuses sales promotion to complement our ad-
vertising campaign. 쑗 Let’s hope this
salesman /selzmən/ noun 1. a man sales promotion will help us sell off our
who sells an organisation’s products or stock.
services to customers 쑗 He is the head ‘…the novelty in the £1m sales promotion is
salesman in the carpet department. 쑗 that the consumer will know immediately if he
His only experience is as a used-car or she has won a bottle of champagne’
salesman. 2. a man who represents a [Marketing Week]
company, selling its products or services sales promotion agency /selz
to retail shops 쑗 We have six salesmen prəməυʃ(ə)n edənsi/ noun an
calling on accounts in central London. agency that specialises in the planning
(NOTE: plural is salesmen) of promotions such as games, premium
sales manager /selz mndə/ offers, and other incentives
noun a person in charge of a sales sales promotion trap /selz prə-
department məυʃ(ə)n trp/ noun a problem that
occurs when a number of competing
salesmanship /selzmənʃp/ noun firms use promotions, with the result
the art of selling or of persuading cus- that there is no advantage to any of them
tomers to buy
sales quota /selz kwəυtə/ noun a
sales network /selz netw&k/ sales target given to salespeople which
noun the network of retailers, distribu- is based on either unit sales or revenue
tors, and agents who all contribute to 쑗 The sales manager intends to intro-
selling a product duce sales quotas, in order to put extra
sales office /selz ɒfs/ noun a lo- pressure on the sales force.
cal office of a large organisation, which sales representative /selz repr-
deals only with sales zentətv/, sales rep /selz rep/ noun
sales outlet /selz aυtlet/ noun a a person who sells an organisation’s
shop which sells to the general public products or services 쑗 We have six sales
representatives in Europe. 쑗 They have
salesperson /selzp&s(ə)n/ noun vacancies for sales representatives to
1. a person who sells goods or services
call on accounts in the north of the
to members of the public 2. a person country.
who sells products or services to retail
shops on behalf of a company (NOTE: sales resistance /selz rzstəns/
plural is salespeople) noun a lack of willingness by the public
to buy a product
sales pitch /selz ptʃ/ noun a talk
by a salesperson to persuade someone to sales response /selz rspɒns/
buy noun the degree to which customers buy
a product in response to the promotion
sales plan /selz pln/ noun a plan of it 쑗 There was a very poor sales re-
that sets out the future aims of a sales sponse to the advertising campaign. 쑗
department and shows ways in which it Although the product was not spectacu-
can improve its performance and in- lar, the sales response was enormous.
crease sales
sales revenue /selz revənju/
sales potential /selz pətenʃəl/ noun US the income from sales of
noun the maximum market share that goods or services (NOTE: British English
can be achieved by a product is turnover)
sales presentation /selz sales statistics /selz stətstks/
prez(ə)nteʃ(ə)n/ noun a demonstra- plural noun figures relating a com-
tion by a salesperson of a product pany’s sales
sales target 239 satisfying
sales target /selz tɑ"t/ noun the tions of a small group of people to find
amount of sales a sales representative is out the reactions of a larger group of
expected to achieve consumers
sales team /selz tim/ noun all rep- sampling error /sɑmplŋ erə/
resentatives, sales staff and sales man- noun the difference between the results
agers working in a company achieved in a survey using a small sam-
sales technique /selz teknik/ ple and what the results would be if you
noun a method used by a salesperson to used the entire population
persuade customers to buy, e.g. presen- sampling fraction /sɑmplŋ
tation of goods, demonstrations and frkʃən/ noun a proportion of a group
closing of sales of people being surveyed that is chosen
sales territory /selz tert(ə)ri/ as a sample 쑗 The sampling fraction
noun an area visited by a salesman will have to be small since we cannot af-
ford many interviews with respondents.
saleswoman /selzwυmən/ noun 1.
a woman in a shop who sells goods to sampling frame /sɑmplŋ frem/
customers (NOTE: plural is sales- noun the definition of the group of peo-
women) 2. a woman who sells products ple being surveyed out of which a sam-
or services to retail shops on behalf of a ple is to be taken
company sampling point /sɑmplŋ pɔnt/
salutation /sljυteʃ(ə)n/ noun the noun a place where sampling is carried
way of addressing an email to a out 쑗 The sampling point was just out-
customer side the main railway station.
sample /sɑmpəl/ noun 1. a small sandwich board /sndwtʃ bɔd/
part of an item which is used to show noun a pair of boards with advertise-
what the whole item is like 쑗 Can you ments on them that is suspended from
provide us with a sample of the cloth or shoulder straps in front of and behind
a cloth sample? 2. a small group which the person wearing them
is studied in order to show what a larger sandwich man /sndwtʃ mn/
group is like 쑗 We interviewed a sample noun a man who carries a sandwich
of potential customers. 쐽 verb 1. to test board
or to try something by taking a small
satellite television /st(ə)lat
amount of it 쑗 to sample a product be-
telv(ə)n/ noun a television service
fore buying it 2. to ask a representative
which is broadcast from a satellite, and
group of people questions to find out
which the viewer receives using a spe-
what the reactions of a much larger
cial aerial
group would be 쑗 They sampled 2,000
people at random to test the new drink. satisfaction /stsfkʃən/ noun a
‘…all firms in the sample received the same good feeling of happiness and content-
questionnaire along with a covering letter ment 쑗 he finds great satisfaction in the
explaining the objectives of the study’ job even though the pay is low
[International Journal of Advertising]
satisfy /stsfa/ verb 1. to give sat-
sample size /sɑmpəl saz/ noun isfaction or to please 왍 to satisfy a cli-
the number of individuals included in a ent to make a client pleased with what
statistical survey they have purchased 왍 a satisfied cus-
sample survey /sɑmpəl s&ve/ tomer a customer who has got what
noun a statistical study of a selected they wanted 2. to fill (the requirements
group of individuals designed to collect for a job, etc.) 왍 to satisfy a demand to
information on specific subjects such as fill a demand 쑗 We cannot produce
their buying habits or voting behaviour enough to satisfy the demand for the
sampling /sɑmplŋ/ noun 1. the product.
testing of a product by taking a small satisfying /stsfaŋ/ noun the act
amount 쑗 a sampling of European Un- of making satisfactory profits and main-
ion produce 2. the testing of the reac- taining an acceptable market share
saturate 240 scientific management
scope /skəυp/ noun an opportunity or by the buyer who then chooses the low-
possibility 쑗 There is considerable est bidder.
scope for expansion into the export mar- sealed tender /sild tendə/ noun a
ket. 왍 there is scope for improvement tender sent in a sealed envelope which
in our sales performance the sales per- will be opened with others at a specific
formance could be improved time
scrambled merchandising seal of approval /sil əv ə-
/skrmbəld m&tʃəndazŋ/ noun
pruv(ə)l/ noun a certificate from an
the displaying and selling of products organisation to show that a product has
which are unrelated to most of the oth- been officially approved
ers in the store such as groceries in a
newsagent’s or sandwiches in a seaport /sipɔt/ noun a port by the
pharmacy sea
screen /skrin/ noun 1. a glass surface search /s&tʃ/ noun the facility that
on which computer information or TV enables visitors to a website to look for
pictures can be shown 쑗 She brought up the information they want
the information on the screen. 쑗 I’ll just search engine /s&tʃ endn/ noun
call up details of your account on the a website that enables users to conduct
screen. 2. a grid of dots or lines placed keyword searches of indexed informa-
between the camera and the artwork, tion that is held on its database
which has the effect of dividing the pic-
ture up into small dots, creating an im- search engine registration /s&tʃ
age which can be used for printing 쐽 endn redstreʃ(ə)n/ noun the
verb to examine something carefully to
process of registering a website with a
evaluate or assess it 왍 to screen candi- search engine, so that the website is able
dates to examine candidates to see if to be selected when a user requests a
they are completely suitable search
screening /skrinŋ/ noun 1. 왍 the season /siz(ə)n/ noun 1. one of four
screening of candidates examining parts which a year is divided into, i.e.
candidates to see if they are suitable 2. spring, summer, autumn, and winter 2. a
evaluating or estimating new product period of time when some activity usu-
ideas 쑗 Representatives from each de- ally takes place 쑗 the selling season
partment concerned will take part in the seasonal /siz(ə)n(ə)l/ adjective
screening process. 쑗 Screening showed which lasts for a season or which only
the product idea to be unrealistic for happens during a particular season 쑗
our production capacity. seasonal variations in sales patterns 쑗
script /skrpt/ noun the written text of The demand for this item is very
a commercial seasonal.
SDRs abbr special drawing rights seasonal adjustment /siz(ə)n(ə)l
stmənt/ noun a change made to
seal /sil/ noun 1. 왍 contract under figures to take account of seasonal
seal a contract which has been legally variations
approved with the seal of the company
2. a piece of paper, metal or wax at-
seasonal business /siz(ə)n(ə)l
tached to close something, so that it can bzns/ noun trade that varies depend-
be opened only if the paper, metal or ing on the time of the year, e.g. trade in
wax is removed or broken 쐽 verb to goods such as suntan products or Christ-
close something tightly 쑗 The computer mas trees
disks were sent in a sealed container. seasonal demand /siz(ə)n(ə)l d-
sealed bid price /sild bd pras/ mɑnd/ noun demand which exists
noun a price of goods or a service for only during the high season
which suppliers are invited to submit seasonal discount /siz(ə)n(ə)l
bids. The bids are considered together dskaυnt/ noun a discount offered at
specific times of the year during periods
seasonally adjusted 242 seed
semi-finished product /semi vice the bill includes a charge added for
fnʃt prɒd
kt/ noun a product which the work involved 쑗 Is the service in-
is partly finished cluded? 2. the act of keeping a machine
semiotics /semiɒtks/ noun the use in good working order 쑗 the routine ser-
of such promotional tools as package vice of equipment 쑗 The machine has
design, logos and slogans in marketing been sent in for service. 쐽 verb 1. to
(NOTE: takes a singular verb) keep a machine in good working order
쑗 The car needs to be serviced every six
semi-solus /semi səυləs/ noun an months. 쑗 The computer has gone back
advertisement that shares a page with to the manufacturer for servicing. 2. 왍
other advertisements, but is not immedi- to service a debt to pay interest on a
ately next to any of them debt 쑗 The company is having problems
semi-structured interview /semi in servicing its debts.
ktʃəd ntəvju/ noun an inter- service bureau /s&vs bjυərəυ/
view using some pre-set questions but noun an office which specialises in
allowing some questions that have been helping other offices
chosen by the interviewer as well 쑗 Part
of a semi-structured interview consists service centre /s&vs sentə/ noun
in respondents describing their first re- an office or workshop which specialises
actions to the advertisement. in keeping machines in good working
semi-variable cost /semi
veəriəb(ə)l kɒst/ noun money paid to service charge /s&vs tʃɑd/
produce a product which increases, noun US a charge which a bank makes
though less than proportionally, with the for carrying out work for a customer
quantity of the product made 쑗 Stepping (NOTE: the British equivalent is bank
up production will mean an increase in charge)
semi-variable costs. service department /s&vs d-
send away for /send əwe fɔ/ pɑtmənt/ noun the section of a com-
verb to write asking for something to be
pany which keeps customers’ machines
sent to you 쑗 We sent away for the new in good working order
catalogue. service engineer /s&vs end-
nə/ noun an engineer who specialises
sender /sendə/ noun a person who in keeping machines in good working
sends 왍 ‘return to sender’ words on an
envelope or parcel to show that it is to
be sent back to the person who sent it service history /s&vs hst(ə)ri/
noun a record of the times a machine
send off for /send ɒf fɔ/ verb to has been serviced
write asking for something to be sent to
you 쑗 We sent off for the new catalogue. service level /s&vs lev(ə)l/ noun
a measurement of how efficient a pro-
sensitive /senstv/ adjective able to ducer is in distributing goods, e.g. the
feel something sharply 쑗 The market is minimum number of back orders at any
very sensitive to the result of the one time or delivery frequency to an
elections. area 쑗 Service levels must be improved
sequential sampling /skwenʃəl to fight competition. 쑗 The product is
sɑmplŋ/ noun the process of carrying competitive in itself, but sales are af-
on the process of sampling until enough fected by a low service level.
respondents have been interviewed to service level agreement /s&vs
provide the necessary information lev(ə)l ə"rimənt/ noun an agreement
serial number /səriəl n
mbə/ between a supplier and a customer
noun a number in a series 쑗 This batch which stipulates the level of services to
of shoes has the serial number 25–02. be rendered. Abbr SLA
service /s&vs/ noun 1. payment for services /s&vsz/ plural noun bene-
help given to the customer 쑗 to add on fits which are sold to customers or cli-
10% for service 왍 the bill includes ser- ents, e.g. transport or education 쑗 We
service station 246 ship
shipbroker /ʃp brəυkə/ noun a around when you are planning to get a
person who arranges shipping or trans- mortgage.
port of goods for customers on behalf of
ship owners shop audit /ʃɒp ɔdt/ noun a
market-research method by which a re-
ship chandler /ʃp tʃɑndlə/ noun a search company regularly checks a sam-
person who supplies goods such as food ple of retailers for unit sales and stock
to ships levels of different brands 쑗 Since sub-
shipment noun /ʃpmənt/ goods scribing to the shop audit we have seen
which have been sent or are going to be how much better we’re doing than our
sent 쑗 Two shipments were lost in the competitors.
fire. 쑗 A shipment of computers was shopbot /ʃɒpbɒt/ noun an automated
damaged. 쐽 an act of sending goods 쑗 device that searches the Internet for par-
We make two shipments a week to ticular products or services, allowing the
France. user to compare prices or specifications
shipper /ʃpə/ noun a person who shop floor /ʃɒp flɔ/ noun the space
sends goods or who organises the send- in a shop given to the display of goods
ing of goods for other customers for sale
shipping /ʃpŋ/ noun the sending of shop front /ʃɒp fr
nt/ noun a part of
goods 쑗 shipping charges 쑗 shipping a shop which faces the street, including
costs (NOTE: shipping does not always the entrance and windows
mean using a ship)
shopkeeper /ʃɒpkipə/ noun a per-
shipping agent /ʃpŋ edənt/ son who owns or runs a shop
noun a company which specialises in
the sending of goods shoplifter /ʃɒplftə/ noun a person
who steals goods from shops
shipping confirmation /ʃpŋ
kɒnfəmeʃ(ə)n/ noun an email mes- shoplifting /ʃɒplftŋ/ noun the
sage informing the purchaser that an or- practice of stealing goods from shops
der has been shipped shopper /ʃɒpə/ noun a person who
shipping instructions /ʃpŋ n- buys goods in a shop 쑗 The store stays
kʃənz/ plural noun the details of open to midnight to cater for late-night
how goods are to be shipped and shoppers.
delivered shoppers’ charter /ʃɒpəz tʃɑtə/
shipping note /ʃpŋ nəυt/ noun a noun a law which protects the rights of
note which gives details of goods being shoppers against shopkeepers who are
shipped not honest or against manufacturers of
shop /ʃɒp/ noun 1. a place where defective goods
goods are stored and sold 쑗 a computer shopping /ʃɒpŋ/ noun 1. the act of
shop 쑗 an electrical goods shop 쑗 She buying goods in a shop 쑗 to go shop-
has bought a shoe shop in the centre of ping 2. goods bought in a shop 쑗 to buy
town. 쑗 All the shops in the centre of your shopping or to do your shopping in
town close on Sundays. 쑗 She opened a the local supermarket
women’s clothes shop. 2. an advertising shopping cart /ʃɒpŋ kɑt/ noun 1.
agency (NOTE: American English is US a metal basket on wheels, used by
usually store) 쐽 verb 왍 to shop (for) to shoppers to put their purchases in as
look for things in shops they go round a supermarket (NOTE:
shop around /ʃɒp əraυnd/ verb to British English is shopping trolley or
go to various shops or suppliers and supermarket trolley) 2. a software
compare prices before making a pur- package that records the items that an
chase or before placing an order 쑗 You online buyer selects for purchase to-
should shop around before getting your gether with associated data, e.g., the
car serviced. 쑗 He’s shopping around price of the item and the number of
for a new computer. 쑗 It pays to shop items required
shopping centre 248 short-term forecast
shopping centre /ʃɒpŋ sentə/ near future or quite soon 2. not as much
noun a group of shops linked together as should be 쑗 The shipment was three
with car parks and restaurants items short. 쑗 My change was £2 short.
shopping experience /ʃɒpŋ k- 왍 when we cashed up we were £10
spəriəns/ noun the virtual environ- short we had £10 less than we should
ment in which a customer visits an have had 왍 to give short weight to sell
e-merchant’s website, selects items, something which is lighter than it
places them in an electronic shopping should be 왍 short of with less than
cart and notifies the merchant of the or- needed or not enough of 쑗 We are short
der (NOTE: The shopping experience of staff or short of money. 쑗 The com-
does not include a payment transac- pany is short of new ideas.
tion, which is initiated by a message to shortage /ʃɔtd/ noun a lack or
a point-of-sale program when the cus- low availability of something 쑗 a short-
tomer signals that he or she has fin- age of skilled staff 쑗 We employ
ished shopping and wishes to pay.) part-timers to make up for staff short-
shopping goods /ʃɒpŋ "υdz/ plu- ages. 쑗 The import controls have re-
ral noun high-priced goods whose pur- sulted in the shortage of spare parts. 왍
chase has to be considered carefully by there is no shortage of investment ad-
customers, who compare the good vice there are plenty of people who want
points of competing brands to give advice on investments
shopping mall /ʃɒpŋ mɒl/ noun an short-change /ʃɔttʃend/ verb to
enclosed covered area for shopping, give a customer less change than is
with shops, restaurants, banks and other right, either by mistake or in the hope
facilities that it will not be noticed
shopping precinct /ʃɒpŋ short credit /ʃɔt kredt/ noun
prisŋkt/ noun a part of a town where terms which allow the customer only a
the streets are closed to traffic so that little time to pay
people can walk about and shop
shorthanded /ʃɔthndd/ adjec-
shopping trolley /ʃɒpŋ trɒli/ tive without enough staff 쑗 We’re
noun same as shopping cart rather shorthanded at the moment.
shop-soiled /ʃɒp sɔld/ adjective short lease /ʃɔt lis/ noun a lease
dirty because of having been on display which runs for up to two or three years
in a shop 쑗 These items are shop-soiled 쑗 We have a short lease on our current
and cannot be sold at full price. premises.
shopwalker /ʃɒpwɔkə/ noun an
employee of a department store who ad- short-range forecast /ʃɔt rend
vises the customers and supervises the fɔkɑst/ noun a forecast which covers
shop assistants in a department a period of a few months
shop window /ʃɒp wndəυ/ noun a short-staffed /ʃɔt stɑft/ adjective
large window in a shop front, where with not enough staff 쑗 We’re rather
customers can see goods displayed short-staffed at the moment.
shop window website /ʃɒp short-term /ʃɔt t&m/ adjective for
wndəυ websat/ noun a website that a period of weeks or months 쑗 to place
provides information about an organisa- money on short-term deposit 쑗 She is
tion and its products, but does not allow employed on a short-term contract. 왍 on
visitors to interact with it a short-term basis for a short period
shop-within-shop /ʃɒp wðn short-term debt /ʃɔt t&m det/
ʃɒp/ noun an arrangement in large de- noun a debt which has to be repaid
partment stores, where space is given to within a few weeks
smaller specialised retail outlets to trade short-term forecast /ʃɔt t&m
short /ʃɔt/ adjective 1. for a small pe- fɔkɑst/ noun a forecast which covers
riod of time 왍 in the short term in the a period of a few months
short-term gain 249 single sourcing
short-term gain /ʃɔt t&m "en/ ‘…if your company needed a piece of
equipment priced at about $50,000, would you
noun an increase in price made over a buy it sight unseen from a supplier you had
short period never met?’ [Nation’s Business]
short-term planning /ʃɔt t&m sight draft /sat drɑft/ noun a bill
plnŋ/ noun planning for the immedi- of exchange which is payable when it is
ate future presented
shout /ʃaυt/ noun a bold statement sign /san/ noun a board or notice
promoting a book, either printed on the which advertises something 쑗 They
cover or on posters and leaflets 쑗 The have asked for planning permission to
author disliked the shout on the cover put up a large red shop sign. 쑗 Advertis-
suggested by the publisher’s promo- ing signs cover most of the buildings in
tional manager. the centre of the town.
show /ʃəυ/ noun an exhibition or dis- signage /sand/ noun all the signs
play of goods or services for sale 쑗 a and logos which identify an organisa-
motor show 쑗 a computer show tion such as a retail group, chain of res-
showcard /ʃəυkɑd/ noun a piece of taurants or motorway service area
cardboard with advertising material, put ‘…if planning permission is granted and the
near an item for sale Department of Transport is happy to grant
motorway signage and access permission, you
showcase noun /ʃəυkes/ 1. a cup- can buy or lease the land and start building’
board with a glass front or top to display [Caterer & Hotelkeeper]
items 2. the presentation of someone or signature /s"nətʃə/ noun a special
something in a favourable setting 쐽 authentication code, such as a password,
verb to present someone or something which a user must enter to prove his or
in a way that is designed to attract atten- her identity
tion and admiration signature file /s"nətʃə fal/ noun
showing /ʃəυŋ/ noun a measure- text at the end of an email message that
ment of an audience’s exposure to out- identifies the sender and company
door advertising name, address, etc. Abbr sig file
showroom /ʃəυrum/ noun a room silver market /slvə mɑkt/ noun a
where goods are displayed for sale 쑗 a market consisting of retired people
car showroom (NOTE: also called grey market)
shrink /ʃrŋk/ verb to get smaller 쑗 SINBAD abbr single income no boy-
The market has shrunk by 20%. 쑗 The friend absolutely desperate
company is having difficulty selling into single column centimetre /sŋ"əl
a shrinking market. (NOTE: shrinking – kɒləm sentmitə/ noun a unit of
shrank – has shrunk) measurement for newspaper and maga-
shrinkage /ʃrŋkd/ noun 1. the zine advertisements, representing one
amount by which something gets column which is one centimetre in depth
smaller 쑗 to allow for shrinkage 2. single-currency /sŋ"əl k
losses of stock through theft, especially adjective using or shown as an amount
by the shop’s own staff (informal ).
in only one currency
SIC abbr standard industrial single (European) market
classification /sŋ"(ə)l jυərəpiən mɑkt/ noun 쒁
sideline /sadlan/ noun a business European Union
which is extra to your normal work 쑗 single sourcing /sŋ"əl sɔsŋ/
He runs a profitable sideline selling noun the practice of obtaining all of a
postcards to tourists. company’s supplies from one source or
sight /sat/ noun the act of seeing 왍 supplier 쑗 The buying department be-
bill payable at sight a bill which must lieves that single sourcing will lead to
be paid when it is presented 왍 to buy higher raw-material costs. 쑗 Single
something sight unseen to buy some- sourcing has simplified our purchasing
thing without having inspected it plans.
site 250 smuggle
site /sat/ noun the place where some- sleeper effect /slipər fekt/ noun
thing is located 쑗 We have chosen a site an effect shown where a message be-
for the new factory. 쑗 The supermarket comes more persuasive over a period of
is to be built on a site near the station. time
situation /stʃueʃ(ə)n/ noun a state slot /slɒt/ noun the period of time
of affairs 쑗 the financial situation of a available for a TV or radio commercial
company 쑗 the general situation of the 쑗 They took six 30-second slots at peak
economy viewing time.
situation analysis /stʃueʃ(ə)n slot machine /slɒt məʃin/ noun a
ənləss/, situation audit machine which provides drinks or ciga-
/stʃueʃ(ə)n ɔdt/ noun the stage in rettes, plays music, etc. when a coin is
marketing planning concerned with in- put in it
vestigating an organisation’s strengths slow payer /sləυ peə/ noun a per-
and weaknesses 쑗 In the situation anal- son or company that does not pay debts
ysis particular attention was paid to ex- on time 쑗 The company is well known
isting production capacity. 쑗 It is clear as a slow payer.
from the situation analysis that distribu- slump /sl
mp/ noun 1. a rapid fall 쑗
tion is our biggest problem. the slump in the value of the pound 쑗
six-pack /sks pk/ noun a box con- We experienced a slump in sales or a
taining six items, often bottles or cans slump in profits. 2. a period of economic
skim /skmŋ/ verb to fix a high price collapse with high unemployment and
on a new product in order to achieve loss of trade 쑗 We are experiencing
high short-term profits. The high price slump conditions. 3. the world economic
reflects the customer’s appreciation of crisis of 1929 – 1933 쐽 verb to fall fast
쑗 Profits have slumped. 쑗 The pound
the added value of the new product, and
will be reduced in due course as the slumped on the foreign exchange
product becomes established on the markets.
market. 쑗 We are skimming the market small business /smɔl bznəs/
with a product that will soon be noun a little company with low turnover
obsolete. and few employees
skip scheduling /skp ʃedulŋ/ small businessman /smɔl
noun the act of arranging for an adver- bznəsmn/ noun a man who owns a
tisement to appear in every other issue small business
of a publication small print /smɔl prnt/ noun de-
SKU noun a unique code made up of tails in an official document such as a
numbers or letters and numbers which is contract that are printed in letters of a
assigned to a product by a retailer for smaller size than the rest of the text and,
identification and stock control. Full consequently, may be overlooked even
form stockkeeping unit though they are often important
SLA abbr service level agreement small-scale enterprise /smɔl
skel entəpraz/ noun a small business
slack season /slk siz(ə)n/ noun
a period when a company is not very SME noun an organisation that is in the
busy start-up or growth phase of development
and has between 10 and 500 employees,
slash /slʃ/ verb to reduce sharply 쑗 according to the UK Department of
We have been forced to slash credit Trade and Industry definition. Full form
terms. 쑗 Prices have been slashed in all small and medium-sized enterprise
departments. 쑗 The banks have slashed smuggle /sm
"(ə)l/ verb to take
interest rates. goods illegally into a country or without
sleeper /slipə/ noun a product which declaring them to customs 쑗 They had
does not sell well for some time, then to smuggle the spare parts into the
suddenly becomes very popular country.
smuggler 251 sole
smuggler /sm
"lə/ noun a person successful in life and want to work with
who smuggles groups of people
smuggling /sm
"lŋ/ noun the prac- societal marketing /səsaət(ə)l
tice of taking goods illegally into a mɑktŋ/ noun same as social
country or without declaring them to marketing
customs 쑗 They made their money in society /səsaəti/ noun 1. the way in
arms smuggling. which the people in a country are
snap up /snp
p/ verb to buy organised 2. a club for a group of people
something quickly 쑗 to snap up a bar- with the same interests 쑗 We have
gain 쑗 She snapped up 15% of the com- joined a computer society.
pany’s shares. (NOTE: snapping – socio-cultural research /səυʃiəυ
snapped) k
ltʃərəl rs&tʃ/ noun research into
snip /snp/ noun a bargain (informal ) . problems of society and culture, which
쑗 These printers are a snip at £50. gives insights into consumers and their
social /səυʃ(ə)l/ adjective referring to needs
society in general socio-economic /səυʃiəυ ikə-
social audit /səυʃ(ə)l ɔdt/ an nɒmk/ adjective referring to social
analysis of the social consequences of a and economic conditions, social classes
particular marketing strategy 쑗 The so- and income groups 쑗 We have commis-
cial audit focused on the effects of pollu- sioned a thorough socio-economic anal-
tion in the area. 쑗 The social audit ysis of our potential market.
showed that the factory could provide COMMENT: The British socio-economic
jobs for five per cent of the unemployed groups are: A: upper middle class: se-
in the small town nearby. nior managers, administrators, civil ser-
vants and professional people; B: middle
social cost /səυʃ(ə)l kɒst/ noun 1. a class: middle-ranking managers, admin-
negative effect of a type of production istrators, civil servants and professional
on society 쑗 The report examines the people; C1: lower middle class: junior
social costs of building the factory in the managers and clerical staff; C2: skilled
middle of the town. 쑗 The industry’s workers: workers with special skills and
representative denied that any social qualifications; D: working class: un-
cost was involved in the new develop- skilled workers and manual workers; E:
ment. 2. the way in which something subsistence level: pensioners, the un-
will affect people employed and casual manual workers.
sole agency /səυl edənsi/ noun employee 2. the person who sends a
an agreement to be the only person to message 쐽 verb to get supplies from
represent a company or to sell a product somewhere 쑗 We source these spare
in a particular area 쑗 He has the sole parts in Germany.
agency for Ford cars. source credibility /sɔs kredə-
sole agent /səυl edənt/ noun a blti/ noun the image people have of
person who has the sole agency for a someone which will determine that per-
company in an area 쑗 She is the sole son’s credibility
agent for Ford cars in the locality. source power /sɔs paυə/ noun the
sole distributor /səυl dstrbjυtə/ power derived by a source from being
noun a retailer who is the only one in an able to reward a customer
area who is allowed to sell a product sourcing /sɔsŋ/ noun the process
sole owner /səυl əυnə/ noun a per- of finding suppliers of goods or services
son who owns a business on their own, 쑗 The sourcing of spare parts can be di-
with no partners, and has not formed a versified to suppliers outside Europe. 쏡
company outsourcing
sole trader /səυl tredə/ noun a per- space /spes/ noun an empty place or
son who runs a business, usually by empty area 왍 to take advertising space
themselves, but has not registered it as a in a newspaper to place a large adver-
company tisement in a newspaper
solicit /səlst/ verb 왍 to solicit or- space buyer /spes baə/ noun a
ders to ask for orders, to try to get peo- person who buys advertising space in
ple to order goods magazines and newspapers
solus /səυləs/ adjective alone spam /spm/ noun articles that have
solus (advertisement) /səυləs əd- been posted to more than one
v&tsmənt/ noun an advertisement newsgroup, and so are likely to contain
which does not appear near other adver- unsolicited commercial messages
tisements for similar products spare parts /speə pɑts/ plural noun
solus position /səυləs pəzʃ(ə)n/ a stock of components for a machine
noun a position for an advertisement
that are kept in case the machine breaks
which is alone on a page, or not near ad- down and needs to be repaired
vertisements for similar products spatial segmentation /speʃ(ə)l
se"mənteʃ(ə)n/ noun the segmenta-
solus site /səυləs sat/ noun a shop tion or division of a market according to
which only carries products from one
areas or regions
spec /spek/ noun same as specifica-
solution brand /səluʃ(ə)n brnd/ tion 왍 to buy something on spec to buy
noun a combination of a product and re-
something without being sure of its
lated services, e.g. a computer system value
plus installation and maintenance, that
meets a customer’s needs more effec- special /speʃ(ə)l/ adjective better
tively than the product on its own than usual 쑗 He offered us special
terms. 쑗 The car is being offered at a
sorting /sɔtŋ/ noun the process of special price. 쐽 noun a product which a
organising a mailing list in a certain or- retailer buys for a special purpose, e.g. a
der (by name, by country, etc.) premium offer
source /sɔs/ noun 1. the place where ‘…airlines offer special stopover rates and hotel
something comes from 쑗 What is the packages to attract customers to certain routes’
source of her income? 쑗 You must de- [Business Traveller]
clare income from all sources to the tax special drawing rights /speʃəl
office. 왍 income which is taxed at drɔŋ rats/ noun a unit of account
source income where the tax is removed used by the International Monetary
and paid to the government by the em- Fund, allocated to each member country
ployer before the income is paid to the for use in loans and other international
specialisation 253 spiff
product by offering special incentives to less significant than they once were’
sales personnel [Economist]
spinner /spnə/ noun a revolving spread /spred/ noun two facing pages
stand on which goods are displayed in a in a magazine or newspaper used by an
shop 쑗 There was a spinner with differ- advertiser for a single advertisement
ent types of confectionery at each running across the two pages
checkout. SRDS abbr Standard Rate & Data
spinoff /spnɒf/ noun a useful prod- Service
uct developed as a secondary product stabilisation /steblazeʃ(ə)n/,
from a main item 쑗 One of the spinoffs stabilization noun the process of mak-
of the research programme has been the ing something stable, e.g. preventing
development of the electric car. sudden changes in prices 왍 stabilisation
split run /splt r
n/ noun the printing of the economy keeping the economy
of the same issue of a publication in sev- stable by preventing inflation from ris-
eral production runs, so that different ing, cutting high interest rates and ex-
advertisements may be placed in differ- cess money supply
ent printings, allowing the effects of the stabilise /stebəlaz/, stabilize verb
advertising to be compared to make steady 왍 prices have stabilised
sponsor /spɒnsə/ noun 1. a person prices have stopped moving up or down
who recommends another person for a 왍 to have a stabilising effect on the
job 2. a company which pays part of the economy to make the economy more
cost of making a TV programme by tak- stable
ing advertising time on the programme stability /stəblti/ noun the state of
쐽 verb to act as a sponsor for something being steady or not moving up or down
쑗 a government-sponsored trade exhibi- 쑗 price stability 쑗 a period of economic
tion 쑗 The company has sponsored the stability 쑗 the stability of the currency
football match. markets
sponsorship /spɒnsəʃp/ noun the stable /steb(ə)l/ adjective steady or
act of sponsoring 쑗 the sponsorship of a not moving up or down 쑗 stable prices
season of concerts 쑗 The training 쑗 a stable exchange rate 쑗 a stable cur-
course could not be run without the rency 쑗 a stable economy
sponsorship of several major
companies. stable market /steb(ə)l mɑkt/
noun a market where sales do not
spot /spɒt/ noun 1. a place for an ad- change much in response to changes in
vertisement on a TV or radio show 2. a price and where demand is therefore
place 왍 to be on the spot to be at a place steady
쑗 We have a man on the spot to deal
with any problems which happen on the staff appraisal /stɑf əprez(ə)l/,
building site. 3. the buying of something staff assessment /stɑf əsesmənt/
for immediate delivery 4. done rapidly noun a report on how well a member of
spot cash /spɒt kʃ/ noun cash paid staff is working
for something bought immediately stage-gate model /sted "et
spot check /spɒt tʃek/ noun a rapid mɒd(ə)l/ noun a business model for de-
and unannounced check to see if things veloping a new product from conception
are working properly to its launch, where the development is
divided into several stages at the end of
spot colour /spɒt k
lə/ noun one which is a ‘gate’ where the management
colour, apart from black, used in an has to take a decision as to how to pro-
advertisement ceed to the next stage
spot market /spɒt mɑkt/ noun stagflation /st"fleʃ(ə)n/ noun in-
the market for buying oil for immediate flation and stagnation of an economy
‘…with most of the world’s oil now traded on stagnation /st"neʃ(ə)n/ noun the
spot markets, Opec’s official prices are much state of not making any progress, espe-
stake 255 standardisation
cially in economic matters 쑗 The coun- of their purchases, the stamps being ex-
try entered a period of stagnation. changeable for more goods or for cash.
stake /stek/ noun an amount of Compare trading stamp
money invested 왍 to have a stake in a stand /stnd/ noun an arrangement of
business to have money invested in a shelves or tables at an exhibition for
business 왍 to acquire a stake in a busi- showing a company’s products
ness to buy shares in a business 쑗 He standard /stndəd/ noun the normal
acquired a 25% stake in the company. 쐽 quality or normal conditions which
verb 왍 to stake money on something to other things are judged against 왍 up to
risk money on something standard of acceptable quality 쑗 This
‘…her stake, which she bought at $1.45 per batch is not up to standard or does not
share, is now worth nearly $10 million’ [Times]
meet our standards. 쐽 adjective normal
‘…other investments include a large stake in a or usual 쑗 a standard model car 쑗 We
Chicago-based insurance company, as well as
interests in tobacco products and hotels’
have a standard charge of £25 for a
[Lloyd’s List] thirty-minute session.
stakeholder /stekhəυldə/ noun 1. a Standard & Poor’s rating
person who has a stake in a business, /stndəd ən pυəz retŋ/ noun a
e.g. a shareholder, an employee, or a share-rating service provided by the US
supplier 2. a person or body that is in- agency Standard & Poor
volved with a company or organisation standard costing /stndəd
either personally or financially and has kɒstŋ/ noun the process of planning
an interest in ensuring that it is success- costs for the period ahead and, at the end
ful (NOTE: A stakeholder may be an of the period, comparing these figures
employee, customer, supplier, partner, with actual costs in order to make neces-
or even the local community within sary adjustments in planning
which an organisation operates.) standard costs /stndəd kɒsts/
‘…the stakeholder concept is meant to be a new plural noun planned costs for the period
kind of low-cost, flexible personal pension
aimed at those who are less well-off. Whether it
will really encourage them to put aside money standard deviation /stndəd
for retirement is a moot point. Ministers said divieʃ(ə)n/ noun the way in which
companies would be able to charge no more
than 1 per cent a year to qualify for the
the results of a sample deviate from the
stakeholder label’ [Financial Times] mean or average
stakeholder theory /stekhəυldə standard error /stndəd erə/
θər/ noun the theory that a business noun the extent to which chance affects
organisation should base its policies on the accuracy of a sample
the interests of elements outside it such Standard Industrial Classifica-
as suppliers, consumers and the general tion /stndəd nd
striəl klsf-
public, as well as on its own keʃ(ə)n/ noun the official listing and
profit-making objectives coding of industries and products. Abbr
stall /stɔl/ noun a small moveable SIC
wooden booth, used for selling goods in standardisation /stndəda-
a market zeʃ(ə)n/, standardization noun the
stallholder /stɔlhəυldə/ noun a per- process of making sure that everything
son who has a stall in a market and pays fits a standard or is produced in the
rent for the site it occupies same way 쑗 standardisation of mea-
surements throughout the EU 쑗 Stan-
stamp duty /stmp djuti/ noun a dardization of design is necessary if we
tax on legal documents such as the sale want to have a uniform company style. 왍
or purchase of shares, the conveyance of standardisation of products the pro-
a property to a new owner cess of reducing a large number of dif-
stamp trading /stmp tredŋ/ ferent products to a series which have
noun the giving out of stamps or vouch- the same measurements, design, packag-
ers to customers according to the value ing, etc.
standardise 256 statistical error
standardise /stndədaz/, stan- only one star product but it’s put our
dardize verb to make sure that every- company on the map. 쑗 They’re hoping
thing fits a standard or is produced in that at least two of their new product
the same way range will turn out to be stars.
standard letter /stndəd letə/ starch ratings /stɑtʃ retŋz/ plu-
noun a letter which is sent without ral noun US a method of assessing the
change to various correspondents effectiveness of an organisation’s
standard rate /stndəd ret/ noun advertising
a basic rate of income tax which is paid start /stɑt/ noun the beginning
by most taxpayers starting point /stɑtŋ pɔnt/ noun
Standard Rate & Data Service the place where something starts
/stndəd ret ən detə s&vs/ an
start-up /stɑt
p/ noun 1. the begin-
American publication listing advertising ning of a new company or new product
rates, circulation and other details of 쑗 start-up costs 쑗 We went into the red
major American magazines, newspapers for the first time because of the start-up
and other advertising media. Abbr costs of the new subsidiary in the USA.
SRDS (NOTE: the comparable British
2. a new, usually small business that is
publication is British Rate and Data)
just beginning its operations, especially
standing /stndŋ/ noun a good rep- a new business supported by venture
utation 쑗 The financial standing of a capital and in a sector where new tech-
company. 왍 company of good standing nologies are used
very reputable company state enterprise /stet entəpraz/
standing order /stndŋ ɔdə/ noun a company run by the state 쑗 The
noun an order written by a customer bosses of state industries are appointed
asking a bank to pay money regularly to by the government.
an account 쑗 I pay my subscription by
statement /stetmənt/ noun 왍 state-
standing order.
ment (of account) a list of invoices and
standing room only /stndŋ credits and debits sent by a supplier to a
rum əυnli/ noun a sales technique customer at the end of each month
which suggests to the customer that the
current offer will be available only for a
state-of-the-art /stet əv ði ɑt/
adjective as technically advanced as
very short time or may be changed in
the near future
‘…each year American manufacturers increase
stand-out test /stnd aυt test/ their budget for state-of-the-art computer-based
noun a test designed to assess how well hardware and software’ [Duns Business Month]
a package stands out or catches the eye static market /sttk mɑkt/
on a shelf 쑗 Stand-out tests were car- noun a market which does not increase
ried out to evaluate how effective the or decrease significantly over a period
colour of the new product packaging of time
statistical /stətstk(ə)l/ adjective
staple commodity /step(ə)l kə- based on figures 쑗 statistical informa-
mɒdti/ noun a basic food or raw tion 쑗 They took two weeks to provide
material the statistical analysis of the opin-
staple industry /step(ə)l ndəstri/ ion-poll data.
noun the main industry in a country statistical discrepancy /stə-
staple product /step(ə)l prɒd
kt/ tstk(ə)l dskrepənsi/ noun the
noun the main product amount by which sets of figures differ
star /stɑ/ noun in the Boston matrix, a statistical error /stətstk(ə)l erə/
product which has a high market share noun the difference between results
and a high growth rate. It will need cash achieved in a survey using a sample and
to finance its growth, but eventually what the results would be using the en-
should become a cash cow. 쑗 We have tire group of people surveyed. 쏡 law
statistics 257 stocktaking
ing of goods in stock at the end of an ac- plan, usually for a very long time 2. the
counting period 쑗 The warehouse is cost of keeping goods in store 쑗 Storage
closed for the annual stocktaking. rose to 10% of value, so we scrapped
stocktaking sale /stɒktekŋ sel/ the stock. 3. the facility for storing data
noun a sale of goods cheaply to clear a in a computer 쑗 a disk with a storage
warehouse before stocktaking capacity of 100Mb
stock transfer form /stɒk storage capacity /stɔrd kə-
trnsf& fɔm/ noun a form to be psti/ noun the space available for
signed by the person transferring shares storage
stock turnover /stɒk t&nəυvə/ storage company /stɔrd
noun the total value of stock sold in a k
mp(ə)ni/ noun a company which
year divided by the average value of keeps items for customers
goods held in stock storage facilities /stɔrd fə-
stock up /stɒk
p/ verb to buy sup- sltiz/ plural noun equipment and
plies of something which you will need buildings suitable for storage
in the future 쑗 They stocked up with storage unit /stɔrd junt/ noun
computer paper. a device attached to a computer for stor-
stock valuation /stɒl vlju- ing information on disk or tape
eʃ(ə)n/ noun an estimation of the store /stɔ/ noun 1. a place where
value of stock at the end of an account- goods are kept 2. a quantity of items or
ing period materials kept because they will be
stop /stɒp/ noun not supplying 왍 ac- needed 쑗 I always keep a store of enve-
count on stop an account which is not lopes ready in my desk. 3. a large shop
supplied because it has not paid its latest 쑗 a furniture store 쑗 a big clothing
invoices 쑗 We put their account on stop store 쐽 verb 1. to keep in a warehouse 쑗
and sued them for the money they owed. to store goods for six months 2. to keep
왍 to put a stop on a cheque to tell the for future use 쑗 We store our pay re-
bank not to pay a cheque which you cords on computer.
have written 쐽 verb 왍 to stop an ac- store audit /stɔr ɔdt/ noun a
count not to supply an account any market-research method by which a re-
more on credit because bills have not search company regularly checks a sam-
been paid 왍 to stop payments not to ple of stores for unit sales and stock
make any further payments levels of different brands
stoppage /stɒpd/ noun the act of store brand /stɔ brnd/ noun a
stopping 쑗 stoppage of payments 쑗 Bad
brand owned by the retailer and not by
weather was responsible for the stop-
the manufacturer
page of deliveries. 쑗 Deliveries will be
late because of stoppages on the pro- store card /stɔ kɑd/ noun a credit
duction line. card issued by a large department store,
‘…the commission noted that in the early 1960s which can only be used for purchases in
there was an average of 203 stoppages each year that store
arising out of dismissals’ [Employment Gazette]
storekeeper /stɔkipə/, storeman
stoppage in transit /stɒpd n /stɔmən/ noun a person in charge of a
trnzt/ noun the legal right of sellers storeroom
to stop delivery of goods that are in tran-
sit if they have reason to believe cus- storeroom /stɔrum/ noun a room
tomers will not pay for them owing to or small warehouse where stock can be
insolvency kept
storage /stɔrd/ noun 1. the act of store traffic /stɔ trfk/ noun the
keeping something in store or in a ware- number of customers who enter a store
house 쑗 We let our house and put the storyboard /stɔribɔd/ noun a se-
furniture into storage. 왍 to put a plan ries of drawings which give the outline
into cold storage to postpone work on a of a film or TV advertisement 쑗 If the
straight line depreciation 259 striver
advertiser likes the storyboard, the more effectively than they could if each
agency will go ahead with the idea. operated separately
straight line depreciation /stret strategic planning /strətidk
lan dpriʃieʃ(ə)n/ noun deprecia- plnŋ/ noun the process of planning
tion calculated by dividing the cost of an the future work of a company
asset, less its remaining value, by the strategy /strtədi/ noun a plan of
number of years it is likely to be used future action 쑗 a marketing strategy 쑗 a
COMMENT: Various methods of depreci- financial strategy 쑗 a sales strategy 쑗 a
ating assets are used; under the ‘straight pricing strategy 쑗 What is the strategy
line method’, the asset is depreciated at a of the HR department to deal with
constant percentage of its cost each year, long-term manpower requirements? 쑗
while with the ‘reducing balance method’ Part of the company’s strategy to meet
the asset is depreciated at the same per- its marketing objectives is a major re-
centage rate each year, but calculated on cruitment and retraining programme.
the value after the previous year’s depre-
ciation has been deducted.
stratification /strtfkeʃ(ə)n/
noun 1. the structure of a questionnaire
straight rebuy /stret riba/ noun a which should help to ensure reliable an-
type of organisational buying decision swers and make it easy to evaluate re-
where the same product is bought as be- sults 쑗 The results of the survey are
fore from the same supplier hard to interpret owing to poor ques-
strategic /strətidk/ adjective tionnaire stratification. 쑗 Good stratifi-
based on a plan of action cation will streamline the whole
process. 2. a framework for the selec-
strategic alliance /strətidk tion of a sample that ensures that it ade-
əlaəns/ noun an agreement between quately represents the entire group of
two or more organisations to co-operate people surveyed
with each other and share their
knowledge and expertise in a particular streaming /strimŋ/ noun Web
business activity, so that each benefits technology that enables a user who has
from the others’ strengths and gains to download a large amount of material
competitive advantage (NOTE: Strategic to view or listen to part of it while the
alliances can reduce the risk and remainder is being downloaded
costs involved in relationships with streamline /strimlan/ verb to make
suppliers and the development of something more efficient or more sim-
new products and technologies and ple 쑗 to streamline the accounting sys-
have been seen as a response to tem 쑗 to streamline distribution services
globalisation and the increasing uncer- streamlined /strimland/ adjective
tainty in the business environment.) efficient or rapid 쑗 We need a more
strategic business unit /strə- streamlined production system. 쑗 The
tidk bzns junt/ noun a part or company introduced a streamlined sys-
division of a large company which tem of distribution.
forms its own business strategy. Abbr streamlining /strimlanŋ/ noun
SBU the process of making something
strategic marketing /strətidk efficient
mɑktŋ/ noun marketing according street furniture /strit f&ntʃə/
to a set strategy, which is developed af- noun lamps, litter bins, bus shelters,
ter analysing the market, designing the etc., on which advertising can be placed
advertising messages and launching the street vendor /strit vendə/ noun a
product person who sells food or small items in
strategic partnering /strətidk the street
pɑtnərŋ/ noun collaboration between striver /stravə/ noun in the VALS
organisations in order to enable them to lifestyle classification, someone who
take advantage of market opportunities likes spending money and wants to ap-
together, or to respond to customers pear successful, rich and fashionable
structure 260 subscription
쑗 She forgot to renew her club subscrip- take the place of someone or something
tion. 왍 to take out a subscription to a else
magazine to start paying for a series of substitute product /s
issues of a magazine 왍 to cancel a sub- prɒd
kt/ noun a product which may be
scription to a magazine to stop paying bought instead of another when the
for a series of issues of a magazine price of the original product changes or
subscription-based publishing if it becomes unavailable 쑗 We must
/səbskrpʃən best p
blʃŋ/ noun a match our competitors since they pro-
form of publishing in which readers pay duce substitute products to ours. 쑗 As
a subscription and in return have a mag- the price of substitute products falls,
azine, book, or other publication deliv- they will be much in demand.
ered to them regularly by post or email substitution effect /s
subscription process /səb- tjuʃ(ə)n fekt/ noun the extent to
skrpʃən prəυses/ noun the process which consumers will change from one
by which users of a website sign up to product to another when the price of the
receive specific information, content, or product rises
services from it suggestion /sədestʃən/ noun an
subscription rate /səbskrpʃən idea which is put forward
ret/ noun the amount of money to be suggestion box /sədestʃən bɒks/
paid for a series of issues of a magazine noun a place in a company where mem-
subsidiary /səbsdiəri/ adjective bers of staff can put forward their ideas
which is less important 쑗 They agreed for making the company more efficient
to most of the conditions in the contract and profitable
but queried one or two subsidiary items.
쐽 noun same as subsidiary company
suggestion scheme /sədestʃən
skim/ noun a scheme in which employ-
쑗 Most of the group profit was contrib-
ees are asked to suggest ways in which
uted by the subsidiaries in the Far East.
the work they do or the way their or-
subsidiary company /səbsdiəri ganisation operates can be improved
mp(ə)ni/ noun a company which is and receive a gift or cash reward for
more than 50% owned by a holding useful suggestions
company, and where the holding com-
pany controls the board of directors suggestion selling /sədestʃən
selŋ/ noun selling in such a way that
subsidise /s
bsdaz/, subsidize the customer believes they really want
verb to help by giving money 쑗 The the product 쑗 Trainee salespeople learn
government has refused to subsidise the the application of psychology to sugges-
car industry. tion selling.
subsidised accommodation sums chargeable to the reserve
bsdazd əkɒmədeʃ(ə)n/ noun /s
mz tʃɑdəb(ə)l tə ðə rz&v/ plu-
cheap accommodation which is partly ral noun sums which can be debited to a
paid for by an employer or a local company’s reserves
Sunday /s
nde/ noun the seventh
subsidy /s
bsdi/ noun 1. money day of the week
given to help something which is not
profitable 쑗 The industry exists on gov- Sunday closing /s
nde kləυzŋ/
ernment subsidies. 쑗 The government noun the practice of not opening a shop
has increased its subsidy to the car in- on Sundays
dustry. 2. money given by a government Sunday supplement /s
to make something cheaper 쑗 the sub- s
plmənt/ noun a special extra sec-
sidy on rail transport (NOTE: plural is tion of a Sunday newspaper, usually on
subsidies) a special subject
substitute /s
bsttjut/ noun a per- supermarket /supəmɑkt/ noun a
son or thing that takes the place of large store, usually selling food and
someone or something else 쐽 verb to household goods, where customers
supermarket trolley 262 supply-side economics
serve themselves and pay at a checkout (NOTE: When this process is under-
쑗 Sales in supermarkets or Supermarket taken after an order has been fulfilled,
sales account for half the company’s it is known as vendor rating.)
turnover. supplier rating /səplaə retŋ/
supermarket trolley /supəmɑkt noun same as vendor rating
trɒli/ noun a metal basket on wheels, supply /səpla/ noun 1. the act of
used by shoppers to put their purchases providing something which is needed 2.
in as they go round a supermarket 왍 in short supply not available in large
(NOTE: American English is shopping enough quantities to meet the demand 쑗
cart) Spare parts are in short supply because
supernormal profit of the strike. 3. stock of something
/supənɔm(ə)l prɒft/ noun profit which is needed 쑗 Garages were run-
earned by a business through having a ning short of supplies of petrol. 쑗 Sup-
monopoly 쑗 This company has survived plies of coal to the factory have been hit
the recession owing to supernormal by the rail strike. 쑗 Supplies of statio-
profits. nery have been reduced. 쐽 verb to pro-
supersite /supəsat/ noun a particu- vide something which is needed 쑗 to
larly large poster site 쑗 If we cannot af- supply a factory with spare parts 쑗 The
ford a supersite we will have to settle for finance department supplied the com-
a site on an Underground station. 쑗 mittee with the figures. 쑗 Details of staff
There are some key supersites at the addresses and phone numbers can be
side of the motorway. supplied by the HR department.
superstore /supəstɔ/ noun a very supply and demand /səpla ən d-
large self-service store (more than 2,500 mɑnd/ noun the amount of a product
square metres) which sells a wide range which is available and the amount
of goods 쑗 We bought the laptop at a which is wanted by customers
computer superstore. supply chain /səpla tʃen/ noun
supplement /s
plmənt/ noun a the manufacturers, wholesalers, distrib-
special addition to a magazine or news- utors and retailers who contribute in
paper which is given free to customers turn to the process of making raw mate-
쑗 The colour supplement is mostly full rials into finished goods and services
of advertising. 쑗 The supplement con- and delivering them to consumers
tains special articles on recent market- supply chain management /sə-
ing strategies. 쑗 What are the pla tʃen mndmənt/ noun the
advertising rates in that paper’s management of the movement of goods
supplement? and the flow of information between an
supplier /səplaə/ noun a person or organisation and its suppliers and cus-
company that supplies or sells goods or tomers (NOTE: Supply chain manage-
services 쑗 We use the same office equip- ment covers the processes of
ment supplier for all our stationery pur- materials management, logistics,
chases. 쑗 They are major suppliers of physical distribution management, pur-
spare parts to the car industry. chasing, and information manage-
supplier development /səplaə ment.)
dveləpmənt/ noun the development supply price /səpla pras/ noun the
of close and long-term relationships be- price at which something is provided
tween customers and suppliers that are supply-side economics /səpla
intended to benefit both sad ikənɒmks/ noun an economic
supplier evaluation /səplaə theory that governments should encour-
vljueʃ(ə)n/ noun the process of as- age producers and suppliers of goods by
sessing potential suppliers of materials, cutting taxes, rather than encourage de-
goods, or services before placing an or- mand by making more money available
der, to find out which one of them will in the economy (NOTE: takes a singular
best satisfy the customer’s requirements verb)
support advertising 263 syndication
taker /tekə/ noun a person who tariff /trf/ noun a rate of charging
wants to buy 쑗 There were very few tak- for something such as electricity, hotel
ers for the special offer. rooms or train tickets
takings /tekŋz/ plural noun the tariff barrier /trf briə/ noun the
money received in a shop or a business customs duty intended to make imports
쑗 The week’s takings were stolen from more difficult 쑗 to impose tariff barri-
the cash desk. ers on or to lift tariff barriers from a
tannoy /tnɔ/ noun a loudspeaker product
system for making public task noun /tɑsk/ work which has to be
announcements done 쑗 The job involves some tasks
target /tɑ"t/ noun something to aim which are unpleasant and others which
are more rewarding. 쑗 The candidates
for 왍 to set targets to fix amounts or
are given a series of tasks to complete
quantities which employees have to pro-
within a time limit. 왍 to list task pro-
duce or reach 왍 to meet a target to pro-
cesses to make a list of various parts of a
duce the quantity of goods or sales
job which have to be done 쐽 verb to
which are expected 왍 to miss a target give someone a task to do
not to produce the amount of goods or
sales which are expected 쑗 They missed task method /tɑsk meθəd/ noun
the target figure of £2m turnover. 쐽 the way of calculating an advertising ap-
verb to aim to sell to somebody 왍 to propriation by basing it on the actual
target a market to plan to sell goods in amount needed to achieve the objectives
a specific market 쑗 I’ll follow up your taste /test/ noun a very small quan-
idea of targeting our address list with a tity of something taken to try it out
special mailing. taste space /test spes/ noun dif-
‘…in a normal leveraged buyout the acquirer ferent individuals or groups brought to-
raises money by borrowing against the assets of
the target company’ [Fortune] gether into a database based on common
‘…the minister is persuading the oil, gas,
electricity and coal industries to target their TAT abbr thematic apperception test
advertising towards energy efficiency’ [Times]
tax credit /tks kredt/ noun the
‘…he believes that increased competition could part of a dividend on which the com-
keep inflation below the 2.5 per cent target’
[Investors Chronicle]
pany has already paid tax, so that the
shareholder is not taxed on it
target audience /tɑ"t ɔdiəns/ tax-exempt /tks "zempt/ adjec-
noun consumers at whom an advertise- tive 1. not required to pay tax 2. (of in-
ment is aimed 쑗 TV advertising will fail come or goods) which are not subject to
unless we have a clear idea of who the tax
target audience is for our product. 쑗
What is the best media to reach our tar- tax-free /tksfri/ adjective with no
get audience? tax having to be paid 쑗 tax-free goods
target market /tɑ"t mɑkt/ noun TC abbr till countermanded
the market in which a company is plan- team /tim/ noun a group of people
ning to sell its goods who work together and cooperate to
target marketing /tɑ"t share work and responsibility
mɑktŋ/ noun the aiming of advertis- team approach /tim əprəυtʃ/
ing or selling at a specific group of con- noun a method of measuring the effec-
sumers who all have similar tiveness of an advertising campaign
characteristics when the evaluators are actually in-
target population /tɑ"t pɒpjυ- volved in the campaign
leʃ(ə)n/ noun a group of individuals or team-building /tim bldŋ/ noun
regions that are to be investigated in a training sessions designed to instil coop-
statistical study eration and solidarity in a group of
workers who work together as a team
tear sheet 267 teletext
have a relatively small circulation but a validity of the approach before launch-
high tertiary readership. ing a nationwide marketing campaign
tertiary sector /t&ʃəri sektə/ noun test panel /test pn(ə)l/ noun a
the section of the economy containing group of people used to test a product or
the service industries service
test /test/ noun an examination to see test run /test r
n/ noun a trial made
if something works well or is possible 쐽 on a machine
verb to examine something to see if it is text /tekst/ verb to send a text message
working well 쑗 We are still testing the on a mobile phone or pager
new computer system. 왍 to test the
market for a product to show samples
text message /tekst mesd/ noun
a message sent in text form, especially
of a product in a market to see if it will
from one mobile phone or pager to
sell well 쑗 We are testing the market for
the toothpaste in Scotland.
T-group /ti "rup/ noun a group of
test certificate /test sətfkət/ trainees following a training method, of-
noun a certificate to show that some- ten used in training sales staff, which
thing has passed a test uses group discussions and activities to
test close /test kləυz/ noun an act develop social skills and general
of trying to obtain at least one immedi- self-awareness
ate order from a buyer to see how prom- thematic apperception test /θ-
ising a customer they are mtk pəseps(ə)n test/ noun a test
test-drive /test drav/ verb 왍 to used to find out attitudes or reactions to
test-drive a car to drive a car before a brand, which consists of showing pic-
buying it to see if it works well tures to the subject who then constructs
testimonial /testməυniəl/ noun a a story round them. Abbr TAT
written report about someone’s charac- thinker /θŋkə/ noun in the VALS
ter or ability 쑗 She has asked me to lifestyle classification system, a
write her a testimonial. well-educated person with strong ideals
testimonial advertising /test- who buys products that last a long time
məυniəl dvətazŋ/ noun advertis- and are good value
ing which makes use of testimonials threshold /θreʃhəυld/ noun the
from famous or qualified people, or point at which something changes
from satisfied customers, to endorse a ticket /tkt/ noun a piece of paper or
product card which shows something
testing /testŋ/ noun the act of exam- ticket counter /tkt kaυntə/ noun
ining something to see if it works well 쑗 a place where tickets are sold
During the testing of the system several
defects were corrected.
tie /ta/ verb to attach or to fasten with
string, wire, or other material 쑗 He tied
testing bias /testŋ baəs/ noun the parcel with thick string. 쑗 She tied
bias that occurs when respondents to two labels on to the parcel. (NOTE: tying
questionnaires know they are being – tied)
tested and change their responses tied shop /tad ʃɒp/ noun a business
accordingly which has agreed to sell only a particu-
test-market /test mɔkt/ verb 왍 to lar supplier’s products 쑗 The store felt
test-market a product to show samples constrained by the tied shop agreement
of a product in a market to see if it will and wanted to offer a wider range of
sell well 쑗 We are test-marketing the brands.
toothpaste in Scotland. tie-in /ta n/ noun an advertisement
test marketing /test mɑktŋ/ linked to advertising in another media,
noun marketing a product in a specific e.g. a magazine ad linked to a TV com-
area or to a specific audience to test the mercial (NOTE: plural is tie-ins)
tie-up 270 top-down information
tie-up /ta
p/ noun a link or connec- time series analysis /tam səriz
tion 쑗 The company has a tie-up with a ənləss/ noun a method of assessing
German distributor. (NOTE: plural is variations in data over regular periods of
tie-ups) time such as sales per month or per
till /tl/ noun a drawer for keeping cash quarter in order to try to identify the
in a shop causes for the variations
till countermanded /tl time utility /tam jutlti/ noun the
kaυntəmɑndd/ noun a clause in a usefulness to a customer of receiving a
contract which states that an advertise- product at a particular time 쑗 Time util-
ment will run until stopped by the ad- ity has meant avoiding unreliable sup-
vertiser. Abbr TC pliers. 쑗 Some customers put time utility
before place utility.
time /tam/ noun 1. a period during
which something takes place, e.g. one tip /tp/ noun 1. money given to some-
hour, two days, fifty minutes, etc. 2. a one who has helped you 쑗 I gave the
period before something happens 왍 to taxi driver a 10 cent tip. 쑗 The staff are
keep within the time limits or within not allowed to accept tips. 2. a piece of
the time schedule to complete work by advice on buying or doing something
the time stated which could be profitable 쑗 The news-
paper gave several stock market tips. 쑗
time and duty study /tam ən She gave me a tip about a share which
djuti st
di/ noun a study to see how was likely to rise because of a takeover
effectively salespeople are using their bid. 쐽 verb 1. to give money to some-
time 쑗 The time and duty study showed one who has helped you 쑗 She tipped
that 30% of time is wasted. 쑗 The aim of the receptionist £5. 2. to say that some-
the time and duty study was to stream- thing is likely to happen or that some-
line our sales activities. thing might be profitable 쑗 He is tipped
time and motion expert /tam ən to become the next chairman. 쑗 Two
məυʃ(ə)n eksp&t/ noun a person shares were tipped in the business sec-
who analyses time and motion studies tion of the paper. (NOTE: tipping –
and suggests changes in the way work is tipped)
done tip sheet /tp ʃit/ noun a newspaper
time buyer /tam baə/ noun a per- which gives information about shares
son who buys advertising time on radio which should be bought or sold
or TV TIR abbr Transports Internationaux
timelength /tamleŋkθ/ noun the Routiers
length of a cinema, television or radio token /təυkən/ noun 1. something
advertisement 쑗 Find out the rates for which acts as a sign or symbol 2. a de-
the various timelengths before placing vice which involves the customer in an
the commercial. offer, e.g. a piece cut out of a newspaper
time limit /tam lmt/ noun the which can be redeemed for a special
maximum time which can be taken to do premium offer 3. a plastic or metal disk,
something 쑗 to set a time limit for ac- similar to a coin, used in some slot
ceptance of the offer machines
time limitation /tam lmteʃ(ə)n/ token charge /təυkən tʃɑd/ noun
noun the restriction of the amount of a small charge which does not cover the
time available real costs 쑗 A token charge is made for
time of peak demand /tam əv heating.
pik dmɑnd/ noun the time when token payment /təυkən pemənt/
something is being used most noun a small payment to show that a
time segment /tam se"mənt/ payment is being made
noun a period set aside for advertise- top-down information /tɒp daυn
ments on television nfəmeʃ(ə)n/ noun a system of pass-
top-grade 271 trade barrier
ing information down from manage- total offer /təυt(ə)l ɒfə/ noun a
ment to the workforce complete package offered to the cus-
top-grade /tɒp "red/ adjective of tomer including the product or service
the best quality 쑗 top-grade petrol itself, its price, availability and
top management /tɒp
mndmənt/ noun the main directors total quality management (TQM)
of a company /təυt(ə)l kwɒlti mndmənt/
noun a philosophy and style of manage-
top-selling /tɒp selŋ/ adjective ment that gives everyone in an organisa-
which sells better than all other products tion responsibility for delivering quality
쑗 top-selling brands of toothpaste to the customer (NOTE: Total quality
tort /tɔt/ noun harm done to a person management views each production
or property which can be the basis of a process as being in a customer/sup-
civil lawsuit plier relationship with the next, so that
torture testing /tɔtʃə testŋ/ the aim at each stage is to define and
noun the act of pushing products to their meet the customer’s requirements as
limits during product testing 쑗 Torture precisely as possible.)
testing will show up any product defi- tracking /trkŋ/ noun monitoring
ciencies while changes can still be changes in the way the public sees a
made. product or a firm, done over a period of
total /təυt(ə)l/ adjective complete or years
with everything added together 쑗 The trade /tred/ noun 1. the business of
total amount owed is now £1000. 쑗 The buying and selling 2. 왍 to do a good
company has total assets of over £1bn. trade in a range of products to sell a
쑗 The total cost was much more than large number of a range of products 3. a
expected. 쑗 Total expenditure on pub- particular type of business, or people or
licity is twice that of last year. 쑗 Our to- companies dealing in the same type of
tal income from exports rose last year. product 쑗 He’s in the secondhand car
total audience package /təυt(ə)l trade. 쑗 She’s very well known in the
ɔdiəns pkd/ noun a media clothing trade.
‘…a sharp setback in foreign trade accounted
owner’s arrangement or scheduling of for most of the winter slowdown. The trade
advertisements across time segments on balance sank $17 billion’ [Fortune]
television and radio ‘…trade between Britain and other countries
total cost of ownership /təυt(ə)l which comprise the Economic Community has
kɒst əv əυnəʃp/ noun a method of risen steadily from 33% of exports to 50% last
year’ [Sales & Marketing Management]
calculating the costs of buying and
using a product or service that, in ‘Brazil’s trade surplus is vulnerable both to a
slowdown in the American economy and a
addition to the purchase cost of the item, pick-up in its own’ [Economist]
takes into account related costs such
as ordering, delivery, subsequent us- trade advertising /tred
age and maintenance, supplier costs dvətazŋ/ noun advertising to trade
and after-delivery costs customers and not to the general public
total distribution system trade agreement /tred
/təυt(ə)l dstrbjuʃ(ə)n sstəm/ ə"rimənt/ noun an international
noun a system where all distribution agreement between countries over gen-
decisions, including the purchasing of eral terms of trade
raw materials and parts, as well as the trade association /tred əsəυsi-
movement of finished products, are eʃ(ə)n/ noun a group which links to-
taken globally gether companies in the same trade
total invoice value /təυt(ə)l trade barrier /tred briə/ noun a
nvɔs vlju/ noun the total amount limitation imposed by a government on
on an invoice, including transport, VAT, the free exchange of goods between
etc. countries (NOTE: NTBs, safety stan-
trade counter 272 trade show
dards and tariffs are typical trade barri- bought a new car and gave her old one
ers.) as a trade-in.
trade counter /tred kaυntə/ noun trade-in price /tred n pras/,
a shop in a factory or warehouse where trade-in allowance /tred n ə-
goods are sold to retailers laυəns/ noun an amount allowed by the
trade cycle /tred sak(ə)l/ noun a seller for an old item being traded in for
period during which trade expands, then a new one
slows down, then expands again trade magazine /tred m"əzin/
trade debtor /tred detə/ noun a noun a magazine aimed at working peo-
debtor who ows money to a company in ple in a specific industry
the normal course of that company’s trademark /tredmɑk/, trade name
trading /tred nem/ noun a particular name,
trade delegation /tred delə- design, etc. which has been registered
"eʃ(ə)n/ noun a group of official dele- by the manufacturer and which cannot
gates on a commercial visit be used by other manufacturers (it is an
‘intangible asset’) 쑗 You can’t call your
trade description /tred d- beds ‘Softn’kumfi’ – it is a registered
skrpʃən/ noun a description of a prod- trademark.
uct to attract customers
trade mission /tred mʃ(ə)n/
Trade Descriptions Act /tred d- noun a visit by a group of
skrpʃənz kt/ noun an act which businesspeople to discuss trade 쑗 He led
limits the way in which products can be a trade mission to China.
described so as to protect customers
from wrong descriptions made by trade-off /tred ɒf/ noun an act of ex-
manufacturers changing one thing for another as part of
a business deal (NOTE: plural is
trade directory /tred darekt(ə)ri/ trade-offs)
noun a book which lists all the busi-
nesses and business people in a town trade-off analysis /tred ɒf ə-
nləss/ noun same as conjoint
trade down /tredŋ daυn/ verb to analysis
move to selling at lower prices to in-
crease sales volume 쑗 We’re trading trade paper /tred pepə/ noun a
down now because too many customers newspaper aimed at people working in a
were put off by our high prices. specific industry
trade fair /tred feə/ noun a large ex- trade price /tred pras/ noun a spe-
hibition and meeting for advertising and cial wholesale price paid by a retailer to
selling a specific type of product 쑗 the manufacturer or wholesaler
There are two trade fairs running in trade promotion /tred prə-
London at the same time – the carpet məυʃ(ə)n/ noun the promotion of
manufacturers’ and the mobile products to distributors 쑗 The new trade
telephones. promotion campaign is designed to at-
trade gap /tred "p/ noun the dif- tract wholesalers in all our areas of
ference in value between a country’s distribution.
imports and exports trader /tredə/ noun a person who
trade in /tred n/ verb 1. to buy and does business
sell specific items 쑗 The company trade route /tred rut/ noun a route
trades in imported goods. 쑗 They trade along which goods are transported for
in French wine. 2. to give in an old item trade 쑗 The main trade routes were
as part of the payment for a new one 쑗 studied to see which areas of the coun-
The chairman traded in his old Rolls try were most accessible. 쑗 When the
Royce for a new model. Suez Canal was closed some vital trade
trade-in /tred n/ noun an old item, routes were affected.
e.g. a car or washing machine, given as trade show /tred ʃəυ/ noun same as
part of the payment for a new one 쑗 She trade fair
tradesman 273 transfer pricing
ment between individual persons 왍 to truckage /tr
kd/ noun the carriage
sell a house by private treaty to sell a of goods in trucks 쑗 What will the truck-
home to another person not by auction age costs be for these goods?
trend /trend/ noun a general way truck distributor /tr
k d-
things are going 쑗 a downward trend in strbjυtə/, truck jobber /tr
investment 쑗 There is a trend away from dɒbə/ noun US a wholesaler who
old-established food stores. 쑗 The re- usually only delivers goods directly by
port points to inflationary trends in the truck to retailers
economy. 쑗 We notice a general trend trucking /tr
kŋ/ noun the carrying
towards selling to the student market. 쑗 of goods in trucks 쑗 a trucking firm
We have noticed an upward trend in trust /tr
st/ noun US a small group of
sales. companies which control the supply of a
‘…the quality of building design and ease of
accessibility will become increasingly product
important, adding to the trend towards trustbusting /tr
stŋ/ noun US
out-of-town office development’ [Lloyd’s List] the breaking up of monopolies to en-
trend analysis /trend ənləss/ courage competition
noun analysis of particular statistics T-scope /ti skəυp/ noun same as
over a period of time in order to identify tachistoscope
trends 쑗 Trend analysis has shown how
soon major competitors begin to copy TSR abbr telephone sales
innovations. representative
trial noun /traəl/ a test to see if some- tube card /tjub kɑd/ noun a card
thing is good 왍 on trial in the process of with an advertisement on which is either
being tested 쑗 The product is on trial in put on the walls of Underground sta-
our laboratories. 쐽 verb to test a prod- tions or inside Underground trains 쑗
uct to see how good it is (NOTE: Half the tube cards in one carriage were
trialling- trialled)
advertising the same product. 쑗 The
Underground railway system uses tube
trial balance /traəl bləns/ noun cards to advertise its own services.
the draft calculation of debits and cred-
turnkey contract /t&nki
its to see if they balance
kɒntrkt/ noun an agreement by
trial offer /traəl ɒfə/ noun a promo- which a contractor undertakes to design,
tion where free samples are given away construct and manage something and
trial period /traəl pəriəd/ noun only hand it over to the client when it is
the time when a customer can test a in a state where it is ready for immediate
product before buying it use
trial sample /traəl sɑmpəl/ noun turn over /t&n əυvə/ verb to have a
a small piece of a product used for specific amount of sales 쑗 We turn over
testing £2,000 a week.
triplicate /trplkət/ noun 왍 invoic- ‘…a 100,000 square foot warehouse can turn its
inventory over 18 times a year, more than triple
ing in triplicate the preparing of three a discounter’s turnover’ [Duns Business Month]
copies of invoices
turnover /t&nəυvə/ noun 1. GB the
troll /trəυl, trɒl/ verb to search amount of sales of goods or services by
websites for Internet addresses which a company 쑗 The company’s turnover
are then added to an email address list has increased by 235%. 쑗 We based our
for promotional purposes calculations on the forecast turnover.
trolley /trɒli/ noun a small metal cart (NOTE: the American equivalent is
which is used by customers in super- sales volume) 2. the number of times
markets to carry their shopping (NOTE: something is used or sold in a period,
American English is shopping cart) usually one year, expressed as a percent-
truck /tr
k/ noun 1. a large motor ve- age of a total
hicle for carrying goods 2. an open rail- turn round /t&n raυnd/ verb to
way wagon for carrying goods make a company change from making a
turnround 276 tyrekicker
loss to become profitable 왍 they turned twin-pack /twn pk/ noun a banded
the company round in less than a year pack of two items sold together
they made the company profitable in 24/7 /twenti fɔ sev(ə)n/ adverb
less than a year twenty-four hours a day, every day of
turnround /t&nraυnd/ noun 1. the the week (NOTE: Businesses often ad-
value of goods sold during a year di- vertise themselves as being ‘open
vided by the average value of goods 24/7’.)
held in stock (NOTE: American English 24-hour service /twenti fɔr aυə
is turnaround) 2. the action of empty- s&vs/ noun help which is available
ing a ship, plane, etc., and getting it for the whole day
ready for another commercial journey two-sided message /tu sadd
(NOTE: American English is turn- mesd/ noun a message which pres-
around) 3. the act of making a com- ents two arguments for purchasing a
pany profitable again (NOTE: American product or service
English is turnaround)
tying contract /taŋ kɒntrkt/ a
‘…the US now accounts for more than half our
world-wide sales; it has made a huge contract under which a producer sells a
contribution to our earnings turnround’ product to a distributor on condition that
[Duns Business Month] the distributor also buys another product
쑗 Tying contracts are used to get whole-
TV abbr television
salers acquainted with lesser-known
TVR abbr television ratings products.
TV spot /ti vi spɒt/ noun a short typological analysis /tapə-
period on TV which is used for com- lɒdk(ə)l ənləss/ noun a categori-
mercials 쑗 We are running a series of sation of households based on
TV spots over the next three weeks. socio-economic factors and buying hab-
twenty-four-hour trading /twenti its 쑗 Typological analysis helped the
fɔ aυə tredŋ/ noun trading in bonds, company clarify what market segments
currencies or securities that can take the new product should be aimed at.
place at any time of day or night (NOTE: tyrekicker /taəkkə/ noun a pro-
Twenty-four-hour trading does not in- spective customer who wants to exam-
volve one trading floor being open all ine every option before making up his or
the time, but instead refers to the pos- her mind about a purchase (as opposed
sibility of conducting operations at dif- to a ‘first choice’ who chooses the first
ferent locations in different time option available) (NOTE: The usual US
zones.) spelling is tirekicker.)
ultimate 277 underpayment
unit /junt/ noun 1. a single product unloaded the spare parts at Lagos. 쑗
for sale 2. a separate piece of equipment There are no unloading facilities for
or furniture 3. a group of people set up container ships. 2. to sell stock which is
for a special purpose no longer needed at a lower price than
unit cost /junt kɒst/ noun the cost usual 쑗 They tried to unload some
of one item, i.e. the total product costs unsellable items onto the Far Eastern
divided by the number of units produced market.
United Nations /junatd unloading /
nləυdŋ/ noun the act
neʃ(ə)nz/ plural noun an organisation of selling off goods at a lower price than
which links almost all the countries of usual, often when they are no longer be-
the world to promote good relations be- ing produced and the producers merely
tween them want to get rid of remaining stock 쑗
Many customers are taking advantage
unit pack /junt pk/ noun a pack of our unloading and are buying in bulk.
containing only one unit of a product 쑗
Will the product be sold in unit packs, or unprofitable /
nprɒftəb(ə)l/ ad-
in packs of ten or twenty units? jective not profitable
‘…the airline has already eliminated a number
unit price /junt pras/ noun the of unprofitable flights’ [Duns Business Month]
price of one item unprompted recall /
unit pricing /junt prasŋ/ noun rikɔl/, unprompted awareness test
the pricing of items by showing how /
nprɒmptd əweənəs test/ noun
much each costs per unit of measure- an advertising research test to see how
ment, e.g. per metre or per kilo well a respondent can remember an ad-
Universal Product Code /jun- vertisement when he or she is given no
v&s(ə)l prɒd
kt kəυd/ noun the code help in remembering it 쑗 A disappoint-
which identifies an article for sale, usu- ing number of respondents did not re-
ally printed as a bar code on the packet member the advertisement at all in an
or item itself. Abbr UPC unprompted recall. Compare prompted
universe /junv&s/ noun the total recall
population which is being studied in a unseen /
nsin/ adverb not seen
survey and out of which a sample is se- unsold /
nsəυld/ adjective not sold
lected 쑗 Is this sample really represen- 쑗 Unsold items will be scrapped.
tative of the universe? 쑗 In the survey, unsolicited /
nsəlstd/ adjective
the universe is all British men between which has not been asked for 쑗 an unso-
the ages of forty and fifty. 쑗 From a uni- licited gift
verse of two million, a sample of two
thousand was chosen by random unsolicited testimonial /
selection. lstd testməυniəl/ noun a letter
praising someone or a product, without
unladen /
nledn/ adjective without the writer having been asked to write it
a cargo 쑗 The ship was unladen when
she arrived in port. unstructured interview /
ktʃəd ntəvju/ noun an inter-
unlimited /
nlmtd/ adjective with view which is not based on a series of
no limits 쑗 The bank offered him unlim- fixed questions and which encourages
ited credit. open discussion 쑗 Unstructured inter-
unlimited liability /
nlmtd laə- views are effective in eliciting original
blti/ noun a situation where a sole suggestions for product improvement. 쑗
trader or each partner is responsible for Shy respondents often perform well in
all a firm’s debts with no limit on the unstructured interviews where they have
amount each may have to pay more freedom of expression. Compare
unload /
nləυd/ verb 1. to take goods structured interview
off a ship, lorry etc. 쑗 The ship is un- unsubsidised /
loading at Hamburg. 쑗 We need a unsubsidized adjective with no
fork-lift truck to unload the lorry. 쑗 We subsidy
unused 280 utility goods
all aspects of a product at the design ety chain stores sell everything from
stage to determine how it could be made jewellery to electrical products.
at minimum cost 쑗 Value engineering
variety store /vəraəti stɔ/ noun
allows very economical production and
US a shop selling a wide range of usu-
competitive prices at every stage in the
ally cheap items
distribution channel.
value map /vlju mp/ noun the VAT /vi e ti, vt/ a tax on goods
level of value that the market recognises and services, added as a percentage to
in a product or service and that helps to the invoiced sales price 쑗 The invoice
differentiate it from competitors includes VAT at 17.5%. 쑗 The govern-
ment is proposing to increase VAT to
value proposition /vlju prɒpə- 22%. 쑗 Some items (such as books) are
zʃ(ə)n/ noun a statement by an organi- zero-rated for VAT. Full form Value
sation of the way in which it can provide Added Tax
value for a customer ‘…the directive means that the services of
valuer /vljυə/ noun a person who stockbrokers and managers of authorized unit
estimates how much money something trusts are now exempt from VAT; previously
they were liable to VAT at the standard rate.
is worth Zero-rating for stockbrokers’ services is still
Values and Lifestyles /vlju ən available as before, but only where the recipient
lafstalz/ noun full form of VALS of the service belongs outside the EC’
van /vn/ noun a small goods vehicle
van ship /vn ʃp/ noun a ship de- VAT declaration /vt deklə-
signed to carry goods in containers reʃ(ə)n/ noun a statement declaring
VAT income to the VAT office
VAR abbr value-added reseller
variable /veəriəb(ə)l/ adjective VAT inspector /vt nspektə/
noun a government official who exam-
which changes
ines VAT returns and checks that VAT
variable costs /veəriəb(ə)l kɒsts/ is being paid
plural noun production costs which in-
crease with the quantity of the product VAT invoice /vt nvɔs/ noun an
made, e.g. wages or raw materials invoice which includes VAT
variable pricing /veəriəb(ə)l VAT invoicing /vt nvɔsŋ/
prasŋ/ noun the practice of giving a noun the sending of an invoice includ-
product or service different prices in dif- ing VAT
ferent places or at different times VATman /vtmn/, vatman noun a
variance /veəriəns/ noun the differ- VAT inspector
ence between what was expected and VAT office /vt ɒfs/ noun the gov-
the actual results 왍 at variance with ernment office dealing with the collec-
which does not agree with 쑗 The actual tion of VAT in an area
sales are at variance with the sales re-
ported by the reps. VDU abbr visual display unit
variation /veərieʃ(ə)n/ noun the Veblenian model /vebleniən
amount by which something changes 왍 mɒd(ə)l/ noun a theory of buying be-
seasonal variations variations in sales haviour proposed by Veblen, which ex-
which take place at different times of plains consumption mainly in terms of
the year 쑗 seasonal variations in buying social influences or pressures rather
patterns than economic ones 쑗 A Veblenian
model helps to illustrate the
variety /vəraəti/ noun different
non-rational side of consumer
types of things 쑗 The shop stocks a vari-
ety of goods. 쑗 We had a variety of visi-
tors at the office today. vehicle /vik(ə)l/ noun a machine
variety chain store /vəraəti with wheels, used to carry goods or pas-
tʃen stɔ/ noun a chain store which sengers on a road
sells a large range of goods 쑗 The vari- vending /vendŋ/ noun selling
vending machine 283 viral design
viral effect /varəl fekt/ noun the voicemail /vɔs mel/ noun an elec-
number of recipients of a message who tronic communications system which
forward the message on to others stores digitised recordings of telephone
viral forwards /varəl fɔwədz/ messages for later playback
plural noun the number of messages voiceover /vɔs əυvə/ noun the
forwarded commentary for a TV or cinema adver-
tisement, spoken by an actor who does
viral marketing /varəl mɑktŋ/ not appear in the advertisement
noun marketing by word of mouth or by
spreading advertising messages on the volume /vɒljum/ noun a quantity of
Internet items 왍 low/high volume of sales a
small or large number of items sold
virtual office /v&tʃuəl ɒfs/ noun a
workplace that has no physical location volume discount /vɒljum
but is created when a number of em- dskaυnt/ noun the discount given to a
ployees use information and communi- customer who buys a large quantity of
cations technologies to do their work goods
and collaborate with one another (NOTE: volume of output /vɒljum əv
A virtual office is characterised by the aυtpυt/ noun the number of items
use of teleworkers, telecentres, mobile produced
workers, hot-desking, and hotelling.) volume segmentation /vɒljum
virtual team /v&tʃuəl tim/ noun a se"menteʃ(ə)n/ noun the segmenta-
group of employees working in different tion or division of a market on the basis
locations who use communications of the quantity of the product bought
technologies such as groupware, email, volumetrics /vɒljumetrks/ noun
an intranet, or videoconferencing to col- analysis of the relative influence of vari-
laborate with each other and work as a ous media by considering the number of
team people who are exposed to them, and
VISA /vizə/ a trademark for interna- their importance as buyers 쑗 Volumet-
tional credit card system rics has been our most useful tool in me-
dia buying. 쑗 The marketing department
visible /vzb(ə)l/ adjective which consulted an expert in volumetrics to
can be seen help plan the advertising campaign.
vision statement /v(ə)n (NOTE: takes a singular verb)
stetmənt/ noun a statement that voluntarily /vɒlənt(ə)rəl/ adverb
sets out in general terms what an without being forced or paid
organisation is aiming or hoping to
achieve in the future (NOTE: Vision voluntary /vɒlənt(ə)ri/ adjective 1.
statements express corporate vision, done freely without anyone forcing you
and are related to mission statements.) to act 2. done without being paid
voluntary chain /vɒlənt(ə)ri
visual /vυəl/ adjective which can
tʃen/, voluntary group /vɒlənt(ə)ri
be seen 쐽 noun a photograph, picture,
"rup/ noun a group of distributors
chart, or graph used to display informa-
who join together to buy from suppliers
tion or promotional material
so as to enjoy quantity discounts 쑗 After
visual display terminal /vzjυəl joining the voluntary chain the shop
dsple t&minəl/, visual display saved up to 20% in buying.
unit /vυəl dsple junt/ noun a voluntary control /vɒlənt(ə)ri
screen attached to a computer which kəntrəυl/ noun a system adopted by
shows the information stored in the the advertising industry for controlling
computer. Abbr VDT, VDU possible abuses which involves follow-
visualizer /vυəlazə/ noun a ing guidelines laid down for the industry
person who produces visual ideas for as a whole 쑗 If voluntary controls are
advertisements or advertising not effective, the government will have
campaigns to bring in legislation.
voluntary organisation 285 voucher
webmaster /webmɑstə/ noun the COMMENT: This model explains that re-
person who looks after a website, tailers start as low-price downmarket
changing and updating the information stores and gradually trade up, and some-
it contains and noting how many people times eventually go out of business, being
visit it (NOTE: Several different people replaced by new downmarket stores.
within an organisation may share the white coat rule /wat kəυt rul/
job of webmaster.) noun a rule for advertising on TV stat-
webpage /webped/ noun a single ing that doctors or actors in white coats
file of text and graphics, forming part of cannot promote medical products
a website white goods /wat "υdz/ plural
website /websat/ noun a position on noun 1. machines which are used in the
the web, which is created by a company, kitchen, e.g. refrigerators, washing ma-
organisation or individual, and which chines 2. household linen, e.g. sheets
anyone can visit 쑗 How many hits did and towels
we have on our website last week? wholesale /həυlsel/ adjective, ad-
weekly /wikli/ noun a newspaper or verb referring to buying goods from
magazine which is published each week manufacturers and selling in large quan-
쑗 The clothes were advertised in the tities to traders who then sell in smaller
fashion weeklies. (NOTE: plural is quantities to the general public 쑗 I per-
weeklies) suaded him to give us a wholesale dis-
weight /wet/ noun a measurement of count. 왍 he buys wholesale and sells
how heavy something is 왍 to sell fruit retail he buys goods in bulk at a whole-
by weight the price is per pound or per sale discount and then sells in small
kilo of the fruit 왍 to give short weight quantities to the public
to give less than you should wholesale dealer /həυlsel dilə/
weighted average /wetd noun a person who buys in bulk from
v(ə)rd/ noun an average which is manufacturers and sells to retailers
calculated taking several factors into ac- wholesale price /həυlsel pras/
count, giving some more value than noun a price charged to customers who
others buy goods in large quantities in order to
weighted index /wetd ndeks/ resell them in smaller quantities to
noun an index where some important others
items are given more value than less im- wholesale price index /həυlsel
portant ones pras ndeks/ noun an index showing
weighting /wetŋ/ noun a statistical the rises and falls of prices of manufac-
process which gives more importance to tured goods as they leave the factory
some figures or results than others in the wholesaler /həυlselə/ noun a per-
process of reaching a final figure or son who buys goods in bulk from manu-
result facturers and sells them to retailers
weight limit /wet lmt/ noun the wholesale trade /həυlsel tred/
maximum weight 쑗 The packet is over noun trade that involves buying goods
the weight limit for letter post, so it will in large quantities at lower prices in or-
have to go by parcel post. der to resell them in smaller quantities
wet goods /wet "υdz/ plural noun and at higher prices to others
goods that are sold in liquid form 쑗 Spe- WIIFM noun the basic thoughts that af-
cial plastic containers have to be used fect the decision taken by a prospective
for wet goods. 쑗 Inflammable wet goods customer. Full form what’s in it for
are the most dangerous type of product me?
to transport. win /wn/ verb to be successful 왍 to
wheel of retailing /wil əv win a contract to be successful in ten-
ritelŋ/ noun a model which explains dering for a contract 쑗 The company an-
changes in the evolution of the retailing nounced that it had won a contract
trade worth £25m to supply buses and trucks.
window 288 wrapping paper
yard /jɑd/ noun a measure of length yuppies /j
piz/ plural noun young
(same as 0.91 metres) (NOTE: can be professional people with relatively high
written yd or yds after numbers: 10 incomes (NOTE: short for young up-
yd. Yards are no longer in official use wardly-mobile professionals)
in the UK.)
zero-rated /zərəυ retd/ adjective
yearbook /jəbυk/ noun a reference referring to item which has a VAT rate
book which is published each year with of 0%
updated or new information
zero-rating /zərəυ retŋ/ noun the
yellow goods /jeləυ "υdz/ plural rating of an item at 0% VAT
noun high-priced goods which are kept
in use for a relatively long time and so ZIP code /zp kəυd/ noun US num-
are not replaced very frequently. Com- bers in an address that indicate a postal
pare orange goods, red goods delivery area (NOTE: British English is
Yellow Pages /jeləυ pedz/ postcode)
trademark a section of a telephone di- zone /zəυn/ noun an area of a town or
rectory printed on yellow paper which country for administrative purposes 쐽
lists businesses under various headings verb to divide a town into different ar-
such as computer shops or newsagents eas for planning and development pur-
young old /j
ŋ əυld/ noun the mar- poses 왍 land zoned for light industrial
ket sector consisting of people aged be- use land where planning permission has
tween 60 and 75, that is with a median been given to build small factories for
age of around 66 light industry
VALS Lifestyle Segmentation
Strengths Weaknesses
The services or products The services or products
or skills which the or skills which the
organisation is good at organisation can’t do or
doing or making doesn’t do well
Opportunities Threats
Segments of the market Segments of the market
which are attractive, and or changes taking place
where changes in the in the market which
market might work in make it difficult for the
favour of the organisation to work
organisation there
Social Classes in the UK
This classification of social classes is based on the one used by National
Statistics, the UK government service that provides statistical
information on many areas of British life.
Four colour
Full page £1700 £1600 £1450
Half page 900 800 700
Two Colour
Full page £1350 £1200 £1100
Half page 900 800 700
Preprinted inserts can be accepted folded
Rates (per 1000): Full print run Targeted
one issue: £88 £98
three issues: £220 £245
six issues: £396 £441
Circulation: 25,000
Frequency: Monthly
Binding: Wire-stitched
Materials required: