Adigrat University Dep.T of Acfn Macroeconomics
Adigrat University Dep.T of Acfn Macroeconomics
Adigrat University Dep.T of Acfn Macroeconomics
AD = A+cY
I C=Ca+cY
A IN<0
Yo income, output
Where, K stands for the multiplier and MPC (c) for marginal propensity to
Since the marginal propensity to save is 1-MPC the multiplier formula can also
be written as: K=1/MPS.
In our illustration stated above we have MPC= 0.5 hence the multiplier can be
calculated using the formula as follows.
K= 1/1-MPC = 1/1-0.5 = 2
Or MPS= 1-0.5 = 0.5 and K= 1/MPS = 1/0.5 =2
To explain the mechanics of fiscal policy we will construct a series of three models, each of
which is built on the models developed for the two sector economy.
In the first, only tax receipts (T) and government purchases (G) are added to the two sector
model, government transfer payments are in effect assumed to be zero. In the second model,
government transfer payments are added. Both of these models assume that tax receipts are
independent of the level of income. In the third model, the breakdown of government
Recall the accounting identities in chapter two, the GNP identity for a three sector economy was
given as C+S+T= GNP= C+I+G.
S+T-G = I
In the two sector economy, disposable personal income (Yd) was found to be equal to net
national product (Y), in the three sector economy, however, taxes absorb a portion of the income
generated by expenditures on net national product. Therefore, disposable personal income is less
than net national product by the amount of taxes. Algebraically, it can be putted as:-
Yd= Y-T
Or Y= Yd +T, where Yd is disposable income, Y is net national product and T is net tax.
And also the consumption function for the three sector model becomes:-
C= Ca+cYd
Or C = Ca+c(Y-T)
To show the multiplier effect, let us rewrite the aggregate spending equation (1)
Y= Ca+c (Y-T) + I+ G
For instance, if we assume a change in investment, the other values remaining unchanged, the
new equilibrium level of Y is equal to the original level of Y plus the change in Y.
Note – change in government expenditure and change in the amount of tax have different impact
on the level of income. To analyze this, we can compare the multipliers equation in (5) and (7).
∆Y = 1 ∆G or ∆Y = 1
1-c ∆G 1-c ……………. (8)
And ∆Y = -c ∆T or ∆Y = -c
1-c ∆T 1-c...……….….. (9)
From equations (8) and (9) we can see that the tax multiplier is less than the government
spending multiplier and they have different effect on income, the former has a negative impact
shown by the negative sign and the later a positive impact.
Regardless of the level of consumption (C), the government purchase multiplier is alwaysgreater
than the tax multiplier. This may be shown by combining the separate multiplier expressions for
∆G and ∆T.
The sum of the two multipliers is always unity. This is known as the balanced budget theorem or
the unit multiplier theorem.