Interpersonal Assertiveness: Inside The Balancing Act: Daniel Ames Alice Lee Abbie Wazlawek
Interpersonal Assertiveness: Inside The Balancing Act: Daniel Ames Alice Lee Abbie Wazlawek
Interpersonal Assertiveness: Inside The Balancing Act: Daniel Ames Alice Lee Abbie Wazlawek
DOI: 10.1111/spc3.12317
Columbia University
Northwestern University
Whether in everyday disagreements, bargaining episodes, or high‐
Daniel Ames, Columbia Business School, stakes disputes, people typically see a spectrum of possible responses
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. to dealing with differences with others, ranging from avoidance and
Email: accommodation to competition and aggression. We believe people
judge their own and others' behaviors along this dimension, which we
call interpersonal assertiveness, reflecting the degree to which someone
stands up and speaks out for their own positions when they are faced
with someone else who does not want the same outcomes. In this arti-
cle, we review long‐standing and recent scholarship to characterize the
curvilinear consequences of assertiveness (both “too little” and “too
much” can be problematic). We consider the sources of accommodating
and assertive behavior, such as motivations, expectancies, and failures
of self‐regulation. We also examine ways in which people can assert
themselves effectively, ranging from making precise offers in negotia-
tions to employing rationales as part of their proposals. We conclude
by noting promising directions for future research.
1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N
Countless times each day, most of us are reminded that the people around us do not seek the same outcomes we do.
We hope to vacation at the beach, but our families or friends want to head for the mountains. We want to fall asleep,
but our neighbors hope their loud party lasts deep into the night. We seek a raise, a promotion, or a budget increase,
but our colleagues and bosses have other plans. Because the people around us do not always want what we do, we
repeatedly face a basic question of social life: How hard, and how, should we push to get our way? We can press
forcefully for our ideal outcomes and resist giving in. We can consider creative solutions or cede selected ground.
We can capitulate entirely or even duck and run. Answers to the question of “How hard should I push” vary in a
variety of ways, but our focus here is on the dimension we call interpersonal assertiveness, the degree to which people
speak out and stand up for their own interests when they are not perfectly aligned with others'. We take a folk
psychological approach to this construct, believing that both actors and observers tend to agree in placing behavioral
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© 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
responses to divergent interests on a spectrum ranging from avoidance and passivity to competition and aggression
(cf. Ames, 2009; Ames & Flynn, 2007).
Whether in high‐stakes disputes, formal or informal negotiations, or everyday disagreements, our assertiveness
affects our outcomes. Getting assertiveness “wrong” in a particular episode, or chronically, risks costly consequences.
When we push too hard, or in an ineffective way, our counterparts may resist giving us the material outcomes we want
or our relationships might fray. When we do not push hard enough, we fail to have our own needs met and risk
undermining our own well‐being. Generations of scholars, in multiple areas, have examined these dynamics in various
forms, ranging from cooperative to competitive behavior and from avoidance to aggression. Work over the past decade
or so—especially in the literatures on negotiation and interpersonal conflict—has revealed new insights on the impact of
assertiveness as well as its sources. In this article, we draw on long‐standing scholarship as well as recent work in the
service of three goals: first, to characterize the consequences of interpersonal assertiveness; second, to describe the
sources of assertiveness and why people might push too hard or not hard enough; and third, to identify ways in which
people can assert themselves effectively. Before proceeding further, though, we clarify what we mean by assertiveness
and how it relates to other constructs.
2 | A S S E R T I V E NE S S A N D R E L A T E D CO N S T R U C T S
Our definition of assertiveness applies to everyday perceptions that people have of behaviors in situations where
someone wants something (e.g., an employee hoping for a 10% salary increase) but is at least somewhat dependent
on one or more other people who have at least slightly different positions or goals (e.g., a manager who would rather
not pay any more in salary). In these situations, the focal actor's behaviors vary in the degree to which they involve
asking or pressing for more or less of one's way (e.g., the employee could ask for a 2% raise, or 10%, or 20%) and in
how people ask for their way (e.g., she or he could present a thoughtful argument justifying a 10% increase or offer
an ultimatum to quit if she or he received anything less than 10%). We believe that when people face such situations
(e.g., “How should I pursue the raise I want?”), they often think about how possible behaviors vary along a spectrum of
assertiveness, ranging from pressing for less and proposing terms in a more accommodating way to pressing for more
and proposing terms in a more contentious way. Likewise, when people (e.g., the manager) observe others' behavior in
such situations, they often evaluate those behaviors along such a dimension.
In short, we view assertiveness as a dimension in lay or folk judgments of behavior in situations where people
have instrumental goals that are not perfectly aligned with others on whom they are potentially interdependent
(cf. Ames & Flynn, 2007). We believe that some behaviors (e.g., avoidance and accommodation) are reliably
seen as low in assertiveness whereas other behaviors (e.g., competition and aggression) are reliably seen as high
in assertiveness. Likewise, people seen as reliably acting in a relatively low or high assertive way might be seen
dispositionally as low or high in assertiveness. People also frequently normatively judge their own and others'
behavior along this dimension as being underassertive or overassertive. Such judgments vary according to inter-
pretations of the situation. For instance, even relatively high assertive behavior may be seen as appropriate in
some contexts (e.g., threatening to walk away from a vendor while haggling in one‐time interaction in a bazaar)
but as overassertive in others (e.g., threatening to walk away from a well‐known manager when seeking a
Given this definition of assertiveness, it is apparent that many constructs from folk perceptions as well as
scholarly research are relevant, ranging from conflict avoidance to cooperation to resistance to yielding (see
Figure 1). A number of other constructs are related but distinct. For instance, some scholars have defined
dominance as “the induction of fear, through intimidation and coercion, to attain social rank” (Cheng, Foulsham,
Kingstone, & Henrich, 2013), whereas others have characterized the personality trait of dominance as “the
tendency to behave in assertive, forceful, and self‐assured ways” (Anderson & Kilduff, 2009). This later definition
overlaps to a good degree with our conception of assertiveness, but the former departs from our focus in its
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FIGURE 1 The construct of assertiveness along with selected causes and consequences
emphasis on the attainment of social rank. A number of such constructs are noted in Figure 1. Our aim in this
characterization is not to argue that our folk‐psychological conceptualization to assertiveness is somehow a
superior construct but to detail what we mean by it and to distinguish it from other constructs. We also aim to
highlight the connections to many literatures that hold lessons for the dynamics of assertive behavior—including
its sources and how it is perceived.
We hasten to add that assertiveness is not relevant only to zero‐sum bargaining or conflict situations (such as
negotiations over price, where one side's gain corresponds perfectly to the other's loss and vice versa). Assertiveness
can be a feature of behaviors in other contexts, such as favor requests or advocating for a solution to a particular
problem or multi‐issue negotiations with differing priorities. Our premise is not that assertiveness is only relevant
when parties have perfectly opposed positions but rather that it is relevant when an actor believes someone else's
positions are not perfectly aligned with her own.
It is also worth noting early on that although group behavior and intergroup conflicts are certainly important
topics, they are beyond the scope of this review. Our focus here is on interactions between individuals.
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3 | A BA L A N C I N G A C T WI T H CO N S E Q U E N T I A L E R R O R S
Scholarly reviews of many topics understandably proceed from a construct's causes to its consequences. In this
review of assertiveness, however, we focus first on consequences because we believe that describing them lays
the groundwork for a more complete picture of the causes. As we discuss later, recent work shows that actors'
predictions of the consequences of their low or high assertive behavior are often a source of such behavior, even when
those predictions are exaggerated or wrong.
Recent scholarship has documented curvilinear effects for assertiveness in terms of outcomes. For instance,
Ames and Flynn (2007) demonstrated inverted U‐shaped relationships between individuals' assertiveness and others'
evaluations of their leadership and management skills (see, also, Ames, 2009). Like the temperature of Goldilocks'
porridge in the fairy tale, assertiveness can be too low or too high in the eyes of onlookers; most people seek, but
sometimes fail, to get it just right.
Assertiveness is not alone in showing such curvilinear effects. Many dimensions of social behavior are unwelcome
or maladaptive in extreme degrees (cf. Borkenau, Zaltauskas, & Leising, 2009; Grant & Schwartz, 2011). For instance,
people who share very little of themselves might seem withdrawn; people who share too much can be exasperating.
People who are underinclusive in their decision making can seem self‐absorbed; people who are overinclusive may be
seen as dithering. But if assertiveness is not distinctive in having such nonlinear effects, it may be special in the
everyday frequency with which people are seen by others as striking the wrong balance. For instance, in a series of
studies of professional development feedback provided by coworkers, assertiveness was the most common theme
in open‐ended comments (Ames & Flynn, 2007). Although the “right” amount of assertiveness was rarely mentioned
as a strength, overassertiveness (“you push too hard”) and underassertiveness (“you don't push hard enough”) were
the most frequently mentioned weaknesses, far more common than the next most prevalent themes (e.g., conscien-
tiousness, charisma, and competence) combined. In research on dyadic negotiations, Ames and Wazlawek (2014)
found that a third of negotiators said their counterpart was underassertive or overassertive—and over half thought
they themselves were underassertive or overassertive.
It is not, then, that assertiveness deserves attention because it alone is a dimension of behavior that has some
adaptive middle ground. Many dimensions possess that quality. Rather, it is that people are seen as straying from
adaptive assertiveness with such frequency and potentially costly consequences that suggests assertiveness deserves
a place on the agenda of scholars, educators, and practitioners. In the sections that follow, we take a closer look at
the consequences of low and high assertiveness—and we note scholarship on how stereotypes and social categories
might affect how assertiveness is perceived.
the differing priorities of the two sides. Ironically, some prosocially motivated efforts to swiftly accommodate a coun-
terpart can end up leaving value behind for both sides. In short, individuals who readily accommodate counterpart
requests often experience worse material outcomes—and at least some work suggests it may provoke workplace
stress (Friedman, Tidd, Currall, & Tsai, 2000).
A third form low assertiveness can take is avoidance or noninitiation of requests, conflicts, or negotiations.
Research on helping, for instance, has documented widespread and unwarranted pessimism about the likelihood of
others' responding positively to one's requests for help and favors, leading many people to avoid asking for, and
receiving, needed support (e.g., Bohns, 2016). Some research suggests that an avoidant conflict style is associated
not only with workplace stress but also with heightened task conflict (Friedman et al., 2000)—which could stem from
failing to surface and resolve differences in a timely way (cf. Jehn & Mannix, 2001). Organizational research has found
that employees who are less likely to initiate negotiations are less likely to be promoted in a timely fashion (e.g., Greig,
2008). Such avoidance and consequences may be more common for women than men, a topic we examine in greater
detail later.
In sum, low assertiveness can take on multiple forms, such as timid proposals to others, a readiness to accommo-
date others' positions, and an avoidance of making requests in the first place. All of these can lead an individual to
worse material or instrumental outcomes for themselves, failing to get the resources or support they seek. Such
behaviors can also undermine counterparts' outcomes, harm relationships, and lead to stress and diminished health
and well‐being (e.g., Aubé, 2008).
better terms for them initially but may damage their counterpart's trust for them and ultimately undermine the
implementation of an agreement (Campagna, Mislin, Kong, & Bottom, 2016).
Stepping back, we see that, like low assertiveness, high assertiveness can jeopardize instrumental outcomes (e.g.,
by provoking resistance, impasses, or retaliation), can undermine relationship outcomes (e.g., by damaging trust), and
can hamper well‐being (e.g., by stoking stress‐inducing conflicts).
most adaptive approach for individuals is a chronically moderate level of assertiveness across all situations. The reality
is that people vary in their assertiveness across situations, although they may display stable profiles across a
configuration of situations (e.g., Shoda, Mischel, & Wright, 1994). Whether and how people assert themselves—and
how assertiveness is judged—depends greatly on factors such as whether a topic of conflict evokes sacred values
or moral convictions (e.g., Skitka, 2010) and the stakes or criticality of the issue of disagreement (e.g., Callanan,
Benzing, & Perri, 2006). Behavioral choices and perceptions also often depend on the kind of relationship a person
has with their counterpart, including power differences (e.g., Magee, Galinsky, & Gruenfeld, 2007), whether the rela-
tionship is more communal or exchange oriented (e.g., Clark, Dubash, & Mills, 1998; Fiske, 1992), and the presence of
rivalry (e.g., Kilduff, Elfenbein, & Staw, 2010). Research suggests that people are often well served by varying their
behavior to match the situation, as in trait models of leadership that describe a role for situational fit (e.g., Zaccaro,
2007). One noteworthy situational factor is counterpart assertiveness, where there may be value in taking a stronger
stance when dealing with a competitive partner (e.g., Flynn & Ames, 2006).
4 | E X P L A I N I N G A S S E R T I V E N E S S : W H Y P E O P L E P U S H (O R N O T )
Our examination of the consequences of assertiveness positions us to turn back to the sources of assertiveness. As
we discuss, anticipated consequences can be an important driver of (un)assertive behavior, even when those forecasts
are wide of the mark. We consider other sources as well, including motivations and self‐regulatory failure.
Recent work highlights that a good share of people seem to be unaware of how their assertive behavior comes
across to others. For instance, across a series of studies, Ames and Wazlawek (2014) asked negotiators in the wake
of bargaining episodes to categorize their own behavior as underassertive, appropriately assertive, or overassertive.
The negotiators similarly categorized their counterparts' behavior. Negotiators' self‐categorizations matched their
counterparts' categorizations of them in only 52% of cases. Across the studies, negotiators also reported their
metaperceptions—that is, how a given negotiator thought her or his counterpart had categorized her behavior.
Negotiators' metaperceptions matched counterpart perceptions in only 47% of cases. In other words, about half
the time, negotiators failed to understand whether their counterparts saw their behavior as underassertive, appropri-
ately assertive, or overassertive.
This disconnect likely has numerous sources, including the basic challenge of reading ambiguous and noisy
counterpart reactions. In some strategic contexts, counterparts may actively attempt to mislead a counterpart about
how they are coming across, such as a negotiator trying to convince a (reasonable) counterpart that they are being
ungenerous (Ames & Wazlawek, 2014). Recent evidence also indicates that people may be especially unlikely to
transmit information to a colleague or peer that he or she is problematically overassertive, perhaps anticipating
negative reactions or a low likelihood of change (Wazlawek & Ames, 2016). As a result of this nonsignal, people
may mistakenly think they have the right touch when they are widely seen as pushing too hard.
Whatever the reasons, people in conflicts and negotiations may have difficulty in gauging how their counterparts
see them, and likewise, organizational members in the workplace may have a limited sense of how their assertiveness
is viewed by colleagues. This lack of awareness is not, in itself, an explanation for why people act assertively or not.
However, we believe it is a condition that signals that causes other than motivations may be at work, including
expectancies and mental models.
(however misguidedly) will beget those outcomes. However, some behavior related to assertiveness and accommoda-
tion is less controlled, more closely resembling a failure to self‐regulate than a reflective plan of action (e.g., Mischel,
DeSmet, & Kross, 2006). For instance, high levels of assertiveness may stem from a failure to down‐regulate anger or
frustration (e.g., DeWall, Baumeister, Stillman, & Gailliot, 2007), which may be common in cases of perceived
provocation (e.g., Denson, Pedersen, Friese, Hahm, & Roberts, 2011). Displays of anger can, in turn, evoke angry
and assertive responses from a counterpart, triggering an escalatory cycle (e.g., De Dreu, 2010; Van Kleef, 2009).
Low levels of assertiveness, or conflict avoidance, sometimes reflect the operation of fear or anxiety. For instance,
fear of conflict has been identified as a reason why people may shy away from providing negative feedback to poor
performers during performance evaluations (e.g., Waung & Highhouse, 1997). Recent work has linked anxiety in
negotiation contexts to more accommodating offers and to earlier exit behaviors (Brooks & Schweitzer, 2011).
Embarrassment may also play a role in (un)assertive behavior, sometimes leading to compliance (cf. Apsler, 1975).
When asked for help or a favor, for instance, some people are reluctant to resistant unwanted impositions because
they seek to avoid embarrassing themselves or the request maker (Bohns, 2016).
Summing up, scholars have offered numerous answers to the question of why people are sometimes highly
accommodating or highly assertive. In some cases, motivations to get one's way or get along account for behavior.
People also vary in how optimistic they are about what will happen when they push hard or give in. And, sometimes,
our aggression or avoidance reflects an inability to regulate our emotions such as anger and fear.
5 | S E E K I N G TH E RI G H T T O U C H
Having characterized the challenge and sources of interpersonal assertiveness, we turn now to potential responses
and good practices, beginning at the individual level.
research suggests that range offers may work best when the offer is in the region of being assertive but not
unreasonable and when a counterpart is at least somewhat motivated to be polite, or at least avoid being rude.
5.1.6 | Listening
For some people, asserting themselves revolves primarily around verbally making a case, sometimes relentlessly and
forcefully, for their position. However, recent research suggests that listening can play a significant role in influencing
others. Ames, Maissen, and Brockner (2012) found that listening behavior predicted influence above and beyond the
impact of verbal behavior, arguing that listening yields both informational benefits (e.g., better understanding a coun-
terpart's position and how to persuade them) and relational benefits (e.g., counterparts have more liking and trust for
those who listen to them and are therefore more readily persuaded by them). As such, one approach to being effec-
tively assertive may be not only to listen to a counterpart's perspective but also to let them feel heard.
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The story of assertiveness is both very old and new. For as long as humans have been social creatures, they have been
confronting the question of “How hard, and how, should I push to get my way?” Generations of social scientists have
revealed some of the dynamics surrounding assertiveness, and recent work has brought new answers into focus.
Assertiveness matters for our outcomes, our relationships, and our well‐being. With some frequency, we strike the
wrong balance in the eyes of our counterparts and onlookers, pushing too hard or giving in too easily. And with
some frequency, we have no idea how our assertiveness or accommodation has come across. Certain social
categories (e.g., women) seem to face an even more challenging balancing act than others (e.g., men).
In some cases, our behavior primarily reflects our motivations and the value we attach to getting our way or
getting along. In other cases, our (misguided) optimism or pessimism about pushing hard drives the way we act.
Sometimes, we run from conflict, or lash out, as a result of failing to regulate our emotions. Whatever the reasons
for our behavior, there is some reason to be hopeful about the challenge of assertiveness. Conflict and negotiation
skills can be learned. And both social scientists and practitioners have gathered a body of knowledge about good
practices that can help people assert themselves effectively.
Of course, the story of assertiveness is more than just old and new—it is unfinished. Our review suggests a
number of topics that deserve further attention, and we briefly highlight three of these here. First, motivational,
expectancy, and self‐regulation accounts of assertive behavior have evolved largely in isolation from one another.
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These mechanisms beg to be integrated into more complete models that could clarify when and why certain processes
might dominate or recede and how these processes might interact or combine. A second area that merits additional
work concerns how people adjust their assertiveness‐related behaviors from one situation to the next. Further
research might clarify how differences in effectiveness come not just from having different behavioral repertoires
but by being to read situations and adjust assertiveness accordingly. Third, we see great value in further scholarly
attention to the question of how people assert themselves. Some recent work has examined rationales and
account‐giving in negotiation and other contexts (e.g., Bhatia et al., 2016; Lee & Ames, in press; Troetschel et al.,
2015). Additional work in this area could shed further light on what stories and frames people use, and which ones
actually work, when making a proposal, declining a request, providing critical performance feedback, and so forth.
As long as people differ from one another in what they want—which is to say: as long as there are people—the
question of assertiveness will remain. We look forward to joining others in pushing hard for answers about how
people rise to this challenge.
Although not rooted in systematic research, one prescription that many developing negotiators find helpful is the guidance
offered in the classic negotiation volume Getting to Yes (Fisher, Ury, & Patton, 2011): “… start with the highest figure that
you could justify without embarrassment … the highest figure that you would try to persuade a neutral third party was fair”
(p. 174).
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Daniel Ames is a Professor of Management at Columbia Business School (Columbia University). He earned his
PhD in social/personality psychology from the University of California‐Berkeley.
Alice Lee is a doctoral student in Management at Columbia Business School (Columbia University).
Abbie Wazlawek is postdoctoral scholar at Kellogg School of Management's Dispute Resolution Research Center
(Northwestern University). She earned her PhD in organizational behavior at Columbia Business School.
How to cite this article: Ames D, Lee A, Wazlawek A. Interpersonal assertiveness: Inside the balancing act.
Soc Personal Psychol Compass. 2017;11:e12317.