Gold-Catalyzed Synthesis of Icetexane Cores: Short Synthesis of Taxamairin B and Rosmaridiphenol
Gold-Catalyzed Synthesis of Icetexane Cores: Short Synthesis of Taxamairin B and Rosmaridiphenol
Gold-Catalyzed Synthesis of Icetexane Cores: Short Synthesis of Taxamairin B and Rosmaridiphenol
org/OrgLett Letter
ABSTRACT: We report the short synthesis of two natural products, rosmaridiphenol and taxamairin B, from key intermediates 5a
and 5b, which were prepared from enynals 8a and 9b, respectively, by using a gold-catalyzed cyclization reaction. This approach can
be widely applied in the synthesis of [6,7,6]-fused tricyclic compounds found in many icetexane diterpenoids.
Corresponding Author
Chang Ho Oh − Department of Chemistry and Center for
New Directions in Organic Synthesis (CNOS), Hanyang
University, Seoul 04763, Korea;
7208-4261; Email:
Seung Lyeol Lee − Department of Chemistry and Center for (10) Muñoz, M. A.; Perez-Hernandez, N.; Pertino, M. W.; Schmeda-
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