Bell 1 DT-H: Product Description
Bell 1 DT-H: Product Description
Bell 1 DT-H: Product Description
Product Description:
Bell 1 DT-H is formulated using a robust additive package and selected base stocks to deliver real performance in
today’s heavy-duty diesel engines, especially those fitted with modern features like Super-charger, Turbo-charger
and multi-valves drive trains.
Bell 1 DT-H is a proven choice with the transportation industry in Asian region. It minimizes high temperature carbon deposits,
which is by far the most concerned issue for today’s heavily loaded modern diesel engines. The reduced carbon build-up
means less rings wear and cylinder bore polishing resulting in much reduced diesel consumption, less ring breakage and
piston skirt scuffing. Its high ability to neutralize acidic by-products from the diesel combustion ensures minimum corrosion of
the engine parts throughout the lengthy oil drain interval.
Applications / Benefits:
Typical Characteristics:
• Cummins CES20076
• ACEA E5-02
• Mercedes-Benz 228.1 / 228.3
• MAN M3275
• MAN 270 / 271
• Mack Cat 1 / Cat 2
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