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Customer Satisfaction

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This chapter discusses the interpretation and analysis from

the data gathered that are presented. The first section shows the

results gathered in using Jollibee’s Self-service ordering kiosk

about the level of customer satisfaction in terms of ease of use,

accuracy and ergonomic design. The second section shows the

results gathered in using McDonalds’ Self-service ordering kiosk

about the level of customer satisfaction in terms of ease of use,

accuracy and ergonomic design. The third section shows the

significant difference of Jollibee and McDonalds in customer

satisfaction. Those data obtained through web survey

questionnaires were presented in tables and analyzed by frequency

and percentages. The researchers used tables to present the data

collected from questionnaires which is used for the comparative

study between Jollibee and McDonalds. Weighted Arithmetic Mean

was used to examine the significant differences that exist among

the means of the respondents of Jollibee and McDonalds regarding

factors that affect customer satisfaction. Mean score of each

fast-food chain and total score of the fast-food chain are also

used for the analysis. Tallied and presented data are obtained

from the questionnaires that had been distributed to respondents

of Jollibee and McDonalds.

Level of Customer Satisfaction of Jollibee in using the Self-

service ordering Kiosk

In this section the first problem of the statement is

answered that is: What is the level of customer satisfaction of

Jollibee in using the Self-service ordering Kiosk in terms of

ease of use, accuracy and ergonomic design. The following tables

show the results and findings of the said question.

As shown in the table below the level of customer satisfaction in

using self-service ordering kiosk in terms of ease of use that

has an overall weighted mean of _____ which means that it is

highly satisfying. Jollibee’s Self-service ordering Kios is a

user friendly is highly satisfying with a weighted mean of ____.

The customers that use ___________________have a weighted mean of

_____ that is highly satisfying. ___________________ in Jollibee

is highly satisfying that have a total weighted mean of ____. A

weighted mean of ___ in self-service kiosk users of Jollibee when

it comes to __________________is highly satisfying.

Table 2

Ease of use

Indicator Mean
Strongly Highly
User friendly
Agreed Satisfying
Strongly Highly
Agreed Satisfying
Strongly Highly
Agreed Satisfying
Strongly Highly
Agreed Satisfying
Strongly Highly
Overall Weighted Mean
Agreed Satisfying

The overall weighted mean is ___, which means that the level

of customer satisfaction in using Jollibee’s self-service Kiosk

in terms of ease of use is highly satisfying. The response of the

respondents implies that self-service ordering kiosk users of

Jollibee are concern of using the kiosk easily, from instruction,

the way it is used, and how it is used. This also suggest that a

user-friendly ATM is important in the level of customer

satisfaction in using LANDBANK ATM.

The level of customer satisfaction in using LANDBANK ATM as

perceived by the customers is appropriate for any type of users

and it is easy to use. Owen (2017) mentioned that ease of use

always ranks highly when it comes to what customers want from a

product or service. If a client is easily able to use a product,

service or application, there will be less need for customer

service, in turn saving time and money for the business.

Customers that are using LANDBANK ATM perceived that the machines

are easy to deal with and it is convenient. ATM is able to be

uses in different transactions as a mode of payment, to withdraw

and to deposit as perceived of customers of LANDBANK ATM users.

Walker Consulting predicts that experience will be the key

differentiator by 2020, not the price nor the product itself. It

will first and foremost be about the experience and customer

satisfaction it provides, mentioned by Patel (2018). It comes

down to how your customer experience the brand and how that brand

make a person feel Allwood, Holla Agency (n.d.). Today’s business

reality of customer options customer experience is an emergency,

not an afterthought. A powerful customer experience is making the

experience of the customer easier with the product or service

Morgan (2015).

As shown from the data below the availability of ATM have a

weighted mean of 3.10. The weighted mean in always functioning is

3.19. The weighted mean of working effectively is 3.23 while

access in a close distance is 3.22. The overall weighted mean of

accessibility is high in the level of customer satisfaction in an

overall weighted mean of 3.18.

Table 3


Indicator Mean
Availability of ATM 3.10 Agreed Satisfying
Always functioning 3.19 Agreed Satisfying
Working effectively 3.23 Agreed Satisfying
Access in a close
3.22 Agreed Satisfying
Overall Weighted
3.18 Agreed Satisfying

The overall weighted mean is 3.18 in terms of accessibility

that means in the level of customer satisfaction in using

LANDBANK ATM is satisfying. The customers perceived that the ATMs

are accessible in close distance and accommodate potential

customers. The machines are observed effectively working and

accessibility invites more potential clients as shown from the

results of the data. The customer experience value is going above

and beyond to make themselves easily accessible to the customers

on the customer’s preferred channel Morgan (2015). According to

Pendolino (2018) the more accessible your business becomes the

happier customers will be. Accessibility encompasses many

solutions and is best looked at as an on-going process working

towards including more people in meaningful ways.

The overall weighted mean of the customer satisfaction in

terms of security is 3.10 in weighted mean as a result from the

data gathered provided by the respondents. The respondents feel

secured doing ATM transactions during day time have a 3.31

weighted mean. Sometimes users are using the ATMs while other
customers’ stand beside them is satisfying with a weighted mean

of 3.05. A weighted mean of 2.98 as perceived by the respondents

that there are security guards to monitor the customers. LANDBANK

constantly sent alerts on ATM frauds to their customers is high

in the level of customer satisfaction with a weighted mean of


Table 4


Indicator Mean
Security in day Strongly
3.31 Highly Satisfying
time Agreed
Using ATM with
other customers 3.05 Agreed Satisfying
Security guards 2.98 Agreed Satisfying
Message alerts 3.05 Agreed Satisfying
Overall Weighted
3.10 Agreed Satisfying

The level of customer satisfaction in using LANDBANK ATM in

terms of security as perceived by the customers is satisfying.

Customers perceived that using ATM in day time is secured enough

to do their transactions, even if there are other customers with

them. With the results security guards are observed at post in

some areas of ATM.

The feeling of security matters because humans sometimes

make seemingly irrational decisions Zeltser (n.d.). Considering

the importance of internal information and its participation in

the company’s own equity, if it is harmed, this can have a domino

effect, which triggers several unpleasant consequences, such as

damage to the company’s image, exposure of secrets and also

affecting plans according to Claire (2019).

In terms of ergonomic design from the level of customer

satisfaction in LANDBANK the overall weighted mean is 3.32. As

shown in the table the 3.40 is the weighted mean of the customers

who want close doors than open space in ATMs where it is very

high in the level of customer satisfaction in LANDBANK ATMs. For

ATMs that are equipped to give audio instructions have a weighted

mean of 3.22. Cash slot is visible and easy to reach have a mean

of 3.30 that is highly satisfying in its qualitative description.

3.38 is the weighted mean of the function keys, characters, and

symbol contracts that are visually seen from the background


Table 5

Ergonomics Design

Indicator Mean Qualitative

Close doors 3.40 Highly Satisfying
Audio instructions 3.22 Agreed Satisfying
Visible cash slots 3.30 Highly Satisfying
Function keys,
characters, and Strongly
3.38 Highly Satisfying
symbols are visually Agreed
Overall Weighted Mean 3.32 Highly Satisfying

In the level of customer satisfaction in using LANDBANK ATM

is highly satisfying with a weighted mean of 3.32. The customers

perceived that the designs of ATMs are able to satisfy the need

of each user. Ergonomics design is required to understand the

variability in human bodies and its incorporation into the

process Haslegrave and Pheasant (2006). As suggested by Mahto

(2016) ergonomics has a strong contribution to business in any

continuous improvement effort. Ergonomic has a strong human focus

and success lies in integrating the effort to the goals of

business Getty (2020).

Level of Customer Satisfaction of BDO in using the ATM

In this second section the second problem of the statement

is answered that is: What is the level of customer satisfaction

of BDO in using the ATM machine in terms of ease of use,

accessibility, security, and ergonomic design. The result and

findings are shown in the table below.

As shown in the table the overall weighted mean of the level

of customer satisfaction of BDO in using the ATM in terms of ease

of use is 3.44 that is highly satisfying. Customers of BDO find

the ATM system user friendly as highly satisfying with a weighted

mean of 3.61. A weighted mean of 3.22 from the data gathered

using an ATM as a mode of payment. The commands/instructions are

easily understood in the ATM machines have a weighted mean of

3.41. With a 3.53 weighted mean from ATM is easier to

withdraw/deposit rather than passbook.

Table 6

Ease of use

Indicator Mean
Strongly Highly
User friendly 3.61
Agreed Satisfying
Mode of Payment 3.22 Agreed Satisfying
The commands/ 3.41 Strongly Highly
instructions are
Agreed Satisfying
Use of ATM to Strongly Highly
withdraw/deposit Agreed Satisfying
Strongly Highly
Overall Weighted Mean 3.44
Agreed Satisfying

Customers of BDO find the level of customer satisfaction in

using BDO ATM is highly satisfying with an overall weighted mean

of 3.44. Customers perceived that using ATM of BDO as adoptive to

their need and is used easily in different types of transactions

as well as using the ATM itself. Shah and Attiq (n.d) cited what

David stated; that findings support the long-held understanding

that individual’s intention to use technology is determine by

perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of

use has a significant influence on customer satisfaction.

In the level of customer satisfaction of BDO in using ATM in

terms of accessibility the overall weighted mean is 3.21.

Breaking it down the weighted mean of availability of ATM is at

3.36, always functioning is at 3.12 weighted mean. With a

weighted mean of 3.19 in working effectively and a 3.18 weighted

mean in access in a close distance.

Table 7


Indicator Mean
Availability of ATM 3.36 Highly Satisfying
Always functioning 3.12 Agreed Satisfying
Working effectively 3.19 Agreed Satisfying
Access in a close
3.18 Agreed Satisfying
Overall Weighted
3.21 Agreed Satisfying
The level of customer satisfaction in using BDO ATM in terms

of accessibility is satisfying with an overall weighted mean of

3.21 as perceived by their customers. ATM users of BDO recognized

the availability of ATM during their transactions and the

accessibility of ATM points. According to Faraldo (2017) when

you’re accessible, you make things easy for people, thus people

love easy. One could argue that we live in a world where

immediate updates are considered mandatory Faraldo (2020). People

are so used to getting what they want when they want it Siclytcs

(2016). It’s the business interest to make it as accessible as

possible for anyone who wants to access it. A lack of

accessibility will eventually damage business in big ways if it

hasn’t done so already Morton (n.d.). If a business is actively

working to increase customer satisfaction, you’re more likely to

see an increase in revenue Patel (2018).

In terms of security the indicators have a weighted mean of

3.39, 2.94, 2.98, and 3.11 starting from security in day time,

using ATM with other customers beside them, security guards and

message alerts respectively. The overall weighted mean of the

level of customer satisfaction of BDO in using ATM in terms of

security is 3.10.

Table 8


Indicator Mean
Security in day Strongly
3.39 Highly Satisfying
time Agreed
Using ATM with
other customers 2.94 Agreed Satisfying
Security guards 2.98 Agreed Satisfying
Message alerts 3.11 Agreed Satisfying
Overall Weighted
3.10 Agreed Satisfying

A weighted mean of 3.10 that is satisfying in the level of

customer satisfaction in using BDO ATM as perceived by the

customers. ATM users observed that during their transactions it

is safe enough to withdraw or deposit in ATM points, regardless

with the presence of other customers in the area. Update such as

message alerts provides security to the customers as perceived by

the customers of BDO that uses ATM. Security is a need in every

business, BDO was able to achieve make their customers feel

secure as perceived by their customers.

According to a global survey of 6,000 customers, a strong

security increases overall customer satisfaction from 13% to 40%,

and customers have shown they are willing to spend more with

companies they trust to protect their privacy and data cited by

Higdon (2019). Security was the third most important factor when

consumers choose a primary retailer, and enhanced security and

data privacy protections are estimated to lift revenue by as much

as 5% annually.

In terms of ergonomics design the level of customer

satisfaction in using BDO ATM have an overall weighted mean of

3.35. With a breakdown of close doors that is highly satisfying

in a weighted mean of 3.58. Audio instructions that is satisfying

with a weighted mean of 3.15. Audio instructions and function

keys, characters, and symbols are visually seen have a weighted

mean of 3.15 and 3.31 respectively that are highly satisfying.

Table 9

Ergonomics Design
Indicator Mean
Close doors 3.58 Highly Satisfying
Audio instructions 3.15 Agreed Satisfying
Visible cash slots 3.36 Highly Satisfying
Function keys,
characters, and Strongly
3.31 Highly Satisfying
symbols are Agreed
visually seen
Overall Weighted Strongly
3.35 Highly Satisfying
Mean Agreed

In the level of customer satisfaction in using BDO ATM in

terms of ergonomics design is highly satisfying with an overall

weighted mean of 3.35. The customers observed that the physical

design and appearance of ATM of BDO is highly satisfying. That it

is not parallel along with the need of the customer. Ergonomic

design is important in customer satisfaction to enable the

customer do its transaction properly and easily as perceived,

regardless that individual differences by the clients of BDO that

uses ATMs. Increase attention to customer engagement and

satisfaction can help a company grow and increase its bottom line

(2016). According to Hatta (2009) one important requirement of

the ATM that will become ever important, is that should be

capable of being operated by the user.

Difference of Customer Satisfaction in BDO and LANDBANK

1. Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between


2. α= .05


Table 10
LANDBANK and BDO Overall Weighted Mean


Ease of use 3.43 3.44
Accessibility 3.18 3.21
Security 3.10 3.10
Design 3.32 3.35

Sample Mean: BDO: 3.28 LANDBANK: 3.26

Desv. 0.14660036 0.15022

Standard 4 2

BDO LandBank

n= 4 n= 4

x1=3.28 x2=3.26

s1=0.15 s2=0.14


T test 2 samples




T .05,6=

5. Since Tc=0.097 < Tt=1.648

It means that there is a significant difference LANDBANK and BDO.

Therefore, the hypothesis is wrong, LANDBANK and BDO have

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