Functions and Terms
Access protection
Protection level Type PLC User Access to (examples)
DBB 56
bit ...
5 Green key 6 End user: < Protection level 0-3 End users
Switch position 2 Qualified operator who does not program
7 Switch position 0 4 End user: No input and program selection possible, only the
Semi-skilled operator machine control panel can be operated
Access to programs, data and functions is protected in a user-oriented hierarchical system of eight access levels.
These are subdivided into:
• 4 password levels (protection levels 0 to 3) for Siemens, machine manufacturers and end users, and
• 4 keyswitch positions (protection levels 4 to 7) for end users (keyswitch positions can also be evaluated via PLC).
SINUMERIK controls thus provide a multi-level concept for controlling access rights.
Protection level 0 has the highest, protection level 7 the lowest access rights. A higher protection level automatically
includes all protection levels below it. Access rights for protection levels 0 to 3 are preprogrammed by Siemens as
An entered password takes precedence over a keyswitch position, and machine manufacturers or end users can change
access rights for protection levels 4 through 7.
Subprograms can be protected in their entirety against unauthorized reading and displaying.
Action log
The action log (tachograph) records all operator actions and pending alarms for diagnostics purposes.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Asynchronous subprograms
→ Interrupt routines with fast retraction from the contour
An asynchronous subprogram (ASUB) is a CNC program, which can be started based on an external event (e.g., a
digital input) or from the PLC. Inputs are allocated to subprograms and activated by programming SETINT. If the relevant
event occurs, the CNC block currently being processed is immediately interrupted. The CNC program can be continued
later at the point of interruption. Multiple asynchronous subprograms must be assigned different priorities (PRIO) so that
they can be processed in a certain order. Asynchronous subprograms can be disabled and re-enabled in the CNC
Axes, trailing
When a defined master axis moves, the coupled-motion axes (following axes) assigned to it travel the traverse paths
derived from the master axis, taking into account a coupling factor (setpoint coupling). Together, the master axis and the
following axes form a coupled-axis grouping. Definition and activation of a coupled-axis grouping take place
simultaneously with the modal-like instruction TRAILON. A coupled-axis grouping can consist of any desired
combinations of linear and rotary axes. A coupled-motion axis can be assigned up to two master axes (in different
coupled-axis groupings) simultaneously. A simulated axis can also be defined as the master axis, in which case the real
axis actually does the traveling, taking into account the coupling factor. Another application for coupled-motion axes is
the use of two coupled-axis groupings to machine the two sides of a workpiece.
Functions and Terms
Axial coupling in the machine coordinate system is required in order to be able to use coupled axes implemented in the
basic coordinate system for transformations as well. A coupling is carried out 1:1 in the machine coordinate system.
The participating axes can be reconfigured following Reset.
On machine tools with separately movable heads on which a transformation must be activated, the orientation axes
cannot be coupled using the standard coupling methods (COUPON, TRAILON).
The axes participating in the coupling are determined via axial machine data that is updated with RESET. This makes it
possible to redefine pairs of axes during operation and enable and disable them via CNC language commands.
There are master and slave axes. A master axis can have more than one slave axis, but a slave axis cannot be a master
axis at the same time (no cascading). To protect the heads from collisions, collision protection can be set and activated
either via machine data or the VDI interface.
Axis/spindle replacement
An axis/a spindle is permanently assigned to a specific channel via machine data. The axis/spindle replacement function
can be used to release an axis/a spindle (RELEASE) and to assign it to another channel (GET), i.e., to replace the
axis/spindle. The relevant axes/spindles are determined via machine data.
Functions and Terms
Backlash compensation
Block search
The block search function allows any point in the part program to be selected, at which machining must start or be
continued. The function is provided for the purpose of testing part programs or continuing machining after a program
abort. Cascaded block search is also possible.
You have a choice of 4 different search options:
• Block search with calculation at the contour:
During the block search, the same calculations are executed as during normal program operation. The target block is
then traversed true-to-contour until the end position is reached. Using this function it is possible to approach the
contour again from any situation.
• Block search with calculation at the block end point:
This function allows you to approach a target position (such as tool change position). All calculations are also
executed here as during normal program operation. The end point of the target block or the next programmed
position is approached using the method of interpolation valid in the target block.
• Block search without calculation:
This method is used for high-speed searches in the main program. No calculations are carried out during the search.
The internal control values remain the same as before the block search.
• External block search without calculation:
In the menus "Search position" and "Search pointer", you can use the softkey "External without calc." to start an
accelerated block search for programs which are executed by an external device (local hard disk or network drive).
You can specify the search destination by:
• Directly positioning the cursor on the target block
• Specifying a block number, a jump label, any character string, a program name, or a line number
Functions and Terms
Clamping monitoring
→ Position monitoring, standstill monitoring
Clamping monitoring is one of SINUMERIK's many extensive monitoring mechanisms for axes.
When an axis is to be clamped on completion of the positioning action, you can activate clamping monitoring using the
PLC interface signal "clamping in progress". This may become necessary because it is possible for the axis to be pushed
beyond the standstill tolerance from the position setpoint during the clamping procedure. The amount of deviation from
the position setpoint is set via the machine data. During the clamping procedure, clamping monitoring replaces standstill
monitoring, and is effective for linear axes, rotary axes, and position-controlled spindles. Clamping monitoring is not
active in follow-up mode. When the monitor responds, its reactions are the same as those of the standstill monitor.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Concatenated transformations
Parallel dressing
With this function, the form of the grinding wheel can be dressed in parallel with the machining process. The grinding
wheel compensation resulting from dressing the wheel takes immediate effect as tool length compensation.
When the tool radius compensation is programmed to machine the contour and the tool radius changes because of the
dressing of the grinding wheel, the CNC computes the dressing amount online as a true tool radius compensation.
Functions and Terms
Contour monitoring
→ Travel to fixed stop
The following error is monitored within a definable tolerance band as a measure of contour accuracy. An impermissibly
high following error might be caused by a drive overload, for example. If an error occurs, the axes/spindles are stopped.
"Contour monitoring" is always enabled when a channel is active and in position-controlled mode.
If the channel is interrupted or in the reset state, contour monitoring is not active. Contour monitoring is also deactivated
during execution of the "travel to fixed stop" function.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Cycle support
→ SINUMERIK Operate runtime license OA Easy Screen
The technology cycles for drilling, milling and turning and the measuring cycles are supported by cycle screens. Similar
input displays are also available for geometric contour programming. You can, however, also define a number of
softkeys, input fields and displays yourself using the "Expand user interface" or "Easy Screen" function.
Diagnostics functions
For service purposes, a self-diagnostics program and testing aids have been integrated in the controls. The status of the
following can be displayed on the operator panel:
• Interface signals between the CNC and the PLC and between the PLC and the machine
• Data blocks
• PLC bit memories, timers and counters
• PLC inputs and outputs
For testing purposes, signal combinations can be set for the output signals, input signals, and bit memories. All alarms
and messages are displayed in plain text on the operator panel along with the corresponding acknowledgement criterion.
Alarms and messages are displayed separately.
In the "service display" menu, it is possible to call up important information about the axis and spindle drives, such as:
• Absolute actual position
• Position setpoint
• Following error
• Speed setpoint
• Actual speed value
• Trace of CNC and drive variables
Dimensions metric/inches
Depending on the measuring system used in the production drawing, you can program workpiece-related geometrical
data in either metric measure (G71) or inches (G70). The control can be set to a basic system regardless of the
programmed dimensional notation. You can enter the following geometrical data directly and let the control convert them
into the other measuring system (examples):
• Position data X, Y, Z, etc.
• Interpolation parameters I, J, K and circle radius CR
• Pitch
• Programmable work offset (TRANS)
• Polar radius RP
With the G700/G710 programming expansion, all feedrates are also interpreted in the programmed measuring system
(inch/min or mm/min). In the "Machine" operating area, you can switch back and forth between inch and metric
dimensional notation using a softkey.
Functions and Terms
Display functions
All current information can be displayed on the operator panel's screen, such as:
• Block currently being executed
• Previous and following block
• Actual position, distance-to-go
• Current feedrate
• Spindle speed
• G functions
• Auxiliary functions
• Workpiece designation
• Main program name
• Subprogram name
• All data entered, such as part programs, user data and machine data
• Help texts
Important operating states are displayed in plain text, for example:
• Alarms and messages
• Position not yet reached
• Feed stop
• Program in progress
• Data input/output in progress
Transformation, doubletransmit
Functions and Terms
Electronic handwheels
Using electronic handwheels, it is possible to move selected axes simultaneously in manual mode. The handwheel clicks
are analyzed by the increment analyzer. If coordinate offset or coordinate rotation is selected, it is also possible to move
the axes manually in the transformed workpiece coordinate system. The maximum input frequency of the handwheel
inputs is 100 kHz.
A third handwheel can also be operated as a contour handwheel.
The "contour handwheel" function permits use of a handwheel on conventional turning machines (for ShopTurn
applications, for example) and also during grinding for traversing on a contour.
Once the "contour handwheel" function has been activated, the handwheel has a velocity-generating effect in
AUTOMATIC and MDA modes, i.e., a feedrate specified via the CNC program is no longer effective and a programmed
velocity profile is no longer valid. The feedrate, in mm/min, results from the handwheel pulses as based on pulse
evaluation (via machine data) and the active increment (INC1, INC10, etc.).
The handwheel's direction of rotation determines the direction of travel: clockwise in the programmed direction, even
over block boundaries, and counter-clockwise up to the block start.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Feedforward control
The following errors can be reduced to almost zero with feedforward control. This feedforward control is therefore also
called following error compensation. Particularly during acceleration in contour curvatures, e.g. circles and corners, this
following error leads to undesirable, velocity-dependent contour violations.
• Velocity-dependent speed feedforward control (basic version):
In velocity-dependent feedforward control, the following error can be reduced almost to zero at constant velocity.
• Acceleration-dependent torque feedforward control (option):
In order to achieve precise contours even when the demand for dynamics is at its highest, you can use torque
feedforward control. If the settings are right, you can compensate the following error almost completely, even during
acceleration. The result is excellent machining precision even at high tool path feedrates.
Functions and Terms
Feedrate override
The programmed velocity is overridden by the current velocity setting via the machine control panel or by the PLC (0 %
to 200 %). In order for the cutting velocity on the contour to be kept constant, the feedrate calculation is referred to the
operating point or tool end point. The feedrate can also be corrected by a programmable percentage factor (1 % to 200
%) in the machining program. This factor is overlaid (multiplication) on the setting made on the machine control panel.
The velocity setting from the PLC is axis-specific.
Functions and Terms
Follow-up mode
In follow-up mode, an axis/a spindle can be moved independently, while the actual value continues to be detected. The
traverse paths are updated in the display. Standstill, clamping and positioning monitoring functions are not effective in
follow-up mode. Once follow-up mode is cancelled, reference-point approach of the axis does not have to be repeated.
Frame concept
Frame is the common term for a geometric expression describing an arithmetic operation, for example, translation or
On SINUMERIK controls, the frame in the CNC program transfers from one Cartesian coordinate system to another, and
represents the spatial description of the workpiece coordinate system.
The following are possible:
• Basic frames: Coordinate transformation from basic coordinate system (BCS) into basic zero system (BZS)
• Settable frames: Work offsets using G54 to G57/G505 to G599
• Programmable frames: Definition of workpiece coordinate system (WCS)
The frame concept makes it possible to transform Cartesian coordinate systems very simply by offsetting, rotating,
scaling and mirroring.
The following instructions are used to program these options:
• TRANS programmable work offset
• ROT rotation in space or in a plane
• ROTS rotation referred to the solid angle projected into the planes
• SCALE scaling (scale factor)
• MIRROR mirroring
• TOFRAME frame according to tool orientation
• TOROT rotary component of programmed frame
• PAROT frame for workpiece rotation (table rotation)
• MEAFRAME frame calculation from three measuring points in space (for measuring cycles)
The instructions can also be used several times within one program. Existing offsets can either be overwritten or new
ones can be added.
Additive frame instructions:
ATRANS additive programmable work offset
AROT additive rotation in space or in a plane
ASCALE scale factor (multiplication)
AMIRROR repeated mirroring
AROTS additive rotation referred to the solid angle projected into the planes
If swivel-mounted tools or workpieces are available, machining can be implemented very flexibly, for example:
• By machining several sides of a workpiece by rotation and swiveling of the machining plane
• By machining of inclined surfaces using tool length and tool radius compensation
Generator operation
With the generator operation function, brief power outages can be bridged or power provided for retraction. To make this
possible, the energy stored during spindle rotation or axis movement is fed back into the DC link, following the same
principle as that used by generators.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Handwheel override
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Inverse-time feedrate
On the SINUMERIK, it is possible to program the time required to traverse the path of a block (rpm) instead of
programming the feedrate for the axis movement with G93.
If the path lengths differ greatly from block to block, a new F value should be determined in every block when using G93.
When machining with rotary axes, the feedrate can also be specified in degrees/revolution.
Functions and Terms
Job list
This can be used to create a job list (loading list) for each workpiece.
This job list contains instructions on making the following preparations for executing part programs, even when multiple
channels are involved:
• Parallel setup (LOAD/COPY):
Load or copy main programs and subprograms and associated data such as initialization programs (INI), R
parameters (RPA), user data (GUD), work offsets (UFR), tool/magazine data (TOA/TMA), setting data (SEA),
protective zones (PRO), and sag/angularity (CEC) from the PCU's (MMC's) hard disk into the CNC's RAM.
• Preparations for CNC start (SELECT):
Select programs in different channels and make initial preparations for processing them.
• Parallel clean-up (reverse LOAD/COPY):
Swap main programs and subprograms and associated data from CNC work memory back out to the hard disk.
You can also save your own templates for job lists. Following loading and job list selection, CNC start initiates the
processing of all programs and data required for workpiece production.
Functions and Terms
Linear interpolation
"Linear interpolation" is understood to be the CNC-internal calculation of points on a straight path between the
programmed starting and end points.
Limited functionality of export control versions: The number of simultaneously interpolating axes is restricted to 4.
Functions and Terms
Look Ahead
→ Continuous-path mode with programmable rounding clearance
Comparison of velocity response with exact stop G60 and continuous-path mode G64 with look ahead for short displacements.
During the machining of complex contours, most of the resulting program blocks have very short paths with sharp
changes in direction. If a contour of this type is processed with a fixed programmed path velocity, an optimum result
cannot be obtained. In short traversing blocks with tangential block transitions, the drives cannot attain the required final
velocity because of the short path distances. Contours are rounded when traveling around corners.
The Look Ahead function is a means of optimizing the machining speed by looking ahead over a parameterizable
number of traversing blocks. With tangential block transitions, the axis is accelerated and decelerated beyond block
boundaries, so that no drops in velocity occur. On sharp changes of direction, rounding of the contour is reduced to a
programmable path dimension.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
• Intuitive program input, no DIN/ISO knowledge or operating manual required
• Compact, clearly arranged machining programs
• Reduction of programming time through graphical input screens, copying/inserting and linking machining steps
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Example: Axis 1 is simultaneously the master axis for axis 2 and axis 3
The "master/slave for drives" function is required when two electrical drives are mechanically linked to an axis. With this
link, a torque controller ensures that both drives produce the exact same amount of torque, so that the motors do not
work in opposition. In order to attain tensioning between the master and slave drives, a tension torque specifiable via
machine data can be applied on the torque controller.
Application examples:
• Performance enhancement and (occasional) mechanical coupling of drives
• Drive with 2 motors that operate on a gear rack
• Remachining of wheel sets for rail-bound vehicles
• Zero backlash reversing of mutually tensioned drives
An axis can also be a master axis for multiple couplings.
Functions and Terms
Example: Measuring a shaft Example: Two angle measurement for determining the
position of a plane in space
In the case of tool measuring, the loaded tool (typically in the revolver on turning machines) is moved towards the probe
which is either in a fixed position or swiveled into the working range by a mechanical device. The automatically derived
tool geometry is entered in the relevant tool offset data record.
In the case of workpiece measuring, a probe is moved towards the clamped workpiece like a tool. The flexible selection
of measuring cycles means that you can handle practically every measuring task associated with turning or milling.
The principle of "on-the-fly measurement" is used in SINUMERIK controls. The advantage of this principle is that the
probe signal is processed directly in the CNC. The measuring parameters and the results of the measurements are
output extremely clearly in separate displays which are either automatically deselected at the end of the cycle, or can be
acknowledged when starting the CNC.
The result of the workpiece measurement can either include automatic offset of the zero point or a correction of the tool
wear by the difference between the actual value and the setpoint. The measured results can be logged in a file. The
Siemens measuring cycles offer a standard log which you can also adapt.
In order to measure tool and workpiece dimensions, a touch-trigger probe is required that supplies a constant signal
(rather than a pulse) when deflected. The probe should switch bounce-free, and mechanical adjustment may be
Multidirectional probes can be used for all tool and workpiece measurements on turning and milling machines.
Bidirectional probes are treated like a mono probe for workpiece measurements on milling and machining centers, but
are not suitable for tool measurements.
Monodirectional probes can be used on milling machines and machining centers with slight restrictions in workpiece
measurements, but are not suitable for tool measurements or for workpiece measurements on turning machines.
Measuring Cycles for Turning Machines
• Tool measurements (calibration/measurement) for turning tools
• Tool measurements for milling tools and drills on turning machines
• Calibrating workpiece probes
• 1-point workpiece measurement
• 2-point workpiece measurement
Measuring cycles for milling machines and machining centers
• Tool measurements (calibration/measurement) for milling tools
• Calibrating workpiece probes
• Paraxial workpiece measurement on hole/shaft/slot/web/rectangle
• 1-point workpiece measurement on area
• Workpiece measurement at any angle on hole/shaft/slot/web
• Workpiece measurement at angular position (1-/2-angle measurement)
• Automatic set-up corner internal and external
• Measurement of workpiece sphere and automatic correction of work offset
Functions and Terms
Measuring stage 1
You can connect up to two switching touch probes to the control at the same time. In the case of channel-specific
measuring, the measuring process for a CNC channel is always activated from the part program running in the relevant
channel. All of the axes programmed in the measuring block take part in the measuring process.
You can program a trigger event (rising or falling edge) and a measuring mode (with or without deletion of the residual
path) for each measuring process.
The results of measurements can be read in the part program or with synchronous actions in both the machine and the
workpiece coordination system. You can test the deflection of the touch probe by scanning a variable and outputting it to
the PLC interface and deriving responses in the part program. The option Measuring stage 2 (option M32) provides you
with expanded functionality (for example for axial measuring, evaluating up to 4 trigger events, and cyclic measuring).
Functions and Terms
Monitoring functions
The controls contain watchdog monitors, which are always active. These monitors detect faults in the CNC, PLC or
machine in time to prevent damage to workpiece, tool or machine. When a fault occurs, the machine operation is
interrupted and the drives brought to a standstill.
The cause of the fault is saved and displayed as an alarm. At the same time, the PLC is notified that a CNC alarm has
been triggered.
Monitoring functions exist for the following areas:
• Read in
• Format
• Encoder and drive
• Contour
• Position
• Standstill
• Clamping
• Speed setpoint
• Actual velocity
• Enabling signals
• Voltage
• Temperatures
• Microprocessors
• Serial interfaces
• Transfer between CNC and PLC
• Backup battery voltage
• System memory and user memory
Motion-synchronous actions
→ Synchronized actions
Functions and Terms
Multi-channel display
In the machine operating area, the M key can be used to select either single-channel or multi-channel display. In the
multi-channel display, only channel information is displayed; the channel can be operated or influenced in the single-
channel display. Focus switching, scroll bars and window selection can be operated in the multi-channel display, but it is
not possible to change the NC channel data. The same windows are always displayed together in all channels. The
softkeys for switching the windows, therefore, always affect all the channels that are on display. In the multi-channel
display, the axis actual values are displayed in the top window and the selection menus (T/F/S values, program blocks)
in the bottom window, depending on which of the softkeys is activated.
This function allows similar and different workpieces to be finished on multiple vises or gripping yokes, while saving time.
Functions and Terms
Operating modes
In the "Machine" operating area, you have a choice of three modes:
JOG mode (jogging) is intended for the manual movement of axes and spindles, as well as for setting up the
machine. The set-up functions are reference point approach, repositioning, traveling with the handwheel or in the
predefined incremental mode, and redefinition of control zero (preset/set actual value).
In MDA (Manual Data Automatic/Manual Input) mode, you can enter individual program blocks or sequences of
blocks, then execute them immediately via NC Start. The tested blocks can then be saved in part programs. The
Teach In submode allows you to transfer sequences of motion to the MDA program by returning and storing
In AUTO mode, the part programs are executed fully automatically once they have been selected from the workpiece,
part program or subprogram directory (normal operation). During AUTO mode it is possible to generate and correct
another part program.
In the operating modes MDI and AUTO, you can modify the sequence of a program using the following program control
SKP Skip block (up to eight skip levels)
DRY Dry run feedrate
ROV Rapid traverse override
SBL1 Single block with stop after sets of machine functions
SBL2 Single block with stop after every block
SBL3 Stop in cycle
M01 Programmed stop
DRF Differential resolver function
PRT Program test
Functions and Terms
Oscillation functions
With this function, an axis oscillates at the programmed feedrate between two reversal points. A possible application is a
grinding machine.
Asynchronous oscillation across block boundaries
Several reciprocating axes may be active. During reciprocating movement, other axes can interpolate at will. The
reciprocating axis can be the input axis for the dynamic transformation or the master axis for gantry or coupled-motion
Block-related oscillation
• Oscillation with infeed in both or only in the left or right reversal point. Infeed is possible along a programmable path
prior to the reversal point.
• Sparking-out strokes after oscillation are possible.
Behavior of the reciprocating axis in the reversal point:
• A change of direction is initiated
- Without reaching the exact stop limit (soft reversal)
- After reaching the programmed position or
- After reaching the programmed position and expiration of the dwell time.
• The following manipulations are possible:
- Reciprocating movement and infeed can be terminated by deleting the residual distance
- Modification of the reversal points via CNC program, PLC, handwheel or direction keys
- Manipulation of the reciprocating axis feedrate via CNC program, PLC or override
- Control of the reciprocating movement via the PLC
The spindles can also perform reciprocating movement.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
The PLC on the SINUMERIK is programmed using the user-friendly SIMATIC STEP 7 software.
The STEP 7 programming software is based on the Windows operating system, and combines the proven STEP 5
programming functions with innovative further developments. The STL (statement list), FBD (function block diagram),
and LAD (ladder diagram) programming languages are available.
The user can switch from one to the other using STEP 7 pull-down menus.
The following blocks are available for structured programming:
• Organization blocks (OBs)
• Function blocks (FBs) and function calls (FCs)
• Data blocks (DBs)
In addition, system function blocks (SFBs) and system functions (SFCs) integrated in the operating system can also be
The STEP 7 software package (for SIMATIC S7-300) is a standard component of SIMATIC programming devices (e.g.,
Field PG). A software package for standard industrial PCs is also available.
The PLC can also be programmed in other SIMATIC S7 high-level languages, such as S7 HiGraph and S7 Graph.
PLC/NCK interface
A number of functions can be executed via the NCK and PLC interface, ensuring excellent machining flexibility. Some of
these are:
• Controlling positioning axes
• Executing synchronous actions (auxiliary functions)
• Reading and writing of NCK system variables by the PLC
• Reading and writing of NCK user variables by the PLC
The PLC basic program, which is part of the toolbox, organizes the exchange of signals and data between the PLC user
program and the NCK, PCU and machine control panel areas. In the case of signals and data, a distinction is made
between the following groups:
• Cyclic signal transfer:
Commands from the PLC to the NCK (such as start, stop) and NCK status information (e.g., program running). The
basic program carries out cyclic signal transfer at the beginning of the PLC cycle (OB 1). This ensures, for example,
that the signals from the NCK remain constant throughout a PLC cycle.
• Event-driven signal transfer NCK → PLC
PLC functions executed depending on the workpiece program are initiated via auxiliary functions in the workpiece
program. If a block with auxiliary functions is executed, the type of auxiliary function determines whether the NCK has
to wait for this function to execute (e.g., tool change) or whether the function will be executed together with the
workpiece machining process (e.g., tool loading on milling machines with chain magazine). In order for CNC
machining to be affected as little as possible, data transfer must be as fast as possible, yet reliable. It is therefore
alarm and acknowledgment-controlled. The basic program evaluates the signals and data, sends an
acknowledgment to the NCK, and transfers some of the data to OB40 and the rest to the user interface at the
beginning of the cycle. If the data do not require an acknowledgment from the user, CNC machining is not affected.
• Event-driven signal exchange PLC → NCK
Whenever the PLC sends a request to the NCK (such as a request to traverse an auxiliary axis), a PLC → NCK
event-driven signal exchange takes place. Here again, the data transfer is acknowledgment-controlled. Such a signal
transfer is initiated by the user program via an FB or FC. The associated FBs (function blocks) and FCs (function
calls) are provided together with the basic program.
• Messages
The acquisition and editing of user messages is handled by the basic program. The message signals are transferred
to the basic program via a specified bit array. Here, the signals are evaluated, then transferred to the PLC diagnostic
buffer when one of the message events occurs. If an OP is available, the messages are transferred to the OP and
displayed on it.
Functions and Terms
PLC status
In its "diagnostics" operating area, the operator panel allows you to check and modify PLC status signals.
This allows you to do the following on site without a programming device:
• Check the input and output signals from the PLC's I/Os
• Carry out limited troubleshooting
• Check the NCK/PLC and PCU/PLC interface signals for diagnostic purposes
The status of the following data items can be displayed separately on the operator panel:
• Interface signals from/to the machine control panel
• NCK/PLC and PCU/PLC interface signals
• Data blocks, bit memories, timers, counters, inputs and outputs
The status of the above signals can be changed for tests. Signal combinations are also possible, and up to 10 addresses
can be modified simultaneously.
Functions and Terms
Polar coordinates
Programming in polar coordinates, it is possible to define positions with reference to a defined center point by specifying
the radius and angle. The center point can be defined by an absolute dimension or incremental dimension.
Polynomial interpolation
Curves can be interpolated using polynomial interpolation, whereby the CNC axes follow the function:
f(p) = a0 + a1p + a2p2 + a3p3 + a4p4 + a5p5 (polynomial, max. 5th degree)
The coefficient a0 is the end point of the previous block, a1 is calculated as the end point of the current block, a2, a3, a4,
and a5 must be calculated externally and then programmed.
With polynomial interpolation, it is possible to generate many different curve characteristics, such as straight line,
parabolic and exponential functions.
Polynomial interpolation primarily serves as an interface for programming externally generated spline curves. 5th degree
polynomials can be used optimally if the coefficients are obtained directly from a CAD/CAM system (closer to the
surface). A prerequisite for efficient utilization of this polynomial interpolation is, therefore, a corresponding CAD/CAM
Tool radius compensation can be used as in linear and circular interpolation.
Functions and Terms
Position monitoring
SINUMERIK controls provide extensive monitoring mechanisms for axis monitoring:
• Motion monitoring:
Contour monitoring, position monitoring, standstill monitoring, clamping monitoring, speed setpoint monitoring, actual
speed monitoring, encoder monitoring
• Static limits monitoring:
Limit switch monitoring, working area limitation
Position monitoring is always activated after termination of motion blocks according to the setpoint. To ensure that an
axis is in position within a specified period of time, the timer configured in the machine data is started when a traversing
block terminates; when the timer expires, a check is made to ascertain whether the following error fell below the limit
value (machine data). When the specified fine exact stop limit has been reached or following output of a new position
setpoint other than zero (e.g. after positioning to coarse exact stop and subsequent block change), position monitoring is
deactivated and replaced by standstill monitoring.
Position monitoring is effective for linear and rotary axes as well as for position-controlled spindles. In follow-up mode,
position monitoring is not active.
With the Preset function, you can redefine the machine zero point in the machine coordinate system. The preset values
affect machine axes. Axes do not move when Preset is active. but a new position value is entered for the current axis
positions. Once the actual values have been reset, a new reference point approach is required before protection zones
and software limit switches can be reactivated.
Functions and Terms
PROFINET is the open Industrial Ethernet standard of PROFIBUS International for automation systems. PROFINET is
based on Industrial Ethernet and uses TCP/IP and IT standards.
Two versions are available:
• PROFINET CBA (Component Based Automation) for networking distributed plants, (component engineering)
• PROFINET IO (Input Output) for controlling sensors and actuators using one or several central controllers in
production engineering.
PROFINET is supported by PROFIBUS International and the INTERBUS Club and has been included in standards
IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 since 2003.
PROFINET includes:
• A multi-level real-time concept
• Simple field devices which operate IOs directly on Ethernet
• Design of modular, highly re-usable systems
• Simple integration of existing PROFIBUS or Interbus systems
PROFINET CBA is an automation system for plants with distributed, decentralized intelligence. The key characteristics of
this model inspired by standard IEC 61499 are therefore:
• Structuring of logical plant sections into clearly organized subunits and their re-usability
• Clearly defined engineering of the plant
• Seamless integration of existing field bus systems
• Ethernet-based communication
A PROFINET CBA system therefore always comprises a variety of intelligent programmable controllers (components). A
component includes all mechanical, electrical and IT variables (PLC program). Each individual component is created with
its own manufacturer-specific, standard programming tools. A graphical, vendor-independent component connection
editor (iMAP) is available for linking individual components to the higher-level system, i.e. for engineering the system as
a whole. In this context, "engineering" means:
• Configuring the system
• Defining the exchange of data
• Loading configuring data to the components
A standardized PROFINET Component Description (PCD) file is created in XML to describe a component. The
component connection editor loads these descriptions and uses them to set up logical connections between individual
A PROFINET component always consists of:
• Exactly one Physical Device (PDev), with MAC and IP address
• One or several logical devices (LDev)
• One ACCO per LDEV
• One or several runtime automation objects per LDEV (RT-Auto)
The ACCO (Active Control Connection Object) functions as a consumer and provider and is the heart of the
communication system. The RT-Auto provides the technological functionality, i.e. the executable program.
Functions and Terms
A PROFINET IO system comprises the following devices:
• An IO controller is an automation control system, typically a PLC, CNC, robot control or motion controller. (An IO
controller is a master as compared to PROFIBUS.)
• An IO device is a distributed field device which is linked up via PROFINET IO. It is controlled by an IO controller. An
IO device can consist of several modules and submodules. All data to be exchanged are assigned slots and subslots
for the purpose of addressing. These are defined in the General Station Description (GSD) file.
ET200 distributed I/Os or a SINAMICS drive are examples of PROFINET IO devices. (An IO device is a slave as
compared to PROFIBUS.)
• An IO Supervisor is typically a programming device, a PC or an HMI unit for commissioning or diagnostics. It features
an engineering tool which can be used to parameterize and diagnose individual IO devices. (As compared to
PROFINET, this would be a class 2 master in terms of function.)
PROFINET IO provides protocol definitions for the following functions:
• Cyclical transmission of IO data
• Acyclical transmission of alarms which require acknowledgement
• Acyclical transmission of data (parameters, detailed diagnostic information, commissioning data, I&M data)
An application relation (AR) is formed between an IO controller and an IO device. The communication relations,
diagnostic options and potential useful data exchange are determined by the communication view. Communication
relations (CR) with varying properties are specified for the transfer of parameters, cyclical data communication and alarm
handling based on this AR.
Communication channels are set up to handle the data exchange between each IO controller and the IO device. It is
possible to form more than one application relation between different devices.
Isochronous drive controls can be implemented with PROFINET IO and the PROFIdrive profile for motion control
In the GSD file, the device manufacturer must exactly describe how the device functions are specifically mapped on the
PROFINET IO model, i.e. the properties of the IO device. GSDML (GSD Markup Language), an XML-based language, is
used for this purpose. The GSD file is read in by the engineering tool and forms the basis for planning the configuration
of a PROFINET IO system.
→ SINUMERIK Operate Easy Screen
The "ProgramGUIDE" with the "Animated Elements" and the "Cursor Text" provides perfect support for integrating the
cycles into part programs. You can, however, also define a number of softkeys, input fields and displays yourself using
the "Easy Screen" function.
Programmable acceleration
With the "programmable acceleration" function, it is possible to modify the axis acceleration in the program in order to
limit mechanical vibrations in critical program sections.
The path or positioning axis is then accelerated at the programmed value. The acceleration value set in the machine data
can be exceeded by up to 100 %. This limitation is active in AUTOMATIC mode and in all interpolation modes. As part of
intelligent motion control, this function provides a more precise workpiece surface.
Functions and Terms
Programming language
The CNC programming language is based on DIN 66025. The new functions of the CNC high-level language also
contain macro definitions (combined sequences of instructions).
Protection zones
Protection zones allow you to protect various elements on the machine and its equipment, as well as the workpiece to be
created, from incorrect movements.
Some of the elements that can be protected are, for example:
• Fixed machine components and built-on accessories (tool magazines, swiveling touch probes)
• Moving parts belonging to the tool (tool carriers)
• Moving parts belonging to the workpiece (mounting tables, clamps, spindle chucks, tailstocks)
For the elements to be protected, 2D or 3D protection zones are defined in the part program or via system variables.
These protection zones can be activated and deactivated in the part program. Protection zones must always be divided
into workpiece-related and tool-related zones. During machining in JOG, MDA or AUTOMATIC mode, a check is always
made to see whether the tool (or its protection zones) violate the protection zones of the workpiece.
Monitoring of the protection zones is channel-based, that is, all active protection zones for a channel are mutually
monitored for collisions (protection zones not channel-specific with NCU system software for 2/6 axes).
A maximum of ten protection zones and ten contour elements, which describe a protection zone, are available.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Quadrant transitions without compensation Quadrant transitions with quadrant error compensation
Quadrant error compensation (also referred to as friction compensation) ensures a much higher degree of contour
precision, particularly when machining circular contours. At the quadrant transitions, one axis traverses at the maximum
path velocity while the second axis is stationary. The different friction conditions can cause contour errors. Quadrant
error compensation virtually eliminates this problem and produces excellent results, without contour errors, in the very
first machining operation.
In operator-controlled quadrant error compensation, you set the intensity of the correction pulse as per an acceleration-
based characteristic. This characteristic is determined and parameterized on startup with the aid of the circularity test.
During the circularity test, deviations of the actual position from the programmed radius (particularly at the quadrant
transitions) are recorded by measurement and graphically represented while the circular contour is being retracted.
Functions and Terms
Following a program interruption in AUTOMATIC mode (e.g., to take a measurement on the workpiece and correct the
tool wear values or because of tool breakage), the tool can be retracted from the contour manually after changing to JOG
In this case, the control stores the interruption point coordinates and displays the differential travel of the axes in JOG
mode in the actual-value window as a Repos (repositioning) offset.
The contour can be reapproached:
• In JOG mode using the axis and direction keys. It is not possible to overshoot the interruption point; the feedrate
override switch is effective.
• By the program (with reference to the interruption block), either at the point of interruption, the start of the block, at a
point between the start of the block and the interruption point, or at the end of the block. Modified tool offsets are
taken into account. You can program approach movements as straight lines, in quadrants or in semicircles.
Functions and Terms
Safety Integrated
SINUMERIK Safety Integrated are integrated safety functions that support the implementation of highly effective
personnel and machine protection. The safety functions meet the requirements of DIN EN 61508 for use up to and
including SIL 2 and Category 3, and PL d according to DIN EN ISO 13849. This allows the main requirements for
functional safety to be implemented easily and cost-effectively. Available functions include, among others:
• Functions for safety monitoring of velocity and standstill
• Functions for establishing safe boundaries in work spaces and protected spaces, and for range recognition
• Direct connection of all safety-related signals and their internal logical linkage
Functions and Terms
Screen blanking
When screen blanking is activated, both the screen and backlighting of the operator panel go blank under PLC control or
after a programmable period of time has elapsed. This increases the service life of the screens.
Functions and Terms
Simulation is supported by an autonomous program interpreter and a separate simulation data environment at HMI level.
The simulation interpreter extensively considers the complete syntax of the SINUMERIK range of controls, including the
possibility of incorporating special user options on the machine by comparing data with the NCK environment. The
simulation data can be matched statically as required with the NCK environment (initialization data, macros, user data,
tool data, machining cycles) or also dynamically when tool data or machining cycles are changed.
Machining simulations, with emphasis on drilling/milling and turning technologies, can be executed on the control's HMI
in the workpiece coordinate system for certain machine kinematics depending on the active operating software (see also
function overview) and its software version as follows:
Functions and Terms
Simulation drilling/turning with HMI Advanced Simulation of turning with HMI Advanced
• Drilling/milling:
Simulation of multiface drilling and milling operations with display of material removal and/or displayable tool path line
graphs. Simulation of removal is primarily designed for paraxial machining in a rectangular 3D workpiece space.
Other kinematics which cannot be exactly represented with the 3D removal simulation, or machining operations
based on incomplete tool data, can nonetheless provide informative approximations using the integral tool path
• Turning complete machining:
Turning operations can be displayed here in side views as linear tool path graphics with dynamic updating of the
blank envelope in the dynamically balanced 2½D workpiece space. Drilling and milling on the front face or on the
peripheral surface of turned parts can be simulated with representation of the removed material and/or the tool path
graphics with the same features as described under "Drilling/milling". Furthermore, display versions are available for
variable machine arrangements (e.g. for turning in front of or behind the turning center, on the main spindle or
counterspindle, for horizontal or vertical turning machine orientations).
In this manner, the simulation results in several part programs in succession can be superimposed in a complete
representation on the same unmachined part (e.g. starting from preformed blanks, for multiface machining when milling,
multi-slide and multi-spindle machining when turning etc.).The machined part finally originates from the sequential
interaction of all individually simulated part programs. For turning, input of a length offset for rear-side machining with
mirrored tools is possible, as well as input of CNC keywords for dynamic spindle changeover, e.g. for main spindle and
counterspindle operation. Visualization of the simulation can be customized using parameterization screens in many
areas. Graphics can be observed in various views and sections, in zoom representations, or in several windows
Functions and Terms
Technology packages for 3-axis and 5-axis milling.
SINUMERIK MDynamics ensures perfect surfaces through innovative motion control and an optimized NC data
compressor, rapid adaptation to the workpiece, tool and program handling, optimum machining thanks to the flexible
programming of programGuide and ShopMill and, as a result, the shortest programming times.
• MDynamics 3 axes (option S32)
Contains the options:
ShopTurn/ShopMill, residual material detection and machining for contour pockets and cutting.
3D simulation 1 (finished part), simultaneous recording, advanced surface, spline interpolation, transmit and
peripheral surfaces transformation and measuring cycles.
• MDynamics 5 axes (option S33)
Contains the options:
ShopTurn/ShopMill, residual material detection and machining for contour pockets and cutting.
3D simulation 1 (finished part), simultaneous recording, advanced surface, spline interpolation, transmit and
peripheral surfaces transformation and measuring cycles.
Machining package 5 axes, 3D tool radius compensation and measure kinematics.
Functions and Terms
Skip blocks
CNC blocks that are not to be executed in every program run, e.g., execute a trial program run, can be skipped. Skip
blocks are identified by placing a "/" character in front of the block number. The instructions in the skip blocks are not
executed and the program resumes with the next block that is not skipped.
As many as eight skip levels (/0 to /7) may be programmed. The individual skip levels are activated via a data block in
the PLC interface.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Spindle functions
Spindle modes are:
• Open-loop control mode (constant spindle speed S or constant cutting rate G96)
• Oscillation mode
• Positioning mode
• Synchronous mode (synchronous spindle)
• Thread cutting/tapping
Functions of the spindle modes:
• Spindle speed with spindle override
• 5 gear stages, specified in the
- Part program (commands M41 to M45)
- Automatically via programmed spindle speed (M40) or
- PLC function block FC18
Oriented spindle stop (positioning mode) with SPOS
Spindle monitoring with the functions:
- Axis/spindle stationary (n < nmin)
- Spindle in set range
- Max. spindle speed
- Programmable lower (G25) and upper (G26) spindle speed limitation
- Min./max. speed of the gear stage
- Max. encoder limit frequency
- End point monitoring for SPOS
• Constant cutting speed with G96 (in m/min or inch/min) at the tool tip for uniform turning finish and thus better surface
quality. Spindle control via PLC for oscillation (for easier engaging of a new gear stage) and positioning
• Switch to axis operation:
For machining with a position-controlled spindle (face machining of turned parts, for example), the main spindle drive
can be switched to axis mode with a program command. A common encoder can be used for both axis and spindle
modes. The zero mark of the spindle is also the reference mark of the C axis, so there is no longer any need to home
the C axis (synchronize C axis on the fly).
• Thread cutting with constant pitch:1)
With G33 you can produce the following thread types: cylindrical, taper and face thread, single-start or multiple-start,
as left-hand or right-hand thread. In addition, multiple-block threads can be produced by concatenating threading
• Thread cutting with variable pitch:1)
Threads can also be programmed with linearly progressive (G34) or linearly degressive (G35) pitch.
• Programmable run-in and run-out of thread:
When thread cutting, you can use DITS/DITE (displacement thread start/end) to program the path ramp for the
acceleration or deceleration process as a displacement. This makes it possible, for example, to adjust the
acceleration on the thread shoulder when the tool run-in or run-out is too short and initiate smoothing at the next CNC
• Tapping with compensating chuck/rigid tapping:
When tapping with compensating chuck (G63), the compensating chuck equalizes differences between spindle
movement and drilling axis. A prerequisite for rigid tapping (G331/G332) is a position-controlled spindle with position
measuring system. The traversing range of the drilling axis is therefore not restricted. By using the method whereby
the spindle, as a rotary axis, and the drilling axis interpolate, threads can be cut to a precise final drilling depth (e.g.,
for blind hole threads).
Prerequisite: actual-position sensor (measuring system) with corresponding resolution (mounted directly on the spindle).
Functions and Terms
Spline interpolation
• Spline interpolation for 3-axis machining (option M16)
• Spline interpolation for 5-axis machining (option M17)
• Spline interpolation (option S16)
By using spline interpolation it is possible to obtain a very smooth curve from just a few defined interpolation points along
a set contour. The intermediate points are connected by polynomials. The compressor converts linear motions (e.g., from
CAD) at block transitions to splines of constant speed (COMPON) or splines of constant acceleration (COMPCURV).
This yields soft transitions that reduce wear on the mechanical parts of the machine tool. However, if the intermediate
points are placed close together, quite sharp edges can also be programmed. Spline interpolation also considerably
reduces the number of program blocks required.
Extremely smooth workpiece surfaces are often very important in mold and tool making, both optically and
technologically, e.g., for rubber gaskets.
Tool radius compensation is also possible in spline interpolation, as it is in linear or circular interpolation.
Every polynomial can represent a spline. Only the algorithm determines the type of spline.
• A spline is only true to the tangents.
• B spline is true to the tangents and the curvature, but does not run through the nodes (intermediate points).
• C spline is true to the tangents and the curvature and runs through the nodes.
With the COMPCAD compressor, such "smooth" curves can be approximated within the boundaries of compressor
tolerance (parallel tool paths) and surfaces of a high optical quality can also be obtained in the case of large tolerances.
Spline interpolation for 3-axis machining is suitable for simple applications and for the JobShop area.
Standstill monitoring
→ Position monitoring
Standstill monitoring represents one of the most comprehensive mechanisms for monitoring axes. The monitor checks to
see whether the following error has reached the standstill tolerance limit following the elapse of a programmable time
period. Upon termination of a positioning action, standstill monitoring takes over from position monitoring, and checks to
see whether the axis moves further from its position than stipulated in the machine data's standstill tolerance field. The
standstill monitoring function is always active following expiration of the zero speed delay time or upon reaching the fine
exact stop limit as long as no new traversing command is pending.
When the monitor responds, an alarm is generated and the relevant axis/spindle brought to standstill with rapid stop via a
speed setpoint ramp. Standstill monitoring is effective for linear and rotary axes as well as for position-controlled
spindles. Standstill monitoring is inactive in follow-up mode.
Functions and Terms
Synchronous actions
→ Cross-mode actions
Even in its basic configuration, SINUMERIK allows you to initiate up to 24 actions synchronous to the axis and spindle
movements. These actions run in parallel with workpiece machining, and their inception can be determined on the basis
of conditions. The starting of such motion-synchronous actions (or synchronous actions for short) is, therefore, not
restricted to CNC block boundaries.
Synchronous actions are always executed in the interpolation cycle. Several actions can even be carried out in the same
IPO cycle.
Synchronous actions without validity identifier are non-modal only in AUTOMATIC mode. Synchronous actions with
validity identifier ID are modal in the subsequently programmed blocks in AUTOMATIC mode. Statically effective
synchronous actions with the identifier IDS remain active in all modes ("Cross-mode actions").
Synchronous actions provide you with an excellent programming tool to respond very quickly to events in the
interpolation cycle. Here are some typical applications:
• Comparison operation-dependent or external signal-dependent transfer of auxiliary functions M and H to the PLC
user software and derived machine responses
• Fast, axis-specific, input signal-based deletion of the residual distance
• External signal-controlled read-in disable for the CNC block
• Monitoring of system variables such as velocity, power and torque
• Controlling process variables (velocity, speed, distance, etc.)
Limited functionality of export control versions:
Only 1 active synchronous function (SYNFCT) is possible at a time. The number of simultaneously traversed axes is
limited to 4 (path and positioning axes).
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Technology cycles
Temperature compensation
Heat causes machine parts to expand. This expansion depends, among other things, on the temperature and on the
thermal conductivity of the machine parts. The actual positions of the individual axes, which change on the basis of
variations in temperature, have a negative effect on the precision with which workpieces are machined. These actual
value modifications can be corrected using temperature compensation.
At a specific temperature, measure the actual-value offset over the positioning range of the axis to obtain the error curve
for this temperature value. Error curves for different temperatures can be defined for each axis.
In order to ensure proper compensation of thermal expansion in changing temperatures, the temperature compensation
value, reference position, and linear angle of lead parameters must be transferred from the PLC to the CNC via function
blocks each time the temperature changes. Abrupt changes in these parameters are automatically smoothed by the
control in order to prevent machine overload and avoid triggering watchdog monitors unnecessarily.
Thread cutting
→ Spindle functions
Functions and Terms
Kinematics type T
Kinematics type M
Kinematics type P
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Tool offsets
Tool offsets
By programming a T function (5-figure integer number) in the block, you can select the tool. Every T number can be
assigned up to 12 cutting edges (D addresses). The number of tools to be managed in the control is set at the
configuration stage. A tool offset block comprises 25 parameters, e.g.:
• Tool type
• Up to three tool length offsets
• Radius compensation
• Wear dimension for length and radius
• Tool base dimension
The wear and the tool base dimension are added to the corresponding offset.
When writing the program, you need not take tool dimensions such as cutter diameter, cutter position or tool length into
You program the workpiece dimensions directly, following the production drawing, for example. When a workpiece is
produced, the tool paths, depending on the relevant tool geometry, are controlled so that the programmed contour can
be produced with every tool used.
You enter the tool data separately in the control's tool table, and in the program you call only the required tool with its
offset data. During program execution, the control fetches the required offset data from the tool files and corrects the tool
path for various tools automatically.
Tool offset D can be programmed with reference to tool number T (when the Siemens tool management is active, e.g.,
with monitoring functions and management of sister tools) or without internal references to existing tools.
You can define as many as 32,000 D values per control. D numbers can be freely assigned, checked, renamed,
ascertained with the associated T number, invalidated, and activated on a site-dependent basis during programming.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Tool types
Functions and Terms
Transformation, generic
Generic transformation is used to define any tool orientation in space with the initial state of the axes, and not just
according to the Z direction. It can then be used much more flexibly and universally.
It is then possible to also control machine kinematics by the CNC where the orientation of the rotary axes is not exactly
parallel to the linear axes. Generic 5-axis transformation has been extended to 3-axis and/or 4-axis transformation, i.e., it
can also be used for machines with only one rotary axis (rotatable tool or workpiece).
HEXAPOD animation
Functions and Terms
PARACOP animation
TRICEPT animation
HEXAPOD, PARACOP, TRICEPT kinematic transformations and pantograph kinematics are used on parallel-kinematics
machines (PKM). Parallel kinematics means that the drive forces engage on the spindle head (Stuart platform)
simultaneously (virtually in parallel).
With HEXAPOD, the Stuart platform is moved by six actuators, whose lengths can be modified. The Stuart platform can
be moved to any position, including within the working area, by these six actuators, and its inclination in space
(orientation) can also be set specifically. This allows workpieces to be machined on 5 axes on these machines. The
orientation angle is only limited by the mechanical properties of the cardan or ball joints.
PARACOP and TRICEPT machines are TRIPODEN types, whereby the Stuart platform is moved by three actuators.
Design measures are used to ensure that the Stuart platform cannot move in an undefined manner on these TRIPODEN
types. On PARACOP machines, two parallel rods run on a slide for each actuator. These machines are suitable for 3-
axis machining. On TRICEPT, an additional passive telescope (center tube) is used. On TRICEPT, two additional rotary
axes are required to define the tool orientation in space. These axes can be arranged as with a fork head on a 5-axis
machine, for example, thus the design allows the machine to carry out 5-axis machining.
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Functions and Terms
Traversing range
The range of values for the traversing ranges depends on the selected computational resolution. When the default value
is specified in the machine data field "Computational resolution for linear or angular position" (1,000 increments per mm
or degree), the ranges of values specified in the table can be programmed with this resolution:
G70 [inches, degrees] G71 [mm, degrees]
If the computational resolution is increased/decreased by a factor of 10, then the value ranges change accordingly. The
traversing range can be restricted by software limit switches and operating ranges.
User interface
The user interface has a clear layout with 8 horizontal and 8 vertical softkeys. The targeted use of Windows-type
technology permits simple and user-friendly operation of the machine.
The interface is subdivided into 6 operating areas:
• Machine
• Parameters
• Program
• Services
• Diagnostics
• Startup
In this way, it is possible, for example, to create another part program while parts production is in progress and to
transfer data from an external storage unit at the same time. On changing the operating area, the last active menu is
always stored. There are two hotkeys for switching between operating areas.
Functions and Terms
User-defined variable Name and type of variable defined by the user, e.g. arithmetic parameter
Arithmetic parameters Special, predefined arithmetic variable whose address is R plus a number. The predefined arithmetic
variables are of the REAL type.
System variables Variables provided by the control that can be processed in the program (write, read). System variables
enable access to work offsets, tool offsets, actual values, measured axis values, control conditions, etc.
Variable types
Type Meaning Value range
REAL Real numbers (fractions with decimal point, LONG REAL ±(10-300 ... 10+300)
in acc. with IEEE)
STRING Character string, number of characters in [...], maximum Sequence of values with 0 ... 255
of 200 characters
AXIS Axis names (axis addresses) only Any axis identifiers in the channel
The maximum path and axis velocity and spindle speed are affected by the machine and drive dynamic response and
the limit frequency of actual-value acquisition (encoder limit frequency and limit frequency of the input circuit). The
resulting velocity from the programmed path length in the CNC block and interpolation cycle (IPO cycle) is always limited
to the maximum velocity or, in the case of short path lengths, reduced to the velocity that can be travelled during one IPO
The minimum velocity must not go below 10-3 units/IPO cycle. The minimum and maximum axis velocities are dependent
on the selected computational resolution. The maximum velocity of the axis is generally limited by the mechanics or by
the limit frequency of the encoder or actual-value acquisition. The velocity value range is not limited by the CNC (max.
300 m/s).
Functions and Terms
Work offsets
→ Frame concept
Coordinate system
According to DIN 66217, clockwise, rectangular (Cartesian) coordinate systems are used in machine tools.
The following coordinate systems are defined:
• Machine coordinate system MCS
The machine coordinate system is formed by all the available physical machine axes.
• Basic coordinate system BCS
The basic coordinate system consists of three Cartesian axes (geometry axes), as well as other non-geometric axes
(special axes).
• BCS and MCS are always in
conformance when the BCS can be mapped to the MCS without kinematic transformation (e.g.,
TRANSMIT/interfacial transformation, 5-axis transformation and max. three machine axes).
• Basic zero system BZS
DRF offsets, external work offsets and basic frames map the BCS on the BZS.
• Settable zero system SZS
An activated settable work offset G54 to G599 transfers the BZS to the SZS.
• Workpiece coordinate system WCS
The programmable frame determines the WCS representing the basis for programming.
Thus, you use work offsets to transform your machine zero point into the workpiece zero point in order to simplify
programming. You can choose from among various work offsets:
• Settable work offsets:
You can enter offset coordinates, angles and scaling factors in up to 100 possible work offsets (G54 to G57, G505 to
G599), in order to call zero points from any program for various fixtures or clamping operations, for example. The
work offsets can be suppressed block-by-block.
• Programmable work offsets:
Work offsets can be programmed with TRANS (substitution function, basis G54 to G599) or ATRANS (additive
function). This allows you, for example, to work with different work offsets for repetitive machining operations at
different positions on the workpiece. G58/G59 make previously programmed work offsets axially replaceable.
• External work offsets:
You can also activate axis-related linear work offsets via the PLC user software (function blocks) with assignment of
system variable $AA_ETRANS [axis].
Functions and Terms
Working plane
→ Tool radius compensation
When specifying the working plane in which the desired contour is to be machined, the following functions are defined at
the same time:
• Plane for the tool radius compensation
• Infeed direction for the tool length compensation depending on the type of tool
• Plane for the circle interpolation
When calling the tool path correction G41/G42, the working plane must be defined so that the control can correct the tool
length and radius.
In the basic setting, the working plane G17 (X/Y) is preset for drilling/milling, and G18 (Z/X) for turning.
Zero offsets
→ Work offsets