Dialogue Offering Help
Dialogue Offering Help
Dialogue Offering Help
T: “I’m fine too, thank you. Okay so before we start our class, let’s pray together. For class president,
please lead to prayer.”
T: “Thank you.”
S: “Yes, mam.”
T: “Nice. Now, I want to ask something first to you guys. Have you ever find someone who needs your
help when they do something? Your mother for example, have you?”
T: “Right, okay, so what did you do when you saw it? Did you just stay silent and did nothing or did you
make a move and did something?”
T: “Good. Then, what did you do then? What did you say to your mom first before you tried to help
T: “Very good, now I assume that you know what will we learn today, right? What is it? What will we
learn today?”
Agis: Hi, Fanda. You look confused. Are you okay?
Fanda: Hi, Agis. I’m not okay, I don’t understand about the mathematic homework that Mr.
Kana just gave us.
Agis: Which part you don’t understand about?
Fanda: The instructions, it’s a little bit confusing.
Agis: Do you need some help?
Fanda: Yes, please. Thank you Agis.
Agis: You’re welcome Fanda.
Nadya: Hi, Dinda. What are you doing?
Dinda: Hi, Nadya. I’m working on my English assignment.
Nadya: Let me help you, you look like you’re facing some difficulties right there.
Dinda: Because I am, ha-ha. But is it okay?
Nadya: It’s okay I finished mine already.
Dinda: That would be very nice, thank you so much.
Nadya: You’re welcome.
T: “Very good, all of you. Even though it is good already, please keep improving yourself.
T: “After our lesson today, what did you learn from it?”
S: “About offering help”
T: “Offering help to who?”
S: “To someone who needed our help.”
T: “Correct. As a good human being, we need to help each other as long as we can help.”
T: “Any question?”
S: “No, mam.”
T: “Okay if there is no question, I will make a brief review of today’s lesson. So, today we
have learned the expression of offering help and how to accept or decline it. You guys also
did a great job in making the mini dialogue of it and I feel so proud of you guys, please keep
going on your great job.”
S: “Thank you, mam.”
T: “Now, I will give you an assignment. This is an individual assignment, please make a
dialogue of 2 people with 10 lines minimum for each person, the dialogue is about offering
help and have both accepting and declining the offer. I gave you an example on the power
point I sent you earlier. Is it clear?”
S: “Yes, mam.”
T: “Good, any question before we end our class?”
S: “No, mam.”
T: “If there’s no question I’ll end our lesson here, and for the next meeting we’ll learn about
command or suggestion. See you on the next meeting and thank you for your attention.”
S: “See you, mam. Thank you.”