"@RRLCH.-, " ,",,: I D .Nt. Ce I 2. 3. 4. 5
"@RRLCH.-, " ,",,: I D .Nt. Ce I 2. 3. 4. 5
"@RRLCH.-, " ,",,: I D .Nt. Ce I 2. 3. 4. 5
objdiv. lvr. h.vitrg iour ostra 4tion' tor @h' Onlv orc option
I Arl quuons d of
.Nt. C@. an!*cr *ill ccrry tull Mks 2 In ce of incore! or$d or anv
combidid ot mor. rhm om eM.r. n*n *i b' dtdEtd
Q6dom mun b. s!{.Ed on OMR sh'd bv d{t'ning
$' lppopnlc bubble Mt'd
c*,,"onr^,, Illlllllllllilllll lllllllll
l. Wlich of lh. follo\ring modification of leif GcN to inhibn Pa1el loss in eid zonc 1
If .*"*"*
enersy arons horizonl,r a.d vcnicar p,ee
;T"li:i""" "ar in Eopicar
rAl Ro$b, \4 $ rBr watt.rc.ll\
o rer5hdm ,Dr Hdje, c.t,c
- o gti!-r t.r{r qvirr
nrrR llqlr! tx !E -
w,+r rr.rr ntraarr uirftF
rAr rrfi \trr
rr, - .'
' Xi:J,iff"''JfJ1i:liit;y 4vf. *.*,o (,d,o 0 8^en po n, in
15. The pNs l6atd !r ihe hurhemendofln. Nilgiri Hills in Sourh l.dia s call.d
(B) IX€ Bhoqhar p.$
{D) Th. Bole pas
dlafrfr "r{Fr ifrr itlrd{ lnEq fifi'l{Fr aI!Ei
(B) Nlrq!
(c) {'ND
17. \,r'hich one of tn. tolloring holntain rdgcs is uniquc in ori8i, wilh rcspc.l lo 4.u -
conrinent coiverye.r plate bourdary 1
(B) R@kics
(D) Aravdl,
iEr r.n .rft{4 {1E{ r{l(lfu qnrllll {s {EriR rft!frrs Bc'lfuqqllrr
qiol! t
(B) rF
(o adrF (D) qRriG
ls. Du. ro tnc natu'. of erupred matlnals th. lcic of Th. vau'v of T'o Thousmd Smoks'
in KarrDi mouitain is known as
(B) C.aGr
(c) S.ffioni (D) Funm!.
B!Fr!, im{r .rlEr dfi .lht i{Fr 'Th. vallev of T.n Thousand smkcs' 4r
fi!frrlt !F -
G) t1nr{r
19 whicn on. of the lollowinS lddfoms is nol a$di!r'd wiln *ind erosion ?
(B) Y8.deB
(C) M.s (D) S.if
n('r firlFn t.l1G rill t{itTr rr 1l. ia t
{A) flB[ni (B) t{iailo
(c) c{,n @) q*r'6 {ft{fr (s.io
(q i( ER stu
23. The i.dusuies abL lo Educ. th€ir poduclion co{ rhrclgh exbmal ecoionics e
generally lMtcd rn -
::t m:n:nffi}ff
;;il+; *i."". **
utlgrrnu aro ,- a r",r t-
,rlncs,rtg st -
(A, -k.r lrl ,fdr4! _ tit' tB, nF 'll.C.r !-tr{
rc' !hrf. Ilil .'.i rrI n(t'{iln p' "-o "-"ro
24, vhich of lhe lollo*hs d $evch &renq(' ol \trond \b8' of D' moEraphrr Trdn'uon
l Lw dath ni. ed uncontoll.d biih rai.
2. HiSh dea$ nt. sd lo* binh de
l. Equd binh ed d.a$ tar
4. Prev.Lnc. o, D.noglaPhic TaP
(A) t ud4 (B) 2 rnd l
(C) 2.-lmd4 (D) l,l d4
nEr r.R mtlB rrfui{src? Rgr! 'rtr{F ffil .rr ?
25. Wbich or dc follouing n rhe sc.le of roposh.d (Oretr Sencs) no' c45A I0 1
tllLrr l{li. Ifno c45Al0 it{ lmFltEa (op.n s.n.sl r{ l:{ ?
27. A cube of *ood or sides t 0 cnr r no&ng o. warer How nuch weigh mua bc pl.rced .r
rlE wood.n pi.ce ro hake n on lhe vcrgd of sinkiDs ? (Conrider d€nsily ot wood (l 9 g/cc )
l0 cn{q FFt qIS idr!_i.6rn qcl[ ldr!6r B't{ 6{.s srr{r <0:{m
rNrn l3tr Fc lt\rrtl irrdrr{ {rr ? F(l Tr a(tl $ry 0.9 g/{.)
(B) l0C
iC) 100I (D) l00o g
24. $arer bubbl.s d. alwals spherical in shapei n ner.r tales an, orh.r shape. which
phlscal propeiry oi Bater r Esponsibl€ for th6 'l
31. li 6 atom has ooly $Fe elecen shelh maxrmlm how hanv eled@'s can {cuPv lhe
q.S .rfi.lF !fi [q! Eig td{E Tt qr{ vtr sn YGr {trl{ {{it{ "stff
@n {r{tr {rr r
(B) 3
(c) 18 (D) 3l
12. A dv oI Mrs m s rhro$n v.nEallJ upusd hom dF Edh'\ 'urfdc $'th an Innial
.. e, *1,", rr." , mqnrude. oir. loncric enoe) rd pobn al ener8, srll be
m Errr ,!.F {r{ Yt rqr. u r{cl I1lrl t(E{ dt91 EFr .s crtsr{ ota {Gr
qm s Em-r nli ,{F {rr ?
(A) (B)
;F s
ic, + ,of,ft'
l-1. Howmu.h h.dra re{u,r.d bm.lr lou&ar.aLFatO'C inb *akrand iull} conv'n Ir
,"i" J.* i ,1""* i,." .i ,elrns,nfl+. he.I or u.r?r drd larenr h'dr or
\aponauon.rrarer m r\F1ldrio.aus. I c.rs'c rd 540 ('L 8'
0 ;c Gs'q! rM roo c rl'af{i
i.-r{ ifts
"T" {t{sF ST [n ?q]6rr 8n ." Y ryl
slr o srf, {qlqr({.
sr8, I carg "C ed 540 carg)
(B) r0kcal
(C) l8Lcal
14. lOOE6l'c.ar )O'( F r,l^en 'n " pm ud h.rL.d on d rGrcw'k'Fn pd h'lrer Howmucl
,i-.ir"rtt ur,< fo,0,. ",rer ro nan m,l'nx rl *dn.qurLr''nr or 'hP r' i?8tr8rb'e 1
, 20 oc 6!qr loo I q{{(i q.'E {fi Frr lool w rlsR 4{6 ?rfifu_q Aq(r
.lrln {t{.l rdna i.ril <n st T{qfi rc'r{'!F{ ur EF:t\t tols illn('"if, t
J5. A E.l.d v.ssl co ains $mc gas ar nomal Ptsr. dd r'mpeBiur' Wld will bc rhe
prc.surc of thc gas ar -2?l
oc I
,4aG !I rc frI affiri ilr, lan El'1 € sli{rer! 11 qlrf | gtlt !fi -273
ac Tl1 {r st
sr< .f,lcJB El'l as It< ?
(B) 271Pa
(c) 546 Pa (D) 116.5 Pa
J6. floqruj, h)drcgm atoms ec rh.E .l
rn I I or ftrhae pa
2 8 l|l(ll flrr {s!Fr rEGItii rrrE rla
(B) 30ll x l0r
(C) 9033 x lcr0 (D) 6022 x rdl
" li##,H:r#il"J#ffii.*r;"r;ffi'"iril
U 4!u:
,lr{tt tlla TFrr rfrrm
1l .f-r o.iF \'fi rrtl M
T!ra! r.na .r.!r{ n,,i cff o'? 'tu0 ltr r tEr
e.ER g.ts ?r9n lrE n.r ?
#L#t t ?i6 lvrq 'q raF st
(B) o,
a..;#ffi H;lH l.;Eu^h@n
d b ,"mn.r. 4 B.
(c) 2oo (8) loo
(D) t5(,
{4 W}Eh.tlhe fo o*in8 sla
". lr;;,g;g,nX* ^,"r po,rssilD chro.ar. ,4d ro be h.ar.d ro ohajn 22.4 rift or
!r$t til ! !ti{a& 22.4 tir! qEFi
lrf\, trn +s ,tFqr ,DFBrx trllfD cra
(At 245 s
rcr 8r,6? o rtsr r2?5a
c.o&.ln, ''"o'',
ilt&](tr \9 (liitr(T{ ifr !Fd3 rrr Fltrr qn(tiiq Gtllirrr f,{T llfillr qnts
s qIEFff!! qrlks! fur <r<{r. Fn El {l Gmt i
(A) nwllim qr Grfic{r rfl (B) q{sir.r dt'r. ft{r
(c) Rrqnr {gf{n vi, (D) q$F{ ft'(cr<
* IT H-t:t-H
whi.h c@pomd i! indicar.d bv th. sttucrurc sho*n ?
rDr Pr8pu.
lFc nlr n((.qG r.R dhr. Fl6'l
(c) !RF!i
-. fFtt*
(D) ![.r{
a0. Bio ro conuins maurr :fi. '
i(inl('l nr. Iiq
(A) CO2edC8.
(c) Nrlnd cH. (D) Co: ddOr
i). PEk ly, uF of .Imtiv. $urc. of cn rgv (lit $ld .n ryv) is enoutaS'd m@ ina
usc ol fossil tu.I, nainly b.cause
(A) Fo$il tud n cosrlcr (B) Fossil tuel cs.n. n bmncd
(C) Csloriic valu. of fo$il tu l h le$ (D) losil fuel conot b' inpon'd
16l(l {tdr cBdtr rfu qa5fis clnft (afli dtrtfu) rr.{rr rgR'l{;l ti\9d