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"@RRLCH.-, " ,",,: I D .Nt. Ce I 2. 3. 4. 5

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objdiv. lvr. h.vitrg iour ostra 4tion' tor @h' Onlv orc option
I Arl quuons d of
.Nt. C@. an!*cr *ill ccrry tull Mks 2 In ce of incore! or$d or anv
combidid ot mor. rhm om eM.r. n*n *i b' dtdEtd
Q6dom mun b. s!{.Ed on OMR sh'd bv d{t'ning
$' lppopnlc bubble Mt'd

brl p'r ro ma* ms*.r bJ (ompl4e lill'nP up of fi.

3. IJE only al&trBlu. polnl rhe

Md( ln. ms*cE onlv in rh. sp&' povid'n' Do nor n'I? dv

5 wnc Q.$ion b.orh nunbs od voDr rell numb" ce'fullv in
di.OMx Als liu lPpopnate bubbl's
wn! yor Mm lm hlak l.rGr' nm. or *r c'n@ and Pur vor rurr$snaiue
6. 'raminltion
in eropti& bors in $. OMR fd
rr'" ovn i, uor. to too* ."tlid il rhct is my nn6t' in iillinS $' co@r bubblte

qu.dio bookld ilnb.r/rcll nunbcr oi ii rheE is ov di$rp 'v in !h'

ne'/signdue of
rh. codi&t, mm of rtF *itundion eit' m' OMR
mv ils b"otu invllid duc ro
''r' b'or' t\p'n{b'r1
hmdr$ DtrIS+
^., '*"^,..,*..*ns
:"*:il" * "" "@rrLch.-,*"*,",, hL mob'l' Ptn'!d' 'nsdr rh'
d6u-Fn.,oS bbl., v1;*ich. M) commJnLd'oid'r'c'
rd hi3/ntr
.(Minarion;lrl. Aiy 6dide fd'd wirn such n'ms *ill b' nporLd
rill b. sudilY ce.lLd "tlnti
RoWh vd( nu, b. donc on rh. qu.dion pap'r *lf AddirioMl blDl pas6 d giv'n in

fi. q!6tion P.Pcr ror otr8h

10. i.vigilabr b'fot ltaring rh' Eramindion H l'
Hond ovd tnc OMR ro rhc
Ttu! p€r.r o0uin. qEuors in borh Engl'ri md Bd8a[
Na"@ (&' and pdtulon
w.E ;r *hil. lioniig dE BoSali v6ion llos'vs
if 6v dieEpMcv(i" n /ft found
qill sbd ud sill
b.een E r@ vdione, rh. i'lodion p'ovid'd in 6' English vtdion

c*,,"onr^,, Illlllllllllilllll lllllllll

l. Wlich of lh. follo\ring modification of leif GcN to inhibn Pa1el loss in eid zonc 1

l. kav.s beo@ hdd ed wuY

2. lav.s becom tiny
3, t ov.s bc@m drip - lip
rt l!,v.r beoft lhm
(A) l.2dd3 (B) 2Md3
(c) 1,2 md 4 (D) l.nd4
or qtl,l rrdr qlEr !!l[{a f,{I iltf{ 'i!ir, FulF I{R ril n'lrr !S t
l. iM rs s mtr grr1 nIl {c
2. rNr lsER {{
? fd r*D,_a qrnrl lllr t9 qm $fiFli r1gl {q
4. rM dEi! .1Brq {!
(A) 1,2s 3 (B) 2s 3
(c) r,244 (D) l a4

2. TIE pls.r. lropn on ET clioi. e lrown as

Er l'l!r{ls q!I! (..?\

(O t ft({lt]{c (D) Erqtq|li3
3. Wlich of lnc followi.S caus.s adrabfiic !.npoaor. changes in amosph.e 1

(A) ConYdnon and adlanon or h.or

(B) Lar.nt hat of cond.ns.tion
(C) Erpusion snd comPEssioi ol an
(D) P.ni.l absorynon of $lar tadiauon by the atmspheE
:lloa rl{ .llcn f{I qr afo{m lT{sr,n srroan lffi<dr <0I
(A) qc'fi rhEn" o qfifrr nrlni
G) lAE r{r iliglr
(q rMrnr n\r.l { s aiia
(D) rI{ci rVr rdl'r QR'ir.n qlrFf{ (.llcr
L .
CnllhDn Cmlerefte pro(*s of rundrop
tomauon r applicablc lo
:fl llorcloulq91,!,do
,b, o0r
r.nd bqond,h. r*i,,"iE,.r
L,our,s which . end bryond fqzneLr.t
irr ax ry!.6 ofctoud
(D) cuhulonimbus ctoud
l8l wrot rs{-nF{di ltFq lll .rr
(A) rqcr r!\ fu{Fr tnr infis !r n
G) Iqr< trF fr{lrr Errr fqfis rr rnFr{
(c) {r {rr{t nrqr Lrrt
(D) M'rin !t tt f,.q l{(qr

If .*"*"*
enersy arons horizonl,r a.d vcnicar p,ee
;T"li:i""" "ar in Eopicar
rAl Ro$b, \4 $ rBr watt.rc.ll\
o rer5hdm ,Dr Hdje, c.t,c
- o gti!-r t.r{r qvirr
nrrR llqlr! tx !E -
w,+r rr.rr ntraarr uirftF

rAr rrfi \trr
rr, - .'
' Xi:J,iff"''JfJ1i:liit;y 4vf. *.*,o (,d,o 0 8^en po n, in

*tx -x* *f*;#"ffi ;* .-" * .".

lA) Ellt Rtr. ta, Crtl! rATl
rc) $ll'l !r4 (D) _rr !!{r
7. Tlr. b.ID.Dn8 or"Euinoi,,r*r. rn a y.rr
dc b
(a) bkrion ofIJie Ennh on rB osn
(B) cirul& hotio of rh. Edth tud "!n
inclinadon of it5 .quabnal pre. wi$
o6i.d pluc
lC) appaEN Mud Mct of 6c sun ird ns eliDr.
rLr) gr.vikuonat pul rlr.dh
rtrr T.n fu lFdr .lri {n
(a) Br u1rr s.ir 16+r q.lr
rB, 1ftfi !Er.n ntu a.! qr rFrsr.n {'.__ ffit sFr
(c) Tar tqls !lff. ifu € rfrIr,t_' " -"-'! x 5.E& r.It' qq'i
iD) Iftlh qM iF
In th. sutlwr solsrid iil.rc€flion of sumys on rh€ ropic oi Capnom is an ansle ol

r{t rlFfus rff6.6 rfi]r 1{riF rv{ f{]r rI -

(A) rjfrQ (B) EQ
(c) 43 FQ (D) O RG

9, Obs.qE sr..@ flos

(A) Aloi8 wnn th. cooslEnr sft@. (B) oppo$te to th. consqueit sseam
(C) Ar dSlu .nglc to rn coiequcnl st eah (Dl Dsgonal !o the co.squ.nt stream.
R ri itl nN'ris gdfrs {! -
(A) cT'rt air. qRTi (B) !.fl t idt{ Rrns qGTt
(o qj'llt rdh.{ qB{B (D) qi4ll i+{ Rf{ qfu&r
10, Fomuon or Pohol.. in nler hed\
'. 'h.'.\u.
olrhe hlo'.
'l lro,e "

rdt{tr lf{r n i r! f,nrF{ nftfir rn-

ll. Thc vacBhed b.twen Indr md Myalrm is d.lin edby

(A) Thecmhills (B) TheNaeahills

9* T'ffi 'L * "."*4o-'ft o$SY"'"'

,fI rEITS lt {r'rD
la) .-,'' -.-
'c, {fr 'trrr ltr r't "- ,o' f,rtq qrrl
12. Natutd Lves @ *.re6lly fumd due lo
(A) vallcy widoiis (B) Th. r*uft.ce of Iieds
(C) Conshctim of cnbanltunt (D) Fluvial F@s ot msioo md &losition
(! alictr Fr {qfra i]( I(lrgs n6v
(A) idl s.tsran irt*.!r (B) frrFv irlll(i lrF ,fis {$nl
(q il{ fi6q (Dl {ttr Tr € I!{ dbn]
13, The se.ond ldgesr bracldh waler late or lagNnoilrdra r
(B) Cherai b.Jch lag@n

€n(E. ffG[ I{cr f,.rr6 f,ffi Eq ir BrsE .n

(A) IlCr! "{< (B) lE!ft tlE G'EE
(o $rfrr.Iir (D) 1fr.! I{
!.1. which on of lh. followinS sqenc* of sq slinity in th. ln.lElng or&r is corut ?

(A) Gulf of C,lifo.ni! - Ballic 5.6 - R.d S.. - Arctic sa

(B) Ballic Sa - AltIc Scl - Gull of Califmia - R.d Sca
(C) Arcric Su . Baltic S.a - Gulf of Califomia - R.d s.a
(D) Arctic Sa - Gulf of Califmia - Balti. S.d - R.d S.a
nE.r rr<.tw r*qft qo{t i1m r.n qFrO .Er ?
(A) rFrfir'filT I'rritr - {Ft-r ii.n - Icnv ri,n - lr{t ,'n
(B) {Fo{ nr]r - :Irr ,.E - {nff[cfill 6'i{'r. - rnfrq inr
(c) :!Frr inr - iFf{ ,'E - .fi[|tfiq c'Fi'n - [qfrv fir
(D) :[Tr rtMr - ffn!!fiIl lirrr - iFn ,'n - rias ifi

KurdhD 6a wmcan cudc., *h(h ru6 from O'\

'A' Ph,l,pp,Er ro r.pan J O]; ahma b JaIln
(cr Indom\ia bjapan /. 'Jr Phrlpprn
gr r,rrrfts rTE @rs6 grrfts F.l-,y
,Ar fr?qrtr Nr. i{o t
r. ' rB, t{ $r. tl-i
{c, ltrl.f.r (!F rl.t, rDr ila'rt{ trr. fr{

15. The pNs l6atd !r ihe hurhemendofln. Nilgiri Hills in Sourh l.dia s call.d
(B) IX€ Bhoqhar p.$
{D) Th. Bole pas
dlafrfr "r{Fr ifrr itlrd{ lnEq fifi'l{Fr aI!Ei
(B) Nlrq!
(c) {'ND

17. \,r'hich one of tn. tolloring holntain rdgcs is uniquc in ori8i, wilh rcspc.l lo 4.u -
conrinent coiverye.r plate bourdary 1
(B) R@kics
(D) Aravdl,
iEr r.n .rft{4 {1E{ r{l(lfu qnrllll {s {EriR rft!frrs Bc'lfuqqllrr
qiol! t
(B) rF
(o adrF (D) qRriG

ls. Du. ro tnc natu'. of erupred matlnals th. lcic of Th. vau'v of T'o Thousmd Smoks'
in KarrDi mouitain is known as
(B) C.aGr
(c) S.ffioni (D) Funm!.
B!Fr!, im{r .rlEr dfi .lht i{Fr 'Th. vallev of T.n Thousand smkcs' 4r
fi!frrlt !F -
G) t1nr{r

19 whicn on. of the lollowinS lddfoms is nol a$di!r'd wiln *ind erosion ?
(B) Y8.deB
(C) M.s (D) S.if
n('r firlFn t.l1G rill t{itTr rr 1l. ia t
{A) flB[ni (B) t{iailo
(c) c{,n @) q*r'6 {ft{fr (s.io

20. In a faul when hansins *all li4 as uFhro* side n is c'lled

16lr{l sJtF *B tr GlrT-ft'EIF Tx? 5r r(t _

(A) Frfi E& (B) qF( 6j&

(q i( ER stu

2r. v{hich or torlosi.8 ld6i;!-;t,ii*o.aohj*'s t

'. 'no'ion
3. Fl@lht 4. Sill
(B) l.2.rd 3
(D) l,I ed4
i@r gErrlBr {!I r.l1ler ilns cfi! !t!! I
I tar{frq 2. rllrdol{
(A) ls2 (Bl 1,2 € 3

(c) 2s4 (D) 1,3s4


22. L€b,nann discontinuny s.plratcs

(A) Uprd mon. wfi loqd mude (ts) crustunhnairl.
(C) Olter @rc witt inne! core (D) Manlle sith c'e
r{{Ili R{k 8. qrtr
(A) !E arFlsrrn c(' rfr: ot{Enra
iB) or{EI'rr n(' Yva({
(c) * a.tirErq. n(' rft [rtr{sar!
o) I{E.{Errn nLt ta'{Enrr.

23. The i.dusuies abL lo Educ. th€ir poduclion co{ rhrclgh exbmal ecoionics e
generally lMtcd rn -
::t m:n:nffi}ff
;;il+; *i."". **
utlgrrnu aro ,- a r",r t-

,rlncs,rtg st -
(A, -k.r lrl ,fdr4! _ tit' tB, nF 'll.C.r !-tr{
rc' !hrf. Ilil .'.i rrI n(t'{iln p' "-o "-"ro
24, vhich of lhe lollo*hs d $evch &renq(' ol \trond \b8' of D' moEraphrr Trdn'uon
l Lw dath ni. ed uncontoll.d biih rai.
2. HiSh dea$ nt. sd lo* binh de
l. Equd binh ed d.a$ tar
4. Prev.Lnc. o, D.noglaPhic TaP
(A) t ud4 (B) 2 rnd l
(C) 2.-lmd4 (D) l,l d4
nEr r.R mtlB rrfui{src? Rgr! 'rtr{F ffil .rr ?

l. A'I Igl{rr s qFRis q{Er.

2. GrE IVr{n s frr q{{rr
3. 'fi1 tY,!E o qqM
4. ll{:Ril :i(c'l rrr+sl
(A) 164 (B) 2sl
(c) 2,3 s,l (D) 1.3 s 4

25. Wbich or dc follouing n rhe sc.le of roposh.d (Oretr Sencs) no' c45A I0 1
tllLrr l{li. Ifno c45Al0 it{ lmFltEa (op.n s.n.sl r{ l:{ ?

(A) l,1,0m,000 (B) 1: 250.000

(C) l: 50.000 (D) I: 25,000
26, A boy ds dorng *ifi a sp..d or I nrs tron ! comcr oi a squ@ of sid.s 20 m atonr
ns p€riph.ry. wh qill b. his dispt&etril afts 35 scond ?
,e.qr drrc .r.6 r m rfq FFB r,f.n nl(tr q.r rq],r (!I{ ndr rfr8 lri{r
m/s qBs' dtg(v !r fin | 35 sond tt? \'R *rl as rr. ?
(a) 40n rB) :5m
(c) 35m (D) 5om

27. A cube of *ood or sides t 0 cnr r no&ng o. warer How nuch weigh mua bc pl.rced .r
rlE wood.n pi.ce ro hake n on lhe vcrgd of sinkiDs ? (Conrider d€nsily ot wood (l 9 g/cc )
l0 cn{q FFt qIS idr!_i.6rn qcl[ ldr!6r B't{ 6{.s srr{r <0:{m
rNrn l3tr Fc lt\rrtl irrdrr{ {rr ? F(l Tr a(tl $ry 0.9 g/{.)
(B) l0C
iC) 100I (D) l00o g

24. $arer bubbl.s d. alwals spherical in shapei n ner.r tales an, orh.r shape. which
phlscal propeiry oi Bater r Esponsibl€ for th6 'l

rFn 1F r&lt ordtB{{; q{Fradqmrr{r{n sFr. r{r{. GJv d,rr f,il

,dt r
dDa (B)
29, Wnd n $e volume of2 B or:\y|.4r ronF4rrc<ire md khFdrur. ?

LJl' rBr 2slik

lC) 22.4tittr rD) 0? tir.
(A) I,4 GftI (B) 2.8 Efir
rc) 22.4 Efiir (D) 0.7 Bill
3{). Th. $lubilir, of conmon ralr i, q!r.r ,r IO0'C s 40. A!'prorinar.ly io! nu.h
.omnon salr is Equi@d lo nal l00 s of satMrd solutiob ar IOO .C ?
100 oC-,4 f,Cn illlll4.Fl E-fiq 40 {f.r \et q!q! tOOe rafF E.{r lglt Trrt
gtlasEl r ltFl alr{ flq
(A) 28.57 s (B) 411!
(c) 35 8 (D) 208

31. li 6 atom has ooly $Fe elecen shelh maxrmlm how hanv eled@'s can {cuPv lhe

q.S .rfi.lF !fi [q! Eig td{E Tt qr{ vtr sn YGr {trl{ {{it{ "stff
@n {r{tr {rr r
(B) 3
(c) 18 (D) 3l

12. A dv oI Mrs m s rhro$n v.nEallJ upusd hom dF Edh'\ 'urfdc $'th an Innial
.. e, *1,", rr." , mqnrude. oir. loncric enoe) rd pobn al ener8, srll be
m Errr ,!.F {r{ Yt rqr. u r{cl I1lrl t(E{ dt91 EFr .s crtsr{ ota {Gr
qm s Em-r nli ,{F {rr ?
(A) (B)
;F s
ic, + ,of,ft'
l-1. Howmu.h h.dra re{u,r.d bm.lr lou&ar.aLFatO'C inb *akrand iull} conv'n Ir
,"i" J.* i ,1""* i,." .i ,elrns,nfl+. he.I or u.r?r drd larenr h'dr or
\aponauon.rrarer m r\F1ldrio.aus. I c.rs'c rd 540 ('L 8'
0 ;c Gs'q! rM roo c rl'af{i
i.-r{ ifts
"T" {t{sF ST [n ?q]6rr 8n ." Y ryl
slr o srf, {qlqr({.
sr8, I carg "C ed 540 carg)
(B) r0kcal
(C) l8Lcal

14. lOOE6l'c.ar )O'( F r,l^en 'n " pm ud h.rL.d on d rGrcw'k'Fn pd h'lrer Howmucl
,i-.ir"rtt ur,< fo,0,. ",rer ro nan m,l'nx rl *dn.qurLr''nr or 'hP r' i?8tr8rb'e 1

, 20 oc 6!qr loo I q{{(i q.'E {fi Frr lool w rlsR 4{6 ?rfifu_q Aq(r
.lrln {t{.l rdna i.ril <n st T{qfi rc'r{'!F{ ur EF:t\t tols illn('"if, t

J5. A E.l.d v.ssl co ains $mc gas ar nomal Ptsr. dd r'mpeBiur' Wld will bc rhe
prc.surc of thc gas ar -2?l
oc I
,4aG !I rc frI affiri ilr, lan El'1 € sli{rer! 11 qlrf | gtlt !fi -273
ac Tl1 {r st
sr< .f,lcJB El'l as It< ?

(B) 271Pa
(c) 546 Pa (D) 116.5 Pa
J6. floqruj, h)drcgm atoms ec rh.E .l
rn I I or ftrhae pa
2 8 l|l(ll flrr {s!Fr rEGItii rrrE rla
(B) 30ll x l0r
(C) 9033 x lcr0 (D) 6022 x rdl

" li##,H:r#il"J#ffii.*r;"r;ffi'"iril
U 4!u:
,lr{tt tlla TFrr rfrrm
1l .f-r o.iF \'fi rrtl M
T!ra! r.na .r.!r{ n,,i cff o'? 'tu0 ltr r tEr
e.ER g.ts ?r9n lrE n.r ?
#L#t t ?i6 lvrq 'q raF st
(B) o,

* l*ml,f;,1ffi,,trH?jll,::.j:1T:.J, t11," *do* or vd,s h Md ,h c!r.$ r

fl l,",,":lt#tra,li"#,.1il il,ff J'fl :11'S,.fl:H:r,yT;ffi

** ffiT#H,l,i,IJ#.T * .*" i6! ,r- ft!
* *,"
*-* * Jo,ii,H"J:i"*ffi ffiy
lJ,( rB, osJ/F-.J
ro IoJ4
' ''? tt^a'!'I
" (A)
*;fm':I,I1i,rl"Utfl:*:l l u ^a,
fton,h. porc h rro ora
vinud,.rer md @gnined.
(B) vinuat, ,nve,r.d od oas,ifi.d
(C) rcd, .@r 4d lmal.r in sia
(D) vinud.el &d sDrll.r in size

HffimE##HHH.'r."r{ 8cmrcr q.D (eo

wrt n!{K a ffi
(B) qnc, q.+( € E!fu
(c) iL rrt{ B Ilsr
(D) q'lt rr{{i{ ,s rswr
GoSt [r ll


iiiur.. a ray of liahl coning Itum an is incrd.nr on a parallel llas dab at

As sho*n in rh.
I mgL ol 32'&d .mrses fod rh. oiner sidc alr .n anSle of 0 what h the valu' of 0 if
refnctns dle^ of !la$ sr r re\o.!tofa I n L5
:nfls drfi Iwl-{.t qrsr. fi
irg trr
Fro ,{t, !.i
q+fird l2"Fo qr&s {idlrr @l fi_{ I(rq € (r][q Riq {i
irFr !S{ir L5<a o-qr aa lv ?
rAr J2o '8,^(t{r
,c, r2o lD(-tr
41. A D.mll.l b€m oi [dt a.on'.drnlJ rGal leryIh 15 cm alon8 s h Th'
taus on
lalls;..onca\e l.N dlLirl knert r cm LeP l0!mb.hrndrheconv'\
tm Jricn or ri'c roto" rry (riqnad\ tr rd..bod th. BF,lndllv emergrng our or
rh. concav. l.ns ?
(A) rhe Eys wll be div€'bl '
(B) ,nc rays will b.conversing
lC) Th. iays Pill be P&allel
(D) The mys vill b. a mixet of all $rec above lvp.s
@16 r'!E ri rFro{ rr ch Iqror tn(I FFtt qdD gfn (nfTr Gn fnr{r !.
?rd{a qifus t-n qn. lo c, Fqgl i11 ur ,++E 5 cm lqr{ll t{6 Ffi} q{vi
qE{ nnteE nnr iltr
Inr,rr t ir qr&q fi q{rn q<sn ra'c lrr{ Ffs
r{r{ G&O wI?
(a) q8'{ rfl?'I q'tclll rr.
iB) qBl rE Er qB{ll {r<
(c) !rE{ rFF f r{inrn <a
(D) q&{ rfrort Brrrr &r ?tr{r rfo FE"r !I!
4Z loo, wo* i4d b. don. lo more a l/10 C chdEe ttom poinr A lo Pori B in m'kcEic
ficld. WIal is dE Pot ntal difieren e b.lseen the lwo poi.ts and Phich poinl has hiSher

iarFi .f.G qBl(rrE! {no.G ulo c qllnr. A Fy allr fr5F

l@ , Ti, .aF {r I sl{(n st It FTr 1!!r FE< ![q .s 4.t r.li.
(A) l0v,B {B) lo00 v, A
(c) l0v, A (D) t00ov, B

a..;#ffi H;lH l.;Eu^h@n
d b ,"mn.r. 4 B.
(c) 2oo (8) loo
(D) t5(,
{4 W}Eh.tlhe fo o*in8 sla

l;l ;H: ;:Hl:F": ::::r = DD rhGpnen. pm..r*

ro Hu@dtu.,;r-,
# Hs#+"$t ffi[ : l:,T:,"jH; jj:;;.l,,.
rAr qrgr
rT{sFrl Et r _ Errrmftk
rBr qg {trisrft ,r < !I;;
rc) Erg ilTlsrft EFt > "" nfr,; ;
rDl ctE qt{s(nr ,, _ ),". Err{Tn6In*
(a) .Dn.ionor.t.croni

(B) tr'llf{r Rrfi.r

(c) F&rrr Flrrrr
(D) Ef{r{ ,r&r F!,rrr

". lr;;,g;g,nX* ^,"r po,rssilD chro.ar. ,4d ro be h.ar.d ro ohajn 22.4 rift or
!r$t til ! !ti{a& 22.4 tir! qEFi
lrf\, trn +s ,tFqr ,DFBrx trllfD cra
(At 245 s
rcr 8r,6? o rtsr r2?5a
c.o&.ln, ''"o'',

47. I! inrtusFial Foducti@ of ffimoni. lDn nilrogen md hvdrog'n Sass a miturc of

potd3iun ondc ad aluminiun oride is used for $e PuDosc oI:
{A) p{oducio8 quild hqt (B) @ivadng the calalysr

ilt&](tr \9 (liitr(T{ ifr !Fd3 rrr Fltrr qn(tiiq Gtllirrr f,{T llfillr qnts
s qIEFff!! qrlks! fur <r<{r. Fn El {l Gmt i
(A) nwllim qr Grfic{r rfl (B) q{sir.r dt'r. ft{r
(c) Rrqnr {gf{n vi, (D) q$F{ ft'(cr<

* IT H-t:t-H
whi.h c@pomd i! indicar.d bv th. sttucrurc sho*n ?

rDr Pr8pu.
lFc nlr n((.qG r.R dhr. Fl6'l

(c) !RF!i
-. fFtt*
(D) ![.r{
a0. Bio ro conuins maurr :fi. '
i(inl('l nr. Iiq
(A) CO2edC8.
(c) Nrlnd cH. (D) Co: ddOr

i). PEk ly, uF of .Imtiv. $urc. of cn rgv (lit $ld .n ryv) is enoutaS'd m@ ina
usc ol fossil tu.I, nainly b.cause
(A) Fo$il tud n cosrlcr (B) Fossil tuel cs.n. n bmncd
(C) Csloriic valu. of fo$il tu l h le$ (D) losil fuel conot b' inpon'd
16l(l {tdr cBdtr rfu qa5fis clnft (afli dtrtfu) rr.{rr rgR'l{;l ti\9d

(A) fr{lltldldtr fl r{l! (B) 6cr{tti+6 nEn Ufis

(O &{r{tt{+! vlri F, qr{a .{ (D) Q_{n{ tlaft qlfiil T{ lll iI

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