Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Be It Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of The Philippines in Congress Assembled
Section 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the, "Foreign Investments Act of
d) The praise "doing business" shall include soliciting orders, service contracts,
opening offices, whether called "liaison" offices or branches; appointing
representatives or distributors domiciled in the Philippines or who in any calendar
year stay in the country for a period or periods totalling one hundred eighty (180)
days or more; participating in the management, supervision or control of any
domestic business, firm, entity or corporation in the Philippines; and any other act
or acts that imply a continuity of commercial dealings or arrangements, and
contemplate to that extent the performance of acts or works, or the exercise of
some of the functions normally incident to, and in progressive prosecution of,
commercial gain or of the purpose and object of the business organization:
Provided, however, That the phrase "doing business: shall not be deemed to
include mere investment as a shareholder by a foreign entity in domestic
corporations duly registered to do business, and/or the exercise of rights as such
investor; nor having a nominee director or officer to represent its interests in such
corporation; nor appointing a representative or distributor domiciled in the
Philippines which transacts business in its own name and for its own account;
e) The term "export enterprise" shall mean an enterprise which produces goods
for sale, or renders services to the domestic market entirely or if exporting a
portion of its output fails to consistently export at least sixty percent (60%)
thereof; and
g) The term "Foreign Investments Negative List" or "Negative List" shall mean a
list of areas of economic activity whose foreign ownership is limited to a maximum
of forty ownership is limited to a maximum of forty percent (40%) of the equity
capital of the enterprise engaged therein.
Section 4. Scope. - This Act shall not apply to banking and other financial institutions
which are governed and regulated by the General Banking Act and other laws under the
supervision of the Central Bank.
Export enterprises which are non-Philippine nationals shall register with BOI and submit
the reports that may be required to ensure continuing compliance of the export
enterprise with its export requirement. BOI shall advise SEC or BTRCP, as the case may
be, of any export enterprise that fails to meet the export ratio requirement. The SEC or
BTRCP shall thereupon order the non-complying export enterprise to reduce its sales to
the domestic market to not more than forty percent (40%) of its total production; failure
to comply with such SEC or BTRCP order, without justifiable reason, shall subject the
enterprise to cancellation of SEC or BTRCP registration, and/or the penalties provided in
Section 14 hereof.
A domestic market enterprise may change its status to export enterprise if over a three
(3) year period it consistently exports in each year thereof sixty per cent (60%) or more
of its output.
b) List B shall contain the areas of activities and enterprises pursuant to law:
c) List C shall contain the areas of investment in which existing enterprises already
serve adequately the needs of the economy and the consumer and do not require
further foreign investments, as determined by NEDA applying the criteria provided
in Section 9 of this Act, approved by the President and promulgated in a
Presidential Proclamation.
The Transitory Foreign Investment Negative List established in Sec. 15 hereof shall
be replaced at the end of the transitory period by the first Regular Negative List
to the formulated and recommended by the NEDA, following the process and
criteria provided in Section 8 and 9 of this Act. The first Regular Negative List shall
be published not later than sixty (60) days before the end of the transitory period
provided in said section, and shall become immediately effective at the end of the
transitory period. Subsequent Foreign Investment Negative Lists shall become
effective fifteen (15) days after publication in two (2) newspapers of general
circulation in the Philippines: Provided, however, That each Foreign Investment
Negative List shall be prospective in operation and shall in no way affect foreign
investments existing on the date of its publication.
Amendments to List B and C after promulgation and publication of the first Regular
Foreign Investment Negative List at the end of the transitory period shall not be
made more often than once every two (2) years.
d) Industry products comply with Philippine standards of health and safety or, in
the absence of such, with international standards, and are reasonably competitive
in quality with similar products in the same price range imported into the country;
The petition shall be subjected to a public hearing at which affected parties will have the
opportunity to show whether the petitioner industry adequately serves the economy and
the consumer, in general, and meets the above stated criteria in particular. NEDA may
delegate evaluation of the petition and conduct of the public hearing to any government
agency having cognizance of the petitioner industry. The delegated agency shall make
its evaluation report and recommendations to NEDA which retains the right and sole
responsibility to determine whether to recommend to the President to promulgate the
area of investment in List C of the Negative List. An industry or area of investment
included in List C of the Negative List by Presidential Proclamation shall remain in the
said List C for two (2) years, without prejudice to re-inclusion upon new petition, and
due process.
Section 10. Strategic Industries. - Within eighteen (18) months after the effectivity
of this Act, the NEDA Board shall formulate and publish a list of industries strategic to
the development of the economy. The list shall specify, as a matter of policy and not as
a legal requirement, the desired equity participation by Government and/or private
Filipino investors in each strategic industry. Said list of strategic industries, as well as
the corresponding desired equity participation of government and/or private Filipino
investors, may be amended by NEDA to reflect changes in economic needs and policy
directions of Government. The amended list of strategic industries shall be published
concurrently with publication of the Foreign Investment Negative List.
The term "strategic industries" shall mean industries that are characterized by all of the
effectivity. A copy of such rules and regulations shall be furnished the Congress of the
Republic of the Philippines.
Section 14. Administrative Sanctions. - A person who violates any provision of this
Act or of the terms and conditions of registration or of the rules and regulations issued
pursuant thereto, or aids or abets in any manner any violation shall be subject to a fine
not exceeding One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000).
In addition to the foregoing, any person, firm or juridical entity involved shall be subject
to forfeiture of all benefits granted under this Act.
SEC shall have the power to impose administrative sanctions as provided herein for any
violation of this Act or its implementing rules and regulations.
Section 15. Transitory Provisions. - Prior to effectivity of the implementing rules and
regulations of this Act, the provisions of Book II of Executive Order 226 and its
implementing rules and regulations shall remain in force.
During the initial transitory period of thirty-six (36) months after issuance of the Rules
and Regulations to implement this Act, the Transitory Foreign Investment Negative List
shall consist of the following:
A. List A:
B. List B:
C. List C:
NEDA shall make the enumeration as appropriate of the areas of the investment covered
in this Transitory Foreign Investment Negative List and publish the Negative List in full
at the same time as, or prior to, the publication of the rules and regulations to implement
this Act.
Section 16. Repealing Clause. - Articles forty-four (44) to fifty-six (56) of Book II of
Executive Order No. 226 are hereby repealed.
All other laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby
repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 18. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after approval and
publication in two (2) newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines.