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An Analysis of Educational Problems of First Generation Learners

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Int ern a tio na l Jo u rna l of Appli ed R esea rch 201 7; 3(5): 500 -5 0 5

ISSN Print: 2394-7500

ISSN Online: 2394-5869
Impact Factor: 5.2
An analysis of Educational problems of first
IJAR 2017; 3(5): 500-505
generation learners
Received: 03-03-2017
Accepted: 04-04-2017
Sunder Lal
Sunder Lal
Research Scholar, Higher Abstract
Education and Research Present study titled “An analysis of educational problems of first generation learners” conducted on
Institute, Dakshin Bharat primary schools of Delhi. Descriptive survey method was implied to collect the data of the study.
Hindi Prachar Sabha Madras,
Hundred twelve primary school first generation learners have been selected by using multi stage
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
stratified random sampling technique as a sample of the study. These learners are selected on the basis
of gender and type of school from the primary school. Educational Problems Questionnaire (EPQ) for
students Dr. Beena Shah and Dr. S.K Lakhera have been used to collect the data. Descriptive and
inferential statistics (mean, standards derivation, t-value and correlation) have been used for analyzing
and interpreting the data and its finding are conducted as: -
 There are educational problems of FGL and NFGL studying in primary schools of Delhi and First
generation learner are facing more problems.
 First generation learners feel more problems related to medium of instruction, adjustment with
curriculum, Home work, adjustment with Teachers, time table, Examination, teaching and with
Colleagues, Additional and Special coaching classes and Problems of Adequate Teachers than non
first generation learner studying in primary schools.
 First generation learners find more problems related to Educational Background of the family,
Economic-Status, Parental encouragement, Students attitude towards education and teaching,
Adequate space facilities in the home, Causes of low attendance in schools (distance and
unavailability of school/family and other), Hurdles due to distance between residence and schools,
Need of Hostel facility, Assistance in Completing the school home work, Tuition facility at home
than non first generation learner studying in primary schools.
 First generation learners find more problems related to Organizational and Administrative causes
viz; reading room facilities, Mid-day meal, Scholarship facility and its utilization by the students
and Co-curricular activities and encouragement to participation than non first generation learner
studying in primary schools.
 First generation learners find more problems related to Cultural and Historical causes than non
first generation learner studying in primary schools.

Keywords: Educational problem, First Generation Learner

The process variables in the school environment play a similar role towards affecting
students’ outcomes. Dwivedi 2005 studied the effect of School environment on the
Academic achievement of students and found that School environment had significantly
better Academic achievement than students from shabby School environment. Over the past
six decades much research has been undertaken in the Australia on the relationship between
school size and Academic achievement at Elementary level. Borland, 2003 studied that effect
of Elementary school size on students Academic Achievement did not imply cause ability.
While school size might relate strongly to Academic achievement, the former might not be
the cause for the outcome of the later, and vice versa. For instance it could be argued that a
group of caring and well qualified teachers at a school attracted more students in the schools,
Correspondence while at the same time teaching methods employed by the teachers contributed to high
Sunder Lal
Research Scholar, Higher
degree of students’ achievement. If so, excellent/experienced teachers in a school
Education and Research environment influenced the better result and Academic achievement, however, it was neither
Institute, Dakshin Bharat the cause nor the effect of school size. Thus, there is a need for conducting a study that
Hindi Prachar Sabha Madras, looked at the children and their Educational problems and Academic achievement in a
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India comprehensive way in relation to their School environment and Socio-economic status.
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The present study is in fact one such attempt to delineate the Educational problems, School environment of First
influence of Educational problems on School environment Generation Learners of Elementary schools of Delhi. It also
of First Generation Learners of Elementary schools of studies the influences that were being felt. It was an
Delhi. More specifically the problem of present study was organized attempt to analyze, interpret and report the
stated as follow: present quality of the learning outcomes at Elementary stage
and the criterion that was influenced by different Socio-
Statement of the Problem psychological indicators.
The problem of present study was taken up by the researcher
as follow: Population
The children of First and non first Generation Learners of
“An analysis of Educational problems of first generation Elementary schools located at Delhi were considered as the
learners” population of the study.
Objective of the Study
The major objective of the study was taken as follow: Sample
To study the Educational Problems of Different generation 112 students of different generations from the Delhi have
(First Generation and non First Generation) learners been selected by random sampling technique.
studying in Primary schools of Delhi.
 To study the Educational Problems of Different Tools used
generation (First Generation and non First Generation) Educational Problems Questionnaire (EPQ) for students Dr.
learners studying in Primary schools of Delhi. Beena Shah and Dr. S.K Lakhera.

Hypothesis of the Study Data analysis and interpretation of the study

In the light of the objective of the study the investigator has Objective
framed the following null hypothesis. To study the Educational Problems of different generation
 There is no significant difference in Educational (First Generation and non First Generation) learners
Problems of Different generation (First Generation and studying in Primary schools of Delhi.
non First Generation) learners studying in Primary
schools. Hypothesis H01
There is no significant difference in Educational Problems
Method of different generation (First Generation and non First
As per objectives of the study the nature of the present Generation) learners studying in Primary schools.
study, survey method was used. The normative survey The first objective of the study was to study the Educational
method attempted to describe and interpret what exists at Problems of different generation (First Generation and non
present in terms of conditions and effects thereon. It was First Generation) learners studying in Primary schools of
concerned with the phenomenon that was typical of the Delhi. To achieve this objective the data was analyzed by
normal conditions. It investigated into the condition or using descriptive and nonparametric statistics, the results are
relationship between Academic achievement and other shown in the following table 1.
Socio-psychological variables viz. Socio - Economic status,

Table 1: showing various dimensions of Educational Problems of FGL and NFGL studying in primary schools of Delhi
First Generation Non First Generation
Dimensions of Educational Problems Learner (In %) Learner (In %)
Government Private Government Private
Causes related to Teachers and Teaching (yes/no) 28 34 17 16
Problems of Medium of Instruction (yes/no) 37 49 12 23
Problem of Adjustment (yes/no) 43 23 17 19
(i) Curriculum (yes/no) 23 34 21 22
(ii) Home Work (yes/no) 29 34 18 24
(iii) Teachers (yes/no) 31 25 12 21
(iv) Time Table (yes/no) 18 12 05 09
(v) Examination (yes/no) 32 23 11 10
(vi) Teaching (yes/no) 37 21 22 15
(vii) Colleagues (yes/no) 38 42 26 23
Need of Additional and Special coaching classes (yes/no) 45 39 21 20
Problems of Adequate Teachers (yes/no) 36 34 16 13
Chi square = 35.128 degrees of freedom= 27 p-value= 0.14
Causes related to Social and Educational Atmosphere. 57 61 23 19
Educational Background of the family (low/high) 64 75 27 29
Economic-Status (low/high) 66 70 23 34
Parental encouragement (low/high) 39 41 11 19
Students attitude towards education and teaching (favourable/ unfavourable) 55 59 48 58
Adequate space facilities in the home (Adequate/ Inadequate) 16 26 78 72
Causes of low attendance in schools (distance and unavailability of school/family
33 38 41 44
and other)
Hurdles due to distance between residence and schools (Yes/No) 37 45 19 23

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Need of Hostel facility (Yes/No) 89 76 23 45

Assistance in Completing the school home work yes/no 12 21 66 88
Tuition facility at home (yes/no) 10 13 56 61
Chi square = 361.696 degrees of freedom= 27, p-value= .00
Organizational and Administrative causes 43 37 33 56
Library and reading room facilities (yes/no) 40 45 51 59
Mid-day meal (yes/no) 89 93 88 87
Scholarship facility and its utilization by the students. (yes/no) 61 56 55 58
Co-curricular activities and encouragement to participate to them (yes/no) 34 33 59 67
Chi square = 17.238* degrees of freedom= 9 p-value= 0.045
Cultural and Historical causes
Traditions, taboos and prejudices 56 47 78 71
Chi square = 9.429** degrees of freedom= 3 p-value= 0.024
Overall chi Square = 53.51 degrees of freedom= 9 p-value= .0005

Descriptive analysis of Data related to Educational feel more problem related to adjustment with Home work
Problems of different generation (First Generation and than non first generation learner studying in primary
non First Generation) learner schools.
To achieve the objective of the study data was first analyses
with the help of descriptive statistic, the dimension of (iii) Teachers: When first generation learner are asked
educational problem questionnaire are divided into four about problems of adjustment related to Teachers,31%
broad areas. These are: Causes related to Teachers and government and 25% private school students said yes that
Teaching, Causes related to Social and Educational they have problems related to Teachers. When same
atmosphere, Organizational and Administrative causes and question is asked by non first generation learner 12%
Cultural and Historical causes. The first aspect was Causes government and 21% private schools feel same problems.
related to Teachers and Teaching divided into Problems of Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner
Medium of Instruction, Problem of Adjustment feel more problem related to adjustment with Teachers than
(Curriculum, Home Work, Teachers, Time table, non first generation learner studying in primary schools.
Examination, Teaching and Colleagues), Need of Additional
and Special coaching classes and Problems of Adequate (iv) Time Table: When first generation learner are asked
Teachers. On theses aspects data are analyses by using about problems of adjustment related to time table, 18%
percentage for different generation (First Generation and government and 12% private school students said yes that
non First Generation) learners studying in primary schools they have problems related to time table. When same
of Delhi. question is asked by non first generation learner 05%
government and 09% private schools feel same problems.
1. Problems of Medium of Instruction Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner
When first generation learner are asked about problems feel more problem related to adjustment with time table than
related to medium of instruction,28% government and 38% non first generation learner studying in primary schools.
private school students said yes that they have problems
related to medium of instruction. When same question is (v) Examination: When first generation learner are asked
asked by non first generation learner 17% government and about problems of adjustment related to examination, 32%
16% private schools feel same problems. Thus it can be government and 23% private school students said yes that
clearly conclude that first generation learner feel more they have problems related to examination. When same
problem related to medium of instruction than non first question is asked by non first generation learner 11%
generation learner studying in primary schools. government and 10% private schools feel same problems.
Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner
A) Problem of Adjustment feel more problem related to adjustment with examination
(i) curriculum: When first generation learner are asked than non first generation learner studying in primary
about problems of adjustment related to curriculum,43% schools.
government and 34% private school students said yes that
they have problems related to curriculum. When same (vi) Teaching: When first generation learner are asked
question is asked by non first generation learner 17% about problems of adjustment related to teaching,37%
government and 19% private schools feel same problems. government and 21% private school students said yes that
Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner they have problems related to teaching. When same question
feel more problem related to adjustment with curriculum is asked by non first generation learner 22% government
than non first generation learner studying in primary and 15% private schools feel same problems. Thus it can be
schools. clearly conclude that first generation learner feel more
problem related to adjustment with teaching than non first
(ii) Home work: When first generation learner are asked generation learner studying in primary schools.
about problems of adjustment related to Home work,29%
government and 34% private school students said yes that (vii) Colleagues: When first generation learner are asked
they have problems related to Home work. When same about problems of adjustment related to Colleagues,38%
question is asked by non first generation learner 18% government and 42% private school students said yes that
government and 24% private schools feel same problems. they have problems related to Colleagues. When same
Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner question is asked by non first generation learner 26%
~ 502 ~ 
International Journal of Applied Research

government and 23% private schools feel same problems. problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude that first
Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner generation learner feel more problem in their schooling and
feel more problem related to adjustment with Colleagues education because of low Economic-Status of the family
than non first generation learner studying in primary than non first generation learner studying in primary schools
schools. of Delhi..

B) Need of Additional and Special coaching classes C) Parental encouragement

When first generation learner are asked about problems When first generation learner are asked about to Parental
related to Need of Additional and Special coaching encouragement in their study,39% government and 41%
classes,45% government and 39% private school students private school students said low Parental encouragement in
said yes that they have problems related to Need of their study When same question is asked by non first
Additional and Special coaching classes. When same generation learner 11% government and 19% private
question is asked by non first generation learner 21% schools feel same problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude
government and 20% private schools feel same problems. that first generation learner feel more problem in their
Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner schooling and education because of low Parental
feel more problem related to Additional and Special encouragement in their study than non first generation
coaching classes than non first generation learner studying learner studying in primary schools of Delhi.
in primary schools.
D) Students attitude towards education and teaching
C) Problems of Adequate Teachers When first generation learner are asked about to Students
When first generation learner are asked about problems attitude towards education and teaching, only 55%
related to Problems of Adequate Teachers,36% government government and 59% private school students found
and 34% private school students said yes that they have favourable attitude towards education and teaching When
problems related to Problems of Adequate Teachers. When same question is asked by non first generation learner 48%
same question is asked by non first generation learner 16% government and 58% private schools feel same problems.
government and 13% private schools feel same problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner
Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner feel less problem in their schooling and education because
feel more problem related to Problems of Adequate of favourable Students attitude towards education and
Teachers than non first generation learner studying in teaching than non first generation learner studying in
primary schools. primary schools of Delhi.

2. Analysis of causes related to social and Educational E) Adequate space facilities in the home
Atmosphere When first generation learner are asked about Adequate
The second dimension of schools problems questionnaires is space facilities in the home, only 16% government and 26%
causes related to social and Educational Atmosphere. This private school students found Adequate space facilities in
dimension has ten aspects. These are Educational the home. When same question is asked by non first
Background of the family, Economic-Status, Parental generation learner 78% government and 72% private
encouragement, Students attitude towards education and schools feel same problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude
teaching, Adequate space facilities in the home, Causes of that first generation learner feel problem in their schooling
low attendance in schools (distance and unavailability of and education because of inadequate space facilities in the
school/family and other), Hurdles due to distance between home than non first generation learner studying in primary
residence and schools, Need of Hostel facility, Assistance in schools of Delhi.
Completing the school home work, Tuition facility at home.
On theses aspects data are analyses by using percentage for F) Causes of low attendance in schools
different generation (First Generation and non First When first generation learner are asked about Causes of low
Generation) learners studying in primary schools of Delhi. attendance in schools, only 84% government and 74%
private school students found distance and unavailability of
A) Educational Background of the family school whereas only 16% government and 26% private
When first generation learner are asked about to Educational school students found family and other related cause. When
Background of the family,64% government and 75% private same question is asked by non first generation learner 41%
school students said low Educational Background of the government and 44% private schools feel same problems
family When same question is asked by non first generation whereas only 59% government and 74% private school
learner 27% government and 29% private schools feel same students found family and other related cause. Thus it can be
problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude that first clearly conclude that first generation learner feel problem in
generation learner feel more problem because of low their schooling and education because Causes of low
Educational Background of the family than non first attendance in schools than non first generation learner
generation learner studying in primary schools of Delhi. studying in primary schools of Delhi.

B) Economic-Status G) Hurdles due to distance between residence and

When first generation learner are asked about to Economic- schools
Status of the family,66% government and 70% private When first generation learners are asked about Hurdles due
school students said low Economic-Status of the family to distance between residence and schools only 37%
When same question is asked by non first generation learner government and 45% private school students found distance
23% government and 34% private schools feel same and unavailability of school. When same question is asked
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by non first generation learner 19% government and 23% B) Mid-day meal
private schools feel same problems. Thus it can be clearly When first generation learner are asked about to Mid-day
conclude that first generation learner feel problem in their meal facilities,89% government and 93% private school
schooling and education because Hurdles due to distance students said yes there is facilities of Mid-day meal. When
between residence and schools related issue than non first same question is asked by non first generation learner 88%
generation learner studying in primary schools of Delhi. government and 87% private schools students feel same
problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude that first
H) Need of Hostel facility generation learner feel more problem because of Mid-day
When first generation learners are asked about Need of meal than non first generation learner studying in primary
Hostel facility, only 89% government and 76% private schools of Delhi.
school students found Need of Hostel facility. When same
question is asked by non first generation learner 23% C) Scholarship facility and its utilization by the students
government and 45% private schools feel same problems. When first generation learner are asked about to Scholarship
Thus it can be clearly conclude that first generation learner facility and its utilization by the students,61% government
feel problem in their schooling and education due to and 56% private school students said yes there is facilities of
unavailability of Hostel facility than non first generation Scholarship facility and its utilization by the students. When
learner studying in primary schools of Delhi. same question is asked by non first generation learner 55%
government and 58% private schools students feel same
I) Assistance in completing the school home work problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude that first
When first generation learners are asked about Assistance in generation learner feel more problem in context of
completing the school home work, only 12% government Scholarship facility and its utilization by the students than
and 21% private school students found Assistance in non first generation learner studying in primary schools of
completing the school home work. When same question is Delhi.
asked by non first generation learner 66% government and
88% private schools feel same problems. Thus it can be D) Co-curricular activities and encouragement to
clearly conclude that first generation learner feel problem in participate to them
their schooling and education due to Assistance in When first generation learner are asked about Co-curricular
completing the school home work than non first generation activities and encouragement to participate to them,61%
learner studying in primary schools of Delhi. government and 56% private school students said yes there
is facilities of Co-curricular activities and encouragement to
J) Tuition facility at home participate to them. When same question is asked by non
When first generation learners are asked about Tuition first generation learner 55% government and 58% private
facility at home, data indicates only 10% government and schools students feel same problems. Thus it can be clearly
13% private school students found Tuition facility at home. conclude that first generation learner feel more problem in
When same question is asked by non first generation learner context of Co-curricular activities and encouragement to
56% government and 61% private schools feel same participate to them than non first generation learner studying
problems. Thus it can be clearly conclude that first in primary schools of Delhi.
generation learner feel problem in their schooling and
education due to Assistance in completing the school home 4. Cultural and Historical causes
work than non first generation learner studying in primary The fourth dimension of schools problems questionnaires is
schools of Delhi. Cultural and Historical causes. This dimension includes
Traditions, taboos and prejudices. On this aspect data is
3. Organizational and Administrative causes analyses by using percentage for different generation (First
The third dimension of schools problems questionnaires is Generation and non First Generation) learners studying in
Organizational and Administrative causes. This dimension primary schools of Delhi. When first generation learner are
has four sub aspects. These are Library and reading room asked about issues related to Traditions, taboos and
facilities, Mid-day meal, Scholarship facility and its prejudices,56% government and 47% private school
utilization by the students and Co-curricular activities and students said yes there is issues related to Traditions, taboos
encouragement to participate to them. On theses aspects and prejudices. When same question is asked by non first
data are analyses by using percentage for different generation learner 78% government and 71% private
generation (First Generation and non First Generation) schools students feel same problems. Thus it can be clearly
learners studying in primary schools of Delhi. conclude that first generation learner feel more problem
because of Library and reading room facilities than non first
A) Library and reading room facilities generation learner studying in primary schools of Delhi.
When first generation learner are asked about to Library and On the basis of above description and analysis we can
reading room facilities,40% government and 45% private conclude that there is difference in the educational problem
school students said yes there is facilities of Library and in different generation (First Generation and non First
reading room facilities. When same question is asked by non Generation) learner. To confirm the results again data was
first generation learner 51% government and 59% private analyses with the help of non parametric statistics – chi
schools students feel same problems. Thus it can be clearly square. When first dimension of educational problem that is
conclude that first generation learner feel more problem Causes related to Teachers and Teaching and its sub
because of Library and reading room facilities than non first component was analyses, the calculated chi square values
generation learner studying in primary schools of Delhi. 35.13 for 27 degrees of freedom and p-value 0.14 indicates
that the chi square values is significant at .14. Thus it can be
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concluded that the first dimension of educational problem of the SC/STs in the secondary schools of Kerala Journal
FGL and NFGL has significant difference in favour of FGL. of Education and Psychology. 1988; 46(1-2):18-23.
Similarly data was analyses for second dimension of 2. Aggarwal DD. History and development of Elementary
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Social and Educational Atmosphere and its ten sub 3. Basantia Jaga Mohan, Mukhopadhyaya Dulal. Psycho-
categories. For this chi square was calculated for all the ten social factors and Achievement: An empirical study on
sub categories and calculated value is 361.696 for 27degrees Tribal students. Journal of all India Association for
of freedom. Thus is values is also greater than the table Educational Research. 2000; 12(3-4):33-38.
value inferring there was significant difference in FGL and 4. Berger HE. Parents as Partners in Education: The
NFGL studying in primary school of Delhi. For third school and Home work together. London: The C.V.
dimension of the educational problems again chi square was Mosby Company, 1981.
calculated and calculated value was found to be 17.24 for 9 5. Comesana Crespo Julia, Juste Pino, Margarita.
degrees of freedom. This value was also significant for FGL Description of environmental factors in schools: Lessons
and NFGL studying in primary school of Delhi. For fourth from a study in North-west Spain. International Review
dimension of educational problem questionnaire calculated of Education, 2007; 53(2):205-218.
chi-square value was 9.43 for 3 degrees of freedom. This 6. Curry RL. The effect of SES on the scholastic
also indicates the significant value. Overall for all the four achievement of sixth grade children. British Journal of
dimension of educational problem questionnaire calculated Education. 1962; 32(1):46-49.
chi-square value was 53.51 for 9 degree of freedom. Thus 7. Dass J. Trends and problems of Higher Education of ST
can be inferred that there is educational problems of FGL in Orissa. Sixth survey of Educational Research. 1999,
and NFGL studying in primary schools of Delhi and First 391.
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hypothesis was rejected and alternate hypothesis was large size classes at elementary level. Sixth survey of
accepted. Educational Research, 1996, 513.
9. Jagannadhan K. The effect of certain socio-
Results and conclusions psychological factors on the academic achievement of
 First generation work, adjustment with Teachers, time children studying in class Vth to VIIth. In Bouch, M.B
table, Examination, teaching and with Colleagues, fourth survey of research in education NCERT. 1985,
Additional and Special coaching classes and Problems 826, Ph. D (Education) Saurastra University.
of Adequate Teachers than non first generation learner 10. Jan Hughes, Oi-Man Kwok. Influence of student-
studying in primary schools. teacher and parent–teacher relationship on lower
 First generation learners find more problems related to achieving readers engagement and achievement in the
Educational Background of the family, Economic- primary grades. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Status, Parental encouragement, Students attitude 2007; 99(1):39-51.
towards education and teaching, Adequate space
facilities in the home, Causes of low attendance in
schools (distance and unavailability of school/family
and other), Hurdles due to distance between residence
and schools, Need of Hostel facility, Assistance in
Completing the school home work, Tuition facility at
home than non first generation learner studying in
primary schools.
 First generation learners find more problems related to
Organizational and Administrative causes viz; reading
room facilities, Mid-day meal, Scholarship facility and
its utilization by the students and Co-curricular
activities and encouragement to participation than non
first generation learner studying in primary schools.
 First generation learners find more problems related to
Cultural and Historical causes than non first generation
learner studying in primary schools.
 Overall for all the four dimension of educational
problem calculated chi-square value was 53.51 for 9
degree of freedom. Thus it can be inferred that there is
difference in Educational problems of FGL and NFGL
studying in primary schools of Delhi and First
generation learner are facing more problems. Thus the
hypothesis was rejected and alternate hypothesis was

1. Abraham M, Abraham S. Role of financial aid (Lum
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