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Laboratories Segment Brochure GB Web PDF

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Analytical solutions for Laboratories

Automated analysis can play an important role
in fulfilling your goals. We demand that the
automated solution must be comparable to
the traditional method.

Your partner in the laboratory
Laboratory methods hardly change, but the tools for implementing them
are always developing.

FOSS solutions take the burden of laboratory testing, Industry collaboration and continuous improvement
avoiding repetitive, manual procedures while keeping Many years of collaboration with the industry ensures
contact with chemicals to a minimum. Automated pro- continuous improvement in analytical operations through
cedures also help to avoid inevitable human error so that development of innovative and practical solutions tar-
results are consistent and traceable. geted at the demands of our core business areas.

Over time, the streamlined operations enabled by effec- Getting the full value
tive use of technology boost capacity and throughput for Completing the picture, FOSS offers support around the
a rapid return on investment. globe from trained local staff. A broad range of support
and maintenance options is available. Coupled with the
More than 30,000 laboratories around the world use legendary robustness of FOSS Tecator instruments, it all
a FOSS solution for their daily chemical analysis work. adds up to a long instrument lifetime and great value
Our systems are supported by more than 250 detailed for money.
applications and local expertise worldwide.

For food, feed, agricultural and

environmental testing
Our specialization in food, feed and environmental test-
ing allows us to fully understand our users’ demands and Tecator Line - Same principles, new technology
deliver practical solutions. FOSS solutions cover a range
of testing requirements including digestion, distillation, From those distinctive Tecator orange instruments
fibre analysis, sample preparation and rapid methods. developed over 25 years ago to the sleek lines of
the latest, fully automated solutions, FOSS has al-
Main applications for FOSS solutions include: ways been at the forefront of innovation in labo-
• Nitrogen/protein ratory analysis. Today, the same design principles
• Total and crude fat and other extractable matter behind the original Tecator instruments continue.
• Crude, detergent and dietary fibre
• Nutrient parameters in water and soil
• And many more

The value of any FOSS laboratory
solution can be summarised in three
focus areas:

New technology that constantly
improves procedures

Reliable, long-lasting solutions
that improve throughput and
reduce cost per sample

Carefully designed solutions with
unique safety features and auto-
mation for minimal contact with
chemicals, solvents and fumes


Progress pays
FOSS innovations are helping to make a real difference FOSS innovative solutions respect the official classical ways
to laboratory operations around the world in research or of doing reference methods in the lab and at the same
larger commercial laboratories alike. Constantly improv- time set new standards for time savings on sample han-
ing on established methods, our investment in innovative dling and risk reduction. For the operator FOSS offers less
technology gives you new opportunities to improve your manual handling, a safer working environment and an
laboratory operations, for instance: intelligent user interface that you can rely on.

• Automation minimises manual operations and improves Documentation of accuracy is part of any product devel-
overall throughput opment project. With FOSS’ high quality standards our
• Technology saves resources and time wet chemistry solutions serve as a basis for worldwide
• Use of water, chemicals, solvents and energy calibrations of indirect methods in many industries.
is minimised Whatever your analytical solution, be it in-line, at-line or in
the lab, calibration work will be needed on a regular basis.
Year after year, constant investment in work of our tal-
ented designers, scientists and engineers means that the Whether you want to optimise on production yields, moni-
next money-saving, time-saving, safety-improving solution tor and control product quality or simply save on use of
is already on the way to you. raw materials, our innovative lab solutions ensure that you
will get the most of your process investments.

The unique, patented Hydrocap filter contains Easy and safe collection of solvents for dis- Hotplates with individual temperature con-
the sample all the way from initial weighing posal or re-use. trol and automatic shutdown feature that
through hydrolysis to final extraction. allows out-of-hours operation.


Less handling, more results

Not only does reduced handling improve safety. Capacity FOSS has simplified the process with the help of its in-
and overall throughput is boosted by the steady, consist- tegrated fat analysis concept, eliminating the need for
ent flow of results generated by automated solutions. sample transfers.
From sample preparation to fully automated analysis,
improved efficiency saves time as well as the use of chemi- A range of batch handling accessories and tools also help
cals and solvents, not to mention the money saved by to improve throughput and reliability of results.
reducing the use of highly-trained staff performing repeti-
tive and time-consuming tasks.

The acid hydrolysis step to release bound fat pre-fat analy-

sis for example, is usually performed by boiling a sample
in hydrochloric acid. After filtration and rinsing of the
filter cake, the residue is dried and can then be subjected
to solvent extraction. The procedure is time-consuming,
and involves sample transfer steps that can cause loss as
a main source of error.

12 place hydrolysis sample holder for unat- Operate 2 solvent extraction units from one Batch handling and auto sampling for after
tended operation and higher throughput. control unit for reduced manual handling. hours operations.


Reducing risk
Because people and chemicals don’t mix, we have found sensors and pressure sensors – you name it –they all alert
lots of ways to help you avoid contact with chemicals, you to dangerous situations. Enclosed systems and auto-
solvents and the fumes they create. matic draining systems minimize contact with chemicals,
reagents and the fumes that they create.
With a FOSS solution:

• Automation reduces the risk of contact with chemicals

and solvents
• The smart use of technology simplifies operations Just load and walk away
and reduces the risk of accidents
• Safe systems allow versatile operations, for example, The FOSS Soxtec system employs a patented four-
allowing a broad range of solvents step solvent extraction technique. It performs boil-
ing, rinsing and solvent recovery. In its fourth step,
After all, why should trained staff have to fill beakers or the sample cup lifts off the hot plate, using residual
empty tubes when an instrument can do it under safe, heat to pre-dry while eliminating boil-dry risk. The
controlled conditions? entire process is a fully automatic, unattended op-
eration. The system will shut down automatically
Operations can be performed with different levels of au- when finished.
tomation with automatic control of cooling water for
instance. Temperature sensors, door sensors, electrical

Speed dial for safe and consistent solvent Built-in fume hoods prevent exposure to Built-in safety sensors for improved opera-
addition eliminates manual handling of solvent fumes dur­ing addition of solvents. tor safety.

Reliable results are the foundation of any laboratory
FOSS automated chemical analysis solutions are based on reference methods officially approved by
ISO, AOAC, IDF, EPA, ensuring that our systems follow official methods and regulations. The European
standard for determination of acid detergent fibre (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) in feed and
the AOAC standard for fat analysis are just two examples that can be mentioned. By using an officially
approved method you will:

• Get results that are valid on a worldwide basis

• Save time by minimising work to validate the application
• Get accurate results on a wide range of samples with robust methods
• Be able to use the collaborative study data for your measurement uncertainty values

A reliable basis for rapid indirect methods

No result is better than its reference. This statement sums up our approach to development of calibra-
tions for rapid methods. Our work with automated chemical analysis extends naturally into the use of
rapid methods based on technologies such as near infrared (NIR). Such solutions are reliant on a solid
calibration based on consistent chemical analysis with FOSS solutions.

Solvent Extraction

Solvent Extraction
Fat analysis is increasingly in demand, but without effec- unit and a single filter that is common to both units. This
tive automation it can be a very time-consuming opera- allows you to perform Randall improved Soxhlet analysis
tion prone to human error. For example, when performing in one integrated action. It’s the first ever seamless solu-
total fat analysis the hydrolysis step can form a major tion for Soxhlet analysis. Avoid filter-to-filter transfer,
bottleneck. save time and labour and avoid the risk (and cost) of
human error.
FOSS automated solutions improve throughput and re-
duce the risk of human error while improving safety for Soxtec™ extractors range from the small (2 Position)
laboratory staff. A range of solutions are available for Soxtec 2045 to the fully automatic (12 position) Soxtec
crude fat based on solvent Extraction and Total Fat en- 8000 which can handle a potential seven batches (84
compassing Hydrolysis and Solvent Extraction. All solu- samples) per day.
tions are sufficient for prepared and processed food and
feed. Areas of use include: Because people and chemicals don’t mix we’ve found
• Trading of raw materials and finished products (label- lots of ways to help you avoid contact with solvents and
ling) chemicals and the fumes that they create. What’s more,
• Environmental analysis the many safety features allow you to use a broad range
• Near infrared (NIR) calibration or validation of NIR sys- of tested solvents, including some that are considered
tems too inflammatory for use with other solutions. The only
• Product and process control electrical part in the Extraction unit, the hot plate, is spark
• Supervision of legal restrictions proof. The double temperature sensors ensure that the
set temperature is sustained and that the ignition point
Faster, safer and more reliable is never reached for any solvent.
Ever since the development of the revolutionary Rafatec
solvent extraction unit in 1975, FOSS Tecator technology With the unique design of FOSS extraction systems and
has continuously improved fat analysis operations, culmi- a range of FOSS application notes your lab will be able
nating most recently in the Soxtec 8000 series. to handle almost any type of sample.
All Soxtec models fully utilise our batch handling concept
Offering unprecedented levels of automated fat analysis, to make sample processing as easy and safe as possible.
the Soxtec 8000 consists of an extraction unit, a hydrolysis


Soxtec™ 8000
The Soxtec™ 8000 extraction unit is a fully automated system for fast and safe determination
of extractable matter. The standard model has six hotplate positions, extendable to 12, making
it possible to handle up to seven batches (84 samples) per day. For total fat analysis, the Hydro-
cap filter is transferred from the hydrolysis unit to the extraction unit which then performs the
four extraction steps boiling, rinsing, solvent recovery and auto shut down, fully unattended.

Soxtec™ 2055
The semi-automated Soxtec™ 2055 system is used for fast and safe determinations of soluble
material. It is ideal for laboratories with a lower throughput, offering many of the benefits
and features of the fully automated Soxtec, but at a lower price. The system allows for a
throughput of up to six extractions, 36 samples per day and includes batch handling tools
that ensure fast and safe handling of samples and cups.

The Soxtec™ 2043

The Soxtec™ 2043 is a six-place solvent extraction system used for fast and safe determination
of soluble material in food, feed, soil, polymers, paper pulp and textiles.

The Soxtec™ 2045

The Soxtec™ 2045 is a two-place solvent recovery system used for fast and safe determination
of soluble material in food, feed, soil, polymers, paper pulp and textiles.

Approved methods:
The Soxtec systems are approved by the following methods:

• AOAC 2003.05 & 2003.06 Crude Fat in Feed, Cereal

Grain and Forage (Diethyl Ether and Hexane extraction
• AOAC 991.36 Fat (Crude) in Meat and Meat products
• ISO 1444:1996 Meat and Meat products – Determination
of free fat content
• EN ISO 11085:2008 Cereals, cereals-based products and
Extraction Cups animal feeding stuffs − Determination of Crude and Total
To suit different applications Extraction Cups are available in Fat content by the Randall extraction method
either aluminium or glass. Glass cups come in three sizes: small, • EN ISO 6492:1999 Animal feeding stuff – Fat analysis
medium and large. Aluminium cups are often preferred for
quantitative, gravimetric analysis as they are unbreakable and • US EPA method 3541 for the extraction of PCBs and semi
offer rapid heat transfer, for reduced heating, cooling and volatiles in soil and sludge
drying times.


The hydrolysis stage is often considered the bottleneck in Chemicals are added and removed by pump, improving
total fat analysis because a limited flow of samples here safety and reducing the risk of human error.
means limited flow in the subsequent extraction phase.
The unique Hydrocap single filter improves throughput by After hydrolysis the samples and Hydrocaps are dried and
containing the sample all the way through from the initial placed in the specially designed tool for transferring to the
weighing, through hydrolysis to final extraction. The filter extraction unit in sets of six hydrolysed samples.
fits into an easy-to-handle holder. This is placed in a 12
position Hydrolysis system and then transferred directly to The filter is made of an inert material that retains the fat
the extraction unit which has up to 12 positions. during hydrolysis, but releases it during extraction.
The virtually seamless sample transfer from hydrolysis to
extraction improves speed by reducing manual handling The SoxCap
and avoids potential human error while the high capacity The SoxCap™ is an integral part of the Soxtec systems.
throughput improves your overall response time. It offers total fat analysis in accordance with recognised
methods. The SoxCap system performs hydrolysis, fil-
tration and washing without any sample transfer. This
The Hydrotec 8000
patented technique offers high throughput together with
The Hydrotec 8000 unit performs automated acid hydroly-
minimum manual handling using batch handling tools.
sis of samples to break up bonds between fat and other
components. Traditionally, hydrolysis units have a capacity The accuracy of the SoxCap method has been verified by
of up to six samples and, at this capacity, instruments take comparison with the revised prEN ISO/DIS 7302 method,
up a lot of bench space in the laboratory. The Hydrotec as the same samples were used and the analyses were
8000 changes that paradigm. It has a twelve place sample performed at the same time. prEN ISO/DIS 7302 became
holder with a folding action so that samples fit neatly into ISO11085 on publication.
the hydrolysis unit.


The unique, patented Hydrocap filter contains the sample from the initial weighing, through hydrolysis to final extraction; avoiding
sample transfer errors. It is a fully automated system that performs addition of acid, heating, boiling, rinsing and draining.

Hydrotec™ 8000
The Hydrotec™ 8000 is ideal for the busy laboratory requiring high throughput
of samples. It is an innovative fully automated system that performs automated
acid hydrolysis without sample transfer. It has a small footprint and unique
batch-handling features.

The SoxCap system

The SoxCap system performs hydrolysis, filtration and washing with no need
for sample transfer and minimum manual handling using the batch handling
tools. The patented technique is based on the SoxCap capsule’s ability to hold
the fat present in the sample during hydrolysis and release it during solvent
extraction. Its capacity is six samples per batch and 36 samples per day


Innovation, throughput and safety – three major consid- high accuracy belly pumps ensure long term stability in
erations for any laboratory doing Kjeldahl analysis. alkali delivery. All units are equipped with an adjustable
steam generator, dilution water and alkali addition to-
Kjeltec savings gether with tube emptying.
Automated solutions in the form of the FOSS Kjeltec se-
ries give you many ways to save compared to traditional The Kjeltec™ series combines the best possible accuracy
non-automated methods. and precision, with the lowest possible cost/test. There
Just considering the costs related to the different rea- are a number of models to match different needs.
gents, there are considerable potential savings with the
Kjeltec instruments. Kjeltec solutions uses less reagents Typical Applications
and reduce both operating and disposal costs. Major EN ISO 5983-2 (AOAC 2001:11) which applies to Pro-
contributors are from acids/bases and from catalysts. tein/Nitrogen in Animal Feeds, Cereals, Forages, Oil seeds,
Kjeltec also compares favourably to other automated Pet Foods and Fish Meal.
solutions with cost reductions in the region of 30 – 40% This standard is also the reference method for the deter-
obtainable. mination of nitrogen/protein by:
• Indirect spectroscopic determinations (NIR/NIT)
Improving throughput and safety • Dumas combustion method (ISO 16634)
Automation in distillation can make a huge difference to
ISO 20483 determination of the nitrogen content of
throughput, especially in combination with automated
cereals, pulses and derived products
digestion using common tube racks. Tecator Digestion sys-
tems working with Kjeltec distillation units do exactly that ISO 8968-2 (IDF/FIL 20-2) determination of the nitrogen
and come with a series of accessories that not only ease content of liquid milk, whole or skimmed, by the block-
technicians work, but also turn critical manual handlings digestion principle
of hazardous chemicals into safe and reliable operations. ISO 8968-3 (IDF/FIL 20-3) determination of the nitrogen
Your automated Kjeltec solution can include: dilutions of content of liquid, whole or skimmed milk, semi-micro
samples, addition of alkali, distillation, tube-draining, re- method
ceiver solution addition, and even colorimetric detection. ISO 8968-4 (IDF/FIL 20-4) determination of the non-pro-
Besides the improvement in throughput provided by this tein nitrogen content of liquid milk, whole or skimmed.
level of automation, safety is also improved.
ISO 937 (AOAC 981.10) Meat and meat products - De-
SAfE (Steam Addition for Equilibrium) technology im-
termination of nitrogen content (Reference method)
proves safety when handling exothermic reactions and

Sulphuric Acid

Cooling Water 90% Sodium


BoricAcid Catalyst 53.33%


Reduction in usage of reagents and

cooling water.


Kjeltec™ 8420/8460
An optional 20 or 60 place Autosampler provides the benefits of automation even at lower
sample throughputs. Just load your sample racks directly from the digestion block and Kjeltec™
will perform accurate analysis unattended for more than four hours.

Kjeltec™ 8100
• Automatic dilution, alkali addition, distillation and tube emptying provide ease of use.
• Variable output steam generator broadens application area to other volatile components.
• Official and accurate procedures (ISO, AOAC, EPA, DIN) simplify validation.
• Patented SAfE* feature for safe distillation of tubes with salt cakes.
• Built-in safety systems for user protection.
• Self adjusting cooling water control saves water and reduces costs.
• Bellows pumps for accurate dispensing of reagents.
• Alkali resistant plastic splash head & tube emptying vessel for long lifetime.

Kjeltec™ 8400
All the features of the KjeltecTM 8200 plus:
• Titration, calculation and reporting.
• Upgradeable to 20 or 60 place auto sampler for fully unattended operation.
• Interchangeable burette for easy titrant exchange.
• Ethernet connection eliminates communication problems with printers and balances.
• Touch sensitive colour display
• Complete PC control of all registration and reporting through optional data management
software - Compass.

Kjeltec™ 8200
All the features of the KjeltecTM 8100 plus:
• Receiver solution addition
• Automatic safety door
• External titration connection (Mettler, Metrohm, Schott, etc.)
• Modularly upgradeable to analyser and sampler system

Kjeltec™ 2100
The Kjeltec™ 2100 Distillation Unit provides a simple and reliable solution for safe and semi-
automatic distillation. The possibility to pre-program alkali addition and distillation time sup-
ports the production of accurate results independent of operator. Accurate bellows pumps
give long term stability in reagent delivery.
The unit is equipped with sensors for safety door and level/overpressure sensors for the steam
generator. SAfE technology reduces the exothermic reaction between alkali and acid during


Digestion in Kjeldahl analysis can be time-consuming and is an example of the savings available with FOSS Tecator
expensive in acid consumption. Automated solutions help digestor systems:
to minimize both these considerations.
Classical Kjeldahl digestion: 7.2 ml / sample
Saving time Tecator Procedure digestion: 1.2 ml / sample
Factors affecting digestion time include: Difference: 6.0 ml / sample
• Type of sample
• Volume of acid (H2SO4 ) With 20 samples 120 ml H2SO4 is saved!
• Amount of salt (K2SO4) For a Lab with 40 samples per day, yearly savings are
• Exhaust rate nearly 53 L H2SO4
• Catalyst
• Oxidizing agents The Tecator digestion procedure also makes it easier to
• Temperature of Digestion block remove fumes with an exhaust and an optional scrubber
solution. The indirect savings from a cleaner and more
With the Tecator Digestor systems, all aspects have been acid free working environment can therefore also be
handled for reduced operation time. considered.
Tecator™ Digestors, are available in ergonomic and flex-
ible versions from basic to fully automated systems for Keeping track of tests
unattended digestion procedures. All units can be cus- The software available with the Tecator digestion unit
tomised for individual needs including nitrogen/protein supports Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) routines and
analysis and preparation steps for other control param- accreditation procedures. Data for date, time, tempera-
eters such as COD, trace heavy metal analysis, hydroxy- ture, application used, operator, batch number, and ID
proline as well as AAS and flow injection analysis. number are constantly logged and all information can be
transferred to a PC for archiving and report generation.
Reducing acid consumption
Acid losses in the digestion step cannot totally be elimi-
nated – but it can be reduced dramatically. The following


TecatorTM Digestion Auto Lift

TecatorTM Digestion Auto Lift system, based on a digestion unit and a tube rack
with 8, 20 or 40 tubes, facilitates fully automated procedures, eliminating heavy
and risky handling of hot chemicals. A Tube Rack is placed in the Lift. The appli-
cation selected then fully controls the entire process. An exhaust manifold docks
automatically with the tube rack as they move down into the preheated Digestion
Unit. When digestion is completed the combined Tube Rack and Exhaust Manifold
moves to the cooling position until a signal indicates “cycle over”. Two way PC
communication supports traceability and GLP.

TecatorTM Digestion Auto Rack

TecatorTM Digestion Auto Rack system follows the same procedure as the Auto
Lift system with the exception that the combining/separating of Tube Rack and
Exhaust Manifold and the movement to the cooling position is performed manu-
ally when the signal is heard. The application selected controls all other functions
as with the Auto Lift system.

TecatorTM Digestion Basic

With the TecatorTM Digestion Basic system all procedures are carried out by the
operator. The temperature and time for the digestion are selected on the front
panel. All other procedures are then performed by the operator once the diges-
tion unit has reached the selected temperature. The Basic version has a built in,
user definable, time and temperature controller and display.

Scrubber Unit
The optional Scrubber Unit can replace the water aspirator for efficient fume
removal when water is a scarce or expensive commodity, or simply when a higher
level of automation is desired. The compact bench top Tecator™ Scrubber Unit
is self contained and is therefore unaffected by water supply issues. When the
Scrubber Unit is connected to an Auto Lift or Auto Rack system the program will
fully control the function including switching from high to low aspiration settings.

Fume Removal and Containment Systems Exhaust Manifolds

Exhaust Manifolds designed for each Digestion Unit facilitate fume removal and
containment and are strongly recommended for use with all digestion procedures.
We strongly recommend the use of both exhaust systems and fume cupboards for
these operations. This is simply Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and avoids conflict
with local Health & Safety (H&S) requirements. The Exhaust Manifolds should be
connected to the water aspirator supplied, or to a suitable Scrubber Unit.

Reflux Heads
When a digestion unit is used for reflux chemistries, such as Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD), a Reflux Head connected to a suitable cold water supply should
be used in place of the Exhaust Manifold. Tecator™ Reflux Heads are conveni-
ently mounted in handling racks which match the tube rack in the Digestion Unit.
The ball jointed condensers are designed for use with ball jointed digestion tubes.
The Reflux Heads are compatible with Auto Lift, Auto Rack and Basic systems.

Crude, Detergent and Dietary Fibre Analysis

Crude, Detergent and Dietary Fibre Analysis

Fibre as a parameter covers similar components with dif- procedures, minimizing the handling of reagents and
ferent functional groups, and Fibre is only defined by the ensuring fast, efficient filtration by use of integral vacuum
applied laboratory method. For instance, Crude Fibre is & pressure systems.
defined as “The residue of plant cells after extraction
by Acid and Alkaline Hydrolysis” while Dietary Fibre is Flexible options
defined as “The remnants of plant cells resistant to the Systems for Crude and Detergent fibres associated with
alimentary enzymes of man”. Animal Nutrition and for Dietary Fibre provide compre-
hensive solutions to suit every need. These consist of hot
Following standard methods and cold Extraction Units for simple determination of
Fibre analysis is complex and standard methods are of crude fibre and detergent fibre and related parameters
great importance for reliable results. For decades, FOSS according to standard reference ‘crucible’ methods such
has excelled at following standard methods ensuring that as Weende, van Soest etc., for use in the laboratory.
your results are reliable.
The traditional methods for analysis of fibre involve re- Typical Applications:
peated sample treatments, transfer, and filtration together EN ISO 6865 (AOAC 978.10) which refers to Analysis of
with the handling of various, often hot, reagents. Each Crude Fibre (CF) in Feed, describes an analytical procedure
of these processes is a potential source of error or safety based on the crucible or Fibertec™ method.
concern. EN ISO 16472 (AOAC 2002:04) which refer to Analysis
FOSS excels at the automation of the manual method on of Neutral Detergent Fibre (NDF) in Feed, describes an
the basis of our many years of experience in the auto- analytical procedure based on the crucible or Fibertec™
mation of basic chemical operations and comprehensive method.
documentation from laboratory studies and round robin
EN ISO 13906 (AOAC 973.18) which refers to the Analy-
sis of Acid Detergent Fibre (ADF) and Lignin (ADL) in Feed,
Specifically, the Fibertec™ system reduces errors and im-
describes an analytical procedure based on the crucible
proves safety by containing the sample throughout the
or Fibertec™ method.


Fibertec™ System 2010

This is a semi-automatic system that uses internally preheated reagents added
to a closed system to minimise contact with hot reagents. It determines fibre
content according to Weende, van Soest and other recognised methods. Single
or sequential extractions including boiling, rinsing and filtration are performed
under reproducible and controlled conditions.

Fibertec™ System 1020 (M6)

Fibertec 1020 uses externally preheated reagents to determine fibre content
according to Weende, van Soest and other recognised methods. Single or se-
quential extractions including boiling, rinsing and filtration are performed under
reproducible and controlled conditions.

Fibertec™ 1023 System E

This system includes a shaking water bath and a filtration module for quantitative
determination of dietary fibre in a variety of sample types. The filtration module
filters and collects six sample solutions and includes a system for rapid dehydra-
tion. The filtration step is speeded up through a built-in “Pressure Mode”, to
break up clogged filter residues during filtration. Filtration time varies from 2-4
minutes for 100 ml of digested solution. The Shaking Water Bath incubates 12
samples in each batch. The temperature range is from ambient up to 80°C and
it is possible to preset three temperatures.

The FiberCap system is specifically designed to provide a low cost, high capac-
ity solution for fiber determination in accordance with the Weende and van
Soest methods. Defatting, boiling, rinsing and filtration are performed under
reproducible and controlled conditions. FiberCap™ capsule design with a snap
on lid ensures accurate analysis and superior precision, while batch handling,
used throughout the procedure, eliminates the risk of sample transfer.

Fibertec Models use the same crucible system, permitting samples to

be dried and weighed between extractions if required.

Sample milling and homogenisation

Homogeneous test material is a prerequisite for reliable FOSS has developed a range of equipment and tools for
results, yet sample preparation is an often overlooked as- sample Milling and Homogenization.
pect of quality assurance. It has a huge impact on quality
measures in terms of accuracy (closeness to the correct Sample Mills
results) and precision (spreading of individual test results). • Cemotec 1090:
Coarsely grinds grain without moisture loss
Homogenisation and sampling are sciences of their own: • Cyclotec 1093:
Particle size and the (statistically necessary) minimum General purpose sample mill making uniform particles
sample amount are related. The empirical rule for estima- • Knifetec 1095:
tion of minimum sample amount is that the minimum For high fat, high moisture and fibrous samples.
sample amount is proportional to the particle size of the
test sample. Homogenizers
• Homogenizer 2094 & 2097
Reliable and reproducible results can only be obtained if: For high fat, high moisture and fibrous samples
• Correct sample preparation methods are employed
• Sufficient sample material is used
• All samples are prepared under the same conditions


Even with homogenised solid samples the particle
size will not only have one single value (e.g. 0.5
mm). Typically the particle size will be distributed
0.3 according to a distribution curve, the normal (or
Gaussian) distribution, the bell-shaped curve. The
particle size for best results is less than 1 mm.
0.2 34.1% 34.1%

2.1% 2.1%
0.1% 13.6% 13.6% 0.1%
-30 -20 -10 µ 10 20 30

Cemotec™ 1090
The Cemotec™ Sample Mill is specially designed to grind grain and seed samples without loss
of moisture. It is an excellent mill for all types of sample preparation where the requirements
for fineness and uniformity of particle size are moderate.

Cyclotec™ 1093
The Cyclotec™ Sample Mill is designed for rapid, uniform grinding of a wide variety of feeds,
grains, leaves, etc. and also for grinding of chemicals, pharmaceuticals and similar products.
The Cyclotec offers a very rapid and convenient solution to accurate sample preparation for
a variety of analytical techniques, e.g. Digestion, Extraction, Fibre, NIR.

Homogeniser 2094 (1-phase, 1500rpm) & 2097 (3-phase,1500/3000rpm)

The 2094 and 2097 Homogenisers are designed for macerating and homogenising a variety of
high moisture, high fat and fibrous samples in 20 - 60 seconds. Application examples include:
reduction of forage and dry food and chemical products; homogenisation of meat, fish, fruit,
vegetables and prepared foods, including pizza, pies and frozen meals.

Knifetec 1095 (20,000rpm with cooling facility)

The 1095 Knifetec™ Sample Mill is designed for the preparation of high fat, high moisture
and fibrous samples such as; oilseeds, prepared foods, meat products, fruit, vegetables, grains,
seeds, animal feed and petfood are examples of suitable sample types.

Secure your investment with a FossCare™
Support Agreement
Let FOSS take care of you for a maximum return on your analytical investment. Get a four year warranty as part of the
new FossCare Premium Preventive Maintenance Agreement or two years as part of any other FossCare agreement. In
addition to the peace of mind afforded by the warranty period, the continual preventive maintenance pays off by
keeping your analytical instruments working perfectly every day, year after year.

Why preventive maintenance?

As with any analytical solution, it is essential that your FOSS instrument receives regular maintenance to ensure op-
timal performance and extended lifetime. Avoiding expensive downtime is a matter of following factory standards
and preventively replacing parts before they wear out. In turn, this helps ensure reliable and consistent results at the
highest level.

Preventive and predictive maintenance combined with global support from 300 dedicated service, application, soft-
ware and calibration specialists keeps your instrument running perfectly all year round.

Benefits of a FossCare™ Support Agreement:

• Extended Warranty (two or four years depending on the chosen agreement)
• Regular maintenance; the instrument is diagnosed, cleaned, adjusted, tested,
fine tuned and recalibrated
• Minimal downtime from replacing components before they are worn out
with all FossCare Premium
• Consistent, accurate and reliable results you can always trust
with FossCare Basic & Standard
Preventive Maintenance Preventive Maintenance
• Preventative maintenanceAgreements
visits when it suits you (your business)
• 24/7 phone support - no need to worry about closing hours or PO
• Low, fixed service budget prevents unexpected expenses
• Discounts on additional services, spares, training, reagents, consumables and
software upgrades

Centralised calibration, management
and configuration of instruments
For laboratories, and particularly the ones with multiple sites, our sophisticated networking tools enable
internet-based remote instrument monitoring and diagnostics. With this software, internal or external experts
can precisely configure and monitor FOSS instruments regardless of their location. Calibration updates and
bias corrections are easily and safely handled centrally through the network and the system can be monitored
on a daily basis.

Because the machine has the ability to link directly to FOSS via the internet,
and receive and transmit data, I have confidence of ongoing back-up support for
the machine’’

“… Networking with FOSS first of all provides us with “peace of mind” as we know
there is a FOSS specialist managing and doing surveillance on our instrument. We have
outsourced all complexity related to running our instrument, calibrations, diagnostics,
etc. Networking makes sure that the performance of our entire setup is optimized at
all times hereby allowing us to focus on our real business.”

“… Adjusting slope/intercept, etc. is surely not my expertise so it is valuable having

FOSS do this.”

“… Having a large population of instruments the central security and management

aspect of networking is extremely important. Operating our instruments is no longer
dependent on having on-site specialists as all complexity is handled by our contact
at FOSS.”

FOSS a reliable laboratory partner
– every step of the way
FOSS is known as the leading global provider of a versatile range of analytical solu-
tions for the food and agricultural industries, helping producers to maximize the
value of their production.

FOSS Chemical Analysis solutions offer fundamental, classical “wet chemistry”

methodologies for the modern chemical laboratory, providing dedicated analytical
solutions for every stage of the laboratory process. From initial physical sample
preparation (grinding & milling), to chemical preparations based on Digestion, Dis-
tillation, and Extraction, all the way to final analysis, FOSS laboratory solutions are
the key to achieving cost effective, fast and reliable results for laboratory customers.

More than 50.000 FOSS analysis instruments are in operation in laboratories world-
wide, including Commercial, Public & Industry labs, with over 90 of the world’s top
100 food and agriculture companies using FOSS solutions.

FOSS analysers for laboratories have obtained several recognised international ap-
provals like GLP, GMP & ISO.

FOSS is a privately-owned company employing over 1200 worldwide. FOSS has

manufacturing, research and development facilities in Denmark, Sweden, U.S.A. and
China. Solutions are sold and supported through FOSS sales and service companies
in 25 countries and by more than 70 dedicated distributors.

P/N 1026704, Issue 1GB, September 2013

Foss Allé 1
DK-3400 Hilleroed

Tel.: +45 7010 3370

Fax: +45 7010 3371


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