Meaning of The Pillars of Islam
Meaning of The Pillars of Islam
Meaning of The Pillars of Islam
The pillars of Islam are the guidelines and foundations for a Muslim's religion. Here are the 5
2. Establishing Salat
3. Paying Zakat
The Meaning of Reading the Two Sentences of the Creed. Reading the two sentences
of the creed can be said as a gate to fulfill human nature, namely to worship Allah SWT.
Reading the two sentences of the creed means that a Muslim is sure to embrace Islam and is
sincere in carrying out the Shari'a and his obligations. The contents of the two sentences of
the creed, namely: "Asyhadu an-laa ilaaha illallaah Wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan
rasuulullaah" It means: "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I testify that the
Establish Prayer. The next pillar of Islam is praying. For a Muslim, the five daily
prayers are obligatory and should not be abandoned. Prayers must be performed according to
a predetermined time.
Pay Zakat. Zakat is a pillar of Islam that must be done for every Muslim who feels
able to do it. Zakat itself is divided into two, namely obligatory zakat and sunnah.
Compulsory zakat is usually called zakat fitrah which is paid before the celebration of Eid al-
Fitr and the amount is usually determined. There is also zakat mal or zakat which depends on
every year. In addition to obliging a Muslim to fast, the month of Ramadan is a month filled
with blessings so that if Muslims do good, they will get a double reward.
Hajj for those who can afford it. The last pillar of Islam is to perform the pilgrimage
for those who can afford it. Able in the sense of being physically and mentally capable,
physically and materially. This is because performing the pilgrimage requires a lot of
starting from the dawn prayer to the evening prayer. In addition to the obligatory prayers,
there are also sunnah prayers which if done will give rewards and goodness.
Rukun Islam adalah lima tindakan dasar dalam Islam yang dianggap sebagai pondasi
wajib bagi orang-orang beriman. Ada satu hadist yang secara khusus menerangkan tentang 5
"Islam dibangun di atas lima perkara: persaksian bahwa tiada tuhan yang berhak disembah
kecuali Allah dan Muhammad adalah utusan Allah, mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat,
pergi haji, dan puasa di bulan Ramadhan'". (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Rukun Islam merupakan pedoman dan pondasi bagi agama seorang muslim. Berikut 5 rukun
2. Mendirikan Salat
3. Menunaikan Zakat