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Summer Internship Report by Ishika

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“A Study On Employees Satisfaction
At Picxele”
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA)
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Session 2020-21

Under the Guidance of Submitted by

Dr. Ambika Sharma Ishika Verma
Assistant Professor BBA-V Sem


48/4 Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida-201306 (U.P.)
S.no Topic Page no.

1 Declaration
2 Bonafide certificate
3 Acknowledgement
4 Company internship certificate
5 Executive summary
6 Chapter1: introduction
7 Chapter 2: company profile
8 Chapter 3: literature review
9 Chapter 4: research methodology
10 Chapter 5: data analysis and presentation
11 Chapter 6: findings and conclusions
12 Chapter 7: conclusion
13 References/Bibliography
14 Appendices

I hereby declare that this Summer Training Report titled Employee
Satisfaction submitted by me to JEMTEC, Greater Noida is a bonafide
work undertaken during the period from ________to_______ by me and
has not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the
award of any degree diploma / certificate or published any time before.

Date: / / 2021

Name: Ishika Verma

Enroll. No.: 40925501718


This is to certify that as per best of my belief the project entitled

“Employee Satisfaction” is the bonafide research work carried out by
Ishika Verma;40925501718 student of BBA, JEMTEC, Greater Noida,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Summer Training
Report for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.

She has worked under my guidance.

I wish her a success in all her future career endeavors.

Faculty Guide
Name: Dr. Ambika Sharma
Designation: ___________________
Signature with Date


I offer my sincere thanks and humble regards to JEMTEC, Greater

Noida for imparting us very valuable professional training in BBA.

I pay my gratitude and sincere regards to Dr. Ambika Sharma my project

Guide for giving me the cream of his knowledge. I am thankful to her as
she has been a constant source of advice, motivation and inspiration. I
am also thankful to her for giving her suggestions and encouragement
throughout the project work.

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to our

computer Lab staff and library staff for providing me opportunity to
utilize their resources for the completion of the project.

I am also thankful to my family and friends for constantly motivating me

to complete the project and providing me an environment, which
enhanced my knowledge.
Date: / / 2021
Name: Ishika Verma
Enroll. No.: 40925501718
Course: BBA (V-Sem)

Executive summary

This report is prepared during the summer training undertaken at PICXELE for BBA Course. It
has been a very great experience to get training under the marketing agency and learnt about
marketing. After preparing report on Employee satisfaction among the employees, I learn lots of
things about it and how it is important to the organization. It helps me to increase my knowledge
and level of understanding the people. In PICXELE there are easy & systematic system for all
activities related to work & their human relations are very good in nature & organization culture
is very much inspirational. All employees are very supportive & enthusiastic about the
organization growth.

At last I would like to say that,

“Job satisfaction is a key aspect for success of every enterprise, when employee’s are satisfied
work of performance will increase.”


Economic theories state that in the normal course of business, resources will be stripped away by
competing firms and new entrants to an industry. Consequently it would behoove organizations
to focus efforts toward maintaining and new entrants to an industry. Consequently it would
behoove organizations to focus efforts toward maintaining those resources that provide
competitive advantage (Barney, 1986).

An organization should be cognizant of the benefits of the resources it controls. By benefits

means resources that could be utilized to generate profits for the organization ( wernerfelt ,
1984). wernerfelt, further defined a resource as those things that contribute to the strength or
weakness of an organization.

Satisfaction is one of the competitive advantages which help organization to grow internally and
externally. Satisfaction is the act of fulfilling a need, desire, appetite or the feeling gained from
such fulfillment. Satisfaction means you have had enough. It is a multifaceted construct with a
variety of definitions and related concepts which has been studied in a variety of disciplines for
many years till now. Many theories and articles of interest to managers, social psychologist and
scholars, focus on satisfaction because most people spend their life time for work and
understanding of the factors that increase satisfaction, is important to improve the well-being of
individuals in this facet of the living (Porter, 1985).

In management we studied satisfaction in different perspectives such as: customer satisfaction,

job satisfaction, employee satisfaction and many more. Employees are considered to be one of
the most important pillars on which the building of organization stand. Organizations hold many
resources that might be divided in physical and human resources. Utilization of non-human
resources is not possible without efforts of the human resource. So, human resource is the asset
that enables organizations to reap benefits from other sources.

Every activity is directly or indirectly backed by human efforts therefore organizations should
hold best employees and while selecting such employees the concentration really moves towards
the satisfied employees. Satisfied employees offer huge returns to organizations. The construct of
employee satisfaction is important as satisfied employees can do more for organization in shape
of better performance and productivity (Schneider, 1987)

Realizing the significance of employee satisfaction, the earliest employee satisfaction research
took place in the 1930‟s (Kornhauser & Sharp, 1932). Since that time, a substantial amount of
progress has been made, both in applying context (Roethlisberger & Dickson, 1939) and on
theoretical fronts (Hoppock, 1935). As early as the mid 1950‟s, some of the larger companies
were conducting employee satisfaction on a more or less regular basis. By the 1970‟s several
research suppliers had developed standardized employee satisfaction questionnaires that were
used widely. Employee satisfaction has been a key area of research among industrial and
organizational psychologist. Hundreds of articles on it have been published in academic journals
and trade publications.

Historically the motivation behind this research was the belief that employees' satisfaction
influenced productivity, absenteeism and retention. In the earlier 1980‟s, an additional issue
arose, the influence of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction in predominantly service
oriented settings.

Employee satisfaction also plays a central role in the study of behavior at work. For the
practitioner, knowledge of the determinants, the consequences and the other correlates of
employee satisfaction can be vital. Indeed, Roznowski &Hulin (1992), claim that “once an
individual joins an organization, a vector of scores on a well-constructed, validated set of
satisfaction scales become the most informative data, the organizational psychologist or manager
can have.”


Employees' satisfaction is the individual employee general attitude towards the job. It is also an
employee cognitive and affective evaluation of his or her job.

According to New Cranny, Smith and Stone (1992), Employee satisfaction is defined as the
combination of affective reactions to the differential perceptions of what he/she wants to receive
compared with what he/she actually receives.

According to Moyes, Shao & Newsome (2008), the employee satisfaction may be described as
how pleased an employee is with his or her position of employment.

According to Spector (1997) defined employee satisfaction, as all the feelings that a given
individual has about his/her job and its various aspects.

Employee satisfaction is a comprehensive term that comprises job satisfaction of employees and
their satisfaction overall with company‟s policies, company environment etc. Keeping morale
high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be
more likely to produce more, take fewer days off and stay loyal to the company. Therefore, the
organization should try to supply the employee expectations in order to approach the employee
satisfaction. In addition, emotional state of the employees may also affect their satisfaction. This
forces the managers to create and sustain the desired working environment in the organizations.
On the other hand, as stated by Organ & Ryan (1995), the employee satisfaction is one of the
bases of organizational citizenship behavior that is, the well-satisfied employees will work more
willingly and this contributes to the effectiveness of the organizations.

There are various factors that contribute to employee satisfaction, it includes treating employees
with respect, time to time performance appraisals, providing regular employee recognition,
empowering employees, relationship with immediate supervisor, providing employee perks,
company activities, positive management within a success framework of goals, feeling safe in
the work environment, opportunities to use skills and abilities, compensation and benefit,
promotions, training, work tasks factors, relationship with co-workers, relationship with

Some more factors include as follows: interesting work, appreciation of work, job security, job-
specific training, good wages, promotion/growth, good working conditions, personal loyalty,
tactful discipline, sympathetic help with problems, preferred incentives, flexi-timing,
telecommuting, company paid vacations, accident and health insurance benefits, retired benefits,
asset building loans, company transport and many more.

Having good relationships with the colleagues, high salary, good working conditions, training
and education opportunities, career development or any other benefits may be related with the
increasing of employee satisfaction.

The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the job they perform
(Branham, 2005). In every interaction with management, employees should be treated with
courtesy and interest. An easy avenue for employees to discuss problems with upper
management should be maintained and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot meet all
the demands of employees, showing workers that they are being heard and putting honest
dedication into compromising will often help to improve morale. Kendall and Hulin (1969)
define five different components of employee satisfaction that are opportunities of promotion,
pay, relationship with supervisor, work itself and co-workers.


Internet access is main-stream. It has intensified the use of mobile phones, computers, and
laptops leading to a high change in the growth of digital channels both in strength and volume.
Be it social media, surfing for information on Google or making purchases, India has
transformed this medium into a full-fledged market. And this market has flourished into creating
Digital Marketing as a prime source of bringing business through the internet!

Digital Marketing is growing at a rate of 25-30% in India annually. And if statistics are to be
believed, India has reached 500 million users of the internet by the end of 2018. India also has
the World’s largest Facebook population. The high-speed digitization, online portals, social
media channels, etc lead to a growth of digital marketing in a trend par imagination.

From where we begun

From where we began! Door to door advertisement, word-by-mouth publicity, radio

announcements, TV commercials – India always relied on traditional methods of marketing.
Until the internet happened! The tools of marketing changed from humans to gadgets. It became
easier to penetrate through a large segment of the audience in minimal efforts. And as the
number of laptop and mobile phone users keeps expanding, digital marketing to spreads its
wings wide and far. Digital Marketing Industry in India


The earliest examples of online connectivity were demonstrated with the introduction of Michael
Aldrich online shopping system. In the following years, the Thomson Holidays UK was
launched, then came the IndiaMART B2B in 1996. It was ultimately in 2007 that the launch of
Flipkart , an e-commerce marketing website changed the structure of marketing in India. What
followed was a rise in the number of people picking up mobile phones, online shopping, at-home
delivery, and internet marketing as a means to popularize the brands.

And over the years the Digital Marketing Industry has prospered into bringing a large percent of
business online with its promising ability to create a global network and flourish even the small
businesses internationally. According to the International Journal of Advanced Research
Foundation, India is undergoing a golden period of digital marketing growth ever since 2013 and
the trend continues till 2020 at least.


On average an Indian spends about 4-5 hours a day scrolling through social media, emails, and
browsers. The growing market of gadgets like smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc has only
increased the pace of usage and penetrated the market to make it reach to a wider set of audience.
The content on the internet influences the lives of people big time. Display of ideas through
images, videos, texts, etc has a sound foundation into the minds of the people which translates
into their living. Digital marketing is very much about influencing the audience online with
mediums of content to increase a brand’s impact over the audience.

The amount of time spent by the people on the internet empowers digital marketers to create
impactful strategies to influence consumer behavior. The right strategy converts the audience
into sales.

Indian Government promotes Digital India

From 69 million online shoppers in 2016 and more than 100 million in 2017, India has seen a
stark rise in the internet population. Ever since the launch of Digital India in 2015 as an initiative
to improve online infrastructure and digital empowerment, there has been mushrooming of a
complete market of start-ups, services and more than connect people globally! It has resulted in a
rise of active internet users, mobile connections, social media traffic and more.



Logo of the company


Profile of the organization

Picxele is a customized student centric application launched to bridge the gap between the brands
and college students. This will help in bringing a more efficient reciprocal engagement between
brands and the students. It will be achieved thanks to our unique approach of providing Offers,
Part/Full-Time Internships, Brand Campaigns, Influencer marketing and also Jobs in a single
platform. The idea is to allow students to develop their skills as well as bring it to a profitable use
in order to earn and learn at the same time.

What's the motive?

Picxele is exclusively aimed at the evergreen student community of India. Students can explore a
world of opportunities categorized as Marketing Campaigns, Discounted Codes or Offers along
with Full-time Job or Internship opportunities. The dependability of brands with students and
vice versa goes a long way and we at Picxele help in linking the voids.

We aim at providing the brands with unique and customizable campaigns in order to promote
them to the people through the students. Not only does this bring transparency, profitability and
approachability but also sets up a relation between micro and macro level marketing, allowing
the brands to get closer to the consumers than before.

How it all began?

Picxele was founded and initiated by Rishav Agarwal in year 2018 after the successful operation
of INTEGER Innovation for a year and got to know the requirements from both end.

The idea of Picxele was to make the process more customized and pipelined so as to help and
reach out to a higher number of student populations all over the country with the help of an
organizational approach.

The need for this type of arrangement came into existence in order to increase accessibility for
both the brands and the students. Hence began the work of bringing together an organizational
structure. Helpings brands and companies fulfill their requirements with better and efficient ways
, the creation of Picxele took first gear.


Picxele brings to you an opportunity to bring your skills to better use, which will help you
enhance it, as well earn from the same. Picxele provides a platform to work for brands, promote
them and get to be their social media brand ambassadors.

What do you get from it?

Experience, some extra bucks to spend and most importantly securing a skill-based future.
Apart from that Picxele helps you earn cashback and corporate discounts for your efforts. This
doesn’t stop here , you can work for multiple brands at the same time to multiply your exposure
which will eventually help you stand out in the crowd. Why wait now? Time and tide wait for
none, we all know this proverb. But in today’s time even opportunities wait for none, one needs
to step out and grab it.


What makes a brand a household name is its product, and what makes the product a household
name is its consumers. In this digital and more approachable world, marketing not only has to
adapt to the modern frame work but also be intact to its traditional roots. Picxele helps in linking
the voids between the brands and the consumers, by bringing the brands to the consumers
through micro level marketing. Using skilled members to enhance approachability in the grass
root level through campus brandings and influencer marketing. The entire idea is to help brands
in setting up an approachable and targeted market in accordance to their needs.



The ability of a business to communicate is crucial to its success. From effectively

communicating policies to staff to reaching out to clients and customers, communication is a
huge factor in business operations. There are challenges inherent to business communication,
however, not least that every method of communication requires a slightly different approach.

Hiding Behind Technology

It is easy for businesses to rely too heavily upon technology for communication purposes. Email,
texting, voice mail and instant messaging can be quite effective for the quick transfer of factual,
direct information. However, the reliance upon this technology to communicate emotion can lead
to drama and dissent in the workplace. Businesses may find that communication through
technology saves time, energy, and money, but face-to-face communication, especially when
emotion is involved, is a much better channel of communication. Tone, posture, facial expression
and eye contact cannot be expressed effectively using technology.

Difficulty in Developing Relationships

While doing business on the Internet can open up markets all over the world, it can be more
difficult to develop ongoing business relationships. If you're located in the United States, chances
are you won't have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with a customer in Japan or Australia.
While technology such as video conferencing allows you to see individuals via computer screen,
it still lacks the personal touch of meeting someone in person.




· About the Company: Webchutney  has worked with some leading companies in India.
They have created some award winning and memorable campaigns for their clients that
have helped the brands to build and sustain relationship with their audience.

· Services: Online advertising, Website Designing, Mobile Marketing, SEO, Analytics,

Application Development and Social Media.

· Located at: Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore

· Clientele: Microsoft, P & G, Airtel, Unilever, Wipro, HDFC, Titan and many more

· Awards: Web Chutney has won the DMAI awards for its projects for Remit2India,
Standard Chartered and Cleartip.


· About the company: Founded in 2004, Pinstorm ranks among the leading digital

advertising companies in the world.


They have adopted an approach that sees strategy, user experience, research, web design,
mobile-friendliness ,advertising ,viral videos, search optimization, Facebook campaigns,
Twitter updates, real-time listening and responses as a seamless set of tactics that stem
from one overarching brand strategy.

· Services: Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine

Optimization, viral advertising, Online Reputation Management etc.

· Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Zurich and Santa

· Clientele: Walt Disney, Yahoo, Canon, HSBC, Café Coffee Day, ICICI, ET Now, GQ
among many others


· About the company: The company launched the very first eCommerce model for all
digital marketing services one might need. The thorough model aims to cater to the
demands of growing startups, small-scale and newly formed businesses across the globe.
Quality is their foremost principle and is deeply ingrained in the company’s fabric. It
attempts to bridge the gap between hiring an agency and hiring a freelancer or even an
employee, by offering qualitative digital marketing services at affordable and cost-
effective rates. The team at Intellemo consists of experts – in-house employees and
creative contributors (Intellemers and Intellemoms). The organization provides a platform
where anyone can contribute in any capacity as per their convenience.

· Automation and Technology are deeply embedded in the core philosophy of Intellemo. It
is what they continuously strive to achieve by combining Intellect and Emotions to help
businesses grow digitally.

· Services: Intellemo has standardized digital marketing services while keeping flexibility

and customization available through variants. The services comprise: Google Ads, Social
Media, Website Design, SEO, Content, Creatives, Influencer Marketing, eCommerce,
Lead Generation and Marketing Automation.

· Located at: HQ at Gurgaon. Services provided in India, US and UK.

· Clientele: UrbanClap, Yatra, Lenskart, CompliancePoint, FansRave, Squarelistings,

EnterpriseDNA, etc.


· About the company: Established in 2010, Gozoop

is a globally recognized Digital Marketing Agency that believes in humanizing your brand by
optimizing your online reputation

· Services: Integrated Digital Campaigns, Online PR, Mobile Marketing, Web Businesses,

Social Media Marketing

· Located at: Mumbai, Singapore, Dubai

· Clientele: Mumbai Indians, Dell, India Bulls, Citi Bank, BMW, Ferrari, Asian Paints,
Amazon, MOD among others.


· About the Company: Adsyndicate is India’s premier and independent 360-degree

communication agency with over 25 years of experience and located in 12 cities


· We are a full-service digital agency offering innovative and creative solutions. Our
services include Digital Marketing, Advertising, Films, Events, BTL, Print and Design

· Services: Digital Marketing, Advertising, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine

Marketing, Media Planning and Buying, Search Engine Optimization, Video Production
and Promotion, Online Reputation Management etc.

· Located at: Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Manipal, Chennai, Kolkata, Goa

· Clientele: Tata Motors, ISUZU, Union Bank of India, State Bank of India, Mahindra,
Manipal University,

Western Digital, ABB and many others



· About the Company: Established in 2006, Phonethics specializes in integrating creative

and analytical spirit along with globalized resources in the process of Digital Marketing.

· Services: Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Customer Relationship

Management, Content Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Web and App Development.

· Located at: Mumbai

· Clientele: Cadbury, HT Media, Sony Entertainment, Ford, Nissan, Monginis, ICICI

among many others.

· Awards: Communication Entrepreneur of the Year, Best use of Social Media- Nissan in

the 2011 India PR & Corporate Communications Award, Best Mobile App in the Indian
Digital Media Awards 2013.



SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and so a SWOT Analysis
is a technique for assessing these four aspects of your business.

You can use SWOT Analysis to make the most of what you've got, to your organization's best
advantage. And you can reduce the chances of failure, by understanding what you're lacking, and
eliminating hazards that would otherwise catch you unawares.

Better still, you can start to craft a strategy that distinguishes you from your competitors, and so
compete successfully in your market.


We are able to repond as we have no red tape and no need for higher management

We are able to give really good customer care as the current small amount of work means
we have plenty of time to devote to customers.

We can change direction quickly if we find that our marketing is not working.

We have low overheads so we can offer good value to the customers.


Our company has a little market presence or reputation.

We have a small staff with a shallow skills base in many areas.

We are vulnerable to vital staff being sick or leaving.

Our cash flow is unreliable in early stages.


Our business sector is expanding with many future opportunities for success.

Local government wants to encourage local business.


Developments in technology may change this market beyond our ability to adapt.

A small change in the focus of a large competitor might wipe out any market position we


Literature Review: Published studies & review of similar studies

Despite its vide usage in scientific research,as well as in everyday life,there is still no general
agreement regarding what job satisfaction is. In fact there is no final definition on what job
represents. Therefore before a definition on job satisfaction can be givven , the nature and
importance of work as a universal human activity must be considered. Different authors have
different approaches towards defining job satisfaction. Some of the most commonly cited
definitions on job satisfaction are analysed in the text that folows. Hoppock defined job
satisfaction as any combination of psychological, physiological and environmental circumstances
that cause a person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job

(Hoppock, 1935). According to this approach although job satisfaction is under the influence of
many external factors, it remains something internal that has to do with the way how the
employee feels. That is job satisfaction presents a set of factors that cause a feeling of
satisfaction. Vroom in his definition on job satisfaction focuses on the role of the employee in
the workplace. Thus he defines job satisfaction as affective orientations on the part of individuals
toward work roles wich they are presently occupying

(Vroom, 1964). One of the most often cited definitions on job satisfaction is thr one given by
Spector according to whome job satisfaction has the extent to wich people like ore dislike their
job. Thatswhy job satisfaction and job disstatisfaction can appear in any givern work situation.
Job satisfaction represents a combination of positive or negative feelings that workers have
towards their work. Meanwhile, when a worker employed in a business organization, brings with
it the needs, desires and experiences which determinates expectations that he has dismissed. Job
satisfaction represents the extent to which expectations are and match the real awards. Job
satisfaction is closely linked to that individual's behaviour in the work place

(Davis et al.,1985). Job satisfaction is a worker’s sense of achievement and sucess on the job. It
is generally perceived to be directly linked to productitivty as well as to personal well-being. Job
satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well and being rewarded for one’s efforts.

Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one’s work. Job satisfaction is the
key ingridient that leads to recognition, income, promotion, and the achevement of other goals
that lead to a feeling of fullfillment (Kaliski,2007). Job satisfaction can be defined also as the
extent to wich a worker is content with the rewards he or she gets out of his or her job,particulary
in terms of intrinsic motivacion (Statt, 2004). The term job satisfactions refers to the attituted and
feelings people have about their work. Positive and favorable attitudes towards the job indicate
job satisfaction. Negative and unfavorable attitudes towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction
(Armstrong, 2006). Job satisfaction is the collection of feeling and beliefs that people have about
their current job. People’s levels of degrees of job satisfaction can range from extreme
satisfaction to extreme dissatisfaction. In addition to having attitudes about their jobs as a whole.
People also can have attitudes about various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they
do, their coworkers, supervisors or suborinates and their pay (George et al., 2008). Job
satisfaction is a complex and multifaceted concept wich can mean different things to different
people. Job satisfaction is usually linked with motivation, but the nature of this relationship is not
clear. Satisfaction is not the same as motivaton. Job satisfaction is more of an attitude, an internal
state. It could,for example,be associated with a personal feeling of achievement, either
quantitative or kualitative (Mullins, 2005). We consider that job satisfaction represents a feeling
that appears as a result of the perception that the job enables the material and psychological
needs (Aziri, 2008). Job satisfaction can be considered as one of the main factors when it comes
to efficiancy and effectiveness of business organizations. In fact the new managerial paradigm
wich insists that employees should be treated and considered primarily as human beans that have
their own wants,needs,personal desires is a very good to do with the way how people feel about
their job and its various aspects. It has to do with indicator for the importance of job satisfaction
in comtemporary companies. When analysing job satisfaction the logic that a satisfied employee
is a happy employee and a happy employee is a sucesful employee. The importance of job
satisfaction specially emerges to surface if had in mind the many negative consequences of job
disstisfaction such a lack of loyalty,increased abstenteism, increase number of accidents etc.
Spector (1997) lists three important features of job satisfaction. Firts, organizations should be
guided by human values.

Such organizations will be oriented towards treating workers fairly and with respect. In such
cases the assesment of job satisfaction may serve as a good indicator of employee effectiveness.
High levels of job satisfaction may be sign of a good emotional and mental state of employees.
Second, the behaviour of workers depending on their level of job satisfaction will affect the
functioning and activities of the organization's business. From this it can be concluded that job
satisfaction will result in positive behaviour and vice versa, dissatisfaction from the work will
result in negative behaviour of employees. Third, job satisfaction may serve as indicators of
organizational activities. Through job satisfaction evaluation different levels of satisfaction in
different organizational units can be defined, but in turn can serve as a good indication regarding
in which organizational unit changes that would boost performance should be made



The data needed for the study is collected from the employees, through questionnaire.

Analysis and interpretation has been done by using the statistical tools and data presented
through tables and charts.

The study was based on survey method. The aim of the study is to find satisfaction levels of

Descriptive Research Design

Descriptive research design studies are those studies, which are concerned with describing the
character of a group.


The data collected for the study consists of both primary and secondary data.

Primary Data

In this study primary data were collected through personnel interview using questionnaire. The
questionnaire was administered to the thirty employees of the organization.

Secondary Data

Secondary data for this study was collected from.

• Previously published records, research reports and documents.

• websites.


A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. Convenience
sampling method used in selected samples.





The sample size of this study is thirty one respondents


Survey is done by random sampling method.

Questionnaire containing both closed and open ended questions


Percentage Analysis, Likert scale are used as statistical tools for the analysis.


Graphical Representation tool such as Bar Graphs and Pie Charts have been used for the data

Objectives of research

To access the general attitude of employees toward the organization.

To under stand the problems of employees in working condition

To know the employees opinion about work place, pay and benefits

To study and analyse the various factors affecting job satisfaction level


Although the research has reached its aim, there were some unavoidable limitations: The
research was confined to four universities of north India only; however the number of
universities could be increased to have a more generalized opinion for a larger group.


The sample of the study comprises of 31 students studying in self financed institutions. This
sample is only a very small proportion of entire population. Therefore, the research with larger
sample size is required for generalization of the findings. The research instrument was developed
based on review of literature from other countries. Though the research instruments was tested
for validity and reliability, yet this study is first of its kind in India and more research work is
required establishing it as an acceptable tool.

Analysis is carried out to summarize the data to crystallize the outcome of the survey. In this
manner, it enables the researcher to relate critical points with the objectives of the study. Any
research is meaningful only if the data obtained is synergized systematically to provide
information. The following are the various phases of analysis in which the options of the
respondents have been analyzed and interpreted in detail. Each table is calculated from the
questionnaire which has segregation of employees it based on satisfaction of employees on
whole process

The survey is taken from 31 Employees.

For how long you are working in picxele?

1 Less than 6 months 24 77.4%

2 6-12 months 4 12.9%
3 1-1.5 year 2 6.5%
4 More than 1/5 year 1 3.2%
Total 31 100%

Table 5.1

Figure 5.1

From table 5.1 and figure 5.1,we can conclude that majority of people
worked in picxele for less than 6 months.

How is your working experience?

1 Very good 18 58%
2 Good 10 32.3%
3 Neutral 3 9.7%
4 Bad 0 0%
5 Very bad 0 0%
31 100%

Table 5.2

Figure 5.2

From figure 5.2 and table 5.2, we can conclude that majority of
employees have very good experience in the organization.


3.Do you feel team spirit in the organization?

1 Very good 14 45.2%
2 Good 13 41.9%
3 Neutral 4 12.9%
4 Bad 0 0
5 Worst 0 0
Total 31 100%

Table 5.3

Figure 5.3

From the figure 5.3 and table 5.3, we can conclude that
majority feels the team spirit very much.
4. Does your supervisor listen to your opinions
and suggestion?

1 Yes 31 100%
2 No 0 0
Total 31 100%

Table 5.4

Figure 5.4


From table 5.4 and figure 5.4,we can conclude that the
superiors always listens the opinions of their juniors.
5. Rate your satisfaction level towards trainers and
supervisors of the organization?

1 Highly 0 0%
2 Dissatisfied 1 3.2%
3 Neutral 3 6.5%
4 Satisfied 10 32.3%
5 Highly 18
satisfied 58.1%
Total 31 100%

Figure 5.5

Figure 5.5

From the figure 5.5 and table 5.5, we can easily say that most of
the employees were satisfied with their supervisors.
6. Do you feel proud to be associated with the

1 Yes 29 93.5%
2 No 2 6.5%
Total 100%
Table 5.6

Figure 5.6

It proves that the employees of the organization feels
proud to be the part of the organization.
7. Do you get regular feedback from you’re your
superior regarding your performance?

1 Yes 29 93.5%
2 No 2 6.5%
Total 31 100%
Table 5.7

From the above table and figure, we can easily understand that
the employees gets regular feedback on daily basis from their

8. Are you satisfied with the level of trust the

manager shows towards the team?

1 Highly satisfied 16 45.2%
2 Satisfied 14 51.6%
3 Neutral 1 3.2%
4 Dissatisfied 0 0
5 Highly dissatisfied 0 0
Total 31 100%

Figure 5.8

From the above given table and figure, it is proved that the manager
shows high level of trust towards the team.

9. Does your superior cares about you as a person?


1 Yes 29 93.5%
2 No 2 6.5%
Total 31 100%


Figure 5.9

From the above table and figure. We can definitely say that the superior
cares about the employees as person.

10.  Do you find your job role interesting and challenging?


1 Yes 27 87.1%
2 No 4 12.9%
Total 100%
Table 5.10

Figure 5.10

From the above given table and figure, we can easily say
that majority of people finds it interesting and

11. Do you feel like your job utilized your

skills and abilities as much as it could?
1 Yes 26 83.9%
2 No 5 16.1%
Total 31 100%
Table 5.11


From the above given figure and table, we can conclude that the
job utilized the skills and abilities of employees as much as it

12. Are you satisfied with the current compensation
and benefits offered by the company?

1 Highly satisfied 10 32.3%

2 Satisfied 15 48.4%
3 Neutral 3 9.7%
4 Dissatisfied 2 6.5%
5 Highly 1 3.2%
Total 31 100%
Table 5.12

Figure 5.12


From the above figure and table, we can conclude that the employees are
satisfied with the current compensation and benefits offered by the

13. On scale of 1 to 5, what is your satisfaction level in

overall allowance?

1 1 0 0
2 2 2 3.2%
3 3 4 12.9%
4 4 9 29%
5 5 17 54.8%
Total 31 100%

Table 5.13

Figure 5.13

From the above graph and table, we can conclude that majority
of people are satisfied with the overall allowance.

14. Do you find your superior as being helping and

1 Yes 30 96.8%
2 No 1 3.2%
Total 31 100%

Table 5.14

Figure 5.14

From the above, we can easily say that the juniors find
their superior as being helping and supportive.
 15. How satisfied are you with the job was described during
the interview process compare to what you are actually


1 Very satisfied 11 35.5%

2 Satisfied 13 41.9%
3 Neutral 7 22.6%
4 Dissatisfied 0 0
5 Very 0 0
Total 31 100%


Figure 5.15

Interpretation -
From the above table and figure, we can conclude that the employees are
satisfied with the job was described during the interview process
compare to what they are actually doing.

16. What is your satisfaction level in working relation
with the supervisor?

1 1 0 0
2 2 0 0
3 3 4 12.9%
4 4 9 29%
5 5 18 58.1%
Total 31 100%
Table 5.16

Figure 5.16

From the above figure and table, we can state that the majority
of employees were highly satisfied.
17. Are you satisfied with work facilities provided by the


1 Yes 28 90.3%
2 No 3 9.7%
Total 31 100%
Table 5.17

Figure 5.17

From above, we can proudly state that majority of
workers were satisfied with the work facilities provided
by the company.
18. Would you recommend picxele as a good place to


1 Yes 30 96.8%
2 No 1 3.2%
Total 31 100%

Table 5.18

Figure 5.18

From the above, we can say that majority of employees
will recommend picxele as a good place to work.

19. In totality, are you satisfied with your work?
1 Highly satisfied 14 45.2
2 Satisfied 14 45.2
3 Neutral 3 9.7
4 Dissatisfied 0 0
5 Highly 0 0
Total 31 100%

Table 5.19

Figure 5.19

From the above, we can conclude that the majority of
employees are satisfied with their work.
20. Considering everything, how would you rate your
overall satisfaction with the company on a scale of 1 to

1 1 0 51.6%
2 2 0 32.3%
3 3 5 16.1%
4 4 10 0
5 5 16 0
Total 31 100%

Table 5.20

Figure 5.20

From the above, we can easily conclude that majority of
employees were highly satisfied.


Majority of employees heard about the position from friend
and recruiter.
Maximum of the employees are recruited by employee
referral or linkedin.
Majority of the employees are extremely satisfied with the
All respondents got offer letter by mail and whatsapp.
Majority of the respondents found work in picxele is easy.
Most of the people have less than 6 months of job experience
at picxele.
Majority of people felt team spirit in the company.
Some people felt neutral about the team spirit in the
None respondent is dissatisfied about the supervisor listening
to their opinions and suggestions.
Majority of workers agree with the satisfaction level towards
trainers and supervisors of the organization
Some people felt neutral and some does not feel at all in the
Majority of people feel proud to connect with the organization.
Majority of the people feel that the employees get regular feedback
from their superior regarding their performance.
Majority of the people satisfied with the level of trust the manager
shows towards the team
Majority of people say that they find their job role interesting and
Some of them does not find their job role interesting and
Majority of people agrees with the superior caring about employees
as a person
Majority of the respondent overall satisfied with the company.
Majority of people feels like their job utilize their skills and abilities
as much as it could.
Some of people feels like their job does not utilize their skills and
abilities as much as it could.
Majority of people are satisfied with the current compensation and
benefits offered by the company
Some of the people are not satisfied with the current compensation
and benefits offered by the company.


Majority of employees are satisfied with the overall

Mostly everyone find their superior as being helping and
Majority of people satisfied with the job was described
during the interview process compare to what they are
actually doing.
Almost every person was satisfied in working with the
90% of the people are satisfied with the work facilities
provided by the company.
Most of the people will recommend recommend picxele as a
good place to work.
45% people are highly satisfied while 45% people are not
fully satisfied and 10% people feels neutral for their work.


From the study it was identified that the most of the employees
are satisfied with the organization.
Majority of the employees are satisfied with compensation ,
work provided & timings and majority of people feels like their
job utilize their skills and abilities as much as it could.
Almost every person was satisfied in working with the
Employees find their find their job role interesting and

Overall, employees are satisfied with the organization.



Job satisfaction among employees is an important

aspect of achieving desired productivity target and
remaining sustainable. It can be said that,
organizations need to nurture both the extrinsic and
intrinsic factors, which are responsible for
developing and maintaining positive effect on the
level of job satisfaction among employees.
In this project I made an attempt to investigate the
concept of job satisfaction among the employees in
I also made an questionnaire and it was filled up the
employees of the organization to know the
satisfaction level of the employees.



What are your qualifications?
For how long you are working in picxele?
o More than 1 year
o 1-1.5 year
o 6-12 months
o Less than 6 months

How is your working experience?

o Very good
o Good
o Neutral
o Bad
o Worst

Do you feel team spirit exist in the organization?

o Very good
o Good
o Neutral

o Bad
o Worst
Does your supervisor listen to your opinions and
o Yes
o No
Rate your satisfaction level towards trainers and
supervisors of the organization?
Do you feel proud to be associated with the company?
o Yes
o No


Do you get regular feedback from you’re your superior

regarding your performance?
o Yes
o No
Are you satisfied with the level of trust the manager shows
towards the team?
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neutral
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied
Do you find your job role interesting and challenging?
o Yes
o No
Does your superior cares about you as a person/
o Yes
o No


Do you feel like your job utilized your skills and abilities as
much as it could?
o Yes
o No
Are you satisfied with the current compensation and benefits
offered by the company?
o Highly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neutral
o Dissatisfied
o Highly dissatisfied
On scale of 1 to 5, what is your satisfaction level in overall


Do you find your superior as being helping and supportive?

o Yes
o No
How satisfied are you with the job was described during
the interview process compare to what you are actually
o Very satisfied
o Satisfied
o Neutral
o Dissatisfied
o Very dissatisfied
What is your satisfaction level in working relation with
the supervisor?


Are you satisfied with work facilities provided by
the company?
o Yes

o No

Would you recommend picxele as a good place to

o Yes

o No

In totality, are you satisfied with your work?

o Highly satisfied

o Satisfied

o Neutral

o Dissatisfied

o Highly dissatisfied

Considering everything, how would you rate your

overall satisfaction with the company on a scale of 0
to 5?






➢ P.Subba Rao: Essentials of Human Resources
Management and Industrial Relation, Himalaya
Publishing house Edition – 2006.
➢ Ashwathappa: Human Resources and Personal
Management Himalaya Publishing house Edition–
➢ L.M.Prasad : Human Resources Management
Sultan Chand & Sons Edition – 2006.
➢ V.S.P.Rao : Human Resources Management
Himalaya Publishing house Edition – 2006.

➢ www.picxele.com
➢ www.wikipedia.com


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