This document describes 20 different tea establishments in the fictional Purple Land city of Yoon-Suin. Each establishment is briefly described in 1-2 sentences highlighting unique features such as unusual brewing methods involving magical creatures, performances, gambling, or smuggling operations possibly run out of some locations. The teas and atmosphere offered at each unique establishment cater to a wide variety of clientele in the diverse city.
This document describes 20 different tea establishments in the fictional Purple Land city of Yoon-Suin. Each establishment is briefly described in 1-2 sentences highlighting unique features such as unusual brewing methods involving magical creatures, performances, gambling, or smuggling operations possibly run out of some locations. The teas and atmosphere offered at each unique establishment cater to a wide variety of clientele in the diverse city.
This document describes 20 different tea establishments in the fictional Purple Land city of Yoon-Suin. Each establishment is briefly described in 1-2 sentences highlighting unique features such as unusual brewing methods involving magical creatures, performances, gambling, or smuggling operations possibly run out of some locations. The teas and atmosphere offered at each unique establishment cater to a wide variety of clientele in the diverse city.
This document describes 20 different tea establishments in the fictional Purple Land city of Yoon-Suin. Each establishment is briefly described in 1-2 sentences highlighting unique features such as unusual brewing methods involving magical creatures, performances, gambling, or smuggling operations possibly run out of some locations. The teas and atmosphere offered at each unique establishment cater to a wide variety of clientele in the diverse city.
1. Best Tea 852: According to the latest issue of 7. The Teat: Pungent yak butter tea, you’ll smell it 14. The Wheel Which Squeaks: A favored buzz-hole Kettlefiend’s Weekly Leaf Guide, it’s more accurately before you see it. Popular with ex-pats from the among rickshaw drivers, palanquin porters, and tour the City’s 822nd Best Tea Parlor after a mysterious Mountains of the Moon. Staff customarily alternates guides that ply their trade to all the tourists. Some of arson took a score of neighboring establishments out between insulting and praising customers when their the teas are guaranteed to keep one wakeful and of the running. Squeaky, swiveling seats and sneaky, order is ready. alert. sniveling staff. 8. Petal Shrine of Kazurrus: Tea is brewed inside of a 15. L’req: Exciting affairs of honor are settled nightly 2. Mossclad Moon: Purports to serve exclusively tea tame but ill-tempered and extremely uncomfortable among members of the well-to-do merchant class. brewed from the leaves plucked gingerly from trees water weird according to the taboo-laden strictures Using highly trained giant ruby-throated aged at least 1,004 years. They are then meticulously of a neighborhood religious sect. Self-serve. hummingbirds to fence dramatically in crystalline palp-sorted and graded by a hive of obsessive- cages. The seconds solemnly sip and insure that no 9. Sí Rhum: A popular, albeit insinuative date compulsive Chint-on. Try the spicy laphet rolls! untoward nectar-doping takes place. destination. The tea here is rumored to freshen one’s 3. (Gesture for Silence): Private compartments are breath for a whole week. The sounds of incensed 16. Eight Reeds Red: Terribly formal tea service ensorcelled hourly to insure a preternatural quiet. slaps to would-be suitors are quite common. provided by eight clockwork waiters. The poppy pod- Popular with the hung-over and shadier citizens of tea is always the perfect temperature, but the dim 10. The Grotto of 10,002 Delights: Very posh and the City, numerous contradictory signs outline the sum selection would make a Preta balk. pricey, flooded knee deep with sparkling spring complex gestures used to order. water. It’s gauche to lift your own cup. Your tea is 17. The Aerie: Located in the cavities of a gargantuan 4. Dô’s: Dô is a retired Slug-Man Magician who never ceremoniously served on gilt-lily pads and one can skull that fell from atop a tall spire. Run by a lonely forgets a name or a face. The Crab-Man slave who only drink it with the help of one of several very narcoleptic Peahen Kenku who writes ponderous saved his life is always seated and soused at the far obliging and completely tongue-less Sirens. poetry about herself. end of the bar. Patrons come here for the family 11. SLOQ: A pickled squid-man glares balefully from 18. Dragon Boat #329: A glorious silver sampan that atmosphere and the Feathered Man rafter-shows. within a large cloudy tank that is re-suspended lazily wanders the canals. Excellent and intoxicating 5. Leopard-Who-Laughs: This obnoxious franchise precariously from the ceiling every morning by an tea and views, but limited and season selection. has several locations. All advertise heavily with overworked sentient spider. Octopus arm-wrestling 19. Slek-Z’nox’s Makihaus: Run by a very hospitable annoyingly cloying butterflies. Their wing scales bear for a round on the house if you win. clan of roach breeders, the tea here is exceptionally the business name, address, coupons, daily specials, 12. Dmitri’s: Features strongly brewed samovar-self- weak and of poor quality, but the still-quivering and usually a corny joke. Some City-blocks are service Teas from far off Voivodja. The exotic taste is water bug sashimi is to die for. You get to pick your blanketed with their fragile and colorful bodies. catching on with locals. No mirrors allowed. own directly from the tank! 6. Weeping Whelk: A not-too-discrete front for an 13. Unjinô: Luxuriate in clammy, muculent mists 20. Kata-ka-Rezal: Housed in a stunningly amputee family of deep-diving, Dwarven pearl while watching the wistfully beautiful, acrobatic stalacticous subterranean cavern beneath Jade smugglers, it is said that they run a weekly raffle to lovemaking that Slug-Men ecdysiasts are known for. Serpent Row, they’re the only game in town for appease a Chu-srin, so always check the bottom of Professional performers, private rooms. Best-in-class Shrieker-Tea and the oft desired but distinctly your cup for a nacreous surprise. bubble tea and sweet-tempered narghiles. difficult to remember flavor of the Obliviax Blend.