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Neuro Nutrition 1983 v12n01 p038

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Neurotransmitters and Nutrition

Elsa Colby-Morley, Ed.D., Ph.D.1

Over the past decade, preclinical research precursor-dependent neurotransmitters. Some

has opened the promise of a new link between very exciting and innovative concepts have
nutrition and neuropsychiatry — the use of been identified in the relationship between
dietary precursors of neurotransmitters to treat neurotransmitters and nutrition.
brain disorders. Alan J. Gelenberg, 1980 In their recent article, Nutrients and
Neurotransmitters, Drs. J.H. Growdon and
There is a body of evidence (Wurtman and R.J. Wurtman (1980) assure us that recent
Fernstrom, 1974; Growdon and Wurtman, 1977, evidence indicates that a view of the brain as an
1980; Gelenberg, Wojcik and Growdon, 1980) autonomous organ, independent of metabolic
that ingesting large quantities of naturally processes elsewhere in the body, is no longer
occurring dietary constituents that are precursors tenable. They see the composition of the recent
for neurotransmitters can produce sequential meal, the concentration of amino acids and
elevations in blood and brain levels of the neuro- choline in the blood, as affording the brain
transmitters themselves. The relationship of neurons the ability to make and release several
dietary intake to brain function has been the of their neurotransmitters — serotonin,
focus of recent research, especially that of acetylcholine, and perhaps the catecholamines
Richard J. Wurtman, M.D. and colleagues at the dopamine and norepinephrine. To satisfy its
Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and a needs for neurotransmitter synthesis, the brain
number of laboratories have begun to utilize the is unable to make sufficient quantities of amino
brain's dependence on dietary precursors to learn acids and choline and therefore must obtain
more about normal brain function as well as these precursor molecules from the peripheral
disease states. It is thought that certain disease circulation. Each meal, depending on its
states may result from inadequate release of composition, can modify choline and plasma
amino acid contents, alter the brain levels of
1. P.O. Box 1195 Beverly Hills California 90213 choline and tryptophane; and thereby the rate at
which serotonin and acetylcholine,
respectively, are synthesized by the neurons
will be affected. Dr. R.J. Wurtman asks, "Why
does it come

as a surprise that what we eat can directly serotonin is tryptophane. Tryptophane con-
influence the brain?" And yet, it is surprising sumed as part of dietary protein is the only
that food choice should influence such an source of the precursor for brain serotonin
important process as neurotransmitter syn- synthesis because tryptophane cannot be
thesis; however, the full biological significance synthesized in the body. In response to meals,
of this "open-loop" control system remains brain tryptophane levels, as well as the levels of
obscure (Growdon and Wurtman, 1980). most other amino acids, fluctuate
Neurotransmitters (molecules) are the characteristically during each 24-hour period.
chemical link whereby one neuron, or a group As an inverse function of the protein content of
of neurons, communicate with another. each meal, plasma amino acid composition can
Neurotransmitters are water soluble, low be monitored by neurons that contain serotonin,
molecular weight compounds which are ionized and thereby provide information to modify
at the pH of body fluids. They are synthesized production and release of their transmitter.
in nerve terminals primarily and stored, partly Administration of the amino acid tryptophane
within vesicles, in the presynaptic terminus. has been shown to increase synthesis and
Neurotransmitter molecules are released into release of central serotonin (Fernstrom and
the synaptic cleft when the presynaptic neuron Wurtman, 1971).
is depolarized, and they come into contact with Drs. J.D. Fernstrom and R.J. Wurtman
specific receptors on the surface of the next describe the interesting discovery that the
distal postsynaptic cell. Many thousands of pre- secretion of a hormone — insulin — could
synaptic neurons may send impulses to a given increase plasma concentration of tryptophane
postsynaptic neuron. The given postsynaptic relative to the plasma concentration of other
neuron's cell membranes somehow determine large neutral amino acids with which it
whether or not to depolarize after summation of competes for transport into the brain, thereby
all these excitatory and inhibitory stimuli. increasing tryptophane entry into the brain.
Drs. Growdon and Wurtman (1980) explain Therefore, tryptophane uptake by the brain and
that in order to demonstrate that a particular the acceleration of serotonin synthesis will
neurotransmitter is subject to nutritional follow a meal rich in carbohydrates which will
control, five types of evidence must be stimulate insulin secretion. By contrast, Drs.
obtained: (1) brain neurons must be unable to Fernstrom and Wurtman explain, decreased
synthesize adequate amounts of the tryptophane uptake into the brain, which will
transmitter's precursor from glucose or any lower the brain's potential for synthesizing
other energy source; (2) the brain must be able serotonin, follows a meal laden with protein
to obtain the precursor by taking it up from the which lowers the ratio of tryptophane to other
circulation by a low affinity uptake system that amino acids.
allows the rate of uptake to increase or decrease With dietary strategies, brain serotonin levels
when plasma levels of the precursor rise or fall; have been increased and patients whose diseases
(3) plasma levels of the precursor must resulted from deficiencies of serotoninergic
normally rise and fall (for example, in response transmission have been helped. Tryptophane
to eating or secretion of hormones); (4) a low administration can reverse insomnia and
affinity enzyme must catalyze the key step in suppress myoclonus; it has been used to treat
converting the precursor to the transmitter; and depression successfully in some, but not all,
(5) no closed feedback loops should operate patients and may also suppress migraine
within the neuron to keep its neurotransmitter headaches in a few patients (Growdon, 1979).
levels constant. Drs. Growdon and Wurtman Dr. Growdon also suggests that by increasing
assure us that the relationship between the CNS serotonin levels tryptophane may have a
amino acid tryptophane and the transmitter role as a hypnotic.
serotonin, between choline and acetylcholine, Ascorbic acid and Pyridoxine (B6) have often
and between tyrosine and the catecholamines been given with L-tryptophane on the
fulfill these criteria. assumption that they were necessary cofactors
The precursor for the neurotransmitter in indoleamine synthesis (Coppen et

al., 1972). Orthomolecular physicians have They suggested that any reaction which
established the fact that there is a difference diverted adrenochrome into adrenolutin rather
seen in the therapeutic results when these than leukoadrenochrome would cause or
vitamins have been added. Pyridoxine can work aggravate schizophrenia.
in one of two ways or both according to Dr.
Abram Hoffer (1981). He explains that it is
essential for the conversion of tryptophane into
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). It is
also required to replenish the Pyridoxine
removed from the body of patients who have
too much kryptopyrrole (KP). This is a
substance first discovered by Irvine (1969)
primarily in schizophrenic patients under the
direction of Hoffer and Osmond (1963). Dr.
Hoffer explains that later Pfeiffer (1975) and
Pfeiffer et al. (1974) developed a quantitative
assay and demonstrated that KP bound irrevers-
ibly with zinc and Pyridoxine causing a double
Oxidized adrenaline rapidly continues to be
oxidized to adrenochrome in the absence of
enough NAD; Dr. Hoffer assures us that this
reaction is not reversible. Oxidized adrenaline
is reduced to adrenaline when there is enough
NAD. Dr. Hoffer believes this is the normal Dr. Abram Hoffer explains that reactions 1, 2
process, and that the deficiency of NAD should and 4 are essential as we cannot live without
therefore cause or, if it is already present, noradrenalin and adrenaline. He suspects that
intensify schizophrenic symptoms; and that reaction 5 and reactions such as 3 are also
pellagra is the best natural model of essential when under proper control. He has
schizophrenia. suggested (Hoffer and Osmond, 1963) that the
In the Vitamin B3 deficiency disease ratio of leukoadrenochrome to adrenaline helps
pellagra, a deficiency of NAD is present. A diet to control anxiety. Reaction 6 would be
which is too low in tryptophane, deficient in therapeutic but reaction 7 is toxic.
Vitamin B3 and absorbable Vitamin B3 and too The adrenochrome hypothesis immediately
rich in leucine causes pellagra. Too much B3 is called attention to Vitamin B3 and ascorbic acid
lost in the urine when too much leucine is and potential treatments for schizophrenia and
present. This is reversed by isoleucine, i.e., helped point to the catecholamines as significant
isoleucine is an antidote against the pellagra facts in the etiology of schizophrenia.
producing property of leucine (Hoffer, 1981). We now know that the production and release
In 1954, Hoffer, Osmond and Smythies of catecholamine neurotransmitters dopamine
published The Adrenochrome Hypothesis of and norepinephrine can also be influenced by
Schizophrenia. The adrenochrome hypothesis physiologic variations in brain levels of their
can be described biochemically by a series of dietary precursor tyrosine (Growdon and
reactions as follows: Wurtman, 1980). Dopaminergic neurons have
been implicated in the etiology of Parkinson's
disease and schizophrenia; norepinephrine -
containing neurons are thought to be involved in
blood pressure control and depression. Philip B.
Applewhite (1981) suggests that regardless of
the cause or causes of

depression, the best current guess of what is either by injection
happening is that there is not enough of the or as a constituent of the diet, caused major
neurotransmitter molecule norepinephrine at the sequential elevations in serum choline, brain
right place in the brain. He suggests that if choline and brain acetylcholine levels. Sub-
norepinephrine molecules are not present in sequent studies have shown that as a function of
selected nerve cells in sufficient quantity, nerve dietary choline content in humans, blood and
signals will not be transmitted from one nerve choline levels normally vary. The effects of
cell to another at a fast enough rate to maintain dietary choline provided as lecithin, the form in
a normal level of behavior. He assures us that which it usually is ingested, was found by Drs.
diet may be an important consideration in J.H. Growdon and R.J. Wurtman (1980) to be
assuring the availability of the chemical far greater than those observed when choline
precursor of norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is itself is administered; that the acetylcholine-
synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine — if forming enzyme is not subject to end-product
tyrosine is present in too low an amount in the feedback controls; and that increases in
diet, not enough norepinephrine will be acetylcholine levels are, in fact, associated with
synthesized and depression may result. parallel changes in the amount of the transmitter
Administration of the amino acid tyrosine has that are released into synapses to act on
been shown to elevate plasma tyrosine postsynaptic receptors.
concentrations, thereby increasing the brain L. Galzigna (1970) has suggested that there
uptake of tyrosine and synthesis of the may be a relationship between the
catecholamines dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitter acetylcholine and cate-
(Scally, Ulus and Wurtman, 1978). If there is a cholamines. A complex which does not change
gene for depression would it act by suppressing to adrenolutin in ascorbic acid medium is found
the production of norepinephrine? While the when acetylcholine interacts with oxidized
molecular specifics of major depression are by noradrenaline. With dopamine it reacts similarly.
no means firmly established, they tie in nicely Dr. Abram Hoffer (1981) explains that both
with another mental illness at the other end of acetylcholine and nicotinamide increase the
depression — mania (Applewhite, 1981). To auto-oxidation of noradrenaline but the complex
indicate its shifting nature, psychiatrists now reacts differently with ascorbic acid. Dr.
call mania-depression a bipolar disorder. Galzigna expresses the idea that aminochrome
Dr. Applewhite suggests, "if depression is pro- could form if a central catecholamine leaks into
duced by a lack of the norepinephrine molecule, the synapse; acetylcholine would stabilize it and
it would be reasonable to guess that mania is nicotinamide would increase its removal. "The
produced by an excess of the norepinephrine leak of catecholamine and the stabilization of its
molecule." oxidation products could produce an aberrant
Drs. J.H. Growdon and R.J. Wurtman (1980) communication, which on the one hand might be
express astonishment to find that cholinergic the chemical event leading to a short circuit
neurons were vulnerable "to the vagaries of between adrenergic and cholinergic systems, and
food choice" as were the neurons releasing on the other hand might be the origin of irritative
serotonin. They explain that acetylcholine is foci of stabilized psychotogenic agents at
synthesized when a molecule of choline joins a cortical level. Both effects could possibly
molecule of acetylcoenzyme A in a reaction explain the onset of mental illness" (Hoffer,
catalyzed by the enzyme choline 1981).
acetyltransferase. Since this enzyme has a low The neurotransmitter choline and its precursor
affinity for its substrate and is not fully lecithin have been used successfully to suppress
saturated under normal conditions, it seemed involuntary movements in patients with tardive
possible that the synthesis of acetylcholine, like dyskinesia — a choreiform movement disorder
that of serotonin, might be accelerated by caused by antipsychotic medication. The
treatments that increased the levels of precursor employment of choline and lecithin to suppress
in the brain. Drs. E. Cohen and R.J. Wurtman the abnormal movements of tardive dyskinesia
(1976) found that administration of choline, constitutes the most impressive use of
dietary therapy to date (Growdon, Hirsch, may create the moods experienced by schizo-
Wurtman et al., 1977; Galenberg, Wojcik and phrenics. The notion that the brain contains an
Growdon, 1979). These substances presumably in-built supply of opioid chemicals has been
increase central nervous system acetylcholine particularly seductive to psychiatrists — and one
tone. For the same reason, lecithin is being awaits the scientific evaluation of the efficacy of
tested for the treatment of mania (Cohen, Miller, their potential in psychiatric disorders.
Lipinski et al., 1980). Studies are also underway As far as mental health is concerned, it has
to evaluate lecithin's ability to augment memory been suggested that the endorphins may play
in normal subjects (Davis, Mohs and such a major role in regulating moods that
Finklenberg et al., 1980) and to improve disturbances in these molecules could lead to
cognitive function in patients with dementia any number of mental illnesses. Dr. Applewhite
(Christie, Blackburn and Glen, 1979). (1981) suggests that endorphins may serve to
We know now that eating certain foods can increase eating. Naturally occurring endorphin
raise the level of brain neurotransmitters, the molecules in the brain can be released into the
chemicals that carry messages between brain bloodstream targeted for the stomach. Here the
cells. There is direct evidence that higher levels endorphins may block the nerve impulses from
of these chemicals actually increase the the stomach that tell the brain the stomach is
amplitude of the message sent to the next cell — full, and we continue to eat. Norepinephrine
with probable consequences for behavior applied to the brain will cause hunger in "full"
(Wurtman, 1978). This has major implications animals (Applewhite, 1981). Eating has its own
for understanding healthy persons and therefore control center in the hypothalamus and an
for mental illness and perhaps other forms of injection in this area (in rats) with a
disease. It is conceivable that we will eventually neurotransmitter molecule like norepinephrine
know enough about how diet affects brain chem- stops even hungry animals from eating (in other
istry to lessen pain and control our moods, to brain areas it causes eating). "It is difficult to
suppress or stimulate our appetites for certain imagine that anorexia nervosa is caused by
foods, to be more alert by day or sleep by night, anything other than a malfunction in the eating
and even to improve our memory and circulation center of the hypothalamus" (Applewhite, 1981).
(Wurtman, 1978). Given the potential implications that endorphins
As times goes by we may see more and more and neurotransmitters both play a role in moods
psychological disorders being removed from the and depression and in eating there is the possi-
classification of mental illness and being called bility that we may find an important relationship
what they are — genetic, nutritional, metabolic between them; and that endorphins, like
or infectious disorders of the brain. Dr. Philip B. neurotransmitters, are somehow controlled by
Applewhite notes,"... their molecular origin is nutrition.
acknowledged." As we learn more about the It is too soon to tell yet, but the endorphins
brain, i.e., neurotransmitters and the role may bring us an important step closer to the
nutrition plays, the role of the psychosocial cause of molecular madness.
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