Guide To Pitching Tech Startups: Created by Tips, Tricks & Recommendations For Perfecting Your Pitch
Guide To Pitching Tech Startups: Created by Tips, Tricks & Recommendations For Perfecting Your Pitch
Guide To Pitching Tech Startups: Created by Tips, Tricks & Recommendations For Perfecting Your Pitch
Tech Startups
Sharpen Your Axe
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Crafting a
Creating a clear, concise and convincing pitch that’s
understandable to your audience is the key. Based
on our experience, we’ve noted that most hardware
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Crafting a Convincing Pitch
Is your business Does the pitch What previous What problem are What is the market Who are the
model or product balance all the funding rounds you solving? acceptance of your founders? What is
clear to people points you are did you have? product? their background?
without a technical trying to make? The answer is your
background? Is it convincing? Mention the size of unique solution. This Do you need to create Audiences appreciate
funding round, the is the center to a a novel market for your the full story about how
Make sure the problem This depends on the ticket size, founders successful pitch. Present product/service or is it a you (the founders) got
statement and business audience, but try to equity and/or previous your solution as clearly different product among to the development of
opportunity is simply cover all aspects to your investors equity, cash as possible, and always other solutions in the their product. Your story
stated to be understood product and avoid focus runway and burn rate. relate back to how market? Addressing the is also your product’s
by everyone, including on the technical side your product actually market acceptance of story.
non-technical people of it. The best pitches resolves the problem. your solution will also
(pitch your business to we have seen are not Think of the “Sell me this feed into your SWOT
your grandparents as a only technical and pen” question during analysis.
trial). they appeal to human interviews.
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Crafting a Convincing Pitch
What is the Do you have data Are you prepared to Who are your Why are you Were any
market size? to support of your support claims you competitors? pitching? What milestones
story? made? Who are your are you seeking to achieved?
This requires some potential partners? achieve? Who is
market research and “Above all else show Any assertions you your audience? List your past successes,
analysis. Show what the data.” Saya E. R. make on your target Who you are competing major milestones, letter
place your product takes Tufte in The Visual customers, financial with or can collaborate Be clear on what you of intents (LOI’s) and
in a market and how it Display of Quantitative projects, marketing with is important, as it are looking for when roadmap for the future.
can disrupt; investors Information. Spend strategy need adequate shows that you are able pitching at specific
are always attracted to time to analyze the support. Being able to realistically position events: investors and
products with disruptive market, competition and to backup your claims yourself on the real- funding? prospective
potential. Be as specific problem. Note: graphics reinforces credibility. world market. A SWOT clients? media
about your product as often say more than analysis can help to exposure?
possible. For example, numbers. paint a clear picture of
while a startup in smart your standing among
home can claim the size the competition.
of the whole industry as
its potential market size,
its actual product-based
market size is a small
slice of the bigger pie.
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The Importance of
Pitch Deck Design
Sure, the written content of your pitch is king,
“Design cannot rescue failed content.” Join our program for entrepreneurs
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The Importance of Pitch Deck Design and Style
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Your pitch deck
needs to be simple
yet functional.
Be consistent.
The goal of your pitch palette, one font, one When choosing visual The pitch deck is only
deck is to simplify a style. Try to make your content ask yourself an element for visual
complex idea into a few pitch deck more visually the core question: does support. Work with
slides. Reducing where aligned with your that visual serve the statements instead of
possible allows you to branding ideal. idea? Does it fit with text blocks: state the
have an on-point pitch. the defined personality? challenge, the problem
Decide how you want and your solution in
to appear and not statements.
appear, from a branding
perspective: formal or
friendly, etc.
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Practice Makes Perfect
Any professional athlete or musician could tell you
this, but practice is the key to successful pitching.
While Allen Iverson would not be keen on doing so,
pitching it is all about practice, practice, and more
practice. The Greek philosopher Aristotle recognized
the importance of practicing repeatedly in order
to succeed:
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Practice Makes Perfect
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You Represent Your Company
How to define a brand at its core? What is a brand?
Here at Next Big Thing AG, our favorite definition
Be a great teammate and
comes from none other than Amazon founder and
supportive colleague.
CEO Jeff Bezos: “Your brand is what people say
about you after you leave the room.”
While there is much more to branding (check out
The Quick and Dirty Guide to Building Your Startup
Brand) than what people say after one leaves the
Become an expert at something
room, venture capitals and investors do not just
that has real value.
invest in businesses, but in the founders
themselves, too.
A can’t-fail business proposition can be unique or
revolutionary, but ultimately the investors need to
trust the founders and not simply the business idea.
Be a broad visionary - a teacher, leader,
Put yourself in the perspective of an investor to
or simply put a farsighted “imagineer”.
answer those and read the checklist of our
CIO Martin Buhl.
Projecting yourself as an enthusiastic and confident
individual can boost chances of funding. As a
founder, you are the face of your startup. In order
Be a businessperson, obsessed
to define who you are as a founder and thus
with pragmatic outcomes.
a brand, consider how to balance these
four recommendations:
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You Represent Your Company
Learn more
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Past the First Hurdle
Congratulations! Once you successfully pitched your
company or idea to a partner or investor, you passed
the first hurdle. Even though you excelled at your
pitch, this does not imply that you will shake hands
and have a partner right away or get immediate
funding from an investor. However, once making it
past the first hurdle, keep in mind the following by
Armstrong Williams:
“Networking is an essential part find out more about the person you want to talk to ie.
their background, focus areas, investment sweet spot,
of building wealth” common network, even hobbies!
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Past the First Hurdle
Be proactive.
idea from various angles according to who your
Build a one-on-one rapport. audience is (technical vs. non-technical).
their network that might be interested.
Prepare yourself.
Keep the relationship alive.
When reaching out to contacts (especially investors)
be ready to answer more pointed questions about If they were interested but felt it was not currently
your company or idea. Being ready for these will give the time, ask them if they would be interested in
you the upper hand in discussions. receiving updates on some of your most important
advances (use this carefully as you don’t want the
Have documentation ready. relationship to deteriorate).
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Your Cheat Sheet
to Success
Your life’s story is also your product’s story.
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Next Big Thing AG is Europe’s premier startup incubator
for the Internet of Things and Services and Blockchain.