New Theory of Space and Time - Structure and Functioning of The World
New Theory of Space and Time - Structure and Functioning of The World
New Theory of Space and Time - Structure and Functioning of The World
New Theory Of Space And Time -Structure And Functioning Of The World
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1 author:
Dimitrije Hajdukovic
Independent researcher (* University Full Professor, in Retirement, Ph.D).D)
All content following this page was uploaded by Dimitrije Hajdukovic on 28 January 2021.
Introduction/purpose: The paper is dedicated to the new theory of space and time, the new model of spacetime
and the three-part world in that spacetime.
Methods: Consistent application of mathematics and the laws of physics and celestial mechanics.
Results: Geometric interpretation of time (arctime); Proof that time is changeable, that it has a metric structure
and a beginning; Spacetime of Minkowsky; Euclidian Spacetime; Relativistic space Rt and relativistic time τ;
Bio Spacetime R4 and a living world in it; Mortuus Spacetime and a non-living world in it; Celestial Spacetime
and world of souls in it; Relativistic Bio Spacetime; Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime; Relativistic Celestial
Spacetime; Flat-Spherical interpretation R of ordinary space R3 and of time t; Flat-Spherical Bio
Spacetime R ; Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime; Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime; Relativistic flat-
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spherical space R t ; Relativistic Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime R t ; Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus
Spacetime; Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime; New Theory of Gravity.
Conclusions: Space and time are at the same time flat and curved (distorted) around each of their points; Space
and time as separate entities are changeable, and in symbiosis they are unchangeable; Time has a beginning
and a metrical structure; Newton's and Einstein's views on space and time are characterized by one-sidedness
and incompleteness, and there is no contradiction between those views; The world was created and has a
beginning in time; The results are based on mathephysics (symbiosis of mathematics and physics), which, like
science in general, we do not create but we reveal the secrets of the world; The results are compatible and
complementary with theological views on the creation, structure and functioning of the world.
Key words: Arctime, virtual planets Q rt , function 1t, Bio Spacetime, living world, Mortuus Spacetime, non-
living world, Celestial Spacetime, world of souls, gravitational waves, gravitational law, Relativistic Flat-
Spherical Bio Spacetime, Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime, Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial
Date of Submission: 20-08-2020 Date of Acceptance: 06-09-2020
In the article new features of space and time, i.e. a three-part spacetime and a three-part world in that
spacetime, have been considered.
In paragraph 1. we have obtained a geometric interpretation of time, i.e. arctime, which is a backbone
of the whole work. By arctime we got a new proof of extensibility of time which is simpler and more elegant
than any other known proof of that extensibility. We have obtained that arctime is a unity of time t and arc on
a trigonometric circle, then we got that time t has the beginning and metric structure in arctime like arc has it,
and finally we got that time t and arc are non-extendible in arctime. Along with arctime we got the virtual
planets Qrt , r 0 and the function 1t.
In paragraph 2., using arctime, virtual planets Q rt and function 1t, we get the existence of relativistic
space Rt (which periodically expands and constricts in regard to space R 3 ) and we get relativistic time τ.
Also, we consider about the gravitational waves and we prove that space Rt and Universe periodically expand
and constrict as one entity.
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
Paragraph 3. has been dedicated to a three-part spacetime composed by Bio Spacetime in which living world has
been located, Mortuus Spacetime in which non-living world has been located and Celestial Spacetime in which
world of souls has been located.
Paragraph 4. has been dedicated to a relativistic three-part spacetime composed of Relativistic Bio Spacetime,
Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime and Relativistic Celestial Spacetime. Also, we consider about a new formula for
transformation of a mass into energy, which is formally the same as the corresponding Einstein's formula, but
the physics behind the two formulas is different.
In paragraph 5. we consider about a flat-spherical interpretation of space, time and three-part spacetime.
In paragraph 6. we have obtained that the gravitation is really a distorted space and that Newton's gravitational
law holds for that gravitation. Also, we have obtained the law of gravitation in a relativistic space.
In paragraph 7. a summary of the obtained results has been given.
In paragraph 8. we discuss the actual problems in the physics and mathematics from the perspective of the new
In paragraph 9. some conclusions based upon the new results have been given.
Let C1,C2,C3 are the trigonometric circles on the middle unitary sphere S(0,1) respectively in the planes
z=0, x=0, y=0 (Fig.1). Let us denote the arcs on these circles by , , . Let the beginnings of these arcs are
respectively in the points (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) and let a positive orientation on these circles is reverse to the
rotation of the mantissas of a clock for the observers on the semi-axes z≥0, x≥0, y≥0 .
Then on the sphere S(0,1) an arbitrary point is unambiguously
determined by the arcs and , but arc is ‘’surplus’’. So it
was for centuries. Circle C3 and arc on it were both given
not any significance. However, recent discoveries about
connection between geometry and time enforced us to check a
relation of arc with arcs and , and a possibility to make
an interpretation of time by using that arc.
So, to an arbitrary value of arc corresponds y such that
y=sin holds, while the relation y=cos for certain also
holds; this has a corresponding z such that the relation
z=sin holds, while the relation z=cos for certain also
holds. Finally, this has a corresponding x such that x=sin
holds. Therefore, the following equations hold simultaneously
y sin y cos z cos
z sin x sin
Relation = - holds, so equations (1.1) are to be amounted to the equations
y sin z cos
y sin x sin
These equations determine a point, let us say Q , which moves in plane yx when ζ asscends and which has
a radius vector with a length, let us say 1ζ, given by
1 1 sin 2 (1.5)
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
Points Q , Qr and Qb now are denoted by Qt, Qrt and Qbt and we call them the virtual planets. By the
equations (1.8) points Bt and Bt' are defined respectively,
which with a course of time t delineate on the middle
unitary sphere S(0,1) a double spiral coil shaped as a
backbone of a DNA-structure of the molecules of the
smallest living creatures, i.e. bacteria and viruses (Fig. 4).
According to Fig. 3. time t and arc grow (run) with the
same speed. Thereby, for an observer on Earth, which does
not move in regard to Earth, planet Venus passes once
around the Sun in a shorter period of time than planet Mars
does, and during a motion of both planets arc grows up to
2π. It means that during a motion of Venus time t runs faster
than during a motion of Mars. By other words, a speed of
course of time t changes from one planet to the another, what means that time t is changeable. This is the
simplest and the most elegant proof of the changeability (extensibility) of time among known proofs of that
extensibility (Arsenijević, 2003). However, all those proofs rely on the incomplete knowledge of the unity of
time and space and those proofs refer to time which is in the incomplete unity with space. Below we shall reveal
a new type of the unity of time and space, in which (unity) time t runs with the constant speed c=1, which does
not depend on mutual motion of the observers.
According to Fig. 3. time t and arc grow (run) with the same speed, let us say v. Thereby, the equal distances
appear, i.e. vt = v holds. By other words, arctime t is the unity of time t and arc . Let us put c = v / vt
= / t = 1 and x = c = , and we have
Let O is the coordinate beginning in time t. The position of an arbitrary point A in time t is determined in regard
to point O, what means that point A follows to point O
in the sense of a flow of time t. Hence it follows that all
points in time t follow to point O. By other words, point
O is the beginning of time t. Now we interpret time t by
non-negative part of arc , which (part) we interpret by
non-negative part of a numeric line and that part we
call a time semi-axis. We apply the distances x onto a
numeric line which we call an arc semi-axis, and we
apply the distances ct onto a time semi-axis. Let us put
a time semi-axis vertical to arc semi-axis so that the
beginning O of the semi-axis is at the same time a
coordinate beginning on arc semi-axis (Fig. 5). By those
distances an arbitrary point A is defined in arctime t, what we write as A = (ct, x). With a flow of time t the
points A = (ct, x) move in arctime t at universal speed c=1 through time t and along arc .
The distance s in arctime t we define by Pythagora's equation with a minus sign, and according to (1.13) we
s2 = (ct)2 - x2 = 0 , (1.14)
what gives s=0. Arctime t with the distance s defined in this way we call Arctime of Minkowski, and the points
A in that Arctime we call the events. The event A=(ct,x) satisfies the equation (1.14) if and only if it holds
ct = ± x (1.15)
These are the half-lines p and p under the angle of 450 in regard to an arc axis and in regard to a time semi-
axis. The events A=(ct,x) lay on p and p and they are immobile, and the half-lines p and p represent the
Arctime of Minkowski.
The distance within the symbiosis of time t and arc we define, also, by Pythagora's equation with a plus sign
and we denote that distance by d and, according to (1.13), we have d2 = (ct)2 + x2 = 2(ct)2, what gives
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
d = ct 2 (1.16)
The symbiosis of time t and arc with the distance d defined in such a way is called Euclidian arctime, and
the points A in that arctime are called the events. In Arctime of Minkowski the distance is equal to zero, so there
is no motion of the events through that Arctime. According to (1.16) the events A in Euclidian arctime move
through that Arctime at universal speed c given with c = , i.e. they move at speed
c = c 2 (1.17)
( At , Bt ) 1t d ( A, B )
where d is the metrix of space R3 . It is easy to check that is the metrix in set Rt3 , i.e. that the pair
( Rt3 , ) is the metric space which we shortly denote by Rt3 or by R 3 (t).
Function 1t grows from 1 till 2 , and descends from 2 till 1 when t grows from 0 till π/2, and
when t grows from π/2 till π. Hence, according to the last equation in (2.1), it follows that space Rt expands
when t grows from 0 do π/2, and respectively, it follows that space Rt constricts when t grows from π/2 till π.
When t runs further unlimitedly, the expansion and constriction of space Rt periodically repeat with a period of
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π. Specially, for t=kπ (k=0,1,2,...) space Rt reduces to space R . More exactly, space Rt expands and
3 3 3
constricts in regard to space R , whereby space R behaves, on one side, as integral part of space Rt , while, on
the other side, it behaves as a separate entity. Such a junction of spaces R3 and Rt3 is necessary and sufficient
condition for the understanding of the existence and functioning of those spaces.
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Therefore, space Rt expands and constricts in regard to space R , what means that space Rt is
characterised by the relativity in the sense of relativity induced by the flow of arctime. Hence it comes the name
- relativistic space Rt .
The objects of space Rt are obtained in such a way that the points of corresponding object of
space R are multiplied by 1t . For example, when points of the numeric line R are multiplied by 1t then the
relativistic points which form relativistic line Rt are obtained. With a flow of arctime t in 1t the points of
relativistic line Rt periodically depart (digress) and approach in accordance with the expansion and constriction
of space Rt . Also, when the points of circle C3 (Fig. 1) are multiplied by 1t, we get relativistic circle C3(t)
which has a radius 1t .
We have put that, by definition, ut=1t ∙ u holds. Analogically, ut ∙vt = 1t ∙(u∙v) holds, by definition. Specially, 1t
∙1t = 1t ∙(1∙1) = 1t ∙1= 1t holds. Also, it holds that ut ∙v = (1t ∙u)∙v =1t ∙(uv)= ut ∙vt . Therefore, the following
equations hold
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
1t 1t 1t (2.2)
u t vt u t v
ordinary flat-spherical space which is distorted by itself around each of its points. In the presence of a larger
mass a flat-spherical ordinary space distorts itself additionally, and orbit L of virtual planet Qr t and of a
corresponding planet, respectively, of a corresponding celestial body, gets its final shape in space Rt . In
paragraph 4. we shall see that space Rt and time τ are in the symbiosis and that we call them a relativistic bio
space and a relativistic bio time, and their symbiosis we call Relativistic Bio Spacetime. In that space and in that
time all moves at universal speed ct=1t , what means that the virtual planets and the corresponding celestial
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bodies in space Rt move along the spiral orbits at universal speed which is constant in relativistic space Rt and
which periodically grows and declines in regard to the speed c=1 in space R . It means that the celestial bodies
in space Rt periodically move away from a center of their spiral orbits and approach to that center. Specially,
the Moon periodically moves away from Earth and it approaches to Earth, what is in accordance with the proof
that the Moon now moves away for 4 cm from Earth in a period of one year.
In paragraph 6. we shall see that the gravitation is a distorted ordinary space which is spherically
distorted by itself around each of its points and which is additionally distorted by the influence of the masses of
the corresponding bodies. From the other side, a distorted ordinary space is responsible for the shape of orbit L
of the virtual planets and of the celestial bodies. More exactly, the spiral turns on orbit L are the gravitational
waves which now expand in accordance with actual expansion of space. By other words, the gravitation and the
gravitational waves are the manifestations of a distorted space which is distorted by itself and which is
additionally distorted by the influence of the masses of the corresponding bodies. Thereby, the expansion and
constriction of space Rt in small proportions is slightly, and that is why we do not remark the gravitational
waves. But in a presence of some huge mass, for example a black hole, it comes to the additional incurvation of
space Rt , whereby it comes to the enlargement (augmentation) of the gravitational waves and it comes to the
acceleration of their expansion. It enables that the gravitational waves can be notified even if they are on
enormous distances in a cosmic sense.
The figure 6. about the gravitational waves is compatible with the recently obtained graphic
interpretation of the gravitational waves. Thereby, Fig. 6. explains a nature of the gravitational waves more
completely, yet it eliminates the misapprehensions about the gravitational waves and it directly brings the
gravitation into a connection with the gravitational waves.
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
arc . That is how we get the quartette A=(ct,u,v,w). Let this time x is the distance of point M from the
coordinate beginning O. We apply that distance onto a numeric line which we call a space axis. Now the
equation (1.13) leads to the equation
ct=x , (3.1)
where x is the distance in space R . Let us denote by R4 a
set of all quartettes A=(ct,u,v,w) which we get when point M
passes space R . Then the equation (3.1) holds in the set R4.
By other words, we have a new type of the unity of
space R and time t. Within that unity the distances in time t
and in space R grow side by side and all move through time t
and through space R at universal speed c=1. Let us place
time semi-axis vertical onto a space axis in such a way that
the coordinate beginning O on a space axis is at the same time the beginning of time semi-axis. We call the area
above a space axis (Fig. 7) the future in regard to the event O, and now to the point A it corresponds point
A=(ct,x) which with a flow of time moves along a space axis and it moves along time semi-axis at speed c=1. In
other words, the points A=(ct,u,v,w) in the set R4 move through time t and through space R at speed c=1.
Therefore, by the equation (3.1) the unity of space R3 and time t has been given, which (unity) we call
Spacetime and we denote it by R4 (Sklar, 1977).
In Spacetime R4 the distance ct in time t and the distance x in space R3 grow (flow) side by side with the
universal speed c=1, what means that time t and space R are unchangeable in Spacetime R4. By other side, there
exist a number of proofs that time t and space R are changeable as separate objects. By other words, time t and
space R are of a dual nature: as separate objects they are changeable, but in Spacetime R4 they are
unchangeable. Below we shall see that space and time are both: flat and, in the same time, curved (distorted)
around each of their points. These are the results of epochal importance, the results which change our view of
world and they shake the very foundations of science and philosophy.
By the point M=(u,v,w) we interpret the spot of birth of any living being, and yet t is the time of birth of that
living being. We obtained that way the point A=(ct,u,v,w) in Spacetime R4 . With a flow of time t point A moves
through space and through time by the universal speed c=1, and that living being gets old, what presents a
complex aspect of motion of that living being through space and through time side by side with point A. Other
objects of the living world (plants, planets, stars) also move through space and through time by the universal
speed c=1 in Spacetime R4. In other words, the motion of the objects of living world through space and through
time in Spacetime R4 we interpret by the motion of corresponding points A in Spacetime R4. According to that,
Spacetime R4 we call also Bio Spacetime R4, and space R and time t in Spacetime R4 we call in turn: bio
space R and bio time t. For example, the motion of planets through space and through time in Bio Spacetime
we interpret by the motion of corresponding virtual planets Qrt .
Therefore, each individual object of the living world moves through space R and through time t in Spacetime
R4 by the constant speed c=1, whereby space R3 and time t are unchangeable in Spacetime R4 , and they are
changeable as separate objects. It means that to individual objects of the living world in Bio Spacetime R4, also,
it corresponds their own Bio Spacetime, whose duration varies from one to the other living object. By other
words, in Bio Spacetime R4 to each individual object of the living world it corresponds its own Bio Spacetime
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
which varies from one to the other living object. So, beside Bio Spacetime R4 in which resides the living world
and which is of objective nature, it exists also Bio Spacetime of subjective nature which varies from one to the
other living object. By other words, Bio Spacetime is, like space and time, of a dual nature.
In the set R4 we define the distance s using Pythagora's equation with a minus sign, and according to (3.1) we
s2 = (ct)2 - x2 = 0 , (3.2)
what gives s=0. Set R4 with the distance s defined in this way is called Mortuus Spacetime. The distance in that
Spacetime is equal to 0, what means that through that Spacetime there is no motion of the points which we call
the events. An arbitrary event A satisfies the equation (3.2) if and only if holds
ct = ± x (3.3)
These are the equations of the halflines p and p which with a space axis and with time semi-axis form an
angle of 450. By the other words, the halflines p and p represent Mortuus Spacetime (Fig. 7).
In the set R4 we define also the distance d of the point A=(ct,x) from the coordinate beginning O using
Pythagora's equation with a plus sign, and according to (3.1), we have d2 = (ct)2 + x2 = 2(ct)2, what gives
d = ct 2 (3.4)
The set R4 with the distance d defined in such a way we call Celestial Spacetime. Through that Spacetime the
points (events) A move at universal speed c = =c 2 .
To the speed c=1 in Mortuus Spacetime we join a vector of the length c=1, which points in direction of time.
That vector we multiply by mass m and then we get a vector of the length mc, c=1. That length we can express
in the form mc2 and that represents the energy E by which mass m disposes, i.e. it holds
E = mc2 (3.6)
This equation formally is the same as the famous Einstein's equation of converting of mass into energy, but the
physics behind those two equations is different. Namely, in the following section we shall demonstrate that
energy E in the equation (3.6) is kinetic energy. Also, if in known Spacetime of Minkowski we replace time by
metric time, that Spacetime amounts to Mortuus Spacetime, and the mentioned Einstein's equation amounts to
the equation (3.6). By other words, from perspective of our theory, energy E in Einstein's equation is kinetic
energy, too.
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
and through time τ at universal speed ct=1t . More exactly, in the set Rt4 all move through space Rt3 and
through time τ at universal speed ct=1t and we call the points At the relativistic events. As in the set R4, to each
individual living object in the set Rt4 corresponds the unique event At which side by side with that object moves
through space Rt and through time τ at universal speed ct=1t . More exactly, a motion of the events At is the
interpretation of a motion of corresponding living objects in the set Rt4 . By other words, in the set Rt4 , i.e. in
the unity of space Rt and time τ resides the living world which is characterised by a motion of the living
objects of that world through space Rt and through time τ at universal speed ct=1t. According to that, space
Rt3 and time τ, for whom the equation (4.1) holds, we call the relativistic bio space and the relativistic bio time,
and their symbiosis we call Relativistic Bio Spacetime. In fact, a motion of the events At and corresponding
objects of living world side by side through bio space Rt and through bio time τ is the necessary and sufficient
condition for the existence of a life in that space and in that time.
In the set Rt4 we define the distance st using the relativistic Pythagora's equation with a minus sign, and
according to (4.1) we have
st2 ( ct t )2 xt2 0t (4.2)
The set Rt4 in which the distance st is given by the equation (4.2) we call the Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime.
According to (4.2) st=0t holds, what means that in the Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime there is no motion of the
events At=(ctt, xt) through that Spacetime. By other words, in the Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime there are no
objects of the living world – there is no life.
In the set Rt4 we define, also, the distance dt using the relativistic Pythagora's equation with a plus sign, and
according to (4.1) we have dt2 = (ctt)2 + x2 = 2(ctt)2, what gives
d t = ct t 2 (4.3)
The set Rt4 in which a distance is given by (4.3) we call the Relativistic Celestial Spacetime. The events At
move through the Relativistic Celestial Spacetime at universal speed c , what gives
c ct 2 (4.4)
The point (event) At = (ctt, xt) satisfies the equation (4.2) if and only if the following equations hold
ct t = ± x t (4.5)
These are the relativistic equations of the relativistic halflines pt 1t p and pt 1t p , which with the
relativistic space axis and with the relativistic time semi-axis form the relativistic angle of the relativistic 450 .
By other words, the halflines pt and p t (Fig. 8) represent the Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime.
Therefore, the objects of the living world move through space Rt and through time τ at universal speed ct=1t .
Thereby, it appears the distance ctt in time τ in which the speed ct grows from the universal speed c=1 till the
universal speed c c 2 . In fact, the speed c=1 is the smallest speed of a motion of an living object, and the
speed c c 2 is the largest speed of a motion of the living objects through space Rt and through time τ,
whereby c c 2 is, also, the universal speed in Celestial Spacetime. Concretely, a man moves through space
Rt3 and through time τ at universal speed ct=1t . In the moment of death it stops a motion of a man through
space, terrestrial remnants of a man continue to move through time τ at universal speed ct=1t in Relativistic
Mortuus Spacetime, and the soul separates from the body and it continues to live in Relativistic Celestial
Spacetime and it moves through that Spacetime at universal speed ct ct 2 .
When in 1t holds that t = k π (k = 0, 1, 2,...), Relativistic Bio Spacetime, Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime and
Relativistic Celestial Spacetime amount respectively onto Bio Spacetime, Mortuus Spacetime and Celestial
Spacetime. By other words, Bio Spacetime is the beginning and integral part of Relativistic Bio Spacetime,
Mortuus Spacetime is the beginning and integral part of Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime, Celestial Spacetime is
the beginning and integral part of Relativistic Celestial Spacetime. Thereby, Relativistic Celestial Spacetime in
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
our theory has the same meaning as the Sky has in theology. Therefore, according to our theory the Sky has a
beginning, too.
An arbitrary mass m in Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime is in the state of constant motion within the periodic
expansion and constriction of the Universe at speed ct=1t and, based on that motion, it posseses kinetic energy.
On the other side, multiplying the equation (3.6) by 1t we obtain the formula
E t mc t2 , (4.6)
by which that energy is given. With a flow of time t in 1t the speed ct=1t periodically grows and declines, so the
quantity of energy Et periodically grows and declines. Specially, when t = k π (k = 0, 1, 2,...), energy Et
amounts onto energy E which is given by (3.6). It means that energy E is a part of energy Et, i.e. it means that
energy E, also, is kinetic energy. As we have explained in paragraph 3, it means that energy E in the famous
Einstein's equation is kinetic energy.
We comprehend an ordinary space in such a way that it stretches back-forth, left-right, up-down. On
such comprehension of space relies Descartes's coordinate system, by which to an arbitrary point M of space we
unambiguously coordinate the triplet (x,y,z) of real numbers (coordinates of the point M), which we equalize
with the point M and we write it M(x,y,z) or M=(x,y,z). In set R of all such triplets we define the metrix d by
using Pythagora's equation with a plus sign and we call the deuce ( R , d) Euclidian's three-dimensional space
which we shortly denote by R . We talk yet that space R3 is a flat interpretation of ordinary space (Pogorelov,
Intuitively, also, we see the sphere S(O, r) as a set of points in a space which are equally distant from an
arbitrary point of a space. More exactly, we define a sphere by
S( O,r ) M : M R 3 ,d ( O, M ) r , (5.1)
where an arbitrary r 0 is a length of a radius of sphere, and O is a centre of sphere. Let's remember that a
position of point M on sphere S(0,1) is unambiguously determined by the arcs and on trigonometric circles
C1 and C2 (Fig. 1). By other words, arbitrary point M on sphere S(0,1) we interpret as the deuce of arc
coordinates (,) and we define the sphere S(0,1) as two-dimensional space. Let's put
S 3 ( O ) S( O,r ) (5.2)
An arbitrary point M of ordinary space belongs to some of the spheres S(0,r) and it is determined by the
triplet (r, , ) which we equalize with the point M and we write it M(r, , ) or M=(r, , ). In other words, the
points of ordinary space we comparatively interpret by the triplet (x,y,z) of rectangular coordinates and by the
triplet (r, , ) of spherical coordinates, and ordinary space we interpret comparatively by flat space R3 and by
spherical space S3(O). Thereby, O is a center of space S3(O), which can be any point of ordinary space, what
means that ordinary space is spherically distorted around each of its points. The spaces R and S3(O) form a new
space which is flat-spherical interpretation of ordinary space and which we denote by R . This space arised in
such a way that we have added the spherical structure of space S3(O) to the metric structure of space R . Hence
it comes the denotement R for a space which is flat-spherical interpretation of ordinary space. According to
that, space R is flat like ordinary space is, and yet, also, it is spherically distorted around each of its points.
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In space R hold both, flat Euclidian geometry of space R and spherical geometry of space S3(O),
which are compatible and complementary. More exactly, geometry of space R is the combination of flat and
spherical geometries, and the example of such geometry is the trigonometry. Only now we know which
geometry represents the trigonometry, whereby, we didn't create the trigonometry, then we only revealed it.
Moreover, our results show we don't create mathematics then we reveal it.
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
In paragraph 3. we have seen that space R3 and time t are in the symbiosis which is given by equation
(3.1), in which (symbiosis) resides the living world and which we denote by R and which we call Flat Bio
3 4
Spacetime (Fig. 7). Analogically, space S (O) and time t are in the symbiosis S (O) which is given by ct=r, in
which the living world resides and in which we call space S3(O) and time t a spherical bio space and a spherical
bio time, respectively (Fig. 9). In fact, space R and time t are in the symbiosis in which the living world
4 4 3
resides and which we denote by R (Fig. 10). In the symbiosis R we call space R and time t a flat-
spherical bio space and a flat-spherical bio time, respectively, and their symbiosis we call Flat-Spherical Bio
Spacetime. For example, virtual planets Qrt , r 0, determined by the equations (1.11), move along the orbit Lr
in space R3 (Fig. 3) and along the orbit L in space Rt3 (Fig. 6). More exactly, they move at speed c=1 through
space R3 and through time t, and they move at speed ct=1t through space Rt3 and through time τ.
4 3
In set R there is no distances, but that set is the interpretation of unity of space R and time t, in which (set)
the living world resides nd which we call Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime. In set R we define the distance s by
using Pythagora's equation with a minus sign, and because of ct=r, we have
s2 = (ct)2 – r2 = 0 , (5.3)
what gives s=0. Set R in which the distance s is defined in such a way we call Flat-Spherical Mortuus
Spacetime. In that Spacetime the distance is equal to 0, so there is no motion of points (events) through that
Spacetime, what means that there is no life in that Spacetime.
In set R , also, we define the distance d by using Pythagora's equation with a plus sign, so we have d2 = (ct)2
+ r2 = 2(ct)2, what gives
d =c t 2 (5.4)
4 4
Set R with the distance d defined in such a way, i.e. the pair ( R , d), is a four-dimensional space which we
call Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime. Through that Spacetime the points (events) move at universal speed
c , what gives
c c 2 (5.5)
The motion of the events through Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime is the interpretation of a motion of
the living entities through that Spacetime. It means that through Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime a soul of
man moves, and man moves through space R3 and time t in that Spacetime. Also, after death of a man his
terrestrial remnants stand still in space, but they move through time at speed c=1 in Flat-Spherical Mortuus
Spacetime. Thereby, a soul diverges from a body and continues to live in Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime,
where it moves through that Spacetime at speed c c 2 . This description of structure and functioning of the
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
world is incomplete. More exactly, three-part world consisted of the living world, the non-living world and the
world of souls is the beginning and integral part of three-part world we talk about later (Sciama, 1978).
Relativistic sphere S (0t , rt) in the relativistic space Rt is given by
S( Ot , rt ) M t : M t Rt3 , ( Ot , M t ) rt , (5.6)
where ut=1t ∙ u holds, and the relativistic spherical space S t ( Ot ) is given by
S t3 ( Ot ) S( Ot , rt ) (5.7)
With a flow of arctime t in 1t the points of space S t ( Ot ) periodically with a period π move away from center
Ot of that space and they approach to that center Ot . By other words, space S t ( Ot ) periodically with a period
π expands and constricts as space Rt does, and the geometries in those two spaces are compatible and
3 3 3
complementary. In fact, spaces Rt and S t ( Ot ) form flat-spherical space R t . Thereby, rt is the mutual
3 3
distance of the points (events) of space S t ( Ot ) and the corresponding points of space Rt from the center Ot .
That distance is equal to the distance ctt of the points in time τ from the beginning Ot, i.e. the following equation
is valid
ctt=rt (5.8)
With a flow of arctime t in 1t the distances ctt and rt periodically with a period π grow and decline at speed
3 4
ct=1t . Precisely, space Rt and time τ are in the symbiosis Rt , in which the living world resides and we call that
space and that time relativistic bio space and relativistic bio time, and their symbiosis we call Relativistic Flat
3 4
Bio Spacetime (Fig. 7). Analogically, space S t ( Ot ) and time τ are in the symbiosis, let us say S t ( Ot ) , in
which the living world resides and we call that space and that time relativistic spherical bio space and relativistic
spherical bio time, and symbiosis S t ( Ot ) we call Relativistic Spherical Bio Spacetime (Fig. 11). Thereby, the
symbiosises Rt4 and S t4 ( Ot ) form symbiosis Rt4 of relativistic flat-spherical space Rt3 and time τ , which
(symbiosis) we call Relativistic Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime (Fig. 12).
In set R t we define the distance st by using the relativistic Pythagora's equation with a minus sign. That
distance is equal to the distance st in Relativistic Flat Mortuus Spacetime and the following equation holds
st2 ( ct t ) 2 rt2 0 t , (5.9)
what gives st=0t. Set R t4
with the distance st defined in such a way we call Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus
Spacetime. In that Spacetime the distance st is equal to relativistic zero, what means that there is no motion of
the points (events) through that Spacetime. By other words, in Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime
there is no life.
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
In set R t we define, also, distance dt by using relativistic Pythagora's equation with a plus sign, so we have dt2
= (ctt)2 + x2 = 2(ctt)2, what gives
d t = ct t 2 (5.10)
4 4
Set R t with distance d defined in such a way, i.e. the pair ( R t , dt), is four-dimensional space which we call
Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime. Through that Spacetime the points (events) move at universal
speed ct , what gives
ct ct 2 (5.11)
Thereby, motion of the events is the interpretation of motion of the souls through Relativistic Flat-Spherical
Celestial Spacetime.
When in 1t relation t = k π (k = 0, 1, 2,...) holds, Relativistic Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime amounts to
Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime. In fact, Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime is the beginning and integral part of
Relativistic Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime, Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime is the beginning and integral part
of Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime, Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime is the beginning and
integral part of Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime and set R is the beginning and integral part of
set R t . Thereby, in Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime are terrestrial remnants of the living beings
which (remnants) move through time τ, whereby there is no motion through space R t . In Relativistic Flat-
Spherical Celestial Spacetime the souls reside moving through that Spacetime at universal speed ct ct 2.
Finally, in set R t the living world resides.
These are the results of epochal significance, so it is worth to emphasize them once again. We have
obtained a model of relativistic flat-spherical spacetime consisted of: Relativistic Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime,
Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime and Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime. In that
spacetime the three-part world is located composed by: the living world in Relativistic Flat-Spherical Bio
Spacetime, the non-living world in Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime and the world of souls in
Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime. Thereby, the living world relies on unity of flat-spherical space
R t3 and flat-distorted time τ, and yet it is characterised by a motion of the objects of the living world through
that space and through that time at universal speed ct=1t. In the non-living world there is no unity of space and
time, so there is no motion which is the characteristics of a life. World of souls is characterised by a motion of
the souls at universal speed ct ct 2 through Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime.
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
We have obtained the known formula for Newton's gravitation law, whereby the gravitation F is a product of the
incurvation of space R around the masses m and m'. In fact, we have obtained that Einstein’s apprehension of
gravitation has been correct and that for the gravitation figured (understood) in such a way Newton’s gravitation
3 4
law holds. Thereby, gravitation law (6.1) holds in space R which is unchangeable in the symbiosis R .
Therefore, Newton has exactly predicted that gravitation law holds in unchangeable space, whereby his
apprehension of unchangeability of space was incomplete. Also, Einstein’s apprehension of gravitation was
incomplete, either. He had a vision that the bodies distort a space around themselves by their masses, what is
true, but he did not know that a space is distorted by itself around each of its points, and without that, as our path
till the formula (6.1) shows, he could not obtain that for gravitation as a distorted space Newton’s gravitation
law holds.
3 3
Space R is the beginning and integral part of relativistic flat-spherical space R t which periodically
with the Universe expands and constricts comparatively. By other words, gravitation law (6.1) is incomplete.
3 3
Indeed, when in (6.1) we replace space R by space R t and yet when we replace time t by time τ, then
we obtain the formula
m m
Ft , (6.2)
where ut=1t ∙ u holds. By this formula gravitation law in space R t is given, which (space) is unchangeable in
the symbiosis R t4 . In the law (6.2) rt is the distance of the massses m and m' and, in the same time, it is the
distance between two points in space R t which (distance) periodically with a period π elongates and shortens.
Hence it follows that gravitation Ft in relativistic space R t and in relativistic Universe periodically grows and
declines in accordance with periodic expansion and constriction of space and Universe.
Guided by mathematical subtlety we have been going forth, and new results have been coming in
sequence, whereby every single result has been relying directly to the results which had been preceding to that
particular result. Mutual position of circles C1, C2, C3 on Fig. 1, more exactly, dependency of arcs and on
circles C1 and C2 from arc on circle C3 , has brought us to the revelation (discovery) of arctime t, virtual
bacteria and viruses Bt and Bt', virtual planets Qrt and function 1t . These objects have determined a further
course of our research, and arctime has become a backbone of whole work. Arctime is the interpretation of time
t so by using arctime we have elegantly and simply proved that time is expandable if it is considered as a
separate entity. From the other side, arctime is the symbiosis of time t and arc , and time t in that symbiosis is
non-expandable. Therefore, time t is of a dual nature: as a separate entity it is expandable, and in the symbiosis
with arc it is non-expandable.
Unity of arc as a separate object and time t, i.e. arctime directly leads to the unity R4 of flat space R3
and time t in which (unity) the living world resides, so we call space R3 and time t bio space and bio time. In that
unity any object of the living world moves through space R3 and through time t at speed c=1 and it passes the
distance x in space R3 and the distance ct in time t, whereby ct=x holds. Thereby, the distances ct and x vary
from one till another living object. By other words, every single object of the living world has its own flat bio
space and bio time, and yet that object moves through space R3 and through time t at speed c=1.
In set R4 we define the distance s by using Pythagora's equation with a minus sign, so we obtain Flat Mortuus
Spacetime in which s=0 holds, in which the non-living world is located and in which bodily remains (remnants)
of man move through time t at speed c=1, whereby there is no motion through space R3.
In set R4 we define, also, the distance d by using Pythagora's equation with a plus sign, so we obtain Flat
Celestial Spacetime in which d = ct 2 holds, and in which the souls reside moving through that Spacetime at
speed c c 2 .
Arctime t, virtual planets Qrt and function 1t directly lead to the discovery of relativistic space Rt
and relativistic time τ . When in the symbiosis R4 we replace space R3 by space Rt , and yet when we replace
3 4
time t by time τ, we obtain the unity of space Rt and time τ which (unity) we denote by Rt and in which the
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
4 3
living world resides. In set Rt the objects of the living world move through space Rt and through time τ at
universal speed ct=1t . Thereby, any object of the living world passes the distance xt in space Rt and the
distance ct t in time τ, where ct t=xt holds and where the distances ct t and xt vary from one to another living
object. By other words, in set Rt every single living object has its own relativistic flat bio space and own
relativistic flat bio time, and set Rt we call Relativistic Flat Bio Spacetime.
In fact, we obtain set Rt when we multiply the points (events) in set R4 by 1t. Analogically, we
multiply the points (events) in Flat Mortuus Spacetime by 1t and so we obtain Relativistic Flat Mortuus
Spacetime in which the non-living world is located and in which bodily remains (terrestrial remnants) of a man
move through time at universal speed ct=1t , whereby there is no motion through space Rt . Also, we multiply
the points (events) in Flat Celestial Spacetime by 1t and so we obtain Relativistic Flat Celestial Spacetime in
which the souls live and move through that Spacetime at speed c c 2 .
We interpret time t by non-negative part of arc and by non-negative part of a numeric line, what
means that time t is of a dual nature – flat and distorted. Also, time t has a metric structure. All that leads to the
conclusion that ordinary space is flat and distorted. Indeed, with (5.2) spherical space S3(O) is defined, whose
points are the triplets (r, , ) of spherical coordinates. The spaces R3 and S3(O) form space R which is the
flat-spherical interpretation of ordinary space. By other words, the points of ordinary space we interpret by the
triplets (x, y, z) of flat coordinates and by the triplets (r, , ) of spherical coordinates, and ordinary space we
interpret by space R which we have obtained when we have added the spherical structure of space S3(O) to
the metric stucture of space R3. Hence it comes the denotement R for space by which we interpret flat-
spherical ordinary space. When we multiply the points of space R by 1t , then we obtain relativistic space
R t3 which periodically expands and constricts with a period π and by which we interpret ordinary space. By
other words, ordinary space, in which we live, i.e. in which we move, periodically expands and constricts with a
period π .
Let us note that r is the distance of the points in space R3 and in space S3(O) from the point O, so
equation ct=r holds in both of these spaces. It means that space S3(O) and time t are in the symbiosis in which
the living world resides and which we denote by S4(O) and which we call Spherical Bio Spacetime (Fig. 9).
Now set R4 and set S4(O) form the symbiosis of space R and time t in which the living world resides and
which we denote by R and which we call Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime (Fig. 10).
4 3 3
When in set R we replace space R by space R t , and yet we replace time t by time τ, we obtain set
R t4 in which the living world resides, and which (set) we call Relativistic Flat-Spherical Bio Spacetime (Fig.
11). In set R t we define the distance st by using relativistic Pythagora's equation with a minus sign, so we
obtain Relativistic Flat-Spherical Mortuus Spacetime in which there is no objects of the living world, in which
bodily remains (terrestrial remnants) of a man move through time τ at universal speed ct=1t , whereby there is
no motion through space R t .
Also, in set R t we define the distance dt by using relativistic Pythagora's equation with a plus sign,
so we obtain Relativistic Flat-Spherical Celestial Spacetime in which the souls live and move through that
Spacetime at universal speed ct ct 2 .
In paragraph 6. new theory of gravitation is given. We have shown that Einstein's vision of gravitation
as a distorted space is correct and that for that gravitation Newton's gravitation law holds. Thereby, Newton has
obtained the gravitation law, but he did not have any idea of a distorted space, so he had concluded that mass is
a source of gravitation, what, as we can see now, is not correct. Einstein's vision of gravitation is incomplete,
too. He has correctly noticed that gravitation is a distorted space, which is additionally distorted by the masses
of celestial bodies, but he did not know that space is also distorted by itself around each of its points. Because of
that and because of his unilateral comprehension of changeability (variability) of time and space Einstein has
wrongly concluded that Newton's gravitation law was not correct.
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
1. FEATURES OF SPACE AND TIME: Ordinary space is of flat-spherical nature. Also, we interpret
space by space R t which periodically expands and constricts with a period π. At t = k π (k = 0, 1, 2,...) space
R t3 amounts on flat-spherical space R 3 which is the beginning and integral part of space R t3 . Every point
of space can be a center Ot of spherical space S t ( Ot ) , what means that ordinary space is spherically
distorted around each of its points. Consequence of that is a spherical shape of stars, planets and some other
celestial bodies. Consequence of that is, also, that bodies in the vicinity of the body with a larger mass fall
towards the body with a larger mass along the direction which leads to the center of that body. Finally, a
consequence of spherical incurvation of space around each of its points is the orbiting of celestial bodies in
3 3
space R on eliptical orbits and a motion of celestial bodies in space R t along spiral orbits. Thereby, spiral
turns which form that spiral orbit represent the gravitational waves.
2. NEWTON AND EINSTEIN ABOUT SPACE AND TIME: Newton has predicted that space and time
are separate from one another and that they are non-extendable (unchangeable). Einstein has predicted that
space and time are changeable, and that was proved later. We have proved that space and time are extendable
(changeable) by themselves, i.e. as separate entities, but in the symbiosis of those entities R4 i.e. in Bio
Spacetime, time and space are extendable (unchangeable). Hence it follows that there is no contradiction
between Newton's and Einstein's attitudes about space and time and it follows that the attitudes of both about
space and time are characterized by incompleteness and unilaterality (one-sidedness). Those attitudes have to be
complemented and united in accordance with our new discoveries, and we shall obtain a dual nature of space
and time, i.e. that space and time as separate entities are extendable, but in the symbiosis they are non-
extendable. In fact, the state of affairs in all physics is about to be rearanged and settled again, and not only in
theory of space and time, whereby it should be started from the very beginning.
3. WORLD AND MATHE-PHYSICS: It is visible that the results, what we have obtained them, is a
testimony of construction and functioning ot the world, according to our experience. These results also
constitute an introduction to the symbiosis of mathematics and physics, which (symbiosis) we call relativistic
mathematics or mathe-physics. Also, those results indicate that we do not create the objects of mathe-physics,
then we discover them. For example, we didn't create the initial objects (arctime, virtual planets Qrt , function 1t,
Bio Spacetime, Mortuus Spacetime and Celestial Spacetime), then we discovered them. In other words, mathe-
physics has been given as a testimony of construction, structure and functioning of the world. Also, the results
we obtained are presented in this paper strictly in the order in which they were generated. This is extremely
important for the further development of mathematics, i.e., for continuation of the research which we begun in
this paper.
4. BEGINNING AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE WORLD: Time has a beginning that is also the
beginning of a world in time. The world has a beginning made up of the living world in Bio Spacetime, the non-
living world in Mortuus Spacetime and the world of souls in Celestial Spacetime. The building blocks of the
beginning of the world are flat-spherical space R , flat-distorted time t and matter (including energy), that are
a priori given. Space R is three-dimensional and non-expandable in the symbiosis with time, what means
that the beginning of the world was not a singularity of the Big Bang type. The world is built in three
complementary parts as when a man builds a house in several complementary rooms which suggests that in both
cases the hand of the Creator is present. More exactly, the world and the man in it are created.
5. MORTUUS SPACETIME AND TIME CRYSTALS: We have discovered that in Mortuus Spacetime
the bodily remains of the living world move through time, whereby there is no motion through space. On other
side, it is experimentally confirmed the idea of Norman Jao from University in Berkeley about the state of
matter which exists in time, but which does not exist in space – the idea about time crystals. More exactly, they
found on Berkeley that it exists matter which moves through time, but which does not also move through space,
and they concluded from that that that matter does not exist in space, what is not correct, because that matter
exists also in space but it does not move.
6. MORTUUS SPACETIME AND DARK MATTER: According to our results the Universe is consisted
of the living world in Bio Spacetime and of the non-living world in Mortuus Spacetime. Thereby, the matter in
New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The World
Relativistic Mortuus Spacetime is in a state of constant motion within the expansion and constriction of
Relativistic Flat-Spherical Space R t and the Universe as one single entity. By other words, for a motion of
matter in space R t the responsibility belongs to the periodic expansion and constriction of that space and the
Universe. Also, the quantity of matter in Mortuus Spacetime is uncomparable larger than the quantity of matter
in Bio Spacetime. These results lead to the conclusion that matter in Mortuus Spacetime represents a dark matter
whose existence is predicted by the physics which we know. It remains to be seen whether there is a connection
between the matter in Mortuus Spacetime and a dark matter whose existence predicts the physics we know.
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Dimitrije D. Hajduković. “New Theory Of Space And Time - Structure And Functioning Of The
World." International Journal of Engineering Research And Development, vol. 16(8), 2020, pp