Flexible Dentures: A Boon in Compromised Conditions: Review
Flexible Dentures: A Boon in Compromised Conditions: Review
Flexible Dentures: A Boon in Compromised Conditions: Review
Article Info:
Received: April 11, 2015
Review Completed: May 11, 2015
Accepted: June 10, 2015
Available Online: April, 2015 (www.nacd.in)
© NAD, 2015 - All rights reserved
Key words: Flexible denture, Valplast, Undercut, Acrylic
Email for correspondence: clasps, Thermoplastic resin
Flexible Dentures: A Boon in Compromised Conditions Mohit Handa
dentures. Charles Goodyear, in 1839, discovered the excellent durability. Presently a new line of
process of dry-heat vulcanization of rubber by thermoplastic nylon, Acetal, acrylic, and
heating caoutchouc, sulphur and white lead polycarbonate materials are taking a new surge in
together. In 1851, Goodyear used this technique to dental applications. Various commercially available
produce a highly cross-linked hard rubber named nylon flexible denture base materials are now in use.
Vulcanite after the Roman god. CF Harrington
(1850) introduced the first thermoplastic denture
material the tortoise shell base. Edwin Truman Some of the commercially available products are
(1851) used Gutta percha as a denture base but it Proflex, Valplast,Sunflex
was unstable. Alfred A Blandy (1856) made dentures Proflex:
from a low fusing alloy of silver, bismuth and
Pro-flex is the flexible denture base material
antimony. Dr. Bean (1867) invented the casting
which can be used for Full & Partial Flexible
machine and did the first casting of a denture base
in aluminium. J. Smith Hyatt (1869) introduced Dentures. Pickett Dental Laboratory has been
celluloid that was later used as a denture base offering Pro-flex full and partial flexible dentures
material because of its translucency and pink colour. since 1998. Pro-flex is easy to work with the quality,
Dr. Leo Bakeland (1909) introduced this phenol aesthetics and most importantly, the final results.
formaldehyde resin which was easily available but Pro-flex denture material is indicated in some of the
lacked colour quality. Ni-Cr and Co-Cr were Anatomical considerations-enables the material to
obtained by E. Haynes (1907) but they gained effectively engage tooth and tissue undercuts. Also,
popularity after 1937 because of their low density, Pro-flex is hypoallergenic which is recommended for
low material cost, higher resistance to tarnish and patients with known acrylic or metal sensitivities.
corrosion and high modulus of elasticity. Dr.Walter Aesthetically the material is semi translucent,
Wright (1937) introduced Polymethyl methacrylate allowing the prosthetic to better blend with the
as a denture base material which became the major colour of the natural gum tissue. With Pro-flex
polymer to be used in the coming ten years.1-4 flexible partials, there are no metal clasps. Proflex
full and partial flexible dentures are easily adjusted
Thermoplastic materials were first introduced
by the dentist. This material is tough, durable and
in 1950’s and consisted of different grades of
dense, manufactured with thousands of pounds of
polyamides (nylon plastics). Rapid injection systems
pressure and vacuum formed to fit the model
originated in 1962 introducing Flexite thermoplastic
perfectly. The final layer is a flexible resin composite
material which was a flouropolymer (Teflon like).
that is firm enough to hold teeth under all occlusal
Next introduced nylon based resin was Valplast, a loads, but flexible enough to allow delivery of the
flexible, semi-translucent thermoplastic resin. While dental appliance without adjusting any undercuts.
the material was not strong enough to allow for Simply warm the denture with running water to
conventional tooth borne rest seat, the flexibility bring it up to body temperature before inserting it.
added to patient comfort in wearing the appliances.5 Pro-flex partial and full dentures can be repaired,
Acetal was proposed in 1971 as an unbreakable and the full dentures can be relined here at the
thermoplastic resin material.6 It was during this laboratory with Pro-flex Soft Line material. Pro-flex
period that rapid injection systems developed the flexible dentures are set up with the same quality
first tooth colored clasps with a thermoplastic teeth used in acrylic dentures and cast partials. 7
flouropolymer.7 In 1992 the first pre-formed tooth
colored clasps made of nylon were introduced. Valplast:
Recently the ‘Flexible Resin System’ (FRS system) Valplast is a flexible denture base resin that is
was introduced and is popularly used due to its ideal for partial dentures and unilateral
Flexible Dentures: A Boon in Compromised Conditions Mohit Handa
restorations. The resin is a biocompatible nylon Accuracy: Injection moulding technique makes
thermoplastic with unique physical and aesthetic the denture more accurate as compared to
properties that provides unlimited design versatility conventional denture
and eliminates the concern about acrylic allergies.
Biocompatibility: The material is free of
The Valplast Flexible Partial allows the restoration
monomer and metal so allergic reactions from these
to adapt to the constant movement and flexibility
materials are avoided in oral cavity.7-9
in your mouth. The flexibility, combined with
strength and light weight, provides total comfort and DISADVANTAGES:7, 8,10
great looks! The preparation is relatively simple. The No stress distribution: The application of
Valplast partial is virtually invisible because there
flexible dentures in Kennedy’s class I and II
are no metal clasps and the material itself blends
situations is not indicated as the area of the flexible
with the tissue in your mouth. While the cost is often
dentures which is analogous to the major connector
higher than a partial made with visible metal clasps.
of a cast partial denture is also flexible. Hence there
The Valplast flexible partial involves only
is actually no way of controlling and understanding
noninvasive procedures. In case of patients who have
the way stresses are transmitted in the flexible
Acrylic Allergies, History of partial frame breakage,
Alternative to implants or fixed products and
Presence of tori valplast flexible dentures can be Discolour: Surface discoloration is seen in the
indicated. 7 denture after about one year
Strength: Flexible denture material is so strong 3. Patients with repeated partial dentures
that it can be made very thin which makes it more breakage
comfortable to wear and esthetically pleasing 4. Cosmetic gum veneers
Flexible Dentures: A Boon in Compromised Conditions Mohit Handa
10. Single complete denture 3. Renu Tandon, Saurabh Gupta, Samarth Kumar Agarwal.
Denture base materials: From past to future. IJDS 2010;
11. In challenging cases including pediatric
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12. Microstomia by different techniques. J Prosthet Dent 1963; 13:269-282.
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1. Deep overbite cases (4mm or more)
6. Naylor WP, Manor RC: Fabrication of a flexible prosthesis
2. Inadequate interocclusal distance (less than
for the edentulous scleroderma patient with microstomia. J
Prosthet Dent 1983; 50(4):536-538.
3. Bilateral free end distal extension cases with 7. Sunitha N Shamnur, Jagadeesh KN, Kalavathi SD,
knife edged ridges Kashinath KR. Flexible dentures” - an alternate for rigid
dentures. J Dent Sci Res 1:74-79.
4. Little remaining dentition with minimum
undercut for retention. 8. Thakral GK, Himanshu Aeran, Bhupinder Yadav, Rashmi
Thakral. Flexible Partial Dentures - A hope for the
CONCLUSION: Challenged Mouth. People’s J Sci Res 2012; 5(2):55-59
An effort has been made to focus on 9. Prashanti E, Jain N, Shenoy VK, Reddy JM, Shetty B,
improvements over conventional partials in Saldanha S. Flexible dentures: A flexible option to treat
aesthetics, function, durability of a Partial Denture edentulous patients. J Nep Dent Ass 2010; 11(1):85-87.
and excellent results are seen in regard to esthetics, 10. DiTolla M. Valplast - Flexible, esthetic partial dentures.
function and durability in flexible partial dentures Chairside Perspective Clinical tech and procedures 2004;
when used under right conditions. However careful 5(1):17-27.