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Oracle Enterprise Manager: Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide 13c Release 2

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Oracle® Enterprise Manager

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide

13c Release 2

February 2017
Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide, 13c Release 2


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Preface ................................................................................................................................................................ ix
Audience ....................................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... ix
Conventions.................................................................................................................................................. ix
What's Changed ............................................................................................................................................ x

What's New ....................................................................................................................................................... xi

Features and Enhancements for Oracle Exadata Plug-in xi
Supported Hardware and Software Configurations — What’s New for xi
Exadata Virtualization Provisioning ............................................................................................... xii
Support for Exadata Flash Cache Features..................................................................................... xii
Enhanced Exadata Hardware Management................................................................................... xii
Patching Automation Support of the Exadata Stack.................................................................... xiii
ORAchk/EXAchk Integration ......................................................................................................... xiii
Auto Service Request (ASR) Integration: Fault Telemetry.......................................................... xiv
Support for IPv6 Environments ....................................................................................................... xv

1 Introduction to the Plug-in

1.1 Oracle Exadata Plug-in Features .................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Monitoring and Notification Features................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.2 Hardware Support Features ................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.3 Exadata Software Support.................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.4 Target Discovery Features ................................................................................................... 1-4
1.1.5 Exadata Storage Server Grid Home Page and Server Home Page Features................. 1-4
1.1.6 Exadata Performance Page Features .................................................................................. 1-5
1.1.7 Exadata Metrics Features ..................................................................................................... 1-5
1.2 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software ................................. 1-5
1.2.1 Exadata Database Machine Configuration Support......................................................... 1-5
1.2.2 Oracle SuperCluster Support - Exadata Plug-in Release and Later.............. 1-8
1.2.3 Supported Component Versions....................................................................................... 1-12
1.2.4 Supported Operating Systems........................................................................................... 1-13
1.2.5 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Hardware Not Supported..................................... 1-13

2 Installation and Deployment
2.1 Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites ..................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Create a Database Server ILOM Service Processor User ................................................. 2-1
2.1.2 Verify Software Versions ..................................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 Verify Names Resolution ..................................................................................................... 2-4
2.1.4 Verify Firewall Configuration ............................................................................................. 2-4
2.1.5 Enable Support for IPv6 Environments ............................................................................. 2-7
2.1.6 Oracle SuperCluster Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 2-8
2.2 User Roles .......................................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.3 Install Enterprise Manager Agent .................................................................................................. 2-8
2.3.1 Agent Installation Prerequisite - Solaris 11 Only.............................................................. 2-9
2.3.2 Install Agents and Set Up Exadata Monitoring Using Automated Kit ......................... 2-9
2.3.3 Install Enterprise Manager Agent Using the Push Method .......................................... 2-10
2.4 Manually Deploy Exadata Plug-in ............................................................................................... 2-12

3 Exadata Database Machine Discovery

3.1 Running the Discovery Precheck Script ........................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Secure Storage for Target Monitoring Credentials........................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Download the Discovery Precheck Script ......................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Run the Discovery Precheck Script..................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.4 Automatic Verification ......................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.5 Manual Verification .............................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2 Discovering an Exadata Database Machine.................................................................................. 3-5
3.3 Discover Oracle SuperCluster as an Exadata Database Machine ............................................ 3-16
3.4 Discovering Grid Infrastructure and RAC.................................................................................. 3-18
3.4.1 Discover Grid Infrastructure (Cluster) Targets............................................................... 3-18
3.4.2 Discover Oracle Real Application Clusters Targets ....................................................... 3-18
3.5 Switch from Using CellCLI to ExaCLI after Storage Server Locked Down ........................... 3-19

4 Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification

4.1 Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on Compute Node ................................................................... 4-2
4.1.1 Set Up Compute Node Agent - Linux ................................................................................ 4-2
4.1.2 Set Up Compute Node Agent - Solaris............................................................................... 4-3
4.2 Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring......................................... 4-4
4.2.1 Using the ALTER CELL Command.................................................................................... 4-5
4.2.2 Check Current SNMP Configuration ................................................................................. 4-5
4.2.3 Configure SNMP Values Using cellcli................................................................................ 4-6
4.2.4 Configure SNMP Values Using dcli (optional)................................................................. 4-8
4.2.5 Verify SSH Connectivity ...................................................................................................... 4-8
4.2.6 Remove a Subscription ......................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3 Configure and Verify SNMP for InfiniBand Switch Targets...................................................... 4-9
4.3.1 Set Up SNMP for InfiniBand Switch Targets Using Enterprise Manager................... 4-10

4.4 Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring .............. 4-11
4.4.1 Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Compute Nodes Running
Management Server.................................................................................................................. 4-12
4.4.2 Configure SNMP Values Using dbmcli ........................................................................... 4-13
4.4.3 Configure SNMP for Oracle SuperCluster ...................................................................... 4-13
4.5 Verify Configuration for Oracle ILOM Server ........................................................................... 4-13
4.6 Set Up SNMP for Cisco Ethernet Switch Targets....................................................................... 4-14
4.6.1 Verify the Cisco Ethernet Switch SNMP Configuration................................................ 4-15
4.7 Set Up SNMP for Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Targets ...................................................... 4-15
4.7.1 Verify the PDU SNMP Configuration .............................................................................. 4-16
4.8 Set Up SNMP for KVM Targets .................................................................................................... 4-16
4.8.1 Set Up SNMP in KVM Management Console................................................................. 4-17
4.8.2 Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP Configuration) - Linux............. 4-17
4.8.3 Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP Configuration) - Solaris ........... 4-18
4.8.4 Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (SNMP Forwarding to Agent) ....................... 4-19
4.9 Accessing Oracle Support Workbench for Exadata Storage Server ........................................ 4-19
4.10 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Dashboard Creation ........................................................ 4-21
4.10.1 Dashboard Creation for Exadata Database Machine Plug-in Release and
Later ............................................................................................................................................ 4-21
4.10.2 How to Make the Report "Public" ................................................................................... 4-22
4.10.3 Find All Database Machine Reports ............................................................................... 4-22

5 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration

5.1 Creating Roles to Manage the Plug-in ........................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 View Exadata Database Machine Topology ................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.1 Drilling Down to Individual Targets.................................................................................. 5-3
5.2.2 Viewing Critical Hardware Information for the Database Machine ............................. 5-4
5.2.3 Viewing DB Machine Alerts ................................................................................................ 5-4
5.2.4 Viewing Metrics..................................................................................................................... 5-4
5.2.5 Adding Exadata Components Manually ........................................................................... 5-5
5.2.6 Removing an Exadata Database Machine Target ............................................................. 5-5
5.2.7 Deleting a Component of a Database Machine Target .................................................... 5-6
5.2.8 Updating the Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram ...................................... 5-6
5.3 Exadata Cell Metrics and Alert Settings...................................................................................... 5-11
5.4 Exadata Storage Server Management .......................................................................................... 5-11
5.4.1 About Exadata Storage Server........................................................................................... 5-12
5.4.2 Using Exadata As a Cloud Control Target ...................................................................... 5-12
5.4.3 Viewing an Exadata Storage Server Configuration........................................................ 5-13
5.4.4 Performing Administration Tasks on Exadata Storage Servers ................................... 5-13
5.4.5 Managing the IO Resource................................................................................................. 5-14
5.4.6 Diagnosing Exadata Cell Alerts ........................................................................................ 5-17
5.5 Managing the InfiniBand Network .............................................................................................. 5-17
5.5.1 InfiniBand Metrics............................................................................................................... 5-18

5.5.2 Performing Administration Tasks on Infiniband Networks......................................... 5-18
5.5.3 Setting Up Alerts ................................................................................................................. 5-19
5.6 Flash Cache Resource Monitoring................................................................................................ 5-20
5.7 Exadata Database Machine Fault Monitoring ............................................................................ 5-21
5.8 Monitoring Exadata Database Machine Components............................................................... 5-23
5.8.1 Storage Cells......................................................................................................................... 5-23
5.8.2 InfiniBand Switches ............................................................................................................ 5-24
5.8.3 Cisco Switch ......................................................................................................................... 5-24
5.8.4 ILOM Targets ....................................................................................................................... 5-24
5.8.5 Power Distribution Units (PDUs) ..................................................................................... 5-25
5.8.6 KVM Switch ......................................................................................................................... 5-25
5.9 Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets .................................... 5-25

6 Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

6.1 Integration with Virtualization Infrastructure Plug-in ............................................................... 6-1
6.2 Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine .................................................................. 6-2
6.3 Post-Discovery Configuration ........................................................................................................ 6-9
6.4 Exadata Virtualized Provisioning .................................................................................................. 6-9
6.4.1 Creating a Database Cluster ................................................................................................ 6-9
6.4.2 Scaling Up a Database Cluster .......................................................................................... 6-16
6.4.3 Scaling Down a Database Cluster ..................................................................................... 6-18
6.4.4 Deleting a Database Cluster............................................................................................... 6-19
6.5 Viewing Virtualized Exadata Database Machine ...................................................................... 6-19
6.6 Resource Utilization Graphs ......................................................................................................... 6-20
6.6.1 Cluster Placement................................................................................................................ 6-20
6.6.2 Database Placement ............................................................................................................ 6-21
6.6.3 Database CPU Utilization .................................................................................................. 6-21
6.6.4 Database Memory Utilization............................................................................................ 6-22

7 Exadata Metrics
7.1 Accessing Exadata Metrics .............................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Aggregated Exadata FlashDisk and HardDisk Metric Example ............................................... 7-3
7.3 Exadata Cell Metric Example .......................................................................................................... 7-4

8 Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in

8.1 Establish SSH Connectivity ............................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Discovery Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 8-2
8.2.1 Hardware Availability.......................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2.2 Discovery Failure Diagnosis ................................................................................................ 8-3
8.2.3 Cell is not Discovered ........................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2.4 Compute Node Error Message............................................................................................ 8-4
8.2.5 Compute Node or InfiniBand Switch is not Discovered ................................................. 8-4
8.2.6 Compute Node not Managed by Enterprise Manager .................................................... 8-5

8.2.7 Extra or Missing Components in the Newly Discovered Exadata Database Machine
....................................................................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.8 InfiniBand Network Performance Page Shows No Data ................................................ 8-5
8.2.9 ILOM, PDU, KVM, or Cisco Switch is not Discovered.................................................... 8-5
8.2.10 Target Does not Appear in Selected Targets Page.......................................................... 8-6
8.2.11 Target is Down or Metric Collection Error After Discovery......................................... 8-6
8.2.12 ILOM Credential Validation Fails During 12c Discovery ............................................. 8-7
8.2.13 Discovery Process Hangs ................................................................................................... 8-8
8.3 Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File .............................................. 8-8
8.4 Exadata Database Machine Management Troubleshooting....................................................... 8-9
8.5 Exadata Derived Association Rules ............................................................................................... 8-9
8.6 InfiniBand Patch Details Missing ................................................................................................. 8-10
8.7 Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Issues.................................................................................. 8-10
8.7.1 Oracle ASR Not Working on Exadata Storage Server ................................................... 8-10
8.7.2 No Slots Available Error..................................................................................................... 8-10
8.8 Target Status Issues ........................................................................................................................ 8-11
8.9 Metric Collection Issues ................................................................................................................. 8-11
8.10 Status: Pending Issues.................................................................................................................. 8-11
8.10.1 Cellsys Targets ................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.10.2 Database Machine Target or Any Associated Components ....................................... 8-12
8.11 Enhanced MIB Incompatibility................................................................................................... 8-12
8.12 Monitoring Agent Not Deployed for IPv6 Environments...................................................... 8-13
8.13 Configure IPv6–SNMPv3 Subscription ..................................................................................... 8-13



Oracle Enterprise Manager provides the tools to effectively and efficiently manage
your Oracle Exadata Database Machine. With a consolidated view of the Exadata
Database Machine, Oracle Enterprise Manager provides a consolidated view of all the
hardware components and their physical location with indications of status. Oracle
Enterprise Manager also provides a software view of the databases residing on it and
their resource consumption on compute node and Exadata Storage Cell.
This document provides the installation and administration instructions to set up
Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage your Oracle Exadata Database

This system monitoring installation guide is for users who perform administrative and
problem-resolution tasks on Oracle Exadata Database Machine.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.

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monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

What's Changed
This table provides a brief overview of the document changes for the latest publication
of the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Managing and Monitoring an Exadata Database Machine:

Part Number Change Summary

E56534-01 Updated for support of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.

What's New

The Oracle Exadata plug-in provides a consolidated view of the Exadata Database
Machine within Oracle Enterprise Manager, including a consolidated view of all the
hardware components and their physical location with indications of status.
This chapter highlights the significant features and enhancements provided by the
Oracle Exadata plug-in in the following release summaries:

• Features and Enhancements for Oracle Exadata Plug-in

Features and Enhancements for Oracle Exadata Plug-in

Oracle Exadata Plug-in Release includes a variety of bugs fixed and
enhancements implemented for the following feature areas:

• Supported Hardware and Software Configurations — What’s New for

• Exadata Virtualization Provisioning

• Support for Exadata Flash Cache Features

• Enhanced Exadata Hardware Management

• Patching Automation Support of the Exadata Stack

• ORAchk/EXAchk Integration

• Auto Service Request (ASR) Integration: Fault Telemetry

• Support for IPv6 Environments

Supported Hardware and Software Configurations — What’s New for

As Oracle releases new hardware and software, the Oracle Exadata plug-in is updated,
tested, and certified to accommodate the new products. For complete hardware and
software support details, see Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware
and Software in Introduction to the Plug-in .
Oracle Exadata Plug-in Release supports the following hardware and

• X6, including certification of Exadata Storage Server

– X6–2

– X6–8

Exadata Virtualization Provisioning
Provisioning involves repeatable, reliable, automated, unattended, and scheduled mass
deployment of a RAC Cluster including virtual machines (VMs), Oracle Database
(DB), Grid Infrastructure, and ASM on Virtualized Exadata.
With the Exadata plug-in's virtualization provisioning functionality, you can:

• Create and delete a RAC Cluster including VMs, Oracle Database (DB), Grid
Infrastructure, and ASM.

• Scale up and scale down a RAC Cluster by adding or removing VMs including
DB, Grid Infrastructure, and ASM.
See Exadata Virtualized Provisioning for the details.

Support for Exadata Flash Cache Features

The Exadata plug-in provides the following features in support of Exadata Flash

• Monitor "Extreme Flash" introduced from X5 onwards:

– Enhanced Database Machine schematic diagram.

– Enhanced incident details page for disk failure.

– Enhanced capacity reporting, I/O Resource Management (IORM), and

performance charts.

• Flash I/O Resource Monitoring and Management, including:

– Flash Cache space usage monitoring.

– Administration of flash IORM.

– New charts on Cell and Grid home page and Performance page.

– I/O Resource consumption and performance monitoring for Flash.

Enhanced Exadata Hardware Management

The Exadata plug-in has been enhanced to provide improved monitoring details for all
Exadata Database Machine components, this is made possible via the System
Infrastructure target type. These details include:

• ILOM overview details and health status.

• Updated the schematic diagram to enhanced views into your Exadata Database
Machine, including:

– Photo-realistic hardware view. From this view, administrators have visibility

into hardware and can correlate errors across tools (like an intermittent error
with Exadata performance).

– Logical view, which shows additional CPU details and status.

– Energy view.

– Network connectivity.

– Service processor (SP) configuration.

Patching Automation Support of the Exadata Stack

The Exadata plug-in support additional patching features in support of the entire
Exadata stack, including:

• Compute nodes: Firmware and operating system (OS).

• Exadata Storage Server cells: Firmware and cell software.

• InfiniBand network: Switch firmware.

• Quarterly Full Stack Patch Download (QFSDP) is released every quarter. Primary
components are:

– Database (Database, Clusterware).

– Infrastructure includes Exadata Storage Server, InfiniBand Switch, and PDU.

• Exadata systems patching includes:

– Comprehensive overview of the maintenance status and needs.

– Proactive patch recommendations for the quarterly full stack patches.

– Supports auto patch download, ability to patch either in rolling or non-rolling


– Ability to schedule runs.

– Proactive notification of the status updates.

– Granular step-level status tracking with real-time updates.

– Log monitoring and aggregation, supporting quick filing of support issues

with pre-packaged log dumps.
For more details, see the following documents:

• The Updating Exadata Storage Servers and Updating Exadata InfiniBand Switches
sections of the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Lifecycle Management Administrator's

• Exadata Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server Supported Versions (Doc ID
888828.1) in My Oracle Support:

ORAchk/EXAchk Integration
The ORAchk/EXAchk utility proactively scans for the most significant problems
across the various layers within Oracle Database and Exadata Database Machine. The
Exadata plug-in integrates the ORAchk/EXAchk utility and provides the following
features through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control:

• Install, set up, upgrade, and schedule the ORAchk utility within Enterprise

• View all ORAchk/EXAchk results as Enterprise Manager Compliance Standard

• Allows you to review and implement ORAchk/EXAchk best practices.

The ORAchk/EXAchk utility provides a comprehensive list of checks and alerts,

• Verify Disk Cache Policy on Database • Verify Hardware and Firmware on

Server Database and Storage Servers
• Verify Database Server disk controllers (CheckHWnFWProfile) (Database
use writeback cache Server)
• Verify RAID Controller Battery Condition • Verify Software on Storage Servers
(Database Server) (CheckSWProfile.sh)
• Verify RAID Controller Battery • NFS Mount Point - Attribute Caching
Temperature (Database Server) • Verify /conf/configvalid File
• Verify Database Server Virtual Drive • Backend Check
Configuration • ORAchk not running
• Verify Database Server Physical Drive • Results and Exception file(s) missing
Configuration • Metric Parsing Failed
• Imageinfo version comparison across
database and storage servers

For details about the ORAchk plug-in, see the ORAchk Healthchecks User's Guide.

Auto Service Request (ASR) Integration: Fault Telemetry

Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) provides auto-case generation when common
hardware component faults occur. ASR is designed to enable faster problem resolution
by eliminating the need to initiate contact with Oracle Support Services for common
hardware component failures, reducing both the number of phone calls needed and
overall phone time required.
The Exadata plug-in integrates with Oracle ASR to provide the following benefits:

• Enables ASR capability for Exadata Database Machine. Creates a Service Request
(SR) automatically and updates the SR number to Enterprise Manager.

• Installs and deploys quickly with the emcli command.

• Includes ASR Incidents for viewing within the Enterprise Manager Incident

• Works for all Engineered Systems that are certified for ASR.
Enterprise Manager recognizes the following three fault telemetry types:

• Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM): Provides fault information, power and
environmental, CPU, and memory fault information from the service processor

• Exadata-detected Events (HALRT): Provides fault coverage for disks, flash, and
PCI cards within Oracle Exadata Database Machine.

• Fault Management Architecture (FMA): Provides CPU and memory fault

information from the host.
For more details about using Oracle ASR with Enterprise Manager, see Managing and
Monitoring Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Assets User's Guide.

For product details about Oracle ASR, see http://oracle.com/asr.

Support for IPv6 Environments

The Oracle Exadata plug-in now supports monitoring and management of
all Exadata components using IPv6, except for InfiniBand Switches which use IPv4.
For details, see Enable Support for IPv6 Environments.

Introduction to the Plug-in

This chapterchapter provides a general overview of the Oracle Exadata plug-in,

including supported hardware and software. The following topics are discussed:

• Oracle Exadata Plug-in Features

• Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

1.1 Oracle Exadata Plug-in Features

Highlights of the Oracle Exadata plug-in release include the following

• Monitoring and Notification Features

• Hardware Support Features

• Exadata Software Support

• Target Discovery Features

• Exadata Storage Server Grid Home Page and Server Home Page Features

• Exadata Performance Page Features

• Exadata Metrics Features

1.1.1 Monitoring and Notification Features

With the Oracle Exadata plug-in, you can monitor Exadata targets through Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control 13c. The plug-in provides seamless integration with
supported Exadata software so that you can receive notification on any Exadata target.
Features include:

• Monitoring of the Exadata Database Machine as an Enterprise Manager target.

• Monitoring of the Exadata target, including the Exadata Cell, within Enterprise
Manager's I/O Resource Management (IORM) feature.

• Support SNMP notification for Exadata cell.

• Support dashboard report creation from Enterprise Manager Cloud Control,

including a simplified configuration of the service dashboard.

• Support of client network hostnames for compute nodes.

• Enhanced InfiniBand network fault detection and InfiniBand schematic port state

Introduction to the Plug-in 1-1

Oracle Exadata Plug-in Features

• Modification of Enterprise Manager monitoring agents as needed for all Exadata

Database Machine components.

• IORM for multi-tenancy database (CDB/PDB) environment:

– CDB-level I/O Workload Summary with PDB-level details breakdown.

– I/O Resource Management for Oracle Database 12c.

– Exadata Database Machine-level physical visualization of I/O Utilization for

CDB and PDB on each Exadata Storage Server.

– Integration link to Database Resource Management UI.

• Support discovery of locked down storage servers.

1.1.2 Hardware Support Features

You can use the Oracle Exadata plug-in to optimize the performance of a wide variety
of Exadata targets, including:

• Oracle SuperCluster, including:

– Versions: SuperCluster V1.1, V1.0.0 + October Quarterly Maintenance Update


– Configurations:

* LDOM: Control domain, IO/guest domain

* Zone: Global, non-global

– Discover, monitor, and manage Exadata Database Machine-related

components residing on SuperCluster Engineering System

– See Oracle SuperCluster Support - Exadata Plug-in Release and

Later for more details.

• Multi-Rack support:

– Supports discovery use cases: Initial discovery, add a rack

– Side-by-side rack schematic

• Support for Storage Expansion Rack hardware.

• Full partition support:

– Logical splitting of an Exadata Database Machine Rack into multiple

Database Machines.

– Each partition is defined through a single OneCommand deployment.

– Compute nodes are not shared between partitions.

– Multiple partitions connected through the same InfiniBand network.

– Compute nodes in same partition share the same Cluster.

– Ability to specify a customized DBM name during discovery of the target.

1-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Plug-in Features

– User can confirm and select individual components for each DBM.

– Flexibility to select "small-p" targets for individual partitions.

– Flexibility to select some or all of the InfiniBand switch as part of monitored

network, including the ability to add switches post discovery.

– Flexibility to select some or all of the Cells to be shared among Exadata

Database Machines.

• Support for the increasing types of Exadata Database Machine targets. See Oracle
Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software for a complete list
of supported hardware.

• InfiniBand Switch Sensor fault detection, including power supply unit sensors
and fan presence sensors.

• Support for on-demand refresh of InfiniBand schematic.

1.1.3 Exadata Software Support

Through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control interface, you can use the
Oracle Exadata plug-in to access Exadata Storage Software functionality to efficiently
manage your Exadata hardware. Support includes:

• Integration with Exadata Storage Software.

• Support for the latest Exadata Server Versions and earlier:

– or earlier.

– A plug-in that supports and beyond will have support for Oracle
database 12c.



– release and patch 2024004. See Doc ID 1959143.1 in My Oracle



– release and patch 20699031. See Doc ID 1995937.1 in My Oracle


– See Doc ID 2038073.1 in My Oracle Support for details:


– See Doc ID 2031447.1 in My Oracle Support for details:


Note: For latest supported configurations please refer to Doc ID 1626579.1 in

My Oracle Support

Introduction to the Plug-in 1-3

Oracle Exadata Plug-in Features

1.1.4 Target Discovery Features

The target discovery process is streamlined and simplified with the Oracle Exadata
plug-in. Features include:

• Automatically push the Exadata plug-in to agent during discovery.

• Discovery prerequisite checks updates, including:

– Check for critical configuration requirements.

– Check to ensure either databasemachine.xml or catalog.xml files exist

and are readable.

– Prevent discovered targets from being rediscovered.

• Credential validation and named credential support.

• Ability to apply a custom name to the Exadata target.

• Support enabled for discovery using the client access network.

• Automate SNMP notification setup for Exadata Storage Server and InfiniBand

• Support discovery of compute nodes with client network host names.

• Support discovery using the new catalog.xml file generated from the OEDA
Java-based Configurator.

• Additional credential validation and named credential support.

• Support customization of Exadata Database Machine name.

• Support discovery of locked down storage servers.


Exadata Database Machine targets are configured with OOB default

thresholds for the metrics. No additional template is provided by Oracle.

1.1.5 Exadata Storage Server Grid Home Page and Server Home Page Features
The Exadata Storage Server Grid home page and Server home page provides the
following features:

• Provides a fine-grained performance summary for flash and hard disk.

• Provides new usage statistics to highlight flash cache and Smart Scan efficiency.

• Provides a new, detailed summary of flash space usage.

• Provides new metrics for:

– I/O time distribution by flash and hard disk.

– IORM wait per database.

1-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

1.1.6 Exadata Performance Page Features

The Performance home page provides the following features:

• Side-by-side comparison of flash and hard disk performance.

• Performance comparison between multiple Exadata Storage Servers.

• Performance utilization for flash and hard disk to identify workload reaching
hardware limit.

• Provides Exadata Storage Server performance charts to help with diagnosing

performance issues when I/O reaching hardware limits.

1.1.7 Exadata Metrics Features

Metrics reports are critical to manage your Oracle Exadata Database Machine
effectively. With the metrics, you can determine where additional resources are
needed, when peak usage times occur, and so forth.

• Enhanced metric scalability in large environment to reduce time out by reducing

cellcli calls.

• Reduce metric collection error for the Exadata HCA metric. Improvements to
combine the HCA port data collection in a single cellcli call to reduce chances
of time out.

• Reduced metric collection error from Exadata IORM Status metric. The metric was
removed, and the user interface now uses the available configuration data.

1.2 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

The following sections describe the supported hardware and software by the Oracle
Exadata plug-in:

• Exadata Database Machine Configuration Support

• Oracle SuperCluster Support - Exadata Plug-in Release and Later

• Supported Component Versions

• Supported Operating Systems

• Oracle Exadata Database Machine Hardware Not Supported

1.2.1 Exadata Database Machine Configuration Support

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c is supported on the following Exadata
Database Machine configurations:

• Supported Exadata Database Machine Types

• Multi-Rack Support

• Partitioned Support

Introduction to the Plug-in 1-5

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software


Unless otherwise noted, support is provided for all versions of Oracle Exadata
plug-in Release 13.1. Supported Exadata Database Machine Types

The following Exadata Database Machine types are supported:

• V2


V2 machines discovered in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c are still

supported in 13c. However, discovery of V2 machines in Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 13c is not supported.

• X2

– X2-2: Full rack, half rack, and quarter rack

– X2-8: Full rack

• X3

– X3-2: Full rack, half rack, quarter rack, and eighth rack (requires release or higher)

– X3-8: Full rack

• X4

– X4-2

• X5

– X5-8

• X6

– X6–2

– X6–8

• Oracle SuperCluster, including (requires release or higher):

– Support for Oracle SuperCluster V1.1 on LDOM and Zone (Global & Non-

– Support for Oracle SuperCluster V1.0.1 with October QMU on LDOM and
Zone Multi-Rack Support

Enterprise Manager supports managing multiple connected racks of Oracle Database
Machine of the supported machine types listed above (Supported Exadata Database

1-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

Machine Types). Also, the following two racks can be monitored in a multi-rack as
these cannot exist as a standalone single rack:

• Storage Expansion Rack (requires release or higher)

• Compute Node Expansion Rack (requires release or higher) Partitioned Support

The following partitioned configurations are supported:

• Partitioned Exadata Database Machine - the logical splitting of a Database

Machine Rack into multiple Database Machines. The partitioned Exadata
Database Machine configuration must meet the following conditions to be fully
supported by Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c:

– Each partition is defined through a single OneCommand deployment.

– Cells and compute nodes are not shared between partitions.

– Multiple partitions are connected through the same InfiniBand network.

– Compute nodes in same partition share the same Cluster.

The expected behavior of a partitioned Exadata Database Machine includes:
For Oracle Exadata plug-in Release and later:

– The target names for the Exadata Database Machine, Exadata Grid, and
InfiniBand Network will be generated automatically during discovery (for
example, Database Machine dbm1.mydomain.com, Database Machine
dbm1.mydomain.com_2, Database Machine dbm1.mydomain.com_3, etc.).
However, users can change these target names at the last step of discovery.

– All InfiniBand switches in the Exadata Database Machine must be selected

during discovery of the first Database Machine partition. They will be
included in all subsequent Database Machine targets of the other partitions.
The KVM, PDU, and Cisco switches can be individually selected for the DB
Machine target of each partition.

– User can confirm and select individual components for each Database
For Oracle Exadata plug-in Release and earlier:

– The target names for the Exadata Database Machine, Exadata Grid, and
InfiniBand Network will be generated automatically during discovery (for
example, Database Machine dbm1.mydomain.com, Database Machine
dbm1.mydomain.com_2, Database Machine dbm1.mydomain.com_3, etc.).
Users cannot specify these target names.

– All shared components (such as, KVM, PDU, Cisco switch, and InfiniBand
switches) must be selected during discovery of the first Database Machine
partition. They will be included in all subsequent Database Machine targets of
the other partitions.

– User can confirm and select individual components for each Database

Introduction to the Plug-in 1-7

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

1.2.2 Oracle SuperCluster Support - Exadata Plug-in Release and Later
Only Oracle SuperCluster with software Version 1.1 with DB Domain on Control
LDOM-only environments are supported. Earlier versions of Oracle SuperCluster can
be made compatible if you update to the October 2012 QMU release. You can confirm
this requirement by looking at the version of the compmon pkg installed on the
system (using either pkg info compmon or pkg list compmon commands to
check). You must have the following minimum version of compmon installed:

The following hardware configurations are supported:

• Oracle SuperCluster:

– T5-8 server

– T4-4 server
The following software configurations are supported:


– Control Domain

– IO/Guest Domain

• Zone

– Global

– Non-Global
The following software versions are supported:

• Oracle SuperCluster V1.1

• Oracle SuperCluster V1.0.1 + October QMU

The following issues have been fixed for the release of the Oracle Exadata

• Exadata Storage Server monitoring: If multiple DB clusters share the same

Exadata Storage Server, in one Enterprise Manager management server
environment, you can discover and monitor the first DB Machine target and all its
components. Also, for additional DB Machine targets sharing the same Exadata
Storage Server, the Oracle Exadata Storage Server Grid system and the Oracle
Database Exadata Storage Server System will now show all Exadata Storage
Server members.
This issue reported in the plug-in's release has been fixed in

• HCA port error monitoring: If the perfquery command installed in the Oracle
SuperCluster has version 1.5.8 or later, a bug (ID 15919339) was reported where
most columns in the HCA Port Errors metric in the host targets for the compute
nodes will be blank.
If there are errors occurring on the HCA ports, it is now reported in Enterprise

1-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

To check your version, run the following command:

$ perfquery -V

This issue reported in the plug-in's release has been fixed in Oracle SuperCluster Known Issues

The following known issues have been reported for the Oracle SuperCluster:

• PAGE13 is empty in the /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand/

catalog.xml file. This issue prevents Enterprise Manager from displaying the
schematic diagram on the Database Machine home page. (Bug 16719172)
Workaround: Manually replace the PAGE13 section by the one listed below:
<RACK ID="0">
<ITEM ID="1">
<ITEM ID="2">
<ITEM ID="3">
<ITEM ID="4">
<ITEM ID="5">
<ITEM ID="6">
<ITEM ID="7">
<ITEM ID="8">
<ITEM ID="9">

Introduction to the Plug-in 1-9

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

<ITEM ID="10">
<ITEM ID="11">
<ITEM ID="12">
<ITEM ID="13">
<ITEM ID="14">
<ITEM ID="15">
<ITEM ID="16">
<ITEM ID="17">
<ITEM ID="18">
<ITEM ID="19">

• The Assert OK power sensor raises a critical alert in Enterprise Manager. (Bug
17445054 )

1-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software


This bug does not apply to X3-2 and X4-2 machines.

• Wrong machine names in the databasemachine.xml file. When the database is

installed in a local zone on a Oracle SuperCluster T5-8, the
databasemachine.xml file ends up with the machine name of the global zone
rather than that of the local zone that the database is installed into.
Workaround: Manually edit the file to change the hostnames for the database
nodes to those of the zone name.
(Bug 17582197)

• In Enterprise Manager, the Schematic & Resource Utilization report will display
only one LDOM per server.

• Enterprise Manager will not report hard disk predictive failure on compute node
in an Oracle SuperCluster environment.

• The pre-requisite check script exadataDiscoveryPreCheck.pl that is bundled

in Exadata plug-in does not support the catalog.xml file. Please
download the latest exadataDiscoveryPreCheck.pl file from My Oracle
Support as described in Download the Discovery Precheck Script.

• On the Oracle SuperCluster Zone while deploying the Management Agent, the
agent prerequisite check may fail with the following error:


The error can be ignored and you can continue to proceed with installation of
the Management Agent.

@ During the agent install, the prereq check failed:

@ Performing check for CheckHostName
@ Is the host name valid?
@ Expected result: Should be a Valid Host Name.
@ Actual Result: abc12345678
@ Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Failed <<<<
@ Check complete: Failed <<<<
@ Problem: The host name specified for the installation or retrieved from the
@ system is incorrect.
@ Recommendation: Ensure that your host name meets the following conditions:
@ (1) Does NOT contain localhost.localdomain.
@ (2) Does NOT contain any IP address.
@ (3) Ensure that the /ect/hosts file has the host details in the following
@ format.
@ <IP address> <host.domain> <short hostname>
@ If you do not have the permission to edit the /etc/hosts file,
@ then while invoking the installer pass the host name using the
@ argument

Introduction to the Plug-in 1-11

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

1.2.3 Supported Component Versions

Table 1-1 shows the component versions supported by the Oracle Exadata plug-in
Release 12.1:

Table 1-1 Supported Component Versions

Component Firmware/Software Versions Exadata Plug-in Version Support

Storage Server,, or ,

EM 12c PS3 is tested with Exadata
Server Software SSH Lock
down will not be a supported
configuration under 12c PS3/PS4,
however, it is certified to work with
13c. and later with following patches
applied (not cell related):
• Agent platform: Patch ID
• OMS plug-in: Patch ID 17861041
• Agent plug-in: Patch ID
17965602 and later and later All versions

InfiniBand Switch 2.1.3-4 and later

2.0.6-1 (for SuperCluster)

1.1.3-2 All versions


Integrated Lights Out Manager 3.1 or later 13.1 and later

v3.0.16.15.a r73751 or later (v2) and later
v3.0.16.10.d or later (X2)
v3.0.16.20.b or later (X2-8)
v3.0.16.20.b or later (X3-8)
v3.1.2.10 r74387 or later (X3-2)

1-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

Table 1-1 (Cont.) Supported Component Versions

Component Firmware/Software Versions Exadata Plug-in Version Support

v3.0.9.19.c r63792 All versions

ILOM ipmitool Linux: or later All versions

Oracle Solaris: or later

Power Distribution Unit (PDU) 1.04 or later 13.1 and later

1.05 and later


1.01 All versions

1.02 (default version after reimage)

Avocent MergePoint Unity KVM Application: All versions

Switch Boot: 1.4.14359

Cisco Switch 15.1(2)SG2 and later

12.2(31)SGA9 All versions

1.2.4 Supported Operating Systems

The following operating systems (where OMS and agent is installed on) are supported
by the Oracle Exadata plug-in 13.2:

• Management Server plug-in (all OMS-certified platforms):

– IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)

– HP-UX Itanium

– Linux x86 and x86-64

– Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

– Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

– Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)

• Agent plug-in:

– Linux x86-64

– Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)

– Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

1.2.5 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Hardware Not Supported

The following Oracle Exadata Database Machine hardware configurations are not
supported for Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Exadata plug-in 13.x:

• V1 hardware

Introduction to the Plug-in 1-13

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Supported Hardware and Software

• V2 hardware


V2 machines discovered in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c are still

supported in 13c. However, discovery of V2 machines in Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 13c is not supported.

1-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Installation and Deployment

This chapter provides the instructions for deployment of the Oracle Exadata plug-in.
The following topics are discussed:

• Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

• User Roles

• Install Enterprise Manager Agent

• Manually Deploy Exadata Plug-in

2.1 Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

Before deploying the Oracle Exadata plug-in, make sure the following prerequisites
are met:

• Create a Database Server ILOM Service Processor User

• Verify Software Versions

• Verify Names Resolution

• Verify Firewall Configuration

• Oracle SuperCluster Prerequisites

2.1.1 Create a Database Server ILOM Service Processor User

For the Enterprise Manager agent to communicate with an ILOM service processor,
there must be a specific user ID established on the ILOM service processor.


Adding the specific user ID requires administrator level privilege on the

ILOM service processor.

The specific ILOM user ID can be added in the ILOM service processor web interface,
ILOM CLI, or with the ipmitool command. This example uses ILOM CLI.
For security reasons, the password to the ILOM service processor root user ID does
not appear in the ILOM CLI commands in this example.

1. Log in to the Service Processor as root:

# ssh root@[Service Processor IP]


Installation and Deployment 2-1

Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

2. Change to the users directory:

# cd /SP/users

3. Create the oemuser user and password:

# create oemuser

Creating user...
Enter new password: ********
Enter new password again: ********

Created /SP/users/oemuser

4. Change to the new user's directory and set the role:

# cd oemuser

set role='cro'
Set 'role' to 'cro'

5. Test the ILOM user ID created in step 3 by listing the last 10 system events:

• For Exadata X2 through X4:

# ipmitool -I lan -H <ilom_hostname> -U oemuser -P oempasswd -L USER sel
list last 10

• For Exadata X5-2 (requires the -I lanplus command option):

# ipmitool -I lanplus -H <ilom_hostname> -U oemuser -P oempasswd -L USER sel
list last 10

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the rest of the compute node ILOM service processors
in your Oracle Database Machine.

2.1.2 Verify Software Versions

Verify the following software versions:

• Exadata Storage Server Software

• ILOM ipmitool

• InfiniBand Switch

• PDU Firmware

• KVM Application

• Grid Infrastructure/DB Cluster Exadata Storage Server Software

The supported version is Exadata Storage Server Software 11g Release 2 (see Exadata
Software Support for specific release version details). To verify the cell software
version on the Exadata cell, ssh to the Exadata cell as the root, celladmin, or
cellmonitor user. Run:
# cellcli -e 'list cell detail'

2-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

Look for "releaseVersion" in the output. ILOM ipmitool

Enterprise Manager requires a minimal ipmitool software version of or later
for Oracle Solaris and for Oracle Linux. To view the software version:

• For Oracle Linux, run the following command as the root user on one of the
database servers in the cluster:
# dcli -g ~/dbs_group -l root ipmitool –V


The dbs_group file contains the list of compute node hostnames, one on each
line. If the file does not exist, you can create it before running the dcli

• For Oracle Solaris, run the following command on each of the database servers in
the cluster:
# /opt/ipmitool/bin/ipmitool -V InfiniBand Switch

To verify the version of the InfiniBand switch firmware in your environment:

1. Log on to the management interface for the InfiniBand Switch (using ssh).

2. Run the following command:

# nm2version

The output should be similar to this:

# nm2version
Sun DCS 36p version: 1.1.3-2

This example shows a supported configuration for deploying the plug-in to


3. If the nm2version command returns output similar to this:

# nm2version
NM2-36p version: 1.0.1-1

Then you must upgrade your InfiniBand switch firmware. Follow the instructions
listed in My Oracle Support (MOS) Document 888828.1:
cmd=show&type=NOT&doctype=REFERENCE&id=88882 PDU Firmware

The PDU firmware version must be 1.04 or later. The current version can be obtained
by logging into the web interface of the PDU. On the left side of the screen, click
Module Info to view the PDU firmware version.
Software updates for the PDU are available at:

Installation and Deployment 2-3

Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

patch_num=12871297 KVM Application

The KVM Application software version must be 1.2.8 or later. The current version can
be obtained by logging into the web interface of the KVM. On the left side of the
screen under Unit View, Appliance, Appliance Settings, click Versions to view the
Application software version.
Software updates for KVM are available at:
MergePoint_Unity_Switch.aspx Grid Infrastructure/DB Cluster

Grid Infrastructure/DB Cluster is required to be up and running before discovery.

2.1.3 Verify Names Resolution

The Enterprise Manager OMS server(s) require direct network access to each of the
compute nodes. If the names of the compute nodes are not registered in the OMS
nodes' DNS, then they will have to be manually entered in the /etc/hosts file for
each OMS.
Each compute node should be verified to be able to resolve the hostnames of the ILOM
servers, PDU's, storage cell nodes, and InfiniBand and Cisco switches. Again, if the
names of those components are not registered in DNS, then entries can be added to
the /etc/hosts file of each compute node.
To manage the Exadata Database Machine components from Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 13c, it is necessary for your local machine to be able to resolve the host
name of Cloud Control 13c.
To access any of the Exadata Database Machine components directly from your local
machine, it is also necessary for your local machine to be able to resolve the names of
those components.

2.1.4 Verify Firewall Configuration

To verify the firewall configuration:

1. Allow ping
In many secure network environments, it is normal for the ping service to be
disabled. Enterprise Manager uses ping to establish the basic availability and
status of the Exadata Database Machine components.

• The compute nodes need to have the ping service and port enabled from the
OMS Server(s).

• All other Exadata Database Machine components (ILOM servers, PDU's,

storage cell nodes, InfiniBand switches, and Cisco switch) need to have the
ping service and port enabled from the compute nodes (where the agents are

2-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites


The ping traffic overhead is minimal. The agent pings the targets every five

2. Open Database Ports

The database listener ports must be opened for the Enterprise Manager OMS
server(s). Note that Exadata Database Machine databases will use SCAN listeners;
so, ports will need to be opened for the base compute node, the compute node
virtual IP, and scan listeners addresses.
For example, if an Exadata Database Machine quarter rack has been configured
with two compute nodes - exadbnode1.example.com and
exadbnode2.example.com - and the listeners are using port 1521, then port
1521 will have to be opened to the Enterprise Manager Server for the following

• The compute node hostnames - exadbnode1.example.com and


• The virtual IPs for each compute node - exadbnode1-vip.example.com

and exadbnode1-vip.example.com

• The scan listener hostname - scan-exadatadb

3. Open Enterprise Manager Upload Port

The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c agents require access to the Enterprise
Manager Servers upload service, normally configured on port 4889 for HTTP
uploads and 4900 for HTTPS. To verify the ports assigned, run the following
command on the OMS server command line.
$ emctl status oms -details

These ports will need to be opened for each of the compute nodes.

4. Open Agent Ports

The OMS server(s) will need to be able to connect to the Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 13c Agent HTTP/HTTPS port on each compute node. The Agent
port defaults to 3872. If port 3872 is not available, the next available port starting
from port 1830 is used.
To identify the port used:

• Run the following command on the compute node command line:

$ emctl status agent

• Alternatively, you can look for the value of the EMD_URL property in the
emd.properties file the following directory:

5. Open SSH Ports (port 22)

The Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Agents require ssh access to the
Exadata Database Machine components they monitor. As the Agents will run on
the compute nodes the ssh ports, 22, on each of the storage cells, ILOMs, PDUs,

Installation and Deployment 2-5

Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

KVMs, InfiniBand switches, and Cisco switch will need to be opened for each of
the compute nodes.


The emkit configures ssh access but still requires the ports to be opened first.

6. Allow UDP Traffic (SNMP Ports) (Port 162)

All Exadata Database Machine components need to be able to send SNMP traps to
the Agents running on the compute nodes. SNMP uses the UDP protocol so the
Agent port and port 162 need to be opened for UDP traffic between the Storage
Cells, ILOMs, InfiniBand Switches, Cisco Switch, and the Agent.

Table 2-1 Firewall Ports

Component Ping service and SNMP* SSH (port 22) Notes


PDU From remote agent Yes Yes

Compute node ILOM From remote agent Yes Yes

1. Remote agent
needs to be able
to SSH to dom0.

2. Needs to access

3. Need SNMP port

open on dom0.

dom0 From EM OMS Yes Yes


Cell From remote agent Yes Yes

InfiniBand Switch From remote agent Yes Yes

Cisco Switch From remote agent Yes Yes

KVM From remote agent Yes May not be required,

if X5 does not have

OMS Yes Upload http/https

port - usually 3872

2-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Plug-in Deployment Prerequisites

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Firewall Ports

Component Ping service and SNMP* SSH (port 22) Notes


Agent The OMS server(s)

will need to be able to
connect to the
Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control 12c
port on each compute
node. The Agent port
defaults to 3872. If
port 3872 is not
available, the next
available port starting
from port 1830 is

* SNMP uses the UDP protocol; so, the Agent port and port 162 need to be opened for UDP traffic

2.1.5 Enable Support for IPv6 Environments


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of the Internet
Protocol (IP), the communications protocol that provides an identification and
location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the

To perform an Exadata Database Machine discovery on IPv6-based client or

management network, you must deploy agents on a host that supports dual stack
(IPV4 and IPV6).
If the compute node hosts are pure IPv6-based hosts, then deploy the agent on a
remote host that supports both IPV4 and IPV6 and perform "remote agent" based
This agent deployment is needed for monitoring those components in DB Machine
that do not yet support IPV6 (for example, Infiniband Switch and PDU. For more
details, see IPv6 support status on Exadata Database Machine (Doc ID 2056895.1),
available in My Oracle Support:

For a virtualized DB Machine, the VI target discovery should be done first as
described in Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine.

Installation and Deployment 2-7

User Roles

2.1.6 Oracle SuperCluster Prerequisites

Table 2-2 shows the required versions of OneCommand and Config-O-Matic (COM)
supported by the Oracle SuperCluster hardware configurations.

Table 2-2 Oracle SuperCluster Prerequisites

Hardware Configuration OneCommand Version Config-O-Matic Version

M6-32 14.063 and later 1.6.4 and later


T5-8 14.042 and later 1.5.8 COM and later


T5-8 n/a 1.5.4 COM and earlier

catalog.xml (non-Java

T4-4 n/a 1.1.6 COM and earlier

catalog.xml only
Note: Because the T4-4 Oracle
SuperCluster is at its "end of
life," this entry is only for
existing systems.

2.2 User Roles

To manage the Exadata Storage Server, you need to create roles and then assign roles
to administrators. Creating these roles restricts the privileges that each user has, for
example in deleting the plug-in or accessing reports. See Oracle Exadata Database
Machine Administration .

2.3 Install Enterprise Manager Agent


Enterprise Manager Exadata discovery supports the use of either management

network hostname or client network hostname for the compute nodes. When
installing the Enterprise Manager agent on the compute nodes, you should
use the same hostname as used in Oracle Clusterware.
You can identify the hostname of the nodes in the cluster by running the
olsnodes command on one of the compute nodes. It is recommended that a
fully qualified hostname, including the domain name, be used when
specifying an Enterprise Manager agent hostname.

There are two methods for installing the Enterprise Manager Agent. Chose the one
that works best for your environment:

• Install Agents and Set Up Exadata Monitoring Using Automated Kit

2-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Install Enterprise Manager Agent

• Install Enterprise Manager Agent Using the Push Method


• Make sure any prerequisites are met. See Agent Installation Prerequisite -
Solaris 11 Only.

• The Enterprise Manager agent must be deployed to all compute nodes of

the Database Machine. The host target name of the compute node must be
the fully qualified host name, for example, dbm1db01.mydomain.com.

• Non-fully qualified hostname (for example, dbm1db01) or IP address

must not be used for the host target name of the compute node.

• The same version of the Enterprise Manager agent and the same version
of the Exadata plug-ins should be deployed on all compute nodes within
the same Database Machine.

2.3.1 Agent Installation Prerequisite - Solaris 11 Only

If you are running Exadata Storage Server Software Release 11g Release 2 ( on
Oracle Solaris, follow the steps below before installing the agent.

1. Log in to the compute node host as agent user and execute the ppriv $$
command. This command displays the E (Effective), P (Permitted), I (Inherited),
and L (Limited) privileges.

Generally, E, P, and I have the same set of basic privileges and for any normal user.

2. Assuming that output of the above command shows basic privileges, add the
priv_sys_net_config privilege to the agent user so that InfiniBand commands
can be executed.

Log in as root and run:

# usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,priv_sys_net_config <agent_user>

This command adds sys_net_config to the agent user.

3. Log in as the agent user again and run the ppriv $$ command to verify if the
privileges are set. The output will show the sys_net_config privilege along
with the existing (basic) set of privileges.

2.3.2 Install Agents and Set Up Exadata Monitoring Using Automated Kit
The Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Setup Automation kit is available
for download from My Oracle Support as a patch. The kit simplifies the process of
deploying the agents on each of the compute nodes considerably, allowing agents to
be deployed to all of the compute nodes, in one go, from one of the compute nodes,
using one simple command. Instructions for using the kit to deploy agents on the
compute nodes are provided in the patch README.txt.
To download the Automation kit for your platform, see Doc ID 1440951.1 in My Oracle

Installation and Deployment 2-9

Install Enterprise Manager Agent

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c uses a holistic approach to manage the
Exadata Database Machine and provides comprehensive lifecycle management from
monitoring to management and ongoing maintenance for the entire engineered
The patch README provides instructions for how to install Management Agents on
an Oracle Exadata Database Machine and point them to an existing Cloud Control
environment or install a new stand alone Enterprise Manager environment and deploy
the Management Agents pointing to this new environment. This standalone
environment can be used when you do not want to take the corporate environment
offline to apply the patches needed to monitor Oracle Exadata Database Machine.
The following procedures described in the README can be performed at any time,
such as during initial configuration of Oracle Exadata Database Machine, or later:

• Preparing a corporate Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control server to monitor

Oracle Exadata Database Machine

• Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c on a standalone server to

monitor Oracle Exadata Database Machine

• Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Management Agents on

Oracle Exadata Database Machine

• Removing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Management Agents

from Oracle Exadata Database Machine when using a standalone server

• Removing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c from a standalone server

2.3.3 Install Enterprise Manager Agent Using the Push Method

The installation instructions were captured on a Quarter Rack configuration (for
example, 2 compute nodes, 3 cells).

1. Add the Exadata Database Machine compute nodes as host targets to Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c. From the Enterprise Manager home page,
click the Setup menu (upper right corner), Add Target, then Add Targets

2. On the Add Host Targets: Host and Platform screen, specify a session name. Then
identify the fully qualified hostnames and select the platform.


If the Agent software is not available for your platform, go to the Extensibility
page and download it first.

Figure 2-1 shows how the selection should look for the Linux x86-64 platform.

2-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Install Enterprise Manager Agent

Figure 2-1 Add Host Targets

3. Click Next to add the details for the host.

4. On the Installation Details screen, provide the following information:

• Installation Base Directory

• Instance Directory

• Named Credential

• For Port, leave this field blank. As part of the installation process, an available
port will be selected automatically.

5. Click Next to review the details about the host.

6. Click Deploy Agent to start the agent deployment process.

7. As the deployment process continues, remote prerequisite checks are automatically

checked. If there are no issues, you will be presented with an Agent Deployment
Summary with an indication that the agent deployment has passed. Figure 2-2
shows an example of a successful agent deployment.

Installation and Deployment 2-11

Manually Deploy Exadata Plug-in

Figure 2-2 Agent Deployment Summary


If the root.sh was not executed during deployment, then make sure to
execute it on all compute nodes. Installing Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode Option

You can install Oracle Management Agent in silent mode as an alternative to installing
it using the Add Host Target Wizard. Silent mode requires you to use a response file
for providing the installation details and a deployment script for silently installing the
Management Agent using the information supplied in the response file.
See the Installing Oracle Management Agent in Silent Mode chapter in the Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide for more

2.4 Manually Deploy Exadata Plug-in

Under the following conditions, you may need to manually deploy the Exadata plug-
in on each of the compute nodes:

• For a new or fresh installation: Deploy the plug-in manually if you did not deploy
the agent using Automation kit or push the latest version of the agent through

• For an upgrade to an existing installation: Deploy the Exadata plug-in manually if

an older version of the Exadata plug-in has been deployed to the agent already
and you would like to upgrade to the latest version of the Exadata plug-in.
To determine if the Exadata plug-in is deployed on each compute node and what
version it is, you have two options:

• From a terminal window, run the following command:

2-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Manually Deploy Exadata Plug-in

emctl listplugins agent


The emctl listplugins agent command must be run on the compute

node using the emctl in the agent installation directory.

• From Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, click the Setup menu (upper right
corner), Extensibility, and then Plug-ins.
To manually deploy the Exadata plug-in:

1. From the Enterprise Manager home page, click the Setup menu (upper right
corner), Extensibility, and then Plug-ins.

2. On the Plug-ins page, select Oracle Exadata from the Name list.


The selected version should be for Release,, or

Oracle recommends that you deploy the latest version of the Exadata and
Database plug-ins to the agent.

3. With Oracle Exadata selected, click Deploy On, then Management Agent.

4. On the Deploy Plug-in on Management Agent pop-up, click Add. A search pop-up
will appear to allow you to search for targets to add. In the Target Type drop-
down, select Agent, then click Search.

Select a Target name from the results list and click Select. Repeat for each agent

5. After you have added the agents, click Next on the Deploy Plug-in on Management
Agent screen to review and verify the agent information.

6. Click Deploy to deploy the plug-in to the agents.

7. Once the plug-in has been deployed to all agents, a confirmation screen will
appear. Click OK to dismiss the pop-up or Show Status to display the status of the
agent in the Enterprise Manager Deployment Activities screen.

Installation and Deployment 2-13

Manually Deploy Exadata Plug-in

2-14 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide

Exadata Database Machine Discovery

This chapter provides instructions for discovery of the Oracle Exadata Database
Machine through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.
The following sections describe how to discover the Exadata Database Machine and
other supported targets:

1. Running the Discovery Precheck Script

2. Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

3. Discover Oracle SuperCluster as an Exadata Database Machine

4. Discovering Grid Infrastructure and RAC

5. Switch from Using CellCLI to ExaCLI after Storage Server Locked Down

3.1 Running the Discovery Precheck Script

Before you begin the guided discovery process, there are several checks you should
perform to ensure a smooth discovery. A discovery precheck script is available to
automatically verify many of the common problem areas prior to discovery.
Some Exadata discoveries in Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c may run into issues
because of various configuration mismatches in software setup. This discovery
precheck script helps to resolve the most common configuration problems. Run the
script before all Database Machine discovery and examine the output thoroughly
before proceeding with Discovering an Exadata Database Machine.
Follow the steps below to run the discovery precheck script:

1. Secure Storage for Target Monitoring Credentials.

2. Download the Discovery Precheck Script.

3. Run the Discovery Precheck Script.

4. Automatic Verification.

5. Manual Verification.

3.1.1 Secure Storage for Target Monitoring Credentials

As you begin the discovery process, cell monitoring requires log in and password
credentials to be entered. These credentials are handled in the following manner:

• For the cellmonitor user: SSH equivalence is set up for between the
cellmonitor user and the agent user. The root credentials being prompted for
during discovery are not needed for metric collection afterwards. You can

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-1

Running the Discovery Precheck Script

optionally choose to store the cell root password as a named credential in the
Enterprise Manager repository.

• For the cell ILOM user (oemuser): This monitoring credential is encrypted and
stored in the Enterprise Manager repository and in the targets.xml file on the

• For the InfiniBand Switch user (nm2user): SSH equivalence is set up for between
the nm2user user and the agent user. The nm2user credentials being prompted
for during discovery are not needed for metric collection afterward. You can
optionally choose to store the nm2user password as a named credential in the
Enterprise Manager repository.

3.1.2 Download the Discovery Precheck Script

You can obtain the script in one of the following ways

• Access the script as part of Exadata plug-in after the plug-in is deployed
to the agent:
<agent installation directory>/plugins/


The Exadata plug-in includes an additional script that enables enhanced

monitoring through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.

• Download the script from Prerequisite script for Exadata Discovery in Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c (Doc ID 1473912.1) in My Oracle Support:

• Access the script as described in Obtaining the Oracle Enterprise Manager Setup
Automation kit for Exadata (Doc ID 1440951.1) in My Oracle Support for more
information on the kit:

3.1.3 Run the Discovery Precheck Script

To run the script:
$ <agent installation directory>/plugins/oracle.sysman.xa.discovery.plugin_<plugin
$ $ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin/perl ./exadataDiscoveryPreCheck.pl

As the script runs, you will be prompted for various inputs. It will execute all the
built-in checks and will display all messages on standard output along with an
execution log.

3.1.4 Automatic Verification

The discovery precheck script checks for the following information:

3-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Running the Discovery Precheck Script

• Verifies that the user who is running the Enterprise Manager agent has read and
execute permissions on at least one of the 11.2 (or later) Database Oracle home
directory <ORACLE_HOME>/bin/kfod binaries.

• Verifies the management server and cell server is up and running on the Exadata
cell. You can verify the status by running:
$ cellcli -e 'list cell attributes cellsrvStatus,msStatus'

• Verifies log in credentials. These credentials are required to complete the

discovery process. Make sure you have the information of the following
credentials before starting the discovery process:

– Agent host credentials: the username and password of the user running the
agents on the compute nodes

– Monitoring credentials:

* Cell Root Password or ExaCLI credentials if you plan to use ExaCLI

* InfiniBand Switch Nm2user Password

* ILOM username and password

– InfiniBand Switch root credentials: Username and Password

• Verifies the Database Machine schematic file requirements for Exadata Release,, and later, including:

– That the schematic file should exist on the agent host selected for discovering
the Exadata Database Machine at:

– That the schematic file has the world-readable privilege so that it is readable
by the agent user.

– That the version is 503 or later. The schematic file version is in the header of
the file.

– That the values of <ADMINNAME> and <ADMINIP> in the schematic file

should be the current host names and management IP addresses of the
compute nodes, Exadata cells, InfiniBand switches, KVM, PDU, and Cisco

• Verifies the Database Machine schematic file requirements for Exadata Release and later:

– Verifies that the schematic file exists on the agent host selected for
discovering the Exadata Database Machine at:

– Verifies that the schematic file has the world-readable privilege so that it is
readable by the agent user.

– Verifies that the schematic file version is 868 or later. The schematic file
version is in the header of the file.

– In addition, the values of <ADMINNAME> and <ADMINIP> in the schematic file

should be the current host names and management IP addresses of the

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-3

Running the Discovery Precheck Script

compute nodes, Exadata cells, InfiniBand switches, KVM, PDU, and Cisco
Client network naming is only supported in Exadata plug-in Release and later.


If the Database Machine schematic file does not exist or its version does not
meet the requirement, open a Service Request with Oracle Support to get the
latest version of the schematic file.

3.1.5 Manual Verification

After running the discovery precheck script, you will still need to perform the
following checks manually:

1. Use the 11.2 (or later) Database Oracle home directory when prompted for in
Discovering an Exadata Database Machine.

2. Pre-requirements for platform and Database Machine version.

3. Compute node needs to be first discovered as Enterprise Manager host targets by

installing the Enterprise Manager agents on these hosts.

• The Enterprise Manager agent must be deployed to all compute nodes of the
Exadata Database Machine. The host target name of the compute node must be
the fully qualified host name (for example, dbm1db01.mydomain.com). Non-
fully qualified hostnames (for example, dbm1db01) or IP addresses must not
be used for the host target name of the compute node.

• If you are using Exadata plug-in Release or, the target name
of the compute node host target should be the host name in the management
network, not the client network.

• If you are using Exadata plug-in Release or later, the target name of
the compute node host target can be the host name in the management
network or the client network.

4. The host names of the compute nodes and Exadata cells in each individual
Database Machine should have a unique prefix. In other words, Exadata Database
Machine racks that are not connected by the same InfiniBand network to form one
DB Machine should not share the same prefix for the host names.

5. For users of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Release or if
the installed version has been upgraded to Release from of the
plug-in, you must manually push the Exadata plug-in to the agent.

6. For IPV6-based Exadata Database Machine, verify the following information in the
schematic files:

3-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering an Exadata Database Machine


The schematic files are usually located in the /opt/

oracle.SupportTools/onecommand directory on the compute nodes, and
are named databasemachine.xml, catalog.xml or

a. Check if all the ADMINNAME, ILOMNAME and CLIENTNAME entries are valid host

b. Check if the ADMINIP and ILOMIP are in IPv6 format for the cells, compute
nodes, and Cisco switch entries.

c. As an example, the entries would be formatted like this:

<ITEM ID="2">

d. Ensure that the IPv4 address is used for InfiniBand Switch and PDU as they do
not support IPV6. For more details, see IPv6 support status on Exadata
Database Machine (Doc ID 2056895.1), available in My Oracle Support:


3.2 Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

To discover a Database Machine target, follow these steps:

1. From the Enterprise Manager home page, select the Setup menu (upper right
corner), Add Target, and then Add Targets Manually.

2. On the Add Targets Manually page (Figure 3-1), click Add Targets Using Guided
Process. From Add Using Guided Process window, select Oracle Exadata
Database Machine from the list and click Add (Figure 3-2).

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-5

Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

Figure 3-1 Add Targets Manually

Figure 3-2 Select Oracle Exadata Database Machine

3. On the Oracle Exadata Database Machine Discovery page (Figure 3-3), select one of
the following tasks:

• Discover a new Database Machine and its hardware components as targets.

With this selection, choose one of the following monitoring options:

– 13c target type. With this target type, enhanced monitoring is available
through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c (additional credentials are

3-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

Enhanced monitoring of the 13c target type allows the Exadata plug-in to
monitor the Exadata Storage Server and KVM, and the Enterprise
Manager Systems Infrastructure (EMSI) plug-in monitors of all other
hardware targets with the Exadata rack. The EMSI plug-in is included
with your installation of Enterprise Manager.

– 12c target type.

After you select the monitoring type, the table will update to show the target
types and the credentials required for discovery.

• Discover newly added hardware components in an existing Database Machine

as targets. Select a Database Machine from the drop-down menu. The table will
update to show the target types and the credentials required for discovery.

Figure 3-3 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Discovery Page

Click Discover Targets. The Exadata Discovery Wizard begins.

4. On the Discovery Inputs page (Figure 3-4), enter the following information:

• For the Discovery Agents section:

– Agent URL: The Agent deployed on compute node. Click the search icon
to select from available URLs.

For IPv6-based DB Machines, select the agents that are deployed on hosts with
dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) support.

• For the Schematic Files section:

– Once you have specified the Agent URL, a new row (hostname and
schematic file information) is automatically added. The default schematic

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-7

Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

file, databasemachine.xml, describes the hardware components of the

Exadata Database Machine.

– Click Set Credential to set the credentials for the host.

– Check/modify the schematic file location.

– Select the schematic file name from drop-down menu.


You only need to customize the Schematic file location if one of the following
is true:

– The Schematic file is not in the default location.

– The Database Machine contains a Storage Expansion Rack.

– The hardware components are specified in multiple schematic files.

Figure 3-4 Database Machine Discovery: Discovery Inputs

Click Next.

5. On the InfiniBand Discovery page (Figure 3-5), enter the following information:

• IB Switch Host Name: The InfiniBand switch host name. The IB Switch host
name is usually pre-populated.

• InfiniBand Switch ILOM host credential: The user name (usually ilom-
admin or ilom-operator) and password for the InfiniBand switch ILOM

3-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

Figure 3-5 Database Machine Discovery: InfiniBand Discovery

Click Next.

6. On the Prerequisite Check page (Figure 3-6), Enterprise Manager will try to
discover hardware components dynamically based on your environment. If any
critical issues are encountered, then you can click Back to resolve them. Enterprise
Manager will the show the problem and its severity (Info, Warning, or Critical).

Any warning issues or informational messages may also be displayed. These do

not interfere with the discovery process.

Figure 3-6 Database Machine Discovery: Prerequisite Check

Click Next.

7. On the Components page (Figure 3-7), the components below are pre-selected. You
can deselect any unwanted component. Components include, but are not limited
to, the following:

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-9

Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

• Compute Node: Select the hosts that are compute nodes in the Oracle Exadata
Database Machine.

• Oracle Exadata Storage Server: Select the Oracle Exadata Storage Servers that
are part of this Oracle Exadata Database Machine target.

• InfiniBand Switch: Select the InfiniBand Switches that are part of the Oracle
Exadata Database Machine. These also will be added as managed targets.

• Ethernet Switch: Select the Ethernet switches that are part of the Oracle
Exadata Database Machine. The Ethernet switches will be added as managed

• Compute Node ILOM: Select the Integrated Lights Out Managers (ILOM) of
the compute nodes that are part of this Oracle Exadata Database Machine.
These ILOMs will be added as managed targets.

• KVM: Select the KVM switches that are part of the Oracle Exadata Database
Machine. The KVM switches will be added as managed targets.


A partitioned rack can list other components that should be deselected

manually (for example, compute nodes).

Figure 3-7 Database Machine Discovery: Components

Click Next.

8. On the Monitoring Agents page (Figure 3-8), select an agent for the Monitoring
Agent, and then one for the Backup Monitoring Agent from the drop-down

3-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering an Exadata Database Machine


A Warning will be thrown if only one agent is used as monitoring and backup
agents. Click Select Agents to add more agents, if available.

Figure 3-8 Database Machine Discovery: Monitoring Agents


Reminder: For IPv6-based DB Machines, select the agents that are deployed
on hosts with dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) support.

Click Next.

9. On the Monitoring Credential page, select either ExaCLI or CellCLI for monitoring
and set the monitoring credentials appropriately. ExaCLI is recommended as it
allows SSH access to the Exadata Storage Server to be locked down for higher
security. Select from the following:

• Monitor using ExaCLI where the credentials are the same for all cells. For

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-11

Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

• Monitor using ExaCLI where the credentials are different for all cells. For

• Monitor using CellCLI. If you select CellCLI, then you must supply the root
credentials (which are not stored) to set up SSH access from the monitoring
agent to the Exadata Storage Server.

10. On the Agent Credential page, set the credentials for all components within the
Exadata Database Machine (for example, the Storage Server, PDU, InfiniBand
Switch, and so forth).

3-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

Click Set Credential to set the credential for the component. If the users and
passwords are the same, choose Same for all and enter the user and password
Select Set up ASR subscription option for receiving Oracle Auto Service Request
(ASR)-oriented traps in Enterprise Manager. This option is needed if you are using
Enterprise Manager to raise a Service Request (SR) instead of using ASR Manager
on the cell.
Depending on the component, you may need to provide additional information.
For example, in the Exadata Storage Server Credentials window, you must enter
the SNMP Credentials as well as the Root Credentials (Figure 3-9):

Figure 3-9 Example: Set Oracle Exadata Storage Server Credentials


For IPv6 environments, only SNMPV3 credential type (SNMPV3Creds) is

The SNMP community String is like a password. It is sent along with each
SNMP Get-Request, allow or deny access to device. Please check with your
network administrator to get the community string details for your enterprise.
The Agent requires SSH access to the Cisco Ethernet switch. You must specify
this SSH access credentials when setting credentials for the Ethernet switch.

Click OK and set the credentials for all other components. Once all credentials are
set, the Set Credentials page will update to show the credentials set (as shown in
Figure 3-10):

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-13

Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

Figure 3-10 Database Machine Discovery: Credentials

Click Next.

11. On the Review page, verify each section is correct. Figure 3-11 shows an example of
an accurate review.

3-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering an Exadata Database Machine

Figure 3-11 Database Machine Discovery: Review

Click Submit.

12. After the Database Machine components are promoted, a Target Creation
Summary page displays to show all discovered targets and components. If there
are any errors, the Status column will display a red flag. Place your cursor over the
flag for a pop-up window for additional information about the error (Figure 3-12):

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-15

Discover Oracle SuperCluster as an Exadata Database Machine

Figure 3-12 Database Machine Discovery: Target Creation Summary

The discovery of the Oracle Exadata Database Machine is complete.

3.3 Discover Oracle SuperCluster as an Exadata Database Machine

You can use the Exadata plug-in to discover and monitor an Oracle SuperCluster
system. You can monitor only the Database and Exadata components of the Oracle
SuperCluster installed on LDOM and Zones. To monitor specific LDOM or
virtualization configurations at the operating system level, please use Oracle
Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c.
To discover the Oracle SuperCluster as an Exadata Database Machine:

1. See the Discovering and Promoting Oracle Solaris Zones in the Oracle® Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for completing the prerequisite of
pushing the agent to the control domain and zones.

2. Open a Service Request (SR) and upload the following files from your first 11gR2

3-16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discover Oracle SuperCluster as an Exadata Database Machine


Make a backup of your /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand

directory as you will overwrite it with the new configurations.

3. Oracle Support will provide you the file(s) generated based on the information
provided in your configuration files. Copy all files into your /opt/
oracle.SupportTools/onecommand directory.

4. Ensure that READ permissions are open for all files in this directory as well as in
the /opt/oracle.SupportTools/em directory. The agent must be able to read
these files during discovery.

5. Run Self Update from Enterprise Manager to download the Solaris SPARC agent
software on the OMS. Apply that download to the OMS to make it available for

a. From Enterprise Manager, click Setup, then Extensibility, and finally Self
Update. Click Agent Software.

b. Select Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit).

c. If the status is Available, then click Download from the Actions menu.

d. Once downloaded, you must Apply it to the OMS from the same Self Update
For more details on Self Update in Online or Offline mode, see the Updating Cloud
Control chapter in the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's

6. Install an agent on each of the Database nodes of the Oracle SuperCluster:

a. From Enterprise Manager, select Setup, then Add Target, and finally Add
Targets Manually.

b. Select Add Host Targets (selected by default) and click Add Host.

c. Continue with the installation wizard and ensure that you run root.sh on
each node once installation is completed.


You may run into a known issue where you have to edit the Ciphers entry
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart ssh (see bug 13822068 for details).
See SSHD Connection Errors After Upgrading To Exadata Version (Doc
ID 1437596.1) in My Oracle Support:

7. Configure the database nodes for Database Machine discovery.

This step is needed to set descriptions of each DB node by updating the DB node
IP address, Host Channel Adapter ID, and management hostname in the
InfiniBand configurations using set_nodedesc.sh. Enterprise Manager Agents
look for this information when discovering the Database Machine.

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-17

Discovering Grid Infrastructure and RAC

# ibnetdiscover | grep your_db_nodes

If no output is not returned, then run the following command to set the node
descriptions from all database nodes:
# /bin/ib_set_node_desc_ssc.sh

8. Discover Exadata Database Machine from Enterprise Manager using Manual

Discovery wizard. This discovery process is the same as any other Exadata DBM
target. See Discovering an Exadata Database Machine.

9. Discover the HA RAC Cluster and the cluster databases and configure each target
as usual.

3.4 Discovering Grid Infrastructure and RAC

The following sections provide instructions for discovering Grid Infrastructure and
Oracle Real Application Clusters targets:

• Discover Grid Infrastructure (Cluster) Targets

• Discover Oracle Real Application Clusters Targets

3.4.1 Discover Grid Infrastructure (Cluster) Targets

1. From the Setup menu, select Add Targets, then Add Targets Manually.

2. In the Add Targets Manually page, select Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided
Process (Also Adds Related Targets) and Target Type as Oracle Cluster and High
Availability Services.

3. Click Add Using Guided Discovery and follow the wizard.

4. On the Add Cluster Target: Specify Host page, select the first database node and
click Continue.

5. The cluster home details are displayed. Ensure that all database nodes are shown in
Selected Hosts section.

6. Click Add.

3.4.2 Discover Oracle Real Application Clusters Targets

1. From the Setup menu, select Add Targets, then Add Targets Manually.

2. In the Add Targets Manually page, select Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided
Process (Also Adds Related Targets) and Target Type as Oracle Database,
Listener and Automatic Storage Management.

3. Click Add Using Guided Discovery and follow the wizard.

4. In the wizard pages, configure Cluster Databases (dbsnmp password required) and
Cluster ASM (asmsnmp password required).

3-18 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Switch from Using CellCLI to ExaCLI after Storage Server Locked Down

3.5 Switch from Using CellCLI to ExaCLI after Storage Server Locked
You can at any time lock down an Exadata Storage Server and switch to ExaCLI for
monitoring/administration (See Exadata Storage Server User Guide to know more
about ExaCLI). From the Exadata Storage Server menu, select Target Setup, then select
Monitoring Configuration, as shown in Figure 3-13:

Figure 3-13 Monitoring Credentials Menu Item

On the Monitoring Configuration page, set the Support ExaCLI value to 1 (the default
is 0), as shown in Figure 3-14:

Exadata Database Machine Discovery 3-19

Switch from Using CellCLI to ExaCLI after Storage Server Locked Down

Figure 3-14 Monitoring Configuration: Set to Monitor Using ExaCLI

3-20 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Post-Discovery Configuration and

discoverypost-discovery configuration and verificationOnce the Oracle Exadata

Database Machine has been discovered through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
13c, you must complete post-discovery configuration on the following targets:

• Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on Compute Node

• Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

• Configure and Verify SNMP for InfiniBand Switch Targets

• Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

• Verify Configuration for Oracle ILOM Server

• Set Up SNMP for Cisco Ethernet Switch Targets

• Set Up SNMP for Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Targets

• Set Up SNMP for KVM Targets

• Accessing Oracle Support Workbench for Exadata Storage Server

• Oracle Exadata Database Machine Dashboard Creation


You must remove the SNMP notification on the cell, InfiniBand switch, ILOM,
Cisco switch, PDU, and KVM manually if you remove these targets from
Enterprise Manager.
Starting with Exadata plug-in Release, when the Exadata Database
Machine target is deleted through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control, there is
an option to remove the SNMP notification from the cells and InfiniBand

View a video of how to monitor your Exadata environment:

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-1

Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on Compute Node

4.1 Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on Compute Node

If you do not need to monitor KVM, then you can skip this section.

The traps from the KVM will be sent to UDP port 162 on the monitoring agent host.
For the Enterprise Manager Agent to receive traps from the KVM, SNMP trap
forwarding must be set up on the host where the Enterprise Manager Agent is running
so that the snmptrapd daemon can receive traps using port 162 and forward the trap
to the agent receivelet's listening port.
Ideally, you should perform the steps on all compute nodes in preparation for a
scenario when monitoring is moved to a compute node that was not previously being
used to monitor the KVM targets.

• Set Up Compute Node Agent - Linux

• Set Up Compute Node Agent - Solaris

4.1.1 Set Up Compute Node Agent - Linux

The following commands must be run as root user:

1. Get the port value from EMD_URL property in the <AGENT_INST>/sysman/

config/emd.properties file. This is the port at which receivelet will listen over
UDP for traps (for this example, the port value is 3872).

2. Confirm that the receivelet is listening on this port over UDP. An entry should be
seen in the below command's output:

# netstat -an | grep 3872 | grep udp

3. Run the following command to stop the SNMP trap daemon:

# service snmptrapd stop

Typically, the service command will be located in the /sbin directory.

4. Add the following entry to the /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf configuration file:

authcommunity log,execute,net <community string>

forward default udp:localhost:3872

If the /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf file does not exist, create one and add
the lines as described above.

5. Edit the /etc/hosts.allow file to add the following line:

snmptrapd : ALL

6. Run the following command:

# chkconfig snmptrapd on

4-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on Compute Node

7. Run the following command to start the SNMP trap daemon:

# service snmptrapd start

4.1.2 Set Up Compute Node Agent - Solaris

The following commands must be run as root user:

1. Get the port value from EMD_URL property in the <AGENT_INST>/sysman/

config/emd.properties file. This is the port at which receivelet will listen over
UDP for traps (for this example, the port value is 3872).

2. Confirm that the receivelet is listening on this port over UDP. An entry should be
seen in the below command's output:

# netstat -an | grep 3872 | grep udp

3. Run the following command to stop the SNMP trap daemon:

# svcadm disable snmptrapd

You may see the following message. If so, then you can ignore it:
svcadm: Pattern 'snmptrapd' doesn't match any instances

Typically, the svcadm command will be located in the /usr/sbin directory.

4. Add the following entry to the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmptrapd.conf

configuration file:

authcommunity log,execute,net <community string>

forward default udp:localhost:3872


If the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmptrapd.conf file does not exist, create

one and add the lines as described above.

5. Create a /tmp/snmptrapd.xml file with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM
<service_bundle type='manifest' name='snmptrapd'>
<service name='application/management/snmptrapd' type='service' version='1'>
<create_default_instance enabled='true' />
<single_instance />
<dependency name='network' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none'
<service_fmri value='svc:/milestone/network:default' />
<exec_method type='method' name='start' exec="/usr/sbin/snmptrapd -Lsd -
p /var/run/snmptrapd.pid" timeout_seconds ="60"/>
<exec_method type='method' name='stop' exec=':kill' timeout_seconds='60'/>
<stability value='Evolving' />
<loctext xml:lang='C'>net-snmp SNMP trap daemon</loctext>

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-3

Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring


6. Validate the /tmp/snmptrapd.xml file you have just created in step 5:

# svccfg validate /tmp/snmptrapd.xml

7. Import the /tmp/snmptrapd.xml file:

# svccfg import snmptrapd.xml

8. Make sure that the snmptrapd daemon is running:

# svcs snmptrapd

An example of the output is:

online 16:20:00 svc:/application/management/snmptrapd:default

9. If needed, you can start the snmptrapd daemon with the following command:

# svcadm enable snmptrapd

4.2 Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

Exadata Storage Cell SNMP configuration is performed using the cellcli command
and can be run in batch using dcli from a compute node.


• For Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Bundle Pack 1 (BP1):

The SNMP trap subscription for Exadata Storage Cells is done
automatically after finishing the guided discovery process.

• For Exadata plug-in Release and later:

During the discovery process, you can optionally provide the necessary
root credentials to subscribe for SNMP traps from Exadata Storage Cells.
If you have done so, then you can skip the remaining steps of this section
and proceed with Configure and Verify SNMP for InfiniBand Switch

• While the public string is used for the SNMP examples in the following
sections, it is supported to use any valid SNMP community string.

• Because of a limitation with the V1 protocol and JDMK API, if an IPv6

component sends SNMPv1 traps, then the sender's IP address is always Therefore, if the Exadata Storage Server environment is IPv6,
then the snmpv1 subscription should not be allowed.

• Use an SNMP V3 subscription for IPv6-based cell targets because of the

limitation in SNMP V1 protocol.

4-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

4.2.1 Using the ALTER CELL Command

While using the ALTER CELL command, all existing subscribers should be specified
along with the new subscriber being added. Similarly, you can also modify the
notificationPolicy or notificationMethod attributes.
While using the ALTER CELL command, the host= and community= attribute
values should be quoted, and type= is NOT quoted.
If you are using the DCLI utility to set up SNMP alerting, then any command
containing punctuation, which will be interpreted by the local shell, must be enclosed
with double quotation marks. If the command includes the following characters, then
outer quotation marks and escape characters are required:
$ (dollar sign)
' (quotation mark)
< (less than)
> (greater than)
( ) (parentheses)

The backslash (\) is the escape character that allows the characters to be passed to the
CellCLI utility without being interpreted by the remote shell.

4.2.2 Check Current SNMP Configuration

Check the current SNMP configuration using the following cellcli commands:

1. To list the current subscribers for SNMP:

# cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber

When correctly configured, this command should list the primary and backup
agents for the cell target, for example:
# cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber

2. To list the currently configured notification methods:

# cellcli -e list cell attributes notificationMethod

Possible values are snmp, mail and snmp,mail. When correctly configured, this
command should return either snmp or snmp,mail, for example:
# cellcli -e list cell attributes notificationMethod

3. To list the currently configured notification policy for SNMP:

# cellcli -e list cell attributes notificationPolicy

Possible values are any or all of Critical, Warning, and Clear. When correctly
configured, this command should return Critical, Warning, Clear, for
# cellcli -e list cell attributes notificationPolicy

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-5

Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

4.2.3 Configure SNMP Values Using cellcli

To set the values of snmpSubscriber, notificationMethod and

1. Set the snmpSubscriber value:

# cellcli -e "alter cell snmpSubscriber=((host='[host name]',port=[port]),
(host='[host name]',port=[port]))"

Where [host name] and [port] values are Agents monitoring your cell

The process is same as above, but along with the host and port, an SNMP V3
user and type must be provided:
ALTER CELL snmpSubscriber=((host='host1.example.com',port=[port],
snmpUser='[v3user]', type=V3))

Before you run the command, make sure that a v3user is a valid SNMP user
on the cell. You can check by running following command:
cellcli -e "list cell attributes snmpUser"

If there is no valid SNMP user on the cell, then add a V3 user with the
following command:
ALTER CELL snmpUser=((name='[v3user]', authProtocol='MD5',
authPassword='[passwd]', privProtocol='DES', privPassword='[passwd]'))


The Enterprise Manager Agent supports only DES and MD5/SHA

combination as of now. AES is not supported.

• Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) subscription

The above two steps describe the process of adding an SNMP subscription for
cell traps in MS MIB format. If you want to subscribe for SNMP traps in the
Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) format as well, then along with the entries
mentioned above you must add another entry with type=ASR (for V3, it is
For example, for SNMP V1:

For example, for SNMP V3:

string]'),(host='host1.example.com',port=[port], snmpUser='[v3user]',

4-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring


Take special care not to overwrite existing settings for snmpSubsriber. If

there are existing subscribers, then append the agent subscriptions. For
example, if the cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber
command returned:
# cellcli -e list cell attributes snmpSubscriber

Then you must append the Agent subscriptions:

#cellcli -e "alter cell snmpSubscriber=((host='ilm-
community=public,type=asr),(host='[host name]',port=[port]),(host='[host

2. For SNMP V3, update the following in Enterprise Manager:

• Ensure that the V3 monitoring credentials are set up on the cell target in
Enterprise Manager which match the v3 user on the cell:

– Log in to Enterprise Manager.

– From the Setup menu, select Security, then select Monitoring


– Select the Exadata Storage Server type and click Manage Monitoring

– Select the cell and set the V3 credentials.

• Ensure that the snmpengineid property is set up on the target in Enterprise


– Log in to Enterprise Manager.

– Go to the Exadata Storage Server home page.

– From the Exadata Storge Server menu, select Monitoring Configuration.

– If the snmpengineid property is not set, then set it manually in

Enterprise Manager. You can obtain it from the cell with the following
list cell attributes snmpengineidhex

All of the above steps are automatically taken care of it SNMP V3

subscription along with ASR option are selected during Exadata Database
Machine discovery.

3. Set the notificationMethod value:

# cellcli -e "alter cell notificationMethod='snmp,mail'"

4. Set the notificationPolicy value:

# cellcli -e "alter cell notificationPolicy='Critical,Warning,Clear'"

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-7

Configure Storage Cell SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

4.2.4 Configure SNMP Values Using dcli (optional)

The SNMP configuration commands can be run using dcli to perform the
configuration in batch on all storage cells:

1. Set the snmpSubscriber value:

$ dcli -g cell_group -l root "cellcli -e \"alter cell

snmpSubscriber=((host='[host name]',port=[port]),(host='[host name]',port=[port]))

Where [host name] and [port] values are Agents monitoring your cell targets.

2. Set the notificationMethod value:

$ dcli -g cell_group -l root "cellcli -e \"alter cell


3. Set the notificationPolicy value:

$ dcli -g cell_group -l root "cellcli -e \"alter cell


4.2.5 Verify SSH Connectivity

Open a new terminal and verify whether the SSH connectivity was successfully
$ ssh -l cellmonitor <cell_ipaddress> cellcli -e 'list cell detail'

• If you are not prompted for any password, then you can assume that the
connectivity is established.

• If you are asked to confirm whether you want to continue connecting, specify Yes.

4.2.6 Remove a Subscription

To remove the subscription, use the ALTER CELL command again by excluding the
host name that you want to remove from the snmpsubscriber list.


The SNMP receivelet listens on a single address and port for all monitored
targets. The port is the UDP port with the same number as the TCP port used
in the EMD_URL.
By default, the SNMP receivelet listens on all addresses; if the property
SnmpRecvletListenNIC is set in the emd.properties file, the receivelet
will attempt to resolve the value as either a name or IP address, and listen on
only that address.
This parameter is independent of AgentListenOnAllNICs and EMD_URL
because in some installations, the Agent may need to communicate with the
OMS and with managed targets on different networks.

4-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Configure and Verify SNMP for InfiniBand Switch Targets

4.3 Configure and Verify SNMP for InfiniBand Switch Targets

The SNMP configuration for Enterprise Manager monitoring of InfiniBand Switches is
done automatically as part of the Enterprise Manager guided discovery process. It is
good practice, however, to verify that SNMP configuration has been successful.


• For Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c Bundle Pack 1 (BP1):

The SNMP Trap setup for Infiniband Switches is done automatically after
finishing the guided discovery process.

• For Exadata plug-in Release and later:

During the discovery process, you can optionally provide the necessary
root credentials to set up SNMP trap for the InfiniBand Switch. If you
have done so, then you can skip the remaining steps of this section and
proceed with Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Enterprise
Manager Monitoring.

To configure (if necessary) and verify the SNMP configuration for an InfiniBand

1. Log in to the InfiniBand Switch ILOM web interface using the URL https://
<ib_switch_hostname> as root.


Try using Internet Explorer if the console does not display all fields/values in
your browser of choice.

2. Click Configuration, then System Management Access, and finally SNMP.

3. Ensure the following values are set:


If you need to make changes, make sure you click Save.

4. Click Configuration, then System Management Access, then SNMP, and finally
the Communities link. The page scrolls to the SNMP Communities table. In the
SNMP Communities table, click Add.

A new window opens.

5. Type the community name into the Community Name field. Select the permissions
from the Permission drop-down menu. Click Save.

The community is created, and the window closes.

6. Click Alert Management.

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-9

Configure and Verify SNMP for InfiniBand Switch Targets

7. If not already listed, for each Agent that monitors the InfiniBand Switch target,
select an empty alert (one that has the Destination Summary, snmp
v1, community 'public') and click Edit. Provide the following values:

Level = Minor
Type = SNMP Trap
Address = [agent compute node hostname]
Destination Port = [agent port]
SNMP Version = v1
Community Name = public

Click Save.

8. Verify the InfiniBand Switch SNMP configuration for Enterprise Manager


snmpget -v 1 -c <community_string> <hostname_of_IB_switch>

For example:
$ snmpget -v 1 -c public my_IB_switch.my_company.com
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = INTEGER: 1


If the Timeout message is displayed as a output for the above command, then
it means that the InfiniBand Switch is not yet configured for SNMP.


To remove the subscription, follow steps 1 to 5 above (step 3 is not needed). In

step 5, set the Agent compute node host name to and the port to 0.

4.3.1 Set Up SNMP for InfiniBand Switch Targets Using Enterprise Manager
You can set up SNMP for InfiniBand Switch targets using the Enterprise Manager
Cloud Control console:

1. Navigate to the IB Network target (not the individual switches) and select

2. Select the IB Switch target type, then one of the IB Switch targets.

3. Select the Setup SNMP Subscription command, then select the management agent
URL that monitors the InfiniBand switch target from the Agent URL list. Click

4. Provide credentials for the InfiniBand switch. Click Next.

5. Review the details you provided. If there are no further changes, then click Submit.

Perform steps 1-5 for both the Monitoring Agent and Backup Monitoring Agent of the
InfiniBand switch target.

4-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

4.4 Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Enterprise Manager


These instructions apply only for the Exadata Database Machine and are not
applicable to the Oracle SuperCluster.

The compute node ILOM targets are responsible for displaying a number of disk
failure alerts for their respective compute node that are received as SNMP traps. For
Enterprise Manager to receive those traps, the /opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/
exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl script must be run to configure SNMP subscriptions for
the agents (both primary and backup agents) that have been configured to monitor the
compute node ILOM targets. This step is applicable to Exadata plug-in Release and later.
The exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl script is run as the root user with the -
set_snmp_subscribers parameter to add SNMP subscribers. For example:
# /opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl -set_snmp_subscribers
Try to add ASR destination Host - hostname1.mycompany.com IP - Port -
3872 Community - public From IP - 22.333.44.555
Try to add ASR destination Host - hostname2.com IP - Port - 3872
Community - public From IP - 22.333.44.555

The script needs to be run on each compute node:

• The host values should be the hostnames of the agents configured to monitor the
compute node ILOM target associated with the compute node.

• The fromip values should be the IP address of the compute node that the
compute node ILOM target is associated with.
For example, if you have an X2-2 machine with compute node targets edbm01db01
through edbm01db08 and associated compute node ILOM targets edbm01db01-c
through edbm01db08-c, then you would need to run the script once on each compute
node - therefore, the script would be run eight times in total.

• On compute node edbm01db01, the host and port values would be the
hostnames and ports of the agents monitoring compute node ILOM target
edbm01db01-c and the fromip value would be the IP address of the compute
node itself, edbm01db01.

• On compute node edbm01db02, the host and port values would be the
hostnames and ports of the agents monitoring compute node ILOM target
edbm01db02-c and the 'fromip' value would be the IP address of the compute
node itself, edbm01db02, ... and so on.
This is a good example of where Manual selection of Management Agents for targets
is useful. If the first two compute nodes are always the Monitoring Agent and Backup
Monitoring Agent, then it is easy to work out the values needed for -

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-11

Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Enterprise Manager Monitoring

set_snmp_subscribers parameters, the host and port values would be the same
for all compute nodes.


The exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl script, overwrites any existing SNMP

subscriptions. While setting the SNMP subscribers, make sure that current
subscribers are included in the new list of subscribers.
It is possible to use the exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl script to get the current
set of subscribers using the -get_snmp_subscribers parameter.
For example:
# /opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl -get_snmp_subscribers -

Suppose the current list is:


Then new subscriptions can be added using the following command:

# /opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl -set_snmp_subscribers


After adding the new subscribers, run the command exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl

script with the -get_snmp_subscribers parameter to get the list of SNMP
subscribers and verify the new SNMP subscriptions were added successfully. For
# /opt/oracle.cellos/compmon/exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl -get_snmp_subscribers -type=asr

4.4.1 Configure the Compute Node ILOM SNMP for Compute Nodes Running
Management Server
For compute nodes running Management Server, the call to the
exadata_mon_hw_asr.pl script is replaced with dbmCLI commands, which are
similar to cellCLI commands on the Storage Cells.

4-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Verify Configuration for Oracle ILOM Server

Oracle Exadata Database Machine X5-2 (up to X6) runs the Management Server on
compute nodes.

4.4.2 Configure SNMP Values Using dbmcli

1. Set the snmpSubscriber value:

# dbmcli -e "ALTER DBSERVER

sr),(host='agent2_hostname',port=<agent's port>,type=asr))"

Where [host name] maps to the Enterprise Manager agents monitoring your
compute node target.

2. Set the notificationMethod value:

# dbmcli -e "ALTER DBSERVER notificationMethod="mail,snmp",

notificationPolicy="critical,warning,clear", smtpFrom="admin",
smtpFromAddr=[sender email address], smtpPort=[port], smtpServer=[smtp server],
smtpToAddr=[recipient email address], smtpUseSSL=TRUE

3. Verify the updates by executing:

# dbmcli -e "LIST DBSERVER attributes snmpSubscriber"

For Virtualized Exadata, these commands need to be executed in Dom0.

4.4.3 Configure SNMP for Oracle SuperCluster

1. Log in to the Oracle SuperCluster ILOM web interface, which is accessible via a
browser using the url http://<ilom_hostname> and the root credentials.

2. Select Configuration, then Alert Management.

3. Add a row for each agent.

4. Select an empty slot and click Edit.

5. Specify the following information:

• Level: Minor

• Type: SNMP Trap

• Address: IP Address of the Agent

• Destination Port: Uncheck Autoselect, then specify Agent port manually

• SNMP Version: v1

• Community Name: {your chosen community name}

6. Click Save.

4.5 Verify Configuration for Oracle ILOM Server

To verify that Alerts can be successfully raised and cleared for the Oracle ILOM Server
targets, perform the following steps:

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-13

Set Up SNMP for Cisco Ethernet Switch Targets

1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console as an administrator.

2. Click Targets and select Exadata. Select one of the Oracle ILOM Server targets
using the Target Navigation pane.

The ILOM target page will be displayed, showing the current status of that target
as well as any incidents that have been raised for it.

3. Raise an alert manually from the ILOM Server being validated. Run following
command as root on the first database server in the cluster:

# ipmitool -I lan -H sclczdb01-c -U oemuser -P oempasswd -L OPERATOR event PS0/

VINOK deassert

The output will be similar to:

Finding sensor PS0/VINOK... ok
0 | Pre-Init Time-stamp | Power Supply #0x65 | State Deasserted

After running the above command, wait a few minutes then refresh the ILOM
target page. An incident should appear in the Incidents section.

4. Clear the alert raised in step 3. Run the following command as root on the first
database server in the cluster:

# ipmitool -I lan -H sclczdb01-c -U oemuser -P oempasswd -L OPERATOR event PS0/

VINOK assert

The output will be similar to:

Finding sensor PS0/VINOK... ok
0 | Pre-Init Time-stamp | Power Supply #0x65 | State Asserted

After running the above command, wait a few minutes then refresh the ILOM
target page. The incident that was raised in step 3 should show as cleared in the
Incidents section.


Do not forget to clear the alert raised in step 3, as it was raised for testing only
and did not reflect a true fault condition!

5. Repeat for the remaining configured ILOM service processors in your Oracle
Database Machine.

4.6 Set Up SNMP for Cisco Ethernet Switch Targets

The Cisco Ethernet Switch must be configured to allow the Agents that monitor it to
be able to both poll the switch and to receive SNMP alerts from the switch. To allow
this, perform the following steps (swapping the example switch name dm01sw-ip
with the name of the Cisco Ethernet Switch target being configured):

1. Log in to the Cisco switch and enter Configure mode:

# ssh cisco-switch-host -l <admin user>

User Access Verification Password:
dm01sw-ip> enable
dm01sw-ip# configure terminal

4-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Set Up SNMP for Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Targets

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.


2. Enable access to allow the Agents monitoring Cisco Switch target to poll the switch.

In the command, [EMagentIPaddr] is the IP address of the server where the

Enterprise Manager Agent is running. The SNMP community specified must match
the value provided when configuring the Cisco Switch target:
dm01sw-ip(config)# access-list 1 permit [EMagentIPaddr]
dm01sw-ip(config)# snmp-server community <community_string> ro 1

3. Set the monitoring Agent as the location where SNMP traps are delivered. The
SNMP community specified must match the value provided during Enterprise
Manager Cisco Switch Management Plug-In setup:

dm01sw-ip(config)# snmp-server host <EMagentIPaddr> version 1 <community string>

udp-port [EMagentRecvltListenPort]

Where [EMagentRecvltListenPort] is the EMD_URL port of the emagent or

SnmpRecvletListenNIC property value if it is enabled.

4. Configure the Cisco Switch to send only environmental monitor SNMP traps:

dm01sw-ip(config)# snmp-server enable traps envmon

5. Verify settings and save the configuration:

dm01sw-ip(config)# end
dm01sw-ip# show running-config
dm01sw-ip# copy running-config startup-config

4.6.1 Verify the Cisco Ethernet Switch SNMP Configuration

Run the snmpwalk command line utility or equivalent tool to verify the Cisco Switch
Run the following commands to fetch and display the data from the Cisco switch:
$ snmpget –v 1 –c <community_string> <hostname_of_cisco_switch>
$ snmpget –v 2c –c <community_string> <hostname_of_cisco_switch>


If a timeout message is displayed as an output for the above command, then it

means that the Cisco Switch is not yet configured correctly.

4.7 Set Up SNMP for Power Distribution Unit (PDU) Targets

To enable Enterprise Manager to collect metric data and raise events for the PDU
target, you must configure the PDU to accept SNMP queries from the Agents that
monitor the PDU target. Also, appropriate threshold values for different phase values
needs to be set on the PDU.
This section assumes that this is a first time configuration of the PDU. SNMP must be
enabled and the trap section completed. Granting SNMP access to a different

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-15

Set Up SNMP for KVM Targets

monitoring Agent IP address is an example where only the "Trap Host Setup" section
needs to be changed.

1. Log in to the PDU network interface through a browser at http://<pdu-name>,

for example: http://edbm01-pdu1.example.com

2. Click Net Configuration, then log in again.

3. Scroll down until you reach the SNMP section of the frame.


The network interface for the PDU is a frame within a window. In order to
scroll down on this page, you must see the scroll bar for the PDU frame as
well as the outside scroll bar for the browser in which you accessed the PDU.

4. If your PDU is not SNMP-enabled, select the SNMP Enable check box, then click

5. Scroll to the NMS region of the frame.

6. Enter the following in Row 1 under NMS:

• IP: Enter the IP address of the first monitoring Agent

• Community: Enter "public"

7. Click Submit.

For details on configuring the PDU thresholds settings, see the "Configuring Oracle
Exadata Database Machine" chapter in your Exadata Database Machine Owner's Guide.
This guide is pre-loaded along with other Exadata user documentation onto your
Oracle Exadata Database Machine.

4.7.1 Verify the PDU SNMP Configuration

Use the snmpwalk command line utility or equivalent tool to verify the PDU
Run the following command to fetch and display the data from PDU:
snmpget –v 1 –c <community_string> <hostname_of_pdu>

If a timeout message is displayed as an output for the above command, then it
means that the PDU is not yet configured correctly.

4.8 Set Up SNMP for KVM Targets

The KVM needs to be configured to send SMNP traps to the Agents that monitor it.
See the following sections to set up SNMP for KVM targets:

• Set Up SNMP in KVM Management Console

• Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP Configuration) - Linux

4-16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Set Up SNMP for KVM Targets

• Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP Configuration) - Solaris

• Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (SNMP Forwarding to Agent)

The SNMP forwarder setup described in Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on
Compute Node is required on the compute node agent that monitors the KVM
target. If the SNMP forwarder is not set up, the agent will not receive traps
from the KVM device.

4.8.1 Set Up SNMP in KVM Management Console

Configure the KVM to send traps to the monitoring agent host:

1. Log in to the KVM management console through a browser at:


For example:

2. Click SNMP under Target Devices in the left-hand navigation bar.

3. Select the Enable SNMP check box and enter the appropriate community name in
the Read, Write, and Trap fields (for example, enter "public").

4. Click Save.

5. Click Destinations under SNMP in the left-hand navigation bar.

6. Enter the IP address of the Agent monitoring the KVM target.

7. Click Save.

The traps from the KVM device will be sent to UDP port 162 on the monitoring agent
host. Refer to Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on Compute Node for details to set up
the trap forwarder to forward traps received on port 162 to the Enterprise Manager
agent receivelet port.

4.8.2 Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP Configuration) - Linux
Run the snmptrapd command line utility to verify the KVM configuration. Make sure
that the steps outlined in Set Up SNMP Trap Forwarding on Compute Node has been
Follow the steps below on the monitoring agent host for the KVM target:

1. Log in as root.

2. Run the following command:

# service snmptrapd stop
# /usr/sbin/snmptrapd -d -Lsd -p /var/run/snmptrapd.pid

3. Reboot the KVM to generate SNMP traps. To reboot the KVM:

a. Log in to the KVM.

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-17

Set Up SNMP for KVM Targets

b. Click Overview on the left side of the screen under Unit View, Appliance.

c. Click Reboot.

d. In the confirmation window, click OK to confirm KVM reboot.

4. Check that snmptrapd logs messages in the /var/log/messages file from the
IP address of the KVM. The following example shows the messages for the KVM's
IP address (
Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: Received 72 bytes from UDP:
Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0000: 30 82 00 44 02 01 00 04 06 70
75 62 6C 69 63 A4 0..D.....public.
Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0016: 82 00 35 06 09 2B 06 01 04 01
D1 32 12 01 40 04 ..5..+.....2..@.
Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0032: 0A F5 13 F0 02 01 06 02 01 02
43 03 6D 19 4C 30 ..........C.m.L0
Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0048: 82 00 15 30 13 06 0B 2B 06 01
04 01 D1 32 12 02 ...0...+.....2..
Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0064: 06 01 04 04 72 6F 6F
74 ....root
Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]:

5. If step 4 is confirmed, the KVM has been configured correctly. Run the following
# service snmptrapd stop
# service snmptrapd start

4.8.3 Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP Configuration) - Solaris
Run the snmptrapd command line utility to verify the KVM configuration. Make sure
that the steps outlined in Set Up Compute Node Agent - Solaris have been performed.
Follow the steps below on the monitoring agent host for the KVM target:

1. Log in as root and run the following command:

# svcadm disable snmptrapd
# /usr/sbin/snmptrapd -d -Lsd -p /var/run/snmptrapd.pid

2. Reboot the KVM to generate SNMP traps. To reboot the KVM:

a. Log in to the KVM.

b. Click Overview on the left side of the screen under Unit View, Appliance.

c. Click Reboot.

d. In the confirmation window, click OK to confirm KVM reboot.

3. Check that the snmptrapd daemon logs messages in the /var/log/messages

file from the IP address of the KVM. The following example shows the messages
for the KVM's IP address (

4-18 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Accessing Oracle Support Workbench for Exadata Storage Server

Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: Received 72 bytes from UDP:


Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0000: 30 82 00 44 02 01 00 04 06 70

75 62 6C 69 63 A4 0..D.....public.

Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0016: 82 00 35 06 09 2B 06 01 04 01

D1 32 12 01 40 04 ..5..+.....2..@.

Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0032: 0A F5 13 F0 02 01 06 02 01 02

43 03 6D 19 4C 30 ..........C.m.L0

Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0048: 82 00 15 30 13 06 0B 2B 06 01

04 01 D1 32 12 02 ...0...+.....2..

Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]: 0064: 06 01 04 04 72 6F 6F

74 ....root

Jul 30 14:51:05 dbm1db02 snmptrapd[65800]:

4. If step 3 is confirmed, the KVM has been configured correctly. Stop the
snmptrapd process currently running:
# ps -ef | grep snmptrapd
# kill -9 <snmptrapd process ID>

5. Start the snmptrapd daemon:

# svcadm enable snmptrapd

4.8.4 Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (SNMP Forwarding to Agent)

After performing the steps in Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP
Configuration) - Linux or Verify the KVM SNMP Configuration (Base SNMP
Configuration) - Solaris, follow the steps below to validate that the monitoring Agent
can receive the SNMP traps generated by the KVM and convert the received traps to
Enterprise Manager events.

1. In the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console, go to the KVM target page.

2. In the Targets menu, select Monitoring, then Alert History.

You should see an entry for Reboot Started Status in the Alert History table.

3. In the Alert History table, click Reboot Started Status. You should see the
following warning alert with the message:

The appliance is rebooting. Command issued by user root.

4.9 Accessing Oracle Support Workbench for Exadata Storage Server

You can access the Oracle Support Workbench for the current Exadata Storage Server
to access diagnostic data for problems and incidents related to the cell.
To access the Support Workbench for a single Exadata cell, follow these steps:

1. From the Target menu of the Exadata Storage Server for which you want to access
the Oracle Support Workbench, select Diagnostics, then select Support
Workbench as shown in Figure 4-1:

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-19

Accessing Oracle Support Workbench for Exadata Storage Server

Figure 4-1 Support Workbench Menu

2. If you are logging in to the Support Workbench for the first time, you must first
initialize the Support Workbench properties. For first-time log in, the Initialize
Support Workbench Properties window will be displayed as shown in Figure 4-2:

Figure 4-2 Initialize Support Workbench Properties

Enter the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) Base Path. A typical looks like
this (Figure 4-3):

Figure 4-3 ADR Base Path

The ADR Home Path is a target-specific, writable path on the agent where the
generated package is to be stored. During initializing, it is not editable as it is
generated automatically once the ADR base path is specified.

4-20 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Database Machine Dashboard Creation

Click Create.

3. Once the Support Workbench properties have been initialized, the Support
Workbench page displays showing a list of any problems for the Database Machine
(Figure 4-4):

Figure 4-4 Support Workbench Page

4.10 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Dashboard Creation

You can create a Database Machine dashboard to monitor the performance and usage
metrics of the Database Machine system, its sub-components, as well as all the
database system components residing on the Database Machine.

• Dashboard Creation for Exadata Database Machine Plug-in Release and

• How to Make the Report "Public"

• Find All Database Machine Reports

4.10.1 Dashboard Creation for Exadata Database Machine Plug-in Release
and Later
For Exadata Database Machine plug-in Release and later, create the Database
Machine Dashboard:

1. Log in to Enterprise Manager.

2. From the Enterprise Manager home page, click the Enterprise menu. Select the Job
submenu, then Activity.

3. Select Database Machine Services Dashboard from the drop-down menu next to
the Create Job option.

4. Click Go.

5. Enter a name of the job (for example, CREATE_DBM_JOB_1).

6. Click Add and select the DBMachine target. After adding, make sure the target is
selected by clicking on the check box next to it.

7. Click the Parameters tab.

Post-Discovery Configuration and Verification 4-21

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Dashboard Creation

Three options are provided through the drop-down:

• Select Create if it is a new report.

• Select Update for updating an existing report with new components.

• Select Cleanup to remove services created by the Create job executed earlier.

8. Finally, click Submit to perform the operation.

A message CREATE_DBM_JOB_1 submitted successfully should display.

You can monitor the job by clicking on the link corresponding to the job.

4.10.2 How to Make the Report "Public"

The generated report is accessible only by the Enterprise Manager user who creates it.
To make the report public:

1. Select the dashboard report from the list of reports shown after following the steps
mentioned above.

2. Click Edit.

3. Select the Run report using target privileges of the report owner option under
Privileges section in General tab.

4. Click the Access tab.

5. Select the Allow viewing without logging in to Enterprise Manager option.

6. Click OK.

4.10.3 Find All Database Machine Reports

To find all Database Machine reports:

1. Log in to Enterprise Manager.

2. From the Enterprise Manager home page, click the Enterprise menu. Select
Reports, then Information Publisher Reports.

3. Search for the report name. Dashboard report names, one for each Database
Machine, are displayed in the following format:


4. Click on the report to view the dashboard report.

4-22 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Oracle Exadata Database Machine

This chapter provides the information needed to administer your Oracle Exadata
Database Machine through Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c. The
following topics are discussed:

• Creating Roles to Manage the Plug-in

• View Exadata Database Machine Topology

• Exadata Cell Metrics and Alert Settings

• Exadata Storage Server Management

• Managing the InfiniBand Network

• Flash Cache Resource Monitoring

• Exadata Database Machine Fault Monitoring

• Monitoring Exadata Database Machine Components

• Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

View a video of how to manage and monitor your Oracle Exadata Database
Machine using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c:

5.1 Creating Roles to Manage the Plug-in

To manage the plug-in, you need to create roles and administrators, and then assign
roles to administrators. This restricts the privileges that each user has, for example in
deleting the plug-in or accessing reports.

For security reasons, Oracle recommends that the SYSMAN account be used
only as a template to create other accounts, and not used directly.

To create roles to provide management rights to users:

1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control as the super administrator user.

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-1

View Exadata Database Machine Topology

2. Click Setup, then Security.

3. Select Roles.

On the Security page, a list of predefined roles is provided. These roles can serve as
basis to define custom roles to suite specific site level requirements.


The predefined roles provided cannot be edited or deleted.

4. Select a role that closely matches the role you wish to create. Click Create Like.

5. On the Properties page, enter a name for the role you wish to create. You can
optionally add a description.

Click Next.

6. On the Roles page, select the roles from the list of Available Roles. Click Move to
add the role to Selected Roles.

Click Next.

7. On the Target Privileges page, select the privilege you want to grant to the new

Click Next.

8. On the Resource Privileges page, you can edit specific privileges to be explicitly
granted. Click the Manage Privilege Grant edit icon to make the changes.

Click Next.

9. On the Administrators page, select the administrators from the list of Available
Administrators that you want to grant the new role to. Click Move to add the
administrator to Selected Administrators.

Click Next.

10. On the Review page, a complete summary of the new role you have created is
displayed. Click Back to go to previous screens to make changes. Click Finish to
complete the role creation.

When the newly created administrator logs in, unlike SYSMAN, the administrator is
restricted by the privileges set.

For more information and details, see the Working with Systems Infrastructure
Targets chapter of the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's

5.2 View Exadata Database Machine Topology

Database Machine management simplifies monitoring and managing tasks by
integrating all hardware and software components into one entity. You do not need to

5-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
View Exadata Database Machine Topology

monitor each target individually, but instead you can view the whole Exadata
Database Machine as a single target. You can view all critical issues in the system,
monitor performance, and drill down to individual targets from the Database Machine
target home page.
The following topology topics are presented in this section:

• Drilling Down to Individual Targets

• Viewing Critical Hardware Information for the Database Machine

• Viewing DB Machine Alerts

• Viewing Metrics

• Adding Exadata Components Manually

• Removing an Exadata Database Machine Target

• Deleting a Component of a Database Machine Target

• Updating the Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram

Use the Topology page of Database Machine to view the topology of the system by
Cluster or by Database. Clusters are a complete software system starting with a RAC
database, the underlying ASM, and CRS. Clusters define one logical entity that is
interconnected. The Database Machine could include several clusters, one cluster, or
could just be a number of individual databases. While cabinets define the hardware
topology of the Database Machine, clusters define the logical or system topology of the
Database Machine.
You can view the Topology by Cluster or Database. Click an element in the Topology
and view alert data associated with the element.
You can monitor all components of the Database Machine. Database Machine
monitors all subcomponent targets, whether hardware or software. This includes the
database, ASM, CRS, hosts, Exadata and the InfiniBand network.
To view the topology of an existing Database Machine target:
1. From the Targets menu, select Exadata.

Enterprise Manager displays the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page showing
all the available Database Machine targets. From this page, you can add hardware
components (such as Oracle Exadata Storage Servers, InfiniBand switches, Ethernet
Switches, KVM switches, PDU, and compute node ILOM) in the Oracle Database
Machine as managed targets.

2. From the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page, select the Oracle Database
Machine target whose topology you want to view.

3. From the Oracle Database Machine Home page, click the Database Machine menu,
then select Members Topology from the drop-down menu.

Enterprise Manager Cloud Control displays the Configuration Topology page.

5.2.1 Drilling Down to Individual Targets

You can drill down immediately to a subcomponent target of the Database Machine
(such as RAC, a database instance, or an Exadata cell).
To drill down to individual targets:

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-3

View Exadata Database Machine Topology

1. From the Targets menu, select Exadata.

Enterprise Manager displays the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page showing
all the available Database Machine targets.

2. From the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page, select the Oracle Database
Machine target whose components you want to view.

Enterprise Manager displays the Oracle Database Machine Home page showing an
Overview, Schematic, and Incident section for the selected Database Machine.

3. From the Oracle Database Machine Home page, use the left navigation panel to
expand the list of available targets that comprise the Database Machine.

4. Click the target to which you want to drill down.

5.2.2 Viewing Critical Hardware Information for the Database Machine

You can view critical metrics for all the hardware subcomponents of the Database
Machine such as DB hosts, Exadata Storage Servers, InfiniBand switches and so on.
These metrics vary for different component targets. For example, database server
nodes and Exadata servers include the CPU, I/O, and storage metrics.
To view critical hardware-centric information for the entire Database machine:

1. From the Targets menu, select Exadata.

Enterprise Manager displays the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page showing
all the available DB Machine targets.

2. From the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page, select the Oracle Database
Machine target whose hardware information you want to view.

3. From the Oracle Database Machine Home page, view the hardware schematic of
the Database Machine.

5.2.3 Viewing DB Machine Alerts

You can view alerts on the Database Machine and drill down to details about each
alert. These alerts may be performance/configuration metrics or hardware faults.
To view Database Machine alerts:

1. From the Targets menu, select Exadata.

Enterprise Manager displays the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page showing
all the available DB Machine targets.

2. From the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page, select the Oracle Database
Machine target whose machine configuration information you want to view.

Enterprise Manager displays the Oracle Database Machine home page on which
you can see all alerts associated with the current DB Machine.

5.2.4 Viewing Metrics

To view the Exadata metrics:

1. Navigate to the Exadata Cell home page by choosing the Exadata target from the
All Targets page of Enterprise Manager.

5-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
View Exadata Database Machine Topology

Enterprise Manager displays the Exadata Cell Home page for the target you

2. From the Exadata Storage Server drop-down menu, choose Monitoring and then
All Metrics.

The All Metrics page appears where you can a wide variety of Exadata metrics. For
a complete description of the Exadata metrics available, see the "Oracle Exadata"
chapter of the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Oracle Database and Database-Related Metric
Reference Manual:

5.2.5 Adding Exadata Components Manually

You can add Exadata components manually using the following steps:

1. From the Setup menu, select Add Target, then select Add Targets Manually.

Enterprise Manager displays the Add Targets Manually page where you can
choose the type of target you want to add.

2. From the Add Targets Manually section, choose Add Non-Host Targets by
Specifying Target Monitoring Properties.

3. In the Target Type combo box, choose the appropriate target type, for example,
KVM for kvm, PDU for pdu, Cisco switch for Cisco, and Oracle ILOM Server for
ilom plug-in).

4. Choose the monitoring agent using the search option.

5. Click Add Manually and provide the required properties

5.2.6 Removing an Exadata Database Machine Target

To delete and Exadata Database Machine target, you have the choice to:

• Remove all members of the Oracle Exadata Database Machine. If the member
target is shared with another Database Machine target, then the member target
will not be deleted and will continue to be monitored. In other words, the member
targets will be deleted if they are associated with only this Database Machine

• Remove only system members of the Oracle Exadata Database Machine. The other
member targets will not be deleted and will continue to be monitored. They can
be associated to another Oracle Exadata Database Machine, if required.
To remove an Exadata Database Machine target:

1. From the Database Machine target menu, select Target Setup, then select Remove

2. On the Remove page, select whether to remove all members or to remove only the
system members.

If you choose to remove all members, then you also have an additional option to
unsubscribe SNMP subscriptions for member Exadata Storage Servers and
Infiniband Switches. Specify the appropriate user credentials to unsubscribe the
SNMP subscriptions.

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-5

View Exadata Database Machine Topology

3. Click Yes to initiate the remove job.


Host targets for the compute nodes and any targets that are also member
targets of another Oracle Exadata Database Machine target will not be
removed. System and non-system targets include:
System Targets:

• Oracle Exadata Database Machine

• Oracle Infiniband Network (Enterprise Manager 12c target)

• Oracle Exadata Storage Server Grid

Non-System Targets:

• Oracle Exadata Storage Server

• Oracle Exadata KVM

• Systems Infrastructure Switch

• Systems Infrastructure PDU

• Systems Infrastructure Rack

• Oracle Infiniband Switch (Enterprise Manager 12c target)

• Oracle Engineered System Cisco Switch (Enterprise Manager 12c target)

• Oracle Engineered System PDU (Enterprise Manager 12c target)

• Oracle Engineered System ILOM Server (Enterprise Manager 12c target)

5.2.7 Deleting a Component of a Database Machine Target

If you need to remove a component of an Exadata Database Machine target, you can
perform this task within Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c:

1. From the DB Machine home page's Target Navigation pane, right-click on the
target item you wish to remove. You may need to expand the Exadata Grid item to
view all of the available cells.

2. Select Target Setup, then Remove Target.

3. A warning page will display to confirm the target deletion. Click Yes to continue.

5.2.8 Updating the Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram

In some cases, the Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram is not displaying the
components correctly. For example:

• You may have successfully discovered the Exadata Database Machine, but some
components are not displaying correctly in the Exadata schematic diagram.
Instead, an empty slot is shown in place of the component.

5-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
View Exadata Database Machine Topology

• The Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram shows shows the status of the
component as "red/down" where as individual components would really show
that they are up and running fine.

• You want to re-locate or rearrange the order of the components in the slots of
Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram.
To accomplish these tasks, you will need to drop a component from the schematic
diagram and add the correct one:

• Drop a Component from the Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram

• Add Components to the Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram Drop a Component from the Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram
To drop a component from the Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram:

1. From the Targets menu, select Exadata.

2. On the Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram, click Edit as shown in

Figure 5-1:

Figure 5-1 Schematic Diagram Edit Button

3. Right-click on the component you want to drop. In the pop-up window, select
Delete Component as shown in Figure 5-2:

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-7

View Exadata Database Machine Topology

Figure 5-2 Delete Component

4. Ensure you have selected the correct component in pop-up shown and click OK as
shown in Figure 5-3:

Figure 5-3 Confirm Delete

5. The Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram will refresh to show the empty
slot, as shown in Figure 5-4:

5-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
View Exadata Database Machine Topology

Figure 5-4 Refreshed Schematic Diagram with Empty Slot

6. Once you see the component deleted in the slot you specify, click Done on the
Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram. Add Components to the Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram

To add a component from the Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram:

1. From the Targets menu, select Exadata.

2. On the Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram, click Edit.

3. Right-click on the empty slot for the component you want to add. In the pop-up
window, select Add Component as shown in Figure 5-5:

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-9

View Exadata Database Machine Topology

Figure 5-5 Add Component

4. If there are multiple components to be added to schematic diagram, select the

correct component from the Component drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 5-6:

Figure 5-6 Add Multiple Components

Also select the correct slot number in Available Location (Unum) drop-down
menu, as shown in Figure 5-7:

5-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Cell Metrics and Alert Settings

Figure 5-7 Available Location

Click Add.

5. Once you see the component added in the slot you specify, click Done on the
Exadata Database Machine schematic diagram.

5.3 Exadata Cell Metrics and Alert Settings

To access the settings for Exadata Cell metrics/alert:

1. From the Enterprise Manager home page, select Targets, then Exadata. Select an
Exadata Storage Server from the list.

2. From the Exadata Storage Server menu, click Monitoring, then All Metrics to
display all editable metric alert setting.

3. To change a setting, click Monitoring, then Metric and Collection Settings from
the Exadata Storage Server menu. The default View option "Metrics with
thresholds" is displayed. You can modify the following parameters:

• Warning Threshold

• Collection Schedule - click the link to set a collection schedule.

• Click the Edit icon for advanced settings.

4. Click OK to save any changes.

5.4 Exadata Storage Server Management

This section provides introductory instructions for managing Exadata Storage Servers.
The following topics are presented:

• About Exadata Storage Server

• Using Exadata As a Cloud Control Target

• Viewing an Exadata Storage Server Configuration

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-11

Exadata Storage Server Management

• Performing Administration Tasks on Exadata Storage Servers

• Managing the IO Resource

• Diagnosing Exadata Cell Alerts

• Accessing Oracle Support Workbench for Exadata Storage Server

• Deleting a Component of a Database Machine Target

5.4.1 About Exadata Storage Server

An Exadata Storage Server is a network-accessible storage array with Exadata
software installed on it. Use the Exadata Home page to manage and monitor the
Oracle Exadata Storage Server (also known as Exadata cell) by managing it as an
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control target. You can discover and consolidate
management, monitoring and administration of a single or a group of Oracle Exadata
Storage Servers in a datacenter using Enterprise Manager.
Exadata Storage Servers can be discovered automatically or manually. Once
discovered, you can add them as Enterprise Manager targets. The individual Exadata
Storage Server is monitored and managed as an Enterprise Manager target and
provides the exception, configuration and performance information.
Grouping of Exadata Storage Servers is used for easy management and monitoring of
the set of Storage Servers. You can group them both manually and automatically. The
grouping function provides an aggregation of exceptions, configuration and
performance information of the group of cells.
You can view performance analysis by linking Exadata performance both at a cell level
and group level to ASM and database performance. You can drill down to Exadata
configuration and performance issues from both the database and ASM targets.
Storage Grid (for example, multiple database/ASM instances sharing the same
Exadata Storage Server) is supported to the same extent as dedicated storage.

5.4.2 Using Exadata As a Cloud Control Target

Use Oracle Exadata to manage and monitor the Oracle Exadata Storage Server (also
known as Exadata cell) by managing the Exadata cells as Enterprise Manager Cloud
Control targets. You can discover and consolidate management, monitoring and
administration of a single or a group of Oracle Exadata Storage Servers in a datacenter
using Enterprise Manager.
Exadata cells can be discovered automatically or manually. Once discovered, you can
add the Exadata cells as Enterprise Manager targets.
The individual Exadata cell is monitored and managed as an Enterprise Manager
target and provides the exception, configuration and performance information.
Grouping of Exadata cells is used for easy management and monitoring of the set of
Exadata cells. You can group Exadata cells both manually and automatically. The
grouping function provides an aggregation of exceptions, configuration and
performance information of the group of cells.
You can view performance analysis by linking Exadata performance both at a cell level
and group level to ASM and database performance. You can drill down to Exadata
configuration and performance issues from both the database and ASM targets.

5-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Storage Server Management

5.4.3 Viewing an Exadata Storage Server Configuration

You can view the configuration of an Oracle Exadata Storage Server target by
following the steps below:
1. Navigate to the Exadata Storage Server home page by choosing the Exadata target
for which you want to view the IORM Performance page from the All Targets page.

Enterprise Manager displays the Exadata Storage Server Home page for the target
you selected.

2. From the Target menu, choose Configuration and then Topology.

Enterprise Manager displays the Configuration Topology page for the selected
Exadata Storage Server. The topology page provides a visual layout of a the target's
relationships with other targets. From this page you can:

• Do a target search filtered by target status/events/target type)

• Select from a set of relationships to represent in the graph

• Select annotations to display in the graph, such as alerts and link labels

• Select from a set of options: view navigator, expand or collapse all, toggle
graph layout, reload topology

• Print

• Zoom via the slide control

• Pan via the navigator control

• Toggle the presentation from graph to table

When you hover over a node or group member, a popup displays detailed
information about the entity. A link can appear in the popup to more detailed
information such as customer documentation.

5.4.4 Performing Administration Tasks on Exadata Storage Servers

To perform an administration operation on an Exadata Storage Server, such as
executing a cell command, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the Exadata Storage Server home page by choosing the Exadata target
for which you want to perform an administrative task from the All Targets page.

Enterprise Manager displays the Exadata Storage Server Home page for the target
you selected.

2. Click Target, then select Administration.

From this menu you can choose either Execute Cell Command, Support
Workbench, or Manage IO Resource.

3. Click Execute Cell Command.

The Command page of the Exadata Storage Server Administration wizard appears.
Enter a CELLCLI command as the administrative command to be executed on the
cell. You must read the Command Instructions before you enter a command. Only
a single CELLCLI command is allowed to execute. You must enter the command

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-13

Exadata Storage Server Management

without the cellcli -e prefix, which is automatically appended when you

submit the command. Finally, you cannot use the following characters: ; / ' < > / |.

4. Click Next to continue.

Enterprise Manager displays the Admin Credentials page. Select or enter the
Administration credentials to execute the command. The credentials you enter are
used when submitting the operation. You can choose between Preferred
Credentials, Named Credentials, and New Credentials. You can also click More
Details to view information about Credential Type, Last modified, Credential
Name, Credential Owner, Last Modified Date, Last Modified By, and Preferred
Credentials Set At.

5. Click Next.

Enterprise Manager displays the Schedule page. Use the Schedule page to schedule
the administration task. Enter the Job Name and the Job Description, then provide
the job information in the Schedule the Administration Job section. You can choose
to begin the job immediately or enter the time you want the job to begin.

6. Click Next to continue.

The Summary page displays. Use the Summary page to ensure you have entered
the correct values and then submit the command. The Summary page lists the Job
Name, Description, Command to Execute, when the job is Scheduled, and the
Selected Cell.

7. Click Submit Command to submit the job.

The Job Status page displays. Use the Job Status page to link to the Job Detail page
of the administration task.

5.4.5 Managing the IO Resource

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Cells are added as targets during the database
machine discovery workflow (see Exadata Database Machine Discovery) and are
grouped automatically under the group Exadata Storage Server Grid.
To access the IORM Performance page:

1. Select an Exadata Storage Server cell. One way to select the cell:

a. From the Targets menu, select Exadata.

b. Select a DB Machine from the list of Target Names.

c. In the Target Navigation pane, expand the Exadata Grid item and click one of
the cells.

2. Once you have selected an Exadata Storage Server cell, click the Exadata Storage
Server menu, select Administration, then Manage IO Resource.
Once you have accessed the IORM page, you can make the following modifications:

• Add/Update IORM Configuration

• The Inter-Database Plan

The IORM Monitoring section of the page provides a view of the performance
statistics of Disk IO (Wait, IOPS, MBPS, Utilization, Latency, and Objective charts).

5-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Storage Server Management

These statistics help to identify which databases and consumer groups are using the
available resources. They also help to adjust the IORM configuration (using IORM
Settings section on the same page) as needed.
For further details on managing I/O resources, refer to the Managing I/O Resources
chapter in the Oracle® Exadata Storage Server Software User's Guide. Add/Update IORM Configuration

To update the I/O Resource Manager (IORM) settings (for Exadata Storage Server
software release and later):

1. Navigate to the IORM Performance page as described above. Figure 5-8 shows the
I/O Resource Manager (IORM) Settings pane.

Figure 5-8 I/O Resource Manager (IORM) Settings


You can also update a single cell. Expand the Exadata Grid group to view all
cells associated with the group. Click the cell you want to update.
The steps to update the IORM settings is the same for a single cell or group of

2. From the Database Name column, select a database from the drop-down menu.

3. Enter a value for the Hard Disk I/O Utilization Limit column.

4. Enter a value for the Database I/O Share column.

5. Enter minimum and maximum values (in MB) for the Flash Cache column.

6. In the Disk I/O Objective drop-down menu, select an objective from the list (Auto
is the default):

• Low Latency - Use this setting for critical OLTP workloads that require
extremely good disk latency. This setting provides the lowest possible latency
by significantly limiting disk utilization.

• Balanced - Use this setting for critical OLTP and DSS workloads. This setting
balances low disk latency and high throughput. This setting limits disk

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-15

Exadata Storage Server Management

utilization of large I/Os to a lesser extent than Low Latency to achieve a

balance between good latency and good throughput.

• High Throughput - Use this setting for critical DSS workloads that require
high throughput.

• Auto - Use this setting to have IORM determine the optimization objective.
IORM continuously and dynamically determines the optimization objective,
based on the workloads observed, and resource plans enabled.

• Basic - Use this setting to disable I/O prioritization and limit the maximum
small I/O latency.
Click Update. The Exadata Cell Administration Wizard will appear prompting
you for the information necessary to complete the Disk I/O Objective

a. On the Command page, the Cell Control Command-Line Interface (CellCLI)

value should be:
# alter iormplan objective = 'auto'

Click Next.

b. On the Admin Credentials page, enter the username and password for the
selected cells.
Click Next.

c. On the Schedule page, enter a job name (required) and job description
(optional). Select an option to start Immediately or Later. If you select the
Later option, enter the time you want the job to run.
Click Next.

d. On the Review page, verify the settings are correct. If there are no changes,
click Submit Command.

e. Once the job is successfully submitted, the Job Status page will display.
Click Return to return to the I/O Resource Manager (IORM) Settings pane.

7. Click Get Latest to refresh the page, which will include your Disk I/O Objective

8. Confirm the IORM objective settings. From the command line, run the following
# dcli -g cell_group cellcli -e "list iormplan attributes objective"

Output should show a value of auto:

cell01: auto
cell02: auto
cell03: auto
cell14: auto

5-16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Managing the InfiniBand Network The Inter-Database Plan

An inter-database plan specifies how resources are allocated by percentage or share
among multiple databases for each cell. The directives in an inter-database plan
specify allocations to databases, rather than consumer groups. The inter-database plan
is configured and enabled with the CellCLI utility at each cell.
The inter-database plan is similar to a database resource plan, in that each directive
consists of an allocation amount and a level from 1 to 8. For a given plan, the total
allocations at any level must be less than or equal to 100 percent. An inter-database
plan differs from a database resource plan in that it cannot contain subplans and only
contains I/O resource directives. Only one inter-database plan can be active on a cell
at any given time.
You can view the current configured inter-database plan and update an existing
Percentage/Share based inter-database plan and a new Percentage/Share based plan
can be configured using the Add/Remove options.
You can also view Share, Percentage Radio buttons and a drop down with Basic,
Advance options.


If the Exadata plug-in version is and earlier or if the Exadata Storage
Server version is or earlier, the Share, Percentage based inter-
database plan radio buttons are not available. You can view only Percentage-
based options (that is, the drop-down only displays the Basic, Advance

When considering an inter-database plan:

• If Oracle Exadata Storage Server is only hosting one database, then an inter-
database plan is not needed.

• If an inter-database plan is not specified, then all databases receive an equal

For further details on the inter-database plan, refer to the About Interdatabase Resource
Management section in the Oracle® Exadata Storage Server Software User's Guide.

5.4.6 Diagnosing Exadata Cell Alerts

Enterprise Manager listens for Exadata Cell alerts sent from the Exadata Cell
Management Server; so, any hardware failure or cell error will be reported in
Enterprise Manager. For detailed cell error code and its interpretation, refer to the
Hardware Alert Messages section in Appendix B, "Alerts and Error Messages" of the
Oracle® Exadata Storage Server Software User's Guide.

5.5 Managing the InfiniBand Network

All InfiniBand Switches are discovered automatically during the database machine
discovery workflow (see Exadata Database Machine Discovery) and are grouped
automatically under the group IB Network.

1. From the Enterprise Manager home page, select Targets, then Oracle Exadata
Database Machine.

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-17

Managing the InfiniBand Network

2. In the Target Navigation pane, select IB Network from the list.

3. In the IB Network pane, you can view an overview and activity summary for all
InfiniBand Switches.

4. Click Refresh for an On Demand refresh of the InfiniBand schematic. Updates

reflect the real-time data.

The following topics address managing your InfiniBand network:

• InfiniBand Metrics

• Performing Administration Tasks on Infiniband Networks

• Setting Up Alerts

5.5.1 InfiniBand Metrics

The following metrics are available for your InfiniBand Network:

• Aggregate Sensor

• Response

• Switch Configuration Aggregate Sensor

The Aggregate Sensor takes input from multiple sensors and aggregates the data to
identify problems with the switch that require attention. Whenever the sensor trips
into an "Asserted" state (indicating a problem) or "Deasserted" (indicating that the
problem is cleared) for a component on the switch, associated Enterprise Manager
events will be generated. Response
This is the main metric indicating availability of the InfiniBand switch. It is collected
every 60 seconds by default through the management interface of the switch. Switch Configuration

This metric captures the switch configuration. The information collected is valuable
only to Oracle Support, which will use it to assist in debugging situations.

5.5.2 Performing Administration Tasks on Infiniband Networks

To perform an administration operation on an Infiniband Network, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the DB Machine home page of the Infiniband Network by choosing the
DB Machine for which you want to perform an administrative task from the All
Targets page.

Enterprise Manager displays the DB Machine Home page for the target you

2. Select the IB Network for which you want to perform an administrative task.

3. From the Target menu item, choose Administration.

5-18 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Managing the InfiniBand Network

The Target & Command page of the Infiniband Network Administration wizard

4. Choose the Target Type and then select the target on which you want to perform
the administrative task from the Target drop-down list. Enter the administrative
command you want to execute. The available operations from which you can select
are dependent on the target type and target you selected. Once you choose the
operation, you may need to select a value that will appear after choosing the

5. Click Next to continue.

Enterprise Manager displays the Credentials & Schedule page. Select or enter the
credentials to execute the command. The credentials you enter are used when
submitting the operation. You can choose between Preferred Credentials, Named
Credentials, and New Credentials. Schedule the administration task. Provide the
job information in the Administration Job Schedule section. You can choose to
begin the job immediately or enter the time you want the job to begin

6. Click Next to continue.

The Review page appears. Use the Review page to ensure you have entered the
correct values and then submit the command. The Review page lists the Job Name,
Description, Command to Execute, when the job is Scheduled, the Target Type, and
the Selected Target.

7. Click Submit Command to submit the job.

When you click Submit Command, a popup is shown if the job is successful. You
can go to the Job Detail Page or back to the page from where this wizard was

5.5.3 Setting Up Alerts

After configuring the InfiniBand Switch targets to send SNMP alerts, set up alerts in
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

1. Log in to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control.

2. Click Targets, then All Targets. All discovered targets will display.

3. In the All Targets page, click Oracle Exadata InfiniBand Switch.

4. Click the target you are interested in. The target home page appears.

5. In the drop-down menu for the Oracle Exadata InfiniBand Switch, select Metric
and Collection Settings.

6. In the Metric and Collection Settings page, you can modify metric threshold values,
edit monitoring settings for specific metrics, change metric collection schedules,
and disable collection of a metric.

You can modify the thresholds directly in the table or click the edit icon (pencil
icon) to access the Edit Advanced Settings page. For more information on the fields
displayed in this page and how the thresholds can be modified, click Help from the
top-right corner of this page.

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-19

Flash Cache Resource Monitoring

5.6 Flash Cache Resource Monitoring

The Oracle Exadata plug-in release and later provides flash cache resource
monitoring for Oracle Exadata Storage Servers. From the Storage Server home page or
from the IO Distribution Detail page, Cloud Control provides a high-level overview of
flash cache resources (Figure 5-9). Details include:

• I/O Utilization (as a percentage).

• Hard Drive I/O Time Breakdown (in milliseconds per request).

• Flash I/O Time Breakdown (in milliseconds per request).

Figure 5-9 I/O Distribution by Databases

From the IO Distribution Details page, which provides a view of all available
databases statistics, select Table View (the default is Graph View) to view the data as
a table (Figure 5-10):

Figure 5-10 I/O Distribution by Databases - Table View

5-20 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Database Machine Fault Monitoring

The IORM Performance Page (Figure 5-11) provides detailed metrics, such as Average
Throttle Time for Disk I/Os for both hard drives and flash drives. Select Flash Cache
Space Usage (Figure 5-12) for detailed performance about flash cache space.

Figure 5-11 IORM Performance Page

Figure 5-12 IORM Performance - Flash Cache Space Usage

5.7 Exadata Database Machine Fault Monitoring

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control provides hardware fault monitoring for
Oracle Exadata Database Machine. Table 5-1 shows the fault monitoring for the
Exadata Storage Server. Table 5-2 shows the fault monitoring for the compute nodes.

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-21

Exadata Database Machine Fault Monitoring


The fault monitoring information in the following tables, while

comprehensive, may not always be complete. As new fault monitoring
functionality is added, these tables will be updated accordingly.

Table 5-1 Exadata Storage Server Fault Monitoring

Area Fault Monitoring

Access Cell cannot be accessed (e.g. ping failure).

Memory Memory Controller Error

Memory DIMM Error
Memory Channel Error
Memory DIMM Temperature Sensor Error
Memory Correctable ECC Error

CPU Internal Processor Error

Intel 5500 Chipset Core Error
Data Cache Error
Cache Error
Instruction Cache Error

ESM ESM Battery Charge Error

ESM Battery Life Error

Hard Disk SCSI Error for Media, Device

Disk Temperature Threshold Excess
Physical Disk Not Present
Block Corruption

Flash Disk Flash Disk Failure

Flash Disk Predictive Failure
Flash Disk not Present

Miscellaneous Chassis or Power Supply Fan Error

PCI-E Internal Error
Power Supply Voltage Excess Error
Temperature Excess Error
Network Port Disconnection and Fault

5-22 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Monitoring Exadata Database Machine Components

Table 5-2 Compute Node Fault Monitoring

Area Fault Monitoring

Memory Memory Controller Error

Memory DIMM Error
Memory Channel Error
Memory DIMM Temperature Sensor Error
Memory Correctable ECC Error

CPU Internal Processor Error

Intel 5500 Chipset Core Error
Data Cache Error
Cache Error
Instruction Cache Error

Disk SCSI Error for Media, Device

Disk Temperature Threshold Excess
Block Corruption

Miscellaneous Chassis or Power Supply Fan Error

Non-fatal PCI-E Internal Error
Power Supply Voltage Excess Error
Temperature Excess Error
Network Port Disconnection and Fault

5.8 Monitoring Exadata Database Machine Components

Enterprise Manager collects details for the following components:

• Storage Cells

• InfiniBand Switches

• Cisco Switch

• ILOM Targets

• Power Distribution Units (PDUs)

• KVM Switch

5.8.1 Storage Cells

An Enterprise Manager Agent runs the cellcli command via ssh to collect Storage
Cell metrics. SNMP traps are sent to the Enterprise Manager Agent for subscribed
alert conditions.
Monitoring requires the cellmonitor ssh eq setup with an Agent user.
ASM targets and disk groups are associated.
On the home page, rich storage data is collected, including:

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-23

Monitoring Exadata Database Machine Components

• Aggregate storage metrics.

• Cell alerts via SNMP (PUSH).

• Capacities.

• IORM consumer and Database-level metrics.

5.8.2 InfiniBand Switches

An Enterprise Manager Agent runs remote ssh calls to the InfiniBand switch to collect
metrics. The InfiniBand Switch sends SNMP traps (PUSH) for all alerts.

Monitoring requires ssh eq. for the nm2user for metric collections such as:

• Response

• Various sensor status

– Fan

– Voltage

– Temperature

• Port performance data

• Port administration

5.8.3 Cisco Switch

An Enterprise Manager Agent runs a remote SNMP get call to collect metric data for
the Cisco switch, including details on:

• Status / Availability

• Port status

• Vital signs: CPU, Memory, Power, Temperature

• Network interface various data

– Incoming traffic errors, traffic kb/s and %

– Outgoing traffic errors, traffic kb/s and %

– Administration and Operational bandwidth Mb/s

5.8.4 ILOM Targets

An Enterprise Manager Agent runs remote ipmitool calls to each Compute Node
ILOM target. Monitoring requires the nm2user user credentials to run ipmitool.
The following details are collected:

• Response – availability

• Sensor alerts

– Temperature

5-24 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

– Voltage

– Fan speeds

– Configuration Data: Firmware version, serial number, and so forth.

5.8.5 Power Distribution Units (PDUs)

An Enterprise Manager Agent runs remote SNMP get calls and receives SNMP traps
(PUSH) from each PDU. Collected details include:

• Response and ping status.

• Phase values.

5.8.6 KVM Switch

An Enterprise Manager Agent runs remote SNMP get calls and receives SNMP traps
(PUSH) from the KVM switch. Collected details include:

• Status and response.

• Reboot events.

• Temperature.

• Fan status.

• Power state.

• Factory settings.

5.9 Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets
To convert an Exadata Database Machine discovered by Enterprise Manager 12c to be
monitored by Enterprise Manager 13c:

1. From the Database Machine menu, select Convert 12c Member Targets
(Figure 5-13):

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-25

Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

Figure 5-13 Convert 12c Member Target Menu

2. Select a Conversion Option (Figure 5-14):

• (Default) Delete 12c targets and their historical data. This option halts all
monitoring of legacy targets and deletes the historical data. This options allows
for a clean start for all Enterprise Manager 13c target monitoring.

• Retain 12c targets and their historical data. This option preserves the historical
data for legacy targets.

5-26 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

Figure 5-14 Database Machine Conversion: Conversion Option

Once you have selected a conversion option, click Next.

3. Set the Credentials (Figure 5-15). For the conversion, you must set the credentials
for the Exadata Database Machine components to be converted.

Figure 5-15 Database Machine Conversion: Credentials

From the Set Credential menu, you can set the credentials for a single component
or for the entire component types:

• InfiniBand Switch (Figure 5-16)

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-27

Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

Enter the username and password for the InfiniBand Switch's ILOM
In the SNMP Credentials section:
If you select SNMP V1 from the Credential type drop-down, then enter public
for the Community String.
If you select SNMP V3 credentials for the Credential Type, then enter a
username and authorization password, select an authorization protocol, and
enter a privacy password, as shown in Figure 5-17:

Figure 5-16 InfiniBand Switch Credentials

5-28 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

Figure 5-17 InfiniBand Switch SNMP V3 Credentials

Click Test Connection for any credential to verify the connection. Click OK.

• Compute Node Server ILOM

To set the Compute Node Server ILOM, select New and enter a username and
password, as shown in Figure 5-18:

Figure 5-18 Compute Node Server ILOM Credentials

Click Test Connection for any credential to verify the connection. Click OK.

• Ethernet Switch (Figure 5-19)

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-29

Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

To set the Ethernet Switch credentials, enter the Cisco IOS username,
password, and privileged EXEC password. For the SNMP V3 credentials, enter
a username and authorization password, select an authorization protocol, and
enter a privacy password.

Figure 5-19 Ethernet Switch Credentials

Click Test Connection for any credential to verify the connection. Click OK.

To set the HTTP monitoring credentials, select New and enter a username and
password. For the SNMP V3 credentials, enter a username and authorization
password, select an authorization protocol, and enter a privacy password.

5-30 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

Figure 5-20 PDU Credentials

Click Test Connection for any credential to verify the connection. Click OK.
Once you have set the credentials, the Credentials page will update to show the
credentials set for all components to be converted. Click Next.

4. Review the components to be converted in the following three sections

(Figure 5-21):

• Summary: This section summarizes the number of targets to be converted and

if any targets will have additional monitoring information available to you
after the conversion.

• Targets to be Converted: This table shows all Enterprise Manager 12c targets
to be converted for monitoring by Enterprise Manager 13c and provides the
new target name information.

• Targets Not Impacted by Conversion: All components of the Exadata

Database Machine do not need to be converted to be monitored by Enterprise
Manager 13c. This list identifies those components that to not need to be
converted. These components are already monitored by Enterprise Manager

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-31

Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

Figure 5-21 Database Machine Conversion: Review

Click Submit to begin the conversion.

5. A Processing pop-up window will appear (Figure 5-22), which shows you the
status of the conversion and a summary of the success or failure of the components
to be converted.

Do not close this window until the processing is complete!

Figure 5-22 Processing Targets

You can select the option to close the window after the processing is complete, or
click Done.

5-32 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

6. Once processing is complete, a Conversion Results page (Figure 5-23) provides a

summary of the components converted and details of each component that
succeeded or failed to be converted:

Figure 5-23 Database Machine Conversion: Conversion Result

From this page, click Convert Remaining 12c Targets to repeat the conversion
process for those components that failed to be converted. Click Launch New
Database Machine Home Page to view the updated home page with all converted
components monitored by Enterprise Manager 13c.

Oracle Exadata Database Machine Administration 5-33

Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets

5-34 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

This chapter describes how to manage and monitor a virtualized Oracle Exadata
Database Machine with DB clusters using Oracle Virtual Machine (OVM) for x86 and
Oracle Exadata Storage Servers in Exadata plug-in and later.
The Exadata plug-in discovers, manages, and monitors virtualized Exadata Database
Machine in conjunction with the Virtualization Infrastructure plug-in. For details
about this plug-in, see the "Direct Monitoring of Xen Based Systems" chapter of the
Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide:

The following sections describe how to discover a virtualized Exadata Database

Machine and other supported targets:

• Integration with Virtualization Infrastructure Plug-in

• Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

• Post-Discovery Configuration

• Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

• Viewing Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

• Resource Utilization Graphs

Once you have completed the discovery of a virtualized Exadata Database Machine,
continue with the configuration steps outlined in Post-Discovery Configuration and

6.1 Integration with Virtualization Infrastructure Plug-in

The physical server (physical Oracle Server target), Dom0 (Virtual Platform target), and
DomU (virtual Oracle Server target) are discovered and monitored by the Virtualization
Infrastructure (VI) plug-in.
The Exadata discovery can work with the VI plug-in by the physical server, Dom0, and
DomU are discovered using the VI plug-in before Exadata Database Machine discovery.
During Exadata discovery, the discovery code looks up the existing Virtual Platform
target that corresponds to the Dom0 of the compute node.
The Exadata discovery flow with VI plug-in integration includes the following checks:

1. Check whether the Exadata Database Machine is virtualized based on the

configuration metric of the host target of the discovery agent.

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-1

Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

2. Check whether the VI plug-in is deployed. If not, you will be prompted to deploy
it as described in the "Direct Monitoring of Xen Based Systems" chapter of the
Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide:

6.2 Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

With virtualized Exadata, one Exadata Database Machine target will be created for
each physical Database Machine instead of one DB Machine target for each DB cluster
deployed through OEDA. Compute nodes, Exadata Storage Servers, InfiniBand
switches, compute node ILOM, PDU, KVM, and Cisco switches targets are discovered
by the Exadata plug-in.
With only the compute nodes virtualized, the physical servers, Dom0 and DomU, are
monitored by the Virtualization Infrastructure (VI) plug-in. The Exadata plug-in is
integrates with the VI plug-in for discovery and target management as discussed
The hardware targets in virtualized Exadata are discovered in almost the same way as
physical Exadata (see Discovering an Exadata Database Machine) except as noted

• The Dom0 of the compute nodes are discovered using ibnetdiscover. Compute
node ILOM to compute node mapping and VM hierarchy are obtained from the
VI plug-in.

• Exadata Storage Servers are discovered using ibnetdiscover instead of kfod.

Therefore, there is no need to specify the Database Oracle Home during

• InfiniBand switches are discovered using ibnetdiscover.

• Compute node ILOM, PDU, and Cisco switch are discovered based on the
databasemachine.xml schematic file.

• Cluster and Database Target Discovery

– The cluster and database target discovery is similar to the physical Exadata
case (see Discovering Grid Infrastructure and RAC). The only difference is
that the Enterprise Manager agents needed to be deployed on the DomU of the
Database cluster before the cluster, ASM, and database targets can be
discovered using the DB plug-in.

• Agent Placement

– The primary and backup Enterprise Manager agents monitoring the Exadata
hardware targets should be deployed in two dedicated DomU that will not be
suspended or shut down, and are ideally on different physical servers to
ensure high availability.

– For static virtual machine configurations, the Enterprise Manager agents that
are used to monitor the Database clusters can be used to monitor the Exadata
To discover a virtualized Exadata Database Machine:

1. From the Setup menu, select Add Target then Add Targets Manually.

6-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

2. On the Add Targets Manually page, select Add Using Guided Process (Figure 6-1):

Figure 6-1 Add Targets Manually

3. In the Add Using Guided Process pop-up window, select Oracle Virtual Platform
and click Add (Figure 6-2):

Figure 6-2 Add Oracle Virtual Platform

This option will be available only if the Virtualization Infrastructure (VI) plug-
in has been deployed.
If the plug-in is not deployed, then the Oracle Virtual Platform option will not
appear. Deploy the VI plug-in as described in the Direct Monitoring of Xen
Based Systems chapter of the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-3

Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

4. On the Discover Oracle Virtual Platforms page, register Oracle Virtual Platforms
with Enterprise Manager. Target credentials and/or monitoring agent can be
specified for each target. If set, these override the defaults for that target.

• Set the Default Monitoring Agent and Credentials (Figure 6-3). Click the
magnifying glass icon to search for the monitoring agent location. For the
Credential Properties, enter root for the Username and provide the host's root


A non-root user with sudo privilege can also be used. Refer to the VI plug-in
documentation for the necessary setup steps.

Figure 6-3 Default Monitoring Agent and Credentials

• Add a Host Name or IP address. Click Add and enter the fully qualified
domain name (FQDM) or IP address for the host in the pop-up window
(Figure 6-4). If you have more than one, each entry must appear on a separate

Figure 6-4 Discover Virtual Serves: Add Host/IP Address

6-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

Click Add to close the pop-up window.

Once added, the Hostname and IP address fields will update as shown in
Figure 6-5:

Figure 6-5 Enter Hostname or IP Address

• Click Submit. A job is submitted to register the Oracle Virtual Platform, which
creates the virtual targets. Approximately five (5) minutes is required to
complete the job. Click Job Details to check the status, or click Close to close
the window (Figure 6-6):

Figure 6-6 Submit Oracle Virtual Platform Registration Job

5. Once the job completes, then discover the Exadata Database Machine. From the
Setup menu, select Add Target then Add Targets Manually.

6. On the Add Targets Manually page, select Add Using Guided Process (Figure 6-7):

Figure 6-7 Add Targets Manually

7. For the Target Types drop-down menu, select Oracle Exadata Database Machine
(Figure 6-8):

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-5

Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

Figure 6-8 Add Using Guided Process: Add Oracle Exadata Database Machine

8. On the Oracle Exadata Database Machine Discovery page, select the Discover a
new Database Machine and its hardware components as targets option and click
Discover Targets.

9. On the Discovery Inputs page, click the magnifying glass icon to search for an
agent in a DomU that resides in the DB Machine to be discovered. Do not search for
a virtual platform (Dom0) because you cannot install an Enterprise Manager Agent
in Dom0. Just like the physical Exadata case, you are specifying a host on which the
schematic file can be read. Usually, it will be the same host as the discovery agent.
It will not be the Dom0

In the Schematic Files section, select a host on which the schematic file can be read,
and set the host credential that can read the schematic file. Click Set Credential to
set the log in and password (Figure 6-9) for the host you registered in the previous
steps. Click OK.

Figure 6-9 Set Credential

Click Next.

6-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

10. On the InfiniBand Discovery page, set the nm2user credential. Select the New
option and enter nm2user for the Username field and provide a password as
shown in Figure 6-10:

Figure 6-10 Set InfiniBand Credentials

Click Next.


A known issue about missing CLIENTNAME and CLIENTIP information will

cause an Error pop-up message. Click OK to dismiss the pop-up and to
continue with the guided discovery.

11. On the Prerequisite Check page, verify the Status is successful, then click Next.

12. On the Components page, review the Exadata components that were discovered,
then click Next.

13. On the Monitoring Agents page, review the names, locations, and backup locations
of the Monitoring Agents. Click Next.

14. On the Agent Credential page, if the credentials are the same for all agents, then
you can enter a new username and password or accept the default. Click Next.

If the credentials are different for all agents, then select the Different for all agents
option and enter usernames and passwords for all hosts. Click Next.

15. On the Monitoring Credentials page, verify or enter the credentials for the
following components:

• Oracle Exadata Storage Server

• InfiniBand Switch

Click Test Connection for each component to verify the connection. If the
credentials are different for each component, then provide the appropriate
username and password.
Click Next.

16. On the SNMP Subscription page, enter the SNMP Community String (default is
public) value for both Oracle Exadata Storage Server and InfiniBand Switch areas.
For the InfiniBand Switch, provide the root credentials (Figure 6-11). Click Next.

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-7

Discovering Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

Figure 6-11 Enter InfiniBand Switch Root Credential

17. On the Component Properties page, enter public for both Ethernet and PDU
components (Figure 6-12). Click Next.

Figure 6-12 Enter 'public' for Ethernet Switch and PDUs

18. On the Review page, review the details of the following components:

• System Target

• Compute Node

• Oracle Exadata Storage Server

• InfiniBand Switch

• Ethernet Switch

• Compute Node ILOM


Click Submit to promote all targets. Allow for approximately five (5) minutes to
process. Once complete, all targets will now be monitored by Oracle Enterprise
Manager Cloud Control.

6-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Post-Discovery Configuration


The VI plug-in regularly checks whether a VM is added or deleted. The Oracle

VM instance targets are auto-promoted once they are detected by the VI plug-
in. If you want to monitor the OS, ASM, and DB in the VM, you need to push
the Enterprise Manager agent to the VM.

6.3 Post-Discovery Configuration

Since agents run inside DomU nodes and remotely monitor cells, ILOMs, switches, and
PDUs, ensure that Primary and Backup agents are on physically different DomU hosts.
In case of a Dom0 outage, Enterprise Manager can continue to monitor such targets
using an agent that is running on an active DomU hosted by a different Dom0 that is still
running. This will achieve continuous monitoring in case of a complete Dom0 outage.
For details on how agents monitor Exadata targets remotely, refer to Post-Discovery
Configuration and Verification, for details.

6.4 Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Provisioning involves repeatable, reliable, automated, unattended, and scheduled mass
deployment of a RAC Cluster including virtual machines (VMs), Oracle Database
(DB), Grid Infrastructure, and ASM on Virtualized Exadata.
With the Exadata plug-in's virtualization provisioning functionality, you can:

• Creating a Database Cluster

• Scaling Up a Database Cluster

• Deleting a Database Cluster

6.4.1 Creating a Database Cluster

To create a database cluster:

1. From the Database Machine target menu, select Provisioning, then select Create
Cluster (Figure 6-13):

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-9

Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Figure 6-13 Provisioning Menu

The Exadata Provisioning Wizard will display.

2. On the Exadata Provisioning: Cluster page, provide the information for:

• Cluster Definition: Create a cluster name. Click Show existing clusters to

display a list of database clusters already provisioned.

• Virtual Machine Location: Select the servers on which you want to create the
virtual machines. Select one or more from the Available Servers pane, then
click the move button to move the selected server to the Selected Servers pane
(Figure 6-14):

Figure 6-14 Select Virtual Machine Location

• Storage Definition: Select the Exadata Storage Servers to be used by the

virtual machines. Select one or more from the Available Storage Servers pane,
then click the move button to move the selected server to the Selected Storage
Servers pane:

6-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Figure 6-15 Select Exadata Storage Servers

Click Next.

3. On the Credentials page, set the credentials for:

• Compute Server: Set the credentials for the root user. From the Set
Credentials drop-down, select All to apply the settings to all servers, or select
one or more servers from the list and select Selected to apply the settings to
only the selected servers.
In the Set Server Credential pop-up window, select an existing named
credential or select New to create a new one.
Click Test Connection to verify that the credentials are properly set. If
successful, the Test Credential Status will update to show Succeeded
(Figure 6-16):

Figure 6-16 Set Compute Server Credentials

• Exadata Storage Server: Set the credentials for the cell administrator.
In the Set Server Credential pop-up window, select an existing named
credential or select New to create a new one.
Click Test Connection to verify that the credentials are properly set. If
successful, the Test Credential Status will update to show Succeeded
(Figure 6-17):

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-11

Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Figure 6-17 Set Exadata Storage Server Credentials

Click Next to define the Virtual Machines.

4. On the Virtual Machines (VMs) page, provide the following information:


When available, the Exadata Provisioning Wizard will pre-populate the fields
with the appropriate defaults. You can change this information to suit your

• Virtual Machine Definition: In this region (Figure 6-18), provide the details to
define the VM:

– Virtual Machine Size: Select Small, Medium, or Large. Click Customize to

adjust the number of CPU cores and available memory.

– Root password: Create a password in the two password fields.

– Verify the Prefix, DNS, and NTP fields.

– Time Zone: select the appropriate time zone from the drop-down list.

Figure 6-18 Exadata Provisioning: Virtual Machine Definition

• Software Locations: When available, the Exadata Provisioning Wizard will

pre-populate the fields (Figure 6-19); otherwise, provide the following

6-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

– Inventory Location

– Grid Infrastructure Home

– Database Home Location

– Agent Installation Base Directory

– Agent Port (optional)

– Software Language (optional)

Figure 6-19 Exadata Provisioning: Software Locations

• Operating System Users and Groups: Like the Software Location region, the
Exadata Provisioning Wizard will pre-populate the fields except for the
password fields (Figure 6-20). Otherwise, provide the following information:

– User name: including the ID, password, and home directory.

– DBA group name and ID.

– OINSTALL group name and ID.

Figure 6-20 Exadata Provisioning: Operating System Users and Groups

Click Next to provide the Network details.

5. On the Network page, specify the IP address, name and domain used for the
Admin, Client and Private network. Provide the details for the following

• Gateway and Domain Details: The domain and subnet mask details should
already be supplied by the Exadata Provisioning Wizard. Enter a valid IP
address for the Admin and Client gateway (Figure 6-21):

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-13

Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Figure 6-21 Exadata Provisioning: Network Gateway and Domain Details

• Virtual Machine 1 (Figure 6-22): For the first virtual machine in the cluster, the
Exadata Provisioning Wizard will auto-complete the Prefix and Start ID field.
You can enter an optional Suffix. Enter a valid IP address.

Figure 6-22 Exadata Provisioning: Virtual Machine 1

• Generated Virtual Machine Name and IP (Figure 6-23): After you have
entered the information for the first VM, click Generate to create the
information for the other VMs in the cluster. You can always enter the details

Figure 6-23 Exadata Provisioning: Generated Virtual Machine Name and IP

Once you have entered all the necessary information, click Validate IP at the top of
the page to verify the IP addresses. Click Next to continue to the enter the details
for Grid Infrastructure and to create the Initial Database.

6. On the Grid Infrastructure and Initial Database page, enter the details for:

• Grid Infrastructure (Figure 6-24): Enter the details for the Cluster (SCAN
name and port) and verify the Disk Group information. The Exadata
Provisioning Wizard will pre-populate the details, but you can adjust them as

6-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Figure 6-24 Exadata Provisioning: Grid Infrastructure

• Initial Database: Click the check box to create the initial database. Additional
information for Database Identification and Administrator Credentials will be
required as shown in Figure 6-25:

Figure 6-25 Exadata Provisioning: Initial Database

Click Advanced to expand the region for additional details for Memory
Parameters, Processes, and Character Sets as shown in Figure 6-26:

Figure 6-26 Exadata Provisioning: Initial Database Advanced Details

Click Next to set the schedule.

7. On the Schedule page, the Exadata Provisioning Wizard will create the
Deployment Instance value. Select a schedule start and notification options:

• Schedule: Select to initiate the creation immediately or later. If you select later,
then you will be prompted to select a date and time.

• Notification: Select the notification statuses for which you will be notified.
Click Review to review the settings and initiate the job.

8. On the Review page, review the selection in the summary displayed. To change
any section, return to the previous page and edit the selection.

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-15

Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Click Submit to begin the creation job.

6.4.2 Scaling Up a Database Cluster

To scale up a database cluster:

1. From the Database Machine target menu, select Provisioning, then select Scale Up

The Exadata Provisioning Wizard will display.

2. On the Cluster page, enter the cluster name or click the Search icon to select a
cluster from the list.

Select one or more from the Available Servers pane, then click the move button to
move the selected server to the Selected Servers pane.
Click Next to set the credentials.

3. On the Credentials page, set the credentials for:

• Compute Server: Set the credentials for the root user. From the Set
Credentials drop-down, select All to apply the settings to all servers, or select
one or more servers from the list and select Selected to apply the settings to
only the selected servers.
In the Set Server Credential pop-up window, select an existing named
credential or select New to create a new one.
Click Test Connection to verify that the credentials are properly set. If
successful, the Test Credential Status will update to show Succeeded
(Figure 6-27):

Figure 6-27 Set Compute Server Credentials

• Virtual Machines (Figure 6-28): Set the credentials for the DomU Host and
Root and for the Cluster ASM and Database.
You have the option to use preferred credentials or to override the preferred
Click Test Connection to verify that the credentials are properly set.

6-16 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Figure 6-28 Scale Up Cluster: Virtual Machines Credentials

Click Next.

4. On the Virtual Machines page, click Next.

5. On the Network page, specify the IP address, name and domain used for the
Admin, Client and Private network. Provide the details for the following

• Gateway and Domain Details: The domain and subnet mask details should
already be supplied by the Exadata Provisioning Wizard. Enter a valid IP
address for the Admin and Client gateway (Figure 6-29):

Figure 6-29 Scale Up: Network Gateway and Domain Details

• Virtual Machine 1 (Figure 6-30): For the first virtual machine in the cluster, the
Exadata Provisioning Wizard will auto-complete the Prefix and Start ID field.
You can enter an optional Suffix. Enter a valid IP address.

Figure 6-30 Scale Up: Virtual Machine 1

• Generated Virtual Machine Name and IP (Figure 6-29): After you have
entered the information for the first VM, click Generate to create the
information for the other VMs in the cluster. You can always enter the details

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-17

Exadata Virtualized Provisioning

Figure 6-31 Scale Up: Generated Virtual Machine Name and IP

Once you have entered all the necessary information, click Validate IP at the top of
the page to verify the IP addresses.
Click Next to continue to schedule the scale up.


The step for Grid Infrastructure and Initial Database are skipped because they
do not need to be set up again.

6. On the Schedule page, the Exadata Provisioning Wizard will create the
Deployment Instance value. Select a schedule start and notification options:

• Schedule: Select to initiate the scale up immediately or later. If you select later,
then you will be prompted to select a date and time.

• Notification: Select the notification statuses for which you will be notified.
Click Review to review the settings and initiate the scale up.

7. On the Review page, review the selection in the summary displayed. To change
any section, return to the previous page and edit the selection.

Click Submit to begin the scale up.

6.4.3 Scaling Down a Database Cluster

To scale down a database cluster, the Virtual Machine is removed from the cluster:

1. From the Database Machine target menu, select Provisioning, then select Scale
Down Cluster.

The Exadata Provisioning Wizard will display.

2. Enter the cluster name you want to scale down or click the Search icon to select an
available cluster.

Once you have selected a cluster, you will be prompted to:

• Select nodes to delete.

6-18 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Viewing Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

• Verify or enter new named credentials for DomU (host, root, and Exadata
Server) and for the Exadata Storage Server. Click Test Credentials to verify the
credentials have been selected properly.
Click Next to schedule the scale-down job.

3. On the Schedule page, the Exadata Provisioning Wizard will create the
Deployment Instance value. Select a schedule start and notification options:

• Schedule: Select to initiate the scale down immediately or later. If you select
later, then you will be prompted to select a date and time.

• Notification: Select the notification statuses for which you will be notified.
Click Review to review the settings and initiate the scale down.

4. On the Review page, review the selection in the summary displayed. To change
any section, return to the previous page and edit the selection.

Click Submit to begin the scale down.

6.4.4 Deleting a Database Cluster

To delete an existing cluster:

1. From the Database Machine target menu, select Provisioning, then select Delete

The Exadata Provisioning Wizard will display.

2. On the Cluster page, enter the cluster name you want to delete or click the Search
icon to select an available cluster.

The page will update to show the nodes to be deleted

Verify or enter new named credentials for DomU (host, root, and Exadata Server)
and for the Exadata Storage Server. Click Test Credentials to verify the credentials
have been selected properly.
Click Next to schedule the delete job.

3. On the Schedule page, the Exadata Provisioning Wizard will create the
Deployment Instance value. Select a schedule start and notification options:

• Schedule: Select to initiate the scale down immediately or later. If you select
later, then you will be prompted to select a date and time.

• Notification: Select the notification statuses for which you will be notified.
Click Review to review the settings and initiate the delete job.

4. On the Review page, review the selection in the summary displayed. To change
any section, return to the previous page and edit the selection.

Click Submit to begin the delete job.

6.5 Viewing Virtualized Exadata Database Machine

Once discovered, the Exadata plug-in shows the virtual machines monitored by
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c, as shown in Figure 6-32:

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-19

Resource Utilization Graphs

Figure 6-32 Virtual Machines Monitored


The schematic diagram in the Database Machine home page is based on the
content of the databasemachine.xml file found during discovery. The
virtual platforms (Dom0) are displayed as compute nodes in the rack in the
schematic diagram.
The Database Machine Software topology diagram will not display the
physical Oracle Server, virtual Oracle Server targets (DomU), and Virtual
Platform target (Dom0) targets. However, it will continue to show the host
targets which are running in DomU.

The Software tab for the Exadata Database Machine target shows all clusters, ASM,
and Database targets in the whole physical Database Machine grouped by clusters as
described in Figure 6-33:

Figure 6-33 Exadata Database Machine Software Tab

6.6 Resource Utilization Graphs

The following compute resource allocation graphs are available in virtualized Exadata.
These graphs are dependent on the virtual machine hierarchy and metric data from
the VI plug-in:

6.6.1 Cluster Placement

This graph (Figure 6-34) shows the ClusterWare cluster placement on physical servers
in a particular Exadata Database Machine rack. Since this is a placement graph, the
widths of the data series reflect the number of clusters on the physical server that has
the most number of clusters.

6-20 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Resource Utilization Graphs

Figure 6-34 Resource Utilization: Cluster Placement

6.6.2 Database Placement

This graph (Figure 6-35) shows the database placement on physical servers in a
particular Exadata Database Machine rack for a particular DB cluster. Since this is a
placement graph, the widths of the data series reflect the number of DB on the
physical server that has the most number of databases for a particular DB cluster.

Figure 6-35 Resource Utilization: Database Placement

6.6.3 Database CPU Utilization

This graph (Figure 6-36) shows the database CPU utilization per database per VM host
for a particular DB cluster.

Virtualized Exadata Database Machine 6-21

Resource Utilization Graphs

Figure 6-36 Resource Utilization: Database CPU Utilization

6.6.4 Database Memory Utilization

This graph (Figure 6-37) shows the database memory utilization per database per VM
host for a particular DB cluster.

Figure 6-37 Resource Utilization: Database Memory Utilization

6-22 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Metrics

This chapter describes how to access the various metrics for the Oracle Exadata
Database Machine and provides examples of key metrics including:

• Accessing Exadata Metrics

• Aggregated Exadata FlashDisk and HardDisk Metric Example

• Exadata Cell Metric Example

7.1 Accessing Exadata Metrics

For a complete list of metrics available for the Oracle Exadata Database Machine, see
the Oracle Exadatachapter of the Oracle® Enterprise Manager Oracle Database Plug-in
Metric Reference Manual:
To access the available Exadata Metrics:

1. From the Targets menu, select Exadata (Figure 7-1):

Figure 7-1 Enterprise Manager Targets Menu

2. On the Oracle Exadata Database Machines page, select an Exadata Database

Machine from the list.

Exadata Metrics 7-1

Accessing Exadata Metrics

3. From the Target Navigation tree, expand the Exadata Grid and select an Exadata
Storage Server (Figure 7-2):

Figure 7-2 Expand the Exadata Grid in the Target Navigation Tree

4. On the Storage Server page, select the Exadata Storage Server menu and select
Monitoring then All Metrics (Figure 7-3):

7-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Aggregated Exadata FlashDisk and HardDisk Metric Example

Figure 7-3 Exadata Storage Server Monitoring Menu

5. On the All Metrics page, a variety of metrics are available. Select a metric or click to
expand available metric details.

7.2 Aggregated Exadata FlashDisk and HardDisk Metric Example

This metric category contains metrics that are aggregated over either the hard disks or
flash disks in a cell. Selecting this metric from the All Metrics page generates a high-
level summary, as shown in Figure 7-4:

Figure 7-4 Aggregated Exadata FlashDisk and HardDisk Metric

Expand the Aggregated Exadata FlashDisk and HardDisk Metric in the All Metrics
page to show a variety of metric details, such as Average CellDisk Read Throughput
(Figure 7-5), which gives an indication of the average number of bytes read from the

Exadata Metrics 7-3

Exadata Cell Metric Example

cell disk, or Total CellDisk IO Load (Figure 7-6), which gives an indication of the total
input/output load to the celldisk.

Figure 7-5 Average CellDisk Read Throughput

Figure 7-6 Total CellDisk IO Load

7.3 Exadata Cell Metric Example

This metric category contains the performance metrics collected at the cell level for
each cell, such as CPU utilization and memory utilization. Selecting this metric from
the All Metrics page generates a high-level summary, as shown in Figure 7-7:

Figure 7-7 Exadata Cell Metric

Expand the Exadata Cell Metric in the All Metrics page to show a variety of metric
details, such as CPU Utilization (Figure 7-8), which provides information about the
CPU utilization, or Disk I/O Objective (Figure 7-9), which provides the optimization
objective which IORM is configured to achieve (for example, "Low Latency" or
"Balanced" for OLTP-oriented databases, or "High Throughput" for data warehouses).

7-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Cell Metric Example

Figure 7-8 CPU Utilization

Figure 7-9 Disk I/O Objective

Exadata Metrics 7-5

Exadata Cell Metric Example

7-6 Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in

This chapter provides troubleshooting tips and techniques on installing, discovering,

and configuring the Exadata plug-in. The following sections are provided:

• Establish SSH Connectivity

• Discovery Troubleshooting

• Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File

• Exadata Database Machine Management Troubleshooting

• Exadata Derived Association Rules

• InfiniBand Patch Details Missing

• Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Issues

• Metric Collection Issues

• Status: Pending Issues

• Enhanced MIB Incompatibility

• Monitoring Agent Not Deployed for IPv6 Environments

8.1 Establish SSH Connectivity

For Release, the SSH key location is <ORACLE_HOME>/.ssh where
ORACLE_HOME is the installation directory of the Enterprise Manager agent. For

Some metric collection has a dependency on ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

For Release or later, the SSH key location is $HOME/.ssh of the agent user.
To set up SSH connectivity between the computer where Agent is running and the
Oracle Exadata Storage Server, as the Agent user:

1. Log in to the computer where the Enterprise Manager Agent is running, open a
terminal, and run the following commands as the Agent user to generate a pair of
the SSH private/public keys if they are not present:

• For Release

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in 8-1

Discovery Troubleshooting

$ cd <ORACLE_HOME>/.ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsa

Where <ORACLE_HOME> is the installation directory of the Enterprise Manager


• For Release

$ cd $HOME/.ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsa

Where $HOME is the home directory of the Agent user.

2. Copy the public key (id_dsa.pub) to the /tmp directory on the storage cell:

$ scp id_dsa.pub root@<cell_ipaddress>:/tmp

3. Add the contents of the id_dsa.pub file to the authorized_keys file in

the .ssh directory within the home directory of the cellmonitor user:

$ ssh -l root <cell_ipaddress> "cat /tmp/id_dsa.pub >> ~cellmonitor/.ssh/



If the authorized_keys file does not exist, then create one by copying the
id_dsa.pub file to the .ssh directory within the home directory of the user
$ ssh -l root <cell_ipaddress> "cp /tmp/id_dsa.pub ~cellmonitor/.ssh/
authorized_keys; chown cellmonitor:cellmonitor ~cellmonitor/.ssh/

4. Make sure that the .ssh directory and authorized_keys have the right file

# chmod 700 ~cellmonitor/.ssh

# chmod 600 ~cellmonitor/.ssh/authorized_keys

8.2 Discovery Troubleshooting

Very often, the error message itself will include the cause for the error. Look for error
messages in the OMS and agent logs (case insensitive search for dbmdiscovery) or in
the Discovery window itself.
The following sections are provided:

• Hardware Availability

• Discovery Failure Diagnosis

• Cell is not Discovered

• Compute Node Error Message

• Compute Node or InfiniBand Switch is not Discovered

• Compute Node not Managed by Enterprise Manager

8-2 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovery Troubleshooting

• Extra or Missing Components in the Newly Discovered Exadata Database


• InfiniBand Network Performance Page Shows No Data

• ILOM, PDU, KVM, or Cisco Switch is not Discovered

• Target Does not Appear in Selected Targets Page

• Target is Down or Metric Collection Error After Discovery

• Discovery Process Hangs

8.2.1 Hardware Availability

All the hardware components must be "known" and reachable; otherwise,
communication failures will occur. Use the ping command for each hardware
component of the Exadata rack to make sure all names are resolved.
The MAP targets in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c may fail while collecting
the correlation identifier. This failure can happen if the credentials are incorrect OR if a
target (for example, the ILOM) is too slow in responding.
ILOM can be slow when the number of open sessions on ILOM has exceeded the limit.
You can resolve this issue by temporarily closing the sessions on the ILOM.
The rack placement of targets can fail:

• If examan did not return valid rack position for the target.

• If there is an existing target in the same location.

8.2.2 Discovery Failure Diagnosis

Should discovery of your Oracle Exadata Database Machine fail, collect the following
information for diagnosis:

• Any examan-*.xml, examan-*.html, targets-*.xml, and examan*.log

files from the AGENT_ROOT/agent_inst/sysman/emd/state directory.

• Agent logs: emagent_perl.trc and gcagent.log

• OMS logs: emoms.trc and emoms.log

• Any snapshot (screen capture) of errors shown on the target summary page.

8.2.3 Cell is not Discovered

If the cell itself is not discovered, possible causes could be:

• The installation of RDBMS Oracle Home Release 11.2 is incorrect.

• The /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/cellip.ora file on the compute

node is missing or unreadable by the agent user or cell not listed in that file.

• The cell is not listed in the /etc/oracle/cell/network-config/

cellip.ora file.

• Management Server (MS) or cellsrv is down.

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in 8-3

Discovery Troubleshooting

• Cell management IP is changed improperly. Bouncing both cellsrv and MS may


• To check that the cell is discovered with a valid management IP, run the following
command on the compute node used for discovery:
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/kfod op=cellconfig

8.2.4 Compute Node Error Message

Problems with the compute node may generate the following error:
The selected compute node is not an existing host target managed by Enterprise
Manager. Please add the compute node as managed target before you continue.

Possible causes for this error include:

• The compute node was not added as an Enterprise Manager host target before the
Exadata Database Machine discovery.

• The host target name for compute node is an IP address. This problem can be
an /etc/hosts or DNS issue.

• The host target name is not fully qualified with domain name (for example,

8.2.5 Compute Node or InfiniBand Switch is not Discovered

If there are problems with discovery of the compute node or the InfiniBand switch,
possible causes could be:

• The InfiniBand switch host name or nm2user password is incorrect.

• The connection from the compute node to the InfiniBand switch through SSH is
blocked by a firewall.

• The InfiniBand switch is down or takes too long to respond to SSH.

To resolve problems with the compute node or InfiniBand switch discovery, try:

• If the InfiniBand switch node is not discovered, the InfiniBand switch model or
switch firmware may not be supported by EM Exadata. Run the ibnetdiscover
command. Output should look like:
Switch 36 "S-002128469f47a0a0" # "Sun DCS 36 QDR switch switch1.example.com"
enhanced port 0 lid 1 lmc 0

• To verify discovery of the compute node, run the following command on the
compute node used for discovery:
# ssh <IB switch> -l nm2user ibnetdiscover

• If the compute node is not discovered, run the ibnetdiscover command.

Output should look like:
Ca 2 "H-00212800013e8f4a" # " xdb1db02 S HCA-1“

A bug in the compute node image shows “S" and the InfiniBand IP as
missing. Output would look like:
Ca 2 " H-00212800013e8f4a " # "xdb1db02 HCA-1“

8-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovery Troubleshooting

A workaround for this problem is to run the following command as root on the
compute nodes:
# /opt/oracle.cellos/ib_set_node_desc.sh

8.2.6 Compute Node not Managed by Enterprise Manager

If you encounter an instance where the compute note is not being managed by
Enterprise Manager, then check the following troubleshooting steps:

• If the Agent host name is different than the compute node host name, then run the
following command as root to match up to agent host name:
# ibnetdiscover

• If the wrong Agent is used for discovery, then select the compute node Agent for

• If the compute node name has been reset from the client to management or vice-
versa, then run the following command:
# /usr/sbin/set_nodedesc.sh

• If a short host name is used for agents, then reinstall the agents using fully-
qualified host name <hostname.domain>.

8.2.7 Extra or Missing Components in the Newly Discovered Exadata Database Machine
If you are showing extra components or if there are missing components, then check
the following troubleshooting steps:

• For extra components, examine them for Exadata Database Machine membership.
Deselect any extra components manually from the discovered list.

• Verify which schematic file that was used for discovery. Ensure that Enterprise
Manager can read the latest xml file (for example, databasemachine.xml) on
the compute node.

• For missing components, check the schematic file content.

• If you need to generate a new schematic file, then log a service request (SR) with
Oracle Support and provide the details.

8.2.8 InfiniBand Network Performance Page Shows No Data

If the InfiniBand network performance page does not show data, double check that the
files under the /opt/oracle.SupportTools/em/ directory on compute nodes
should be publicly readable. Se Oracle Bug 13255511 for more information.

8.2.9 ILOM, PDU, KVM, or Cisco Switch is not Discovered

If the ILOM, PDU, KVM, or Cisco switch is not discovered, the most likely cause is
that the Exadata Database Machine Schematic file cannot be read or has incorrect data.
See Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File.

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in 8-5

Discovery Troubleshooting

8.2.10 Target Does not Appear in Selected Targets Page

Even though no error may appear during the Exadata Database Machine guided
discovery, the target does not appear on the Select Components page. Possible causes
and solutions include:

• Check the All Targets page to make sure that the target has not been added as an
Enterprise Manager target already:

– Log in to Enterprise Manager.

– Select Targets, then All Targets.

– On the All Targets page, check to see if the Oracle Exadata target appears in
the list.

• A target that is added manually may not be connected to the Exadata Database
Machine system target through association. To correct this problem:

– Delete these targets before initiating the Exadata Database Machine guided

– Alternatively, use the emcli command to add these targets to the

appropriate system target as members.

8.2.11 Target is Down or Metric Collection Error After Discovery

After the Exadata Database Machine guided discovery, an error that the target is down
or that there is a problem with the metric collection may display. Possible causes and
recommended solutions include:

• For the cell or InfiniBand switch, the setup of SSH may not be configured
properly. To troubleshoot and resolve this problem:

– The agent's SSH public key in the <AGENT_INST>/.ssh/id_dsa.pub file is

not in the authorized_keys file of $HOME/.ssh for cellmonitor or

– Verify permissions. The permission settings for .ssh and

authorized_keys should be:
drwx------ 2 cellmonitor cellmonitor 4096 Oct 13 07:06 .ssh
-rw-r--r-- 1 cellmonitor cellmonitor 441842 Nov 10 20:03 authorized_keys

– Resolve a PerformOperationException error. See Troubleshooting the

Exadata Database Machine Schematic File for more information.

• If the SSH setup is confirmed to be properly configured, but the target status is
still down, then check to make sure there are valid monitoring and backup agents
assigned to monitor the target. To confirm, click the Database Machine menu and
select Monitoring Agent. Figure 8-1 shows an example of the monitoring agents:

8-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Discovery Troubleshooting

Figure 8-1 Monitoring Agents Example

• For the ILOM, PDU, KVM, or Cisco switch, possible causes include:

– The Exadata Database Machine Schematic Diagram file has the wrong IP

– Monitoring Credentials is not set or incorrect. To verify:

* Log in to Enterprise Manager.

* Click Setup, then Security, and finally Monitoring Credentials.

* On the Monitoring Credentials page, click the Oracle Exadata target type.
Then set the monitoring credentials.

8.2.12 ILOM Credential Validation Fails During 12c Discovery

ILOM Credential Validation Failure Errors

Note: The following applies to Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Release 2,

Plug-in Update 1 and later.

ILOM credential validation may fail while performing a 12c discovery. The following
errors may occur:

• Authentication failed
Problem: Credentials provided are invalid.
Resolution: Use valid credentials.

• Unable to establish IPMI V2 / RMCP+ session.

Problem: IPMI V2 is not enabled on the ILOM server.

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in 8-7

Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File

Resolution: If IPMI V2 was disabled on purpose and the ILOM server is

configured to use the more secure TLS1.2 protocol, then the IPMI client needs to
be upgraded to use TLS1.2 for establishing a session with ILOM server.

• Unable to establish LAN session.

Problem: Occurs when IPMI V1.5 is not enabled on the ILOM server.
Resolution: Enable IPMI V1.5 on the ILOM server. IPMI V1.5 is used for
communication as a third option after TLS1.2 and IPMI V2 have failed.

8.2.13 Discovery Process Hangs

If the discovery process for the Exadata Database Machine hangs, then check the
following troubleshooting steps:

• Examine your network to verify:

– That the host name can be resolved.

– That the Agent(s) can access the OMS.

– That a simple job can be executed from the console.

• If the OMS reported any errors, then check the following log file:

• For Repository issues, check the Repository database's alert.log file.

• For Agent issues, check the following log file:


8.3 Troubleshooting the Exadata Database Machine Schematic File

The Exadata Database Machine Schematic file version 503 is required as a prerequisite
for guided discovery. As part of any discovery troubleshooting, possible causes and
recommended resolution with the schematic file can include:

• The schematic file on the compute node is missing or is not readable by the agent

– For Exadata Release and later, the schematic file is:

– For Exadata Release and earlier, the schematic file is:

• If a PerformOperationException error appears, the agent NMO is not

configured for setuid-root:

– From the OMS log:

2011-11-08 12:28:12,910 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '6' for queue:
'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)']
ERROR model.DiscoveredTarget logp.251 -
ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix only)

8-8 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Exadata Database Machine Management Troubleshooting

– As root, run:
# <AGENT_INST>/root.sh

• In the /etc/pam.d file, pam_ldap.so is used instead of pam_unix.so on

compute nodes.

– Even though the agent user and password are correct, this errors appears in
the agent log:
ERROR: Invalid username and/or password

• Schematic file has error because of a known Exadata Database Machine

configurator bug:

– Verify that the Exadata Database Machine configurator is version 12.0

– Verify that the schematic file is version 503

– Older versions may or may not have the bug depending on the Exadata
Database Machine rack type and partitioning.

• If the schematic file is blank, then:

– Check your browser support and Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c.

– Run through discovery again and watch for messages.

– Check the emoms.log file for exceptions at the same time.

• If components are missing, then:

– Add manually to the schematic page (click Edit).

– Check for component presence in Enterprise Manager. Check to see if it is


8.4 Exadata Database Machine Management Troubleshooting

If data is missing in Resource Utilization graphs, then run a "view object" SQL query to
find out what data is missing. Common problems include:

• Schematic file is not loaded correctly.

• Cluster, Database, and ASM are not added as Enterprise Manager targets.

• Database or cell target is down or is returning metric collection errors.

• Metric is collected in the Enterprise Manager repository, but has an

IS_CURRENT != Y setting.

8.5 Exadata Derived Association Rules

Exadata derived association rules depend on Exadata and DB/ASM ECM data. This
data may take up to 30 minutes to appear depending on metric collection schedule. To
check for data availability:

• From the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control console:

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in 8-9

InfiniBand Patch Details Missing

– Click Targets, then All Targets.

– On the All Targets page, click the Oracle Exadata target from the list.

– Click Database System, then Configuration, and finally Last Collected.

– On the Latest Configuration page, click Actions, then Refresh.

• From the command line:

# emctl control agent runCollection
# target_name:target_type <collectionName>

Other troubleshooting tips include:

• Verify that ECM data are collected and present in Enterprise Manager repository.

• Verify that all data and conditions in query are met by running the query in SQL

• Verify triggers by enabling debug logging to check for timing issues.

8.6 InfiniBand Patch Details Missing

Problem: If you select both InfiniBand switches in an Exadata Database Machine, the
Patch Details section is empty. Installation of a patch for both InfiniBand switches are
not affected - only the details of the installed patch.
Workaround: Select each InfiniBand switch individually to review the patch details.

8.7 Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) Issues

• Oracle ASR Not Working on Exadata Storage Server

• No Slots Available Error

8.7.1 Oracle ASR Not Working on Exadata Storage Server

Problem: You may encounter a problem where Oracle ASR is not working on the
Exadata Storage Server.
Resolution: Ensure that there are two subscriptions on the Exadata Storage Server:

• The type should be ASR or V3ASR for receiving the cell ILOM traps.

• The type should be default (no type) or v3 for receiving the MS MIB traps from
the cell.

8.7.2 No Slots Available Error

The asr type entry on MS MIB adds a subscription to the cell ILOM automatically. If
the ILOM SNMP slots are full, then the subscription command on the cell may fail
with the following error:
CELL-02669: No slots are available for ILOM SNMP subscribers

There is a limit of 15 subscribers on the ILOM which might cause this failure. You will
need to free up some slots on the ILOM and retry the ASR subscription:

1. Login to the ILOM console (for example: https://XXXCELL-c.example.com).

8-10 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Target Status Issues

2. Click ILOM Administration and then Notification.

3. Choose the slot and set the subscriber to to clear it up.

8.8 Target Status Issues

If the Target status shows DOWN inaccurately, then:

• For the Cell: Check ssh equivalence (cellmonitor user) with the followign
ssh –i /home/oracle/.ssh/id_dsa –l cellmonitor <cell name> -e cellcli list cell

Output should be: <cell name>

• For the PDU: Check to make sure you can access the PDU through your browser
to verify that it is connected to your LAN:
http://<pdu name>

• For the Cisco Switch: Check for proper SNMP subscriptions. See Set Up SNMP
for Cisco Ethernet Switch Targets for details.

8.9 Metric Collection Issues

If the Target status shows a Metric Collection Error, then:

• Hover over the icon or navigate to Incident Manager.

• Read the full text of the error.

• Visit the Monitoring Configuration page and examine the settings. From the
Setup menu, select Monitoring Configuration.

• Trigger a new collection: From the Target menu, select Configuration, then select
Last Collected, then Actions, and finally select Refresh.

• Access the monitoring Agent Metric through your browser:

https://<agent URL>/emd/browser/main

Click Target >> and then click Response to evaluate the results. You may need to
log a service request (SR) with Oracle Support.

8.10 Status: Pending Issues

For those issues where components are in a Pending status, see the following
troubleshooting steps:

• Cellsys Targets

• Database Machine Target or Any Associated Components

8.10.1 Cellsys Targets

If the Cellsys target seems to be in a Pending status for too long, then:

• Verify that there is an association for the Cluster ASM, Database, and Storage Cell.

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in 8-11

Enhanced MIB Incompatibility

• Check and fix the status of the associated target database.

• Check and fix the status of the associated target ASM cluster.

• Ensure an UP status for all cell server targets.

• Delete any unassociated cellsys targets.

8.10.2 Database Machine Target or Any Associated Components

If the Exadata Database Machine target or any associated components are in a Pending
status for too long, then:

• Check for duplicate or pending delete targets. From the Setup menu, select
Manage Cloud Control, then select Health Overview.

• Check the target configuration. From the target's home page menu, select Target
Setup, then select Monitoring Configurations.

• Search for the target name in the agent or OMS logs:

$ grep <target name> gcagent.log or emoms.log

8.11 Enhanced MIB Incompatibility

With some shipments of the X4 series of Exadata and all later version of the hardware,
the Exadata Database Machine contains an upgraded PDU that is running a newer
version of firmware. This firmware ships with an enhanced Management Information
Base (MIB) that is not compatible with the Exadata 12.1.x plug-in. In these cases,
change the setting in the PDU to using the original MIB as illustrated in Figure 8-2.

1. Select Original MIB if you are monitoring the ILOM as an "Oracle Engineered
System PDU" in Enterprise Manager.

2. To use the Enhanced MIB instead, you can use the "Oracle System Infrastructure
PDU" and then convert Exadata Database Machine components to use Oracle
Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c. For details on converting to this version,
see Using the Conversion Wizard to Convert 12c Targets to 13c Targets.

8-12 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide
Monitoring Agent Not Deployed for IPv6 Environments

Figure 8-2 Selecting Original MIB

8.12 Monitoring Agent Not Deployed for IPv6 Environments

Problem: For IPv6 environments, the monitoring agent is not deployed.
Cause: If the IPv6 address is not included in the /etc/hosts file, then the agent will
not be deployed.
Resolution: Edit the /etc/hosts of the compute node (or the VM in case of virtual
Exadata) to map the OMS host name to an IPv6 address.

8.13 Configure IPv6–SNMPv3 Subscription

You can only do SNMPv3 subscriptions on Oracle Exadata Storage Server page.

• You need to create an SNMPv3 user on Cell. See Step 1 for instructions.

• Exadata Storage Server version must be or later to support SNMPv3


To configure your IPv6–SNMPv3 subscription:

1. Creating an SNMPv3 user on Exadata Storage Server Target.

• Suppose you need a user called "v3user". You can check whether this user is
already present on the cell using this command:

Troubleshooting the Exadata Plug-in 8-13

Configure IPv6–SNMPv3 Subscription

cellcli -e "list cell attributes snmpUser"

• If this user is not present on the Exadata Storage Server:

ALTER CELL snmpUser=((name='[v3user]', authProtocol='MD5',
authPassword='[passwd]', privProtocol='DES', privPassword='[passwd]'))

Note: The Enterprise Manager Agent supports DES and MD5/SHA


2. When running the discovery process on 12c and 13c, ensure that the v monitoring
credentials on the cell target in EM match the v user on the cell.

Note: Make sure that an SNMP v3 user has been created before the discovery
process is initiated (see Step 1 for instructions).

3. If you need to edit the SNMP v3 monitoring credentials of the Exadata Storage
Server after discovery, you can log in to EM and:

• Select Configuration, then Security, then Monitoring Credentials.

• Select Exadata Storage Server type, and click on Manage Monitoring

Credentials button.

• Select the Exadata Storage Server and set the v3 Credentials.

Note:Ensure that the v3 monitoring credentials are setup on the cell target in
EM which match the v3 user on the cell.

8-14 Oracle Enterprise Manager Oracle Exadata Database Machine Getting Started Guide

alerts Enterprise Manager Agent
InfiniBand, 5-19 automated kit, 2-9
ALTER CELL command, 4-5 installation, 2-8
automated kit, 2-9 Solaris 11 only, 2-9
Exadata Cell management, 5-11
Exadata component
C delete, 5-6
Cell administration, 5-14 Exadata Database Machine
Cell management, 5-11 configuration support, 1-5
Cisco Ethernet Switch dashboard, 4-21
SNMP configuration, 4-14 remove target, 5-5
Compute Node Agent troubleshooting, 8-9
Linux setup, 4-2 view topology, 5-2
Solaris setup, 4-3 Exadata software support, 1-3
Compute Node ILOM
SNMP configuration, 4-11
creating roles
user roles Fault Monitoring, 5-21
creating, 5-1 features
hardware support, 1-2
D monitoring and notification, 1-1
target discovery, 1-4
dashboard firewall configuration, 2-4
public report, 4-22
dashboard creation, 4-21
Database Machines H
alerts, 5-4 hardware
delete Exadata Database Machine component, 5-6 supported hardware, 1-5
deploy plug-in, 2-12 view critical information, 5-4
deployment prerequisites, 2-1 hardware not supported, 1-13
derived association rules, 8-9 hardware support features, 1-2
Grid Infrastructure, 3-18
Real Application Clusters (RAC), 3-18 I
review page, 3-14 InfiniBand network management, 5-17
SPARC SuperCluster, 3-16 InfiniBand Switch
switch troubleshooting, 8-5 configure for SNMP, 4-9
discovery precheck script, 3-1 IORM Monitoring, 5-14
Disk I/O Objective, 5-15

K schematic file (continued)
troubleshooting, 8-8
KVM schematic files, 3-7
SNMP configuration, 4-16 secure storage, 3-1
M configure using cellcli, 4-6
configure using dcli, 4-8
manual verification, 3-4 set up in KVM management console, 4-17
manually, 2-12 trap forwarding setup on compute node, 4-2
metrics and alert settings, 5-11 verify configuration, 4-17
monitoring and notification features, 1-1 SNMP configuration
multi-rack support, 1-6 Cisco Ethernet Switch, 4-14
Compute Node ILOM, 4-11
N InfiniBand Switch, 4-9
KVM, 4-16
names resolution, 2-4 PDU, 4-15
new features, xi SNMP subscription
remove, 4-8
O snmptrapd.conf configuration file, 4-2, 4-3
software support
Oracle ILOM server, 4-13 Exadata, 1-3
Oracle SuperCluster prerequisites SPARC SuperCluster
OneCommand, 2-8 discovery, 3-16
Oracle SuperCluster support SSH connectivity, 4-8, 8-1
known issues, 1-9 Storage Cell SNMP configuration, 4-4
supported component versions, 1-12
P supported hardware
partitioned Exadata Database Machine, 1-7
PDU supported operating systems, 1-13
SNMP configuration, 4-15
Exadata Storage Server software, 2-2 T
firewall configuration, 2-4 target discovery features, 1-4
ILOM ipmtool, 2-3 troubleshooting
InfiniBand Switch, 2-3 discovery, 8-2
KVM application, 2-4 Exadata Database Machine, 8-9
PDU firmware, 2-3 schematic file, 8-8
plug-in deployment, 2-1

user roles, 2-8
remove Exadata Database Machine target, 5-5
remove SNMP subscription, 4-8
S view topology, 5-2

schematic file


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