Covid Impact On Consumer Behavior
Covid Impact On Consumer Behavior
Covid Impact On Consumer Behavior
on consumer behavior?
out the new and innovative ways for purchasing that will
store, store are designed in such a way that stores had made
working all day. This has brought about time lack and time
Stores come home: As consumers can’t go out in such rush areas so store
are designed in such a way that stores had made its way to the home. For
from such a large number of necessities and needs with restricted assets.
Therefore, there is obscuring of limits among work and home and among
and shop online all the more imaginatively. With some of them circulating
around the web, purchasers are turning out to be makers with business
prospects. YouTube and its partners are providing with advancement and
business victories.
new technologies and its applications to cope up with daily life work in
such pandemic. For example for participating with family and friends
4. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.05.059