Understanding Culture, Society & Politics: Quarter 1 - Week 4
Understanding Culture, Society & Politics: Quarter 1 - Week 4
Understanding Culture, Society & Politics: Quarter 1 - Week 4
Region I
Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan
Understanding Culture,
Society & Politics
Quarter 1 - Week 4
Module 4
The significance of cultural, social, political, and
economic symbols and practices.
Overview 1
Content 1
Competencies 1
Pretest 1
Lesson 1 2
Activity 1 2
Activity 2 7
Activity 3 8
Additional Activities 9
Post Test 10
Answer Key 11
References 13
Direction: Arrange the Jumbled Letters to get the correct answer. Write your
answer on the space provided.
ADNOM 9.) _______________________.A person who does not
have a permanent home and moves around a lot.
Direction: Describe and summarize the changes took place during broad
spectrum revolution. Compare how early human carried out their lives in the lithic or
stone-age revolution.
Personal Property
Subsistence /Economic
Social Divisions
Population Size
What have you noticed on the activity above? These have something to do
with interrelationships of biological, cultural and sociopolitical
processes in human evolution that can still be used and developed.
What Prehistory?
The period of human development during the time before the discovery of writing.
Prehistory extends from the emergence of our first ancestors, about five million years
ago, to the invention of writing about 5000 years ago.
Prehistory is divided into three periods:
1. The Palaeolithic Period extends from the appearance of our first ancestors to about
11,000 years ago. Humans living during the Paleolithic Era were hunter-gatherers. This
means they moved around hunting animals and gathering plants to eat. Paleolithic people
lived in temporary shelters like tents or caves because they were nomads. A nomad is a
person who does not have a permanent home and moves around a lot. Paleolithic people
lived in small groups of no more than 60 people because being nomadic made living in large
groups difficult.
The following are the characteristics of Palaeolithic People.
Used rough/rugged stones for tool and weapons
Absolutely dependence on nature (also called environmental parasitism) by
gathering food and hunting animals.
Discovered fire from stones for cooking and protection from animals.
High degree of spirituality and connection to nature by practicising Animism and
Extremely nomadic way of life (moving from place to place to hunt.)
Belief in afterlife (bury the dead with important items.)
2. The Mesolithic Period which is the Formation of Forest after melting of ice caps. People
during this Period started to depend on rivers and started domesticated of animals although this
period did not last long due to the arise of Neolithic Period.
3. The Neolithic Period began about 11,000 years ago. Groups of human beings started to live
in villages. It began when humans invented agriculture and started making tools out of metal
instead of stone.
Neolithic people learned how to farm and domesticate animals. Domesticate means to
train a wild animal to be useful to humans.
Growing crops and domesticating animals is called agriculture and this began in the
Neolithic Era.
A lot of Neolithic people began living in the Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent was a
place where the land was fertile (good for growing plants).
Neolithic people were not nomadic. They settled down in towns and built houses
because they were able to farm and needed to be close to their fields.
They began to form villages around the fields they farmed, and they learned how to
make many new things like: jewelry, pottery, bigger houses, better clothing, and stronger
After starting agriculture Neolithic people began to focus on making their lives
comfortable and beautiful.
Trade began during the Neolithic Era. Trade is buying and selling/exchanging goods.
Neolithic people began to trade for things they wanted, so some people became traders.
They wanted resources they did not have.
What is Biological Evolution and Cultural Evolution?
Biological Evolution - It refers to the changes, modifications, and variations in the genetics
and inherited traits of biological populations from one generation to another. Scientists study the
changes in the physical body of humans, the changes in the shape and size of their bones.
Cultural Evolution - It refers to the changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a
more complex form of human culture. Scientist study the cultural evolution of humans by
analyzing the changes in the latter’s way of life.
What is Hominid?
The general term used to categorize the group of early humans and other humanlike creatures
that can walk erect during the prehistoric period.
What were early human beings like?
Hominin or Significant Biological Cultural Means of
Hominid Characteristics Adaptation
Australopithecus These appeared about five million years This species probably used
Afarensis ago. They were very similar to simple tools that may have
chimpanzees. However, the included sticks and other non-
Australopithecus normally walked on two durable plant materials found in
feet. Afarensis had both ape and human the immediate surroundings.
characteristics: members of this species This species occupied a range of
had apelike face proportions (a flat nose, environments. Some populations
a strongly projecting lower jaw) and lived in savannah or sparse
braincase (with a small brain, usually woodland; others lived in denser
less than 500 cubic centimeters -- about forests beside lakes.
1/3 the size of a modern human brain),
and long, strong arms with curved
fingers adapted for climbing trees.
Homo habilis These appeared two million years ago. Homo habilis may have been the
Their brain was bigger. Their name first of our ancestors to make
“habilis” means skillful. They made stone stone tools. They lived in a
tools and lived from hunting and predominantly grassland
gathering. This species, one of the environment.
earliest members of the genus Homo,
has a slightly larger braincase and
smaller face and teeth than in
Australopithecus or older hominin
species. But it still retains some ape-like
features, including long arms and a
moderately-prognathic face.
Homo erectus These appeared one and a half million The oldest known stone tools
years ago. They walked upright. This used by Homo erectus were
was the first species to live outside made in China about one million
Africa. They lived in Europe and Asia. years ago technology These
They discovered fire. This species had a tools were simple choppers and
robust skeleton that was generally like flakes.
those of modern humans. The body
(known only from the Chinese
specimens) tended to be shorter and
stockier than those of modern humans.
Structure of the brain was like that of
modern humans.
Homo sapiens The oldest human remains in Europe Neanderthals had a complex
Neanderthalensis appeared in Atapuerca, Spain. They are culture although they did not
800,000 years old. behave in the same ways as the
Neanderthals are recognizably human early modern humans who lived
but have distinctive facial features and a at the same time.
stocky build that were evolutionary The Neanderthals built hearths
adaptations to cold, dry environments. and were able to control fire for
Neanderthals were generally shorter and warmth, cooking, and protection.
had more robust skeletons and muscular They were known to wear animal
bodies than modern humans. hides, especially in cooler areas.
Symbols are added later to represent ideas and objects.
Cuneiform is a wedge-shaped script developed in 3300 B.C. by the Mesopotamians
Around 500 wedges make up the Sumerian Alphabet
Direction: Answer the following questions, be guided by the rubrics
A.) How did early humans adapt to their environment?
Direction: Cite the biological characteristics and cultural adaptation of the
selected species of hominins necessary in the human biocultural evolution process in
the box provided.
Homo habilis
Homo erectus
Homo sapiens
Direction: Differentiate and explain the features of a civilization before and now.
___________________2. People are absolutely dependence on nature by gathering food and
hunting animals.
___________________3. They became sedentary and built villages, generally located near
rivers. Work becomes specialized in the villages.
___________________5. People on this period discovered fire from stones for cooking, warmth
protection from animals.
___________________6. People during this period are extremely nomadic way of life -
(moving from place to place to hunt.)
___________________7. People invented agriculture and started making tools out of metal
instead of stone.
___________________8. People began to form villages around the fields they farmed and they
learned how to make many new things like: jewelry, pottery, bigger houses, better clothing, and
stronger tools.
___________________9. People began to trade for things they wanted, so some people
became traders.
Use of All arguments are Most of the Only some The content did
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clear examples supported with supported with clear factual support
clear examples examples. m or examples.
Hominin or Significant Biological Cultural Means of
Hominid Characteristics Adaptation
Australopithecus Afarensis had both ape and human This species probably used
Afarensis characteristics: members of this species simple tools that may have
had apelike face proportions (a flat nose, included sticks and other non-
a strongly projecting lower jaw) and durable plant materials found in
braincase (with a small brain, usually the immediate surroundings.
less than 500 cubic centimeters -- about This species occupied a range of
1/3 the size of a modern human brain), environments. Some populations
and long, strong arms with curved lived in savannah or sparse
fingers adapted for climbing trees. woodland; others lived in denser
forests beside lakes.
Homo habilis This species, one of the earliest Homo habilis may have been the
members of the genus Homo, has a first of our ancestors to make
slightly larger braincase and smaller stone tools. They lived in a
face and teeth than in Australopithecus predominantly grassland
or older hominin species. But it still environment.
retains some ape-like features, including
long arms and a moderately-prognathic
Homo erectus This species had a robust skeleton that The oldest known stone tools
was generally similar to those of modern used by Homo erectus were
humans. made in China about one million
The body (known only from the Chinese years ago technology These
specimens) tended to be shorter and tools were simple choppers and
stockier than those of modern humans. flakes.
Structure of the brain was similar to that
of modern humans.
Homo sapiens Neanderthals are recognizably human Neanderthals had a complex
Neanderthalensis but have distinctive facial features and a culture although they did not
stocky build that were evolutionary behave in the same ways as the
adaptations to cold, dry environments. early modern humans who lived
Neanderthals were generally shorter and at the same time.
had more robust skeletons and muscular The Neanderthals built hearths
bodies than modern humans. and were able to control fire for
warmth, cooking and protection.
They were known to wear animal
hides, especially in cooler areas.
A. Book
B. Online Resources