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Assignment: Advantages Disadvantages

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Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks have a fantastic deal in common, but the
variations are significant enough to distinguish them in speech and practice. Each has advantages
and disadvantages, and these advantages and disadvantages can have a direct impact on an
organization's productivity.

Local Area Network

Advantages Disadvantages
High Speed Only Available in a Small
Low Cost
Setup time is minimal.

Local area networks (LANs) can only run in a small area, such as a house or a floor in an office
building. Typically, a LAN would have only a few clients, but it may have as many as a hundred.

One of the most significant benefits of LANs is the high speeds that they can achieve. It's not
unusual to see technology ready for 1Gbps on a LAN (1 gigabit per second).

Wide Area Network

Advantages Disadvantages
Allow for a much larger High Cost
and more complex
network to be created.
Can travel a near-infinite Low Speed
distance geographically

Only in large environments can a WAN connection be used. House to house, city to city, and
country to country WAN connections are available. In reality, simply reading this indicates that
you have access to the Internet, a widely used WAN. But what distinguishes a WAN, such as the
internet, from a LAN? WANs are almost always slower than LANs due to their normally large

Task 1:

SR No Client’s Requirements
1 There are four departments i.e. Management, Sale, Operation,
2 is a private network's IP address and is a head
office IP address for its private addresses.
3 Security requirements include: The management group must have
the ability to the other three departments but however the other
three, on the other hand, do not have ties to Management.
4 In the initial design, Cisco 2800 series routers and 2960 switches
were used.
5 Proposal for a network architecture that includes a completely
costed bill of required materials as well as a network diagram,
which provide the physical layout of the network.
6 Each department has 48 PCs and one server.
7 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) should be enabled on the
8 Survey of the wireless sites.

Task 2

Now, in order to meet the client's needs, some ISP network configuration with the proper sort of
media is required. With the help of Telstra ISP, two distinct branches can be configured. As a
result, numerous switch devices are utilized to perform LAN network setup, depending on the
needs of each department. The 2800 series devices are used to link a LAN network, and VPN or
IPSEC configuration is done between the two branch office networks. On the LAN side, some
VLANS configuration is needed for better results.

As a result, some IP allocation is done for the WAN network connection and distant users using
the proper NAT or PAT settings. The access control list allocation ensures the security of a
network interface. Hence, all departments have enough IP addresses for 12 PCs and a server, as
per the criteria. With the 512 PCs connection, some additional IP allocation has been done for
future use. The DHCP protocols, which encompass four different subnets, are used to assign IP
addresses to all PCs. Also as result, each subnet's subnet mask is, which meets the
user connectivity requirements. The ROAS is used to communicate between different VLANs, as
well as some security features like as ACL and PPP.

The following are the information and overview of the network that will be provided:

 Two routers and five switches are connected by cables with a special Subnet Mask which
will be located in the Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd.
 We can set a username and password on the routers for security reasons.
 Accessing or not being able to pass those sections of the network using ACL
 To link to the WAN, you'll need to configure NAT.
 Cisco Catalyst 2960 switches are the ones that should be purchased.
Task 3

The estimated cost of materials for Western Mining

Sr No Network Images Quantity Cost Total Vendor
1 Router 2811 1 $2500 $2500 Cisco

2 Switches 2960 5 $450 $2250 Cisco

8 Port

3 IBM AC922 4 $5100 $20400 Mwave

4 Cross-Over 6 $20 $120 StarTech

5 Straight Cable 12 $15 $180 StarTech

6 Installation $500 $500

Estimated Total Cost $25950
Task 4

The network addressing scheme specifies the network address to be used, as well as the
broadcast address, some allocated IP addresses, any default gateways, reserved IP addresses, and
the valid range of IP addresses that can be issued to workstations.

The device naming method is crucial in a networked environment. The naming strategy should
be implemented in such a way that a new individual engaging with the network can quickly
identify the networking device. Our naming strategy will be based on the device naming
scheme's location name.

Device Name Location Capability

HQ_Router1 Head Quarter Layer-3
HQ_Switch1 Head Quarter Layer-2
Brisbane_ Router1 Brisbane Branch Layer-3
Brisbane _ Switch1 Brisbane Branch Layer-2
Brisbane _ Switch2 Brisbane Branch Layer-2
Brisbane _ Switch3 Brisbane Branch Layer-2
Brisbane _ Switch4 Brisbane Branch Layer-2
Brisbane _ Switch5 Brisbane Branch Layer-2 & 3

Assuming that our service provider has assigned us an IP address of, our network
will be subnetted to produce the IP addressing table below.

VLAN Name VLA Network Mask Usable DHCP Broadcast Wildcar

N ID Address Range pool range d
Sales_Office 2 255.255.254. -
3 0 – 5
Operational_Offi 3 255.255.254. -
ce 3 0 – 5
Management_offi 4 255.255.254. -
ce 3 0 – 5
Exploration_offic 5 255.255.254. -
e 3 0 – 5

Following the allocation of particular IP subnet blocks for each department's network, each
device now requires proper naming. The assignment of suitable name can make troubleshooting
much easier. To allocate an appropriate name, the following format is used: branch name_ device
name_ device number.

Task 5

The table below shows a breakdown of the tasks that must be completed.

Network Development Project

Activity No Statement No Of days
1 Meeting 3
2 Requirements analysis 2
3 Network Design 5
4 Purchase of hardware 2
5 Deployment 4
6 Testing 2
7 User Training 3

Following the completion of particular tasks, it is necessary to configure various network devices
with certain settings. As a first step, some IP addresses must be configured on router devices so
that they can communicate with other networks. The IP address block is used for the
head office network, whereas the IP address block is used for the branch office
network. Following the creation of a virtual network for each department, switch devices must be
configured with unique VLAN configurations. The switch's configuration is done on switch
devices, which are then assigned to appropriate ports.

Communication between two separate VLANs is feasible with the inter VLAN routing setup.
Following the ROAS and VLAN configuration at network devices, a correct IP address must be
assigned, which is accomplished via the DHCP pool settings at the gateway router. However,
communication between multiple networks can be accomplished via the routing parameter, for
which OSPF routing is configured.

The Work Breakdown for Network Deployment is shown below:

Activity No. Activity Name Hours

1 Manual IP Address configuration on Network devices 5 hours
(Routers & Switches)
LAN Switch configuration
2 LAN Switch Basic configurations 6 hours
3 VLAN configurations 3 hours
4 Switch port Allocation in VLAN & Trunk 4 hours
Router Configuration
5 Router Basic Configurations 4 hours
6 DHCP Configuration for LAN on Router 4 hours
7 Creating Sub interfaces 2 hour
8 Dynamic Routing (OSPF) configurations 3hours
9 ACL Configuration 4 hours
10 WAN link configuration 2 hour
Testing & Verification of configuration
11 Verification & Troubleshooting of the DHCP 3 hour
12 Testing & Verification of VLAN 3 hour
13 Testing & Verification of Routing 4 hour
14 Testing & Verification of ACL 4 hours

Requirements Implement
Network Test Network
of the network Network

Testing all the

Creation Of IP distribution Electrical and Prepare
Meeting with requirement
the network for the Infrastructure Installation
the customer given by the
map Networks Design Area

Modeling the Definition of Definition of Physically install equipment in

Definition and
Network in a the rules for the routing and cabinet, incuding c ables and
analysis of the
vertual the creation of switching racks between new netwok
scenario the network method devices

Deploy and
Prepration of
the business
equipments for
the network

Meeting for
Making the Elaboration of socialization
quotes the contract of the business

Approval of
the proposal

Task 6

Router 2800 series:


This warning symbol denotes impending threat. You're in a dangerous situation that may
result in bodily harm. Before you begin, consider the following: This ominous symbol
denotes impending threat. You're in a dangerous situation that may result in bodily harm.
Be aware of the dangers associated with electrical circuitry when working on any
equipment, and have a basic understanding of the rules procedures for avoiding accidents.
Also use statements number at the bottom of each warning to look up the translation in
the kits translated with safety warnings.
 When working on any machinery, be mindful of the dangers associated with electrical
circuits and be familiar with the safety procedures. The ISDN link is known as a voltage
source that should be kept out of reach of users.
 Any connection hardware or public telephone operator (PTO)-provided equipment should
not be tampered with or opened.
 Any hardwired link must be made by PTO the staff and for suitably trained engineers.
 Short-circuit (overcurrent) safety is provided by the building's installation. On all current-
carrying conductors, use a Certified fuse and UL Listed or circuit breaker no larger than
the 15 A and 60 VDC
 Must wear the grounding wrist straps during this process to prevent ESD damage to card.
If you hit the backplane with your hand or other metal tool, you risk electrocution.
 Inserting a Wireless Area Network interface card into a 2-slot module while the router's
power is on or network cables are attached can cause electric shock.
 The product's safety cover is an essential component. Do not use the device until the
safety cover is attached. Operating the device without the cover in place would void the
protection permits and put the unit at risk of fire and electric shock.
 A DC-input power source's exposed wire lead can conduct dangerous levels of electricity.
Ensure that the DC-input power source wire does not protrude from the terminal block
 The DC power supply terminal block is shown in the diagram. Connect the DC power
supply to the wiring end with the necessary lugs or no lugs, as shown. The proper wiring
sequences are ground to ground, positive to positive, and negative to negative. It's
important to remember that the ground wire should always be attached first and then
 This device is designed to be wall-mounted. Before starting the installation, please read
the wall mounting instructions thoroughly. Failure to use the proper hardware or follow
the proper procedures could put people in danger and cause damage to the device.
 In addition to the ground wire on the power cable, AC-connected units require a
permanent ground link. This requirement is met with NEBS-compliant grounding.
 During times of lightning activity, do not touch the device or attach or detach cables.
 Used only approved wiring terminations such as spade-type with upturned lugs or closed-
loop when stranded wiring is needed. These connectors should be a natural match for the
wires, clamping both the insulation and the conductor.
 Make sure the DC circuit is turned off before starting any of the following procedures.
 Until connecting the device to the power source, read the installation instructions.
 When installing or repairing this device in a rack, you must take special care to ensure
that the machine remains secure to avoid bodily injury. To ensure your safety, follow the
following guidelines:
o If this device is the only one in the rack, it should be placed at the bottom.
o Load this machine from bottom to top in a partially filled rack, beginning with the
heaviest section at the bottom.
o Install the stabilizers before installing or servicing the machine in the rack if the
rack is equipped with them.
 There is a chance of explosion if the battery is replaced incorrectly. Simply use the same
or identical battery type that the manufacturer suggests. Used batteries should be
disposed of as directed by the manufacturer.
 This unit is designed for use in areas with limited access. Only a special method, lock and
key or other means of authentication may be used to gain entry to a restricted access area.
 Since it acts as the primary disconnecting unit, the plug-socket combination must be
available at all times.
 Do not bind protection extra-low voltage (SELV) circuits to telephone-network voltage
(TNV) circuits to prevent electric shock. SELV circuits are found on LAN ports, while
TNV circuits are found on WAN ports. RJ-45 connectors are used on some LAN and
WAN ports. When linking cables, use caution.
 Just use copper conductors.
 WAN ports have dangerous network voltages regardless of whether the router's power is
turned on or off. When working near WAN ports, exercise caution to prevent electric
shock. Detach the end of the cable away from the router first before detaching it.
 There may be multiple power supply connections on this unit. To de-energize the device,
delete all connections.
 Blank faceplates and shield panels serve three purposes: they protect the chassis from
harmful voltages and currents, they shield other devices from electromagnetic
interference (EMI), and they direct the flow of cooling air through the chassis.
 Do not use the machine until all cards, faceplates, front covers, and back covers have
been mounted.
 This equipment can only be installed, replaced, or serviced by trained and skilled staff.
 Never use a telephone jack in a wet area unless it is explicitly built for that purpose.
 Never touch insulated telephone wires or terminals if the phone line has been
disconnected at the network interface.
 This substance should be disposed of in accordance with all applicable national laws and
 To prevent interference with telephone-network voltages, detach the telephone-network
cables before opening the chassis.
 Service personnel must install and maintain this equipment in accordance with AS/NZS
 Connecting this equipment to a general-purpose outlet incorrectly may be dangerous.
Telecommunication lines must be turned off. 1) when the housing is open or 2) before
unplugging the main power connector
 Short-circuit (overcurrent) security is required for this product, and it must be included in
the building installation. Just follow national and local wiring standards when installing.
The ground link must always be made first and disconnected last when installing or
removing the device.
 To avoid overheating, do not use the device in an environment that is hotter than the
maximum recommended ambient temperature of 40°C (104°F).
 After the power has been switched off and the area has been tested for security,
disconnect the equipment's connections. Use screws, sliding latches, threaded connectors,
or other means provided with this system to secure any external connections that mate to
this equipment.
 The covers are an essential part of the product's safety design. Do not use the machine
unless the covers are in place.

Catalyst 2960:

 This equipment can only be installed, replaced, or serviced by trained and skilled staff.
 To avoid the turn overheating, do not use it in an environment that is hotter than 113
degrees Fahrenheit (45 degrees Celsius). Enable at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) of clearance
around the ventilation openings to avoid airflow restriction.
 The equipment must be installed in accordance with local and national electrical codes.
 When installing or repairing this device in a rack, you must take special care to ensure
that the machine remains secure to avoid bodily injury. To ensure your safety, follow the
following guidelines:
 If this device is the only one in the rack, it should be placed at the bottom.
 Load this device from the bottom to the top when placing it in a partially filled rack,
starting with the heaviest section at the bottom.
 Until installing or servicing the unit in the rack, make sure the stabilizers are mounted.
 This apparatus is designed to be grounded. During normal usage, make sure the host is
connected to the earth ground.
 If the switch does not have a backup power system, cover the RPS connector on the back
 For connections outside the building where the equipment is located, the following ports
must be connected to an approved network termination device with integral circuit safety:
Ethernet 10/100/1000.
 Warning! On PoE circuits, voltages that pose a shock hazard can occur if
interconnections are made using insulated exposed metal contacts, conductors, or
terminals. Avoid using this type of methods of interconnection. Unless the exposed metal
parts are placed within a restricted access location and users and service personnel who
are allowed inside the restricted access location are made aware of the risk. To gain
access to a restricted access area, only a special form, lock and key, or other means of
authentication can be used.

Task 7

Hello Jack Crusher,

All of the things were protected 100% after evaluating the power and data quote given by IT
Consultant, Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd, but there are some suggestions for modifications which
are listed below:

 The item CAT5e and Patch Panels are insufficient. So that kindly thinks about a future
expansion of the Network for the company.

Thank you for choosing our service related with the networking needs. We’ve been serving
from last 20 years. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions about this quote.

Please feel free to proceed with the approval process for this quote after reading this email.

Yours faithfully

Parminder Singh

Qld Lic no: 81216

New Lic no: 187088b
Quote valid only for 30 days

Task 8

Dear Deana Troy,

I'd like to extend a warm welcome to you.

Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Parminder Singh, and I am an IT Consultant

with over 6 years of experience in the IT industry, including comprehensive project management
related with networking experience.
The costs of the network extension for the two offices are detailed in the attachment to this

The following are the topics discussed in general:

General Requirement

 The network will be made up of 1Router, 5 Switches and 1 Server of which will be
located in the Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd.
 Cisco Catalyst 2960 switches are the ones that should be purchased.
 There will be 6 switches which are used across the network, 1 in Pacific IT Solutions Pty.
Ltd and 5 in Western Mining Head Office.
 For the WAN link between Western Mining Head Office and Pacific IT Solutions Pty.
Ltd, Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) will be configured as the primary routing process.
 The IP directions will be created with the help of Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM).
 Access Control Lists can handle the rules for navigation, accessing, and general network
management such as links, ping blocking, and so on.
 Ethernet Channel mixed with Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) and Link Aggregation
Control Protocol (LACP) will be configured among the three company departments to
meet bandwidth and balancing requirements.
 DHCP must be handled by Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd as a service provided by the
server in this case.
 Many of the network administrator's usernames and passwords must be hidden.
 The network's PCs and servers must be able to access the Internet using an IP address
that has been fully translated by a Network address translation (NAT).

Specific Requirements:

 The first level is for the sales staff. They'll need at least 510 addresses for each subnet.
 The Operation Team is on Level Two and they'll need at least 22 IP addresses.
 The Management team is on Level Three and they'll need at least 10 IP addresses.
 The Exploration team is on Level Four and they'll need at least 189 host IP addresses.
 Configure the WAN link on both ends. OSPF is being used throughout the link. They'll
use and a WAN LINK with copper cross-over cable.
 The computer in the Management network is prohibited from accessing (ping) for other
networks, but this server should be able to ping other computers.
 A remote login to the switches and routers is needed by the management PC.
 The necessary cables and connectors will be provided.

The following documents related to this requirement are attached to this email:

 Network devices quote

 Network in Cisco Packet Tracer
 Table of addresses for network delivery.

The terms mentioned above are negotiable and can be altered if necessary.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Parminder Singh

IT Consultant, Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd

Task 9

Hello Jack Crusher,

Branch Office Manager,

It is my pleasure to inform you that, following acceptance of our proposal for your network's
requirements, site access and information regarding or coordination with power and data
installation , we would like to know when the best time is to sign the service contract and begin
the installation and configuration of the work.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Parminder Singh

IT Consultant, Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd

Task 10

The following is the simulated network:

As a result, each step of the login process necessitates the use of a password, which is 1234.

Task 11

Network Functionality Requirement Validation Check Result

Connectivity of the Interfaces 
 Network created
Installed Routers 2811
 Network created
Installed Switches 2960
 Router connected
properly and
Configure IP Addresses and subnet communication
between network
working correctly
Configure gateway addresses on each  IP working
network properly
Show and Run Open Shortest Path First  Neighbors
(OSPF) connected properly
 The command
Show and Run the Network Address
show correct
Translation (NAT)
 Login completed
Check the Security of the network
Show run command for VLAN and 
Ping completed
connection between the installation of the
 Network
Run ping command to check and verify the
package properly

Following the completion of the above-mentioned connectivity tests, the OSPF routing
configuration must be checked, as illustrated in the following screenshots:

Configuration of OSPF shown below:

Checking of neighbor OSPF which is shown below:
Task 12

Hello Jack Crusher,

Branch Office Manager,

I'd like to share the results of the network installation with you after it's over. The construction of
the project that was completed according to the schedule and specifications that were provided
by you.

All of the items needed for the Networking department were checked and approved step by step.
Approval was given for the capacity, efficiency, functionality, and accuracy of any item installed
and configured for the network.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Parminder singh

IT Consultant, Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd

Task 13

Hello Deana Troy,

Senior Systems Architect

Western Mining

Subject: Providing information on the NBN's rollout, implementation, benefits, and costs.

This is to notify you that the NBN has been rolled out in Brisbane on behalf of Pacific IT
Solution. When transferring from an existing link, the NBN connection will be free. As part of
the casual package payments, it will cost about $120.

The NBN connection has a few advantages over the current E1 connection. It will be much less
expensive and quicker than the current link. The linking speed is adequate for high-definition
video calls and other official tasks. The rate of link dropout is also very low.

Current security systems will become redundant, which poses a security risk. Implementing
NBN-compatible protection systems will address the issues. I hope the suggestions are taken into
consideration. Thank you so much.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Parminder singh

IT Consultant, Pacific IT Solutions Pty. Ltd

Task 14
Refer to the Packet Tracer File

Task 15

The steps for designing a wireless network are outlined below.

1. Recognize the network's requirements

2. Draw a facility diagram that shows the layout of the building's floors.
3. Conduct a site visit survey
4. Evaluate the network infrastructure that is available.
5. Evaluate the coverage zones.
6. Choose a location for the central location.
7. Double-check the position of the access points.
8. Keep a record of your results.

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