Initial Approximations
Initial Approximations
Initial Approximations
ms3 = cos(t)
Introduction m,, = cos(q) COS(K)
The three-dimensional conformal (seven-parameter) transfor- mi, = sin(@)sin(q) COS(K) + COS(O)sin(^)
mation is commonly used when transforming coordinates
from a stereomodel into an object space system, or to link m,, = - cos(w) sin[q) COS(K) + sin(@) sin(^)
adjacent stereomodels to form a strip. It uses seven parame- m,, = - c o s ( ~ ]sin(^)
ters: scale; three rotations (omega, phi, and kappa); and m, = - sin(o) sin(cp) sin[^) + cos(o) COS(K) (3)
translations in x, y, and z. When dealing with nominally ver- m,, = cos(w) sin(cp) sin(^) + sin(w) COS(K)
tical photography, determination of initial approximations m,, = sin(cp)
for the non-linear, iterative solution is straightforward be-
cause the values of omega and phi can be assumed to be m,, = - sin(@)COS(Q)
zero (Moffitt and Mikhail, 1980). However, in close-range M,,= cos(0) cos(cp)
photogrammetry, the values of the three rotation angles can
take on any value, and assumption of zero values generally
leads to a divergent solution. To overcome this difficulty, a For vertical aerial photography, the values of tilt or
method has been devised which enables accurate determina- omega and phi are nominally zero. However, for close-range
tion of initial approximations for all parameters, thus ensur- applications, the camera axis can be pointed upward from
ing convergence of the iterative solution. the horizon, causing one or more of these angles to be
greater than 90 degrees. In order to analyze rotations involv-
ThrebDimensional Rotations ing such large values, numerical ranges encompassing each
The angular attitude of three-dimensional Cartesian coordi- of these angular parameters must first be defined. Convenient
nate axes in one system relative to another can be speczed ranges of values for these parameters are as follows:
by three independent parameters. Two common sets of para-
meters are tilt, swing, azimuth and omega, phi, kappa. A dis- tilt: (0' to 180') omega: (-180" to 180")
cussion and derivation of the equations for these parameters swing: (-180" to 180°) phi: (-90" to 90')
can be found in Wolf (1983). From either of these two sys- azimuth. (-180" to 180') kappa: (-180" to 180')
tems, a three-dimensional rotation matrix can be derived. These ranges are chosen to fulfill two purposes. First, they
The rotation matrix format is given in Equation 1: i.e., enable allpossible angular orientations between two sets of
three-dimensional coordinate axes to be uniquely defined,
thus circumventing the duality problem discussed by Shih
(1990). Second, they enable a straightforward conversion be-
tween the tilt, swing, azimuth system and the omega, phi,
kappa system. Note that the ranges shown for swing, azi-
The definitions of the elements of the rotation matrix in muth, and kappa are not the typical 0" to 360'. This is done
terms of tilt It), swing Is), azimuth (a)and omega (4,phi (Q), for convenience within the program.
kappa (K) are given in Equations 2 and 3, respectively: i.e., With the above range definitions, converting between the two
Three-Dimensional Conformal Coordinate Transformation (1)Select the Three Geometdcally Strongest Polnts
A description and derivation of the three-dimensional con- In order to obtain sufficient geometric strength, three points
formal coordinate transformation can be found in Wolf having a widely distributed base must be selected. This is
(1983). Only a summary of the equations involved is pre- done to reduce the likelihood of choosing three points which
sented here. are nearly collinear. An analogy can be found in linking ster-
The seven unknown parameters for tliis transformation eomodels during strip formation in semi-analytical aerotrian-
are gulation, where the projection centers are used as common
points in order to provide additional geometric strength. The
s - scale factor; choice of three points will be based on the points which
w, ip, K - rotations about the x, y, z axes, respec- form a triangle having the largest altitude, where altitude is
tively; and defined as the perpendicular distance from the longest side,
T,,T,, T, - translations of the origin in the x, y, z di- to the point not on that side. This determination can be
rections. made in either the control or arbitrary system if no blunders
exist. Figure 3 illustrates how this altitude is defined. In this
The form of the transformation is given in Equations 19, figure the longest side is labeled (a) and, because the speci-
20, and 21: i.e., fied altitude is perpendicular to this side, it must be internal
to the triangle. A formula for the square of the altitude is
given by Equation 23: i.e.,
(7) From Rotatlon Matrix M, Compute Values for Omega, Phi, and Kappa
This is accomplished by applying Equations 7, 8, and 9 or
possibly 1 2 and 13. Points SIDE a SIDE b SIDE c h
Translations in X, Y, and Z
Because the transformation equations are linear in terms of
T,, T,, and T,, initial approximations are not required. How-
ever, if their values were desired, Equations 19, 20, and 21
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