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Department of Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD)







DUE DATE: 15 JUNE 2021

Surname & Full Student numbers


Ngqondi Xolisa
Peza Ongeziwe
Maroloma 213164027
Mlotya Asiphe
Mchiza 211153281

I know that plagiarism means taking and using the ideas, writing, works or inventions
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Full name……. Signature …. Date 15 June 2021

Table of content

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………1
2. The role of the school manager……………………………………………………………1
2.1 Managing health and safety……………………………………………………………1

3. The school governance role………………………………………………………………….2

3.1 The responsibilities of the school governing body in the school……………2

4. Five strategies that can be used to promote effective school…………………2

4.1 Reflect on your purpose…………………………………………………………………….2

4.2 Allow time for the appointment and support of the principal……………….3

4.3 Participate without interference…………………………………………………………3

4.4 Beyond details and personal interests………………………………………………..4

4.5 Continue working……………………………………………………………………………..4

5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………….4

6. References………………………………………………………………………………………….5
1. Introduction

School Management Teams are responsible for quality of teaching and learning. For
them to improve the quality of teaching and learning effectively and efficiently, they
should be able to manage their roles and functioning successfully. They are responsible
for daily management of activities in the school. The effectiveness of the school mainly
depends on the management and the personality of the managers of that particular

2. The role of the school manager

According to Ngcobo and Tikly (2010) emphasis on the principal’s role is to implement a
shared vision. It is the principal’s role to ensure the best possible resource achievement,
allocation and assessing. The principal is responsible to ensure safe school environment
with no harm no fear in teaching and learning. To ensure that teaching and learning
goes smooth. To provide relevant learning and teaching support material. However, the
principal is required to hire qualified and professional teachers or educators, and ensure
that high quality education is delivered. The principal is responsible to manage human
resources, to manage the school as an organisation, inspection, planning, to manage
the school finances, directing, sharing the leadership. The principal should take initiative
of planning an on-going school governing body training as well as to provide induction
programmes for new parent governors elected (Mestry and Hlongwane 2009.333).

2.1 Managing health and safety

Barnes et al (2012:80), states that the school manager is responsible to develop clear
policies of securing all educators and support to all learners in difficulties. To ensure
safety in the school environment against violence, bullying, harassment, humiliation,
and crime. To ensure that there’s no harm and fearful at school as well as in the
classroom. To monitor the school property, like to inspect if the wall, windows, doors,
burglars if they are in good conditions.

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3. The school governance role

Xaba (2011:210), states that their main responsibility is to promote interest of the
school. To ensure school finances are being utilized successful. However, they should
collaborate with the school managers effectively. If the school need extra teacher it is
the school governors together with the principal to employ the school govern teacher
who will be paid by parents not by the department of education. Furthermore, school
governors are responsible to maintain safety in all school facilities.

3.1 The responsibilities of the school governing body in the school

The professional management of a school is the responsibility of principal. Both the

governance and the management of the finances of the school are the responsibility of
the school governing body (SGB), which acts on behalf of the school as a juristic
person. SASA determined that the governance of the school rests with the governing
body. School governing body determine an admission of the policy and language policy,
provided these do not conflict with national and provincial guidelines. The school
governing body draft a learner code of conduct after consulting with learners, parents
and educators. The school governing body is responsible for disciplinary actions and
have the right to suspend a learner for a period of up to week pending the final
decision of the provincial authorities (Golby, M., 2018).



4.1 Reflect on your purpose:

According to Poul Cabrelli of Consilium education there are five strategies that can be
used to promote school governance:
Confirm what you are going to do. You must be a good steward, not a micromanager.
You have to perform three main functions: have the responsibility to hire the principal
or principal and determine their salary have the responsibility to determine the overall
direction and spirit of the school, and at the same time monitor the principal’s progress
policy as the responsibility of the school’s financial custodian. You have a fiduciary
responsibility, and the board of directors must monitor the school’s annual budget to
ensure that the school operates on a sound financial basis. Annual financial records
must be produced and released in a timely manner. Reasonable investment must be
made and supervised.
4.2 Allow time for the appointment and support of the principal.
Their most important role is to hire, manage and be responsible for the principal or
principal of the school. This means that you must establish an appropriate selection
process, interview candidates, make appointments, design employment contracts, and
develop appropriate compensation and benefits programs. The board of directors is also
responsible for describing and evaluating the position of the principal. The chairman of
the board and the principal of the school should spend time "in private" discussing
school affairs. The success of school depends largely on your relationship.
4.3 Participate without interference
The members of the Good School Board actively participate in school activities and
participate in school activities without interference. This helps them understand how
the school works and then they can assess whether things are going well. Good board
members do not cultivate the affection of school leaders or teachers, and they treat all
teachers and staff equally. School board meetings should be held in schools whenever
possible. Examples of proper participation of board members in schools include: Board
committees are formed to find new board members. Introduced to the school at school
gatherings. Meeting with teaching and support staff occasionally. Meeting all new
teachers at social events. Regularly at the beginning of the school year participate in
school activities. Teacher Appreciation Day, Graduation Events, School Games,
Concerts, and Drama Performances. Resignation interviews for school leaving teachers.
Reading for lower grades. Discussing professional fields at school assemblies. Board of
directors or awards upon graduation sexual and regular feedback. Be sure to provide
feedback and provide examples as soon as possible after encountering them. The
feedback is not necessarily negative. To evaluate employees as a platform, give praise
and build trust.
Listen to the opinions of the employees. Avoid assuming that your solution is the only
solution and deliberately set aside time to interact with employees and respond to their
concerns. Create a people-oriented culture to show employees that you value their
opinions and take their concerns seriously. However, be strategic to your openness
policy: "Organize time in your daily and weekly calendars, focus on students and their
goals, and be visible through class visits.
4.4 Beyond details and personal interests.
Good school board members never discuss their child's progress, uniforms or bus
schedules at board meetings. They only participate in the strategic vision of the school,
which is interested in the trivial parts of school life and has a "big picture" for more
4.5 Continue working.
The Board of Directors must not last more than two hours and members of the Board of
Directors must continue to operate. The Chairman of the Board of Directors should take
the initiative to ensure that the agenda, minutes and reports of the Board of Directors
are limited to the items on the agenda for discussions issued long before the meeting.
If you have a subcommittee, use it. Minutes of subcommittees must be issued before
the main board meeting. This allows subsequent discussion to focus on the decision
making that arises from the recommendation.
5. Conclusion
The principal plays an important role in the school to accomplish the mission, the
shared vision, developing clear policies of the school and ensuring the safety of learners
and educators in the school. Promoting effective school governance needs one to reflect
on purposes, allowing time for appointments, supporting the principal, participating
without interfering, board committees are formed to find new board members and also
listening to the opinions of the employees
6. References

Barnes, (2012), The influence of school climate on violence in schools , South African
Journal of Education, 32 (1): 69-82
Golby, M, 2018, Parents as school governors (pp.65-86). Routledge.
Mestry, R. and Hlongwane, S. (2009), Perspectives on the training of school governing
bodies: towards an effective and efficient financial management system, Africa
Education Review, 6 (2): 324-
Ngcobo, T. and Tikly, L.P. (2010), Key dimensions of effective leadership Educational
Management, Administration and Leadership, 38 (2): 202-228

Xaba, M. (2006), An investigation into the basic safety and security status of schools'
physical environments, South African Journal of Education, 26 (4): 565-580

Xaba, M. (2011), the South Africa, South African Journal of Education , 31 (2): 201-211.

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