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The Correlation Between Listening and Speaking Among High School Students

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Article · December 2014

DOI: 10.31316/eltics.v1i1.435


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2 authors, including:

Yune Andryani Pinem

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan Yogyakarta


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ISSN : 2407-0742



Yune Andryani Pinem

STTKD Yogyakarta

This research looks at listening as one factor that gives contribution toward speaking among
high school students. The study attempts to reveal through data analysis, in the form of
students‟ score from each variable that both have correlation. Further the objective of the
study is also to find out the extent of influence contributed by listening toward speaking. The
research applies library study and field study (instrument designing and test performing both
for listening and speaking). The theory used for analysis deals with listening and speaking
correlation from language learning review.
The result of the study demonstrates that the correlation of listening as the
independent variable with speaking as dependent variable is positive. It also proves that with
a unit of program or treatment given toward listening class, there will be a significant
improvement equals with 3.134 times from previous speaking score for the same sample. For
the analysis of data, the extent of correlation between two varibales is shown as low. It
indicates that even though listening do have positive correlation towarde speaking, it is not
the only deminant factor to determine success in speaking.

Background of Study
To continue giving contribution toward the improvement of English language
teaching, many researchers as well as teachers has been working hard to observe and expose
this particular language through many perspectives. These perspectives may engage to the
lingual aspects, intra-lingual aspect, teaching and learning method of the language. All is
meant to help students and teachers to enhance their achievement in teaching learning session
in the class.
For almost six decades now, research and practice in English language teaching has
identified the “four skill” – listening, speaking, reading and writing – as paramount
importance (Brown, 1994:217). Richards and Renandya, however, elevate the idea that a
large percentage of world‟s language learners study English in order to develop proficiency
in speaking (Richards and Renandya, 2002:201). Therefore, it is no doubt that many of
language teaching focuses are devoted to the highlighting of mastering English conversation.
On the other hand, many language teachers hold listening as tithe most important skill of all
so that its importance in language learning can hardly be underestimated. It is because
through active listening, it is thought, students acquire vocabulary and syntax, as well as
better pronunciation (Cross, 1992:244).

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There are several reasons why people want to learn foreign languages. Those reasons
are for advancement, target language community urge, specific purposes according to one‟s
training, culture interest and some other simple reasons. Nevertheless, the greatest of all,
people do it because it is on school curriculum. It‟s been years now since a trend of adapting
listening to English language curriculum in formal education was started. In our country, we
can find listening in English at school from elementary, middle school, high school until
university level. Since 2004, the state government has incorporated listening to English
subject in UN (Ujian Nasional – National Exam) for high school. This somehow gave
spotlight to the listening and put it as something prominent like never before. School and
teachers dedicate more attention and concentration to this subject in order to support their
student to pass Ujian Nasional in English subject. Listening material became an
overwhelming product as it was put into school curriculum.
Yet, the lack of listening in linguistic will bring poor speaking skill because speaking
and listening usually happen simultaneously. Literate people have a number of different
abilities in linguistic. They possess language skills of speaking, writing, listening and
reading. Very often, language users employ combination of those skills and for speech the
combination will be speaking as productive skill and listening and understanding as receptive
skill (Harmer, 1991:16-17).
In order to analyze it in scientific way, this research is conducted. It is to find out
whether listening has correlation with speaking in English language learning among high
school students. If this analysis shows that listening does give influence to student‟s
speaking, teaching who would like to develop class achievement in speaking may consider
the result of this research as reference to do follow up.

Problem Statements
1. Is there any significant correlation between listening in English learning with speaking
among high school students?
2. To what extent does listening give contribution to speaking skill in high school

Scope of Study
A research has been conducted toward one class of high school students in Yogyakarta,
which was choosen using random sampling technique, especially by observing their listening

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score through a test given. This technique is applied with two basic principles: they are
Equiprobability, which means that each population member in sampling has the same chance
to be employed and Independence, which relates with fact that when one group of sampling is
being choosen, it will not influence other group‟s chance (Sevilla and friends, 1993:163).
Then another test was given to measure their speaking. Test given for both listening and
speaking will be more to language function and comprehension. Finally, score from each skill
in test was analyzed using product-moment correlation formula in order to find whether there
is any significant correlation between both. For listening, instrument used is in the form of
monologue thus the outcome of the test can be focused on students‟ individual competence.

Objective of Study
Objective of this study is to observe whether listening in English learning has any relation in
determining speaking among high school students or not. If those two variables do have
correlation, this study is also to find out to what extent listening give significant influence to
students‟ speaking.

Significant of Study
This study is expected to give contribution of significance to:
1. Teachers that have interest to develop their listening and speaking class achievement by
giving concern to the result of this research.
2. Students who take English Teaching as their minor, so that they can be thoughtful to
this research result.
3. Those who have special interest to observe how listening and speaking correlate.

Theoretical Approach
This listening-speaking correlation research is inspired by some theories in language learning
that shows strong relationship between those two variables. Among of them, there is Doff
who verifies that one cannot develop speaking skills unless she also develops listening skills;
to have a successful conversation, students must understand what is said to them (Doff,
1988:198). Listening is vital in the language classroom because it provided input for the
learner, thus it is fundamental to speaking (Rost, 1994:141-142).

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Regarding to speaking, of all fours skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing),
speaking seems intuitively the most important: people who know a language are referred to as
„speakers” of that language, as if speaking included all other kinds of knowing and many if
not most foreign language learners are primarily interested in learning to speak (Ur,
1996:120). Consequently, a large percentage of the world‟s language learner study English in
order to develop proficiency in speaking (Richard and Renandya, 2002:201).
Aural medium is one of factors affecting adult EFL learners‟ oral communication in
the fact that when one person speaks and the other responds through attending by means of
the listening process. During interaction, every speaker plays a double role – both as listener
and as a speaker. So, speaking is closely related to or interwoven with listening, which is the
basic mechanism through which the rules of language are internalized (Kang, 2002:205). In
speaking, people put ideas into words, talking about perceptions, feeling and intention. They
want other people to comprehend. They ask the listeners or receivers to get information.
All theories reviews provided above again show that speaking activity is not merely
an individual action. It requires audience or partner to listen and possibly to respond the
speaker. In this manner, effective communication can be acquired as represented by depiction



Figure 1: The Message Model

In the message model described above, the sender thinks up some information from
source, and then transmits it through a signal. Next the receiver picks up the signal at the
destination. The signal can be manifested in form of gesture, sound and of course in this case,
language (McManis, Stollenwerk and Sheng, 1987:15).

Concerning the central role of listening comprehension, which is nowadays highly
accepted in foreign language acquisition process, listening is acknowledged to play an

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extremely important position in the development of speaking ability (Kang, 2002:205). It is

impossible to speak in a conversation if one does not listen; therefore, whenever
communication takes place, of course, there is a speaker and a listener. This initiates the
thought that an effective communication will always engage with oral and comprehension
As something that is assumed greater and greater importance in foreign language
classroom (Nunan, 2002:238), the primacy of listening competence in interaction is evident
to engage in any form of communication (Cross, 1992:244). It is necessary to understand and
react to what has been said. Consequently, learners need to practice listening as well as
engaging in interactional activities. Thus, even though that much of language teaching is
devoted to instruction in mastering English conversation, numerous other forms of spoken
language is also important to incorporate into a language course, especially in teaching
listening comprehension (Brown, 1994:236-237).
From a pragmatic view of language performance, listening and speaking are almost
always closely interrelated. While it is possible to isolate some listening performance types, it
is very difficult to isolate oral production tasks that do not directly involve the interaction of
aural comprehension. Only in limited context of speaking (monologues, speeches, or telling
story and reading a loud) can we assess oral language without the aural participation of an
interlocutor (Brown, 2004:140). This affirmation again confirms the strong influence of
listening to one‟s speaking skill. To emphasize this aspect is to understand that listening is
often implied as part of speaking, as one won‟t be able to speak a language without also
listening (Brown, 2004:119).

Collecting Data
Data collecting takes the most important role for research performance. Therefore, it
must be taken thoroughly and systematically. For the purpose of this research, data collecting
is performed by conducting a test in a multiple choice form focusing on comprehension and
language function in listening toward one class of high school students. The purpose of this
test is to collect students‟ score. Then another test in speaking is given to measure students‟
competence in speaking. Score out of these tests is used as data to be further analyzed.
Listening material is divided into three parts – In the pictures, Rooms and Christmas
in Poland. Speaking test is performed in front of three raters by choosing one of topics
provided including (1) describing picture, where the student can choose one of pictures

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provided and tell everything they see in the picture, (2) describing your room, where the
student can freely describe his/her own bedroom or (3) describing family customs in
celebration to test out the speaking competence.
Speaking scoring comprises two aspects of Accuracy and Fluency (Ur, 1996:135).
Each aspect is determined into five levels of scoring from scale 1 as the lowest to scale 5 as
the highest with total score 10 for Accuracy and Fluency. Accuracy scales are to consider
whether there is little or no language produced from 1 point, poor vocabulary mistakes in
basic grammar and may have very strong foreign accent for two points, adequate but not rich
vocabulary and makes obvious grammar mistakes in slight foreign accent for 3 points, good
range vocabulary and occasional grammar slips in slight foreign accent for 4 points and
finally 5 points for wide vocabulary appropriately used with almost no grammar mistakes and
native-like or slight foreign accent. While Fluency scales are to consider whether there is
little or no communication for 1 point, very hesitant with brief utterances and sometimes
difficult to understand for 2 points, gets ideas across but hesitantly and briefly for 3 points,
effective communication in short turns for 4 points and lastly easy and effective
communication used with long turns uses for 5 points.

Material used for listening test instrument has passed the validity and reliability test.
There are four criteria for consideration in material selection. First, to be able to concentrate
to students‟ individual skill, the test is designed in the form of monologue listening. Second,
listening and speaking test material must be under the same type of describing things –
pictures, rooms and customs. For each topic, numbers of questions in multiple choices forms
are provided. There are five questions per topic with total 15 questions to answer from option
A, B and C. Third, tense used in the test is in the form of present tense to make them parallel
in tense. Finally, length of the test consist a range of 100 to 136 words.
The purpose of instrument designing, selecting and validating for this correlation
research is to determine orderly steps in validity measuring since validity of content is
standard test which reflects the designing of test essence, topics and variant of measuring.
Therefore, instrument of a research need to become a representative sample from measured
validity of the content (Sevila and friends, 1993:179).

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Variable and Data

There are two variables in this research. The first variable is students‟ listening skill
which is independent variable and the second is students‟ speaking skill, which is dependent
variable. Data needed is represented by students‟ score in listening and speaking out from test
given. The researcher avoids using documented data because those data may have high
tendency of irrelevance toward the objective of the research which focuses on individual
competence. On the other hand, documented data may consist of accumulation score from
each student.

Analyzing Data
This is a correlation research that enables the making of estimation whether there is a
relation between two variables. If two variables have strong relationship, correlation
coefficient results closing to 1.00 (or -1.00). If two variables have no relationship at all,
coefficient results closing to 0.00. The bigger relationship between two variables, estimation
made according to this relationship is more precisely (Sumanto, 2002:109-110). Correlation
coefficient is an instrument of statistic which can be used to compare measurement result of
two distinctive variables in order to determine level of correlation between those two
variables (Arikunto, 2006:270). To describe the strength of relationship between two
variables, the most appropriate is using Pearson Product-Moment Correlation.

Data Calculation
Pearson Product-Moment formula is used to calculate coefficient represented by the
symbol of rxy.

rxy = NƩXY – (ƩX) (ƩY)

√{NƩX2 – (ƩX)2} {NƩY2 – (ƩY)2}
In which:
rxy : correlation index
N : Number of students
ƩX : The sum of Listening score
ƩY : The sum of Speaking score
ƩXY : The sum of X times Y

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Table 1
Variable 1 and Variable 2

No. Students’ Listening Score (X) Students’ Speaking Score (X)

Stdn 1. 6.00 6.33
Stdn 2. 8.00 8.00
Stdn 3. 5.33 4.33
Stdn 4. 6.67 4.33
Stdn 5. 4.00 6.33
Stdn 6. 4.00 4.33
Stdn 7. 7.33 2.67
Stdn 8. 6.00 5.33
Stdn 9. 4.00 4.67
Stdn 10. 4.67 5.00
Stdn 11. 5.33 3.00
Stdn 12. 6.67 6.67
Stdn 13. 4.67 5.00
Stdn 14. 5.33 3.00
Stdn 15. 4.00 2.67
Stdn 16. 6.00 5.67
Stdn 17. 6.67 4.67

Table 2
SPSS for windows result for variable listening (X) and variable (Y)

Variable Listening (X) Variable Speaking (Y)

Valid 17 17
Missing 0 0
Mean 5.5688 4.8235
Median 5.3300 4.6700
Std. Deviation 1.24598 1.49536
Minimum 4.00 2.67
Maximum 8.00 8.00

From data presented, it can be seen that with number of samples 17 for variable 1 –
listening score, the value of mean which represents normal value if student listening score in
this circumstance and sample of the research equals with 5.5688. Then, the value of median
as the central value for this sampling equals with 5.33, with range equals with 4.00 and

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standard deviation equals with 1.24598. For this listening, students‟ minimal score is 4.00
and maximal score is 8.
For variable 2 – speaking score, detail information obtained with number of sample
equals with 17 including the value of mean as normal value of students‟ speaking score
equals with 4.8235. Students‟ central value represents by median equals with 4.67. Standard
deviation shows the value of 1.49536. Minimal score student obtained equals with 2.67 and
maximal score equals with 8.
As additional information, it can be seen that student number 7 has high score in
listening yet low score in speaking. This student is considered as the outlier which normally
appears in the result of a research.
Next, to do further calculation, a helping table in needed.

Table 3
Data Calculation

No. X Y XY X2 Y2
Stdn 1. 6.00 6.33 37.9800 36.0000 40.0689
Stdn 2. 8.00 8.00 64.0000 64.0000 64.0000
Stdn 3. 5.33 4.33 23.0789 28.4089 18.7489
Stdn 4. 6.67 4.33 28.8811 44.4889 18.7489
Stdn 5. 4.00 6.33 25.3200 16.0000 40.0689
Stdn 6. 4.00 4.33 17.3200 16.0000 18.7489
Stdn 7. 7.33 2.67 19.5711 53.7289 7.1289
Stdn 8. 6.00 5.33 31.9800 36.0000 28.4089
Stdn 9. 4.00 4.67 18.6800 16.0000 21.8089
Stdn 10. 4.67 5.00 23.3500 21.8089 25.0000
Stdn 11. 5.33 3.00 15.9900 28.4089 9.0000
Stdn 12. 6.67 6.67 44.4889 44.4889 44.4889
Stdn 13. 4.67 5.00 23.3500 21.8089 25.0000
Stdn 14. 5.33 3.00 15.9900 28.4089 9.0000
Stdn 15. 4.00 2.67 10.6800 16.0000 7.1289
Stdn 16. 6.00 5.67 34.0200 36.0000 32.1489
Stdn 17. 6.67 4.67 31.1489 44.4889 21.8089
SUMMARY (Ʃ) 94.67 82.00 456.8289 552.0401 431.3068

Table above shows data calculation describing the value of:

1. N equals with 17
2. ƩX equals with 94.67
3. ƩY equals with 82

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4. ƩX2 equals with 552.0401

5. ƩY2 equals with 431.3068
6. ƩXY equals with 465.8289
Table 4
SPSS for windows result for coefficient
Coefficients (x)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coeficients Coefficients
B Std. Beta Zero- Partial Part
Error order
(constant) 2.764 1.680
1 Variable
.370 .295 .308 .308 .308 .308

When all value is put into the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation formula and is calculated
using SPSS for windows, it results in r value of xy equals with 0.30812.

Data Interpretation
From data calculation resulted from formula using, the correlation between listening
(variable X) and speaking (variable Y) pictured by the value of r xy equaling with 0.308 is
positive. It means that those variables have positive correlation. Positive correlation
illustrates that is the value of X is high, the value of Y is also high or the increasing value of
variable X will be followed by the increasing value of variable Y. If this value is consulted to
r value interpretation table, it is categorized in low level, between 0.200 until 0.400
(Arikunto, 2006:276, 279). Therefore, the extent of correlation between listening score
toward speaking is considered low.
The regression equation equals with Y = a+bX is applied to predict variable
progression. The value of a shows the constant data of the Y cutting point toward the
regression line, while the value of b is coefficient of X (Arikunto, 2006:295). Through data
analysis obtained from SPSS for windows using, the value of a equals with 2.764 and the
value of b equals with 0.370. When the a value and the b value is applied to the equation, it
results in linear equation for this sample equals with Y = 2.764 + 0.370X. It means that when
listening (variable X) is given a unit of program treatment, speaking (variable Y) will be
positively increasing 2.764 + 0.370 or 3.134 times from present scoring.
The correlation extent between listening (variable X) with speaking (variable Y) is
shown by variants determining, in this case from the value of adjusted r2xy equals with

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(0.308)2 equals with 0.035. It means that the contribution of listening toward speaking equals
with 3.5% and is considered low. This low extent of correlation between variable indicates
that listening is not the only contributor for speaking score of this research‟s respondent.
There is 96.5% contribution from other factors to be considered in giving influence.

Conclusion and Suggestion

Considering the result out from the research, it has been proven that one‟s ability to
comprehend by listening process will give influence in the way he responds by speaking.
From the regression equation, there is a prediction that by giving special treatment in
listening teaching-learning, student and teacher can expect improvement in students‟
speaking achievement, in the case of this reseach, equals with 3.134 times from previous
scoring. However, since this value is considered low, even though students‟ listening does
give contribution toward speaking, it is not the only factor that is dominant. To achieve
significant success in speaking, there must be some other factors to be considered.
Based on the outcome, teacher is encouraged to develop listening session in the class
as one of strategies to drive his speaking class. It can also be used as references for those who
would like to perform research study about the correlation between listening and speaking
especially to help language teaching-learning world.

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