Journal of Global Pharma Technology Purification, Beneficiation and Activation of Iraqi Attapulgite Clay Mineral
Journal of Global Pharma Technology Purification, Beneficiation and Activation of Iraqi Attapulgite Clay Mineral
Journal of Global Pharma Technology Purification, Beneficiation and Activation of Iraqi Attapulgite Clay Mineral
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This study aimed to obtain a pure activated Attapulgite mineral to use it as adsorption surface in our
search, because of its importance in removing impurities, desulfurization, decolorizing, neutralizing, and
deodorizing of petroleum fuel. The large specific surface area and high cation exchange capacity of
Attapulgite make it suitable in our work. However, the adsorption capacity of natural Attapulgite is
limited, new activated pure Attapulgite clay was synthesized by purification and beneficiation
Attapulgite to increase its ability to use in our search and other various fields, particularly in the
petroleum refining. The pure activated calcined Attapulgite characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray
diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Attapulgite mineral was purified by
floatation with the dispersed swelled sodium methyl acrylate granules leaving other impurities of clay
mineral and sand in the bottom of the vessel. Therefore many peaks in FT-IR spectrum were disappeared
comparing with the FT-IR spectrum of crud material. The disappearance of calcium carbonate peaks at
(29.3556) 2 Ɵ was observed due to the purification of Attapulgite from other mineral impurities using
sodium methyl acrylate, while the peaks of the Attapulgite remained clear. SEM images of pure
activated Attapulgite show a high resolution with an accurate vision of needle- shaped structure.
Attapulgite or Polygorskite is needle-like coloring abilities, temperature resistant and
natural clay mineral Figure 1; consist of Possesses plastic & adhesive characteristics.
magnesium-aluminum silicate mineral. Attapulgite is of a laminated chain structure
Polygorskite is salt gel, fuller's earth, and as seen in Figure 3, [1] where significant
activated natural clay. Attapulgite of a substitution of Mg+2 by Al+3 and Fe+3 take
molecular formula is: [(OH2)4 (Mg. Al)5 (OH)2 place in the octahedral position and Ca+2,
Si8 O20] 4H2O Figure 2, exhibit a good Na+ and K+ take place as interlayer cations
dispersion colloidal properties, high [2, 3].
adsorbing capacities, alkaline resistant, de
Attapulgite uses divided into two broad 53 colloidal and non-colloidal, table 1 represents
categories: these uses [4].
Table 1: Uses of Attapulgite clay mineral
Colloidal Non Colloidal
1 Oil-base and water-base foundry sand binders 1 Petroleum refining, decolorizing, neutralizing,
brightening, desulfurization, deodorizing
2 Adhesive viscosity control 2 Vegetable oils and animal fats neutralizing,
decolorizing, deodorizing
3 Oil well drilling mud 3 Carrier for granular and powdered agricultural
chemicals (insecticides, herbicides, etc.)
4 Latex paint thickener and gelling agent 4 Pharmaceutical intestinal absorbent
5 Pharmaceutical thickener and adsorbent 5 Floor absorbents
6 Liquid suspension fertilizers 6 Animal bedding, pet litter
7 Polishes— suspending agent for abrasives 7 Flow ability additive to dry fire extinguisher
8 Wax emulsion stabilizer 8 Catalytic applications (no carbon required papers,
olefin polymerization, etc.)
9 Metal drawing lubricants— suspending agent 9 Anti-caking agent
10 Laundry washing powders 10 Chromatographic adsorbent
11 Bonding agent for granulation of powders 11 Drying of oils
Attapulgite is widely distributed in Iraq, take governorate was used to produce high
place in many rock units, like Digma reactivity Attapulgite [6]. The origin of
Formation (Akashat area) which is one of the Attapulgite, in these formations, is of marine
important Attapulgite-rich Formations in sedimentary and almost always correlating
Iraq, [5] also Attapulgite clays from Tar AL- with Montmorillonite clay mineral [7].
Najaf (Injana) region in AL- Najaf
Clay Sample was sieved to yield particle size The second step involves activation of 15%
equal to75µm and 250 µm, dried in an Attapulgite-montmorillonite slurry in
electric oven at 100 ºC for 24 h., and stored in distilled water (prepared from the first step
a desiccator for use. Chemicals were dried clay), by treatment with H- form
purchased from Fluka-BDH Chemicals. Amber light orange ion exchange at the
Distilled and deionized water with a molar ratio of 1:1, followed by agitation for 24
conductivity value of 1.5 x 10-5 S Cm-1 was h. at 150 rpm and 60 ºC using thermo- stated
used. shaker bath (Alba Tch.). Clay suspension was
separated from Amber light orange ion
Instruments exchange granules using 75µm sieve.
FT-IR instrument (Shimadzu FT-IR
The resulting solid was separated by
Spectrometer-30000:1/IRAFF); Thermostatic
centrifugation washed five times with
Shaker Bath [GFL (D-3006), Fed – Rep. of
deionized water and dried at 100 ºC for 24
Germany]; Centrifuge (JANETZI-T5,
hour. The third step involves the separation
Germany, 3000 rpm); X-ray diffraction
of the Attapulgite clay mineral from the
(Shimadzu X-ray Diffraction meter 04-XRD-
associated Montmorillonite clay by addition
6000); Scanning Electron Microscope, (SEM
of sodium methyl acrylate as a chemical
Micrographs VEGA3 TESCAN); Electric
dispersant to 15 % Attapulgite-
Balance; (Sartorius Lab-BL 210 S, Germany
montmorillonite slurry in distilled water
± 0.0001g); Oven Equipment LTD, Green
(prepared from the second step dried clay),
Field, NR OLDJAM, (20-360 C°) furnace;
selectively disperse discrete, individual
Forth Flotation cell; and Granulating
particles of Attapulgite while liberating other
Machine (GK Dry Granulating Machine).
non-Attapulgite minerals such as
Preparation of activated and Pure Montmorillonite, Sepiolite, Bentonite,
Attapulgite Calcium Carbonate, Silica and Kaolin, from
in between the Attapulgite Bundles [8].
Aqueous slurry containing 15% solid raw
claystone was initially prepared using Najaf Then resulting solid was separated by
Iraqi Attapulgite-montmorillonite raw centrifugation washed five times with
claystone sample. Homogenized clay slurry deionized water and dried at 100 ºC for 24
was prepared using high impeller speed 2500 hour after shaping by a granulating Machin
rpm for 1 h. and was advantaged to increase to 1 and 2 mm diameter granules. Finally,
its Attapulgite – montmorillonite content and the dried pure H-Form Attapulgite granule
cation exchange capacity (CEC) by attrition- was calcined at 900 ºC using Muffle Furnace
scrubbing using Flotation Cell. The resulting to be converted into non-dissoluble granules
solid was separated by centrifugation, in aqueous and organic solutions [9].
washed five times with deionized water and
dried at 100 ºC for 24 hour.
Figure 4: FT-IR of Attapulgite crude (A); activated Attapulgite (B); pure activated Attapulgite (C); and pure activated
calcined Attapulgite
FT-IR Analysis of Crude Attapulgite & Mg); (3545 cm-1) refer to H2O coordinated;
Sample (1647 cm-1) refer to H2O adsorbed water
The important peaks of active groups in bending ); (1531 cm-1) refer to Al2O3
Attapulgite crude FT-IR spectrum was stretching; (1100 cm-1) refer to Si-O-Si
involved in table 3, represent (3743cm-1), & bending; (974 cm-1 ) refer to (O-SiO3)
(3641 cm-1) peaks that refer to O-H bonded stretching; (910 cm-1 ) refer to (M-OH; M;
with H stretching; (3618cm -1) refer to O-H metal (bending ); ( 860 ,820 cm-1) refer to Si-
bonded with metal stretching (metal: Al, Fe, OH; and (702cm-1) refer to metal with O as
Table 3: FT-IR spectrum of Attapulgite crude
Group Mode of Vibration νcm-1
-OH Stretching 3743
-OH Stretching 3618
-OH Stretching 3641
H-O-H H2O coordinated 3545
H-O-H H-O-H adsorbed 1647
Al2O3 Stretching 1531
Si-O-Si (Al) Bending 1100
Si-O-Si (Al) Bending 974
M-OH Stretching 910
Si-OH Bending 860,820
M-O Stretching 702
make the account of water increases because entrance the water. Mg-O appears because of
of swelling; (3300 cm-1) refer to O-H (H2O) Montmorillonite prefund with Attapulgite M-
normal polymeric (stretching) as evidence of O at (719cm-1) like Al+3, Fe+3& Mg+2.
FT-IR Analysis of Pure activated material. Some peaks become strong because
Attapulgite Samples the structural composition of mineral did not
change. (923 cm-1) due to SiH3; (806, 820 &
Due to addition of sodium methyl acrylate
873cm-1) for Si-O; (3545 cm-1) due to
Attapulgite mineral was purified by
Coordinated water stretching O-H (H2O);
floatation with the dispersed swelled sodium
(3219cm-1) for H-O-H; bonded( stretching,(
methyl acrylate granules leaving other
1662,1650 &1629cm-1) for Coordinated and
impurities of clay mineral and sand in the
absorbed water H -O-H.(1541cm-1) due to
bottom of the vessel. Therefore many peaks
Al2O3 bending; (1068cm-1) for Mg-O bending;
in FT-IR spectrum were disappeared
(719cm-1) due to M-O bending.
comparing with the FT-IR spectrum of crud
FT-IR Analysis of Pure activated calcine 900 C° ; (1022.27cm-1) for (Si-O) group become
Attapulgite Samples stronger and bordered due to calcining
operation. (1539cm-1) of Al2O3 bending was
Peaks appeared in FT-IR chart due to
small because of water loos due to calcining.
calcining. Most of compounds specially
The above explanations indicate that a pure
hydroxides of metals converted to oxides,
activated calcined Attapulgite was obtained
coordinated and adsorbed water disappeared
as shown in Table 6.
because of calcining at high temperature 850-
The peaks of Attapulgite appear at (8.5138, The comparison between the crude and the
20.8896)2Ɵ (deg.)); Quartz at (26.6684 2Ɵ activated acetylate shows an increase in the
(deg.); Calcite at (29.4448)2Ɵ (deg.). X- Ray absorption intensity of Attapulgite at
diffraction spectrum shown in Figure5. Peaks (8.28819; & 6977) 2Ɵ in X-ray diffraction
in Table (7) with location and severity, [91, spectra, due to the removal of impurities and
127-128].The peaks explain presence of high band gape due to high swelling, as
Attapulgite, quartz and calcite. shown in table 8, and Figure 6.
Table 10: x- ray diffraction spectrum peaks of pure activated calcined Attapulgite
Compound or group 2Ɵ (deg) d(A) I (C/Sec.)
Attapulgite 8.4347 10.47454 24
Attapulgite 19.3471 3.04092 50
Attapulgite 20. 7722 4.27279 24
Quartz 26.5584 3.35356 100
Figure 12: SEM images 1a, 1b, 1c, &1d of initiated H - form Attapulgite; 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d SEM images of pure activated
Attapulgite; 3a,3b,3c, 3d SEM images of calcined pure activated Attapulgite
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