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Slang Words Used in Movie Script "Harold and Kumar Go To: White Castle"

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24843/JH.2020.v24.i02.

p06 p-ISSN: 2528-5076, e-ISSN: 2302-920X

Terakreditasi Sinta-4, SK No: 23/E/KPT/2019 Humanis: Journal of Arts and Humanities
Vol 24.2 Mei 2020: 150-158

Slang Words Used in Movie Script “Harold and Kumar Go to

White Castle”

I Made Yudhi Putrawan*, I Nengah Sudipa, Ni Wayan Sukarini

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University
[yudhiputrawan27@gmail.com], [nengahsudipa@yahoo.co.id],
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author

The title of this study is Slang Word Used in Movie Script “Harold And Kumar Go
to White Castle”. The aims of the study are to identify the types of slang and
meaning conveyed in movie script Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. The data
of this study were collected from” Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle” movie
script as the data source. The theories used in the study are theory proposed by
Allan and Burridge (2006) entitled Forbidden words: Taboo and The Censoring of
Language used to identify the types of slang word, and theory proposed by by
Leech (1974) entitled Study of Meaning used to analyze the meanings conveyed in
the movie. The documentation method is used to collect the data, and descriptive
qualitative method is used to analyze the data. There were forty slangs either in the
form of words or phrases that are analyzed based on theory mentioned above.
There are five types of slang in theory of Allan and Burridge (2006) but only four
types were found in the movie script. Those are fresh and creative, imitative,
flippant, acronym, and clipping. Flippant type was the most found in the data
source. For the meaning, there were seven types of meaning based on the theory
proposed by Leech (1974) but only six types were found in the movie script. Those
are conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, collocative
meaning, reflected meaning, and affective meaning. Affective meaning type is the
most found in the data source.

Keywords: slang words, type of slang, meaning, Harold and Kumar

Penelitian ini berjudul Kata Slang Digunakan dalam Naskah Film "Harold Dan
Kumar Go to White Castle". Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis slang dan makna yang disampaikan dalam naskah film
Harold dan Kumar Go to White Castle. Data penelitian ini diambil dari skrip film
"Harold dan Kumar Go to White Castle" sebagai sumber data. Teori yang
digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Allan dan
Burridge (2006) yang berjudul Forbidden words: Taboo and The Censoring of
Language yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis kata slang, dan teori
yang dikemukakan oleh Leech (1974) berjudul Study of Meaning digunakan untuk
menganalisis jenis-jenis makna kata slang yang disampaikan dalam film. Metode
dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data, dan metode deskriptif
kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Ada empat puluh slangs baik dalam
bentuk kata-kata atau frasa yang dianalisis berdasarkan teori yang disebutkan di
atas. Ada lima jenis slang dalam teori Allan dan Burridge (2006) tetapi hanya
empat jenis yang ditemukan dalam naskah film, yaitu fresh and creative, imitatif,


Info Article
Received : 5th August 2019
Accepted : 8th May 2020
Publised : 31st May 2020
Slang Words Used in Movie Script “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle”| 151

flippant, acronym, dan clipping. Jenis flippant adalah yang paling banyak
ditemukan di sumber data. Untuk makna, ada tujuh jenis makna berdasarkan teori
Leech (1974) tetapi hanya enam jenis yang ditemukan dalam naskah film, yaitu
makna konseptual, makna konotatif, makna sosial, makna kolokatif, makna yang
direfleksikan, dan makna afektif. Jenis makna afektif adalah yang paling banyak
ditemukan dalam sumber data.

Kata kunci: kata slang, jenis slang, makna, Harold dan Kumar.

INTRODUCTION (2018) entitled Slang Word Used by The

In life, humans use language as a Characters in Neighbors 2: Sorority
tool to interact with each other and Rising. Her study aims to identify the
express their personal reaction to the type and to analyze the function of slang
situation. Through language the speakers words and phrases used by the characters
can identify themselves as well as their in movie Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising .
language as a symbol of their society. In To collect the data, she utilize
society people tend to live in certain group documentation and qualitative method.
of similar social factors and it makes The second article written by Dewi
people speak different language and (2016) entitled American Slang in
dialect based on their social group. The “Horrible Bosses 2” Movie by Anders
appearance of many social groups makes and John Morris. This study aims to
variety of languages. One of the varieties identify the function of slang and
of language appears in society is known as meaning of slang applied by the
slang. characters in “Horrible Bosses 2”. Her
According to Hartman and Stock study used descriptive qualitative
(1972:165) slang is a variety of speech documentation method.
characterized by newly coined and The third article written by
rapidly changing vocabulary, used by Septirahayuni (2016) entitled Slang
young or social group for Word Used in”21 Jump Street” Movie
communication. Therefore, slang has Script by Michael Bacall. Her study is
become common thing in our daily life. aims to analyze the slang words
According to Chapman (1988) almost expression and slang word formation in
everyone uses slang on some occasions, 21 Jump Street movie script. The data
but it is not easy to define the word. Slang were collected from”21 Jump Street”
has been defined as one of those things movie script using documentation and
that everybody can recognize and nobody qualitative method.
can define. Slang is particularly rich in The fourth article written by
certain areas, such as violence, crime, drugs, Trimastuti (2017) in her article entitled
and sex. In fact, slang has spread to group of An Analysis of Slang Words Used in
people and entertainment media such as Social Media. In Trimastuti study’s is
movies . discuss about slang word in case of “alay
There are some related studied have language” which complicated with
been done previously. Those previous study Indonesian strandard language due to
have their own specification related to the alay language has many errors in
subject and object of the study in order to Indonesian language. This study used
conduct this study, the writer read some qualitative method, descriptive
previous studies as the example and literature techniques to analyze the data and
review. observation method to collect data.
The first article written by Ariyanti Another article is written by
152 | I Made Yudhi Putrawan, I Nengah Sudipa, Ni Wayan Sukarini Vol 24.2 Mei 2020

Zamaletdinova and Izmaylova (2016) in Data Source

their article entitled Features of Youth The data of this study were taken
Slang Functioning. It is discusses about from movie script of “Harold and Kumar
the problem of the youth slang in speech. Go to White Castle”. It is a 2004
The aims of this study is to learn the American stoner comedy film written by
lexical semantic features of youth slang John Hurwitz and Hayden Schossberg,
and its function in a language and directed by Danny Leiner. This
environment. In order to identify the movie is the first instalment of the Harold
reason of slang word usage this study and Kumar series. It was released on July
survey among first-year students of 30th, 2004, by New Line Cinema. This
Kazan Federal University. The data are movie was selected as the data in this
collected through questionnaire and study because it contained many
interview. expressions of slang words in
In movies, the slang usage becomes a conversation of American as well as
common thing. This study is focused on there are so many slang terms spoken by
slang word used in movie due to people the movie’s characters which are difficult
commonly learn slang from their to understand.
entertainment media especially in movie and
through movie they can easy copy the gesture Method and Technique of Collecting
of the slang expression that they watched. Data
The function of slangs in the movies is to This study is qualitative research
bring out social and cultural side of where all the data were collected through
someone’s identity such as in 2004 library research. Documentation
American stoner comedy film, entitled technique is used since the data is a
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. movie type. Documentation is method for
Based on the background above, gathering information by giving record
there are two problems as follows: What report of certainties of something,
are the types of slang words used in the particularly by utilizing picture, note
movie script “Harold and Kumar Go to taking, and recording. This study used
White Castle”?, How are the meanings four steps in collecting the data for this
conveyed by slang words in the movie research and the steps are:
script “Harold and Kumar Go to White a. Downloading movie and movie script
Castle”? b. Watching the movie several times and
Based on the problems above, there reading the movie script intensively.
are two aims of this study as follows: To c. Finding the slang words and selecting
identify the types of slang used in movie the slang words in the movie script.
script “Harold and Kumar Go to White d. Noting all utterances of characters that
Castle”. To analyze the meanings contain slang words in the movie
conveyed by slang in the movie script script.
“Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle”.
Method and Technique of Analyzing
“Methodology is very important and “The collected data were analyzed
it provides the crucial steps used in descriptively using qualitative method.
conducting scientific research. The The descriptive technique was also
research method used in this study is applied to describe the writing content
classified into three parts:” clearly.” There were some steps to
analyze the slang words in “Harold and
Slang Words Used in Movie Script “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle”| 153

Kumar Go to White Castle” movie script types of slang words by Allan and
as follows: Burridge (2006)” called the fresh and
a. Identifying the slang words or phrases creative, imitative, flippant, acronym,
in each conversation found in the and clipping. The theory about meaning
movie script. proposed by Leech (1974) including
b. Classifying the slang words or phrases conceptual meaning, connotative
based on theories.
meaning, social meaning, collocative
c. Analyzing the type and meaning
meaning, affective meaning, reflected
conveyed of the slang words in the
movie script based on theories. meaning, and thematic meaning.
The Slang Types in Harold and Kumar
Method and Technique of Presenting Go to White Castle
“According to Sudaryanto a. Fresh and Creative
(1993:145), there are two types of Among all the dialogues in the
method that can be used to present the movie script of “Harold and Kumar Go to
analyzed data,” i.e formal and informal White Castle”, there are nine slang words
methods. Formal method means that the that can be considered as fresh and
analyzed data were presented using creative type, which “have brand-new
symbol, table, diagram, number. While vocabulary, clever imagination, informal
informal method means presenting the variety and can be up to date words or
result of the analysis by using words and even old words that people do not know.
sentences. This study used informal Nine slang words found in this research
presentation to present the first and categorized into fresh and creative type
second problem analysis. In regard to are” dude, nah, yeah, yo, scag, yep,
explain the categorization from slang bingo, poser, and jew.. “One of the
word or phrase, the forms of paragraph is examples is the word dude mentioned in
used in the data presentation. The a dialogue, shows that the slang word
paragraph explained some of slang comes as a new vocabulary and through
expressions and small portion of imagination from the speaker”. There are
explanation about the situation of slang also slang words of yo used in the
expression dialogue. There were several dialogue referring to someone of
steps in presenting data analysis, as informal situation with their informal
follow: variety.
a. Presenting the types and meanings b. Flippant
conveyed in the slang words. Among all the dialogues in the
b. Explaining and elaborating the types movie script of “Harold and Kumar Go to
and meanings conveyed in the slang White Castle”, there are twenty-six slang
words clearly to avoid words that can be considered as flippant
misunderstanding which is supported type. In this study, the point “of grouping
with the knowledge based on the slang word into flippant is when the slang
theories. form consists of more than two words
and do not have any relationship to the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION denotative meaning”. The slang words
“There are two main theories used found in this research are love stains,
and related to the problems presented in crunching numbers, finest herb, boney
this study. Those are the theory about ass, fat blunt, yellow plague, yellow
154 | I Made Yudhi Putrawan, I Nengah Sudipa, Ni Wayan Sukarini Vol 24.2 Mei 2020

fever, Asian chick, sweet lord, getting word in slang expression is one of the
high, cock boy, twilight zone, holy shit, usage forms of imagination and effort to
pipe down, kiss of death, give a fuck, reach certain point in communication”.
what the hell, get the hell, fucking cute, “The imagination of slang expression and
what the fuck, where the hell, how the effort only apply in certain group or
hell, fucking hot, fucking asshole, blitzed place”. Several slang words found in this
out, and chill out. “One of the examples research that are grouped as clipping type
is the phrase blitzed out which consists of are bro, cops, gonna, gotta and nope.
two words that are blitzed and out. Each “One of the examples is the word bro,
of the two words has different meaning which is a slang word where the original
but when the two words are put together word” is brother and its meaning still has
into one phrase the meaning is different the same meaning with the original word.
from the original words”.
The Types of Meaning in Harold and
c. Imitative
Kumar Go to White Castle
Among all the dialogues in the
movie script “Harold and Kumar Go to a. Conceptual Meaning
White Castle”, there are twenty slang Conceptual meaning is identified
words that can be considered as where words acquired its own meaning
”imitative type, in which the slang word unlike the other meaning which consist
form imitates the other words or of peripheral meaning. There are eight
combination of two words that result in slang expressions found in this study that
different meaning. The slang words are categorized into conceptual meaning:
found in this study that are considered as gonna, gotta, what the hell, get the hell,
imitative type are” sucks, chick, damn, bingo, what the fuck, where the hell, ,
asshole, shitload, bullshit, fuck, blazed, and fucking poser. Those slang
sucked, shit, high, pussy, chronic, poetry, expressions can differ based on what it
dicks, horny, bitch, hippie, twinkie, and represents such as situation, attitude, and
lord. One of the examples is shit, “which person. There is also conceptual meaning
is a kind of slang word that fully imitates type that explicitly contains affective
the original word but has different meaning type to express speaker
meaning than the original word. The expression.
original meaning of the word shit is feces Data: Gonna
but it changes into a word that refers to The dialogue happened through
phrase to abuse someone or expression of
telephone while Harold in his Office and
bad situation”. The other example is
bullshit, which originated from two Kumar in med school interview. It is
words bull and shit, combined into one uttered by Harold in the conversation
and create a new meaning. with Kumar. The usage of slang word
gotta appeared in the part of scene when
d. Clipping Harold called Kumar and in voice that he
Among all the dialogues in the cannot smoke together as usual. The
movie script “Harold and Kumar Go to
scene is started when Harold taking on
White Castle”, there are five slang words
his office phone to call Kumar, Harold
that can be considered as clipping type,
where this slang word is identified by utterance “I’m not gonna able to partake
deleted word “in one or some parts but in our usual Friday night ritual. I’ve gotta
still has the same meaning as the uncut stay late at the office”. The slang word
one. The deletion of some part of the gotta is categorized into conceptual
Slang Words Used in Movie Script “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle”| 155

meaning slang as it has its denotative determine Asian, Chinese, Japanese

meaning without any associative people based on the color of skin. The
meaning. The word gotta has literal slang phrase yellow plague in the
meaning “have got to”. dialogue is also used to emphasize Asian
person based on the word yellow that
b. Connotative meaning refers to the group of Asian students.
Connotative meaning is a kind of
slang expression that has expressed c. Social meaning
meaning of the communicative value Social meaning refers to the meaning
above the core meaning of the word. conveyed by the pierce of language about
Each of the slang expression has meaning the social context. “It is related to the
that holds the properties of a word from situation in which an utterance is used”
point of view, which already clings to as well as concerned with social
each individual, group, and the society. circumstances. The usage of social
Connotative meaning varies considerably meaning refers the social context of slang
according to the culture, historical period, word itself to deliver the meaning of the
and the experience of the individual. slang word. The social meaning will be
There are eight slangs found in this study varying due to each person has different
that are categorized into connotative level and variation in social knowledge.
meaning: yellow plague, jews, yellow Beside that dialect is also the factor of
fever, getting high, finest herb, Asian recognizing some words. The point of
chick, hippie, love stains, and twinkie. view to define social meaning is the
The connotative meaning can be relation between social meaning and the
differentiated based on what it represents, usage of situation in the utterance.
such as attitude, person, thing, condition, Several slang expressions found in this
and situation. study that categorized into social
Data: Yellow Plague meaning types, such as dude, bro, yo,
The slang phrase Yellow plague is getting high, chill out, blitzed out, yeah,
categorized to connotative meaning that bingo, scag, yep, bitch, give a shit, and
represented person. The slang expression nah. The both of slang expressions
occurred in the dialogue between Kumar intended to show friendliness and
and Goldstein, when Harold and Kumar intimate relation. In addition, there also
stopped in the road due to Harold bitted several social meaning of slang
by racoon and Goldstein tried to help expressions that conveyed the affective
them. The scene is started after Kumar meaning which represented the
noticed Harold and Goldstein having fun expression of the speaker.
at the Asian student party in Pricetown Data: Yo
tonight. Goldstein replied it, he uttered The slang word yo is one of slang
“Man, I have the yellow plague. There’s words where the word is used to make
nothing sexier that a hot Asian chick…or the situation less formal. The slang
dude for that matter”. The slang occurs in the part of dialogue, when
expression yellow plague in the dialogue Harold paranoid of rabies after he was
represented person that refers to a group bitten by racoon. It is uttered by
of Asian people which live in America. It Goldstein in the conversation between
is categorized into connotative meaning he, Kumar and Harold about rabies
type due to the word yellow holds a infection. In the Goldstein utterance “Yo,
communicative value in the Western we gotta hit the Asian party.” The use of
society, which the word yellow is used to slang word yo in the dialogue is to reduce
the situation of Kumar and Harold debate
156 | I Made Yudhi Putrawan, I Nengah Sudipa, Ni Wayan Sukarini Vol 24.2 Mei 2020

and to make the situation less formal. Kumar saw Maria and he uttered “Hey,
Beside that the word yo is also used to check it out! Your movie playing… and
show friendliness in the speaker target. look who to see it”. Harold seems
The slang word yo is categorized into surprised after he knows there is Maria
social meaning because it is used in the and he uttered “Holy shit”. The usage of
context of situation in the speaker slang expression holy shit in the Harold
utterance. utterance is categorized as affective
meaning type which expressed Kumar
d. Affective Meaning emotion of surprised to see his dream
“The usage of slang expressions that girl. It also expressed that Harold bashful
based itself on the expression of emotion to greet Maria due to he is always panic
that is expressed from the speaker or the and nervous with her. Meanwhile, the
writer is something that usually happens major meaning of phrase holy shit is
in daily conversation”. The expression affective type. It also has collocative
happened in order to deliver the speaker meaning because of the phrase company
feeling to the listener or reader. In term meaning is from a certain word which
of meaning of slang the expressions or created different meaning.
attitudes are often inserted in affective
meaning. Affective meaning is meaning e. Collocative Meaning
that describes what is communicated of Collocative meaning is the meaning
the feeling and attitudes of the speaker. that occurred because of acquiring
Affective meaning has more directly a company meaning from a certain word.
reflection of the speaker’s personal The words will produce different
attitude or feeling toward the listener of meanings when collocate with different
the target of the utterance. Feelings or words. Mostly the collocative meaning
attitudes in affective meaning slang are conveys the adjective followed by noun.
usually negative. “Several slang The slang expression categorized as
expressions found in this study collocative meaning type can be
categorized as affective meaning” type differentiated based on what the slang
are holy shit, asshole, bullshit, shit, what expression represents such as action or
the hell, get the hell, what the fuck, fuck, situation. There are also some slang
where the hell, sucked, how the hell, expressions that explicitly conveyed
godammit, sweet lord, give a fuck, affective meaning which expressed
fucking asshole, prick, dumbass, fucking emotion from the speaker such as hate
hot, and fucking cute. In this study and anger. The slang word that is
several emotions occur from the usage of categorized as collocative meaning type
the affective meaning such as surprised, found in this study is kiss of death,
anger, awe, hate, and passionate. Mostly, bullshit, asshole, boney ass, fat blunt,
the affective meaning type “occurred take a bow, work horse, dumbass and
explicitly together with another type in shitload.
one slang expression”. Data: Kiss of death
Data: Holy shit One of collocative meaning type in
The usage of slang expression holy this study is slang phrase kiss of death.
shit in the movie occurred in the Harold The slang phrase kiss of death is used in
utterance. The dialogue is between Kumar utterance. It occurred in the scene
Harold and Kumar. The scene happened of Harold going to meet Maria in her
while Harold and Kumar stopped at room but she already left to Amsterdam
traffic jam beside the movie theater. for ten days. Know that thing, Kumar
After the crowd entered the movie theater
Slang Words Used in Movie Script “Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle”| 157

uttered to Harold “For a hot chick, ten CONCLUSION

days in Europe is the kiss of death. There “Based on the previous discussion of
are gonna be suave, sophisticated guys all analyzing slang word of Harold and
over her, by the time she gets back, she Kumar Go to White Castle movie script,
not be available”. The slang phrase kiss conclusion can be drawn as as follow:
of death is consisting of word kiss and The types of slang were analyzed based
death. The word kiss means touch with on theory proposed by Allan and
lips as a sign of love, while the word Burridge (2006)”. There are five types of
death means the end of life of a creature. slang based on the theory but only four
However, when the word kiss and death types “found in this study namely; fresh
are collocated it becomes new meaning. and creative, imitative, flippant, and
The slang phrase kiss of death in Kumar clipping. Generally, the most slang type
utterance refers to feeling of missing used in this movie script is flippant”. It is
someone so much. because most of the slang used in the
movie script is formed from two or more
f. Reflected Meaning words and achieves their own meaning,
Reflected meaning is the type of which different from the source word. A
meaning that arises in case of multiple part from type of slang, this study also
conceptual meaning, when one sense of a discusses about the type of meaning
word is conveyed and response to using theory proposed by Leech (1974).
another sense. “Several slang expressions Based on the theory there are seven types
found in this study that are categorized of meaning but only six types are found
into reflected meaning type are shit”, in the movie script of Harold and Kumar
high, horny, lord, chronic, pussy, poetry, Go to White Castle movie they are;
chick, and dick. Some of reflected conceptual meaning, connotative
meaning found in this study also meaning, social meaning, collocative
expressed affective meaning explicitly meaning, reflected meaning, and
which conveyed feeling from the affective meaning. However, thematic
speaker. meaning is not found in the movie script
Data: Chick since there are no slang which the
The word chick is categorized to message are organized in terms of
slang word that has meaning reflected on passive or active sentence used in the
its word. The word chick in the film is movie script did not concern the
appeared in the scene of Harold and occurrence of slang expression. The most
Kumar, especially in the apartment when types of slang meaning found in the
Harold know that Maria has already movie script is affective meaning type,
moved to Europe. It is uttered by Kumar where the slang word is expressing the
when he persuaded Harold. In Kumar speaker emotion.
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