J424manual Incendiu Bentel
J424manual Incendiu Bentel
J424manual Incendiu Bentel
This Control panel can be programmed using the respective Software J400 release 1.0 or higher.
BENTEL SECURITYsrl shall not assume the responsibility for damage arising from improper application or use.
This Control panel has been designed and manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance.
Installation of this Control panel must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions described in this manual, and
in compliance with the local laws and bylaws in force
The J424 and J408 Control panels comply with the essential requirements of standards EN54-2; EN54-4.
The J424 and J408 Control panels, all their accessories and functions, except those listed below and unless otherwise specified
(see notes marked A), are IMQ Security Systems Grade II Listed.
The J400-EXT Extinguishment Module is not IMQ Security Systems Grade II Listed.
BENTEL SECURITY srl reserves the right to change the technical specifications of these products without prior notice.
The J408 model has been especially designed for small Software Management Sofware
residential and commercial applications. It is available This user-friendly software application (Windows) of-
with 2 (TJ408-2), 4 (J408-4) or 8 zones (J408-8). fers a quick and easy way to program the Control panel
It supports 1 Extinguishment Module and provides hou- and provides event logger and print-out functions.
sing for two 12 V, 7 Ah batteries. This model is powered
by a 1.5 A switching power supply.
n Accessory Items
n Inputs
J400-EXP8 Expander Module Kit. This kit comprises This Control panel has special inputs (detection zones)
an 8 zone Expander Module and an Expander Control for fire detection devices, such as conventional fire de-
board. The Expander Module contains most of the tectors (i.e. devices which resemble the operating
electronic circuitry and electrical terminals whereas the mode of open contacts during standby status and resi-
Expander Control board provides the command keys stors during Alarm status) and similar devices, such as
and status LEDs of the Expander Module zones. Callpoints and gas detectors.
The Expander Module and Expander Control board are The Control panel considers its inputs to be in standby
intended for connection to the Main board of the Control status when they pull-down to 0 V with a 3900 ohm resi-
panel. In the event of an alarm, the Expander Module stance. The inputs can detect and signal Automatic
will signal the status of its inputs to the Main board Alarms (generated by fire detectors), Manual Alarms
which will activate the fire warning and fire control devi- (generated by Callpoints), shorted lines (generated by
ces and generate signalling on the Expander Control detector faults) and interrupted lines (generated by the
board. The J424 accepts TWO J400-EXP8 Expander removal of detectors from their bases).
Modules Kits.
A IMQ-SECURITY SYSTEMS certification applies n Operating features
ONLY when no more than 30 devices are connec-
ted to each zone, and no more than 512 devices IN Pre-alarm If a zone generates an alarm during Day
ALL are connected to the Control panel. Mode (Night Mode LED OFF), the Control panel will start
the Pre-alarm Time. This status will be signalled by:
n Outputs Ø a slow intermittent beep;
Ø blinking on the LED of the Zone Alarm that genera-
A This Control panel accepts devices that operate ted the Alarm;
within SELV limits ONLY. Ø glowing on the Pre-al. LED;
Ø activation of the NAC1 and NAC2 outputs — in ac-
This section describes how the Control panel outputs cordance with programming;
operate. Ø Negative pull-down to 0 V on the R terminal of the
zone that generated the Alarm, that is, if the
Supervised outputs The Control panel will be able to Pre-alarm on R output option is enabled;
detect and signal short-circuits and power supply inter- Ø Negative pull-down to 0 V on OC terminal, that is, if it
ruptions on this type of output. is programmed to signal Pre-alarm.
During Silence status (Silence LED glowing), it is pos- Disable This Control panel provides keys which can be
sible to use the Silence key to release the Silenceable used to disable the bypassable inputs and outputs:
outputs, and the Reset key to restore standby status. Ø Z1, Z2, ... Z24 can be used to bypass (exclude) their
respective zones;
the Control panel is in Night Mode (Night Mode
glowing), the Control panel will exit Silence
Ø Disab./Fault NAC can be used to bypass outputs
NAC1 and NAC2;
status when the programmed Night mode Silence Ø Disab./Fault Telecom can be used to bypass the DL
time expires. output.
Trouble This Control panel can detect and signal the DISABLED zones cannot generate alarms or warnings
following Trouble: of any kind, and DISABLED outputs cannot be activa-
Ø Input zone shorted or open; ted.
Ø Supervised zone shorted or open;
Ø Control panel blocked; Disabled status will be signalled by:
Ø Output 24V or 24R shorted; Ø glowing on the Disab. LED;
Ø Low battery, battery trouble or disconnected battery; Ø glowing on the LED of the respective zone or output
Ø Ground fault; (see LEDs: Disabled/Fault/Test, Disab./Fault NAC
Ø Communication trouble with peripherals; and Disab./Fault Telecom).
Ø Mains failure.
Audible Signalling The Buzzer will signal the Control n Access to Signalling and Commands
panel status as follows: There are 4 access levels, in compliance with the Fire
Safety Regulations in force.
Status Sound Pause Description
Pre-alarm 0.5 s 0.5 s Intermittent beep Access Level 1 Viewing: ALL persons can view the
Alarm 0.2 s 0.2 s Fast Intermittent beep Control panel status.
Fault 1s 1s Slow Intermittent beep
Long beep/Long pause Access Level 2 Operating the system (PIN Code ente-
Silence 1s 5s red or Key turned in the Keyswitch): ONLY Key and PIN
Short beep/Short Code Users can operate the system.
Reset 0.5 s 0.1 s
Long beep/Long pause Access Level 3 Opening the Control panel: ONLY
Test 1s 3s Qualified persons with authorization are allowed to
open the Control panel door (requires removal of the
Test This key will allow ALL users to test the Control screws) for maintenance purposes.
panel Buzzer and LEDs (Access level 1), and Key and
PIN Code Users to test the zones (Access level 2). Access Level 4 Repairing or replacing the PCB:
To test a zone: press the respective Zone key (Z1, Z2, ..., ONLY the Manufacturer should be allowed to repair or
Z24) and the Test key simultaneously. replace the PCB.
The Status LEDs + Some LEDs indicate more than one status, howe-
ver, in most cases the LEDs signal as follows:
The following section describes how the Control panel ON (glowing) indicates DISABLED status;
LEDs operate, and the actions that can be taken during Fast blinking indicates a FAULT condition;
the various phases signalled on the LEDs. During Slow blinking indicates an ALARM/FAULT event
standby status ONLY the GREEN Mains LED should in memory.
be On (glowing).
Alarm Glowing indicates Alarm status. In the event of an Alarm, the Control panel will activate the unbypas-
sed alarm outputs..
Pre-al. Glowing indicates Pre-alarm status.
Test Glowing indicates Test conditions on at least one zone.
Disab. Glowing indicates the Disabled status of the NAC,Telecom, Zone and Extinguishment outputs, or inhi-
bition of Manual or Automatic Extinguishment
Telecom Glowing indicates that the Telephone device output is active (negative pull-down to 0 V on terminal
Green OFF indicates Mains failure (230 V).
Mains IMPORTANT: Power must be restored before the batteries empty.
Fault Glowing indicates one of the following Faults: Blocked Control panel; Shorted 24V or 24R output;
Empty Batteries; Disconnected Battery; Ground Fault; Mains Failure; Zone Trouble; Shorted or Open
NAC or DL output; Extinguishment Module Trouble; Peripheral Trouble.
Logic Unit Glowing indicates Blocked Control panel. IMPORTANT: Maintenance required
24V/24R Fast blinking indicates Shorted 24V or 24R output.
Battery Fast blinking indicates Batteries empty, disconnected or faulty. If this condition persists, the batteries
will be unable to function as intended in the event of blackout, IMPORTANT: New batteries required
Ground Fast blinking indicates a Voltage leakage to Earth.
IMPORTANT: Check wiring insulation.
Periph. Fast blinking indicates communication trouble with peripherals.
Amber Fast blinking indicates Mains failure (230 V) or Switching Power supply fault. During this condition,
Mains the Control panel will be powered by the batteries. Mains failure is also signalled on the Green Mains
LED (OFF), however, this LED also signals Mains Failure in Memory (Slow blinking).
Silence Glowing indicates that Silenceable outputs (terminals [NAC1], [NAC2], [DL], [TROUBLE], [ALARM] (if
programmed) and [Rn] (if programmed) have been manually forced to standby by means of the re-
spective key.
Ack./Evac. Glowing indicates that the programmed Investigation time is running.
Reset Glowing indicates that Reset operations cannot be carried out.
Night Mode Glowing indicates that the Control panel is operating in Night Mode.
Disab./Fault Glowing indicates that the Supervised, Silenceable Fire Alarm outputs (terminals [NAC1] and
NAC [NAC2]) have been disabòled by means of the respective key, therefore, in the event of alarm will not
be activated.
Fast blinking indicates that at least one of the Supervised, Silenceable Fire Alarm outputs (termi-
nals [NAC1] and [NAC2]) is shorted or open.
Disab./Fault Glowing indicates that the telephone device output (terminal [DL]) has been disabled by means of the
Telecom respective key, therefore, in the event of an alarm will not be activated.
Fast blinking indicates that the telephone device output (terminal [DL]) is shorted or open.
Disabled/ Glowing indicates that the respective zone has been disabled by means of the respective key, therefo-
Fault/ re, will be unable trigger alarms. Fast blinking indicates that the respective zone is shorted or open,
Test therefore, unable to detect alarm conditions.
Zone Alarm Glowing indicates that the respective zone has detected alarm conditions.
9 0
Mains Mains z4 z8
Disab. Buzzer Test Disabled/Fult/Test Disabled/Fult/Test Esc
Li v
ll o
z11 z15 z19 z23
Disable Disable
Fault Fault
Electro- Pre- Manual Disab. Pres. Logic Extinguish. Manual Automatic Electro- Pre Manual Disab. Pres- Logic Extinguish. Manual Automati
valve Ext. Ext. Ext. Switch Unit Extinguish. Extinguish. valve Ext. Ext. Ext. Switch Unit Extinguish. Extinguis
2 1 5 2
Figure 1 Front view of the J424 Control panel J424 (a), J408 Control panel (b) and J400-REP Repeater (c)
4 1 5 4 b) 1 2 2 4 4 1
9 0
Mains Mains z4 z8
Disab. Buzzer Test Disabled/Fault/Test Disabled/Fault/Test
9 0
B Mains Mains z4 z8
Disab. Buzzer Test Disabled/Fault/Test Disabled/Fault/Test
z9 z13
z10 z14
z11 z15
z12 z16
Esc Disabled/Fault/Test Disabled/Fault/Test
z17 z21
z18 z22
z19 z23
4 4 5 3 c) 4 2 4
6 7 8 9 10 11
31 30 29 28 27 26
Figure 2 Maximum configuration of the J424 Control panel
12 13 14 15 16 17 14 18 12 19
F 3.15A/25ØV
C -
F 6.3A/25ØV
29 30 31 NO NC
26 27 28
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Z1 R1 Z2 R2 Z3 R3 Z4 R4 Z5 R5 Z6 R6 Z7 R7 Z8 R8
12 25 20 24 23 22 21 20 12
Description of Parts P. Description
1 Surface Cable conduit entry
This section describes the components of the J424 and 2 Zone label slots
J408 Control panels, and J400-REP Repeater. 3 Display
4 Door screws
Unless otherwise stated, the numbers in boldface in this 5 Keyswitch (Access Level 2)
Manual refer to the Tables ands Diagrams in this sec- 6 Display module (accessory item)
tion. 7 Expander Control board (LEDs and keys) of
Expander no. 2 (accessory item for J424)
The parts identification numbers in the diagrams go cloc- 8 Flat cable (accessory item for J424): for the
kwise. The white numbers refer to parts which are com- Expander Control board connection
mon to several of the system devices, therefore, are 9 Main Control board (LEDs and keys) of zones
described the first time they are encountered only. 1 through 8
10 Expander Control board (LEDs and keys) of
zones 9 through 16 (accessory item for J424)
11 Flat cable: for the Main Control Board connec-
tion (zones 1 through 8)
12 Anchor screw locations
13 Main board (2, 4 or 8 zones)
14 Chased cable conduit entry
15 Flat cable (accessory item for J424): for the
Expander Control board connection
9 11
28 32 32 27
13 12 16 17 14 18 19
F 2A/25ØV
C -
F 6.3A/25ØV
B016 B–
29 30 31 NO NC
26 27 28
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Z1 R1 Z2 R2 Z3 R3 Z4 R4 Z5 R5 Z6 R6 Z7 R7 Z8 R8
12 24 20 22 20 12
P. Description
33 Anchor screw location holes
34 Chased cable conduit entry
35 RS485 Interface
36 Soldered Earthing screw
a) 33 34 33
33 33
Figure 4 Maximum configuration of the J400-REP Repeater: a) backplate; b) frontplate (inside view)
36 35
P. Description 67 37
37 Battery output voltage control output (connec-
ted at factory) 65 39
38 Thermal probe jack 66
39 Switching-power-supply jack (connected at
63 41
40 Buzzer
41 Terminal board 57 a)
42 Extinguishment Module anchor holes
43 Address Jumper: 62
// = Extinguishment Module no. 1
oo = Extinguishment Module no. 2
44 Terminal board 41
45 Cable: connects the Switching power supply
to the Main board (connected at factory)
46 Switching-power-supply anchor 60
47 Switching-power-supply closure rivet
48 Mains indicator LED 37
67 38
49 Switching-power-supply anchor hole
50 Switching-power-supply output voltage con- 39
trol input (connected at factory) 66 41
51 Fine trimmer for the Switching-power-supply 65
output Voltage
52 Auxiliary power-supply terminals (27.6 V) 64
53 Mains power terminals (230 V / 50 Hz)
54 Switching-power-supply screws 63
55 Switching-power-supply fuse — protects aga- 57 41
inst overload:
J408 = F 2A 250V 62 b)
J424 = F 3.15A 250V 61
56 Jack for Extinguishment Module nr. 2 or the
Display Module 41
57 Microprocessor
58 Jack for the Main board or Display Module
59 Reserved Jumper — DO NOT REMOVE 60
60 Battery jacks 42 42
61 Jumper for Ground (Earth) fault detection:
// = Ground (Earth) fault monitored 59
oo = Ground (Earth) fault NOT monitored 58
62 Jumper — to be REMOVED when connecting
a 4-20 mA gas detector to terminal Z1 56
63 Jack for Extinguishment Module nr. 1 or the 44 44
Display Module
64 Expander Module jack 42 42
65 Programming Jumper: 45
o O Programming 54
O Programming O Enabled 47
O Disabled o
F 2A/25ØV
F 6.3A/25ØV
50 48
79 77
78 d)
F 3.15A/25ØV
F 6.3A/25ØV
LED ON Fault
Electro- Glowing indicates “Extinguishment” in course Fast blinking indicates power supply failure to
valve the electrovalve connected to output EV, or that
the latter is either open or shorted
Pre Glowing indicates “Pre-Extinguishment” in cour- Fast blinking indicates that terminals [+] and [–]
Ext. se of output PR are either disconnected or shorted
Manual Glowing indicates that input EM has been activa- Fast blinking indicates that terminals [+] and [–]
Ext. ted of input EM are either disconnected or shorted
Disab. Glowing indicates that input IE has been activa- Fast blinking indicates that terminals [+] and [–]
Ext. ted of input IE are either disconnected or shorted
Pres. Glowing indicates that the input PS has been ac- Fast blinking indicates that terminals [+] and [–]
Switch tivated, due to low extinguishant gas pressure of input PS are either disconnected or shorted
Logic — Fast blinking indicates “blocked” Extingui-
Unit shment Board
Disable Glowing indicates “Extinguishment” is inhibited
Disable Glowing indicates “Manual Extinguishment” is
Manual inhibited
Disable Glowing indicates that “Automatic Extingui-
Automatic shment” is inhibited
Description of the Control keys ned in keyswitch or PIN Code entered — refer to
“Access to Signalling and Commands”), unless otherwi-
The Control panel keys can be activated by Keyswitch se stated.
and PIN Code Users ONLY (Access level 2 — Key tur-
Silence This key can be used to restore the Silenceable outputs to standby status (terminals [NAC1], [NAC2],
[DL], [TROUBLE], [ALARM — if programmed] and [Rn — if programmed]. Silence status will be held
until the Silence key is pressed again or, if the Control panel is operating in Night Mode, until the
Night mode Silence time expires or until a new Alarm/Trouble condition is detected.
Ack./ Evac. This key can be used to refresh the “Pre-Alarm Time” or trigger an Alarm:
For all persons on the premises: If this key is pressed for over 5 seconds during “Pre-Alarm Time”,
the system will generate an alarm.
For Key and PIN Code Users ONLY (Access level 2): If this key is pressed during “Pre-Alarm
Time”, the remaining Pre-Alarm Time will be refresh with the programmed Investigation Time. If it is
pressed for over 5 seconds during “Pre-Alarm Time”, the system will generate an alarm.
Reset This key can be used to reset the Fire detectors and restore all outputs to standby status (Supervi-
sed/Silenceable outputs, NON-Supervised/Non-Silenceable outputs and Alarm zone outputs).
Disab. Buzzer This key can be used to disable the buzzer. The buzzer will be re-enable if any kind of event occurs.
Night Mode This key can be used to switch from Day to Night Mode.
Disab./Fault This key can be used to disable the Bypassable Fire alarm outputs (terminals [NAC1] and [NAC2]).
Disab./Fault This key can be used to disable the Telephone device output (terminal [DL])
Test This key can be used to test the zones, buzzer and LEDs . If this key is pressed (when the Control pa-
nel is functioning as intended), all the LEDs will Glow and the buzzer will emit a continuous beep.
For Access level 2 Users ONLY: If this key is pressed with the Disable key of a zone (z1, z2, .., z24)
it will activate the respective zone test phase.
z1 … z24 These keys can be used to disable their respective zones. Disabled zones will provide visual signal-
ling of fire and fault conditions but will not activate any outputs or store events in Memory.
Disable This key can be used to disable the “Extinguishment” function.
Disable This key can be used to disable the “Manual Extinguishment” function. If this function is disabled, it
Manual will not be possible to activate Extinguishment function via the EM input.
Disable This button can be used to disable the “Automatic Extinguishment” function. If this function is disa-
Automatic bled, the zones will not be unable to activate Extinguishment”.
+ BE
The Jumper (59), marked “2” on the PCB, MUST
5. Using the Flat cables connect the Extinguishment
Modules as follows:
58 27 63 a)
6. if you are installing ONE Extinguishment Module
— connect it to the Main Board, via the jacks (58
and 63 respectively), as per Fig. 9a; 9
if you are installing TWO Extinguishment Modules
— connect Extinguishment Module nr. 1 to Extin-
guishment Module nr. 2, via the jacks (56) then,
connect Extinguishment Module nr. 1 to the Main
Board, via the jacks (58 and 63 respectively), as per
Fig. 9b.
31 28
+ Iftheyoulocation
are installing ONE Expander Module Kit only,
will be different to that shown in the
93 94 a) 95 96 b) 97 c) d) 98 99 98 99 e) 100 100
93 94 93 94 98 99 98 99 100 100
Figure 10 Installing an Expander Module Kit: 93) Reverse locking supports; 94) Expander Module anchor holes;
95) Long plastic spacer; 96) Expander Module placement screw; 97) Expander Module nut; 98) Expander Control Bo-
ard screws; 99) Short plastic spacer; 100) Expander Control Board nut.
Repeaters can be wall mounted, or flush mounted to an 1. Remove the screws (4) and open the Control panel.
ave® BL08 outlet box (or similar).
2. Drill the anchor screw holes 9.
Work carefully through the following steps.
4. If necessary, install the Display Module as descri- 4. Pull the wires through the chased wire entry 12
bed in the “Display Module” section. then, using the anchor screws, secure the backpla-
te to the wall.
5. If you are flush mounting the Repeater, go to step
7. If you are wall mounting the Repeater, drill the
anchor screw holes 33. Description of the Terminals
6. Pull the wires through the wire entry 34, then, using This section describes the Control panel terminals.
the anchor screws, secure the Repeater to the wall.
n Main Board and Expander Board terminals
7. Complete the connections to the terminal board 77
of the RS485 Interface (part nr. 35), as described in [Z1] ... [Z8] Supervised/Bypassable detection zo-
the “Connecting Repeaters” section. nes. Detection device terminals for Fire detectors, Call
points, Gas detectors, etc.
8. Using the jumpers 76 of the RS485 (part nr. 35), set The Control panel will consider the zone:
the Repeater Address, as per the following Table: Ø Open when the voltage is between 27.6 V and
26.31 V;
Jumpers 76 Ø In Standby when the voltage is between 26.31 V
Repeater nr. and 17.15 V;
1 2
1 IN IN Ø In Alarm when the voltage is between 17.15 V and
2 OUT IN 2.82 V;
3 IN OUT Ø Shorted when the voltage is between 2.82 V and
4 OUT OUT 0 V.
If the Call point priority option has been enabled (refer
9. After power up, set the Address of the Display Mo- to “PROGRAMMING FROM A PC”), the Control panel
dule (if installed), as described in the “Display Mo- will distinguish between Alarms generated by Detectors
dule” section under “PROGRAMMING FROM THE and Alarms generated by Manual Call Point, as follows:
CONTROL PANEL”. Ø Detector Alarm — when the voltage is between
17.15 V and 13.15 V;
Ø Call point Alarm — when the voltage is between
13.15 V and 2.82 V.
Voltage on the zone terminal concerned drops be- The OC Output (Open-Collector) is Normally Open.
low the Pre-Alarm threshold, that is, as long as the Operating principles:
Alarm threshold value has not been exceeded in This Output will activate when one of its associated
the meantime. events occurs, and will restore when the event ends.
Up to 1 A can circulate on the OC Output.
If the Non-Silenceable R Output option is DISABLED,
it will be possible to Silence (force to standby) the Repe- + The OC Output accepts devices that operate within
SELV limits ONLY.
at Output of the zone concerned.
Repeat Outputs will hold standby status for the pro-
grammed Silence Time.
If Alarm conditions are present when the Silence Time
expires, the Repeat Output will re-activate.
Up to 0.1 A can circulate on each Repeat Output.
A DO NOT connect EN54 “E”, “J” or “C” rated devices Short-circuit or power supply interruption on NAC1 or
(visual, audible or telephone signalling devices) to NAC2 will be indicated by fast blinking on the Di-
the ALARM Output. sab./Fault NAC LED.
NAC1 and NAC2 can be disabled by means of the Di-
If the NON-Silenceable option of the ALARM Output has sab./Fault NAC key.
been DISABLED (refer to “ALARM Output” under “Out- Disablement of these Outputs will be indicated by
puts” in the “PROGRAMMING FROM A PC” section), it Glowing on the Disab./Fault NAC LED.
will be possible to Silence (force to standby) this Output. If NAC1 and NAC2 are disabled, they will be unable to
The ALARM Output will hold standby status for the pro- activate in the event of alarm.
grammed Silence Time. Up to 1 A can circulate on NAC1 and NAC2.
If Alarm conditions are present when the Silence Time
expires, the ALARM Output will re-activate.
Up to 5 A can circulate on the ALARM Output.
+ NAC1 and NAC2 accept devices that operate wit-
hin SELV limits ONLY.
Standby status ALARM ON ZONE 01
During normal operating conditions (Standby status),
ONLY the green Mains LED and, if the Control panel is
The top line of the display will show the number of the
operating in Night Mode, the Night Mode LED will be
zone that triggered the ALARM, and the bottom line will
On (glowing). The display will show the time and date
show the zone label (e.g Warehouse).
and “PANEL WORKING” message:
Most of the functions provided by this Control panel are The Silence button will allow you to stop the signalling
available at Access Level 2. Therefore, only Key and devices. To Silence the signalling devices:
PIN Code Users can operate the system (PIN Code en-
tered or Key turned in the Keyswitch). 1. Enter the PIN Code or turn the key in the Keyswitch
(Access Level 2).
Accessing Level 2 using a Key Insert the key into
the Keyswitch and turn it horizontally — access will be 2. Press Silence.
indicated by a beep.
To exit Access Level 2: turn the key back and remove it
from the Keyswitch — the Control panel will hold Disable
Access Level 2 for a further 20 seconds then will emit
two beeps to indicate the end of Access Level 2 status. If a detector is not working properly or is causing false
Alarms (signalled by fast blinking on the Disabled/Fa-
Accessing Level 2 using a PIN Code Type in your ult/Test LED), you can disable it by pressing the respecti-
PIN Code (1234 at Default): — access will be indicated ve zone button.
by a five beeps in rapid succession. You can disable signalling devices (Bells, Sirens, Fire
To exit Access Level 2: DO NOT press any button for signs, etc.) by pressing the Disab./Fault NAC button,
20 seconds: the end of Access Level 2 status will be in- and disable the Dialler output by pressing the Di-
dicated by two beeps in rapid succession. sab./Fault Telecom Button.
1. Enter the PIN Code or turn the key in the Keyswitch 2. Press Reset.
(Access Level 2).
You can also use the Ack./Evac. button to activate an Extinguishment Module
Evacuation Alarm.
This Control panel is equipped with an Extinguishment
To activate an ALARM when the Control panel is in Module for fire extinguishment purposes (up to 2 Extin-
Pre-alarm status (Pre-al. LED ON), press and hold the guishment Modules can be connected to J424 Control
Ack./Evac. button AT LEAST 5 seconds. panels). These devices have been specially designed
to reduce unnecessary activation of Fire Extingui-
To activate an Alarm when the Control panel is in shment appliances.
Standby status:
In the event of a Fire, the Extinguishment systems will
1. Enter the PIN Code or turn the key in the Keyswitch be activated when the pre-set Pre-Extinguishment
(Access Level 2). Time expires.
2. Press the Ack./Evac. button for at least 5 se- These devices can also be activated from manual
conds. call-points (ask your Installer for details).
24R OUT FAULT None 24R output is shorted
24R OUT RESTORE None 24R output has been restored
24V OUT FAULT None 24V output is shorted
24V OUT RESTORE None 24V output has been restored
ALARM ZONE Zone no. + Description The zone concerned is in Alarm status
AUTO UNBYPASSED Extinguishment Mod. nr. Automatic Extinguishment of Ext. Mod. nr. has been re-enabled
BATT.CHARG.FAULT Power Supply Stat. nr. Charger of Power Supply Stat. nr. not working properly
BATT.CHARG.REST. Power Supply Stat. nr. Charger of Power Supply Stat. nr. has been restored
BATTERY DISCONN. Power Supply Stat. nr. Batteries of Power Supply Stat. nr. disconnected
BATTERY FAULT None Panel batteries empty, malfunctioning or disconnected
BATTERY FAULT Power Supply Stat. nr. Batteries of Power Supply Stat. nr. empty or disconnected
BATTERY FAULT Power Supply Stat. nr. Batteries of Power Supply Stat. nr. low
BATTERY RECONN. Power Supply Stat. nr. Batteries of Power Supply Stat. nr. have been restored
BATTERY RESTORE Power Supply Stat. nr. Batteries of Power Supply Stat. nr have been restored
BATTERY RESTORE None Panel batteries have been restored
BATTERY RESTORE Power Supply Stat. nr. Batteries of Power Supply Stat. nr. empty or disconnected
BUZZER SILENCED None The Buzzer has been disabled
BYPASSED ZONE Zone no. + Description The zone concerned has been disabled
DETECTOR MISSING Zone no. + Description The detector connected to the zone concerned is not working
DIALLER ACTIVATE None Dialler Output has been activated
DISAB.AUTO Extinguishment Mod. nr. Automatic Extinguishment of Ext. Mod. nr. has been disabled
DL OUT FAULT None Dialler connections interrupted or shorted
DL OUT RESTORE None Dialler connections has been restored
DL OUTPUT Enabled/Disabled The Dialler Output has been disabled/enabled
EM ACTIVATED Extinguishment Mod. nr. EM Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr. has been activated
EM INPUT FAULT Extinguishment Mod. nr. EM Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr. shorted or open
EM INPUT RESTORE Extinguishment Mod. nr. EM Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr. has been restored
EV OUT ACTIVATED Extinguishment Mod. nr. EV Output of Extinguishment Mod. nr. has been activated
EV OUT FAULT Extinguishment Mod. nr. EV Output of Extinguishment Mod. nr. shorted or open
EV OUT RESTORE Extinguishment Mod. nr. EV Output of Extinguish. Mod. nr. has been restored
EVACUATE None Evacuation command executed
GND FAULT REST. None Control panel ground fault has been restored
GROUND FAULT None Control panel leakage to Earth
IE ACTIVATED Extinguishment Mod. nr. IE Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr. has been activated
IE INPUT FAULT Extinguishment Mod. nr. IE Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr. shorted or open
IE INPUT RESTORE Extinguishment Mod. nr. IE Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr. has been restored
INVESTIGATION None Investigation executed
MAIN FAULT None/Pow.SupStat.nr. Mains failure to Control panel/Power Supply Stat. nr.
MAIN RESTORE None The Control panel/Power Supply Stat. nr. powered from Mains
MANUAL BYPASSED Extinguishment Mod. nr. EM Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr. has been disabled
MANUAL UNBYPASS. Extinguishment Mod. nr. EM Input of Extinguishment Mod. nr has been re-enabled
MODE Night/Day Control panel has switched from Night to Day Mode
NAC OUTPUT Enabled/Disabled One of the Alarm outputs has been disabled/enabled
NAC1 FAULT None Alarm device connections interrupted or shorted
NAC1 RESTORE None Alarm device connections interrupted has been restored
NAC2 FAULT None Alarm device connections interrupted or shorted
NAC2 RESTORE None Alarm device connections interrupted has been restored
OUT 1 RESTORE Power Supply Stat. nr. O1 Output of Power Supply Stat. nr has been restored
OUT 1 SHORT Power Supply Stat. nr. O1 Output of Power Supply Stat. nr shorted
OUT 2 RESTORE Power Supply Stat. nr. O2 Output of Power Supply Stat. nr has been restored
OUT 2 SHORT Power Supply Stat. nr. O2 Output of Power Supply Stat. nr shorted
OUTS BYPASSED Extinguishment Mod. nr. Extinguishment Mod. PR, EV and AV outputs disabled
OUTS UNBYPASSED Extinguishment Mod. nr. Extinguishment Mod. PR, EV and AV outputs re-enabled
PE OUT ACTIVATED Extinguishment Mod. nr. PR Output of Extinguishment Mod. nr. activated
PE OUT FAULT Extinguishment Mod. nr. PR Output of Extinguishment Mod. nr. shorted or open
PERIPHERAL FAULT Peripheral type and nr. The device concerned is missing or faulty
PERIPHERAL REST. Extinguishment Mod. nr. PR Output of Extinguish. Mod. nr. has been restored
PERIPHERAL REST. Device type+Number The device concerned has been restored
Table 2 Event Descriptions (Continues ...): AV = Extinguishment Done; EM = Manual Extinguishment; EV = Electro-
valve; IE = Inhibit Extinguishment ; PR = Pre-extinguishment; PS = Pressure switch.
The Logger + Some LEDs indicate more than one status and, if
not otherwise stated, operate as follows:
The Control panel logger can store the Time, Date and ON (glowing) indicates DISABLED status;
Details of 50 events. To view the events in the logger, Fast blinking indicates a FAULT condition;
proceed as follows. Slow blinking indicates an ALARM/FAULT event
in memory.
1. From standby status, use Ú or Ù to view the
LOGGER: Mains (Green) Under normal operating conditions this
LED will be On (glowing). This LED indicates the pre-
Alarm On (glowing) indicates that at least one zone is
2. Press Esc to step back or, press Enter to view the in ALARM status (the zones in ALARM status can be
last event in the Logger. viewed on the Zone Alarm LEDs).
During ALARM status, Key and PIN Code users (Access
ALARM ZONE Level 2 — refer to “Access Level 2”) will be able to:
15:46 18/10/2004 Ø STOP the Silenceable Alarm signalling by pressing
the Silence button;
Ø STOP the entire ALARM procedure (in the event of
The top line on the display will show the event (refer to false alarm) by pressing the Reset button.
the DESCRIPTIONS column in Table 2), the bottom
line will show when the event occurred (Time and Date).
+ The Silence and Reset buttons can be used du-
ring Access Level 2 only.
3. Use Ú or Ù to scroll up and down the event list, use
Ø to view the event details (see the DETAILS co- Pre-al. On (glowing) indicates PRE-ALARM status.
lumn in Table 2). The Control panel will generate an ALARM when the
pre-set PRE-ALARM time expires.
ZONE 01 During PRE-ALARM status, Key and PIN Code users
Warehouse (Access Level 2 — refer to “Access Level 2”) will be
able to:
4. Repeat the previous step to continue viewing or, Ø EXTEND the Pre-alarm Time (to allow Alarm verifi-
press Esc to step back. cation) by pressing the Ack./Evac. button for LESS
THAN 5 seconds;
Ø ACTIVATE an Evacuation Alarm by pressing and hol-
The Status LEDs ding the Ack./Evac. key for AT LEAST 5 seconds;
Ø STOP the Silenceable Alarm signalling and interrupt
This section describes the warnings signalled on the the Pre-alarm Time by pressing the Silence button;
Control panel LEDs and actions that can be taken du- Ø STOP the ALARM procedure (in the event of false
ring the various phases of a fire alarm. alarm) by pressing the Reset button.
Ø STOP Fire Extinguishment systems(e.g. Sprinkler
system, etc.) by pressing the Disable Extinguish.
button on the Control panel or, any Disable Extin-
guish. button located on the premises.
+ The Ack./Evac., Silence and Reset buttons can
be used during Access Level 2 only.
+ The Silence button can be used during Access Le-
vel 2 only.
Test ON (glowing) indicates that at least one Zone is in Ack./Evac. ON (glowing) indicates that the program-
Test status. The zones in Test status can be viewed on med Investigation time is running.
the Disabled/Fault/Test LEDs.
Reset ON (glowing) indicates that Reset cannot be
Disab. ON (glowing) indicates that at least one zone carried out: press the Silence button.
has been DISABLED, therefore, it will be unable to trig-
ger ALARMS. The DISABLED zones can be viewed on
the Zone Alarm LEDs.
+ The Silence button can be used during Access Le-
vel 2 only.
Telecom ON (glowing)indicates that the Dialler has Night Mode ON (glowing) indicates that the Control
been activated. panel is operating in NIGHT Mode.
If the Silence button is pressed during NIGHT mode —
Mains (GREEN) OFF indicates Mains failure. Mains fa- SILENCE status will be held for the programmed Night
ilure may be due to local black-out in the area, if this is mode Silence time.
not the case, you must call your installer for service. OFF indicates that the Control panel is operating in
IMPORTANT: The Control panel will be powered by the DAY Mode. If the Silence button is pressed during DAY
batteries during black-out, however, if Mains failure lasts Mode — SILENCE status will be held until the Silence
for many hours the batteries may empty. button is pressed again.
nel negative terminal and the other left free. This Control panel also accepts Fire detectors with Nor-
mally-Open Alarm Outputs, as shown in Figure 15.
! High Voltage leads (230 V) must be bunched
separately from Low Voltage leads (24 V). All
Connect a 680 ohm (111) resistor in series to the Nor-
mally-Open contact, then connect the series of the
leads must be bunched in such a way as to avo- contact with the resistor and the Normally-Open contact
id contact with other wiring and components. to the zone terminal.
Expander board
Main board or
L1 L2 NO Detector L1 L2
R2 680 Ω 110
24 V relay
270 Ω*
L Conventional C Manual L
24V 24 Detector Call Point
+ +
Power Supply
24 V
– –
Figure 14 Wiring diagram of 3 detection devices to a zone: 109) 3900 ohm EOL Resistor, 1/4 W (orange-whi-
te-red-gold); 110) 1N5919 Diode (or similar) — necessary when the Bypass Missing Detectors option is enabled;
*) Callpoint contact resistance — required if the Call point priority
the cathode.
n Connecting Gas Detectors
The Control panel monitors the system for “Missing” de- This Control panel accepts Gas detectors with Normally
vices by inverting the polarity (every 60 seconds) of ter- Open Outputs (NO) and 4-20 mA gas detectors.
minals belonging to zones with the Bypass Missing
Detectors attribute (option ENABLED). NO Output Connect Gas detectors with Normally
Open Outputs (NO) as per Figure 16a.
+ Polarity inversion DOES NOT damage the detec-
tors as, during this status, only a 0.6 V negative vol-
Operating principles:
Terminal [A] (the Detector Alarm Output) will connect to
tage is present on the detector power terminals . terminal [–] when the concentration of gas in the area
exceeds the preset safety threshold.
n Connecting Call-points Wiring description:
This Control panel accepts Normally Open Call-points Using a 680 ohm resistor (111), connect terminal [A] to
with 680 ohm contact resistance (wiring as per Figu- the zone terminal.
re 14), and Call-points with zero ohm contact resistan- Connect terminal [+] (the Detector Power input) to a po-
ce (wiring as per Figure 15). wer source that can be interrupted for the required reset
Wiring instructions time (see terminal [24R] on the Main Board).
Connect a 680 ohm (112) resistor in series to the Nor- Terminal [P] (the Detector Pre-Alarm Output) is not
mally-Open contact, then connect the series of the shown in the wiring diagram.
contact with the resistor and the Normally-Open contact The Repeat Output of the zone can be set up to inter-
to the zone terminal. rupt the gas flow in the event of an alarm (wiring as per
Figure 16a — see terminal [R4]).
If the Call point is the last device or the zone, connect If zone Z4 generates an alarm (or pre-alarm — when
the EOL (109) to its NO and C terminals. the Pre-Alarm on R Output option is ENABLED), ter-
minal [R4] will pull down to 0 V (negative) thus activa-
Call-point priority If this option is enabled, the zone ting the relay which in turn will latch the Switching Po-
concerned will discriminate between alarms triggered wer supply to the Electrovalve.
by Detectors and those triggered by Call-points. In the
event of a Call-point alarm, the Control panel will gene-
rate an instant alarm regardless of the operating mode
+ The current draw of Electrovalves must be provi-
ded by an external power source (e.g. BXM Power
of the system (Day or Night Mode). Station).
Expander board
Main board or
111 Zero ohm 112 111
NO output NO output
detector detector
Figure 15 Wiring diagram of 3 detectors with Normally-Open Outputs and a Call point with zero ohm contact resistan-
ce: 109) 3900 ohm, 1/4 W EOL resistor (orange-white-red-gold); 111) 680 ohm resistor;
112) 680 ohm resistor (necessary when Call-point priority option is DISABLED) or 270 ohm resistor when Call-point
Priority option is ENABLED).
+ Terminal
tor ONLY.
[Z1] accepts ONE 4 - 20 mA Gas detec- For example, NAC2 will not activate during the
pre-alarm phase, whereas, NAC1 will activate every 6
If you are connecting a 4 - 20 mA Gas detector to seconds for 2 seconds. NAC1 and NAC2 will always be
terminal [Z1] of an Expander Module, remove the active during alarm status.
Jumper (62) (marked GAS on the PCB), and
ENABLE the Gas Detector option of the respecti-
ve zone (i.e. Zone nr. 1 for the Main Board, Zone
+ Ated3900 ohm, 1/4 W resistor (109) must be connec-
between the [+] and [–] terminals of the last de-
nr. 9 for Expander Module nr. 1, zone nr. 17 for vice connected to NAC1 and NAC2.
Expander Module nr. 2). A 1N4007 diode (114) (or similar) must be
connected between the [+] terminals of devices
connected to NAC1 and NAC2 and the [+] termi-
nals of the latter.
a) b)
24R 24R
4 - 20 mA
gas detector
Expander board
Expander board
Main board or
Main board or
Z4 Z1 S
111 111
R4 R1
NO output 109
24 electrovalve Powe supply
24V 24 O2
24 V relay
Figure 16 Wiring diagram of a Gas detector with Normally-Open Output (a) and a 4 - 20 mA Gas detector (b):
109) 3900 ohm, 1/4 W EOL Resistor (orange-white-red-gold); 111) 680 ohm resistor; 113) 470 ohm resistor, 2 W
n Connecting a Repeater
Connect the 24V, –, + and M terminals to the respecti-
ve terminals on the Main Board of the Control panel, as
shown in Figure 17.
+ – + –
114 114 109
Outdoor hornstrobe
114 114
Figure 18 Wiring diagram of Signalling devices: 109) 3900 ohm, 1/4 W EOL Resistor (orange-white-red-gold);
114) 1N4007 Diode or similar
680 Ω 680 Ω A The J400-EXT Extinguishment Mo-
Manual dule IS NOT an IMQ-SECURITY
SYSTEMS listed product.
Control Buttons 109
C C The wiring diagram in Figure 19
shows an Extinguishment Module
connected to the Control panel.
The EM inputs (Manual Extingui-
Extinguishment Gas
Electrovalve lation of an external Power Station is
Wiring description:
Acoustic shment) accept signalling devices that
110 110 Signalling operate at 24V.
+ + Wiring description:
HALON HALON Connect (as near as possible to the
WEAR THE MASKES WEAR THE MASKES 109 last device connected to the output) a
– – 3900 ohm, 1/4 W resistor (109) in pa-
rallel to the [+] and [–] terminals of the
Connect a 1N4007 diode or similar,
between the positive inputs of the de-
Figure 19 Wiring diagram of an Extinguishment Module: 109) 3900 ohm, vices connected to the PR and AE,
1/4 W EOL Resistor (orange-white-red-gold); 110) 1N4007 Diode or similar; and the [+] terminals of the latter.
111) 680 ohm (blue-grey-brown-gold)
Static Test The Static Test monitors the battery char- J408: Use 7Ah @ 12 V YUASA NP7-12 FR batte-
ge during Mains failure. In the event of Low battery sta- ries; or similar with case flame class UL94-V2 (or
tus (below 22.8 V), the Battery LED will turn ON. If this higher).
occurs, the Mains power must be restored before the
batteries empty, otherwise, the system will shutdown. 4. Connect the Earth wire to the [Q] terminal on the
Low battery restoral (over 24.6 V) will be signalled by terminal board 53.
blinking on the Battery LED (Memory).
5. Connect the Neutral wire to terminal [N], and the
Line wire to terminal [L] on the terminal board 53.
230 V Neutral
50 Hz
BLACK wire
RED wire Jumper
+ – + – Isolating
12 V battery 12 V battery
must be routed as per Figure 21c and held The following operations must carried out regularly.
firmly in place by a cable tie (see Figure 21b).
A Using a damp cloth (DO NOT USE SOLVENTS OF
n Thermal Probe ANY KIND), remove dust from the Control panel case.
This Control panel supports the KST thermal probe (ac-
cessory item). The probe will optimize the battery char- B Using the Test key, check that the LEDs and buzzer
ging process by regulating the charge voltage in are functioning properly.
accordance with the battery temperature.
C Ensure that the batteries are sufficiently charged and
Work carefully through the following instructions (refer functioning properly. If not, replace them immediately.
to the figure on pages 12, 14, 18 and 19):
D Ensure that all cables and connections are intact.
1. Connect the probe 24 to the connector 38 on the
Main board of the Control panel. E Ensure that there are no unrelated objects inside the
Control panel case.
2. Attach the probe to one of the batteries, in such a
way as to obtain optimum heat transfer. + Points A and B may be carried out by users.
Points C, D and E must be carried out by qualified
3. Measure the Probe temperature. persons only.
a) b) c)
F 3.15A/25ØV
F 3.15A/25ØV
F 6.3A/25ØV
F 6.3A/25ØV
B+ B+
B– B–
+V +V
No Yes
Figure 21
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 22 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 22 Switching Power Supply Output Voltage graph. To find the Output Voltage using the graph: — indicate the
Probe temperature on the TEMPERATURE (°C) axis; draw a line from the temperature value point up to the curve a);
draw a line from the intersection point across to the VOLTAGE (V) axis; adjust the Output Voltage of the Switching Po-
wer Supply to the resultant value. For example, if the Probe temperature is 22 °C, the Output Voltage of the Switching
Power Supply must be set at 27.4 V.
VOLTAGE (V) 29.0 28.8 28.6 28.2 28.0 27.8 27.4 27.2 27.0 26.8 26.6 26.4 26.2
Table 3 Switching Power Supply Output Voltage chart. To find the Output Voltage using the chart: — select the nea-
rest value to the Probe temperature on the TEMPERATURE (°C) row; read the respective value on the VOLTAGE (V)
row; adjust the Output Voltage of the Switching Power Supply to the indicated value. For example, if the Probe tempe-
rature is 22 °C, the Output Voltage of the Switching Power Supply must be set at 27.4 V.
You can program this system from the Control panel or Enrolling: Extinguishment Modules
from a computer, using the J400 application.
The Extinguishment Modules page will allow you to
This section describes how to program the system from enrol and set up Extinguishment Modules, as follows.
a computer. If you intend programming the system from
the Control panel refer to the “PROGRAMMING FROM ü Enrol the Extinguishment Modules (if installed).
THE PANEL” section. A tick (þ) indicates that the respective device is part of
the system.
Enrolling: Expander Modules Description This 16 character field will allow you to as-
sign a label to the Extinguishment Module. For exam-
The Expander Modules page will allow you to enrol ple, if the Extinguishment Module is intended for fire ex-
Expander Modules, as follows. tinction in a particular part of the premises, it may be
useful to assign the name of the area concerned. The
ü Enrol the Expander Modules (if installed). assigned label will identify the Extinguishment Module
A tick (þ) indicates that the respective device is part of in all the operations it is involved in.
the system.
Setting up an Extinguishment Module:
Description This 16 character field will allow you to as- — select the Extinguishment Module on the left-hand
sign a label to the Expander Module. For example, if the side of the page, then program the respective parame-
Expander Module monitors a particular part of the pre- ters on the right-hand side of the page, as follows.
mises, it may be useful to assign the name of the area
concerned. The assigned label will identify the Expan-
der Module in all the operations it is involved in.
n Activation Mode n Pressure Switch Input
This section will allow you to select the logic that will ac- This field will allow you to set up the Standby status of
tivate the Extinguishment phase, as follows. the Pressure Switch Input ([PS] terminals).
OR If you ENABLE this option, at least ONE of the Zo- Normally Closed If this option is DISABLED (at Defa-
nes — selected in the Zones chart — must detect alarm ult, there must be a 3900 ohm resistance across the [+]
conditions. and [–] terminals of the PS input during Standby status.
At least TWO If you ENABLE this option, at least TWO Extinguishment Confirmation If you ENABLE this
of the Zones — selected in the Zones chart — must de- option, the Activated Extinguishment output ([AE] ter-
tect alarm conditions. minals) will activate if the Pressure Switch Input ([PS]
terminals) activates during the Extinguishment Time.
All If you ENABLE this option, ALL the Zones — selec- If you DISABLE this option (DISABLED at Default), the
ted in the Zones chart — must detect alarm conditions. Activated Extinguishment output ([AE] terminals) will
activate when the Extinguishment Time starts.
n Times
This section will allow you to set the Extinguishment Ti-
mes. Enrolling: Power Supply Stations
Pre-Extinguishment Time This field will allow you to The Power Supply Stations page will allow you to en-
program a delay between verification of the Activation rol and set up Power Supply Stations, as follows.
Mode conditions and activation of the Electrovalve out-
put ([EV] terminals). The Pre-Extinguishment output ü Enrol the Power Supply Stations (if installed).
([PR] terminals) will be active during the Pre-Extingui- A tick (þ) indicates that the respective Power Supply
shment Time. Station is part of the system.
Accepted values: 0 to 1275 seconds (21 minutes 15 se-
conds) in steps of 5 seconds Description This 16 character field will allow you to as-
Default value: 20 seconds sign a label to the respective Power Supply Station. For
example, it may be useful to assign the name of the
Extinguishment Time This field will allow you to set area where the device is located. The assigned label
the Extinguishment Time. If you DISABLE the Bistable will identify the Power Supply Station in all the opera-
option, the EV output will restore to standby when the tions it is involved in.
programmed Extinguishment Time expires.
Accepted values: 0 to 250 seconds (4 minutes 10 se-
conds) in steps of 1 second Enrolling: Repeaters and LCD Modules
Bistable If you ENABLE the Bistable option, the EV The Repeaters and LCD Modules page will allow you
output will restore to standby when the Control panel to enrol Repeater panels and LCD Modules, as follows.
ü Enrol the Repeater panels and Display Modules (if
n Zones installed).
This section will allow you to select the Zones which will A tick (þ) indicates that the respective device is part of
activate the Extinguishment phase. the system.
Position This field shows the Description of the device Auto.Alarm/Manual Alarm If the Call point Priority
the Zone is assigned to. option has been ENABLED, the Control panel will con-
sider the Zone in MANUAL ALARM status when the vol-
Description This field will allow you to assign a label to tage on its terminals ranges between the value pro-
the Zone. The assigned label will identify the Zone in all grammed in this field and the value programmed in the
the operations it is involved in. Manual Alarm/Short field.
n Options Outputs
This section will allow you to assign the Zone “attributes”.
The Outputs page controls the pulse pattern for
Alarm Verification If this option is ENABLED, Alarm Pre-Alarm (Alert) and/or Alarm (Evacuate) signalling on
will be verified as follows: the NAC1 and NAC2 outputs, and Alarm (Evacuate) si-
Ø the system will not generate a Control panel Alarm gnalling on the ALARM output.
when the Zone first detects Alarm conditions;
Ø the system will reset the Zone and start the Alarm The pattern is represented by a series of bells, each bell
Verification Time (refer to “Panel settings”); representing a second.
Ø if the Zone triggers another Alarm while the Alarm
Verification Time is running, the system will generate The configuration of the RED and WHITE backgrounds
a Control panel Alarm. (for On and Off respectively e.g. all RED indicates conti-
nuously On) determines the respective pulse pattern.
Bypass missing detectors If the Zone is wired to
bypass missing detectors, this option MUST BE ENABLED. For example, the output devices (connected to
NAC1and NAC2) can be configured to have one audi-
NON-Silenceable R Output If this option is ble output for Pre-Alarm (Alert) and a different audible
ENABLED, the Repeat Output of the Zone concerned output for Alarm (Evacuate), thus allowing users to di-
([Rn] terminal) CANNOT be Silenced. stinguish between the two conditions, as follows.
Pre-Alarm Time This field will allow you to program the Alarm pattern To be set up in the same way as the
delay between the Zone Alarm and the Control panel Alarm. Alarm pattern of NAC1 but for the Alarm pattern of
+ Ifoneseveral Zones trigger Alarms within seconds of
another, the Control panel will generate an
Default setting: NAC2 is continuous.
Alarm when the shortest Pre-Alarm Time of all the n ALARM Output
Zones concerned expires.
Alarm Pattern To be set up in the same way as NAC1
Accepted values: 0 to 300 seconds (5 minutes), in steps but for the Alarm pattern of the ALARM Output.
of 10 seconds. Default setting: the Alarm Output is continuous.
Default setting: 60 seconds.
NON-Silenceable If this option is ENABLED, the
Investigation Time This field wilI allow you to program ALARM Output cannot be SILENCED.
an “interval” that will override the Pre-Alarm Time. This
“interval” will allow users time to investigate fire alerts.
It will be applied when the Ack/Evac. key is pressed for
less than 5 seconds at Access Level 2 (Keyswitch
ENABLED or PIN Code entered).
Accepted values: 0 to 300 seconds (5 minutes), in steps
of 10 seconds
Default value: 60 seconds.
Pre-Alarm If you assign this event, the OC Output will Alarm Signalling Delay This field will allow you to
activate when the Control panel generates Pre-Alarm, program the Dialler Output delay.
and will restore to standby when the Control panel ge- Accepted values: 0 through 600 seconds (10 minutes),
nerates an Alarm. in steps of 10 seconds;
Default setting: 60 seconds.
Fault If you assign this event, the OC Output will acti-
vate when the system detects trouble, and will restore
when the trouble clears.
+ during
The Alarm Signalling Delay will be suspended
the Silence phase.
Test If you assign this event, the OC Output will acti- Automatic Night to Day Mode If this option is
vate when Zones are in Test status, and will restore ENABLED, the changeover from Night Mode to Day
when Test status ends. Mode will occur automatically at the set Time (refer
to “Night to Day Mode” in this section).
Double Knock If you assign this event, the OC Output
will activate when TWO or more Zones generate Alarm, Automatic Day to Night Mode If this option is
and will restore to standby when the Control panel Re- ENABLED, the changeover from Day Mode to Night
sets. Mode will occur automatically at the set Time (refer to
“Day to Night Mode” in this section).
+ Ifwillyouactivate
assign more than one event, the OC Output
when one of the assigned events oc- Night to Day Mode This field will allow you to program
curs, and will Reset when ALL the assigned events when the Control panel must change from Night to Day
end. Mode.
This setting requires two digits for the Hour value and
two for the Minutes value.
Use 00 to 23 (00 = Midnight) to set the Hour value.
Use 00 to 59 to set the Minutes value.
Day to Night Mode This field will allow you to program n Alarm Verification Time
when the Control panel must change from Day to Night This field will allow you to program the Alarm verification
Mode. window, that is, the time within which a Zone (with the
This setting requires two digits for the Hour value and Alarm Verification option ENABLED) must trigger two
two for the Minutes value. Alarm events in order for the system generate a Control
Use 00 to 23 (00 = Midnight) to set the Hour value. panel Alarm.
Use 00 to 59 to set the Minutes value. Accepted values: 0 through 600 seconds (10 minutes),
in steps of 5 seconds
n Reset Default setting: 30 seconds
The Control panel Reset operation is divided into two
phases: Reset and Stabilization. n Night Mode Silence Time
This parameter determines how long the Control panel
During the Reset phase, the Control panel will interrupt will hold “Silence” status during Night Mode.
the power supply to the devices connected to the Zones Accepted values: 0 through 600 seconds (10 minutes),
and the [24R] terminal. in steps of 5 seconds
Default setting: 60 seconds
During the Stabilization phase, the Control panel will
ignore the status of the Zones. n Mains Failure Signalling Delay
This parameter determines how long the Control panel
This process is necessary, as some devices signal trou- will wait before signalling a Mains Failure event.
ble conditions for several seconds after power-up. Accepted Values: 0 through 9999 minutes (6 days, 22
hours, 39 minutes), in steps of 1 minute.
The Reset section will allow you to program the Detec- Default Setting: 0 minutes.
tor Reset and Stabilization Times.
A The IMQ SECURITY SYSTEMS approval applies
Detector Reset Time This field will allow you to pro- ONLY when the Mains Failure delay is set at 30
gram the length of the power interruption that will reset minutes or less.
the Detectors.
Accepted values: 0 through 15 seconds, in steps of 1 n Date/Time
second. This field is for the current date and time.
Default setting: 8 seconds.
n User Code
The 4-digit User Code will allow access to Level 2 of the
Control panel.
Default setting: 1234
1 1 13
6 6 25
2 2 12
7 7 24
3 3 11
8 8 23
4 4 10
9 9 22
5 5 9
a) DB9 Female 7-wire cable DB9 Female 8
connector shield connector 7
5 5
9 17
4 4
8 16
3 3
7 15
2 2
6 14
1 1
b) DB9 Female 7-wire cable DB25 Female
connector shield connector
Figure 27 Wiring diagram for the serial link between the Control panel and PC
44 Conventional Fire Panels J424/J408
Read through the following section carefully, in order to 2. Connect the jumper 65 to the first and second ter-
get an overall view of how to use the Programming minal pins on the 3-pin terminal strip marked PRG
Overlay during the various “Programming Phases”. For on the Main Board. All the Control panel LEDs will
details regarding the parameters of each phase, refer to go OFF except for the Disab./Fault Telecom LED
the respective paragraph in the “PROGRAMMING which will blink — to indicate that the system is re-
FROM A PC” chapter. ady for programming via computer.
Using the Programming Overlay 3. Press and hold the Disab./Fault Telecom key for at
The Programming Overlay is set up in columns. least 2 seconds. The green Mains LED will blink and
The LEDs in column A represent the Programming the Amber Mains LED will go ON to indicate that the
Phases: ZONES; TIMES; OUTPUTS; PANEL; system is ready for programming via the Control panel.
Columns B, C, D, E and F are divided into panes, each 4. Remove the cut-outs (for the LEDs), and insert the
pane providing a series of options. Each option is pre- tabs of the Programming Overlay into the Zone la-
ceded by a number, representing the Programming bel slots, as shown in Figure 28.
Phase it belongs to (e.g. Pre-alarm time — column C
belongs to the TIMES Programming Phase). 5. Press the Next Phase key 9 then select the group of
The panes in column B have LEDs, those in columns C parameters that you want to program: ZONES,
(except for the “Next Phase” key), D, E and F have TIMES; OUTPUTS; PANEL or VARIOUS (refer to the
LEDs and keys. During the programming session, the respective paragraph for details) or, if you want to
LEDs and keys and will take on “Multi-Task” status, that program the Extinguishment Modules, press and hold
is, they will operate in accordance with the Program- (for at least 2 seconds) key 3 or key 6, respectively,
ming Phase concerned. Extinguishment Module nr. 1 and Extinguishment
Module nr. 2 (refer to “Programming Modules” for de-
+ Some options must be ENABLED/DISABLED by
means of the Zone keys (Z1 through Z 8 for the
tails). The respective LED in column A will turn On to
indicate the group of parameters concerned.
J408; Z1 through Z 24 for the J424). The Program-
ming Overlay covers the keys of Zones 1 through 8
(Z1 . . . Z 8), however, there is no need to remove it, Exiting the Programming Session
as these keys are clearly indicated in columns E
and F. Once programming has been completed, press key 9,
then connect the jumper 65 to the second and third ter-
minals on the 3-pin terminal strip marked PRG on the
Accessing the Programming session Main Board. The Control panel will Reset automatically.
1. Remove the screws 4 and open the Control panel. + Press the Next Phase key 9 before repositioning the
jumper, otherwise, the settings will not be saved.
M - - Zone 1 Zone 5
M Pre-alarm time Refresh time Zone 1 Zone 5
M 128 sec Alarm Pre-alarm Fault
Alarm verific. 1 2 3
M User code Day mode
M 64 sec Stabilization time Reset time Exting. 1 LCD 1 Power 1 Rep. 1
Extinguish. time Zone 1/Exting. 1 Zone 5
Detect missing
M - - Zone 2 Zone 6
M OC output Verification time Silence time Zone 2 Zone 6
M 32 sec Reset Disablement Test
Silen. Out R 4 5 6
M Night mode Clock
M 16 sec Configuration 1 Exting. 2 LCD 2 Power 2 Rep. 2
Activation zones Zone 2/Exting. 2 Zone 6
Pre-alarm on R
M - - Zone 3 Zone 7
PANEL M NAC2 Alarm DL output delay Increase time Zone 3 Zone 7
M 8 sec Double knock
Test on NACs 7 8
M Date Mains off delay
M 4 sec Configuration 2 Increase time Expander 1 LCD 3 Power 3 Rep. 3
Increase time Zone 3 Zone 7
CCall-point alarm
M Next phase Next Option Zone 4 Zone 8
TIMES M NNAC2 Pre-alarm Decrease time Zone 4 Zone 8
M 2 sec Next Output
Gas detector 9 0
ZONES M NNAC1 Pre-alarm
M 1 sec Decrease time Expander 2 LCD 4 Power 4 Rep. 4
Decrease time Zone 4 Zone 8
The ZONES LED will blink to indicate that the system is The TIMES LED will blink to indicate that the system is
ready to start the programming procedure. ready to start the programming procedure.
During this phase, the keys and LEDs will operate in ac- During this phase, the keys and LEDs will operate in ac-
cordance with the options preceded by in the panes cordance with the options preceded by in the panes
on the Programming Overlay, see Figure 29. on the Programming Overlay, see Figure 30.
1. Using the Next option key (0 column D), select the 1. Using the keys in columns C and D, select the Time
option you want to program. The respective LED option you want to program.
will go On (see column B).
2. Using the Increase Time option (Key 8), or the De-
2. Using the key of the zone concerned (Z1 ... Z24), crease Time option (Key 0), respectively increase
enable/disable the selected option: or decrease the setting.
– if the respective zone LED is On, the selected op- The setting is achieved by adding together the valu-
tion is enabled; es indicated by the LEDs in column B (e.g. if the
– if the respective zone LED is Off, the selected op- 40 sec and 20 sec LEDs are On, the setting will be
tion is disabled. 60 seconds).
3. If you want to program the Verification time or Si- 1. Using the Next Output key (0 column D) select the
lence Time or the DL output delay, go to step 4. output you want to program. The respective LED
If you want to save the setting, press the key of the will go On (see column B).
zone concerned (Z1 ... Z24):
– if the respective LED is On, the new Time setting 2. If you are programming the OC Output, go to step 3.
has been saved; If you are programming the NAC 1, NAC 2 or
– if the respective LED is Off, the new Time setting ALARM outputs, the pattern is achieved by using
has not been saved (setting unchanged). Keys 1 through 8, as follows:
– if the LED is On, the output will be On for the cor-
4. Go back to step 1 to program another Time option responding 1 second period in the pattern;
or, press the Next phase key 9 to go to the follo- – if the LED is Off, the output will be Off for the cor-
wing Programming Phase (Outputs — column A). responding 1 second period in the pattern.
For example, LEDS 1 through 4 On and 5 through
8 Off indicates 4 seconds On and 4 seconds Off, all
The “OUTPUTS” Programming Phase LEDs On indicates continuously On.
The OUTPUTS LED will blink to indicate that the 3. Using keys 1 through 7, select or deselect the OC
system is ready to configure the Output Pulse Pattern Output events:
(represented by LEDs 1 through 8, each LED represen- – if the LED is On, the OC Output will signal the re-
ting a second period in the pattern). During this phase, spective event;
the keys and LEDs will operate in accordance with the – if the LED is Off, the OC Output will not signal the
options preceded by in the panes on the Program- respective event.
ming Overlay, see Figure 31.
To access the programming phase, insert the LCD Mo- 3. Press Esc to go back to the Main Menu..
dule jumper 82, the module will provide the Main menu.
n Date Format
n Programming Mode Address
Program this option as follows. 1. Using Ú or Ù, select Date Format:
This quick guide is for installers with knowledge of the The following Table shows the current draw of the Con-
J424 and J408 control panels, and fire control panels in trol panel modules.
general. This chapter holds all the necessary installa-
tion details. MODULE CURRENT DRAW (A)
in Standby maximum
Main Board+J408-2
0.08 0.25
Technical features 2-Zone Control Board
Main Board+J408-4
0.1 0.27
Some of the technical features, regarding the terminals 4-Zone Control Board
on the Main and Expander boards, are described in the Main Board+J408-8 and
following paragraph. J424 8-Zone Control 0.13 0.3
CONTROL PANEL J424 J408 J400-EXT Extinguishment
0.04 0.21
Main voltage 230 V~ 50 Hz -15/+10% Module
Maximum current 0.9 A 0.5 A J400-EXP8 Expander
0.06 0.5
Power 60 W 35 W Module
Maximum current J400-LCD Module 0.08 0.08
1.5 A 1A
Low voltage range 19.0 ÷ 27.6 V
Low voltage ripple 1% Description of the terminals
Suitable batteries: 2 * 12 V/17 Ah 2 * 12 V/7 Ah
make YUASA YUASA The terminals of the 8 zone Main board, 4/2 zone Main
model NP 17-12 FR NP 7-12 FR boards, Expander board, Extinguishment board and
or equivalent with case flame Switching power supply, are described briefly in the a
class UL94-V2 or higher Table 4: the standby (normal) status is the first, followed
Temperature range -5 ÷ +40 °C by the alarm status. Moreover, the Voltage present du-
Dimensions 422*502*116 354*280*100 ring the different operating conditions is indicated for
(W*H*D) mm mm each terminal, as well as the maximum current (in
Weight 18.7 Kg(2) 8.2 Kg(3) amps) that can circulate:
(1) ... for the power supply of the optional modules (4) The sum of the currents absorbed by terminals [Z1],
(Extinguishment modules, Expander modules e Display [Z2], ..., [Z8], [24V], [24R], [NAC1] and [NAC2] must not
module) and external devices. exceed: 1.5 A for the J424 control panel; 1 A for the
J408 control panel.
(2) With two 12 V, 17 Ah batteries, 2 Expander modu-
les, 2 Extinguishment modules and the Display module.
Supervised—Bypassable DIALLER Output:
[DL] during Standby è floating
on expiry of the Alarm Signalling Delay è negative pull-down to 0 V 0 0.1
[OC] during Standby è terminal floating
on verification of an associated event è negative pull-down to 0 V 0 1
24 V POWER Output:
Positive pull-up to 27.6 V on [24V] terminal 27.6 1(4)
Negative pull-down to 0 V on [M] terminal 0 —
[24R] during Standby è positive pull-up to 27.6 V on [24R] terminal 27.6 1(4)
[M] during Reset è [24R] terminal floating; — —
Negative pull down to 0 V on [M] terminal 0 —
[PL] during Standby è floating — —
during power failure è negative pull-down to 0 V 0 1
Non-Supervised—Silenceable ALARM Output:
ALARM Control panel in Standby è [COM] terminal connects to [NC] and [NO] floats
Control panel in Alarm è the [COM] and [NO] terminals connect, in accordance with programming — 5
Non-Supervised—Silenceable—Bypassable FAULT Output:
FAULT Control panel in Standby è [COM] terminal connects to [NC] and [NO] floats
in the event of Fault è [COM] terminal connects to NO] and [NC] floats — 5
Supervised—Silenceable—Bypassable ALARM Output N. 1:
NAC1 Panel in Standby è negative pull-down to 0 V on [+] terminal; positive pull-up to 27.6 on [–] terminal
Panel in Alarm è positive pull-up to 27.6 on [+] terminal; negative pull-down to 0 V on [–] terminal 27.6 1(4)
Supervised—Silenceable—Bypassable ALARM Output N. 2:
NAC2 Panel in Standby è negative pull-down to 0 V on [+] terminal; positive pull-up to 27.6 V on [–] terminal
Panel in Alarm è positive pull-up to 27.6 on [+] terminal; negative pull down to 0 V on [–] terminal 27.6 1(4)
RS485 Serial Port:
Positive pull-up to 27.6 V on [24V] terminal; 27.6 1(4)
Negative pull-down to 0 V on [M] terminal; 0 —
data on [+] and [–] terminals — —
Supervised—Bypassable MANUAL EXTINGUISHMENT Input:
3.900 ohm (680 ohm se NC) across [+] and [–] terminals è Input in Standby
EM — —
680 ohm (3.900 ohm se NC) across [+] and [–] terminals è PRE-EXTINGUISHMENT time
[+] and [–] terminals shorted or open è Manual Extinguishment Fault signalling
3.900 ohm (680 ohm if NC) across [+] and [–] è Input in Standby
IE — —
680 ohm (3.900 ohm if NC) across [+] an [–] terminals è EXTINGUISHMENT impossible
[+] and [–] terminals shorted or open è Inhibit Exting. Fault signalling
Supervised PRESSURE SWITCH Input:
3.900 ohm (680 ohm if NC) across [+] and [–] terminals è Input in Standby
PS — —
680 ohm (3.900 ohm if NC) across [+] and [–] terminals è Pressure Switch Activated signalling
[+] and [–] terminals shorted or open è Pressure Switch Fault signalling
Supervised ELECTROVALVE Output:
Extinguishment Module in Standby è terminals disconnected
Extinguishment Module in Extinguishment phase è terminals connected — 5
terminals shorted or open è Electrovalve Fault signalling
Power supply Input for the PR and AE Outputs — —
Extinguishment Module in Stand by è negative on [+] terminal, positive on [–] terminal -27.6 —
during the Pre-Extinguishment phase è positive on [+] terminal, negative on [–] terminal 27.6 1
terminals [+] and [–] shorted or open è Fault Pre Ext. signalling
AE Extinguishment Module in Stand by è negative on [+] terminal, positive on [–] terminal -27.6 —
during the Extinguishment phase è positive on [+] terminal, negative on [–] terminal 27.6 1