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(Reuters Health) – Half of all heart patients C.

Problem in healing
made at least one medication-related
mistake after leaving the hospital, and D. Life—long time
guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to E. Life –threatening
reduce those errors, in a new study.
3.“… and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t
Consequences of mistakes – such as seem to reduce those errors ….” The
forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the “reduce” word is closest in meaning to ….
wrong dose – can range from side effects
like constipation to more serious drops in A. Improve
blood pressure. Two percent of errors were
B. Upgrade
C. Decrease
Hospitals involved in the study were already
taking steps to prevent medication mistakes D. Degrade
in addition to the extra pharmacist
intervention, said Dr. Sunil Kripalani, the E. Increase
study’s lead author from the Vanderbilt
Choose one correct answer to fill each gap
University Medical Center in Nashville,
in the passage below.
Abdominal pain is discomfort in the
“We were surprised to see that in spite of
abdomen (sekitar pusar). Mild abdominal
these efforts that 50 percent (of patients)
pain is common and is often due to __(4)__
were still having these medication errors,”
alcohol intake (yang dimakan), eating
he told Reuters Health.
__(5)__, or an attack of diarrhea. Pain in the
Although the pharmacist visits didn’t help lower abdomen is common during
the average patient, he added, certain ones menstruation __(6)__ is occasionally due to
seemed to benefit – such as patients who a gynecological (hormon kewanitaan)
were on multiple drugs or had trouble disorder such as endometriosis (radang yang
understanding health information. terkait dg hrmon esterogen). Cystitis (radang
kandung kemih, biasanya karena infeksi
As for traditionally lower-risk patients, he urine) is a common cause of pain or
said other strategies to prevent errors may be discomfort in the abdomen. Bladder
needed. (kandung kemih) distension
(penggelembungan) as a result of urinary
obstruction may also cause abdominal pain.
1.What does the text tell us about?
A. The patient’s medication errors
Abdominal colic (mulas) is pain that
B. The hospital’s medical treatments __(7)__ every few minutes as one of the
internal organs goes into muscular spasm
C. The doctor’s medical treatment (kekejangan urat) in an attempt to overcome
D. The uncontrolled medical treatment an obstruction such as a stone or an area of
inflammation (peradangan). The attacks of
E. The pharmacist’s medication mistakes colic may become more severe (keras/berat)
and may be __(8)__ vomiting (muntah).

4.A. abusive D. exclusive

2.What is the effect of medication errors?
B. extractive E. excessive
A. Bleeding on heart
C. extraterrestrial
B. Health information
5.A. wisely D. wiser
B. Cunwisely E. wise 11. Zuly : Do you …. a kidney dish in
C. unwise
Bob : Yes
6.A. although D. but
a. buy
B. however E. moreover
b. buys
C. whereas
c. buying
7.A. have occurred D. occurring
d. buyes
B. occurs E. had occurred
e. buyer
C. occurred
12. Dr. Marley is very smart. He ….. four
8.A. associated with D. similar to languages.
B. given to E. arranged for a. speak
C. regarded as b. Speaks

c. Spoken
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing d. Speaking
(x) a, b, c or d!
e. discussion
9.. Carol : Hi! Bob, nice to ….. you
again. How are you?

Bob : Hello carol, nice to see you too. I Medical care

am fine and you?
Last week, I suddenly became really sick,
Carol : Pretty good, thanks. and I was feeling a great deal of pain in my
side, so my father rushed me to the
a. look emergency room at the nearest hospital. I
b. see started feeling a strong pain in my side, and
there wasn't any sign that I was getting
c. seen better. We didn't feel that we needed to call
an ambulance because we lived so close to
d. looking for
the hospital. When we arrived, my dad
e. view helped me into the emergency room, and the
doctor on duty realized I had appendicitis. I
10. Carol : I am a nurse. I ….. care some was quickly admitted to the hospital. A
patients there. nurse took my vital signs (blood pressure,
temperature, and pulse) while my dad filled
Bob : That’s sound interesting and
out all the necessary paperwork. Soon
what ward do you work in Serulingmas
thereafter, I was prepared for emergency
surgery. The surgery didn't last that long, but
Carol : I work in surgical ward and I felt sore afterwards.
what about you?
13. Why they didn’t call an ambulance?
a. takes
a. Because they lived near by the
b. took hospital.

c. taking b. Because they didn’t like using an

d. talk
c. They didn’t have much money.
e. talks
d. They like take a walk
e. Because they have a car 19. Who has the ultimate authority over the
paramedic in the field...
14. Why the writer went to the hospital?
A. Standing orders
a. Because the writer need medicine
B. Protocols
b. Because the writer was sick
C. On-line medical control
c. Visiting a sister in hospital
D. Scene physican
d. Trip
E. Hospital owner
e. Vocation
20. Aminophylin is given...
15. What is the name of the writer sick?
A. IV Push rapidly
a. Appendicitis
B. IV Over 20-30 Minutes
b. Appendix
C.IV Over 8-10 Minutes
c. Appear
D. IV push slowly
d. Approval
E. IV Over 10-15 Minutes
e. Approach
21. which of the following is not
16. A known diabetic who is unconscious apredisposing factor to hypotermia...
pale calmmy skin, with stable vital signs is
suffering from.... A. disbetes

A. CVA B. old age

B. Acute C. AMI

C. Diabetic coma D. alcoholism

D. Insulin shock E. cations

E. Asthma 22. lons that carry a negative charge are...

17. Patient has high blood pressure in A. cations

pregency ....
B. anions
a. Preeclampsia
C. electrolytes
b. eclampsia
D. megahertz
E. old age
d. uterine inversion

e. hematuria
23. verapamil has whta effects on the
18. The most significant of the pancreas myocardium...
A. negative chronotropic
A. Tenderness
B. positive inotropic
B. Rigidity and guarding
C. negative inotropic
C. Pain
D. positive chronotropic
D. Hematuria
E. inotrovis negative
E. Asystole
24. what is the chiefextrcellularelectrolyte... E. prolapsed cord

A. sodium

B. potassium 29. in a COPD patient the respiratory drive

is triggered by...
C. hydrogen
A. hypocarbia
D. calcium
B. hypercarbia
E. anions
C. hypoxia

D. hypovolemia
25. the normal PR interval is......seconds
E. diazepam
A. 0.2-0.4
30.the waste product of anaerobic
B. 0.4-0.12 metabolism is...
C. 0.1-0.20 A. CO2 dan H2O
D. 0.12-0.20 B. HCO3
E. 0.3-0.4 C. lactic acid
26. Painful bleeding in the third trimester of D. acetylcholine
pregnancy is most likely...
E. lidocaine
Many married and unmarried women
B. placenta previa have committed abortions in this country.
C. abruptio placenta The plan to legalize abortion means the plan
to legalize a crime.
D. mitlleschmertz
In the view of all religions, abortion
E. cricothyrotomy is an evil practice. In an abortion, a child
candidate is killed without any doing sins
before he or she breathes the fresh air of the
27. Bleeding in the third trimester of world life. This means killing to human
pregnancy without paint is most, likely ... beings. Religious people will never let
abortion be legalized.
A. spontaneous abortion
Abortion is really dangerous to the
B. placenta previa women and it is a crime. According to some
credible researches on genecology and
C. abruptio placenta
obstetrics, a woman who commits an
D. prolapsed cord abortion, legal or illegal, has a high risk to
die or suffer from serious disease. This
E. acute ML means that the practice of abortion is a kind
of crime that must be forbidden by law.

28. which drug is used as both n anti- Legal abortion definitely increases
arrythmic and an anti-convulsant... the number of abortion cases, not
overcoming the problem. Without
A. lidocaine legalization, abortion has happened in a
great number. Then, it will be worse if it is
B. phenytion
really legalized. When the number of
C. physostigmine abortion is high, there will be more

D. dazepam
problems in social life and other aspects of 34. “They know that it is a crime and
human beings. sometimes it is dangerous ….”. (Paragraph 5
line The word “They” refers to …
In short, we all know that many
married and unmarried women have A. people
committed abortion in this country. They
know that it is a crime and sometimes it is B. uman beings
dangerous because it can make them die. It C. many married women
means that legalizing abortion is the same D. ny unmarried women
with legalizing a crime. E. many married and unmarried

35. These statements show why the writer

31. the main idea of paragraph is three is ... disagrees with abortion, EXCEPT …

A. many unmarried women have committed A. abortion is very dangerous

b. abortion is an evil practice
B. abortion is a crime and dangerous to
women c. it is good to legalize abortion

C. government should not legalize abortion d. abortion is a kind of crime

D. abortion has a high risk to die e. legal abortion will increase the number
of abortion cases.
E. abortion kills human beings
. The text for number 1 - 4

Align the Headset

32. the communicative purpose of the text is Before placing the eartips in your ears, hold
... the headset in front of you with the eartubes
pointing away .
A. to tellthe reader about legal abortion -          Once the eartips are in your ears, they
B. to persuade readers that abortion is a should point forward .
case -          If the fit still isn’t comfortable, and/or
acoustic performance is lacking, grasp each
C. to describe about abortion of the eartubes and adjust   the headset for a
custom fit.
D. to inform readers about abortion
-          Wearing the headset improperly can
E. to explain about abortion result in a poor acoustical seal and in some
cases, complete sound        blockage.
      36.  The best title for the text is...
a.       How to use headset
33. ”Legal abortion definitely increases the
b.      How to use stethoscope
number of abortion cases, not overcoming
c.       How to use ear phone
the problem” (paragraph 4 line 2”. The
d.      How to use complete sound
underlined word means ….
e.       Ho to use injection
A. solving         37. How many steps are there in the text
B. having a. 1                b. 2         c.3        
C.eating d. 4               e. 5
        38.    Wearing the headset is the step
D. making number...
a. 1                b.2
E. creating
 c.3         d. 4              e. 5
        39.  Thermometer use to ceck...
a.       Fever and cold
b.      Cough, cold and flu
c.       Cold, cough and headhace
d.      Sick
e.       Fever, cold and flu

40. The most significant sign of

abdominal injury is:
a. tenderness
b. rigidity & guarding
c. pain
d. hematuria
e. Ringers Lactate

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