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Design Verification Statement Templates

The Design Verification Statement required to be submitted to accompany a complying development application for low rise diverse
housing comprises the three following templates:

• Development Standards Checklist

• Design Verification Statement
• Design Criteria Consistency template

Development Standards Checklist

The following is a summary of the key development standards that apply to the development. If not applicable place N/A in
complies column.

Principal Standards

Standard Proposed Standard Complies

Minimum lot area for development

Minimum lot width for development

Height of Building/s

Number of storeys

Maximum gross floor area

Minimum landscaped area

Proportion of area forward of building line that

contains landscaped area

Primary road setback

Secondary road setback

Rear lane setback

Side setbacks

Rear setback

Principal private open space

Car parking spaces

Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide 171

Design Verification Statement Template
This template is to be used as a guide to assist designers in preparing the Design Verification Statement, required as part of a
complying development application.

Design Verification Statement


Project Address:

Applicant Name:

Applicant Address:

Building Designer / Architects Name:

Registration No.

I confirm that I was responsible for designing the development, and that the development is consistent with the relevant Design

Signature of Designer

2.1 Dual Occupancy (side by side)

2.2 Manor House

Development type
2.2 Dual Occupancy (one above the other)

2.3 Terrrace

Torrens title
Subdivision type

172 Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide

Local Character and Context
Completing this section satisfies the requirement of Design Criteria 1. Refer to 3D Local Character and Context for guidance.

Local Character

[Insert context analysis including: Aerial photo with development in a 200m radius]

[Indicate services available in the immediate context that support the development]

The context can be described as........

• Building uses and types;

• architectural style of surroundings;
• economic and social factors; and / or
• environment - natural features, topography, natural character etc.

Neighbourhood Scale & Streetscape

[Insert a panoramic streetscape photo that includes development within 20m on each side of the development site on both
sides of the street]

Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide 173

Existing Character
The existing character of the streetscape can be described as:……

• Architectural style, materials used;

• building separation and height;
• Landscape, significant trees, plantings or natural features

Desired Future Character

The intended future character of the area can be described as….. [Refer to local strategy often prepared by Council and
contained within their DCP]. Where there is no planned change in the character of an area this section is not required to be

Site Scale

[Insert an aerial photo of the site and development within 10m of the boundary, provide annotations that indicate:

• Vegetation
• Access points
• Neighbouring buildings and their uses
• Potential areas that need protection
• Natural features – waterfeatures, rock outcrops
• Topography
• Services
• Views to and from the site
• Front setback dimensions

174 Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide

Design Criteria Consistency Template
In the table below describe how the proposed development satisfies the Design Criteria. It also needs to direct the certifier or
assessing planner to where they can find the evidence.
This could be a reference to a drawing, a table or some other report. Evidence can also be provided in this table.

2.1 Dual occupancy (side by side)

2.1C Landscaped Area

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent
Objective 2.1C-1 1.
Landscape design supports healthy plant and tree growth and
provides sufficient space for the growth of medium sized trees.



Objective 2.1C-2 4.
Existing natural features of the site that contribute to
neighbourhood character are retained, and visual and privacy
impacts on existing neighbouring dwellings are reduced.

Objective 2.1C-3 6.
Landscape design contributes to a local sense of place and
creates a micro climate.


2.1D Local Character and Context

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1D-1 8.
The built form, articulation and scale relates to the local
character of the area and the context

Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide 175

2.1E Public Domain Interface
Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1E-1 9.
Provide activation and passive surveillance to the public

Objective 2.1E-2 11.

Front fences and walls do not dominate the public domain
instead they respond to and complement the context and
character of the area (including internal streets). 12.



Objective 2.1E-3 15.

The secondary frontage of a development positively
contributes to the public domain by providing an active edge
and semi-transparency to the boundary treatment.

2.1F Pedestrian and Vehicle Access

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1F-1 16.

Vehicle access is safe and minimises impact on habitable
spaces and streetscape. 17.


176 Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide

2.1G Orientation, Siting and Subdivision
Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1G-1 19.

The dwelling is orientated to the street and provides
opportunities for street surveillance and connectivity. 20.


Objective 2.1G-2 22.

Reasonable solar access is provided to the living rooms and
private open spaces of adjoining dwellings. 23.

Objective 2.1G-3 24.

The development responds to the natural landform of the site,
reducing the visual impact and avoiding large amounts of cut
and fill and minimises the impacts of retaining walls.

Objective 2.1G-4 25.

The development minimises impacts to vegetation on
adjoining properties and allow for vegetation within the

Objective 2.1G-5 26.

Independent services and utilities are available to service each

2.1H Solar and Daylight Access

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1H-1 27.

The development optimises sunlight received to habitable
rooms and private open spaces. Solar access enables
passive solar heating in winter and provides a healthy indoor

Note: Shadow diagrams should be represented as 3 -dimensional views.

Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide 177

Objective 2.1H-2 28.
The development provides good access to daylight suited
to the function of the room, minimises reliance on artificial 29.
lighting, and improves amenity.




2.1I Natural Ventilation

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1I-1 33.

All habitable rooms are naturally ventilated.

2.1J Ceiling Height

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1J-1 35.

Ceiling height achieves sufficient natural ventilation and
daylight access, and provides spatial quality.

2.1K Dwelling Size and Layout

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1K-1 36.

The dwelling has a sufficient area to ensure the layout of rooms
is functional, well organised and provides a high standard of 37.



178 Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide

Objective 2.1K-2 40.
Room sizes are appropriate for the intended purpose and
number of occupants. 41.



2.1L Principal Private Open Spaces

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1L-1 44.

Dwellings provide appropriately sized private open space and
balconies to enhance residential amenity. 45.

Objective 2.1L-2 46.

Principal private open space and balconies are appropriately
located to enhance liveability for residents.


2.1M Storage
Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1M-1 48.

Adequate, well-designed storage is provided in each dwelling.


2.1N Car and Bicycle Parking

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1N-1 51.

Parking facilities are provided for bicycles.

Objective 2.1N-2 52.

Visual and environmental impacts of car parking and garages
do not dominate the streetscape and have an appropriate scale 53.
in relationship with the dwelling.

Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide 179

2.1O Visual Privacy
Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1O-1 54.

Site and building design elements increase privacy without
compromising access to light and air, and balance outlook and
views from habitable rooms and private open space.

2.1P Acoustic Privacy

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1P-1 55.

Noise transfer is minimised through the siting of buildings and
building layout.

2.1Q Noise and Pollution

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1Q-1 56.

Ensure outside noise levels are controlled to acceptable levels
in living and bedrooms of dwellings. 57.

2.1R Architectural Form and Roof Design

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1R-1 58.

The architectural form is defined by a balanced composition
of elements. It responds to internal layouts and desirable
elements in the streetscape.

Objective 2.1R-2 59.

The roof treatments are integrated into the building design and
positively respond to the street. 60.

2.1S Visual Appearance and Articulation

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1S-1 61.

To promote well-designed buildings of high architectural
quality that contribute to the local character.

180 Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide

2.1U Energy Efficiency
Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1U-1 62.

The development incorporates passive environmental design.

2.1V Water Management and Conservation

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1V-1 64.

Flood management systems are integrated into site design.

2.1W Waste Management

Objectives Design Criteria Consistent

Objective 2.1W-1 65.

Waste storage facilities meet the needs of the residents, are
easy to use and access, and enable efficient collection of 66.






Objective 2.1W-2 72.

Waste storage facilities are designed to minimise impacts on
the streetscape, building entry and amenity of residents. 73.

Low Rise Housing Diversity Design Guide 181

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